User890020 ago


TamalepantsMD ago


TamalepantsMD ago

the tilapia email is old and already on wikileaks.

s2s ago

Formatted to make the poem more readable, although I left the initial caps in place.

The Ballad of Parmesan Cheese By Jack Bobo

In an age long ago When men had ten-fold The strength and endurance today,

A battle did rage in the chamber of delegates In Rome on two hot muggy days.

The siege of Troy lasted ten years And the Greeks gave no quarter it's true,

But the battle Of Rome with the Italians at home Aged us like cheese as it grew.

The war of the cheeses divided the world Between parmesan, big "P" and small.

Were we crazy to fight and lash out with words When a little "p" had gotten too tall?

The war of the cheeses began with a bang With Canada's man in the Chair.

The EC began by planting its flag. "Defend Parmesan cheese!" they declared.

The U.S. intervened with a Homeric retort And challenged the EC in its views.

The hard grating cheeses are hardly so great. Could this truly be groundbreaking news?

For one hundred years all nations have made A product called parmesan cheese.

What manner of magic will vanquish the rights Of companies to do as they please?

Must the Americas give up the right To their name If Amerigo Vespucci returns?

Good sense is not common When passions are hot And GI's are an issue that burns.

The light of the day was fading so fast We thought that the end must be near.

Then Singapore called for a vote of the members And the nuclear option was here.

Volcanoes erupted and spit forth their fire And it appeared the world might end.

A long night of talking produced no results For our principles we had to defend.

On day two of this epic in the annals of man Our labors produced no rewards.

The EC betrayed our efforts for peace And the multitude fell on their swords.

While hope yet remains that in future fair trade Will protect us all if we pray.

For now, the consumer must weep as we Acknowledge defeat For there's no parmesan standard today.

quantokitty ago


OPTIONAL: For those interested we have secured a van to take you to the History of the Air Force's Obsession with Tilapia Museum, located on the grounds of Joint Base Andrews. During this visit, you will learn many fun facts about Tilapia: • Tilapia is not a single fish. It is the common name for nearly a hundred species of cichlid fish from the tilapiine cichlid tribe.

Fish? Air Force? Dig, dig, dig ...

awarenessadventurer ago

I did post them but here is the link to the main site.

equineluvr ago

Hitlery has RCP (Royal Class Privilege).

blackfyre_rebel ago



SluggishJ ago

What the fuck is "Food Security?"

It's in the email titled "For Chelsea":

Also why the fuck is it that every time i don't expect to find anything other than redaction and petty bullshit there always seems to be a reference to very young children in some way shape or ass gaping form? It just somehow always finds its way in.

At first I thought they meant "food AND security" but after it was repeated a second time in the same manner "food security" it has me a wee bit perked up nahmsayin

nomorepepperoni ago

Found this bit of WTF in an email discussing Haiti...

"Second, more general, is that the BAMBAM families (the term, I understand, created from the initials of the 6 leading elite families)..."

Aside from nodding at "elites", it could be nothing, but BAMBAM reminded me of the "La BOOM BOOM Room" at CPP.

Having problems pulling a direct PDF link so...

Go here:*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895

Put into search "kenbe fem". You should get 3 results. Select the first one "The Broader Donor Coordination and Accountability". That's the email I pulled from.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Bambam is nose candy... Cocaine

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yeah, same

Urban Dictionary: colombian ... Urban Dictionary › define › term=colom... AMP - Top Definition. colombian bambam. Slang for cocaine, popularized by the film Talladega Nights. "Okay so

Hangdempedos ago

I wonder if Mr Gowdy gets his info ahead of time or waits like the rest of us. Still, I wonder what the next group of hearings will look like? Pretty certain I will make popcorn. (Blumenthal questions and vague answers)

Verite1 ago

I know this is going to sound strange, but can someone please explain to me with a bit of detail, where the reference Moloch came from, what do ppl believe about "Molloch," what it is referring to, why it is significant in the broader corrupt Clinton foundation. I know that seems strange because it's definitely been around in the narrative for quite a while and I need understand the gist of it but was it from WikiLeaks was it from FBI anon was it from four Chan, are we meant to think it someone specific? Actually let me just search for the term on Voat pizzagate/sub and see what I come up with I'll get it from the context I'm sure. Fuck I was getting annoyed with voat as people started instantly trashing Ashton Kutsher for sure that he's a pedophile because I do not believe that, I do believe he doesn't understand the greater implications of his "front company ( at least by day like the white helmets) and software deal/cozy relationship with McCain, but now this email drop and vault seven discussion is getting my " " hard praise Kek

Clinker ago

The Kutcher performance was just weird, just like everything the satanic types do. First of all, you had a woman sitting behind him who appeared to on the verge of orgasm for most of the speech. That was weird. He blew a kiss to John McCain. That was exceedingly weird. Then this idea that Ashton Kutcher wrote this advanced software to find child traffickers himself? That is obviously not true and is really weird that he thinks anybody would believe it. I think this is part of the reason that they are failing. Their rituals and believe system is all about how awesome you are, and that you 'do what thou wilt', meaning the rules are for the lesser people. They believe they have been given special magical powers by Satan, and that they are untouchable. In reality, it is fellow Satanists that are higher up in government, or Hollywood, or whatever that are making the beginner's dreams happen. But you can understand how the beginner starts to feel that it is real. Hillary clearly thought she didn't have to campaign very hard - it was a done deal. Obama thinks he can set up a shadow government and nobody will do anything about it. They all lack a sense of reality. The secret society is very good at keeping each other from squealing, but they aren't very good at disguising their actions because they are so brazen.

gardenofbacchus ago

Moloch is the ancient Satanic god of child sacrifice. This investigation has revealed child trafficking/pedophilia and abuse is directly related to Satanic worship and rituals (Satanic Ritual Abuse), it's the common recurring theme in every single case and a strong driving force behind the motivation of all these people. There's many many testimonies of elites worshipping Moloch during child sacrifice rituals, and once you dig deep into it you'll see that this satanic theme has literally saturated our entire civilization. These people all worship the occult because it is the antithesis to Christianity, and symbolic of their desire to overthrow "old tradition" (destroy Christianity) and establish an NWO founded on satanism (Satanism is entirely fixated on narcissism and worship of the self, stripping a person of their ability to care about other people or the greater good of the society they live in, leading to societal degeneration which we're seeing now, collapse which we'll see soon, and then total control from the elites). It sounds fucking insane to someone new to this, (i'm not even religious) but it's the cold truth and the ultimate redpill. Just search "pizzagate satanic" on Youtube and you'll see.

awarenessadventurer ago*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895

quick scan but found an interesting quote on p4. about Yeltsin's drinking and "yelling for a cab to get pizza" outside of Blair house at 3am.

This document is from Cheryl Mills to Hillary and HRC about some "interesting surprises" forwarded to Huma. referring to a book that was written called "Branch Book" Huma wrote and overview for Killary. NOt sure what else is here but the mention of Yeltsins drinking and trying to get pizza at 3am is interesting.

Apparently Yeltsin likes pizza when he is drunk.

Verite1 ago

Who doesn't?!?!

awarenessadventurer ago

yes. but why is there a supposed "Tilapia museum" at Andrew AFB? Its a code word. Just look at the menu... lots of "cheese" and "tilapia"

8pinkstars ago

And alight snack of "even thicker sausages". This email is totally in code they are talking about kids for sex for sure fucking sick fucks

chaos16 ago

Is this the famous Vault7? or non related?

detcmon ago

roundhouse1776 ago

Here is my reply from a different thread that might explain some things. EJK stands for extra-judicial killings.

No I think it is actually EJK, but also has to do with the disputed Kashmir region between India and Pakistan. According to the Leahy Law, the US is not allowed to provide civilian or military aid to human rights abusers, which includes extra-judicial killings.

The big question is though, if Hillary was providing money under the table to someone, which group is it? Is it the Pakistanis, or maybe trying to cause civil unrest in Kashmir by funding them against India?

slickleg64 ago

Might get to work transcribing this, tomorrow maybe.. nothing quite pizzagate related so far but valuable to the benghazi/clintongate investigators.

QuestionEverything ago

Seems to be initial FBI interview notes of her server crew.


awarenessadventurer ago

Here is a strange one. Excerpts below. Some strange food references, simulated schedules, a mystery mixed fruit juice, tricking the restaurant, 90 seconds to get to vans, Andrews AIrforce Tilapia Museum??? WTF...

Full email at:*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895

From: Abedin, Huma Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 7:00 PM To: Subject: Fw: Wed/DC

Disappointed NEA Travelers - As Huma noted, Secretary Clinton was unable to make this week's trip. Obviously, her health is paramount, so we hope you all understand. But she nonetheless feels badly that you are all stuck in Washington instead of enjoying Morocco. For some of you it might have been the first time. And maybe the last time for the rest of us. So if we can't go to Marekesh, she wants to bring Marekesh to us.

Towards that end, she has put together this** simulated** schedule for tomorrow: Notes to the Party: • NO/NO Bag Drag tomorrow • Weather: mostly cloudy with temps in the upper 40s • Money Matters: yes, in this country as in all others, money does matter • Vendors will be conveniently located on the ground floor of HST selling used books, used lamps, used birdcages, and an assortment of other random household items from the 1970s • Note: You can simultaneously donate blood at the same location • Note: Yoga will simultaneously be offered at the same location •

Water in DC is NOT/NOT Potable

  • 10:00am Meet at 22nd & C Lobby of HST

  • 10:15am Staff Vans Depart HST ert IAD

  • 11:00am Arrive Dulles International Airport

[Note: We will not be flying anywhere, but our bodies are programmed to spend at least two hrs/per day in a van] - 11:00am-11:30am Lunch at IAD Long Term Parking

• Note: A Bag Lunch will be served

• [Additional Note: on the side of the bag there will inexplicably be an imprint of a symbol of some kind that appears to be nothing more than a red splotch]

Parmessan Crusted Baked Tilapia Salad garnished with Blue Cheese, Asiago Cheese, Provolone Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese, and Stuffed Shells Stuffed w/Red Wine Reduction Crusted Musht • A Loaf of Bread • Side Salad of Mini Eclairs • Dessert of fried fruit •

Beverage Service: Random concoction of a Fruit Juice Mixed with Seltzer (though somehow - despite a finite # of types of juices and mixes available in society - will never have been served on any previous flight, nor will it be served on any subsequent flight)

NOTE: A Light Snack will be served during this van movement • Jalapeno and Blue Cheese Tilapia Burger Topped with Thick Maple Bacon, Even Thicker Sausages, and Chocolate Chip Italian Ices • Medley of Squash, Zucchini, Almond Green Beans, and Key Lime Pie • Roasted Red Pepper Hummus Spinach Parfait • Dessert: Cannoli Stuffed w/Tilapia

  • 3:30pm Camera Spray w/Cathy Ashton

  • Time TBD: We have identified 17 locations for dinner, and each location is holding a table of 30 'just in case' the Secretary's party drops by: The Secretary's name was NOT/NOT used so it is unknown how they know she might be coming at exactly 7:23:47pm wearing a white jacket over black pantsuit and prefers to look out the window. As part of deceiving the restaurant, the reservation is NOT/NOT under her name. You must tell them you are with the Hillary Clunkton party. Please be ready to mobilize at the drop of a hat, at a time not of your choosing that has no correlation to your appetite status. Additionally, you should be ready to leave dinner at a moment's notice, the only warning being Ms. Clunkton's suddenly standing up and the resulting sound of 29 chairs moving away from the table. From that point, you will have 90 seconds to get to the vans.

  • OPTIONAL: For those interested we have secured a van to take you to the History of the Air Force's Obsession with Tilapia Museum, located on the grounds of Joint Base Andrews. During this visit, you will learn many fun facts about Tilapia: • Tilapia is not a single fish. It is the common name for nearly a hundred species of cichlid fish from the tilapiine cichlid tribe.


momadona ago

To me, this is straight up office humor. Sometimes things are just that. IMHO, this one is a waste of time; jump to the next email.

awarenessadventurer ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

My thoughts:

Vans used to move kids! Those trafficked?17 pizza places? Fruit with seltzer( drug concoction) (29) chairs moving- (29 kids/traf) driver stays in van= (30)

Hillary Clunkton=Urban Dictionary: Clunk Urban Dictionary › define › term=Clunk AMP - Top Definition. Clunk. (Adj): The act of getting drunk in a classy manner. A cousin of Crunk and opposite of ...

White jacket/black pants = panda bear

Bag drag= kids/trafficked will arrive undrugged

Red splotch Red= virgin, first time Urban Dictionary: sploshing Urban Dictionary › define AMP - Verb: the act of placing food on another person, and usually eating it off of them, for pleasure. A full-bodied

tilapia a word that means vagina

the menu is way too elaborate especially the snack ** give blood?** **money.. Payment of services **Dessert: Cannoli Stuffed w/Tilapia Really?

awarenessadventurer ago

I started a new thread just for this specific email. Can I copy this into the comments with credit to you? Or do you want to?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yes, that is fine.

awarenessadventurer ago Ancient Egyptian Tilapia Fish Story

ne·ot·e·ny nēˈät(ə)nē/ nounZOOLOGY the retention of juvenile features in the adult animal. the sexual maturity of an animal while it is still in a mainly larval state, as in the axolotl.

By Patrick Hunt –

A “fish story” is often perceived as a tall tale, a narrative with “fishy” circumstances. If not an outright result of something incredible like “Jonah and the Whale”, a dubious stretching of the truth may be amusing but modern ichthyological science has somewhat tarnished the Egyptian tilapia legends. Amulets of the tilapia fish were perceived to possess fertility power as it was widely considered a symbol of regeneration and reproductive strength in Ancient Egypt. A description of the tilapia fish in Egyptian art mostly of the New Kingdom (roughly 1550-1070 BCE) follows, contrasted with scientific study of male tilapia virility.

This lovely striped glass object pictured in the lead photo – an 18th Dynasty brightly colored cosmetic bottle in the shape of a tilapia fish – is from the Amarna Period, a highwater epoch of Egyptian art under Akhenaten in the city he built with relative independence from prior art canons as well as far enough from the monopoly of the Theban priesthood of Amun at least during his reign. It is one of the most striking pieces on the British Museum’s Egyptian collection of iconic glass objects and is both imaginative in design as well as anatomically faithful for anyone steeped in Nilotic ichthyology. [1] Its high tech creation was an art form where heated glass rods of different colors were wrapped around a disposable core and a stylus was then dragged through the striped colors to simulate fish scales in wave patterns. Naturalistic fins, stripes and eyes were quickly added while the glass was still warm, as was a tail of the same technique as the body. The colorful glass made this tilapia fish bottle a prized possession, and it was discovered under a floor in el-Amarna, Akhenaten’s city that was soon abandoned during the following Ramesside dynasty. [2]

Although it is unlikely the ancient Egyptians were fully aware of all the particular tilapia traits, without doubt the species of Egyptian Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus or Tilapia niloticus) was then and now famous for an unusual form of neoteny while rearing its young. It is now well observed that the female tilapia carries her babies in her mouth after hatching, sheltering them from harm. How much Ancient Egyptians were aware of the emergence of the hatchlings from their mother’s open mouth remains to be seen. While more understood as a regenerative power, this unusual trait led Egyptians to exaggerate aspects of tilapia fertility, imagining this as a powerful rebirth tropism. Like modern fish aquaculture, Egyptians also farmed tilapia in closed ponds along the Nile, and this fish had its own special hieroglyph character as in.t (or ‘int) in texts [3] and the tilapia image was also worn as an amulet, not the least for pregnant women on necklaces or later sewn into shrouds for the afterlife. Greek historian Herodotus may have even tried to convey something of the parenting legends of the tilapia in his History II.93, although his information is somewhat garbled on Nilotic fish behavior.

Ancient Egyptian gardens were also renowned for fertility aspects – perfect venues for lovers’ trysts as described in Egyptian love poems – and tilapia fish are also often portrayed in funerary wall paintings, e.g., swimming in the pools at the center of Nilotic gardens, as in the Nebamun tomb paintings from Thebes, one such image shown here.

... Last but not least, illustrating its visual symbolism and virile power, the colorful tilapia had another mythological task: piloting the boat of sun-god Ra while warning of the approach of the Apophis serpent in the netherworld voyage. [12]

Modern scientific ichthyology studies have shown, however, that despite its revered status in Ancient Egypt and endearing aspects of neoteny such as the mother protecting her hatchlings in her mouth, the reproductive organs of the male tilapia are not apropos for such legendary regenerative virility. Some tilapia have even been recognized for elaborate male-female courtship. [13] But in fact, some tilapia species survival is likely compensatory in nature as an optimum parenting caring trait to make up for the male tilapia’s less potent reproductive success: Bulti. The Bulti is one of the Nile fishes (Tilapia nilotica) The Egyptian name is Nar. The Latus above mentioned " was the incarnation of the local Hathor, and the images of the Fish frequently bore on their backs the cows' horns and solar disk, which charac- terize this goddess of the setting sun ,ri (Quibell). Two mythological Fish, Abtu and Ant, accompanied the boat of the sun-god, to protect it from " every evil being or thing in the waters which had a mind to attack it " (Gods of the Egyptians, ii. 383). The Bulti is another fish of which amulets are known : it is described on p. 143. The Electric Fish is noticed on p. 149. There is still a good deal to be learnt on the subject of the sacred Fish of the Egyptians

The fish symbolized a number of different things for the ancient Egyptians — some good, some really bad… [If anyone’s really very curious about fish in ancient Egypt, I recommend taking a look at the book by Douglas Brewer and Renée F. Friedman, Fish and Fishing in Ancient Egypt (1989).] The Egyptians used images of the tilapia fish as a symbol of rebirth and regeneration. (You can see a nice faience bowl with a tilapia on it (E14359) and a rattle in the shape of a tilapia (E13005) in our Daily Life room.)

On the negative side, a fish was the creature blamed for eating Osiris’ phallus after his evil brother Seth dismembered him and cast his body parts into the Nile. This understandably could give a fish a bad reputation.

awarenessadventurer ago

TILAPIA on wikipedia

History The Tomb of Nakht, 1500 BC, contains a tilapia hieroglyph just above the head of the central figure. The aquaculture of Nile tilapia goes back to Ancient Egypt, where it was represented by the hieroglyph K1, of the Gardiner List. K1 Tilapia was a symbol of rebirth in Egyptian art, and was in addition associated with Hathor. It was also said to accompany and protect the sun god on his daily journey across the sky. Tilapia painted on tomb walls, reminds us of spell 15 of the Book of the Dead by which the deceased hopes to take his place in the sun boat: "You see the tilapia in its [true] form at the turquoise pool", and "I behold the tilapia in its [true] nature guiding the speedy boat in its waters." [4]

Tilapia were one of the three main types of fish caught in Biblical times from the Sea of Galilee. At that time they were called Amnoon (which they are still called today in Modern Hebrew. Am= mother, Noon= fish.), in Arabic the fish is called "Musht", which means "a comb", as resembled by its backfin or commonly now as "St. Peter's fish". The name "St. Peter's fish" comes from the story in the Gospel of Matthew about the apostle Peter catching a fish that carried a coin in its mouth, though the passage does not name the fish.[5] While the name also applies to Zeus faber, a marine fish not found in the area, a few tilapia species (Sarotherodon galilaeus galilaeus and others) are found in the Sea of Galilee, where the author of the Gospel of Matthew recounts the event took place. These species have been the target of small-scale artisanal fisheries in the area for thousands of years.[6][7]

The common name tilapia is based on the name of the cichlid genus Tilapia, which is itself a latinisation of thiape, the Tswana word for "fish".[8] Scottish zoologist Andrew Smith named the genus in 1840.[9]

awarenessadventurer ago

the links break every time i try to post. POsting pdf link here.

roundhouse1776 ago

This entire email is in code. Money Matters (why does she capitalize "Matters"?), Marrakech (Huma spells it wrong), yoga, giving blood, the food menu, tilapia museum, all of it. I wish I knew what it all meant.

awarenessadventurer ago

we will likely never really know. they are legal geniuses... how could you explain this shit in court? It is all speculation... but we KNOW. They KNOW we KNOW. I wish that were enough. This is a spiritual war...they will fold themselves into nothingness. Where they belong.

roundhouse1776 ago

Actually, the code is probably very simple once you know the basics. For instance, what all the foods refer to etc. These people have shown in the Podesta emails that they're not too bright when it comes to this type of stuff.

Aloha808 ago

Birdcages huh

nomorepepperoni ago

Trying to locate this. Is this all from one email? If so, can you drop a more direct link or reupload the PDF?

srayzie ago

Really strange. I also wonder why she says NO/NO and NOT/NOT instead of just using one word.

ansipizza ago

All I can think of is that it might be a text-only reduction of a richer document, like maybe it was html and there was a picture with the word "not" which had its alt text set to "not". Or the email reader would highlight, boldface, blink alternately, etc. upon seeing that syntax. The sender might have just asked for italics.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I was thinking that she did that

ansipizza ago

You could be right. It just looks more mechanical to me. Certainly the author called for emphasis either way.

hels ago

That is super fucked. So much confusion that one can only believe there are a few code words and schedule instructions with the rest of the email being meaningless.

The bullet points at the end are the most messed. Obviously 7:23:47 is too specific. How many people received this email? If it is 17 (and maybe a couple more just so they are in the know) that would be most suspicious in my eyes as they secured 17 locations for dinner. Of course I just checked the email and it had 18 recipients, since Huma couldn't make it that would mean 17 people and 17 different locations. Could mean each individual will have their own??

With the 3 paragraphs mentioning food. The first part is strongly Italian. The second part is saying this is "one and only". Third part strikes me as referring to male as many of the foods are male oriented or penis shaped -- jalapeno, thick, thicker sausages, chocolate chip (the word Italian is mentioned again), squash, zucchini, green beans, red pepper and canoli. Why are so many circular in shape? As well, Key Lime Pie has some interesting definitions from urban dictionaries, in order from google results:

Sexual act.

A guy takes a girl and has her lie down on her back with her head overhanging a bed or couch. From there, the guys starts to throat fuck her until she throws up, and as she is throwing up he blasts his load on her face. The colors mix together and it resembles the colors of a keylime pie.

To urinate inside the ass of your significant other then proceed to fuck her until a major load of jizzz has been blown from the cock. The interesting combination of jizzz and urine will then resemble that of a Key Lime Pie in the butthole of your significant other.

The act of inserting limes into your partner's rectum, and you plus multiple other men ejaculate into the hole. Spoons are distributed, and the key lime pie is eaten

There is too much relating to food and specifics not to be taken seriously. The rest of the email is probably a cut and paste about Tilapia that is only trying to make the email look legit.... people who are involved in illegal acts always try to cover themselves by looking legitimate. Maybe the option of going to going to the museum is for those who have a preference other than boys???

SluggishJ ago

Are we seeing the mention of a need for "food security"? It's in the email titled "For Chelsea":

whats goin on here? I thought she meant they needed both food AND security services (run-on sentence maybe) but there it is repeated. Am I missing something

'EDIT: Figured it out I think. Heh its security for food being flown into Haiti for support

srayzie ago

Eww. 🤢 Sick!

awarenessadventurer ago

and the museum is at Andrews AFB ????

Haldelos ago

More references to musuems...Talapia museum, museum at AAFB, Pegasus Museum, Pizza Brain Museum in Philly....(museums are non-taxable it could be a tax scheme ORRRRR it could be something fishy!!!

r3dtr1x ago

This is weird, but it was released 11/29/15 it looks like.

9217 ago


awarenessadventurer ago

I found the ballad of Parmesan CHEESE. Bobo, Jack A From: Peterson Laura USWS Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 10:51 AM To: Bobo, Jack A Subject: Re: :0) Haha absolutely! Laura Peterson Syngenta Corporate Affairs

The Ballad of Parmesan Cheese By Jack Bobo

In an age long ago When men had ten-fold The strength and endurance today, A battle did rage in the chamber of delegates In Rome on two hot muggy days. The siege of Troy lasted ten years And the Greeks gave no quarter it's true, But the battle Of Rome with the Italians at home Aged us like cheese as it grew. The war of the cheeses divided the world Between parmesan, big "P" and small. Were we crazy to fight and lash out with words When a little "p" had gotten too tall?

The war of the cheeses began with a bang With Canada's man in the Chair. The EC began by planting its flag. "Defend Parmesan cheese!" they declared. The U.S. intervened with a Homeric retort And challenged the EC in its views. The hard grating cheeses are hardly so great. Could this truly be groundbreaking news? For one hundred years all nations have made A product called parmesan cheese. What manner of magic will vanquish the rights Of companies to do as they please? Must the Americas give up the right

To their name If Amerigo Vespucci returns? Good sense is not common When passions are hot And GI's are an issue that burns. The light of the day was fading so fast We thought that the end must be near. Then Singapore called for a vote of the members And the nuclear option was here.

Volcanoes erupted and spit forth their fire And it appeared the world might end. A long night of talking produced no results For our principles we had to defend. On day two of this epic in the annals of man Our labors produced no rewards.

The EC betrayed our efforts for peace And the multitude fell on their swords. While hope yet remains that in future fair trade Will protect us all if we pray.

For now, the consumer must weep as we Acknowledge defeat For there's no parmesan standard today.


More redacted nothing, thanks.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

If this is it, and unless I missed something, I'm kinda let down.

palmitespo910 ago

I can't remember where so I can't source it, but I did see something last night saying that there are many officials that are losing their positions instead of being prosecuted. For the leaks, I mean.

AgainstCotton ago

Clear a couple things up here. Just read through most of the notes quickly, there aren't any real bombshells in this release, but what is interesting about this release as opposed to the others is this release is almost all handwritten notes from interviews with people close to the Clintons. The previous releases were about 90% redacted, but this release is mostly unredacted. It would be interesting to take these notes and cross reference them with what was contained in the other batches to see if any inconsistencies can be found in the witness testimony. Either way these were interesting to read. Their maid went with them on vacations, Sid Bloomenthal claims he wasn't paid for his role with HRC, I think we know that is untrue. Worth looking at.

hels ago

Payment can come in ways other than monetarily. Let's pretend he is a pedo, being given a child one night a month continuously for his services could be his payment.

pbvrocks ago

I'm not sure what to make of this...looks like interviews the FBI did on those close to Clinton re: mail server...

Verite1 ago

Didn't FBIAnon specifically discuss "server" (can't remember need to reread, we all should) and don't forget we now the "Awan story" with apparently a separate server and possibly having committed a crime punishable by death.

Fuckingcucks ago

there was a part on that said hrc's stoy did not corroborate with the witness around pgs 30-40

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

I dont think so. It is just a single 42 page PDF.

smonkey ago

It seems to verify depth of involvement of Sid B and Tyler D that George Webb has been reporting for a while

others i dont recognize yet ( due to redactions )

memegod420 ago

According to julian/wikileaks, vault 7 is a cia related release. I don't think this is it.

cakeoflightylight ago

mentions CIA in the Blumenthal section I think.

redditsuckz ago

Well look for "moloch".

KittyTigerlily ago

I'm a little confused. Well, earlier I had a tweet from someone, can't remember now, and it said new Hillary emails released. Here's the link, and there's a lot of reading.*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895

nomorepepperoni ago

99, huh? Coincidence is likely, but it made me think of a song penned while the Cold War was still a thing--"99 Red Balloons".

TLDL--WW3 is invoked and world is wiped out/nuked...over something moronically innocent being mistaken for an act of balloons.

Amusing coincidence, whatwith all the redbaiting as of late.

LacunaPerpetual ago

Now these look more substantive.

anon8798978668 ago

This is the official FBI release, they would redact any incriminating evidence... We need this material leaked without redactions. Still worth a look though, might give clues on trafficking ops

cakeoflightylight ago

last few pages reference John Kerry and Condoleeza Rice but don't say anything incriminating. The maid handled some of HRC's emails and faxes which is mishandling of classified info, HRC needs to be indicted. Maid also went on all their vacays with them because there was "no one to cover for her in her absence" so she's probably going to wind up dead soon.

save_thechildren ago

Clintons housekeeper....missing child never found...

grlldcheese ago

It's on the fbi page. It's a real document.

This is the page of all of them. It's missing 6 of 7. Might be them cleaning up the page.

It's real. It's official. Dunno if it's a big deal.

Verite1 ago


cosimus ago

Last time i looked there was a placeholder for part 7. Thought maybe the intern messed up the HTML, but my bookmarked part6 is gone, 404'd. URL was

Current state with part6 missing:

Psalm144-1 ago

Let go baby!

bgrenual ago

Just skimmed through it, there is nothing in this at all. Just notes from investigators. Nothing new, nothing that means shit. Don't waste your time.

LacunaPerpetual ago

Yeah, I just scanned it too. To me, it just looks like investigator handwritten notes with nothing new, saying she used a BlackBerry and something called the "BP" server, which I guess was her private server.

Salbuchi_2019 ago

Send my regards to your supervisor at ShariaBlue.

bgrenual ago

How fucking stupid are you? I'm all over this forum investigating and looking into shit. I want EVERY pedo to burn in hell. Death by firing squad.


Salbuchi_2019 ago

Good for you if you're an honest man doing your best to research this. But comments like "don't waste your time reading this" read like they're typed by Alefantis' team more than that of a guy with good intentions.

bgrenual ago

Dude, I'm so fucking sick of the bullshit that clutters this forum. We could be making real progress if it wasn't for all the retarded crap that gets posted that is IRRELEVANT and useless.

I just don't want people making a huge deal out of shit when there's nothing there. It hurts our cause. That's why I speak up.

memegod420 ago

Fake and gay.

naridactyl ago

Can confirm.

AliensInParis ago

is this vault 7?

SturdyGal ago

It is Wikileaks Clinton emails

juhos ago

No. It says in Wikileaks own release that

All major French political parties were targeted for infiltration by the CIA's human ("HUMINT") and electronic ("SIGINT") spies in the seven months leading up to France's 2012 presidential election. The revelations are contained within three CIA tasking orders published today by WikiLeaks as context for its forth coming CIA Vault 7 series.

Devious1 ago

No way is this vault 7

pbvrocks ago

From FBI Vault 7 but not entire vault 7 per wiki leaks..that would/will be immense...

Verite1 ago

Good to know

memegod420 ago

Julian has stated that vault 7 is a CIA-related release.

Devious1 ago

Really?!! Assange is kill. Julian's new Twitter account ffs. Check the facts and happenings don't beleive dis information

ThePoorPeople ago


grlldcheese ago

Was part 5 listed as 5 of 6?

If it was, then this is extra special 7th drop. Think that means it's the redacted FBI stuff Assange was hinting at/threatening.

I'm not seeing announcements for each individual piece on fbi vault Twitter. The page with all the pieces is listing them as x of 7, but 6 is missing right now.

I dunno Wtf this is.

I will say 100% when the 6th dropped a while back, before the vault 7 stuff, it was called 6 of 6.

tic_toc_tic_toc ago

can confirm. must mean wikileaks forced them into doing the #7 they knew existed or something.

memegod420 ago

Historically, everytime they update it, the number goes up.

So release 5 was 5 of 5, then 6 was 6 of 6. I can only assume this one is now 7 of 7.

grlldcheese ago

Thank you! That's exactly what i was trying to figure out.

So we don't know if they intended for a 7th the whole time. We don't know if this is related to vault 7 just yet. Unless it turns out to be the bombshell.

AliensInParis ago

Part 6 is missing for me

n080d33 ago

That's exactly what I was thinking!

Psalm144-1 ago

My thoughts exactly! Can't wait for George Webb to get his hands on these!

surgeson ago


abortionburger ago

Ahh holy crap! NEW EVIDENCE!

wecanhelp ago

Could you please expand on this? It may be a potential lead, but do we know enough about the contents of these emails already to flair this as New Evidence?

abortionburger ago

Fair, if you want to override be my guest :)

wecanhelp ago

I wasn't sure if I'm just uninformed about some development on this. If that is not the case then I'll just change this to Potential Lead, but if I'm overlooking something, it can stay as it is, just let us know of a reason for the flair.

abortionburger ago

I just got excited, sorry!

wecanhelp ago

No problems whatsoever, I was genuinely asking if I'm overlooking something. I'm changing this to Potential Lead then. I've already fucked up a flair today by getting all excited myself, so trying to be extra-cautious here. :)

awarenessadventurer ago

I feel you... happens to all of us. except those without a pulse.

AliensInParis ago

It mentions bleachbit and Brian Pagliano. Interesting...but why?

Rangers_justice ago

Because now there is ia link to him (Pagliano) and there's intent to destroy evidence and they can revoke his immunity deal. Gowdy and Chaffetz are going to have his balls in a vice. This is more or less wishful thinking on my part. Don't be surprised if he gets suicided.


They are going to fake John Podesta's death just to try and beat us all back. Podesta will be on Epsteins Mossad Island Eating babies