Fate0011 ago

And Jonh Podesta.....was their lawyer

Vindicator ago

@Fate0011, that's a damn sketchy website you've linked as your source. Got any corroborating sources with reputations for truthiness that verify this member list is accurate?

Fate0011 ago


Vindicator ago

Nice! Didn't know that feature was in there. Thanks for sharing. This post would be stronger if you picked one of those vintage sources that corroborate and added it. :-)

doubletake ago

answering your own question with a quote?

all of the outlets = 5-6 families. So, not so difficult to control. Sponsors don't want it either. IT INVOLVES THE ABSOLUTE WORSE CRIMES IMAGINABLE that have been officially condoned/covered-up by everyone, politicians, LE and reporters, since 1987's white house call boys from Boy's Town. Besides, if it gets out, the bad guys lose their blackmailing leverage, and the nation gets to puke together.

Fate0011 ago

I know bro :)

Aimed at informing others And taking a jab at the shills here, that literally are the media