dogeminho ago

Tree of life from here. Look who is in it celebrity wise or was... Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore... Of THORN.

Pizza. Kabbalah. Kim Noble art.

Demi and Ashton made THORN.

Madonna too. And her making a school in Mawali for girls. Abandoned school, no one it there.

jml1201 ago

Thanks, keep digging!

PizzaGateExpress ago

It's a similar story with the charity Voices for American Children (HRC was the first president of the board for the one in Arkansas, here's a link to the national website). Look at their logo, personally it's the most suspicious one I've seen yet (makes me think of pizza and occult rituals). Similarly strange is it's very very poorly optimized for search engines, it comes up 3rd if you search "Voices for America's Children" exactly, it's almost as if the owner of the site is trying to hide it...

micha_ ago

The number of the 800.000 children includes all that are reported missing, not how many remain missed!

As of December 31, 2013, NCIC contained 84,136 active missing person records. Juveniles under the age of 18 account for 33,849 (40.2 %) of the records and 9,706 (11.5 %) were for juveniles between the ages of 18 and 20. *

During 2013, 627,911 missing person records were entered into NCIC, a decrease of 5.1% from the 661,593 records entered in 2012. Missing Person records cleared or canceled during the same period totaled 630,990. Reasons for these removals include: a law enforcement agency located the subject, the individual returned home, or the record had to be removed by the entering agency due to a determination that the record is invalid.

QuestionEverything ago

I would like to point out that because of the low number of convictions in these pedo cases, 'they' are likely 'co-opting' networks. Remember: any network of pedos they find can be completely controlled. They can pick and choose people to prosecute as their value matters to them.

And for obedience, what would they reward them with?

Lord Trump doth approach.. MAGA Be vigilant. Keep digging. DEMAND JUSTICE.

ShockDoctrine101 ago

I've been digging into this so I'll just throw this in here -

also some great work has been done about this over at r/The_Donald

We need to synthesize our findings

The ICMEC / NCMEC are important pieces of the puzzle

jml1201 ago

Nice work, I feel we are on to something

SaneGoatiSwear ago

like if a convicted burglar got out of jail by secretary of state bernie madoff and then got hired as the vp of marketing for the company that makes the security features for the crown jewels and hope diamond and shit.

except jewels and diamonds and shit is our kids and burglary is child rape. and bernie's hillary.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

nigger, were you waiting all fucking year for that?

good show.

warrior_of_light ago

Breaking Bad: Season Two

Jesse finds out the boy he believed Walter poisoned with arsenic was actually sold into a child trafficking ring. Now Jesse must gun his way through the ranks of the ring to stop Heisenberg's new boss.... Hillary Clinton.

warrior_of_light ago

Seriously, out of all the pizzagate stuff, this is my go to mind fuck arguement. How does a sane rational person answer this question? Why is a lady who was caught(no, convicted, right?) taking 30+ kids from Haiti, get a job with ANYTHING TO DO WITH children?

Would you hire a arsonist to be a fire fighter?

Investigate1999 ago

We should also add names to that list. Wasn't Whoopi Goldberg one of them? What about Cher and Rosie O'Donnel?

jml1201 ago

I'm not too sure.

jml1201 ago

Good post, yeah I was reading articles and checked to make sure before I posted this. Someone else may want to check that is reputable.

Selnee ago

Yep! His moving to Canada nonsense was the first thing I thought about.

Selnee ago

Holy Shit!

Captcha822 ago

"Thorn: Digital Defenders of Children (previously known as DNA) was founded by Hollywood personalities Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore"

WELL guess who else is on the Human Trafficking Advisory Council Board of the McCain Institute?

Ashton Kutcher

Godwillwin ago

someone married to a porn star and photographing her butt cheeks spread while having sex with her on a 20 foot canvas for all the world to see and calling it "art" should NOT be on the board of the international Center for Missing and Exploited Children

This is just so messed up! So so so so so messed up! How do people not ask questions?

Vindicator ago

Agree. The fact that this freak also specializes in giant balloon animals as well as giant porn is in my view even more concerning. That shit absolutely screams Pedo.

Godwillwin ago

Look at this "art" of his. Little angel children with a pig And some weird little devil child at the butt of the pig??

This dude just looks like a pedo. What a weirdo!

coincidencesmyass ago

I am so tired of the "art" excuse being used to promote perversion. Perverts should not be allowed around children, that's like alcoholics in a bar. This is common sense.

warrior_of_light ago

Great analogy!

jml1201 ago

Its mind boggling

Godwillwin ago

these last paragraphs are most important

"Who is on the the Human Trafficking Advisory Council at the Board of The McCain Institute? "Ernie Allen is a world leader in the fight against child abduction, sexual exploitation, sexual violence and human trafficking. He was founder of the International Center for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) Mr. Allen was founder and first Chairman of the Board of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)"

Who are some of The McCain Institutes donors over 100k? The Eranda Rothschild Foundation – Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild -Hess Foundation, Inc - The Hungary Initiatives Foundation - Libra Group The Maffei Foundation - McCain Presidential Campaign - McCain Institute Foundation MEG Energy - The Perelman Family Foundation Inc. - Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia and many more

Who was the ICMEC officially launched by? ICMEC held its first Board of Directors meeting in May 1998.[9] It was officially launched in April 1999 at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., by Hillary Clinton, then-First Lady of the United States, and Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair"

I think this is the biggest connection that has been made so far.

Yes. The kidnappers are head of the organizations that are supposed to rescue missing children as well as the organizations that are supposed to flag predatory images of children on the website.

jml1201 ago

We need some more diggers looking into this.

Captcha822 ago

This seems pretty big.

Also, why is Saudi Arabia donating to the McCain Institute? They donated 1 million dollars!

Investigate1999 ago

Also, why is Saudi Arabia donating to the McCain Institute? They donated 1 million dollars!

Are you asking, because you are curious, or because you are agreeing with him, or for another reason?

Captcha822 ago

I'm asking because it seems very odd

Investigate1999 ago

I wish that I could answer that for you.

I just assume that billionaires don't feel the crunch, when they donate a million, so I don't understand why they donate chump change like that. I just assume that they donate for a simple bribe.

On the surface, according to the narrative, they are donating to a wonderful foundation that does a huge amount of charitable work. For example, when it comes to helping Katrina victims, the Gulf Of Mexico Victims, or Haiti victims, then you can be sure that a million bucks can make a difference to the victims, but not to the billionaires.

However, I'm sure that the motives are much more sinister. I'm no expert, but I think that the key is to look at the dates, and then see if there is a correlation to an event. Since they have often donated in the past, we can guess that all donations will have correlating events. These events should form a pattern.

Does anybody have a list of donations coming out of Saudi Arabia to the Clinton Foundation...or any foundation, for that matter?

momojaja ago

Really great digging and there is connecting links here. In the spirit of hiding in plain sight, child traffickers perfect cover is to embed themselves in the very system designed to track them.

anonentity ago

Then their computers should have obvious signs of them marketing their product. To do this they would probably go through a middle man. Whats the best livestock to sell that gets the best price?

jml1201 ago

Thanks, we still have to find a huge link. These are all pointing us in the right direction I feel

jml1201 ago

I have to look into that guy more, my brain is fried at the moment.

In_Cog_Nito ago

(I had to remove every link in this post because I was getting a message saying Submission contains banned domains. To view all the links removed click the link above)

It was the Amazon link. Amazon is banned.

dindonufin ago

amazon banned? spamtastic!

dindonufin ago

oh wow, that is actually VERY nice information

jml1201 ago

Ahhhh I removed about 14 links all for 1 amazon link.

garretthates12 ago

Edit it and add them!

jml1201 ago

Just did

derram ago :


This has been an automated message.

jml1201 ago

Laura Silsby Silsby's company advertises Operation Smile. She may have also been more involved than described in this PR but I'm not positive. "By purchasing your holiday gifts from's Operation Smile Gift Collection, you can provide the chance for these children to lead normal lives."

Who was on the board of directors for Operational smile? "Cindy Hensley McCain has dedicated her life to improving the lives of those less fortunate both in the United States and around the world. Cindy serves as co-chair of the Arizona Governor’s Council on human trafficking and on the McCain Institute’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council. She is dedicated to efforts to reduce human trafficking in Arizona, throughout the United States and around the world, as well as working to improve the lives of victims of human trafficking. Through her work with the McCain Institute, several partnerships have been formed with anti-trafficking organizations working on solving various aspects of the problem. Cindy also served on the Board of Directors for Operation Smile, a non-profit organization whose mission is to repair cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities for children around the world."

Who is on the the Human Trafficking Advisory Council at the Board of The McCain Institute? "Ernie Allen is a world leader in the fight against child abduction, sexual exploitation, sexual violence and human trafficking. He was founder of the International Center for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) Mr. Allen was founder and first Chairman of the Board of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)"

Who are some of The McCain Institutes donors over 100k? The Eranda Rothschild Foundation – Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild -Hess Foundation, Inc - The Hungary Initiatives Foundation - Libra Group The Maffei Foundation - McCain Presidential Campaign - McCain Institute Foundation MEG Energy - The Perelman Family Foundation Inc. - Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia and many more

Who was the ICMEC officially launched by? ICMEC held its first Board of Directors meeting in May 1998.[9] It was officially launched in April 1999 at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., by Hillary Clinton, then-First Lady of the United States, and Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair

lawfag123 ago

I did not see any strong connections between Amber Alerts and AlertSense using google, but I was able to find a crystal clear connection search for alertsense + Arizona, given the connection to Arizona:

By broadcasting frequent public alerts, descriptions and other vital information in the crucial first hours after a child abduction, the Arizona AMBER Alert can enlist large numbers of citizens in an effort to recover the child as soon as possible. AMBER Alert notifications are supported by the AlertSense AMBER Alert Web Based System and the Emergency Alert System (EAS).

Funny there is no mention of AMBER Alert on AlertSense's website. See

lawfag123 ago

Timeline Highlighting connections between Laura and Hillary (feel free to suggest additions/revisions)

1984 – US Congress established NCMEC.

1998 – Hillary Clinton launches ICMEC.

January 1, 2001 – Hillary receives update regarding Laura Silsby’s NGO.

May 5, 2010 – Huma Abedin send Hillary an email updating her on the status of Laura Silsby’s legal trouble in Haiti

May 17, 2010 – Laura Silsby found guilty of child trafficking.

October 2015 – Laura Silsby married Normal Gayler. Now her name is Laura Gayler.

December 11, 2016 – Laura* is a corporate officer of AlertSense.

Amber Alerts are supported by AlertSense.

jml1201 ago

Thanks for the timeline!

On wikileaks database it says 2001. When you open the PDF it says 2015 Something is odd here.

"January 1, 2001 – Hillary receives update regarding Laura Silsby’s NGO. "

lawfag123 ago

Ah, I think the PDF is correct. I will edit it

lawfag123 ago

Actually, was 8/31/2015 the date it was sent, or declassified?

jml1201 ago

I'm not sure but now that I think about it why would they be sending this in 2015?

jml1201 ago

This email doesn't even say who its from and who it's sent to when you open the document. Did they scrub some of the info?

warrior_of_light ago

Wow dude. Wow. Just think. There is ACTUALLY a person called Normal. Gayler. The case against his parents deserves its own justice.

Investigate1999 ago


OP, thank you so much for this work.

Hey, guys! I think that somebody needs to make an infographic showing the connections and a rough timeline. This is too tough to digest for mere mortals like me.

If somebody does that, then would you be willing to confirm the accuracy of the infographic with respect to your findings, OP?

jml1201 ago

Yeah that would be a good idea! FYI the findings of the post are from a redditor. I just added the part I left in the comment section.

SinGunChaser ago

Whelp... boys and girls, this is what i like to call a doozie. I mean, the connections and framework are in place. IF the Clinton's wanted to traffick kids they had access to plenty of areas where they could take kids, disaster areas, war zones, schools, orphanages and they had there people in place everywhere there needed to be to make it look like they were doing every thing they could to help kids while simultaneously syphoning them into a massive, undetectable system of government sactioned sex trafficking. I mean, we can't prove the crimes occurred, but opportunity? I mean...

goat_cheese_pizza ago

Fuck me sideways.

YingYangMom ago

My first thought, but without the sideways part.