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savethekids ago

I found an old forum post: "DC's abandoned pre-Metro subway tunnels. There was 1 short subway segment under Connecticut Avenue." See photos.

Chance903 ago

PARKS AND PASSAGES 3 ABOUT PROVISIONS Provisions Library is an art and social change research center initiated in 2001. Provisions uses art to present information and promote learning: to explore models of inclusion, equity, and connection. Working with a variety of individuals and institutions, Provisions discovers and amplifies new cross-cultural narratives, grassroots strategies, and open sources of knowledge. Provisions’ library, public programs, and research opportunities support artistic, intellectual, and activist endeavors that explore social topics in contemporary culture. These include local, national, and international projects, such as public art projects, exhibits, residencies, forums, and publications.Provisions Research Residencies were launched in 2011 to provide artists, scholars, and creative researchers access to the capital’s unique wealth of archives, resources, and public spaces that speak to our political legacy and its social futures. Fellows from across the nation and within the capital build a ABOUT PROVISIONS more robust and socially-engaged field of contemporary art and cultural scholarship through creative research projects.Provisional Research is a digital journal that documents research and projects through open-access downloads. Provisions provides a platform for considering and reflecting on public process, with the goal of advancing art and social change in cognizance and consciousness. Support is provided by Gaea Foundation, Andy Warhol Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Nathan Cummings Fo

CrackerJacks ago

The room with the red 60+70 on the wall, there is a shit load of orbs in that room. Creepy.

KnowThyself ago

Good find. That place is currently being operated by the non-profit Dupont Underground. Would be good to look into them and find all the connections we can. I made a comment about this earlier.

Edit: I upvoted your post and less than a minute later you were back to 0 points. This one is striking a nerve.

Fire_Fly ago

I thought something weird was going on with the numbers ....