salinaslayer ago

comments are being deleted here

flyingcuttlefish ago

Here's more on CF and Unilever -

I will add this post to the comments there so it can be found later .... The post has "Unilever" in the search tags.

superesper ago

Unilever also owns "Heartbrand" which uses the FBI listed "girl lover" symbol as their logo and has a blatantly pedophillic image on their homepage:

SpikyAube ago

Yeah once you know what that symbol means, it kind of looks like they are laughing at everyone with their sick in-joke.

dickface8 ago

So is it just a coincidence that there's so many coincidences? Or is it just a coincidence?

smokemirrors ago

Not even six degrees of separation: Kate and Gerry McCann's spokesperson, Clarence Mitchell, used to work for Rupert Murd$ch's ex-son in law Matthew Freud, whose dad Clement know the rest.

ps: Bonus fact! Have fun watching LOVE ACTUALLY (or NOTTING HILL or FOUR WEDDINGS AND A...) this Christmas. The films were written and directed by Richard Curtis; Clement Freud's SON IN LAW.

pps: Richard's father was an executive at UNILEVER.

Happy holidays!

Edit: included links

Orange_Circle ago

That's making my head spin.

salinaslayer ago

Update #3:

39th G8 held in the town housing the Clinton Peace Centre

salinaslayer ago

Update #2:

"Asked to clarifiy the Clinton Centre’s current financial position and if it received money from a fund called ‘Friends of Clinton Centre’, a spokesman from the Clinton Centre told The Impartial Reporter: “Currently a feasibility study is being undertaken with regard to assessing options for the future utilisation of the Clinton Centre. The social economy hub and the gallery space continue to be fully utilised and generate rent accordingly. In essence this constitutes the income for the Clinton Centre.” A successful Clinton Summer School which gave students from Northern Ireland the opportunity to increase their global awareness by examining sectarianism, segregation and racism with students from Kosovo and America was held for a number of years in the Clinton Centre. However now takes place at the William J. Clinton Leadership Institute at Queen’s University Belfast.

Hostelling International Northern Ireland had a youth hostel on the top two floors of the Clinton Centre for a number of years but they pulled out in December 2012."

Orange_Circle ago

They just brought the kids right on in.

smokemirrors ago

...and don't forget Crimewatch UK (very popular, high ratings, British version of 'America's Most Wanted', and ironically, used to be co-hosted by Pedo whistleblower victim - allegedly - JILL DANDO) also chose to produce a televised MCCANN SPECIAL the same month that article with the new e-fits, came out.

That's some pull, the McCanns have, to warrant an entire show. No other British high profile crime or missing kid scenario has ever prompted such BBC interest.

(Maddie Crimewatch)

(JIll Dando on Crimewatch)

SpikyAube ago

And, Clarence Mitchell, the New Labour govt PR guy was sent to be first on the scene when McCann disappeared, and also happened to be first on the scene after the Jill Dando murder. I would be very interested in any investigating that has been done into UK Pizzagate, because I'm sure there is tons of dirt. It's kind of looking like the UK establishment sent over some of theirs to help clean up and cover up in Portugal for some of the US pedo-faction.

salinaslayer ago

Update #1:

Hillary Clinton visit to Clinton Peace Centre, talks of biomedical research

comeonpeople ago

The coincidence is that the efits depicting ONE man look anything at all like the TWO Podesta brothers.

salinaslayer ago

Witnesses saw two people with the girl in separate occasions, Police assumed they're the same person as they were looking for a suspect

Confirmation bias?

comeonpeople ago

No, you're talking about different suspects.

The Irish couple mentioned in OP's article saw ONE man. The two efits that happen to look like the Podesta brothers are NOT based on any other suspects or any other witnesses' accounts. They are based on the description from THIS man and THIS woman of the ONE man they saw. The man makes it clear in this article, the head of the investigation made it clear on the BBC special where the efits were revealed.

UglyTruth ago

What explanation is both consistent with the facts and makes the minimum number of assumptions?

The theory:

The investigators hired by the McCanns produced efits from photographs of the Podesta Brothers. The police sat on the efits because they knew that they were inconsistent with the working theory that there was only single suspect for the abduction, and finally released them in order to give the impression that progress was being made.

SpikyAube ago

No it's been confirmed now that it WAS in fact two people. I can't remember where I read that, I will have a look.

comeonpeople ago

It may have been confirmed that two people were involved in the kidnapping.

The efits that look like the Podesta brothers are now and always have been two renderings of ONE man descrbied by the Irish couple.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

What are the odds statistically that two efits would so closely match two brothers, down to the mole above the eye?

comeonpeople ago

Beats me. Nor do I care. That's clearly what happened. What are the odds statistically that the last person who won the Powerball lottery would win?

You think they saw two guys walking down the street at night and used their cyborg infrared binoculo-vision to pick up the mole above the eye of one of them (but got the eye wrong)? You think these were the most unbelievably accurately observant witnesses in the history of crime? Have you ever in your life seen any police sketches/efits that were exact matches for the actual person once he was caught?

There is literally no remotely plausible explanation for why both the police and the witnesses would be forced to pretend there was only one young suspect, while still being allowed to release pictures of the two Podesta brothers.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I simply asked a question, and you jump off into hyperbole land. Christ it's difficult discussing anything with you.

comeonpeople ago

Oh, my bad, it was a genuine question, you really thought I might know what the statistical odds are that the efits would look like the Podestas.

Aysemari ago

Unilever plays a role in this, it is a huuuge company with over 100 brands under its belt. I posted about Unilever and 2 of the executives in the UK got exposed god pedoholia and also the the 17 old son of the company's American attorney got caught with thousand of child poronography, toddlers etc.

derram ago :

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