lettheTRUMPetssound ago

This is why we are the C.I.A. = Citizen Intelligence Agency.

Those other guys are cucks.

strix-varia ago

You are correct about that.

roundhouse1776 ago

How much time is Trump going to get to drain the swamp before someone takes it upon themselves to perform some vigilante justice? I don't understand how McCain, Hillary, Obama, and the rest of the swamp aren't being investigated and arrested. If the dominoes don't start falling soon, there are going to be a whole lot of very angry people.

truthseekertx ago

I posted this article about the McCain's Institute annual private meeting. This secret meeting is a bilderberg type event, with some of the worlds wealthiest and powerful people in attendance at a remote area in Sedona. Its called the Sedona Forum. Rothschilds, Clinton, Tony Blair, Ambassador of Saudi, Iraq and many others, Bush's ambassador at large who oversaw his human trafficking division Mark Lagon, minions working for george soros, lots of cfr members and a trilateral commission member with ties to podesta. Possible pedo Senator Flake, pedo enabler and friend of dennis hastert...sen Ben Sasse, Thorn, NCMEC and so many others. This may very well be the new bilderberg. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1694321

VieBleu ago

so glad to see this. thx.

NeedPolyGF ago

Here's McCain's connections to Organized Crime:


SturdyGal ago

That is a great post @NeedPolyGF. It is a little shocking because until the last two months or so I had no clue of his gangsta ways.

Vic138 ago

Here's is John McCain's 'Tokyo Rose' speech that aired in North Korea saying he's sorry for US bombings:


NeedPolyGF ago

I'm sorry for U.S. meddling in other countries too. Damn Neocons & Neolibs.

palmitespo910 ago

I'm glad that made sense because I thought it was some schizophrenia rising up

Proii_Pariah ago

lmao! Nah, it's good stuff man. I feel the same way.

KarenHatesTacos ago

Have you seen this video of a local news reporter asking McCain about a $1M Saudi donation to his McCain Foundation?


palmitespo910 ago

I will say this though. The knowledge that I have gained in the last 8 months specifically has given me the ability to understand why the world is the way it is. Why things are ugly and people can't get along and 9/11 happens and people are ugly to each other. I finally feel as though I understand the world, and in that understanding I am no longer fearful of the future. Either things will clear up, or I will continue my life with this new found understanding of my surroundings.


Forwarded this to drudge. Hope he posts it.

palmitespo910 ago

Well I don't see a reward coming in the near future. And if it is, it'll be the people who were in the public eye about it. Assange, Dotcom, HoneyBee, Pizzagate Angela, VL, I think they may get recognized for that. The little people won't be.

SturdyGal ago

We are educating ourselves so we will be wiser about building a better future for all kids. It will pay off in that way.

palmitespo910 ago

Also a beautiful point that I hadn't thought of. Thank you for sharing!

palmitespo910 ago

Even if the compensation is just being able to trust our elected officials again.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

Had a feeling Christie was dropped bc of this shit. Is this disease contagious or what.

carmencita ago

I believe there are many good people willing to do just that. I wonder if there will be monetary sentences and fines when they are charged and found guilty. That is something we should demand.

Proii_Pariah ago

@carmencita @Cc1914 Thank you both for your contributions to this important investigation. :)

carmencita ago

Well, if we do not get any notoriety or money, we can feel the warm glow from helping and freeing our children. I spend anywhere from 6 to 10 hrs. a day now for 3 months. Was a lurker for sometime now a researcher too. Thanks for what you have done.

carmencita ago

Probably right. The CIA (Pappy Bush) had a hand in JFK killing. Probably Bobby & MLK as well. This has to end this time.

PatriotOne ago

Interesting timing how McCains "Foundation" all of a sudden trotted out Kutchner as proof of his good works in child trafficking as people were zeroing in on him. Feeling pressured McCain? Starting to sweat? What's in YOUR closet John?

Singleservename ago

Well one thing in that particular closet is the fact his foundation NEVER SPENT A SINGLE PENNY combating child trafficking.


Then again this sick fuck has a lot of closets.

PatriotOne ago

tsk tsk tsk. One begins to think most foundations are nothing more than fronts for something. Interestingly enough, Kutchner played the part of a child who underwent traumatic childhood experiences, including being forced into child pornography, and had memory loss/blackouts/PTSD. (Butterfly Effect movie). Typical MK Ultra mind control programming. Quite often you find the child actors who are mind controlled have played in films about this kind of stuff. I've been looking at this stuff for over 11 yrs now...the patterns are easily discernable after awhile.

How McCain keeps getting elected is a mystery. Arizona needs a thorough vote fraud check. And this info needs to be disseminated widely.

Singleservename ago

That was a very interesting movie indeed. Really liked it back then, will have to watch again with current knowledge (as so many others)

It did have a clear DID aspect now that you mention, even if the child abuse was mild and rather lame. Probably for studio audiences but the real gravitas escaped me because of it.

But the gist is very, very close to what we are talking about here.

It's almost like these people gain a creative edge by exploiting their (sick, twisted, cruel) experiences during early childhood.

PatriotOne ago

I haven't watched a movie the same since I started researching all this stuff a decade ago (mk ultra, satanism, pedophilia, etc.), Now instead of mindless download of data pushing their agenda, my brain is busy watching for the symbolism/innuendo and their blatant agenda pushing. Makes the movie even more interesting to watch actually.

strix-varia ago

I haven't watched movies at all, for a very long time. Just can't muster up enthusiasm for the useful idiots of hollywood.

Bolux ago

He keeps getting elected because of the stupid 2 party system. If you are are a Republican you have to vote for mccain (AKA treacherous cunt) or you voat for the opposition democrat.

PatriotOne ago

We need a real conservative to challenge him next election. Unfortunately he was just recently re-elected I think. Better to hope he gets convicted of something soon!

Mbailey63 ago

If he fks with Trump one more time.

Proii_Pariah ago

What can one say about John McCain? I certainly hope he's stressing out right now. We're coming for you McCain! You'd best hope death catches up to you before we do!

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Haven't seen him on the MS at all, in fact haven't see a number of them in the past few days and what the hell happened to John Kerry???

strix-varia ago

That does not look like Kerry in some recent photos. Body double perhaps? Botched botox? Horrible plastic surgery?

equineluvr ago

McStain's been making the media rounds RE the illegal snooping and also the RINO (Repeal in Name Only) health care act.

Proii_Pariah ago

Kerry seemed like a reanimated corpse when last I saw him. The necromancer who raised him from the dead probably removed the spell. lol

fartyshorts ago

McCain looks pretty decent and lucid for 80 though.

carmencita ago

There is always the heart attack gun or controlling of the car. Eeenie Meenie Minie Moe. Which one will the CIA pick?

Singleservename ago

On the ball @Cantsleepawink

You rule