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cantsleepawink ago

I just found a very odd piece of information on Ella's first husband Will Draper. He is a banker that was responsible for bringing Ella to the UK and for introducing her to Ricky Dearman after they divorced. Well, his full name is James William Draper and so I did a search under that name. . So he is always working for big investment banks.

And then I find that he was at one point also a director of a smaller outfit called : 47 HOLLYCROFT AVENUE MANAGEMENT LTD Address: KATZ & CO, 135 NOTTING HILL GATE, LONDON, W11 3LB

Hampstead Children researchers will be familiar with this address because Ricky Dearman used to live at a similar address BUT in Hampstead. (47, Hollycroft Avenue, London NW3 7QJ)

It is the oddest thing. Okay, going back to Draper's company where he was a director from 2000 to 2008, I had a look on Google maps. And right next to it, is a PIZZA EXPRESS at No. 137. (,-0.1992641,3a,90y,152.26h,81.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seIp4oJ4hCtwM1vZZW1TPkA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1))

Currently, there are three directors:

  1. Suzanne Perry journalist, (Suzi Perry) who lives in Hampstead,,,

  2. Vincent Sagua, who is British and currently living in the United Arab Emirates, working for a satellite broadcast company, (Chief financial officer),

  3. Tatian Savkin who works in finance and lives in the UK

EDIT: Corrected Ricky Dearman's address from 4 to 47.