Vindicator ago

@awarenessadventurer, I am flairing this "New Evidence" because after reading this creepy friggin email, I am convinced this stinks to high heaven. The many comments appear to agree. It is on par with the "pizza-related map" email. Nice find.

ansipizza ago

Sadly, this thread seems to have slid right off the map. Oops "map" can have inappropriate meanings here, so I'll say I feel this thread deserves a closer look than it has received so far. This email is obviously coded and to me it seems worthwhile to dig here.

crazimal ago

Actually read it and notice that it is an email Authored by Philip I Reines of state dept forwarded to HRC by huma abedin, with the text description, "pir's latest."

This is the context, and context is everything.

It is basically a joke, a satirical takeoff by reines in the kind of lengthy detailed and mindnumbing bureaucratic emails state dept employees are forced to read and write every day.

It seems the morocco trip was cancelled and perhaps HRC does hate Cathy Ashton especially if she won't take her calls, which would be apt to come late in the U.K./EU day due to time zones. So maybe HRC or her minions did have to do with the "hit piece" article.

The tilapia stuff is actually pretty funny. That shit sucks and it would be just like the government to serve it 19 different ways and make you read an encyclopedia about it while proclaiming it a special treat (like 2hrs of van rides) 17 restaurant reservations also a joke, gross exaggeration of security measures etc etc etc

Hidden meanings? Could be but.... if Someone wanted to send a coded message no reason to go to such length. Remember these are all people with access to messenger services, encryption, cyphers of all kinds.

Not very impressed with regards to pizza gate connection in this email

"Tilapia means vagina"

"No way dude tilapia means a child of specific age and ethnicity"

The dumbth is strong in here today...

awarenessadventurer ago

For me personally this is adequately covered and moving on to another email. I did find info on colors of vans used have different meaning and I am curious about a few other things like the time mentioned 7:23:47 but need to move on....

Commonwombat ago

Could the tilapia be codeword for children or organs from Egypt? The 2 hours could mean the organs have a limited life whilst in transit or the children are drugged and manageable for 2 hours? The 30 dinner locations are the drop off points and the food indicates what each location will receive.

SturdyGal ago

But would there be such needless repetition, cut-and-paste wiki filler, and overall giddiness? This is not what the average citizen thinks aides sound like and is completely unexpected. It sounds like the author is a lunatic or high, to be honest. The most likely explanation is that it is code for something.

awarenessadventurer ago*&beginDate=20121212&endDate=20121212&publishedBeginDate=&publishedEndDate=&caseNumber=

ON 12/12/12 same day as this little Horus adventure there is the following email regarding protecting infant circumcision in Germany.

Davis, Stacy Bernard Wednesday, December 12, 2012 11:36 AM Ireland, Andrew; Logsdon, Elijah J; Sandler, Susan; Taylor, John C EUR-WE-Germany-DL RE: Germany approves bill to protect male circumcision (AP) Thanks -- will share with Arab. Kozak, too. FYI, Eli Logsdon is no longer in IRF and has left the Department. Beth Huse Neil is the EUR team leader in IRF, if you want to add her to your list. Stacy Stacy Bernard Davis Senior Advisor to the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Office of International Religious Freedom (DRL/ IRF) Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor U.S. Department of State Phone 202-647-1212 Fax 202-647-3209 Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. Thank you. SBU This email is UNCLASSIFIED. REVIEW AUTHORITY: Martin McLean, Senior Reviewer From: Ireland, Andrew Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 11:17 AM To: Davis, Stacy Bernard; Logsdon, Elijah J; Sandler, Susan; Taylor, John C Cc: EUR-WE-Germany-DL Subject: FW: Germany approves bill to protect male circumcision (AP) Folks, The German Bundestag passed the bill on circumcision today. From: [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 10:30 AM 1 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2013-02760 Doc No. C05531763 Date: 04/14/2014 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2013-02760 Doc No. C05531763 Date: 04/14/2014 To: NEWS-EUR Subject: Germany approves bill to protect male circumcision (AP) BERLIN (AP) - German lawmakers have approved a bill to keep male infant circumcision legal after a regional court ruled earlier this year that the practice amounts to bodily harm. The government proposed the law following heavy criticism of the Cologne court ruling by Jewish and Muslim groups. Jews in particular consider male infant circumcision an ancient and essential part of their religious tradition. The new law, passed with 434 to 100 votes, grants parents the right to authorize the circumcision of their sons by a trained practitioner. Once the boy reaches six months of age the procedure needs to be performed by a doctor. A cross-party minority in Parliament had proposed that parents should have to wait until their son is 14 so he can give informed consent for the procedure.

IN honor of Horus?

awarenessadventurer ago

CAMERA SPRAY "3:30pm Camera Spray w/Cathy Ashton Time TBD"

If you google camera spray you get this: Day Light Shot taken from a speed flash camera of a truck using PhotoBlocker™ spray on its number plates. Night Shot taken from a speed flash camera of a car using PhotoBlocker™ spray on its number plates.

Camera Spray Product A majority of red light & speed cameras utilize a strong flash to photograph the license plate on your car. Once sprayed on your license plate, PhotoBlocker’s special formula produces a high-powered gloss that reflects the flash back towards the camera. This overexposes the image of your license plate, rendering the picture unreadable. With PhotoBlocker, your license plate is invisible to traffic cameras yet completely legible to the naked eye.

Does Camera Spray work? video


Jem777 ago

Following up on the Osiris story it leads to the Horus which in ancient times spoke about the eye of Horus (referred as a mark of some type in the eye). Other researchers have connected this to coloboma as seen in Madeline McCann, George Soros, and most of the elite ruling parties

awarenessadventurer ago

perhaps. And we also know that the all seeing eye (Eye of Horus) is the MOST known New World Order symbol that most of the population is very familiar with but dismiss because they lack knowledge of occult meaning. Eye of Horus is EVERYWHERE and I would say the most know in symbol of modern times.

awarenessadventurer ago

1st Course IS CHEESE predominantly (little girls) [Additional Note: on the side of the bag there will inexplicably be an imprint of a symbol of some kind that appears to be nothing more than a red splotch] Parmessan Crusted Baked Tilapia Salad garnished with Blue Cheese, Asiago Cheese, Provolone Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese, and Stuffed Shells Stuffed w/Red Wine Reduction Crusted Musht • A Loaf of Bread • Side Salad of Mini Eclairs • Dessert of fried fruit •

BEVERAGES - I believe they are drug cocktails for the Cheese and Sausage Beverage Service: Random concoction of a Fruit Juice Mixed with Seltzer (though somehow - despite a finite # of types of juices and mixes available in society - will never have been served on any previous flight, nor will it be served on any subsequent flight)

2rd Course - Sausage/Bacon I believe this is little boys. NOTE: A Light Snack will be served during this van movement • Jalapeno and Blue Cheese Tilapia Burger Topped with Thick Maple Bacon, Even Thicker Sausages, and Chocolate Chip Italian Ices • Medley of Squash, Zucchini, Almond Green Beans, and Key Lime Pie • Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Spinach Parfait • Dessert: Cannoli Stuffed w/Tilapia

Musht is another reference to Tilapia - I now beieve these could be Middle eastern & African children - Egyptian specifically "Historically, (tilapia) they have been of major importance in artisan fishing in Africa and the Middle East"

Side Salad of MIni Eclairs = baby girls

Thick Maple Bacon, Even Thicker Sausages, and Chocolate Chip Italian Ices = I believe these are referring to Male children of color and ethnicity.

Dessert of fried fruit = who the fuck knows but who fries fruit? I think we are well beyond that at this point. "Fried Fruit" could be used up children.

We know they have cannabilisitic interests. Is it possible they actually are consuming human flesh? (ala Spirit Cooking) according to the HOruse Myth and the Tilapia myths of egypt consuming it brings immortality. I belive it is a mix of references.

ansipizza ago

Some people theorized about a human trafficking scenario. In that case, maybe the trafficked victims are moved frequently so they won't know where they are or when something is about to happen. (This is only a wild guess.)

awarenessadventurer ago

I dont at this point. If you look at the patterns I think that this fits the pattern. Occult References, Code words, Food References for children. If we cant trut this, how can we trust ANY of it. IMO..... I do realize that it isnt enough to prove anything. None of it is. Which is why people reject the ENTIRE pizza/pedo-gate concept. They are legal experts and I have long believed that with the fall of the library of Alexandria by Rome's hand resulted in the secret wisdom/sex majik of the Mystery Schools has been in the hands of the Saturnian occultists, in secret, since the fall of Alexandira. These secret mystery schools trace back to the Roman elite and into modern times and remains in the hands of the controllers/blood lines perhaps? This is what has given them power and dominion over the planet. This is the line of thought I have long followed (15 years now for me) and these leaks confirm that for me. All roads lead to Rome as they say.....

awarenessadventurer ago

"As part of deceiving the restaurant, the reservation is NOT/NOT under her name." hmmm

"Please be ready to mobilize at the drop of a hat, at a time not of your choosing that has no correlation to your appetite status."

Sounds like a warning to be ready to roll out quickly if trouble drops, even if in the middle of an act -much like below. Ms. Clunkton is clearly the head mistress on this adventure as when she gives the signal they have 90 seconds to get to the van?

"Additionally, you should be ready to leave dinner at a moment's notice, the only warning being Ms. Clunkton's suddenly standing up and the resulting sound of 29 chairsmoving away from the table. From that point, you will have 90 seconds to get to the vans."

all of this is clearly suspect. But what can we DO with it? I do not need further proof that these are some sick fucks speaking in code. I am just at a loss to determine how this can be used in any kind of real way. Yet... still digging.

Jem777 ago

The fish is likely related to the ancient story from Egyptian gods called OSIRIS. This was. The symbolizing on John Podesta hands where he shows the number 14 and the fish on his palms. Osiris is linked to Alister Crowley to the Thelmaic cult and all involve blood sacrifice pedophelia & worse

awarenessadventurer ago

yes and someone made a good point here (or perhaps in the other thread) that the fish refers to the Temple of Set/Horus. 13 body parts were scattered, only the penis was missing. The 14th part. Thus, the fish and the 14 on Podesta's hand. Both Horus and Osiris were resurrected by Isis with help from Thoth after being killed by Set the evil brother of Osiris. In one legend Osiris’s body is cut into pieces and scattered throughout Egypt, Isis set out to look for the pieces and she was able to find and put together 13 of the 14 parts, but was unable to find the 14th and most important part, his penis, instead, she fashioned a “phallus out of gold” and sang a song around Osiris until he came back to life. Thus Osiris was resurrected and so it was that Isis conceived Horus. Due to this experience, Osiris became Lord of the Dead, and the Afterlife.

"The Eye of Horus has generally been regarded as a solar, lunar, and ornithological symbol because Horus was a solar and lunar deity with the head and, often, body of a hawk. But the Eye of Horus was heretofore unexplainably also a plant from which the Egyptians made an elixir and cakes they believed could confer immortality on people, about which E.W. Budge wrote: The gods nourished themselves with celestial food which was supplied to them by the Eye of Horus, that is to say, they supported their existence on the rays of light which fell from the sun which lit up heaven, and they became beings whose bodies were wholly of light. According to one myth the gods themselves lived upon a ‘wood or plant of life,’ which seems to have grown near the great lake in Sekhet-hetep, round which they were wont to sit . . .. In other places we read of ‘bread of eternity’ and ‘beer of eternity.’ (Budge, 1969a,b, vol. I, p. 164)

(4) The Egyptians claimed that the Eye of Horus could confer immortality on those who consumed it, or an elixir made from it, just as the Rg Veda describes the Soma plant and its elixir as having the ability to confer immortality on those who consumed it (Rg Veda, 8.048.03; 1.091.06; 1.091.18; 8.048.12; 8.048.11). Horus was born to the goddess Isis after she retrieved all the dismembered body parts of her murdered husband Osiris, except his penis, which was thrown into the Nile and eaten by a catfish,[7][8] or sometimes by a crab, and according to Plutarch's account used her magic powers to resurrect Osiris and fashion a golden phallus[9] to conceive her son (older Egyptian accounts have the penis of Osiris surviving).

Once Isis knew she was pregnant with Horus, she fled to the Nile Delta marshlands to hide from her brother Set, who jealously killed Osiris and who she knew would want to kill their son.[10] There Isis bore a divine son, Horus.

Horus was also said to be a god of war and hunting. The Horus falcon is shown upon a standard on the prehistoric Hunters Palette in the "lion hunt". Thus he became a symbol of majesty and power as well as the model of the pharaohs, who were said to be Horus in human form.

Rmm ago

It does have that quality, I agree. BUT, it is from 2012….How easily can emails be tampered with? However, like you say, it is so sensational it does give one pause. The wording of the food is so weird. Dessert including tilapia? Bag lunch provided but then other things added that would make a bag lunch seem silly . Most of the foods having some form of tilapia in them?

awarenessadventurer ago

It sure seems like they are not fond of Baroness Catherine Aston of Upholland. EU Former minister. Sounds like she came out of nowhere and they dont like her one bit. (judging from the article below about her being the laughing stock with no experience or skills)

3:30pm Camera Spray w/Cathy Ashton - 4:30pm Press Conference w/Cathy Ashton - 5:00pm Team w/Cathy Ashton in Three-Legged Charity Race [Note: Proceeds from race with go to the Help The Lady Buy Her Own Plane fund] - 5:30pm Roundtable Discussion w/Cathy Ashton to discuss why whenever they are physically in the same place - whether Brussels or Los Cabos - with cameras around, she has urgent business to conduct with the Secretary - but they never seem to speak on the phone in between trips.

I believe this is a Hillary "hit piece" on Ashton. Note the pictures w/Hilary and the tone of the article. []( 3:30pm Camera Spray w/Cathy Ashton - 4:30pm Press Conference w/Cathy Ashton - 5:00pm Team w/Cathy Ashton in Three-Legged Charity Race [Note: Proceeds from race with go to the Help The Lady Buy Her Own Plane fund] - 5:30pm Roundtable Discussion w/Cathy Ashton to discuss why whenever they are physically in the same place - whether Brussels or Los Cabos - with cameras around, she has urgent business to conduct with the Secretary - but they never seem to speak on the phone in between trips. )

"Who earns more, Hillary Clinton or Baroness Nobody? Cathy Ashton... even though she's the laughing stock of the EU"

Read more:

awarenessadventurer ago

"Larger tilapia species are generally poor community aquarium fish because they eat plants, dig up the bottom, and fight with other fish."

I believe that Tilapia refers to specific type of children of a certain age. Considered useless possibly. Poverty and likely of a specific culture or ehtnicity. They seem to see the poor or of color as Useless eaters. Invasive species of 'useless eaters' that use up resources and cause problems.

" In modern aquaculture, wild-type Nile tilapia are not too often seen, as the dark color of their flesh is not much desired by many customers, and because it has a bit of a reputation of being a trash fish associated with poverty."

"Some media reports even controversially suggested that farm-raised tilapia may be worse for the heart than eating bacon or a hamburger. This prompted the release of an open letter, signed by 16 science and health experts from around the world, that stated that both oily (i.e. high in omega-3 fatty acids) fish and lean fish like tilapia are an important part of the diet and concluded that "replacing tilapia or catfish with 'bacon, hamburgers or doughnuts' is absolutely not recommended."

Food references to children is a prevailing theme with these satanic cannibals. Nonetheless.. it is absolutely clear that these people are legal experts and know that this could never hold up iln a prosecution or investagative situation. They know it. That is why they are open about it. I am not sure how we can EVER compile all of this in a way that shows "proof" or "evidence" in a court of law. Perhaps that is why the impending arrests have not occurred. They need more, as in DNA evidence or witness statements... and honestly would that be enough?? We know something is up. There is a pattern. How can that be translated into useable information to prove food references refer to children????

awarenessadventurer ago

source? please add as it may be helpful to the conversation

Clinker ago

I first thought it was just a joke. But red splotch stuff didn't seem to make any sense. Where it really gets weird is the Talapia stuff. He obviously went to Wikipedia and proceeded to pull specific sentences out. He goes on and on. Not just cut and paste. Example: Their mouths are protrusible, usually bordered with wide and often swollen lips.

I think the mentions of Clunkton do refer to Hillary getting drunk. And I think the fish stuff is a reference to sex, possibly with children. He could still be making an inside joke, but with references to abusing children because these people would find this funny.

TamalepantsMD ago

i looked into this bc admittedly on first review it looks suspicious. but i really think it's just a guy being really sarcastic. as in, all they ever serve is freaking tilapia. (hence the museum, etc.). you know, like, "ugh...tilapia again?" there are no other significant tilapia references in the whole of wikileaks. pretty sure this is a diversion or at least nothing. same with the van, the interview, etc.

Rmm ago

It COULD be some weird humor but then again….these people are ant, and if satanic, 12/12/12 would be a signifiant date in their circle

LincolnsMullet ago

For people who are incredibly busy, an entire lesson on Tilapia is overboard in an email. TLDR. The only reason none of us skipped over it is to look for clues. She goes from being very specific about the event to paragraphs of info about tilapia. Any sane person would've skimmed over that section.

SturdyGal ago

I am going Satanic route here due to the mention of money and blood and yoga I think it is a blood sacrifice held on 12/12/12 at AndrewsAFB in a DUM or similar secure facility.

Gothamgirl ago

Someone posted this in reference to code words today, on a social media website.

awarenessadventurer ago

Can you copy the body of that twitter here? (or direct us to the twitter ink - it is hidden- so I can copy and past here? It is relevant to the discussion.

Gothamgirl ago

I tried to copy & was unable to. The original comment came from here.

Pokes ago

I don't trust wikileaks anymore, don't know why anyone does. When did we last see Julian in the window? PGP keys anyone?

But, this does seem fishy, at least a little. That said, Andrews does have two restaurants that serve tilapia. and

Furthermore, it's not impossible to dismiss this email as innocuous, as merely rife with inside jokes. But, for some reason, I do feel like anything Huma touched is worth digging into. Also, that the og post on /pol/ was capped is suspect.

Saibra ago

If I am reading this right, they start off at Andrews AFB, which is technically in Maryland near the Potomac River and then they go to IAD, which is Dulles Airport, which is near Reston, Virginia and about a 45 minute drive from Andrews. Dulles is huge, with a lot of runways and open fields, in the long term parking? That is odd. Dulles is technically in the "boonies" of VA. There is another Air and Space museum near there where they house big airplanes. This is strange. Why are they meeting at airports. Possibly for a shipment of something? Good find.

awarenessadventurer ago

and the photo spray... to spray license plates so they are not read as they move in and out of airport locations....

Sharipie ago

Maybe only every 20th word, or some other numbered word, is supposed to be read and all the rest is deceptive filler 'just in case' the email fell into the wrong hands.

blackfyre_rebel ago

"But she nonetheless feels badly that you are all stuck in Washington instead of enjoying Morocco. For some of you it might have been the first time. And maybe the last time for the rest of us. So if we can't go to Marekesh, she wants to bring Marekesh to us."

WTF??? "Bringing Morocco to us..." Does the food sound anything like Moroccan food??!?!??! Bringing the kids from the rat lines for a fuck fest. So disgusting.

iwokeup ago

Apparently this was seen back in august but not much was made of it then. Seems very strange though and definitely worth exploring.

awarenessadventurer ago

here is the link to that email in full (which this post directly refers to...)

iwokeup ago

My gut tells me this is a legit piece of the pizzagate puzzle. I'm getting the same feeling as when I read the pizza related map email from Wikileaks. Too many strange sentences and odd wording.

Rmm ago Nothing about any museum on here

Bolux ago

Maybe it's not their bodies they are talking about but ours as if bodies they have acquired makes me sick just thinking about it.

Rmm ago

Maybe the first thing we should find out is if there actually is a tilapia museum at the base?

awarenessadventurer ago

There is no Tilapia museum at the base OR ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD. I checked..

SturdyGal ago

I have been googling and can find none such. I am afraid it means DUM or similar at the base.

Saibra ago

I've lived here my whole life and I know of no Tilapia museum. In fact, a Tilapia as a food wasn't popularized here until the late 1990's. I never saw it on a menu until then. Although Andrews is near the Potomac River, I can guarantee we don't have Tilapia in the Potomac. Why would we need a museum???

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

If you just take this email at face value, it's pretty disturbing. A group of state dept employees are sad that they don't get their all expenses paid trip so they have a pretend trip. How about grow the fuck up, put on your big girl & boy pants and go back to work!

SturdyGal ago

If I'm not mistaken, this trip 12/12/12 so a significant day they don't want to miss making their sacrifices? Just a cray guess.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Do we know the date of when hillary "fell" & hit her head? (When she had her stoke)

SturdyGal ago

This article says she was hospitalized Saturday, Dec. 15th.

Clinton, 65, has been ill for the last week, forcing the cancelation of a trip to the Middle East. An aide said that she had grown dehydrated due to the flu, which caused her to faint.

nomorepepperoni ago

Below are some of my speculations on this email, in addition to a few of the others already suggested.

"We have identified 17 locations for dinner, and each location is holding a table of 30 'just in case' the Secretary's party drops by: "

Diversion strategy? But if so, who are they trying to deceive? Press?

"Please be ready to mobilize at the drop of a hat, at a time not of your choosing that has no correlation to your appetite status. Additionally, you should be ready to leave dinner at a moment's notice, the only warning being Ms. Clunkton's suddenly standing up and the resulting sound of 29 chairs moving away from the table. From that point, you will have 90 seconds to get to the vans."

Two scenarios come to mind:

  1. Hillary herself IS coming, in spite of Huma's remarks to the contrary. This is to ensure sick Hillary gets back to her van in time so she doesn't have an episode like at the 9/11 memorial, where she collapses before they could get her back in.

  2. This would match, possibly TOO literally, to the "bodies" being "programmed". "Clunkton" is Hillary's body double. FBIAnon did mention Hillary had one. The time to return to the vans could be any number of things based on this--some sort control is lost on a human double, which might lead to the appearance of amnesia or perhaps loss of consciousness ("Where am I? Who am I?"), next-level android double runs out of battery, who knows? Point is, this strategy is needed to ensure the double does not fail and is outed in public view.

Now, if #2 is NOT the case, what else could this mean?

"11:00am Arrive Dulles International Airport

[Note: We will not be flying anywhere, but our bodies are programmed to spend at least two hrs/per day in a van]"

Perhaps, in this case, the group is scheduled to spend that time in the van for reasons pertaining to Hillary's health, for double work, etc. "Our bodies" might also refer to "bodies" reserved for them rather than their own. In this case, "bodies" might be reserved kids, blood bank "donors" for rejuvenation, both?

Yeah, my speculations ask more questions than speculate. Go figure lol.

SturdyGal ago

There seems to be needless repetition:

Please be ready to mobilize at the drop of a hat, at a time not of your choosing that has no correlation to your appetite status. Additionally, you should be ready to leave dinner at a moment's notice, the only warning being Ms. Clunkton's suddenly standing up and the resulting sound of 29 chairs moving away from the table. From that point, you will have 90 seconds to get to the vans.

This is actually the same idea stated twice. So it must be a code of some kind. I wonder what the numbers are for, pricing or is the writer an over-the-top dramatist?

nomorepepperoni ago

Thank you. @awarenessadventurer, can you put this at the top of your original post, pretty please? That way, picky people will see where you got it from more easily?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Original from Wikileaks


From: Huma Abedin To: Hillary Clinton Date: 2012-12-12 12:00 Subject: WED/DC

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05793492 Date: 11/30/2015 RELEASE IN PART B6 From: Abedin, Huma Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 7:00 PM To: Subject: Fw: Wed/DC Pir's latest.... Original Message From: Reines, Philippe I Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 02:38 PM 1< To: Abedin, Huma; Allegra, Theodore X; >; Nuland, Victoria J; B6 Pesaru, Shilpa; Schroeder, Addie B; Schwerin, Daniel B; Sullivan, Jacob J; Mushingi, Tulinabo S; Olsson, Kurt; Hanley, Monica R; Yehl, Ashley C; Merrill, Nicholas S; Adler, Caroline E; Benaim, Daniel; Rooney, Megan; Valmoro, Lona1 Subject: Wed/DC Disappointed NEA Travelers - As Huma noted, Secretary Clinton was unable to make this week's trip. Obviously, her health is paramount, so we hope you all understand. But she nonetheless feels badly that you are all stuck in Washington instead of enjoying Morocco. For some of you it might have been the first time. And maybe the last time for the rest of us. So if we can't go to Marekesh, she wants to bring Marekesh to us. Towards that end, she has put together this simulated schedule for tomorrow: Notes to the Party: • NO/NO Bag Drag tomorrow • Weather: mostly cloudy with temps in the upper 40s • Money Matters: yes, in this country as in all others, money does matter • Vendors will be conveniently located on the ground floor of HST selling used books, used lamps, used birdcages, and an assortment of other random household items from the 1970s • Note: You can simultaneously donate blood at the same location • Note: Yoga will simultaneously be offered at the same location • Water in DC is NOT/NOT Potable - 10:00am Meet at 22nd & C Lobby of HST - 10:15am Staff Vans Depart HST ert IAD - 11:00am Arrive Dulles International Airport [Note: We will not be flying anywhere, but our bodies are programmed to spend at least two hrs/per day in a van] - 11:00am-11:30am Lunch at IAD Long Term Parking • Note: A Bag Lunch will be served UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05793492 Date: 11/30/2015 • [Additional Note: on the side of the bag there will inexplicably be an imprint of a symbol of some kind that appears to be nothing more than a red splotch] • Parmessan Crusted Baked Tilapia Salad garnished with Blue Cheese, Asiago Cheese, Provolone Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese, and Stuffed Shells Stuffed w/Red Wine Reduction Crusted Musht • A Loaf of Bread • Side Salad of Mini Eclairs • Dessert of fried fruit • Beverage Service: Random concoction of a Fruit Juice Mixed with Seltzer (though somehow - despite a finite # of types of juices and mixes available in society - will never have been served on any previous flight, nor will it be served on any subsequent flight) - 11:30am Depart IAD ert 1601 21st St NW, Washington DC NOTE: A Light Snack will be served during this van movement • Jalapeno and Blue Cheese Tilapia Burger Topped with Thick Maple Bacon, Even Thicker Sausages, and Chocolate Chip Italian Ices • Medley of Squash, Zucchini, Almond Green Beans, and Key Lime Pie • Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Spinach Parfait • Dessert: Cannoli Stuffed w/Tilapia - 12:15pm Meet & Greet w/Embassy Washington [Note: This is actually The Kingdom of Morocco's Embassy to the United States] - 3:30pm Camera Spray w/Cathy Ashton -4:30pm Press Conference w/Cathy Ashton -5:00pm Team w/Cathy Ashton in Three-Legged Charity Race [Note: Proceeds from race with go to the Help The Lady Buy Her Own Plane fund] - 5:30pm Roundtable Discussion w/Cathy Ashton to discuss why whenever they are physically in the same place - whether Brussels or Los Cabos - with cameras around, she has urgent business to conduct with the Secretary - but they never seem to speak on the phone in between trips. - Time TBD: We have identified 17 locations for dinner, and each location is holding a table of 30 'just in case' the Secretary's party drops by: The Secretary's name was NOT/NOT used so it is unknown how they know she might be coming at exactly 7:23:47pm wearing a white jacket over black pantsuit and prefers to look out the window. As part of deceiving the restaurant, the reservation is NOT/NOT under her name. You must tell them you are with the Hillary Clunkton party. Please be ready to mobilize at the drop of a hat, at a time not of your choosing that has no correlation to your appetite status. Additionally, you should be ready to leave dinner at a moment's notice, the only warning being Ms. Clunkton's suddenly standing up and the resulting sound of 29 chairs moving away from the table. From that point, you will have 90 seconds to get to the vans. - OPTIONAL: For those interested we have secured a van to take you to the History of the Air Force's Obsession with Tilapia Museum, located on the grounds of Joint Base Andrews. During this visit, you will learn many fun facts about Tilapia: • Tilapia is not a single fish. It is the common name for nearly a hundred species of cichlid fish from the tilapiine cichlid tribe. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05793492 Date: 11/30/2015 • Tilapia can become problematic invasive species in new warm-water habitats, whether deliberately or accidentally introduced. • Tilapia were one of the three main types of fish caught in Biblical times from the Sea of Galilee. At that time were called Musht. • Tilapia typically have laterally compressed, deep bodies. Like other cichlids, their lower pharyngeal bones are fused into a single tooth-bearing structure. A complex set of muscles allows the upper and lower pharyngeal bones to be used as a second set of jaws for processing food, allowing a division of labor between the "true jaws" (mandibles) and the "pharyngeal jaws". • Their mouths are protrusible, usually bordered with wide and often swollen lips. The jaws have conical teeth. • In Kenya tilapia were introduced to control mosquitoes which were causing malaria, because they consume mosquito larvae, consequently reducing the numbers of adult female mosquitoes, the vector of the disease. • Tilapia are on the IUCN's 100 of the World's Worst Alien Invasive Species list. • In the United States, tilapia are found in much of Florida, Texas and a few other isolated areas, such as power plant discharge zones. • Larger tilapia species are generally poor community aquarium fish because they eat plants, dig up the bottom, and fight with other fish. • China is the largest tilapia producer in the world, followed by Egypt. • In modern aquaculture, wild-type Nile tilapia are not too often seen, as the dark color of their flesh is not much desired by many customers, and because it has a bit of a reputation of being a trash fish associated with poverty. • The lower amounts of omega-3 and the higher ratios of omega-6 fats in US-farmed tilapia raised questions about the health benefits of consuming farmed tilapia fish. Some media reports even controversially suggested that farm-raised tilapia may be worse for the heart than eating bacon or a hamburger. This prompted the release of an open letter, signed by 16 science and health experts from around the world, that stated that both oily (i.e. high in omega-3 fatty acids) fish and lean fish like tilapia are an important part of the diet and concluded that "replacing tilapia or catfish with 'bacon, hamburgers or doughnuts' is absolutely not recommended." ### Original Message From: Abedin, Huma Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 04:27 PM To: Hunter, Theresa M; Allegra, Theodore X; Behrens, Nina K; Das, Sandya; Dibble, Elizabeth L; >; Nuland, Victoria J; Pesaru, Shilpa; Reines, Philippe I; Schroeder, Addie B; Schwerin, Daniel B; Sullivan, Jacob J Cc: Mushingi, Tulinabo S; Olsson, Kurt; Gallagher, David M; Coleman, Claire L; Valmoro, Lona J; Hanley, Monica R; Adler, Caroline E; Merrill, Nicholas 5; Yehl, Ashley C Subject: Another update Sorry for the last minute note. UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05793492 Date: 11/30/2015 The Secretarys doctor says she cannot travel tomorrow. Given the timing of the Friends of Syria meeting, we are asking Deputy Burns to represent her on trip. So there will be no departure tomorrow with S. She will be totally fine, she's just not recovered enough to leave tomorrow

awarenessadventurer ago

From Saywhatnow (consolidating thread on this single email) My thoughts:

Vans used to move kids! Those trafficked?17 pizza places? Fruit with seltzer( drug concoction) (29) chairs moving- (29 kids/traf) driver stays in van= (30)

Hillary Clunkton=Urban Dictionary: Clunk Urban Dictionary › define › term=Clunk AMP - Top Definition. Clunk. (Adj): The act of getting drunk in a classy manner. A cousin of Crunk and opposite of ...

White jacket/black pants = panda bear

Bag drag= kids/trafficked will arrive undrugged

Red splotch Red= virgin, first time Urban Dictionary: sploshing Urban Dictionary › define AMP - Verb: the act of placing food on another person, and usually eating it off of them, for pleasure. A full-bodied

tilapia a word that means vagina

the menu is way too elaborate especially the snack ** give blood?** **money.. Payment of services **Dessert: Cannoli Stuffed w/Tilapia Really?

nomorepepperoni ago

Needs more source cowbell:



More speculative (just MHOs):

Vans seems reasonably likely (vans are the pretty stereotypical kidnapper vehicle, after all).

Red splotch - maybe, but why "splotch" the "bags" "inexplicably" before serving? Hell, sounds like they don't even know why, maybe they can't control themselves.

White jacket/black pants...maaaaybe? Attire is in public, though, or at least seemingly, so IDK.

Bag drag - could be anything really, though, in conjunction with red splotches on bags, wonder if bag might = kid, or of bag = the "sheets" or handkerchiefs?

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle Part 7 of Hillary's Emails just got released. FBI Vault 7 - Clinton Emails - Dig Dig Dig Part 7 of Hillary's Emails just got released.

awarenessadventurer ago

who are the 'dissappointed NEA Travelers?

Huma & Killary

Victoria J Nuland Victoria Jane Nuland was the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State. She holds the rank of Career Ambassador, the highest diplomatic rank in the United States Foreign Service. Wikipedia

Theodore X - Could it be?

he has a surviving son. X. Theodore Barber of Manhattan wife Ellen

Pesaru ?

Shilpa Pesaru - Finance Director for Hilary for President

Addie Schroeder - Foreign Services/ Spanish Ambassador

Addie B Daniel B

Jacob J Sullivan Senior Policy Advisor to Killary Clinton Rhodes Scholar/Yale

Tulinabo S Mushingi Foreign Service / Ambassador / Advisor Served as Executive advisor to Killary

Kurt Olsson - not sure yet- several people of interest here

Monica R

Ashley C Yehi - Horror Movie Actress

Nicholas Merrill Nicholas Merrill is an American system administrator, computer programmer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of Calyx Internet Access, an internet and hosted service provider founded in 1995, and of the non-profit Calyx Institute. Wikipedia The man who may unlock the secret to FBI's COntroversial Soebpena

Caroline E Adler - Communications Director to Michelle Obama/Special Assistant to President Obama

2 names STRUCK OUT (skippy & obomber?) total speculation here

Danile Benaim Center for American Progress

Megan Rooney Hilary Speech Writer/ COULD BE daughter of Daniel Milton Rooney is the former United States Ambassador to Ireland, who served from July 3, 2009 until his resignation in 2012.

Megan Valmoro special Assistant to Hllary Clinton

Who is NEA?

Is it NEA Guided Vacations

NEA National Education Association?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Maybe this?

Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs - US Department of State US Department of State (.gov) › nea The Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs ( NEA) deals with U.S. foreign policy and U.S. diplomatic relations with Algeria

SturdyGal ago

This is it, I think.

Phenomenonanon ago

Podesta image of the fish

awarenessadventurer ago

CODE FOR TILAPIA? just to start

WHY is there a supposed "Tilapia museum" at Andrew AFB? Its a code word. Just look at the menu... lots of "cheese" and "tilapia"

TILAPIA on wikipedia History The Tomb of Nakht, 1500 BC, contains a tilapia hieroglyph just above the head of the central figure. The aquaculture of Nile tilapia goes back to Ancient Egypt, where it was represented by the hieroglyph K1, of the Gardiner List. K1 Tilapia was a symbol of rebirth in Egyptian art, and was in addition associated with Hathor. It was also said to accompany and protect the sun god on his daily journey across the sky. Tilapia painted on tomb walls, reminds us of spell 15 of the Book of the Dead by which the deceased hopes to take his place in the sun boat: "You see the tilapia in its [true] form at the turquoise pool", and "I behold the tilapia in its [true] nature guiding the speedy boat in its waters." [4]

Tilapia were one of the three main types of fish caught in Biblical times from the Sea of Galilee. At that time they were called Amnoon (which they are still called today in Modern Hebrew. Am= mother, Noon= fish.), in Arabic the fish is called "Musht", which means "a comb", as resembled by its backfin or commonly now as "St. Peter's fish". The name "St. Peter's fish" comes from the story in the Gospel of Matthew about the apostle Peter catching a fish that carried a coin in its mouth, though the passage does not name the fish.[5] While the name also applies to Zeus faber, a marine fish not found in the area, a few tilapia species (Sarotherodon galilaeus galilaeus and others) are found in the Sea of Galilee, where the author of the Gospel of Matthew recounts the event took place. These species have been the target of small-scale artisanal fisheries in the area for thousands of years.[6][7] Ancient Egyptian Tilapia Fish Story

ne·ot·e·ny nēˈät(ə)nē/ nounZOOLOGY the retention of juvenile features in the adult animal. the sexual maturity of an animal while it is still in a mainly larval state, as in the axolotl.

By Patrick Hunt –

A “fish story” is often perceived as a tall tale, a narrative with “fishy” circumstances. If not an outright result of something incredible like “Jonah and the Whale”, a dubious stretching of the truth may be amusing but modern ichthyological science has somewhat tarnished the Egyptian tilapia legends. Amulets of the tilapia fish were perceived to possess fertility power as it was widely considered a symbol of regeneration and reproductive strength in Ancient Egypt. A description of the tilapia fish in Egyptian art mostly of the New Kingdom (roughly 1550-1070 BCE) follows, contrasted with scientific study of male tilapia virility.

This lovely striped glass object pictured in the lead photo – an 18th Dynasty brightly colored cosmetic bottle in the shape of a tilapia fish – is from the Amarna Period, a highwater epoch of Egyptian art under Akhenaten in the city he built with relative independence from prior art canons as well as far enough from the monopoly of the Theban priesthood of Amun at least during his reign. It is one of the most striking pieces on the British Museum’s Egyptian collection of iconic glass objects and is both imaginative in design as well as anatomically faithful for anyone steeped in Nilotic ichthyology. [1] Its high tech creation was an art form where heated glass rods of different colors were wrapped around a disposable core and a stylus was then dragged through the striped colors to simulate fish scales in wave patterns. Naturalistic fins, stripes and eyes were quickly added while the glass was still warm, as was a tail of the same technique as the body. The colorful glass made this tilapia fish bottle a prized possession, and it was discovered under a floor in el-Amarna, Akhenaten’s city that was soon abandoned during the following Ramesside dynasty. [2]

Although it is unlikely the ancient Egyptians were fully aware of all the particular tilapia traits, without doubt the species of Egyptian Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus or Tilapia niloticus) was then and now famous for an unusual form of neoteny while rearing its young. It is now well observed that the female tilapia carries her babies in her mouth after hatching, sheltering them from harm. How much Ancient Egyptians were aware of the emergence of the hatchlings from their mother’s open mouth remains to be seen. While more understood as a regenerative power, this unusual trait led Egyptians to exaggerate aspects of tilapia fertility, imagining this as a powerful rebirth tropism. Like modern fish aquaculture, Egyptians also farmed tilapia in closed ponds along the Nile, and this fish had its own special hieroglyph character as in.t (or ‘int) in texts [3] and the tilapia image was also worn as an amulet, not the least for pregnant women on necklaces or later sewn into shrouds for the afterlife. Greek historian Herodotus may have even tried to convey something of the parenting legends of the tilapia in his History II.93, although his information is somewhat garbled on Nilotic fish behavior.

Ancient Egyptian gardens were also renowned for fertility aspects – perfect venues for lovers’ trysts as described in Egyptian love poems – and tilapia fish are also often portrayed in funerary wall paintings, e.g., swimming in the pools at the center of Nilotic gardens, as in the Nebamun tomb paintings from Thebes, one such image shown here.

... Last but not least, illustrating its visual symbolism and virile power, the colorful tilapia had another mythological task: piloting the boat of sun-god Ra while warning of the approach of the Apophis serpent in the netherworld voyage. [12]

Modern scientific ichthyology studies have shown, however, that despite its revered status in Ancient Egypt and endearing aspects of neoteny such as the mother protecting her hatchlings in her mouth, the reproductive organs of the male tilapia are not apropos for such legendary regenerative virility. Some tilapia have even been recognized for elaborate male-female courtship. [13] But in fact, some tilapia species survival is likely compensatory in nature as an optimum parenting caring trait to make up for the male tilapia’s less potent reproductive success: Bulti. The Bulti is one of the Nile fishes (Tilapia nilotica) The Egyptian name is Nar. The Latus above mentioned " was the incarnation of the local Hathor, and the images of the Fish frequently bore on their backs the cows' horns and solar disk, which charac- terize this goddess of the setting sun ,ri (Quibell). Two mythological Fish, Abtu and Ant, accompanied the boat of the sun-god, to protect it from " every evil being or thing in the waters which had a mind to attack it " (Gods of the Egyptians, ii. 383). The Bulti is another fish of which amulets are known : it is described on p. 143. The Electric Fish is noticed on p. 149. There is still a good deal to be learnt on the subject of the sacred Fish of the Egyptians

The fish symbolized a number of different things for the ancient Egyptians — some good, some really bad… [If anyone’s really very curious about fish in ancient Egypt, I recommend taking a look at the book by Douglas Brewer and Renée F. Friedman, Fish and Fishing in Ancient Egypt (1989).] The Egyptians used images of the tilapia fish as a symbol of rebirth and regeneration. (You can see a nice faience bowl with a tilapia on it (E14359) and a rattle in the shape of a tilapia (E13005) in our Daily Life room.)

On the negative side, a fish was the creature blamed for eating Osiris’ phallus after his evil brother Seth dismembered him and cast his body parts into the Nile. This understandably could give a fish a bad reputation.

Commonwombat ago

There is a fish breeding course offered at Fort Bas Andrews, not a museum but they do breed Tilapia.

YingYangMom ago

On the negative side, a fish was the creature blamed for eating Osiris’ phallus after his evil brother Seth dismembered him and cast his body parts into the Nile. This understandably could give a fish a bad reputation.

Osiris' wife Isis found all his body parts excepts for his phallus, which was eaten by a FISH. There were 14 body parts total, including the phallus, but could reassemble 13 only. Now think back at John Podesta's creepy "14 and fish written in the palm of his hands" picture and you understand the message behind it. Temple of Set is connected to this.

nomorepepperoni ago

Didn't that turn out to have a rational explanation pertaining to some ocean project? Wish I could find the Tweet. Double meaning?

palmitespo910 ago

I don't believe any of their explanations in the least

YingYangMom ago

Not to my knowledge. Imho it's related to the Temple of Set. What do the number 14 and fish have in common? Try and think like creepy pedophile John Podesta. This is the excellent video where I got the hint from: "Secrets hidden in plain sight" watch from 33.50 to 36:21 to better understand :)

nomorepepperoni ago

Ah, found it. Apparently, Podesta was referencing a "Global Goals for Sustainable Development" number 14. Still could be a double meaning or this being his favorite because of what you state, but it's something to consider.

(Original post discussing this finding: ).

YingYangMom ago

I would have agreed with this theory if I had not stumbled upon the real motive behind this "Global Goal for sustainable development" and it's ties to the CGI. From this email which concerns Tamera Luzzato (the woman who invited Podesta to a POOL PARTY and offered her 3 very young step-grandchildren as further entertainment", Bill Clinton, CGI and Pew Trusts are all working on a common goal and that is to focus on preserving the high seas and providing a framework on issues or activities happening on the high seas.

Of course, knowing Bill Clinton, CGI, Tamera Luzzatto and all the other players involved, we know how they could be using the high seas initiative to patrol and/or allow access to merchant vessels and shipping containers that are often used for human trafficking amongst other things (drugs, arms, et al).

John Podesta would be excited about this idea I'm sure. The way he says: "Youth are at the center of the new #GlobalGoals. Excited to see what younger generations will achieve" and his '14 and FISH message' (note that he didn't draw 3 wavy lines to depict "the sea", but chose to draw a picture of a fish instead) tells me that the Temple of Set is exactly what he had in mind and, was indeed forwarded as a double meaning message.

nomorepepperoni ago

Sounds to me like Global Goal deserves its own thread.

YingYangMom ago

It probably does. I hope someone can do a little digging and expose this asap. I myself don't have the time right now as I'm overloaded with work on this Consolidation Thread project

Pokes ago

Awesome, a sensible explanation of that picture that doesn't require I believe that the elites truly believe in anything spiritual.

Phenomenonanon ago

Weird email. Wtf does it mean