bopper ago

That's ridiculous.

FriesischShipping ago

If it's not a CGI then they could be interviewing him under duress and at a sound stage somewhere most likely in Virginia. Come on man, this is like mission impossible 101 shit, it could even be tom cruise with a mask on.

bopper ago

I believe that Assange is alive and fine, that's my gut feeling. He will eventually surface. If I'm wrong ok, but this CGI stuff is a little wild, and yes I've seen the face technology stuff etc.

srayzie ago


LostandFound ago

Be warned, vault 7 information is the digitized backup of what was stored under WTC6, data stored on behalf of the occupants of WTC 7. The CIA were running the second largest operation out of WTC7 with the aim to spy on UN diplomats in the country, among many other things. There was no Vault under WTC 7 so they used 6's for offsite backup. FBI, Secret Service and Rudi Gulianni's crisis/emergency NY repose center also occupied WTC7.

Wikileaks has no intention of releasing this information, not now not February 22nd. Not 2017. Vault 7 is/was the DMS. Wikileaks fears that releasing this info would cause global destabilization, not good.

This is a distraction from the fact he still has not provided any definitive POL, this is a smokescreen because they want you waiting for the juicy story not paying attention to the fact his asylum is out in less than two weeks and is about to be officially sent to the US, where he is already convicted and will be subject to enhanced interrogation techniques LEGALLY, nothing his lawyers can do for him once that starts. Julian is about to have his shit messed up royally if it is not already.

Why is the UK not fighting tooth and nail for his human rights. Don't you think with Brexit they would want to stop being someone else's bitch. My God Britain sticks the middle finger up to the whole EU and is still Sweden's bottom bitch.

If people rally around Julian now and stop the violation of human rights that are occuring, the game is up. Cause he aint there

PizzaGate711 ago

Placing bets on the good guys at the NSA, FBI, NYPD or German or possibly Israeli intelligence. Anyone but the Ruskies :-))

IlluminatiKing ago

Someone sent the emails to him. Nice.

bopper ago

Maybe someone could check out my comments here, I would appreciate it.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Something weird is going on with wikileaks. I'm leaning towards George Webbs theory on whats going on

unrealisthenewreal ago

Basically that it's compromised and is now just disinfo

srayzie ago

What is George Webb's theory on Wikileaks?

bopper ago

And Wikileaks showed a photo of Nazi gold in a vault, or underground storage area.

Thrulkggls ago

This is an excellent analysis of the vault 7 "mystery" by Tracy D:

SilenceDoGood ago

In my opinion, the best explanation of this vault7 stuff wikileaks is tweeting is that they have additional info on Hillary Clinton investigation that the FBI is not releasing. Vault refers to the FBI vault and 7 refers to the release number into Clinton. 6 have been released from the FBI. How did vault7 find its way to Wikileaks?

tic_toc_tic_toc ago

I dont think WL has vault7. They are urging the FBI to release it, and if they dont, WL will publish 911 files. Thats what I think.

FriesischShipping ago

How long has wikileaks been a NWO hype machine?



Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I think it's the info from Datto that the oversite committee has given till tomorrow for the FBI to turn over -

I don't think Wikileaks will release anything because I think the FBI will turn it over unless they want it released to the public....never know. Something will happen tomorrow afternoon. (just a guess!)

derram ago :

WikiLeaks on Twitter: "How did #Vault7 make its way to WikiLeaks?"

This has been an automated message.

Fire_Fly ago

The suspense is killing me!

xbryn ago


Whattheheck321 ago

I have been listening to Sean Hannity for many years. I truly find it hard to believe that he would take part in this type of deception. Their interview is the only thing keeping me from believing Assange is alive and not compromised. But maybe I a being naive. I just feel SH has too much integrity to have faked that.

srayzie ago

I agree

bopper ago

Yeah, as much as he used to drive me crazy before he got on the Trump train, and as vain as he sometimes seems to be, and apart from how much money he makes, I think his integrity and his ego are too intertwined for him to be knowingly in on something so deceptive.

Whattheheck321 ago

Yes exactly. I hope.


Wikileaks is no longer operated by Julian Assange. It is a propaganda arm of an unknown group right now....

That happened in October. Could be good or bad. We don't know.

His insurance file was never released. The twitter account has refused to sign a cryptographic confirmation that they still have his PGP private key.

I think that this stuff hints at what they could have had/still have ready to drop:

That is pretty much my life's work of exploration.

zagreos ago

"Wikileaks is no longer operated by Julian Assange. It is a propaganda arm of an unknown group right now...."

^ This is disinfo designed to discredit future Wikileaks releases.

Pay no attention.

FriesischShipping ago

Not saying wikileaks isn't credible, just saying there is evidence that Julian is not at the embassy and is most likely at a CIA/Dyncorp black site in Virginia right now. When they asked "what proof of life do you want?" I knew the gig was up because he can just go to the window and wave. It never happened because he's not there. Everything since October from wikileaks has been like an NWO WWE Hype title fight, never would have happened if Julian was in control.

Freemasonsrus ago

The only part of that I could see as being partially true is if Assange had been without a way to contact his team and therefore they are running blind at times. But since he's done interviews lately, I think they relaxed the Internet connection thing after the election.


Please tell me why they scrubbed some of the Podesta emails off of their website.

zagreos ago

Which emails were scrubbed off of Wikileaks? Please quote or link to the contents of said emails.

juhos ago

I dont get it why this theory is still alive. There has been multiple interviews with Assange after that, including video. So if there is something I miss here, please explain. To me it sounds more like psy-op "Hey everybody! Stop listening Wikileaks, it's compromised!"


If you take video of him that you already have, and train a LSTM RNN on it (you will need about 5 hours of video), you can emulate video (body/facial movement) and voice. Sean Hannity and other (((big news players))) were the only ones to interview him. His tie and eyelids have morphed from frame to frame on 2 occurrences. I think that the CIA is currently using the twitter account to discredit anything Assange does.

Still doesn't mean any of the emails are false, or that he is dead. We don't know where he is.

juhos ago

Sean Hannity and other (((big news players))) were the only ones to interview him.

For example last month he did Reddit AMA via video. He even read out Bitcoin block number, when was asked.

I'm pretty sure Wikileaks has multiple backup plans so that if they lose hold of the system, it triggers warnings etc. They know their shit.

So no, I'm not convinced yet by your theory, but I will keep my eyes and mind open.


All of the warnings were triggered in October. And he can read off whatever the fuck you tell (code) him to read off. His voice and facial movements are imprinted on a matrix in some code somewhere. They can have him say literally anything.

bopper ago

Man, I'm into some pretty weird theories, but that's a stretch, for me anyway. And Hannity is too vain and proud of his 'integrity' for him to be in on it, if indeed he, by your theory, is in on it. Would Limbaugh do something like that? I trust Sean Vanity more than Rushbo.


All of them are CIA assets. 9/11 showed who is on which side.

paulf ago

I'm afraid I agree with you about WL. Julian was either reached first by the good guys and is safe or he was rendered in mid-October. But the organisation itself has been compromised since then. It will make a stunning story once it's told.


I fear it will never be told.

Caeliger ago

Image is of Stasi mass surveilance--notorious for its scope and the huge amount of operatives employed, official as well as unofficial, at a point amounting to nearly 2% of the entire population.

Seems that Wikileaks may have obtained documents the masses were not meant to see, most likely from a whistleblowing CIA or some other entrenched Orwellian network agent.

Someone noted that the picture is currently being hosted on the website of one of George Soros' foundations:

Wolftrail7272 ago

Totally NSA. I used to be hardcore against them, but the last year or so I've been questioning everything...