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KnowThyself ago

OK, I can't believe no one in this thread has dug into this yet. Here is what I know.

Putting this on top so it is more visible: I found the connection!! It was staring me in the face. In the document I posted earlier it gives a special thanks to Oliver Miller, AKA Dr. Pong for hosptality in Berlin, and, James Alefantis for patronage above and beyond...

This is one of the entrances into the Dupont Underground, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that is doing some art stuff in an abandoned trolly line underneath Dupont Circle. Here is what the trolly line looks like. The entrances are the lines pointing off the circle, and the one in question is the one pointing to the top-right. The trolly line itself does extend directly towards Comet Ping Pong, but only goes about 1/20th of the distance.

I did some research earlier on IG pictures that came out of the Comet Ping Pong (CPP) and Dr. Pong connection, but unfortunately it was deleted from my post history on reddit because it was in /r/pizzagate. The gist was that the pictures raised suspicions that Dr. Pong was building an underground tunnel. I found out that Oliver Miller is the owner of Dr. Pong as well as an American cafe about a mile away. It seemed that an underground tunnel connected the two. There was more information connecting him to tunnels, but I can't quite remember it. I think this was somehow involved because I remember seeing it when I did the research, but I can't retrace my steps to link it to Oliver Miller again. I will post more if I can remember it.

Edit: Ok here is some of the information I remembered. It doesn't directly involve this particular tunnel, but I think there is a connection somewhere.

A picture was posted on the CPP tumblr showing two guys on a construction site with the description "secret plans....." The man in green is Oliver Miller and the photo was taken outside Nalu Cafe, which he owns. The picture was taken in July 2012, just before Nalu opened. Why would CPP post a picture of construction going on at a cafe that is neither pizza nor ping pong related, and with such a strange title?

Edit2: I found the connection!! It was staring me in the face. In the document I posted earlier it gives a special thanks to Oliver Miller, AKA Dr. Pong for hosptality in Berlin, and, James Alefantis for patronage above and beyond... (Holy shit I my heart is pounding!)

Chance903 ago

Goos job. you found the connection.

Millennial_Falcon ago

We need to stop embedding the links. It makes it much harder to copy/paste and save locally. Just copy and paste the url, please.

KnowThyself ago

Ok, I understand that. I was trying to make it easier to read because people usually give up on a huge wall of text, but I see what you are saying. What about having a reference section under my post with all the links?

madhatter67 ago

First of all, I have to say this comment isn't really directly connected to the investigation, but having had a look at the document you posted at the top I can't help but notice a ton of references and symbology in it that are related to pedo/occult/MKultra..... someone is certainly playing games with that

Also, it's kind of interesting that we are talking about the "Dupont Circle", and "Dupont Underground", given that family seems intimately connected with this underground circle!

I'm sure many of us are familiar with this....

Dupont heir baby rapisty

I looked up the wiki for the guy the Dupont circle is named after....he seemed rather keen on throwing the hidden hand masonic gesture....

Samuel Dupont's Hidden hand

As I say, a bit of a sidenote, but I'd expect this family has been up to this shit for generations

joe_hill ago

Dupont is the most common name in France. There must be thousands of families with that name.

madhatter67 ago

There's only one Dupont family of note in the states though

Gumpgump ago

Great find. I'm off to research in that direction - thanks. There were strong Berlin connections in the Hampstead case. I won't go into them here because I don't want to hijack anything but if I find anything at all relevent to either case, I'll post at another site and PM you the link.

Fire_Fly ago

Good point, very strange. This combined with the pic of the digging going on at Comet really makes you wonder.