redditsuckz ago

Izette Folger at Square Form/PEGASUS;

BerksResident ago

Confirm... Photos of IF & JA Also pretty sure I've seen Izette leave comments on some of the distasteful Instagram images.

cantsleepawink ago

What was I saying earlier about an incestuous circle ? Izette Folger is also in the Visionary Leaders’ Circle along with Tony Podesta from transformerdc*

See this post about the Visionaries:

LostandFound ago

Very interesting, another connected dot. I am still mad to find out exactly how Podesta & Alefantis know each other it was always assumed it was via David Brock but the recent statement from Brock casts doubt on it.

cantsleepawink ago

What recent statement by Brock ? And Alefantis has been involved with the Washington art scene for years. That would be a natural connection to the Podestas ?

LostandFound ago

Yeah spot on here they are in the same party back in 04

LostandFound ago

Think I got $hilled - saw statements to the effect that Podesta and Alefantis had a relationship ( assumed non sexual but business ). Most seem deleted now. You are quite right it is not a huge stretch to think two people into weirdcomplicated 'art' are known to each other. I just cant make sense of Alefantis past history and how he ended up with influences, given his so so pizzeria status. Its just nagging at me I know there more here.

Ang68 ago

In Wikileaks it's not clear but seems like they might of had. Very friendly conversations.

LostandFound ago

Well so far i can date tony podesta and alefantis back to 2004, think their birthday's are similar dates and they have gotten together a few years. So I now believe they have met each other John being at his brothers birthdays aint mich of a stretch but i still have no proof.

cantsleepawink ago

I have a theory he may be working with the CIA. I have been trying to find out about his father but can't find much information, apart from the fact that he emigrated to the States in the 1950s. One of James's brothers Tim is a vaccine scientist and the other is a VP of a software company that deals in cyber intelligence.

LostandFound ago

This guy has spent too much time in the WH to be a total patsy. Fire me over a link at some stage if you have anything up I'll see if I can dredge anything up.

cantsleepawink ago

So flight attendants are trained not to get involved with airline passengers they suspect of trafficking and instead, to call a trafficking hotline. This hotline is run by an organization that shares data with the Clinton Foundation Mrs. Clinton is involved with the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children*

Should we be concerned ???

LostandFound ago

Jesus this has no end. I keep hoping this all falls apart and I can go back to sleep. Its just not going to happen. epic spot

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. Your post deserves to be noticed by more people.

cantsleepawink ago

Interesting that this organization works with Courage Worldwide. They are involved with a training program for flight attendants From the powerpoint slides (re: slide 31) you can see that flight attendants are told NOT to: confront anyone, or try to rescue a child, or display any concern. Instead to call a trafficking hotline.*

And that would be the National Human Trafficking Hotline (NHTH) And they are run by a charity called Polaris And they share data and collaborate with the Clinton Foundation

SomeD ago

No imgur link allowed, please use

Relink of his pic

EDIT : Relinked the innocent at risk picture

Archived "Innocent at risk " page by @Lostandfound

Don't forget to D/L the zip file from

LostandFound ago

True that good call, repost didnt think of it.

cantsleepawink ago

Having a look into this, if I can get past all the Google images of these people at their various galas. Well, here's Septime Webre being honored by Innocents at Risk (or is it Innocence at Risk). I wonder why ? Seems to be such an incestuous Washington Circle, the same faces coming up again and again:

LostandFound ago

Aslo see here / - notice the typo in his Alefantis name? Alfantis. I note that googling this name bring results from back in the day ..

srayzie ago

I noticed that Amanda Kleinman also has things under Klienman

cantsleepawink ago

Good tip. Thanks.

LostandFound ago - Innocents at risk what we do page backup

One of the comments from the original eddit page

This is another connection to a charity/organization which supposedly helps children: Hope of Guinea (Owner of Besta Pizza) New Life Childrens Refugee (Laura Silsby, Haiti) And Beyond Borders (Haiti) is across the street of Comet and Besta. Too much coincidences for my taste.

BerksResident ago
