Votescam ago

Ying/Yang -- Ignore my message as I did find the video in a Q&A that was "hidden."

Here's the TEXT, but once again we see that almost every effort produces many more questions and thus it is so in trying to provide TEXT of this video -- and I'll explain that below.

Meanwhile, HERE is the TEXT of the Grandparents of the Hampstead children -- obviously also the parents of the Mother of the children.

OK ... unfortunately, most of it is in Russian and not translated -- and we might ask WHY?

The closed caption is in Russian --

Here's some text --

Interview with the Russian grandparents of the Hampstead Children in February 2015 ...

They are Ludmilla and Johl/? the Russian parents of the Hampstead Mother and the grandparents of the children.

They are from Rostov, Russia near the Black Sea and not far from the Ukraine.

Obviously they are involved in this case since being here in early December. They came when things became quite acute in the Family Court case, obviously to support their daughter and also to put themselves forward as candidates to be "caretakers" of the children should that become necessary as an alternative to UK state care.

They have been here now for about 3 months and during that time they've had three contacts with their grandchildren: In December they had two visits and in January, one more visit. And it is now February and they were supposed to see the grandchildren again tomorrow, but unfortunately that contact has been cancelled.

So it seems to be a case of dwindling contact.

Another thing has happened since -- the police came to arrest their daughter last week -- and she then felt the need to and managed to escape. She felt she need to leave the jurisdiction. So they are now on their own in the UK, in London and we, in our association, feel quite concerned about them... on a pastoral level as it is obviously a very distressing and stressful situation for them and they care greatly about their grandchildren. Greatly about their daughter and they do not feel happy at all about what is happening in this case. So I thought at least we could get some of their views on the situation and ask them to give us an account of what's been happening because I think the public following the story now need to see the family "in the round" and these grandparents are very much a part of this whole story and hopefully they will eventually be with their grandchildren in Russia.

So I just want to know from them what has happened regarding their experience and being on the edge of this police harassment and security surveillance which has been going on in the last two or three weeks. So then let's start on what's been happening. Grandfather begins to speak in Russian. Interviewer seemingly translating what he said as follows:

So for the past two or three weeks, after you felt that you were under surveillance from outside the house and seemingly from one of the opposite houses with people looking through your windows and blinds and at your front door to see who is coming in and going out and who is arriving, that was obviously quite uncomfortable for you but you tried to ignore it, but then on Thursday evening last week, things took a rather more serious turn as you suddenly had a full blown police officer with ten officers outside the house -- and they came to the front door. Perhaps you can tell us what happened at that point.... Grandfather speaks in Russian again. And then the Grandmother speaks also. (There is also now video being shown of what seems to be police outside the house.) Grandmother is crying at this point and then she continues on.

They seem to be describing banging on the door -- and they asked to see their warrant.

Evidently their lawyer was with them and asked them for their warrant for the arrest that they were about to carry out.

And they didn't have the paper work with them so they were under scrutiny by the whole British public at this point and they couldn't continue with their and they had to withdraw. So it was just as well that the lawyer was on the premises and was able to challenge them on this point.

And in the meantime, as we said, unfortunately tomorrow when the grandparents were to have contact with their grandchildren and sadly that has been cancelled. And this is what concerns them most because they are here to be with their grandchildren and to offer some comfort and hope of release. And in this regard, I picked up from them when we were talking earlier, that they noticed a change in the children between the two times that they saw them in December and how they were in the January contact session in the middle of January. And interviewer asks Ludmilla to try to tell her how the children were different in January as to how they were in December.

(Grandmother is crying by the time they both describe how the children are different now ...)

Interviewer begins to relate what was said:

What these grandparents are saying to the British public is "Please be supporters in our struggle to retrieve our grandchildren where they will be safe, where they have prepared every possible aspect to create a nice life for a child - for their grandchildren growing up. They have a lovely home in a nice part of Russia - there's mountain activity, there is sea activity and there are all sorts of sports and games around in the town. They have a grand piano. They can offer all kinds of after school activities. There is a very good school in the town and they are very confident that they can help the children to recover from their trauma and by keeping them very happy and active - and giving them literally a new life so that the trauma of their childhood will be erased. And this is what they really hope. And the interviewer is now asking how they want to resolve this from now on. Both grandparents speak at times.

(Seemed that at least 5X there was a bleeping of a word or two by the Grandmother.)

The Russian went on it seems where the interviewer might have offered translation

PS: One of the first things that you notice about the interview is that it's being conducted by and that it is very poorly done. There was at least 15 minutes of Russia in two segments where the interviewer never stopped to give us a translation of what was being said.

Obviously, the grandparents were discussing the arrival of police at their daughter's home with the intention of arresting her. We did not hear how she managed to escape but since police didn't have the paperwork with them they couldn't carry out the arrest, fortunately! Meanwhile, the lawyer was at the house and was able to challenge the police in asking for the paper work/warrant.

So we don't get any details of what happened at the home --

and we also don't get any of the much desired details about the well-being of the children, especially since the grandparents at that time seemed to be highly concerned about what was happening to the children still confined by UK/State/Family Courts??

And, I'm sure everyone will notice that they mentioned the "differences" in the children after the December visits when they visited them again in January.

Can this poor a job on the video actually simply be credited to the interviewer not paying attention to what was required?

YingYangMom ago

Thanks, this is a very accurate transcript.

There was at least 15 minutes of Russia in two segments where the interviewer never stopped to give us a translation of what was being said.

Yes, poor job done by the reporter.

Can this poor a job on the video actually simply be credited to the interviewer not paying attention to what was required?

I don't know for sure, if that is the only reason. Could the grandparents have avoided answering the question about the difference in the children's behaviour for fear or reprisal? Could they be restricted by law not to talk about the state of the children or their behaviour (in detail) because the case is still ongoing? Were they threatened? I think these are all possibilities.

Votescam ago

Hi Ying -- Of course it's only an impression, but I got the idea that the grandparents were very anxious to communicate with the public and tell them what was going on. And it was a very specific question and in going back later to check whether I missed anything, I noticed that there was a break in the video at a point where maybe the interviewer should have been taking over to let us know what was being said. Also note that there were probably at least half a dozen times when a "blip" appears over the grandmother's mouth so I'd suggest some kind of censoring occurred. In other words, the grandmother was either saying something that someone didn't want said, or mentioning a name they didn't want mentioned. I don't see that there would be restrictions on them to speak about their visit with their own grandchildren nor the condition of the grandchildren and again it was a very specific question by the interviewer.

Actually, I believe the case has been closed. It only made it to Family Court at any rate -- it was never really investigated as a crime scene described by the children. Police officials have had the children in their care for a period of time after which the children allegedly "recanted" their accusations. But that really isn't true, imo, because they changed their stories very very little -- and their bodies are the best evidence that they were sexually abused over a long period of time. A fact which has largely been ignored by the Family Courts and by investigators. I would suspect the children were threatened, perhaps with harm to the grandparents. Impossible to know. Or to the Mother? But "threats" are certainly the way these people proceed and will proceed.

I did note that "Ella" the Mother had been posting on that thread a year ago and I did leave a message for her asking if she could state if she has confidence in the McKenzie-friend group or whether she could fill in the (or someone else could fill in) the missing English translation of what her parents were actually saying. If I hear anything I will let you know.

But, these grandparents are obviously caring and responsible people who can provide a splendid home for the children and give them a real opportunity to recover from the years of trauma they have suffered, basically since their very earliest years of experiencing sexual assault by their father and others.

There are also rather negative comments about the McKenzie group in other videos I noticed in the area where the Hampstead case is covered on YouTube. Took a quick look but would require more time to look into what is being said about them.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, you're right. I agree on everything and I appreciate the fact that you've messaged the mother to enquire about the censored content and offer to keep me updated. Thank you. It's also worrying to find out that the McKenzie Group could, in reality, be double-agents. If that was true, it would be the ultimate betrayal. How can people pray on helpless people and offer them help, all the while sabotaging these same people's efforts directed at being reunited with their grandchildren? That's beyond me. The only help I can offer are my prayers, and so, I will keep praying for them to be reunited.

Votescam ago

It's just suspicion over things going wrong, somehow and do to comments of others. I really have no idea what the reality of McKenzie is.
We all fight for our cause, but there is something very sickening when deception is used to do harm to women and children. But, I do not know if this is the case. Like you, I will try to hold a good thought that the future of these children may brighten soon.

YingYangMom ago


Votescam ago

YingYang - Thank you again for this thread which really needs more study by all of us -- However, was trying to work on the LINK of the grandparents comments and can't find it. Not that I'm sure I can improve it, but willing to try to do TEXT if I can. Apologies -- but somehow I lost the link. :)

AngB23 ago

I watched this vid a week or so ago about them exposing this and cried. They are way too young to make this stuff up and the Doctor reports showed they had been sodomized yet NOTHING was done. I read somewhere recently the kids (?) or someone recanted the story?! I call bullshit. It is TRUE.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, agreed.

cantsleepawink ago

Further to my previous comment, remember that the children said that they were taken to McDonald's Headquarters ? .....

Apart from the Pizza Express which sits right next to 47 HOLLYCROFT AVENUE MANAGEMENT LTD, just opposite on the other side of the rooad, there is the largest London McDonalds franchise at 108/110 Notting Hill Gate . ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Athul Patak runs 29 franchises through his Appt Corporation and is also very involved with all sorts of charity work. This self made man was even awarded an OBE by the Queen in June 2015.

Mr. Pathak likes to get involved with politics too. According to this parliamant document REGISTER OF MEMBERS’ FINANCIAL INTERESTS (pdf) he has donated to Mike Freer, Finchley MP and to Michelle Donelan, Chippenham.

So I had to have a look, didn't I ?

I came across this forum post which listed the names of MPs that had voted against a whistleblower's bill and Freer was one of those MPs.

There are almost certainly others who are keeping quiet because they are being blackmailed or threatened. These are the people that badly need to come forward while they still can.

Anybody who blows the whistle on this should certainly be granted immunity from prosecution under the official secrets act. This proposal was suggested by Labour MP, John Mann. It was defeated in the house of commons 295 to 233.

John Mann was the MP that handed over a file to Scotland Yard about a VIP Paedophile ring and has been campaigning for an inquiry.

The Westminster child abuse ‘coverup’: how much did MPs know?

But the public was told No change in law needed to protect child abuse whistleblowers, says Tory ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Michelle Donelan is the other MP that Pathak donated to.

And she is affiliated with a most intriguing story ..the 'Tatler Tory' scandal involving David Cameron's Conservative Party.

Further reading here:

Ms. Donelan is now suffering from ill health Conservative MP Michelle Donelan diagnosed with Lyme disease after conversation with constituent

YingYangMom ago

Wow. You've followed the leads and did some excellent research there. This is Pizzagate UK, no joke. The Hampstead Case is also just one story out of many, but since they're still so young and their witness statements so detailed, they are an excellent source of information and a starting point for further research on the UK pedophilia problem. This has been going on for decades, and it goes all the way to the very top. The Queen itself is involved in this as well. And Freemasonry is everywhere. I posted another thread, this one on the 'Haut-de-la-Garenne' scandal in the Island of Jersey. It isn't part of the UK, but it belongs to the Queen. Very rich and closed up. The video is hard-hitting, amazingly interesting and if you wanna watch, here is the link:

cantsleepawink ago

I just found a very odd piece of information on Ella's first husband Will Draper. He is a banker that was responsible for bringing Ella to the UK and for introducing her to Ricky Dearman after they divorced. Well, his full name is James William Draper and so I did a search under that name. . So he is always working for big investment banks.

And then I find that he was at one point also a director of a smaller outfit called : 47 HOLLYCROFT AVENUE MANAGEMENT LTD Address: KATZ & CO, 135 NOTTING HILL GATE, LONDON, W11 3LB

Hampstead Children researchers will be familiar with this address because Ricky Dearman used to live at a similar address BUT in Hampstead. (47, Hollycroft Avenue, London NW3 7QJ)

It is the oddest thing. Okay, going back to Draper's company where he was a director from 2000 to 2008, I had a look on Google maps. And right next to it, is a PIZZA EXPRESS at No. 137. (,-0.1992641,3a,90y,152.26h,81.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seIp4oJ4hCtwM1vZZW1TPkA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1))

Currently, there are three directors:

  1. Suzanne Perry journalist, (Suzi Perry) who lives in Hampstead,,,

  2. Vincent Sagua, who is British and currently living in the United Arab Emirates, working for a satellite broadcast company, (Chief financial officer),

  3. Tatian Savkin who works in finance and lives in the UK

EDIT: Corrected Ricky Dearman's address from 4 to 47.

RockStrong ago

The only way of fixing this is for enough people to know and care. Reality says that will never happen. Social media may say otherwise.

YingYangMom ago

I agree that they needed to be vetted, but if I'm not mistaken, it was the original case worker who, after reviewing and understanding that the children were going to be unjustly taken from their mother and brought back into the same system that failed them, that decided to expose it by uploading it on Youtube. It is very important to also realise that SRA victims, especially those who were abused by powerful 'elite' members, seldom survive, let alone get to tell their stories (as these children did). The gruesome details of the abuse they've had to endure were recounted in their entirety and it is something that we rarely get to hear, because most SRA victims either don't survive or become abusers themselves and then become too scared to come forward. That's why I thought it was very important to bring it once again to light, here on Voat :)

DarkFae ago

Great post. Also couldn't help but notice that the author's name (of the article) is Ain Sophia. Ain Soph is the middle veil in Qabalah. Just an observation.

YingYangMom ago

It also sounds like 'eye' in arabic, but I'm sure it means many other things in other languages. The author's real name however is Sonya Van Gelder. There is a very interesting bio at the bottom end of her article. I'll copy/paste for you here:

Sonya van Gelder is an independent researcher, author and truth-seeker. Growing up in Africa, New Zealand and Australia, Sonya gained a keen interest in the varied cultures of the indigenous peoples worldwide, and has since undertaken over 20 years of personal research into ancient mysteries and esoteric teachings. Sonya’s continuing research has led her to many of Australia’s significant sacred areas and to working closely with Aboriginal elders. Feeling a deep connection to and a mutual respect for the aboriginal elders and their stories, Sonya feels it is of vital importance to take a look at ancient aboriginal lore and explore its multi-level significance both locally and globally. Sonya is currently writing a book that will explore the similarities in the symbolism and mythologies within our ancient mysteries worldwide, connecting many dots and helping to bring humanity to a greater awareness of significant truths to who we really are, and of the esoteric wisdom and spirituality that was once a global understanding. While Sonya’s work as a children’s rights activist is a departure from her focus on ancient mysteries, she is a passionate advocate of children’s rights who feels driven to use her skills as a researcher and writer to help break down the walls of institutionalized abuses, and bring justice and security to our society’s most vulnerable.

DarkFae ago

I in no way was insinuating that she or Qabalah were negative or bad. Hope it didn't come off that way! :/ I immediately recognized the term Ain Soph because it is a very significant and actually positive thing. Ain Soph is the middle of the Three Negative Veils. Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur. Ain Soph = limitless. I just thought it was kind of neat - and I believe it is what I thought it was. There's no mistaking that one. Particularly with her interesting bio. :)

je-sui-pepe ago

i have to ask, where are these children now? how can kids this damaged and who have experienced this type of horror ever be helped or normalized again. I am so disturbed by all of this.

YingYangMom ago

Unfortunately, the children are in the state custody and the mother who is fighting to get them back was accused of coercing them to get full custody (which doesn't make sense since she already had main custody). She and her boyfriend (the person who found out that the kids were being abused) were threatened, intimidated and attacked and had to flee the UK to go in hiding somewhere in Europe. The maternal grandparents (a very lovely Russian couple) are also pleading with the UK to let them have and raise them, since they view the mother as a threat. Sadly, nothing seems to be working.

Votescam ago

Thanks for the information, sad as it is. The fact that they won't allow the grandparents to care for the children is also alarming. I'm sure they will continue to try to attack the children, attack their stories, and attack the mother.

I'm not sure about the boyfriend because at one point that boyfriend was said to be abusing the children physically -- with a large metal spoon? Hitting them?

Others commenting are also noticing how very convenient people are put in the pathway of these parents. For instance in the case of the McCann family we see that she meets someone who puts her in touch with a detective who eventually embezzles money from them. That detective was responsible for finding an Irish witness who was in Portugal at the time of the kidnapping and he provided the details (as I understand this case) on which the computer-generated photos were based.

Didn't know about Mrs. Dearman's previous marriage.

See post above by "cantsleepawink" for this info and more ...

I just found a very odd piece of information on Ella's first husband Will Draper. He is a banker that was responsible for bringing Ella to the UK and for introducing her to Ricky Dearman after they divorced. Well, his full name is James William Draper and so I did a search under that name. . So he is always working for big investment banks.

PGTAway818949 ago

Pool parties where small children are abused? Sounds like a certain farm in Lovettsville.

YingYangMom ago


YingYangMom ago

I could not add the links to OP, so here they are:

Hampstead Whistleblower Children Info/Research

Hampstead Abuse: Negligent/Incompetent Authorities

Supreme-Master, Ching Hai

Ricky Dearman add on Haiti

Ricky Dearman BBC interview on accusations

Ricky Dearman "How to spot a Liar video" gets more views

Ching-Hai/Clintons connection evidence,8922792&hl=en

Anonymous Leaks Satanic Cult members

YingYangMom ago

No, no. They're the same link :D I got it, posted it, done :)

privatepizza ago

Duh, I should sleep haha.... not doing much good here huh??!!! Laughing.....

YingYangMom ago

Lol, thanks for the good laugh, I'm exhausted as well and can barely see what I'm typing! I have to add... Go get some well-deserved sleep! As should I, very very soon :)

privatepizza ago

laughing,,, you too, sleep well there and catch you tomorrow ; )

YingYangMom ago

Sleep tight, see ya tomorrow.

privatepizza ago

Massive respect for you, for bringing this to everyone's attention with the clarity you have above.

Is there any way you could, for others to follow on from, list the connections, or threads which include the connections? Well done, this is excellent work.

YingYangMom ago

I sure could give you the related links from Ain Sophia's articles. I will edit and add the links.

privatepizza ago

Excellent. It'll help us, as we can copy everything into a master thread too. Bless you Ying ; )

YingYangMom ago

Btw, so many links are now broken, including some of the original Testimonies on YT. Thank Goodness there are still a couple up. I had to go threw some other articles to find all of the links I posted above... I hope enough people read all of this before they take everything down.

privatepizza ago

I'll help you archive now if it helps.

YingYangMom ago

Yes thank you.

privatepizza ago

From Ain Sofia Article - Pedophiles In Politics, an Open Source Investigation - Article By James Corbett

Link -

Archive - can't archive - will re-try.

YingYangMom ago

Actually, there is so much information in that article and so many leads, that I was thinking of submitting other posts on the other very relevant subjects such as this particular one pedophiles in politics and also probably about disinfo agents and Dyncorp... What do you think? Are you up to making one yourself, maybe? Just a suggestion :)

privatepizza ago

There's a whole lot of info there!! I was looking through it all to archive and got lost lol.

As sure, I'm up for helping with this.

YingYangMom ago

Yay thank you. Go for it, we can take turns hehe.

YingYangMom ago

It's been archived here :

privatepizza ago

Yes, that page isn't archiving too well. Your link is the same as mine, there's no article showing in the page.

YingYangMom ago

Thank you. The YT videos however, we can't archive. I don't know if they have been mirrored on other platforms such as vid-me or other, but I really hope so.

YingYangMom ago

Great, many thanks!

Jem777 ago

Just thought to add how important it is to fully comprehend that these two children in seperate locations gave intimate details using words, language and descriptions that would be unknown to them. They also drew pictures, corroborated each other's detailed testimony and had medical exams that revealed internal injuries supporting sexual abuse of both children. This is very difficult to watch but important. These children's father is Ricky Dearman who not only is an actor connected to Hollywood and Haiti through the Clinton Foundation, but is part of a cult involving MKULTRA training linked to intelligence agencies and specifically Tavistock Institute.

Votescam ago

If I recall correctly, the children identified their father as the "big cheese" or was it "big man" heading up this pedophile ring in his area. The children are absolutely astonishing in their courage in trying to get the story out. Sadly, the young girl -- again, if I recall correctly -- has serious damage to her body from the sexual abuse. What I really wanted to ask however is whether these children and the mother have been reunited? (If anyone knows.)

Thank you for your work on the Hampstead case -- I have watched a good bit of the children's testimony, but not all 5 hours of it. And I do believe them. Also noted them talking about the shops in town. I would just presume now that any shop can be used for their evil purposes if owned by someone in the pedophile ring.

Food outlets may be the most valuable asset for these rings.

YingYangMom ago

They are back where they've been abused. In State custody. The mother has fled the country after having been harassed and persecuted and is asking for her children back from an unknown location in Europe. The Russian maternal grandparents also are asking for full custody and are extremely worried about their grandchildren. The cover-up is real and it's heartbreaking.

Votescam ago

Thank you, but truly sad.
Wondering if the Russian maternal grandparents get to see the children at all to be able to assure anyone that they are OK.

According to NYPD retired Detective Rothstein: Over 50 years, there have been three investigations stopped once names were collected. One of those investigations even went as far as Hearings at NY State level.

Detective Rothstein is making clear that WATERGATE was also not only about prostitution rings being run by the Democratic Party, but also about pedophile rings. And that a "book" recording this information was at the DNC/Watergate building which seems to be once cause for the break in .
In earlier days, LBJ and Bobby Bakker were running prostitution rings in order to entrap members of Congress.
Hotel rooms were set up where women of the night/day were provided to lure members of Congress.>

YingYangMom ago

I realise now that I had already viewed this video you linked. Indeed, this was very revealing and of the utmost importance.

YingYangMom ago

Thanks. Will watch. Here are the grandparents. They look like a stable, educated lovely Russian couple. Sorry, I realise that the english subtitles are messed up. Idk how or if this can be fixed.

Votescam ago

Ying -- Thank you so much for this. I've switched it to "English" translation but see that the closed caption seems to be off. I'll recheck it tomorrow and try to do a TEXT of what is being said -- with corrections if necessary. Made a note to follow this tomorrow.

YingYangMom ago

I'll recheck it tomorrow and try to do a TEXT of what is being said

Great! Thanks.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, the"Supreme Master" Ching-Hai is internationally worshipped, also has connections to the Clintons, is involved with child orphanages and schools in the third world! This is absolutely disgusting!

Jem777 ago

Yes and if everyone can really focus that there is a cross section of all these cults and intelligence agencies and use of children and elites bloodlines. Getting through it will not be easy but opening it up is the only way

YingYangMom ago

We're working on it, trust me. All of us here are doing tremendous work and things are moving wether we believe it or not. You can count on the motivation and the power of some very fed-up, frustrated and angered people to make some noise and be heard. I am so proud of this investigation and all of the people who are putting their time and energy helping out this very serious cause. God Bless :)