Chance903 ago

Well said. well said. If everyone here thinks all law enforcement are complicit then you are wrong. This is about NSA, & CIA.

Chance903 ago

Soros connection, dig for the connection

ThinkItThru ago

Just Google mapped the coordinates. It is at Dupont Circle which is 3.5 miles from Comet Pizza. Also, Dupont circle is where there is a big underground shopping center built in the 1940s, now maybe going to be renovated. Could link to the Pizzagate area, but it seems kind of far away. A better way to find the underground tunnels may be to search through old D.C. building and planning department records or maps. Not to discourage any would-be groups of explorers.

Millennial_Falcon ago

and all lower will fall in line.

Or get fired.

Vorontsov ago

Could all this new tunnel discovery have something to do with the picture Alefantis posted on his instagram where they were digging some hole in their basement or whatever at Comet Ping Pong.

Fire_Fly ago

Wondering the same thing.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

"I was just following orders" - 90% of war crime committing faggots. Sorry, but this stuff isn't an excuse. Its up to the cops to beat the shit out of pedo-rapist child killing cops. Otherwise, people have a right to take things into their own hands.

xiaomao666 ago


NamelessCrewmember ago

Wasn't there a big remodel done with no building permits? Someone had something on it last week here...

dindonufin ago

What about the station just down the street from C.o.m.e.t. P.i.z.z.a.

NonexistentNihilist ago

You could also become a victim this way.

contrarianism ago

Get like 20-30 people to all go at once.

KnowThyself ago

Could be, would be very interesting, but I don't think it is. If you zoom in on the guy you can see that he has a sort of cleft in his chin, whereas David Brock definitely does not have a cleft in his chin.

SecureYourSeats ago

That would be most interesting as this tunnel entrance is on P street, the same street where the Transformer art gallery where his ex partner James Alefantis is president. And Tony Podesta and his wife are founders.

SecureYourSeats ago

I wonder if there might be tunnels under the Transformer art gallery that James Alefantis is the president of at 1404 P street. It's a lot closer to the Dupont circle. Tony Podesta and his wife being founding members.

Fire_Fly ago

Whoa, very interesting

garretthates12 ago

Someone should organize something bog and have a couple to go in, while tons are outside protesting. That way those two can't just disappear and get suicided.

KnowThyself ago

You can also see pictures of the inside in the link posted by the user 'savethekids'

savethekids ago

I found an old forum post: "DC's abandoned pre-Metro subway tunnels. There was 1 short subway segment under Connecticut Avenue." See photos.

Chance903 ago

PARKS AND PASSAGES 3 ABOUT PROVISIONS Provisions Library is an art and social change research center initiated in 2001. Provisions uses art to present information and promote learning: to explore models of inclusion, equity, and connection. Working with a variety of individuals and institutions, Provisions discovers and amplifies new cross-cultural narratives, grassroots strategies, and open sources of knowledge. Provisions’ library, public programs, and research opportunities support artistic, intellectual, and activist endeavors that explore social topics in contemporary culture. These include local, national, and international projects, such as public art projects, exhibits, residencies, forums, and publications.Provisions Research Residencies were launched in 2011 to provide artists, scholars, and creative researchers access to the capital’s unique wealth of archives, resources, and public spaces that speak to our political legacy and its social futures. Fellows from across the nation and within the capital build a ABOUT PROVISIONS more robust and socially-engaged field of contemporary art and cultural scholarship through creative research projects.Provisional Research is a digital journal that documents research and projects through open-access downloads. Provisions provides a platform for considering and reflecting on public process, with the goal of advancing art and social change in cognizance and consciousness. Support is provided by Gaea Foundation, Andy Warhol Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Nathan Cummings Fo

CrackerJacks ago

The room with the red 60+70 on the wall, there is a shit load of orbs in that room. Creepy.

KnowThyself ago

Good find. That place is currently being operated by the non-profit Dupont Underground. Would be good to look into them and find all the connections we can. I made a comment about this earlier.

Edit: I upvoted your post and less than a minute later you were back to 0 points. This one is striking a nerve.

Fire_Fly ago

I thought something weird was going on with the numbers ....

sixgorillion ago

Might be a honeypot, use extreme caution and do not go there alone and without taking precautions like live-streaming for example.

KnowThyself ago

OK, I can't believe no one in this thread has dug into this yet. Here is what I know.

Putting this on top so it is more visible: I found the connection!! It was staring me in the face. In the document I posted earlier it gives a special thanks to Oliver Miller, AKA Dr. Pong for hosptality in Berlin, and, James Alefantis for patronage above and beyond...

This is one of the entrances into the Dupont Underground, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that is doing some art stuff in an abandoned trolly line underneath Dupont Circle. Here is what the trolly line looks like. The entrances are the lines pointing off the circle, and the one in question is the one pointing to the top-right. The trolly line itself does extend directly towards Comet Ping Pong, but only goes about 1/20th of the distance.

I did some research earlier on IG pictures that came out of the Comet Ping Pong (CPP) and Dr. Pong connection, but unfortunately it was deleted from my post history on reddit because it was in /r/pizzagate. The gist was that the pictures raised suspicions that Dr. Pong was building an underground tunnel. I found out that Oliver Miller is the owner of Dr. Pong as well as an American cafe about a mile away. It seemed that an underground tunnel connected the two. There was more information connecting him to tunnels, but I can't quite remember it. I think this was somehow involved because I remember seeing it when I did the research, but I can't retrace my steps to link it to Oliver Miller again. I will post more if I can remember it.

Edit: Ok here is some of the information I remembered. It doesn't directly involve this particular tunnel, but I think there is a connection somewhere.

A picture was posted on the CPP tumblr showing two guys on a construction site with the description "secret plans....." The man in green is Oliver Miller and the photo was taken outside Nalu Cafe, which he owns. The picture was taken in July 2012, just before Nalu opened. Why would CPP post a picture of construction going on at a cafe that is neither pizza nor ping pong related, and with such a strange title?

Edit2: I found the connection!! It was staring me in the face. In the document I posted earlier it gives a special thanks to Oliver Miller, AKA Dr. Pong for hosptality in Berlin, and, James Alefantis for patronage above and beyond... (Holy shit I my heart is pounding!)

Chance903 ago

Goos job. you found the connection.

Millennial_Falcon ago

We need to stop embedding the links. It makes it much harder to copy/paste and save locally. Just copy and paste the url, please.

KnowThyself ago

Ok, I understand that. I was trying to make it easier to read because people usually give up on a huge wall of text, but I see what you are saying. What about having a reference section under my post with all the links?

madhatter67 ago

First of all, I have to say this comment isn't really directly connected to the investigation, but having had a look at the document you posted at the top I can't help but notice a ton of references and symbology in it that are related to pedo/occult/MKultra..... someone is certainly playing games with that

Also, it's kind of interesting that we are talking about the "Dupont Circle", and "Dupont Underground", given that family seems intimately connected with this underground circle!

I'm sure many of us are familiar with this....

Dupont heir baby rapisty

I looked up the wiki for the guy the Dupont circle is named after....he seemed rather keen on throwing the hidden hand masonic gesture....

Samuel Dupont's Hidden hand

As I say, a bit of a sidenote, but I'd expect this family has been up to this shit for generations

joe_hill ago

Dupont is the most common name in France. There must be thousands of families with that name.

madhatter67 ago

There's only one Dupont family of note in the states though

Gumpgump ago

Great find. I'm off to research in that direction - thanks. There were strong Berlin connections in the Hampstead case. I won't go into them here because I don't want to hijack anything but if I find anything at all relevent to either case, I'll post at another site and PM you the link.

Fire_Fly ago

Good point, very strange. This combined with the pic of the digging going on at Comet really makes you wonder.

justiceforever ago

I think it was a controlled opposition video but that's jmo

Brisketpants ago

Agree, they only focused on instagram, and not even the most damning of the photos. It seemed more like he had someone in pretend to protest and post the video to say "see, he's not bad."

MAGABoomer ago

You literally cannot call the police. Say you get a good one...and that cop is like...hell yeah let's investigate...that cop goes back to HQ and says, check this out, let's investigate...his boss says, give me the information on the witnesses. Let me check into this. Next day, witness has horrible accident. Boss says few days later, looks like we don't have a case anymore. BOOM.

suntereo ago

Doubting this is legit because the Twitter account says James O'Queef... probably a play on filmmaker James O'Keefe

8_billion_eaters ago

I'm still waiting for someone to post the civil engineering site plans for all underground construction in the DC area. They would include access tunnels (except for the know ...effbeeeye and shhh.serv ones) that are required by law to be registered and provide an underground map of egress.

Of course, people that dig their own tunnels without permits won't be mapped, but the "official" ones would give an overall idea of how close they may come to some of these suspected criminals. The existence of civil engineering tunnel networks may provide clues as to why some of these businesses chose to locate so closely together.

...just a thought.

Phivex ago


Bugs can actually be really expensive depending on what type of functionality you want. Generally about $100+ for okay ones. The cheaper ones can still be small, but you'd actually have to go retrieve it after a while. It could've even been full for a while and you wouldn't know, possibly making you miss something good if you didn't replace it with another. You'd probably want one that transmits the the audio to a receiver, though. Yeah, that's gonna be a shit load more. Agencies can get those things cheaper since they normally buy in bulk.

Plus, without the proper paperwork, the person it belonged to could get into some serious legal trouble if they were caught. Considering the caliber of criminal these people are and connections they have, they probably wouldn't be seen again. To get this kind of stuff done, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to crowd source a P.I., as odd as that may sound. They have more experience investigating paper work and property than the average joe would possess. They'd also potentially have more pull with local PD if something were to happen. I know some would have concern over whether or not the P.I. would already be bought, but you eventually have to trust someone. Not everyone is in on it. The difficulty lies in finding the right ones. Hell, for all you know, one or more of the guys that shows up to help, could actually be a mole.

wesofx ago

We all have our preferences.

Firinmahlazer ago

The problem is some of them are out of their head and probably don't know where they are half the time.

Brimstone18 ago

Or maybe they just sound crazy because they've been trying to tell us this kind of shit for years and nobody believed them.

inspectordutch ago

Underground Tunnels From History Channel

Comet Location

Tunnels seem to be closer to comet than Du-pont at least

NoRagrets ago

James O'Queef

Top kek.

srayzie ago

If people are going to go in there, it has to be soon because I guarantee you this is already spreading quick (on Twitter too) and they will hurry and clean things up

Phivex ago

First things first, a few inconspicuous people should go out there and scout the area for possible outside cameras focused on the door, lock on the door, or people standing around seeming to watch it. During this, those scouting should take pictures of everything around the entry. In fact, a stakeout of the entry for at least 24 hours would be ideal. Maybe a team of three per shift. Anyone seen entering/exiting should be photographed in detail and possibly trailed to a vehicle for plate identification purposes.

Good items to bring:

  1. Latex gloves, qtips, and ziploc bags for any possible items that may contain DNA (e.g. pieces of clothing, hair, blood).
  2. Type of camera for both recording and pictures. Preferably something with a type of night mode since lighting isn't guaranteed.
  3. Headlamp. Something that can be either red or white light would be best
  4. Knive (for cutting restraints, etc. or protection),
  5. Any concealed carry firearm, assuming the local laws allow for it.
  6. Lockpicks, Bump key, and/or Bolt-cutters. Again, keep local laws in mind. Some areas don't allow police to arrest someone carrying picks. Others do. Bump keys are generally illegal to carry, IIRC.
  7. Type of crowbar. If you find a locked door with someone in it and you can't pick it, here's your next best option.
  8. Spray paint. If you see any cameras, which I imagine there will be, coat the cover so they can't see you.
  9. Bandanna. For additional identity protection against the possible cameras.
  10. Ball cap. See above.
  11. Thick ass zip ties.
  12. 550 paracord.
  13. Water and dried food. This is for yourself and anyone you potentially find captive.
  14. Fake paperwork saying you're supposed to be down there investigating a gas leak, electrical issues, sewage breaks, whatever.
  15. Walkie talkies. For communication with a team staying outside keeping an eye on the entry.

In my mind, a gopro, headlamp, orange vest, blue jeans, white polo, work boots, backpack, and maybe a ball cap would be good. The cap would be decent for partial identity concealment. Obviously you go in wearing just the worker outfit and once you're in, then you put everything else on.

Have a fake background in mind. Know who you work for. Maybe even look up the local utility company and try to find out some employee names for name-dropping in possible conversations. If a non-captive is actually encountered, then the best course of action is to act like you belong. Ask if he's/she's X, and just act like you belong. You're supposed to meet X and you cleared your schedule to meet them. Possibly even get frustrated and play the victim, asking them for help around since you may even be new to the team and aren't familiar with the tunnel. I'm sure others can figure out what to do from here.

Or you could just dress up like a bum looking for a warm place to stay. People ignore bums and utility workers.

I wouldn't recommend more than 5 people for the utility worker team and 3 for the bums (Alpha team). More than that and you attract too much attention, potentially blowing your cover. Others could should stay back (Bravo team) and communicate with Alpha. Bravo should be recording the entire conversation when communicating with Alpha. The GPS on the phones Alpha has should be on and the numbers given to Bravo. If nothing comes up or you reach a dead end, then it is critical that you leave no trace to indicate you were previously there. This means possibly even ditching the spray paint and bandanna. If there are cameras, then just wear your cap and hope it doesn't capture your entire face.

If anyone actually investigates this, I doubt anyone will even do anything following any type of proper procedure for it. I just hope no one gets hurt, if they do.

EndThePizza ago

Regarding the collection of evidence: you know it has to be law enforcement that collects that, right? You cant just walk into a police station and say "Here's a bag of stuff I found at Comet ping pong." They have to collect it themselves, document it properly, show that it wasn't planted, etc.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

If you're gonna go and check it out, go in groups. NEVER GO ALONE. That's a terrible fucking idea. A lone death is way less suspicious than the death of a group. They can't kill all of you.

Gumpgump ago

True. Same with the trafficking victims. It's the safe houses and shelters (and the therapists) who may know more,

Chance903 ago

Real Estate companies have sold homes and location to these people. Think outside the box. Try investigating real estate and what companies have made purchaes that are linked to Foundations.

KnowThyself ago

Hijacking a top comment to bring attention to my post with information on this. Please find my comment in this thread and upvoat it for visability.

TopGun ago

According to 4Chan, that is a picture of an entrance to the DuPont tunnels underneath DuPont circle. These tunnels were formerly used by streetcars. From what is publicly known, the tunnels do not stretch as far to Comic Ping Pong.

The tunnels are currently being proposed to be developed into a shopping center/plaza. They had been leased by a party which failed to develop the tunnels but the contract has finally expired.

srayzie ago

They may have extended it because it showed all the digging on on their Instagram photos

Fire_Fly ago

True, and with no permit.

CeepsNo ago

3 days, sam hyde, really? You're weeks late.

Phivex ago

What kind of mug are we talking bout? I don't need a "World's Greatest X" or "X of the year" mug. Also, how much can said mug hold (in ounces)?

derram ago :

James O'Queef on Twitter: "@Night_0f_Fire you're interested in the pizza thing right?" :

Sam Hyde on Twitter: "If yr near DC, go do some *legal* urban exploration *Right Now*. 3 days will be too late. thinking about posting a bounty 4 this. undergrnd"

This has been an automated message.

Naalu ago

First thing-> look if there is any blood in the tunnels. Second-> confirm there is indeed a web of tunnels to Comet and other places. After that, i dont know rlly.

occultelite ago

The thread in 4chan: which is a repost of another thread. The original thread: Pic related:

PaisaHunter ago

There is a street view of the place that is actually in a tunnel which is exhibiting some art.

38.910246 -77.042747 Coordinates from the tweet

Snakeberry ago

I'm not going into detail. I know people who works for a tunneling contractor who did a lot of work in DC recently. Government work. There is a lot of tunnels there for sure.

MAGABoomer ago

Excellent...I love how people keep saying "call da po-leece" Like half da po-leece aren't involved.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

The love for pigs that the masses have is insanely retarded. Same pigs get off on shooting children and raping them.

EndThePizza ago

This turns on my Troll Radar, but it would be easy enough to debunk or confirm. Somebody check this out.

TopGun ago

That is super creepy.

Naalu ago

40 people from here should organize and go together

justiceforever ago

If you're from DC and want to go, MAKE A SECRET GROUP on here and discuss what to do. We'll be cheering you on!

occultelite ago

I'm in romania. I swear if i was in DC and i could gather at least a group of 3 persons i'd go.

Naalu ago

Yeh im european too

Fire_Fly ago

Is there any kind of map we could type the coordinates into and get a satellite view of it?

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

query the appropriate government office for permits for digging in that area, perferably night work ; should be available from the webs...

Heffisntmyrealname ago

Someone sacrifice themselves and investigate.

LuminalAbnormality ago

Checking plane ticket prices for DC bound flights now.

Edit: Can't go, I have work tomorrow