Ang68 ago

So, Paola's husband King Albert was implicated in Dutroux scandal but he also opened up what appears to have been a brothel in Saudi Arabia. It was suppose to be two hospitals for military men, but ended up employing 200 nurse/prostitutes for the military men & I presume their friends. This appears to lend credence to Alberts involvement in the Dutroux scandal. Knowing what FBI Anon said earlier about Saudi Royals & Hillary, this may be a good place to start.

King Albert & Prince Abdullah partnership in Eurosystem Hospitallier:

Dutroux witness excerpts about perpetrators:

Ang68 ago

Did u get screenshots? isn't working and I don't see anything weird on webpage.

algernon4peace ago

thank-you, very good work! Extremely disturbing though.

hedy ago

EXCELLENT WORK Let's see what we can do with this.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I feel that PG is directly connected to the Dutroux Case via the ICMEC.

Can you give a TL;DR of why you think this?

ShockDoctrine101 ago

Sorry, the word limit did not allow me to explain further. I will post a follow up to explain why i believe PG and Dutroux are connected.

For now though, it's not easy to summarize in a TL;DR but i will try.

First of all, we have to question why the ICMEC was created in the first place.

The official story is that the ICEMEC was created in response to the Dutroux Case and it's mission is to protect children across the globe and eradicate child abuse, exploitation and child pornography.

I believe that there are signs that the opposite is true. That the ICMEC exists to protect the abusers, to cover for their crimes and to facilitate child exploitation. The ICMEC is a complete inversion.

In the Dutroux Case, investigations were sabotaged, detectives were pulled from the case, evidence was tampered with and disappeared. From the police officials, to lawyers, to the investigators, to the judges, at all levels the investigation was thwarted. Why? To protect the elite who were implicated in the pedophile ring. In the end, despite the evidence and witnesses, a single man, Marc Dutroux was convicted.

One of the ICMEC's goals is to pen, promote and pass on legislation to its affiliates and partner organizations. It also aims to train law enforcement on best practice. In this way, it can control the laws and law enforcement officials.

The way the elite were protected in Belgium by the complete subversion of the judicial system is repeated on an international scale (ICMEC), and by some of the very people who were involved in the cover up of Dutroux case.

cantsleepawink ago

I believe that you are right in thinking the ICMEC was created to protect abusers. See my comments in this post where I briefly summarize the connections between the trafficking hotline and the Clinton Foundation: Further, there is the obvious London connection via Cherie Blair. These articles give much detail on possible paedophile connections,,,


keep in mind this: it is a private donor funded company - no government oversight whatsoever

NCEMC as well

great work, dig in

ShockDoctrine101 ago

Yes, the NCMEC is also shady...i included it in my original piece but it was too long to post here.

The NCMEC's program Operation Lookout is listed in the top 20 worst American charities (Tampa Bay Times).

LeChevalBlanc ago

In case :

Jeff Koons collaborated with Kiehl’s to offer a Limited Edition Creme de Corps Whipped Body Butter.  100% of the net profits from the sale of this product will benefit The Koons Family Institute, an initiative of the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC).  Kiehl’s also honored the artist with a special holiday event last week and pledged a $225,000 donation to the Institute.

Aside :

derram ago :


‘Hillary Clinton Sold Her Soul When They Accepted That Money’ - POLITICO Magazine

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