Godwillwin ago

Right, but why the Christmas association at all? Maybe the video was released during the Christmas season to advertise for the February ghost games??

Birdzeyeview ago

FFS more crap from you tinfoil hatters. Maddie was dead, possibly by accident (eg drug OD) and what possible use is a dead child to pedophiles. ? or are you nuts gonna claim the Podestas are necrophiliacs now? nothing would surprise me from here, this is all BS. Maddie was dead in the villa and dead in the parents' car, both were indicated by cadaver dog, you can see the videos of the dog for yourselves. The parents killed her and they disposed of her body then went about lying from there on. End of story.

Brinecat ago

https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/53125 - Hmmm... Wonder if Delta Had any flights from DC to Portugal around those dates.

KansasJakeBG ago

John Podesta was hanging out with President Uribe of Columbia in the US a few days before the McCann abduction. I am surprised that this has not been published so far. At least I have not seen it.

http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/4/30/329249/- http://archive.is/XN4gi

https://www.americanprogress.org/events/2007/05/02/16512/colombia-the-united-states-at-a-crossroads-a-conversation-with-president-alvaro-uribe/ http://archive.is/AHgKj

remedy4reality ago

yada, yada, yada... the Podesta's look EXACTLY like the police composites


ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I was in the United States when JFK was shot. I was two years old, but hey...I know more about the McCann case than this video maker. I've read more, reviewing sources from different angles. And dogs don't lie, but people do. Next.

OrwellKnew ago

Good point, but I don't think that Law Enforcement in the UK can be trusted to conduct a real investigation and bring charges. After all, they were in on the coverup of Jimmie Saville

pizzagate_is_fake ago

Friend mod, flag and delete this post. Pizzagate is false news. Grow up and realize people are laughing behind your backs.

christa ago

You ask where he read about genetic defects, but you don't source the evidence for the dog conclusion? I understand it's on wikipedia, but seems strange to do that in response.

One question I have, how long does it take for a 'cadaver smell' to be present before a service dog like that can detect it. I ask because you said the body had been there 'long enough to leave a cadaver smell' and I'm curious what long enough means. I have no idea - not baiting you or anything.

You ask good questions though I think, and imo while on the subject, it's also worth noting that the dogs alerted to cadaver/blood scent on a Bible from the apartment with a passage the Bible's owner had marked from 2 Samuel, about the death of a child. While I'm not sure the dog evidence should be admissible in court, I do think it's interesting info, considering all the occult-implications that have been discussed.

Here's the wiki section on the dogs, for anyone who's curious: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Madeleine_McCann#British_sniffer_dogs

and video of the dogs aiding in searches during the McCann case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EHJjpXii9o

(I think the hit on the car can be explained away just from hitting an animal with the vehicle or just roadkill elements from the road, but not so easy to eliminate the hits in the apartment)

YingYangMom ago

I've followed the Madeleine McCann story for a long time, viewed hours and hours of videos (in particular Richard D. Hall's video "Buried by Mainstream Media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIjPcvmVzUo and "The phantoms" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1beP_NyFsg as well as 'The truth of the lie' video based on the book written by Portuguese lead investigator Gonçalo Amaral https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_ZdDTsFC2g read dozens of articles about it and went through the Portuguese police files http://www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/ and I am confident in saying that the parents are in some way involved in her disappearance, not only due to the fact that their body language has betrayed them more than once, "Body language, spotting the McCanns lies #PIZZAGATE" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvU9fgMi3Kw but also because of their "Embedded confessions" here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0SDo86ws2Q

With these new leads about John and Tony Podesta, I am starting to come up with a theory that I will share with you. According to all the evidence presented in the videos, the testimonies and police files, I believe that Gerry McCann (possibly also Kate) had made a 'deal' with the Podestas, (possibly through a mutual friend) to give them time spent with Madeleine (20 minutes), but that something went horribly wrong and as a result, Madeleine died. Instead of leaving her dead body in the apartment, they transported her to another location to spare the McCanns the blame as well as give them time to come up with a solution to clear the mess they had gotten themselves into. Kate, which was shocked not to find her daughter in the apartment at the scheduled time of her visit, came back running to the Tapas restaurant and shouted "They've taken her".

Feel free to disagree and comment.

sunajAeon ago

Its amazing how MSN (and most people ) skip over the fact that one of the most powerful men in Government is staying at the home of a KNOWN PEDOPHILE, regardless of anything else!

LeChevalBlanc ago

Ah! Today... just had forgotten about Saint Nicholas legend... three kids been chopped by the butcher and made into pies for sale... at least it was famine time then!

smokemirrors ago

Not even six degrees of separation: Kate and Gerry McCann's spokesperson, Clarence Mitchell, used to work for Rupert Murd$ch's ex-son in law Matthew Freud, whose dad Clement Freud....you know the rest. https://www.linkedin.com/in/clarence-mitchell-58746b42

ps: Bonus fact! Have fun watching LOVE ACTUALLY (or NOTTING HILL or FOUR WEDDINGS AND A...) this Christmas. The films were written and directed by Richard Curtis; Clement Freud's SON IN LAW.

pps: Richard's father was an executive at UNILEVER. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1516075

Happy holidays!

we_kill_creativity ago

Richard Curtis

Any relation to Adam Curtis? The BBC documentary film maker?

smokemirrors ago

google is your friend

christa ago

To be fair on your PS front, just because his father-in-law may be a monster involved in heinous shit and dad is at Unilever, we shouldn't exactly implicate Richard Curtis. Not right away at least.

I mean, my own mom is a meth-head and my dad's a drunk, my brother is in prison, and my sister is in rehab, and I don't share nefarious common bonds with any of them. Considering that, I can't imagine how much I'd have uncommon with a garbage in-law.

Upvoat for good/interesting info though where it counts though; I'm just saying you may not have destroyed 'Love Actually' for me -- unless upon rewatch I notice lots of pizza, pasta puttanesca, and/or pedo-swirl triangles.


I've yet to see anyone make the connection between Lucien Freud (part of the Freud family, incestual portrait artist for U.K. royalty, died 2011 - https://youtu.be/VA6yGLydWtc)) and Art Collector; Tony Podesta. It should be fairly obvious that Modern Art is just one means among many to launder money, but is there anywhere that has a full list of Tony Podesta's art collection?

smokemirrors ago

Loved your response. Don't let it ruin Love Actually, or any of his other greats (so many.) He seems like a decent 'bloke' as Brits would say. And Emma certainly didn't ask to be her father's daughter. Happy Holidays.

shwanky ago

Sorry but when I here this guy talk he reminds me of Mr Macky from South Park.

LawofTruth ago

I know mmmkay

smokemirrors ago

Lots of interesting comments under the YouTube video of the Madeline McCann link. Including one that says the Podestas paid Kate McCann to write her (absurd) book. Totally believe it. HOPE NOBODY IS FORGETTING THAT CLEMENT FREUD'S SON, MATTHEW FREUD IS THE ex-SON IN LAW OF R@PERT M&RDOCH*

Edit: *Lineage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Freud

0101limey0101 ago


And Latham connects Freud to Podesta !

"John Podesta->Sara Latham->Matthew Freud"

smokemirrors ago

Matthew Freud is connected to all sorts of suspicious corpses. ill post a few names later. In the meantime, google the "chipping Norton set" and odd death of Christopher Shale: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2011/jun/26/christopher-shale-glastonbury-festival-memo

Kinda handy having R. Murdoch as Daddy-in-law (now ex.) when you need to keep a few things off the front pages.

contrarianism ago

coincidence you conspiraturds

Fateswebb ago

Wait they do confirm this? At what point in the video what's the source?

Birdzeyeview ago

I have read another account that when she returned to the Tapis Bar she said '" we've let her down"' which is what Drs say when they lose a patient. I think she more likely died of an accidental drug OD given by parents as she had disturbed neighbours already that week, being left without babysitters. I cannot verify the comment but I know the parents were involved and know exactly how she died and where her body is now.

smokemirrors ago

Yes, because every mother you know, including ones who are doctors, would state about their beloved child "we've let her down" upon finding them missing. Please think critically. Any mother would be howling for their kid, not throwing out medical jargon. Shill.

carmencita ago

For some reason I still feel that Gerry McCann was involved. Was he allowing them to have access to Maddy and she was surprised that they had actually taken her?

roundhouse1776 ago

I think this is it. The parents run in the same globalist social circles as the Podestas. They agreed to give them time with Maddie, because the Podestas are extremely powerful in this underworld scene. Thus why they gave her sleep medicine and left her home while they went out to eat (what parents would leave a 4 year old home alone?) For whatever reason, they snatched Maddie, I'm not going to pretend to know why. It could have been because of her rare genetic defect, which I've read is highly prized among pedophiles. If you want to go even crazier, George Soros has the same defect, maybe he needed her for blood transfusions. Who knows.

sunajAeon ago

This lends credence to the idea that these people are actually genetically different from humans-this is shit I just can't see people doing, this is a slave trade, with at least 50,000 children, so that means at least a million workers are needed to run an operation like this, imagine the money involved, the profits are astronomical, and this is run and managed by the CIA

Godwillwin ago

I did not follow Madeleine's case closely, so I have been wondering if the sketches were INDEED the official possible suspects sketches BEFORE this year? I know that on the official site for Madeleine the sketches are there now, but I'm curious as to how long they've been there??

christa ago

The e-fit generated images that look like the Podesta brothers or different sketches? The e-fits were released in 2013, and this info is easily accessible on the web. I'm not sure why people keep alleging they came out this year (if that's what you're referring to)? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Madeleine_McCann#Smith_sighting

Godwillwin ago

Thank you. Yes. It clearly says beneath the suspect e-fit generated images "released in 2013"

So anyone saying the "alt right" is trying to make podesta look bad with "fake news" is lying. The images of 2 male suspects that look EXACTLY like the Podesta brothers have existed since 2013- several years before the 2016 election.

Orange_Circle ago

They were released about 5 years after Maddie disappeared.

AuntGeek ago

This in the Guardian: Madeleine kidnapped 2007; Article posted 2013; “Descriptions of the suspect were given to the Portuguese inquiry by two witnesses after Madeleine disappeared. It is only now, after Metropolitan police detectives cross-referenced all the information gathered by Portuguese detectives, private investigators and the mobile phone data from the resort, that the significance of the witness statements has been fully understood.” --Like maybe the significance of the witnesses statements were descriptions of two different men, not one man?? https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/oct/14/british-detectives-efits-madeleine-mccann-suspect

Orange_Circle ago

Makes sense.

concernedaboutitall ago

I checked the archived versions and didn't see them until November, if I remember right... I checked a few weeks back.

Aysemari ago

DON'T believe this for a second. All the witnesses in the case reported of only seeing one man. These perfectly drawn police mug shots are too convenient. I am not saying Podesta wasn't involved, but I am also NOT saying that there parents are innocent. There were many discrepancies in their stories and contradictions. I think this is a red herring, these shots are there to either keep the Podesta in line or who knows they may throw them under the bus to cover up the immense wheel of corruption and child trafficking.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

No matter what they said, neither of these sketches were based on "witness recollection". No "witness recollection" would be detailed enough to even catch Tony's mole. No, this was law enforcements way of pointing the finger at the culprits they weren't allowed to arrest (I am sure the police were absolutely irate about not being allowed to prosecute). Sketches based on "witness recollection" that are practically photographs of the Podesta brothers.

comeonpeople ago

How do you think it makes sense that they're "not allowed" to go after the Podestas, and aren't "allowed" to say there were two men or how old they were -- instead they were I guess "forced" to say it was one man 20-40 years old -- but are "allowed" to release pictures of them?

contrary_mma_hipster ago

That's the information that was leaked, that they were not allowed to arrest the perpetrators - it was not something i just made up.

comeonpeople ago

It was not "leaked", it was rumored.

And in any case, it makes no sense at all to be unable to arrest them, unable to name them, while simultaneously being allowed to release supposedly dead-on pictures of them. You think the Illuminati keeping them from making arrests would be fooled?

Forgetmenot ago

Diplomatic immunity would be one theory

comeonpeople ago

Diplomatic immunity would prevent them from being arrested and prosecuted, not prevent them from being named as the suspects.

Nor would it force them to pretend the efits are of one suspect in his 20s to 40s, instead of two suspects in their 50s to 60s.

Forgetmenot ago

Makes sense.

christa ago

Not true. Witnesses have alleged multiple men were seen and potentially involved, but only one man was seen carrying what was believed to have been the missing child.


EQJ ago

On this particular sketch there was an article written shortly thereafter, Ruling this person out. A man came forward stating it was him carrying his child home from a daycare after work at like 10pm or somewhere around then.

christa ago

Where? Which/what "sketch"?

Aysemari ago

So ask yourself this, why are these mug shots being released now? You mean to tell me as accurate as those are and as much of a public figure as Podesta is, they couldn't make the link?

crazimal ago

There is a possibility that the efits resembling podestas were inserted into the article by any one of the U.K. , EU or possibly even middle eastern intelligence service as a "message" to the podestas that some government was displeased with any of the podestas's lobbying work in behalf of middle eastern or other client states, or having to do with other connections between podestas and intelligence agencies.

A little more subtle than a horse head on the pillow, but just a little.... KGB, Israel, ???, who else? Who owns the media where efits first appeared? It's a definite possibility, whether they were actually involved in the crime or not, that this was done to warn them, either as in giving them a "heads up" helpful warning, a threat, or both.

Orange_Circle ago

They were released about five years after Maddie disappeared.

christa ago

What mug shots? If you're referring to the e-fit police sketches, they were released in 2013.

party1981 ago

The mug shots were released many years ago.

I agree that the police made the sketches to look exactly like that. But I think they did that because they thought that the podestas were probably guilty.

basil999 ago

Some interesting seemingly unconnected data; Maddy disappears May 2007. Also in 2007 The Apes upload The Neutered Noel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oicUO0sz08c . The words starting in the video at :42 "There once was a college turd, with a Jew Fro, he read all the blogs, went to all the shows at his nonprofit job downloading fads jerking his worm to American Apparel ads, he rubbed and he tugged but nothing came out Great Scott I've been neutered he began to shout, how did this happen, makes no sense at all, are my pants too tight constricting my balls, little turd little turd how could you know, you've been neutered by fads weak music and shows but fear not little one salvation's at hand on Feb 19th ghost games will land" (I believe they are talking about a local music writer, M. C.) but also in the "book" The Satanic Cult of Mafra (A Portuguese Tale of Incest) released in 2005 in Portugal by Ronald Charles Wolf (which may have been written by one of the Apes) the King in the story is impotent, "neutered" by syphilis. http://pastebin.com/m7nENxw8 Why this emphasis on "neutered" both in the song title and content of the video and in the book? Has there been any mention of anyone suspected of being involved in any of this whole pedophile subject being neutered?

ich1baN ago

Read my VOAT post on this... I explain it pretty clearly why they continually use male-female duality.... It's all a reference to their ancient Egyptian ritual they look up to Osiris-Isis-horus:


Godwillwin ago

Was the video released on Christmas? Why the Christmas theme?

Orange_Circle ago

They hate God.

knewyorickknewyorick ago

God lets nothing happen.

Godwillwin ago

Good dot connecting


Antinious was castrated (JA's profile picture on IG)

samhara ago

The "Heaven's Gate" cult connected to a 'Terrorist" nest in San Diego, since they were renting a house from the same man who sheltered some alleged "Middle Eastern Jihadist Terrowists" [ i.e. Same people involved. ] Need I say more? Part of the mind - control operations / fake terrorism psy - op et cetera. They convince people to castrate themselves? - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s_Gate_(religious_group) - Link to info on "Heaven's Gate"

samhara ago

From Wiki " Open only to adults over the age of eighteen,[56] group members gave up their material possessions and lived a highly ascetic life devoid of many indulgences. The group was tightly knit and everything was shared communally. In public, members always carried only a five-dollar bill and one roll of quarters.[57] Eight of the male members of the group, including Applewhite, voluntarily underwent castration in Mexico as an extreme means of maintaining the ascetic lifestyle.[58]"

samhara ago

There were a ancient group called the "GALI" who were all castrated; it was a cult in the ancient world. Perhaps the "drag - queen" personae fits in with the "castration" fantasy. There is a Satan cult now who castrate themselves as part of their body modifiaction fetish. And even eating the penis after it is dismembered.

The cult leader "Applewhite" who was part of the alleged suicide cult around the Comet! , ["Heaven's Gate" ] some years back, promoted castration. If you look at the analysis of Tracy Tyman of the hand signal of Podesta, goes into the castration cult. Podesta's Fish and 14 hand tattoos explained - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfNi71V2CRA -

christa ago

IIRC, that's speculation. He died in the river, and in my opinion, was likely murdered by Hadrian, BUT no historical documents put forth that he had been castrated; there's no evidence of this - unless you have info I've not seen.


kinda hard to prove today - but it is part of the myth as I have heard it

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Perhaps some of the transexuals in the circle like Tamera Luzzato?

quantokitty ago

Yeah, that info has not been confimed anymore than the DC investigated CP. We've all read that, but it's not slam dunk yet. When I read this headline, I thought it was something new.

SheSaidDestroy ago

However, his home had been loaned to friends of his- John and Tony Podesta.

Do we have a primary source for this claim, in particular?

The full snippet is:

Police in Suffolk have confirmed the now-known Pedaphile, Clement Freud, was out of the country when Madeleine was abducted. However, his home had been loaned to friends of his- John and Tony Podesta.

Which I'm finding in the overall piece being copy/pasted across multiple sites, but is there a primary source for the claim about the Podestas having occupied the home of Clement Freud?

The article being referenced the most seems to be this one: http://victuruslibertas.com/2016/11/do-john-and-tony-podesta-have-a-connection-with-missing-child-madeleine-mccann/

In which they claim their source is an "FBI insider" -

One of our FBI insiders can confirmed the Intelligence community indicates John and Tony Podesta were in Praia da Luz, Portugal on May 3rd 2007– the day Madaline McCann vanished.

Given everything, this claim is very plausible, but it's not the same thing as a primary source, such as a statement from the actual Suffolk police. Furthermore, same guy in video (sounds like) actually reached out to the Suffolk police and actually asked:


The Suffolk police responded and denied the claim.

Please everyone be very careful not to fall for bait like this.

Be ever vigilant and mindful that TPTB want to bait pizzagate investigators with "fake news" in order to sway public opinion. Be mindful that TPTB have an easy time establishing themselves as controlled opposition and operating in a psyop manner. They are fully aware that our natural human desire for JUSTICE and for the rescue and protection of child victims is incredibly strong, and that therefore many of us feel DESPERATE to find the 'smoking gun' or otherwise strong evidence/proof to nail these perpetrators. This does not mean we are fools, but rather that we are human beings with our morality in tact.

But those who work against our efforts to expose this corruption will try to use that as a weakness against us. We must be mindful and vigilant about this.

KansasJakeBG ago

There is NO PRIMARY CLAIM FOR THIS. The apparition of these sketches in 2013 is very mysterious. We are witnessing people inside law enforcement do things that indicate there is a war between FBI and CIA on this front.

Other avenues that make no sense to me:

Murdoch's bulldog protege, Rebekah Brooks, in 2012 lead the charge for the last burst of investigation in to the McCann case and this is what prompted the release of these sketches. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/rebekah-brooks-accused-of-bullying-government-over-mccanns-7737611.html

Murdoch's daughter was married to Clement Freud's son, who is a PR maven in the UK.

We know Clement Freud, the "lugubrious" pedophile who befriended the McCanns after the abduction, had an alibi.

But that is all we know.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Right you are. Flairing "accuracy in question."

ExplainerOfThings ago

very plausible, but it's not the same thing as a primary source,

So don't let them accuse you of spreading fake news. Due Diligence, prove what you know.

Don-Keyhote ago

is that guy on voat? how can he send such an embarrassingly poorly-written email and then publicize it?

lawfag123 ago

Very very happy to see this type of source-checking.

christa ago

Yeah, in the video the narrator says he's going to link to that initial article, but we don't see such a link in the description. Until he provides that, I'm skeptical of the allegation, although I do suspect the Podestas are highly likely to be those in the 'police sketch'.

Birdzeyeview ago

the freakin sketch never came from the POlice!

christa ago

Mmmhmm. I know. This is why I put it in quotes, because 'police sketch' is typically the term - I never said it came FROM the police. I mean, technically it's not a 'sketch' either, so pleae stop obsessing over an arbitrary detail that doesn't mean what you think it does - we are aware it came from who the McCann's sought help from....

contrary_mma_hipster ago

The police sketch was just the local Law Enforcement dry snitching on the Podestas since they weren't allowed to make an arrest. Thank you, nameless officers.

Freemasonsrus ago

I can't imagine it being anything else. Unless it was a "witness" who came in and helped create those pics. Someone there to do the same job as you refer to the police possibly doing, except an insider threatening themed others for some reason. I could also see those being created by an insider when they were actually innocent, again as a threat. Parents have always seemed innocent to me

Alpo ago

According to this and other articles, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2478087/Why-Madeleine-McCann-suspect-E-fits-kept-secret-5-years.html the efits weren't made by local police but by private investigators hired by the McCanns.

"In 2008, the McCanns used money from their charity fund to hire investigators from a firm called Oakley International, led by former MI5 surveillance officer Henri Exton, to look into the mystery – and they focused on the Smith sighting. They produced a dossier and called for the E-fits to be published. They also suggested Madeleine could have died after wandering off."

christa ago

How'd you conclude that?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah this dude above is concern trollin calling the efits fake news

christa ago

Well the writers of the site linked are making a sensational claim that the Podestas stayed in Clement Freud's home nearby without citing ANY evidence supporting this. I wouldn't say he's "concern trollin'"...

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

He literally labeled this fake news. I dont think youre cut out for this conspiracy stuff just stick to the mainstream media

christa ago

Please show me where "the dude above" labeled the e-fits "fake news"?

I find it really interesting you jump to make conclusions about me when I'm a mod who takes the entire investigation super seriously, and I don't watch mainstream news unless I feel like punishing myself for some reason.

Sorry if my opinion offended you so much that you felt compelled to be condescending for no justifiable reason, I guess... but that's the kind of attitude that alienates people from pizzagate information and deters them from learning more, so I'd say you're less "cut out" for it.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Learn how to read b4 u come lecturing me on some bullshit "Be ever vigilant and mindful that TPTB want to bait pizzagate investigators with "fake news" in order to sway public opinion. "

christa ago

All he said was that they want to bait us with "fake news" and you should keep it in mind. That certainly is not calling the e-fits fake news -- he's just telling you to be mindful of potential traps.

But ok.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

What level reading comprehension are u operating at? Quit falling for these shills' bullshit.

HashTagFU ago

STFU doucebag.

christa ago

I'm content with it being vastly higher than yours. To prove this I'll ask you a question that I'm confident you won't be able to answer, and I'll even try to help you out a little:

Again, show me where he called the E-FITS "fake news"?

Hint: He never did.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Okay then summarize the purpose of his post for me. What was his point? In response to what? UPDATE: I read his post again, doesnt look like a shill. He's pointing out this video is bullshit, but does it in a roundabout manner. Sorry my mistake. I recognize the voice on the video.

christa ago

He was referring to what he had quoted. This:

Police in Suffolk have confirmed the now-known Pedaphile, Clement Freud, was out of the country when Madeleine was abducted. However, his home had been loaned to friends of his- John and Tony Podesta.

That is the aspect of the video that he was considering could possibly be a "fake" allegation. This is why he goes on to further elaborate that while plausible, it seems to be false because "Police in Suffolk" never confirmed this. So he is telling us to be mindful of sensational claims like "Police confirmed the Podestas stayed at Clement Freud's" because they might be purposely planted misinfo or just plain false.

He wasn't saying the E-Fits were fake at all.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Why do bullshit posts like this always get voted up so high?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Its all bullshit. Cops never confirmed one way or another. All they did is deny that they confirmed it. Its literally meaningless. You cant use that as an argument to why the efits would be planted disinfo. The efits are a dead ringer. Nobody can tell me those arent significant. Maybe the guy is a shill, its getting harder and harder to spot, theyre becoming more nuanced.

christa ago

I agree with him, we should be careful about purposeful disinfo meant to mislead us, 'cause it'll bite us in the ass later and be used to discredit the entire thing -- we've already seen some attempts at this.

That said, I 100% think the e-fits are real and significant. If they weren't genuine, the Podestas would have jumped on the opportunity to say they weren't in Portugal and that's definitely not them. On the other hand, to say they stayed at Freud's is just speculation if you have zero means to prove it or make the connection. For now (trust me, I'd love to make that connection).

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Disinfo: spot it and call it out. Dont obsess on every "mistake" we make. We're amatuers and this is not a courtroom. If we wanna talk about disinfo, talk about how Alex Jones pushed the "newcummers" document. And ignored the download page. The media should be able to distinguish between disinfo and real info. If they cant do that theyre garbage.

UglyTruth ago

The house purchases add significance to the efits


RebelSkum ago

I very much agree with the overall point. I feel like too many things without vested interest in #Pizzagate point to the Podestas being in Praia da Luz, though, so I think it's important to remember. Honestly, until Madeleine's case is solved, there has been around 40 other people interrogated for their involvement and it seems like the Podestas and Clement Freud could afford and explanation at the very least. Plenty of other "loose connections" have been explored at this point.


Clement died in 2009 so there's that

RebelSkum ago

Thanks for that undeniably good point. Still wouldn't exclude the Podestas as having valuable info though as they could possibly account for Clement's whereabouts.

Konran ago

Clement Freud could afford and [sic] explanation at the very least

That might be difficult seeing as he is dead.

Don-Keyhote ago

If they were there they entered and left through the garage in tinted cars, cuz I went there and interviewed many locals. The place is the size of your living room and not only did no one recall their ugly-ass faces but no one had ever been shown the efits either.

The efits were suppressed by the McCanns themselves according to this account: http://miscarriageofjustice.co/index.php?topic=2794.0

RebelSkum ago

One of the Wiki team looked into the source of the Efits. Interesting stuff: http://pizzagate.wiki/Disappearance_of_Madeleine_McCann

2impendingdoom ago

right, confirmation one way or another. There should be records of entry if the Podestas flew into Portugal.

RebelSkum ago

Those records would be great, but it's been 9 years. I would be willing to bet those don't exist anymore, but that's just my pessimism talking.

Cantilever ago

Thanks for the reminder. Nice catch!