BlueChampagne ago

Why was David Miliband in Portugal on the morning of 8 September 2007? I remember wasn't it on some home video of the McCanns?

As Ed Milliband was classed as Gordon Browns pet project and David was Bliars it could explain a lot, like the missing link between SOROS and the family.

kestrel9 ago

quick note regarding David Milibrand: He was expected to be given an important envoy job for US under HRC had she won, and would have had to become a US citizen to do it. Also HRC has 'crush' on him (gag) Their relationship or international tabloid flirtations go back of note: "The wider cache of emails reveal an apparent fascination with Labour infighting as the 2010 general election loomed, with Blumenthal sending frequent updates to Clinton on Gordon Brown’s rumoured reshuffles, the resignation of minister James Purnell, and Labour’s poor showing in the 2009 European elections." I am pressed for time right now...tbc

truthseekertx ago

Wow. Good info. Thanks! Keep it up!

Nana66 ago

I would be willing to bet McCain institute is one of many CF CGI type faciliators of pizzagate/pedogate institutions with fake do good error names. If they have been in high office to a ripe old age and are filthy rich it's probably their reward to help run "the business" and why they all stick up for each other even on so called opposite sides. Now we know it's not just bribes for pay to play....they sell more than "access" to a politician.

flyingcuttlefish ago

related - PEDOGATE- DISGUSTING footage of Demi Moore + McCain institute, THORN, Ashton Kutcher

flyingcuttlefish ago

Great report!

I blogged it with good search tags so many can find it.

truthseekertx ago

Thanks a ton!

TabiCatTwo ago

Has this information been forwarded to anyone with a credible voice and following. I've been saying that McCain and Graham don't have the balls to be as defiant as they have been...that something was owed to someone.

justice4kidz ago

wow. great research. and very good points. this needs to get to sean hannity so he has more ammunition. he is on top of the wire tapping like a hawk

Bolux ago

Fuck off twat

Bolux ago

Great work

YingYangMom ago


This email was discussed and David Milliband is mentioned in relation to #GlobalGoals and #GlobalOceans :

Global Oceans Commission – to focus on preserving the high seas, which cover 50% of the planet and are mostly international waters – and they are asking WJC to be a “patron” alongside 12 other leaders including David Miliband and Ted Waitt. They say the Law of the Sea provides a framework but it doesn’t go into detail on specific issues or activities happening on the high seas.

This was also related to the "John Podesta's 14 and Fish" picture. Imho, they want to 'Patrol the High Seas' to be able to allow their "merchant vessels" and their containers filled with trafficked children and refugees, safe passage.

truthseekertx ago

It only makes sense they would need to control some of the sea for incoming and outgoing shipments. I definitely gotta look into that. Thanks for the info!

YingYangMom ago

Welcome. Thought I saw a connection there and wanted to share it with you :)

DeathToMasons ago

You guys are outstanding. I have got behind for the past two days, tonight I have some serious catching up to do. A couple other really good threads as well. Keep up the good work.

8pinkstars ago

Everything we've been told the last 10,20,30 years is a lie! It's truly astounding the things that are being uncovered

new4now ago

The Sedona Forum of 2013 also had ,,,,Democracy’s Challenges – Libya and the Future of the Broader Middle East Mahmoud Gebril, former Prime Minister of Libya

On 3 October 2011, Jibril announced that he would resign from government once the country had been "liberated".[31] He later specified this meant the capture of Sirte from loyalist holdouts.[32] On 20 October 2011, Sirte was captured and Muammar Gaddafi was killed. Keeping his promise to leave at the war's end, Jibril resigned three days later. He was succeeded by Abdurrahim El-Keib on 31 October.

Godwillwin ago

Great work OP

bopper ago

OP, this guy was in your video, I bet he does tremendous good lol. Thanks again for the post and over and out goodnight from the USA.

"Ernie Allen is a global expert on the digital economy; the dark side of the internet; public-private partnerships and child protection including the issues of child abduction, sexual exploitation, sexual violence, human trafficking and modern slavery. He frequently speaks to global audiences on these issues and serves as an advisor to governments, law enforcement, technology companies and nonprofit organizations.

"In 2015 he was appointed by then-UK Prime Minister David Cameron to serve as Chairman of a global initiative to combat online child abuse and exploitation."

truthseekertx ago

Yeah something is definitely fishy with Ernie Allen. I'm sure his name will come up again down the line.

lettheTRUMPetssound ago

Here is #Mccain crew with 2 Rothschild's and Demi Moore, head of Thorn, the "anti-trafficking" tech company with Ashton Kutcher: Thorn:

Spread this everywhere!

truthseekertx ago

I had come across an article the other day on Demi Moore where she was into some sorta freemasonry type thing where she was appointed as the number 1 female in a highly elite group of 25 exclusive members. For the life of me, I can't find that article. think how much people we liked growing up in Hollywood...could actually be involved in some sick ass stuff.

lettheTRUMPetssound ago

Wouldn't be surprised at that fact at all!

truthseekertx ago

Never used 4chan, redditor or any of the other sites I see discussion on. Anyone able to post this thread on those sites to get more eyes on this and more discussion? The Sedona Forum could be the new Bilderberg and whats interesting is how this went under the radar, when the event is made up of some crazy powerful and wealthy people with aspirations of world government and other sinister things we prolly can't even imagine.

truthseekertx ago

Just wanted to share this site, that has helped alot in looking into some of these people and organizations. You enter a name or organization and it gives you a chart with people, organizations, events that the person is connected to. Very helpful. Not sure if this has been shared or if a better version exists out there, but here it is. Enjoy.

truthseekertx ago

How could we get the information to Webb?

BackAgain ago

I don't normally favorite VOAT posts but this is damn good research

Great Job

Pokes ago

This is the most significant find I've seen in a while. Excellent research, thank you for your dedication!

NeedPolyGF ago

Mob Connections

  • McCain fortune traced to organized crime

  • Now It’s The Post Covering Up John McCain’s Mob Connections

  • Big-Time Gangsters Set up McCain's Family Fortune

  • Jim Hensley (McCain's Father-in-law)

  • John McCain Organized Crime Link - YouTube

  • RINO, Republican in Name Only

  • The Un-American Hero: The Crimes of John McCain - Activist Post

  • Newsweek Covers Up McCain's Rothschild Mob Ties

  • Who Controls Senator John McCain Larry Mizel Organized Crime

  • "BabyFace" McCain's Top Ten Links To The Mafia! - Daily Kos

  • John McCain: Married to the Mob -

  • John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (in 15 parts) (It's illegible until you copy it to a doc to read it)

Bolux ago

I think mccain is gonna be the key, he's probably singing to the abc's as we speak. Treacherous fuck.

truthseekertx ago

Appreciate the links!

Don-Keyhote ago

Dude make a thread. Most people assume politicians will be rich and not question how they got rich

NeedPolyGF ago

I think I did.

The_Kuru ago

Can you give me the link of the video that shows this Miliband in Portugal when McCann disappeared? All I saw there was an anonymous assertion that he was there with a mention of a video showing him there and I couldn't find the video. Thanks.

truthseekertx ago

I don't have any video. I had just posted the link which talked about the video. Didn't try to find it though. Also, as a heads up...It turns out McCann went missing earlier in 2007, the day he was there on Sept 08 2007 was actually the day the McCann family were made suspects.

NotTooLate ago

Sweet jesus. Really good job. Are these guys assigned different regions? McCain verses HRC? This group is a whole lot of evil.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Is this stuff archived? I think it's going to become important in later research.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

SongBird McCain made tapes for the North Vietnamese. I understand he was under duress, but then he came back and made himself into a big war hero. A decision was made not to prosecute the men who made tapes for the North Vietnamese or McCain would have had to stand trial. His wife at the time had been in a bad accident while he was in the prison camp. On his release, he went carousing around Washington and divorced her.

After the USS Forrestal incident, he was the only man removed that night A proper investigation was not carried out because his Daddy was an admiral.

Eastwood350 ago

Kudos to the Op for some brilliant research. On another note under Trump 1500 pedos caught so far in 2017. Under O'bama 400 pedos for the entire year in 2016. So it would be interesting to see if any of these orgs. that go to the Sedona fest have any reports regarding how many they aided in trafficking themselves and how many if any at all they saved.

SpikyAube ago

David Miliband is British - he was an MP in the Labour party and the brother of the former Labour leader Ed Miliband, who stepped down after losing the 2015 general election to the Tories. Miliband was seen as the more right wing, neoliberal of the two brothers by members of the Labour party but the UK media basically constantly shovelled the story that David was the more credible politician and that Ed had stabbed him in the back to win the leadership election. David then left the UK to go to the US.

So D Miliband being involved with all these awful people is potentially a link into the infamous UK government/establishment pedophile network. Him being in Portugal in Sept 2007 (Madeleine McCann went missing in May not September, but that article states it was odd that he was there that day as that was the day the McCanns were made official suspects by the Portugese police) also implies a link in to the British criminal pedo/trafficking/fraud etc network - it was always very weird how involved high level British officials/PR people etc were in the McCann case.

madmanpg ago

David Miliband

Brother of Ed Miliband, the Labor Party fucknut who thankfully lost his bid for PM of Britain.

User890020 ago

As corrupt as it gets.

strix-varia ago

Demi Moore again?? What has she done to be on that list. She couldn't possibly be one of the high level degenerates up there with the rothchildren?

Eastwood350 ago

Demi Moore is now a member of the most exclusive gentleman's club which goes by the name of Pugs.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

And she and Ashton Kutcher used to be married...

keeper1 ago

Hi, All,

There's been lots of discussions that involve these not-for-profit (NFP) organizations, but I've not found where anybody on the forum here has talked about the tax returns for these not-for-profits. The IRS requires that NFPs file some form of a 990 form each year to maintain their tax-exempt status (there are 990-EZs for simple organizations and the bigger 990s for more complex organizations). These tax returns ARE SUBJECT TO PUBLIC INSPECTION. Therefore, lots of organizations post them on their websites and there are other charitable organization ratings/monitoring companies that also make these returns available (e.g.

For example, the McCain Institute Foundation 's 44-page 990 form for 2014 is here:

2014 McCain Institute Foundation tax return: (

What's interesting about these returns is that besides the income and expenses of the organization, they list the directors and lots of other pertinent information, like the names of organizations to which they give grants or make donations as well as people/organizations from whom they receive contributions in excess of $5,000. If you look at this McCain Institute 2014 return, you'll see that the Royal Embassy of Saudia Arabia contributed $1,000,000 to the McCain Institute in 2014. There are others listed as well: The Eranda Foundation from the UK -- I don't know who they are but they donated $300,000 in 2014

In addition, this particular 990 has a 23-page Investments Schedule attached to it which details, for example, how many shares in the HSBC FDS Hedge fund they own. (Didn't I see a post earlier today talking about HSBC's link to money laundering for some of these criminals?) All of which is to say that there's a huge amount of information on these IRS public record tax returns.

I have been trying to do some research on a few of these NFPs, which I will post when it's in better order, but for now, I want people to know this resource is out there.

Here's the IRS website to find an EIN (Employer Identification Number) for NFPs:

The search criteria requires you to put the name in quotes to have a manageable list (e.g., "McCain Institute" pulls up just the one).

The beauty of having an EIN is that it's very specific, so it's easily searched on google. For example, I entered the EIN for "Innocents at Risk" and the top five items were ALL pertinent.

Also these are usually available as downloadable pdfs so that helps in countering the disappearing-evidence problem that we all keep seeing.

So, if people can get started pulling the 990 forms for all of these various NFPs that are tied into all of this, they will give us lots of leads to work with. Organizations that don't post their 990s are supposed to provide them upon request.

I'm sorry I can't take more time right now, but I will happily answer questions if anybody has any related to this post. (I'm no tax expert or anything, but I do have a bit of familiarity with 990-EZs.)

Koched_Up404 ago

Eranda Foundation is owned and operated by the Rothschilds. Lynn Forester de Rothschild and her husband Evelyn Rothschild. Lynn Rothschild is on the McCain Institute Board of Trustees.

She is a close friend and major financial backer of Hillary Clinton and she also backed John McCain in 2008 after Hillary lost the DNC nomination to Barack Obama.

keeper1 ago

Hi, Koched_Up404: I just referenced your above comment in a different thread:

(Sorry if there's a better way to do this that I should be following but don't know about.)

Godwillwin ago

Interesting. Does it seem like Obama isn't or wasn't in as deep as McCain and Clinton in these NFPs and shady trafficking organizations. Not saying Obama is good, just pointing out that Rothschild supported McCain over Obama -- crossing party lines. as well as Hillary over Obama.

2impendingdoom ago

thanks for this comment!! super helpful

WeCanDoThisThing ago

I thought McCann went missing in May 2007?

Jem777 ago

Someone mentioned that this represents a lot of illuminati. Well this the goldmine of illuminati. They are the ultimate secret society. Protect their bloodlines. Allow others in only if they give an "oath" They have chosen presidents for us. Anyone who stands up to them is assasinated think JFK

Hackers breached Rockefellers Institution a month ago.

Silverlining ago

@Jem777 Is there a data dump?

Jem777 ago

Not yet that I am aware. They posted a video where they go back in time showing the Rockefellers knowledge of events before they occurred like 9-11. Also statements attributed to the Rockeffellers discussing their plans for a New world Order. They mock him about getting his 7th heart transplant. They expose many secrets of the bildebergs. Finally they post a video showing a group of anonymous going to the Rockefeller grave with shovels stating David this is where you will be soon.

They tell him the clock is now ticking and he must start using all his money and power to help humanity or their files will be released.

It is bone chilling

YingYangMom ago

Very powerful video. They also hacked the Bilderberg Group's Website and defaced them. Looks like Anonymous is serious Resistance.

carmencita ago

Will watch that. The more we know, the better.

Silverlining ago

I have seen that youtube This one by anonymous?

carmencita ago

Thanks for that. Will check it out. Valuable info from our friends.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Ummm...Jim Mattis is on the 2014 list :(

truthseekertx ago

I noticed mad dog on the list too. I guess a part of me was hoping he's still a good guy. Of all these people attending...they can't all be corrupt right? Sadly, I'm not so sure. But I'll give mattis the benefit of the doubt for now.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Maybe he went to get inside info? I am not ready to give up on Mad Dog either.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Absolutely excellent work. Loved the way you laid it all out too. Agree nothing good about any of this and John McCain and "the Russians" is spot on. We should bombard McCain on Twitter with these Russian association questions, however, it will likely all lead to us being banned!!!

Mad_As_Hell ago

Funny how McCain said he had no involvement whatsoever with the foundation yet is all over this event

bopper ago

Wow, I didn't read that whole article but surely the website the OP posted (w/ McCain plastered prominently on it) was up when McCain said this (denial) ... he must be stupid, or just "talk with fork ed tongue."

JesusRules ago

That's a lot of Illuminati.

feel_the_bern_baby ago

This is more fake news. Going after one of the few Republicans who wants what is best for this country. #NOWALLNOBAN #NOTMYPRESIDENT #RESIST

e-traiu ago

where is the shills? no downvoats?

Do they not like mckain? Are they throwing him under the buss?

Jem777 ago

This is huge. For those that do not know the Bildebergs & Council on Foreign Relations run this country and allmost all others. They are the founders of the one world government & globalism agenda. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, & many other trillionaire are in charge.

carmencita ago

Anytime 2 Rothschilds show up for the same event other than a party, beware. Klobuchar, Heitkamp and Whitehouse? Well Heitkamp is a lukewarm Democrat, but Klobuchar and Whitehouse are seen by many Democrats as true blue. Hah! I would love to show this to some of my friends, but they will never believe me. What will be said there is bad enough, but the parties and meetings behind closed doors is what is frightening.

bopper ago

But they are here to help?

carmencita ago

The only ones they ever help is themselves, especially with a list like that.

MayorMcBullshit ago

With researchers like OP, the investigation gains more traction every day! Keep up the good work!

shoosh ago

Why is McCain meeting in private meetings discusing foreign policy with Putin Opponents? Why is he meeting with any Russian, when he is calling out Trump administration for just speaking with any Russian. Is McCain on their payroll? Is that why he is so eager to go to war with Putin?

good job on all points.

more and more it's obvious that they use their child help groups as a cover-up.

Russia could expose some information no doubt.

bopper ago

Parasite and host.

"A civilization's decline ... occurs when ... social arrangements that meet real social needs are transformed into social institutions serving their own purposes regardless of real social needs." - Carroll Quigley

Freemasonsrus ago

We need to meme the shit out of that.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Nice work. Every day it's becoming easier to spot who's part of a criminal cabal and who's not based solely on their associations, their behaviour, who they protect/attack etc. God bless the information age. We're starting to tighten the noose.

AngB23 ago

Thank you! Great details and connecting the dots

bopper ago

Just a half million is all you need for a home in little ole Sedona, they also have a nice little airport. Lots of artists here too, famous for that.

Rmm ago

Excellent contribution. Where to begin? he Russian connection particularly apt at the moment. Maybe you could send this to Trump!

zzvoat ago

This post is not HUGE.

General comment for the community:

I know we can all get excited but can we please stop with the hyperbolic titles using CAPS, etc.

No post is more important, urgent or valuable than any other.

Dressage2 ago

Just seems not be enough time in a day to research all these people! Adding to my list! I would just add that this place it so small and secluded to have such a meeting of this magnitude there is almost beyond belief! The biggest city close by (3 hours if memory iserves me correct) is Phoenix. By the secrecy of this meeting that is exactly why it was held in Sedona so it would be out of the way of prying eyes and media.

EndThePizza ago

Sedona is a well known area in Arizona. It's a popular vacation spot. I think there's a lot of wealthy people from all over that come visit. And there's also a lot of weird hippies that live there that are into crystals and auras and say the place has some "energy vortex". Wonder if that has any significance to the supernatural aspects of the pizzagate crowd, or if they just like it because it's a fancy place that's convenient to meet McCain at.

Dressage2 ago

Yes, a great vacation spot and beautiful homes for wealthy people galore. A lot of artists, art galleries, hiking, rapelling, crystals and vortexes. There is a town not very far from there that a bunch of old DeadHead hippies have made home. It is called Jerome. There are head shops, tie-dyed t-shirts, candles, etc. That is what makes having such a elitist meeting in Sedona so bizarre. Makes you wonder for sure.

bopper ago

Spooky place.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Absolutely brilliant... well done, never heard of the Sedona Forum. Upvoats for this man, upvoat hard. Time to follow some of your breadcrumb trails!

truthseekertx ago

Paul Wolfowitz was one of the attendees. Didn't george webb have a video on him? I remember seeing a picture of Wolfowitz recently on one of Webbs video...but not sure exactly which one or how he was involved.

2impendingdoom ago

He was an Iraq war proponent in the GW Bush admin, together with rumsfeld and cheney

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Good Stuff!

bopper ago

"Past speakers have included Director of National Intelligence James Clapper; former Prime Minister Tony Blair; Vice President Joe Biden; former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Actor/Director Ben Affleck; CEOs........."

truthseekertx ago

Not sure if I had already included this link or not...but here is the full entire list.

bopper ago

You probably did ... I just went straight to the member site, I hadn't even heard of this (but I've only been around here 2 months) and as I say Sedona was spooky to me 15 - 20 years ago so I never went though I wanted to. Great post.

And as I said in my other comment I've known for many years this is a celeb hangout and 'retreat' but I didn't know about all the other people/stuff.

Thanks for the post, this really stinks, sounds like the Bilderberg of the (American) West meetup. Great to have that list. John McCain for crying out loud, can't wait till he's busted.

truthseekertx ago

I've been researched bilderberg/cfr/trilateral commission over the last few years...but never has Sedona Forum come accross my path either. Very odd right...especially when you start seeing who is attending this VIP invite only club.

bopper ago

Yes, it's surprising. You've shined the light on the cockroaches. It's one big club and we're not in it. It's personal for me 'cause they always take over the best and most beautiful areas :) You should check the property prices there. Lots of elite visit there or have property there, I remember when Sedona started becoming quite fashionable, reminded me of Aspen or some like place.

ObamaFAG1 ago

great job up vote

bopper ago

Sedona Arizona is a beautiful place but even when I was 'asleep' I avoided visiting due to the very spooky vibe I got from it.

Lots of celebs and nutjobs love the place. I could never figure out Sedona, and I used to get big glossy book sized magazines from them that screamed big money (probably another reason I never visited).

paulieweb ago

this is it

EricKaliberhall ago

Fantastic work! I have to go thru it again!

allconnected ago

woe!! great work OP Thank you

Mad_As_Hell ago

I had mentioned Miliband here as his organisation is one of the voluntary agencies making a load of taxpayers' money relocating refugees in the US

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle Saudi Arabia a "100K+ donor" of the McCain Institute Adding to the Laura Silsby/NCMEC connection in the comment section. PLEASE READ! Discussion: Has anyone sifted through the Sony Files on WikiLeaks for connections to PedoGate/Pizzagate? Hollywood = PedoWorld Connections between Podesta's brothers and Freud's brother : The Madeleine Mc Cann story Police Confirm Podestas Were in Portugal When Maddy Disappeared Where were the Podesta brothers May 3rd, 2007? Help Needed: The McCain Institute & it's Human Trafficking Advisory Council Discussion: Has anyone sifted through the Sony Files on WikiLeaks for connections to PedoGate/Pizzagate? Hollywood = PedoWorld Connections between Podesta's brothers and Freud's brother : The Madeleine Mc Cann story Police Confirm Podestas Were in Portugal When Maddy Disappeared Where were the Podesta brothers May 3rd, 2007? America's Oligarchy connections - CFR, Trilateral Commission, Epstein, Clinton, Summers Why are EVERY Mainstream Media Outlet refusing to report on pizzagate......members of the Bilderbergs? THE FINDERS CULT, THE CIA, = AIR AMERICA, MENA ARKANSAS, (CLINTON TIED SCANDAL), -- AGH! Hiding In Plain Sight: The International Center for Missing and Exploited Children's ties to Clinton, Board members, the Belgian Pedophile Ring and Dutroux Case. New Life Children's Refuge and Beyond Borders - Anti-Child Trafficking, the Clintons and Comet Ping Pong ISGP project: a wealth of information on VIP child abuse networks. How did #Vault7 make its way to WikiLeaks? Underground tunnel near Comet Pizza Pay no attention to the First Family behind the curtain Remember the DC tunnel post from 4chan? I've connected it to a lot of interesting people, including George Soros.

flyingcuttlefish ago

that's a great amount of info!

truthseekertx ago

I love you Pizzagatebot!!!!!!

11-11 ago

Yes - great job on this!

Funny - how all of the same names keep coming to the surface

kestrel9 ago

Great research! Thank you. The SuperClass can't properly control humanity by publically displaying their collusion and the one voice embedded within the thousands of foundations, NGOs, ThinkTanks, SJW Universities etc. This is why they own the media.

AliensInParis ago

We need to make the McCain Institute a household name like the Clinton Foundation.

Nana66 ago

What if McCain is off hobnobbing in other countries because his foundation is now doing Clinton's foundation business to take heat off them but keep the product and money flowing.

remedy4reality ago

This is why it is FUNDAMENTAL to prosecute PERSONS rather than charities, foundations or corporations.

SuperJohnWayne ago

Yes, 100 likes if I could. This is the major hole in criminal law that needs to be plugged. I have always found that legal reasoning to be absurd.

rooting4redpillers ago

IMPRESSIVE! (Again, so much more than anything we EVER see from professional investigative journalists.) I'll definitely take some time to read it all, asap.

shoosh ago

This exposure might prevent the new Obama foundation brainchild from digging new rat holes.

truthseekertx ago

Thanks. Please read it all and do some digging as well. Having the worlds wealthiest and most powerful people in the same room talking a good portion about human trafficking and foreign policy...with zero media coverage...something ain't right. Its up to us to figure it out though.

bopper ago

"Clinton, a prospective 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, will appear on stage Saturday with McCain at the Sedona Forum, an annual ideas festival hosted by the McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University. Clinton is among the national and international business leaders, philanthropists and public figures appearing at the gathering, held in Sedona, the tony red-rocks oasis in Arizona's Verde Valley." - from WaPo

McCain owned a ranch in Sedona, I think he sold it.

Freemasonsrus ago

Just FYI, Maddie McCann disappeared in May not Sept.

remedy4reality ago

She had a 'sell by May 5 ' sticker

equineluvr ago

Superb, OP!

truthseekertx ago

Thanks. Took a ton of work. Need some rest now. lol. Please be sure to upvoat if you haven't already. This needs as many eyes on it as possible!

Lileee1010 ago

Great job! Fantastic work