noreturn4me ago

Has anyone considered contacting parents of missing children. Noreen Gosch has experience, an organization, and a book. She seems like a wealth of knowledge. Here is her contact info. [email protected] Human Resources Department Johnny Gosch Foundation 1258 Office Park Road, Suite 2

lamare ago

There's also a page "Supranational society: Masterlist of 1,300 NGOs and the top 400 people in them":

Both John and Tony Podesta are listed. John is listed as being a member of:

  • Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
  • Roosevelt Institution (founded in 2005; merged with the Roosevelt Institute in 2007)
  • The Constitution Project
  • Center for American Progress (CAP)
  • Truman National Security Project (TNSP)
  • Media Matters for America (MMfA) - Analyses U.S. news sources and very anti Fox News. David Brock (founder). John Podesta provided office space at his Center for American Progress. Hillary Clinton (early advisor) | George Soros ($1 million donation in 2010, but his groups have been backing MMfA since its inception).
  • Center for a New American Security (CNAS)
  • Aspen Institute
  • Open Society Foundations (formerly Open Society Institute)
  • Energy Future Coalition (EFC)
  • Managing Global Insecurity
  • Rockefeller Initiative on UFO disclosure
  • Coalition for Freedom of Information (CFI)
  • Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy
  • Foreign Affairs Policy Board, State Department

Tony is listed as being a member of:

  • People for the American Way (PFAW) (founding president 1981-1987)