Poncho567 ago

king_nothing_, I'm having second thoughts about your posting, I think you are right. I didn't read it thoroughly enough, didn't realize the image was attached to the email you talked about. I was reading on another post about the TerraMar project which the Clinton Foundation is involved in to preserve the oceans. I guess we placed occult symbols and Egyptian myths here where there really was a "Save the Ocean" campaign. Good job.

DarkOne ago

Fishing For Teen.

ghost7 ago

Occam's Razor, this makes the cut

spez_dispenser ago

I believe he sent this photo 3 times. One of the photos contains exif data with gps coordinates.

Scruffy_Nerfherder ago

He's creepy and needs to die.

cantsleepawink ago

Goal No. 14: 'Life below water'. Could be a double entendre...just sayin....

occultelite ago

The two explanations are not mutually exclusive. Keep that in mind.

dustyr ago

What's the charm bracelet about? Pedo meaning?

party1981 ago

Search for "14" here:


The_Almighty_Kek ago

I agree.

I know we come up with the craziest connections to things, many of which may be legitimate, but we need to know when we're wrong about something. That way our truth-bombs won't blow up in our faces. Thanks, @king_nothing_

Prepper_Jack ago

Good, I look forward to seeing your contributions. And yes, I'm a fucking prick, glad you noticed.

Prepper_Jack ago

I don't give a damn why you chose your username. I don't care that you think you're smarter than everyone else (here's a tip - check the Dunning-Kruger effect). I don't care that you think any of this is "korny". I don't give a damn about you, or what you think of anyone here. You've done nothing here. With all of a (claimed) 48 hours of poking around you believe you have some sort of right to tell others that their points don't belong here, and that OTHERS are jumping to conclusions?

Again, investigate or fuck off.

Prepper_Jack ago

Well, I've been on pizzagate from very early on (albeit under a different guise). I have, actually looked at most of the evidence. I have actually contributed to the investigation. Unlike you. We know these people often speak in code. We know they enjoy double meanings. We know they enjoy thinking they are smarter than everyone else. We KNOW Podesta is a freak. We KNOW he uses code words in his emails. We know he engages in occultism, and surrounds himself with people who do the same.

We aren't trying to prove any of this at all, as it's pretty firmly established at this point. If you missed any of that, this would indicate that either you haven't read much about the investigation at all, or are just here to shill. So, if you're actually interested in helping, go read a bit about it all, and maybe do some digging of your own. If not, then fuck off. My opinion on this is informed, unlike yours. Is it unlike him that he would smugly put out an occult reference under the guise of something else? Those in the know would say no. You have to pay attention to when occultists flash numbers and symbols.

The only question is whether or not it's important to the investigation. I would say no, as it offers us nothing in the way of new leads.

DystopianDaze ago

I would (had already) put this aside (not away). That there is a "plausible" explanation, whether it proves plausible or not, means that bringing it up now is pointless. Let's focus on what cannot be explained away and come back to these things later.

Prepper_Jack ago

Ahh yes, speculation is absolutely pointless when investigating. Of course.

If anything is out of place here, and seems to be "discrediting" things it's you. I also note that you don't seem to have contributed to the "effort" at all.

Nicefind ago

I agree he is guilty as well. This piece of evidence is not the most damning. Hermeneutics of symbolism will not be enough to bring these fucks to justice.

Poncho567 ago

If Podesta was promoting the Global Goals, wouldn't it make more sense to write a 17 on his hand since there are 17 Global Goals instead of zeroing in on #14 "life below water"? John Podesta is very concerned about climate action (goal #13), he has an obsession with UFOs also, but I haven't seen an email or information about him being concerned about sea-life. Like party1981 said, I think the Osiris myth, the bandaid, the scars on his hands as well as the context of other emails (Spirit Cooking) point to something besides a "Save the Fish" campaign.

5677- ago

molly_clock ago

thank you for seeing the other side of the coin.

Millennial_Falcon ago

He has some kind of condition with the tendons in his hands. It was mentioned in one of the leaked emails, but I forget what it's called.

piratse ago


UglyTruth ago

That doesn't explain the apparent photoshop of the same finger described by Abramovic.

bdmthrfkr ago

Have a fun trip down the rabbit hole, this guy explains the occult meaning of the number and the fish.


totorox ago

Mystery solved, in my opinion.

Rule one of occultism (and definition): the hiding of knowledge. You will always stumble upon an easy, comfortable, meaningless explanation for the consumption of the uninitiated, intended to provide them with a reason not to look for a deeper meaning. It's not enough to talk through symbols to the initiated crowd, you also have to have a dumb, pseudo explanation for the goyim who might wonder what it's all about.

Sometimes 14 Fish means Global Goals' #14, other times it means Osiris' dick. How do you discern rationally between the two? Well you need corroborative elements and circumstances. You need context. And that's where being part of the club unlocks the keys of language... and unlocking the keys of knowledge from outside the club makes you think like them.

gumshoe_mob ago


Nuclear disaster 2011 -- during Sec of State Hillary Clinton's lead --- There were five nuclear facilities near the coast of Fukushima, built by General Electric. It was said that GE built it at that location over the objections of the Japanese. When the disaster happened, all the monitors in the U.S. were disabled so that no readings of radioactivity could be tracked. No one was allowed into the area. No one has fixed it to this day. Why weren't the forces of all the nations brought together to resolve this disaster???? Maybe by 2030 the "globalgoal" of destroying the oceans will have been completed.

Another point: How many people would recognize what "14" would even mean?? Hmm, 14, 14, oh, let me do a google search for 14. Do they keep a list pinned to their desktop?? "Oh, 14, that would be HEALING THE OCEANS" --- or -- "14?? we haven't even done #1 yet" -- "lets have a real conversation about the environment now" -- "lets talk in depth about goal #14" --- NEVER HAPPENED. .

Cradliving ago

It is well known that those that are part of occult organizations have layers of disseminated meanings to their symbology, even within their ranks and especially to the uninitiated.

1_tattoo_OF_pepe ago

I have this condition and have already had a number of surgeries including one on my spine, and have another pending in Feb. Dactylitis is a hallmark of this illness, and I have that too. No surgeries though so far on my hands. He definitely has significant arthritic damage in his hands. I still believe he is a total freakshow though, and deeply involved in some horrific stuff. Just because he has or may have a chronic illness doesn't mean he is innocent or harmless.

subchannel ago

nah this is bullshit. This is something Podesta made up to cover to truth

The fish and the number 14

stands for


CJJacobs ago

OR, you are just concern trolling and this is absoultely associated with the occult. Specifically, Osiris. From wikipedia:

"In one version of the myth, she used a spell learned from her father and brought him back to life so he could impregnate her. Afterwards he died again and she hid his body in the desert. Months later, she gave birth to Horus. While she raised Horus, Set was hunting one night and came across the body of Osiris.

Enraged, he tore the body into fourteen pieces and scattered them throughout the land. Isis gathered up all the parts of the body, except the penis (which had been eaten by a fish, the medjed) and bandaged them together for a proper burial."

sentryseven ago

No, this isn't debunked at all IMO. It's creepy and coded af. Why would Fischer send Podesta a photo of himself looking quite bizarrely smitten? Why would Podesta feel so passionate about ocean life that he would etch it onto his hands in felt? Like out of all these global goals I'm going to inscribe this into my hand for the camera and for the world to see? It makes no sense unless of course it comes out that he has been a passionate advocate for fish and ocean life all these years. This is clearly a tip of the cap to Podesta's occultic knowledge. These people speak in code and symbology to fool the ignorant masses.

TrumpPSA ago


The bankers understand the cyclical nature of politics and have given us a false revolution to retain their grip on power. They are the controlled opposition. It's called full spectrum control/dominance. Trump was nothing more than a false revolution to restore faith in the system that the same elites still control.

Trump isn't prosecuting Hillary.


Trump's pick for Education Cheif is billionaire Betsy DeVos who's pro Common Core and admits to buying political influence with Trump.


And here she is admitting that she buys political influence.


Trump giving Jewish son-in-law top Whitehouse position.


" Kushner also spearheaded the campaign’s data operation and helped craft some policy speeches, including Trump’s address at this year’s AIPAC Policy Conference, and was often the last person Trump spoke to before making any major decisions."

Zionist Organization Of America support Bannon.


Donald Trump's Goldman Sachs campaign manager (Stephen Bannon) just said that money doesn't control politics.


Trump's pick to head the Treasury is a Goldman Sachs hedge fund manager ( was also employed by Soros and Hollywood media firms)


Trump to make Jewish billionaire sacmmer Wilber Ross head of the Department of commerce.


Ex Goldman Sachs banker Bannon running Trump's campaign.


Bannon Goldman Sachs ( One of many Goldman Sachs associates working for him)


Clinton's CIA director James Woosley working for Trump.


Woosley working for Rothschild


Bannon running Trump's campaign.


Woosley Clinton's ex CIA director that works for the Rothschilds in Genie Energy is advising Trump.


Trump disavows Alt-Right and calls them racist.


Trump backtracking on climate change.


Here are the Jews of the Trump cabal, in order of appearance. Some are very familiar, like his daughter and son-in-law. Others are billionaires who supported Trump’s campaign, and others yet are not so famous:

Michael Abboud (Sephardic Jew) – Communications Coordinator, Donald J. Trump for President

Paul Achleitner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank (Donald Trump’s largest lender)

Sheldon Adelson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Elliott Broidy (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel, The Trump Organization

Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development

Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development

Lewis Eisenberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Boris Epshteyn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Feinberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s second largest lender)

David Friedman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Samuel Fox (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization

Bruce Gelb (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Michael Glassner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Campaign Manager and Former National Political Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization

Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Vincent Harris (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Digital Strategy Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Carl Icahn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Peter Kalikow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Daniel Kowalski (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Charles Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Jared Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Yael Kushner [née Ivanka Trump] (Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Bennett LeBow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Corey Lewandowski (Ashkenazic Jew/East European) – Former Campaign Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Lieberman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Management & Development, The Trump Organization

Howard Lorber (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

David Malpass (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Douglas Manchester (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Great Again PAC

Bernard Marcus (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Rebekah Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Robert Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Amanda Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice President of Marketing, The Trump Organization

Eli Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chief Operating Officer, Donald J. Trump for President

Jason Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Communications Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Mnuchin (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Finance Chairman, Donald J. Trump for President

Samuel Nunberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

David Orowitz (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Development, The Trump Organization

Geoffrey Palmer [né Weissinger] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Rebuilding America Now PAC

John Paulson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Richard Roberts (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization

Wilbur Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Roth (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization

Keith Schiller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Director of Security, The Trump Organization

Melvin Sembler (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Lara Trump [née Yunaska] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Vanessa Trump [née Haydon] (Ashkenazic Jew/North European) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Weiser (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Andrew Weiss (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization

Lawrence Weitzner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Witkoff (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Stephen Wynn [né Weinberg] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

-Is Hillary going to be prosecuted? They've said NO. (Because apparently there was never anything to prosecute).

-Is Trump going to sue all the women who claimed sexual assault? NO

-Is Trump going to build the wall? NO, A FENCE WILL DO.

)-Is Trump going to deport the 17 million undocumented immigrants? NOPE. (Claiming maybe 3 million, but with no force to implement and no place to put them, we'll see)

-Is Trump going to implement Term Limits, as he promised? NO (GOP said they will never let it happen.

-Is Trump going to remove Obamacare? NO (Now he wants to modify it.

-Is Trump going to get rid of NAFTA? Iran Agreement? NO (too complicated, and may prefer to hold them accountable to the agreement.

-Is Trump going to DRAIN THE SWAMP? NO (He's already hired numerous lobbyists whom are exactly what the swamp needs to be drained of.

-Is Trump going to submit a Stimulus Package? YES (Quite similar to the one Obama had been trying to pass forever but GOP kept obstructing).

gumshoe_mob ago

Interesting post. We shall see what happens. Right now, Trump is looking at a Hillary/Soros/Michael Moore effort to instigate fear and trembling even civil war in our country. How do you calm peoples' fears? you do the same thing everyone else did. It is the unknown that people are afraid of, especially when there are hired troops telling them TO BE AFRAID. .

piratse ago

There is a LOT of stuff that is benign that people are assigning "pizza" stuff to. Remember kids: code words and code symbols are by designed supposed to look like normal words and symbols. That's the point. You HAVE to look at context. A fish could be a code in the right context, but 99% of the time it's just a fish. EVEN IF pizzagate is real, they won't be talking about it/showing off 99% of the time. More like 1% of the time. IF they do this stuff, it's normal to them, so they won't be discussing it all the time. How often do you talk to people about/flaunt that normal thing you do all the time? For a pedo that fucks kids, it's just another day of fucking kids, YOU GUYS are the ones that this is new/a shock to. Remember that.

8_billion_eaters ago

I agree with most of what you have to say. However, I've filtered my own emails at work. 44,000 of them over the past 10 years. I like pizza for lunch. I've sent emails to co-workers about lunch. I mentioned "pizza" one time in 10 years. These motherfuckers talk about "pizza" in a different way. It's obvious.

enkisbeard ago

Now I'm wondering if we couldn't do some kind of kick ass machine learning analysis to see what other words are being used in a strange way...

Issue is building and running that is above my skill level...

piratse ago

I agree with that for sure.

sudonymous ago

Thank you for this.

Objective analysis is critical.

TopGun ago

I'm not convinced there is no occult meaning. It is just as likely proposal 14 of Global Goals was in reference to the occult than mere coincidence.

Also, the hand symbols are more likely for a ritual than for a campaign photo. When was the last time Obama wrote Obamacare on his hands or other politicians and a different cause?

xeemee ago

the metadata for the image, assuming it wasn't altered, specifically the date, reinforces your conclusion - 22-SEP-2015

MAGABoomer ago

And yet he used the photo 3 times? Duality is hidden in plain sight. He apparently has Dupreynes syndrome which is curious as it is most associated with certain Anglo Saxon genetic groups. Source...knew man with Dupreynes. Researched it and new treatments for him. Knowing the treatments (in UK experimenting with needle ecotomies (splitting the thickened tendon with needles) and that the issue causes fingers to draw DOWN and the hand to eventually curl up..nothing about those photos explains the injuries to his fingers as any Dupreynes treatment literally has nothing to do with the fingers. It begins on the ring finger as the tendon thickens it draws the finger downward. It eventually pulls all fingers downward..Treatment is focused on the tendon that begins at base of ring finger and goes slightly diagonally across the palm into the wrist joint. It used to be associated with the sword hand of Anglo Saxons. Meaning, in olden days they thought it was the result of swinging heavy swords. It is a genetic condition.

SavedGameStudios ago

I appreciate this other side argument... many people are taking any picture with a pizza as some CP signal and I just have to think... maybe those people just like actual pizza. Everyone needs to calm down just a bit IMHO

fiveeleven ago

This doesn't necessarily mean that the scribblings on JP's hands are not occult related, but that the writers of the Global Goals potentially winked at it in their document as well by having goal #14 be ocean related.

iamneuromancer ago

Guys a double meaning is possible. I'm sure these Gus would also give plausible rationalization as to why they are wondering whether they should play dominoes on pizza or pasta, but that doesn't falsify all alternative reasons. Your explanation makes sense but that doesn't falsify the double meaning since the fish pedo code is pretty established.

msgtw123 ago

I saw that too, but can't say the 14 = fish is totally debunked unit we know why the oceanlife was put at #14.

EmmetMcTaggart ago

Hijacking the top post to show you his tweet with that picture.

I thought people knew about this.

mango69 ago

Ok, but what is with the bracelet? Any Connection to Bidens bracelet to Obama, that is weird. Take it or leave it.

queeg ago

Has anyone considered that the pizza on Biden's bracelet is actually a slice of birthday cake?

vacvape ago

That's hardly convincing? It's also occult nonsense. There's probably a parallel that's more realistic. Someone had suggested "fishing for teens". A clip of Bill Hick's bit on making it in Hollywood by sucking Satan's cock for contracts actually mentions targeting 14 year old girls because they're not exactly discerning. Making them their preferred demographic for social control and market poaching. Let's make everything revolve around their irrational feelings.. swamp the uprising. Suddenly you've got Occupy Wallstreet doing fucking sparkle fingers while blue bloods smile over them sipping bubbly.

Add to that "2016", the whole of Obama's second term, Hillary's whole fucking campaign.

Further, Occams Razor still peaks only towards probabilities, NOT certainties. It is truly a thought terminating cliche. Much as is "The best lie is often the simplest".

EmmetMcTaggart ago

I posted this before. I guess nobody saw it. I keep telling people on twitter when they post about it. Reality Calls knows about it. She should have put it in her videos. The photo was in his tweet saying exactly what you posted.


Add this to the top post.

Agrosniper ago

whats up with his finger on the had with 14? has he had an accident or something?

Spuddlebuns ago

No one is making "wild claims" about ANY of this. BUT, the occult backgrounds of some of the symbolism, combined with the "art" being bandied about in plain sight IS being noted and documented as one more dot to connect in the situation. Murderers have been convicted of 1st degree murder with NOTHING but circumstantial evidence. But there has to be ENOUGH circumstantial "dots" to connect to make the picture clear to even the most ardent defenders... That is all this mountain of evidence is attempting to do. No one thing in and of itself can be taken as "concrete" proof. But we are talking, at this point probably close to a hundred or more separate little "dots" to connect...All patently visible to those who are willing to look past a cursory glance...

GrislyAddams ago

If read left to right, or backwards, it could say, "fish 14". Fish for teen. Perhaps it's not even an intentional thing. Sometimes our subconscious outs us. He could have picked any other thing on the list and not given out this message.

ReasonsToBeCurious ago

If so then WHY the hell did Podesta himself made this not clear?? Or one of the so called debunking articles. THIS would have been their strongest argument!

Fish for teen?

8_billion_eaters ago

John Podesta was displaying his latest achievement. He had participated in his 14th child sacrifice. He killed 14 "fish". And he was proud of it. Those satanists call children fish after they're done. They call them fish when they've killed them.

They call them Cheese Pizza when they're merely fucking them. This shit is endemic among politicians.

TheAnswerIsC ago

Interesting. I thought the fish and the 14 was code for 'fishing for teens" (fish = fishing/fourteen = for teen), but yours makes more sense.

ejd4500 ago

Interesting catch - any source that you can provide for the 'fish' code? Not trying to counter you, just want to add it to the skeleton key for understanding all of this.

IfIDidIt ago

The point of that picture is not the fish and the 14, it's that you can see the scars on the finger of his left hand, tied into the other ritual.

williczek ago

Watch Marina Abramovic spirit cooking. 'Cut deeply into the middle finger eat the pain' or something among those lines. Now look at Podestas palms and explain to me his scars.

Spuddlebuns ago

explain the flesh colored bandage on the bottom joint of the third finger...

UglyTruth ago

It's not a bandage, take a closer look.


Spuddlebuns ago

Having played with Photoshop for many years, I have to ask, doesn't it strike you the least bit odd that with all his fingers showing scars, veins, wrinkles, and normal skin discolorations, that this particular portion of that particular finger shows NO variation in skin tone, and is ever so slightly misshapen, with a small horizontal line which could designate the edge of a bandage? It is nigh impossible to tell photo editing, but the COLOR of that portion of the finger is smooth, and slightly lighter in tone than any other part of any of the other fingers, including the top of that finger. It is too unnatural looking and the color is too smooth. Something is amiss.

AeonOne ago

Let' just look at both points of view. Podesta writes 14 and a fish on his hands as a reference to Global Goals #14. What idiot does that? And why bother taking a photo of it? He feels so strongly about #fishlivesmatter? At the least he's strange. Two- ppl think it's an occult reference. OK, but with the reference to spirit cooking and Abramovic we already knew that. There's nothing in the photo that takes the investigation to another step, even assuming it is an occult reference, with band aids and all.

Spuddlebuns ago

It is not meant to take the investigation, "another step." It is meant to add to the already quite sizeable mountain of circumstantial "coincidences" that tie these people together in some creepy ways. And even so, many people simply refuse to see.

AeonOne ago

Sure I get it. Even without that strange photo I already think Podesta is a creepy nut job. It just seems like the same info has been rehashed over and over again and I want to see a break through. What would be interesting is if a similar photo was found of other people to link it to some group trend. Maybe O.T.O. people do that? Masons?

Cid ago

The original source of that pic is him posting it to twitter to promote Global Goal's #14 goal. I've pointed that out so many times on reddit. I think this is an important investigation, but geez people get tunnel vision.

demurrage ago

hidden in plain sight means making up newspeak reasons why something is there. Deletion will be confirmation. Just like the spiral in the besta logo. Podesta has not tweeted since the election it seems. Wonder if he will clean house once he logs in again?

Spuddlebuns ago

No one is denying what you have written. But the bandage on the third finger is the focus here, not the 14 or the fish.

Cid ago

I have no issue with that, that is a legitimate suspicion.

DelorisCL ago

Yes, we must cut through the fat and get to the lean meat.

miballz ago

So Podesta sees what you just wrote about and thinks to himself ... hahahah that is so funny 14 underwater life aka FISH ... just like one of our Moloch rituals or whatever the fuck meaning it has to him .. So he takes that picture.. For him it is an inside joke for others its what you just posted and that is what makes him smile the way he does... IF YOU STUPID PEASANT ONLY NEW THE TRUE POWER heheheheh shit eating grin.jpg.

8_billion_eaters ago

calm down. You are right. We, the people, will root out these government pedophiles. They will hang.

Focus on the new administration. Give President Trump a few months. I think he is going to rock this world.

miballz ago

If he does not lock her up i will lose all respect for authority.

crash6674 ago

Keep Up The Good Work!

contrarianism ago


Volkisch ago

Good work.

witch_doctor1 ago

The reason that Molesta may have needed surgery in the first place is that the dumbass did as he was told and "cut his middle finger deeply and eat the pain". The flexor (palm side) and extensor tendons of the fingers are not too deep and are often affected with any significant laceration. Same for the nerves supplying each of the fingers, (ulnar digital nerve/radial digital nerve).

Lobotomy ago

Still, the bandaged finger gives the image importance, related to spirit cooking.

vacvape ago

Occams Razor implies that you have a plausible explanation to begin with that satisfies all curiosities. That requires investigation. Occams Razor is often a thought terminating cliche.

angular_planes ago

Agreed, occult narrative is a total distraction. even if it's true it's the least important detail - unless you think people can actually do magic...

Spuddlebuns ago

You don't have to to believe that people can actually do magic, for THEM to believe that they can do magic. Many of the satanic rituals, especially the ones involving blood and sacrifices supposedly imbue POWER to the practitioners. And almost everyone knows that the DC crowd is very heavily into power...

vacvape ago

I'd be willing to believe that they eat people as symbolic initiation into a farmer's guild that does nothing at all but prey on them mercilessly already. If its even just that... its an undeniable signal of their contempt for what they rule over, in line with so many countless others.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Good point. Not that I think the picture is important, but I reckon he also meant fishing for teens. A degenerate fucker like him wud have found it amusing i imagine

vacvape ago

Geez. Does it match his license plate?

B_Adder ago

I also found reasonable explanations for a lot of the pizza related emails which could be red herrings to distract any inquiries. There are so many other issues with people in power being related to drugs, sex, and pay-2-play, that the pedafile angle may be valid. Pedo arrests worldwide and past pedo arrests have frequently involved people in power, influence, authority, and enforcement. This reeks of systemic organized control. Follow the money. Look to the billionaire international bankers who are the shadow government of the world. How do you control the decision makers, enforcers, and propaganda machine? The answer is Money, power, success, drugs, and sex. The billionaire international bankers have the money and power.

madhatter67 ago

That Global Goals site looks kinda lovely....wouldn't we all want a world like that?....thing is, the goals and timeline are pretty unrealistic, especially as there really isn't any meat on the bones of how we will get there....all sounds rather agenda 21ish....only way I can see it happening is with a strong worldwide government and a lot less people....the globalist final solution

Seeing as these fuckers seem to worship death more than life this explanation really doesn't make me feel any better about the scumbag

Gorillion ago

Anyone got a blow up of that bracelet? Any gross pedo symbols woven in there?

totorox ago

I'm not seeing the link between Aquino's temple of Set and Podesta in that infographic. Amrita would be the link? How so?

Water_Thug ago

Yeah, it's a myth for a reason. Geez you conspiritards are insane.

Scoundrel ago

Let me guess, you're a low info idiot who claims that there is nothing to see in the Wikileaks --> Hillary --> John Podesta --> Comet Ping Pong ---> Besta Pizza ---> connections, pedo codes, and spirit cooking. One big misunderstanding.

Water_Thug ago

Not even close.

Scoundrel ago

Wow, I get a vote down but no comment as to why after posting the photo.. Fucking pedos are here as well. Hope you bitches are happy, many of us want to insta-gib your ass. Soon.

Spuddlebuns ago

Mgur is considered as compromised as eddit. I believe it was posted in another thread that using them here would most likely result in downvotes. They are not exactly welcome with open arms...

stbelmont ago

While true, some things were saved on imgur before people knew that imgur was compromised. (Not addressing the person I'm replying to but everyone) Would you downvote worthy information linked? A lot of people I see posting above would like that! However, certainly remind people of better sources to use than imgur.

While I'm posting, feel free everyone to note the pedo-/Luciferian supporters REVEALING THEMSELVES above. What other posts have they made? Whatever they're supporting or trying to dismiss as not important may be the opposite.

SavedGameStudios ago

A good idea woukd be to archive it and post that or resave the pictures into a sli.mg album. Mainly because mgur might remove the pictures in the future

ArchCovenant ago

Who writes such a thing on their hands? Why not hold a simple card or home made sign? Suspicious anyway you slice it. Wouldn't have titled this debunked?

Initiate ago

Important and great contribution, thanks! We need to be as rational as possible on our way to the truth, no need for false assumptions out of (unjustified) hate. Good job, thanks.

party1981 ago

I think this was the cover that Podesta used to justify posting this picture.

The memo about protecting oceans, that's like pizza. Pizza is innocent. Oceans are innocent. They provide cover for Podesta to publicly advertise his criminal behavior. He's basically winking at the camera.

Consider all of these things:

  1. Podesta's hands are covered in scars. He also had hand surgery.
  2. Podesta's left middle finger has a bandaid - exactly as in Spirit Cooking blood letting.
  3. 14 is the number for the occult Osiris myth, from the Temple of Set, involving cannibalism. Tony Podesta has a Jeffrey Dahlmer statute in his house (cannibalism) and John Podesta put up a cannibal painting in his HRC office (lent from Tony).

Then take those 3 points, and add them together with everything else we know about Comet Ping Pong and child trafficking. And ask yourself if John is really just talking about oceans. And pizza.

Pepper-theDoctor ago

agreed. you see the same thing all over this. their hype for pizza is likely pushed out there to mask the sketchy stuff in the noise. same deal with podesta's cooking. never trust a skinny cook. also, the pictures of naked underage children in tony podesta's house as "art"


Yea, it almost seems too easy to "debunk" this in the way that OP has. Although I think its a good find and I'm glad it was brought to our attention, I think given the nature of a lot of the information we have discovered over the last few weeks, I don't find it a stretch at all that this was done intentionally to cover for this photo.

ephesians5_11 ago

Podesta's left middle finger has a bandaid - exactly as in Spirit Cooking blood letting.

That's what I was thinking.

piratse ago

Okay, to what end does this do anything for him? If he's in a pedo ring, he doesn't need to post pictures to twitter, make a matching document, post it to his website, attach it to a charity.... so he can communicate with the people he already knows? He can call them, send an email, meet them at the next fuck party. Even if you are correct, there isn't a clear enough connection here. It's just speculation and interpretation. You can build the Everest of speculation, and it will do nothing. They had to get Capone on tax evasion because they only had speculation of his criminal activity. Get the proof. the rest is a circle jerk to confirm your suspicion.

party1981 ago

I completely agree with you that it is not hard proof. I'm not suggesting otherwise. One last thing to consider: even if he is referring to oceans, how bizarre is it to write symbols on your palms, hold them up with a creepy grin, take a picture, and post it to Twitter? I look at documents, memos, etc., and I never draw symbols on my palms about them and then tweet a picture of my palm symbols. Even if he's just referring to oceans, it's still fucking weird. And that weirdness itself is a clue.

piratse ago

You also don't run a giant charity that does publicity. I'm not saying it's super normal but it's also not that weird. Likely "hey we should draw that on your hands and totally post it to twitter, it will be awesome." Creepy grin is just his grin, irrelevant. Posting it to twitter is the thing that makes it the least likely to be anything nefarious. Hes ALREADY IN a secret group (supposedly) there is NO REASON he would post it to signify some occult shit. The people in the group already know he's in. It would serve ZERO purpose to any pedo ring, but it would service a purpose to his shitty clean water initiative. I'm choosing the most logical one. Not everything is a signal.

party1981 ago

Why do they put pedo symbols in pizza restaurant logos? They're winking at us. It's like this is the first time.

piratse ago

Two things come to mind: 1) coincidence. A LOT of companies have logos that look like the pedo logo. That triangle and hand in hand was around before pedos adopted it. The images come up a lot if you look around. Did ALL the companies connected have pedo logos? If not then why only some? because it could just be that sometimes those logos are used and some were bound to be used in companies connected to Washington elite. 2) They use it on physical locations because people GO THERE. It would be very stupid for a politician involved to wear a necklace that signified being a pedo, but the place he's told to go is verifiable by the logo. It's a marker. But a person using it to mark themselves is very easy to use as evidence and considering how smart these people are about it, I doubt they would invite the scrutiny on purpose.

these are my opinions and I fully accept I could be wrong. I love to discuss the potential of what is found because the what if is fun, but to push the "investigation" to a point where it's both believable and factual to the average person, we have to weed out this kind of shit that we can't prove and it's all conjecture. We can use it to get to the next thing. But going down the rabbit hole while getting no evidence is never going to get us anywhere.

party1981 ago

You like to argue. Nobody is saying that we can prove that the fish/Podesta picture proves that pizzagate is real. We're saying that all of the evidence (1000 items of circumstantial evidence), when taken as a whole, justify serious further investigation. And, based on this mountain of evidence, we cannot assume that Podesta wasn't winking at the camera. Maybe he was talking about oceans. Probably he was talking about oceans. Or maybe he was winking at the camera, signaling an allegiance to a creepy occult cannibal group that he is a member with together with his brother Tony, who hangs Dahlmer statutes in his home and gives cannibal paintings to his brother for his office. Maybe.

UglyTruth ago

Podesta's left middle finger has a bandaid - exactly as in Spirit Cooking blood letting. Actually it doesn't, although one of the YouTube videos that asserted this had an inset where a bandaid was photoshopped in. If you take a close look the original has been photoshopped, the texture is almost uniform (unlike the rest of his hands), there's a vertical border on the left of that texture, and some pixellation.

Photo of Hillary Clinton with a scar on her left middle finger. http://forum.clonehost.net/post/323 Photo of Obama playing golf with a bandaid on his left middle finger, http://forum.clonehost.net/post/347

party1981 ago

This is exactly right. It goes deep.

Prepper_Jack ago

Agreed. When was the last time you drew all over yourself, had someone take a picture of it, and sent that to global leaders to highlight one of many points that you made? I certainly haven't - and I somehow doubt this is common practice, even among the insane.

That, and his shit-eating grin tend to indicate this was more of a "SEE WHAT I DID THERE? DURR HURR HURR"

Zir9000 ago

It makes sense that a politically involved person would make reference to a globalist goal. However, it doesn't change the fact, that the 14th hebrew letter (Nun) has the meaning "fish". That the "life below water" is goal number 14 could be an inside joke/qabalistic reference about the same thing. It's nothing evil at all, but it could be considered a piece of 'occult knowledge' in the sense, that it is something most people don't know about.

Here is a page from Liber 777 with the meaning of the letters. You can see. Nun = fish. https://i.sli.mg/uOdTzp.png

Nun is labeled 24 in this table, because it is about the paths represented on the tree of life, where the first 10 are assigned to the ten sephiroth. You can find that Nun is the 14th letter elsewhere: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nun_(letter) ^ i just noticed, the wiki page even says "fish".

eyeVoated ago

I second the sentiments of party1981. This is obviously symbolism. I mean, king_nothing_ expects us to believe there is not an important occult message being sent here? Come on!

This could be a reference to ancient and modern occult rituals. The pope's mitre and ancient fish worship dress are most likely from the same ancient sun god cults: http://sli.mg/W0xik9

In my more esoteric studies, I've come across the hypothesis that there is intelligent life living below the seas. I am not saying that I believe or disbelieve the possibility of intelligent life living under water. But it is very plausible that Pedosta worships a god or gods that he believe reside underwater.

Now, as for what to do with this information, for now, I'd say keep it aside unless there is evidence that the evidence supports abduction, rape, murder, and/or cannibalism.

dallasmuseum ago

Which is more likely, a liberal wants to protect something that isn't a white male, or this guy is using secret code to announce to the world in his private email that he is a cannibal and he created or spent hours searching the internet to find a website that had at least 14 different goals with the 14th one involving fish?

TopGun ago

Protecting the oceans isn't even high on the priority of liberal goals. It is the #1 reason I'm not buying it. If he said the highest priority was healthcare or renewable energy, I would maybe buy it.

party1981 ago

By itself, the naive explanation is more likely. But John Podesta hangs an occult cannibalism painting in his office. How many occult cannibal paintings have you seen in professional/politician offices? I never have.

Then add in the other 1000 pieces of evidence on pizzagate.

drbrontosaurus ago

Been in many politician's offices? "I never have."

party1981 ago

I have been in several judges offices, and countless offices of lawyers, doctors, accountants, and other professionals. None of them ever included something as bizarre and creepy as a cannibalism painting (much less had that be the only art on the wall). I don't have any reason to think politicians are different.

lesmith4187 ago

good to know...if for no other reason then if they use that as a cover up too we are aware in advance

quantokitty ago

The other part of this that's "fishy" is that something this stupid already arrives on the "HOT" listing? Why? Some other posts with more info do not have this many immediate views. It means you come with a shill entourage that bump up one another's shill posts.

quantokitty ago

Typical shill response. Do a search on Google and then find any ridiculous match and attach the motivation to that. Yeah, number 14 on an obscure list would be enough for him to draw on his hands. I notice Podesta obsessively talking about that subject in his emails almost -- NEVER!!!! It's just as plausible to think it has to do with the well-known symbol used in Satanism. http://www.nazarite.net/satanic-symbols.html

Such a stupid post. Just stupid. Especially with the bandage on his middle finger.

drbrontosaurus ago

Just looking into the link you posted: "The Nazarite Site was built to bring believers to the truth by exposing the twisted man-made doctrines of modern-day Churchianity known as the Great Apostasy in Scripture. Many people, including myself have fallen victim to these false doctrines taught by the Christian Churches. The Sunday observant Christian Churches practice and teach doctrines that are not Scriptural and in most cases are deeply rooted in pagan traditions, especially that which originated in pagan sun-worship."

Something about the way this reads doesn't make we want to trust them as an authority on anything, let alone occult symbolism. There has to be someone from the church of Satan or Crowley-ism or whatever they call it that could act as competent authority on these symbols, instead of trying to convince people with wackadoo protestant sect websites.

enkisbeard ago

There is, but for the most part they are all staying FAR from this shit because it reminds them of the SRA scare of teh 80s where innocent pagans went down for the elites actions.

king_nothing_ ago

Uh, the email that the picture was attached to is literally titled "TWEETS: #GlobalGoals", and it says "#GlobalGoals" again in the body of the email, immediately followed by "No. 14". Did you even read my post and follow the links I provided? All I meant when I mentioned "Googling" was that I was looking for the official website for this "GlobalGoals" thing that was mentioned in the email, and I found it after Googling "GlobalGoals" and following the link of the top result (globalgoals.org).

knight222 ago

Or maybe globalgoals is also using the same occult reference. Who knows.

devnulll ago

Yeah, try to explain all the cuts on his hands. His right hands looks like somebody took a bite out of it - like when he was holding their mouth. That guys is fishy as hell.

technetium82 ago

I see what you did there....FISHY as hell :)

TheAtlantean ago

Good job. Wouldn't go as far as saying it's absolutely debunked. Agree; as it stands, could be both.

Would lean toward your explanation as 1) not all gestures need to have occultist symbolism and 2) I hesitate to accept the blunt showcasing of occultist symbolism.

Again, as it stands, could be both.

Spuddlebuns ago

You can pretty much stay that about any and all of the "connective dots." A picture of a gay guy holding a baby with a yellow bead necklace around them both is nothing 'concrete.' But you look at the comment next to it, and you start to look at the picture just a bit differently. Then you find out that yellow bracelets have a pedo meaning...sure, it's a bracelet, not a necklace. Could be innocent...but the comment makes you wonder... The delight in which the comment, "killroom" is given when posted with certain pictures... No, not all things have a hidden meaning, but how many dots need to be connected? By pointing them all out, there is a better chance that even the most naive observer will stop and way, wait a minute...

nimblenav ago

he is still full of scars in his hands

Nicefind ago

Search the Pedo-emails for hands. He has some kind of condition needing surgury. Also there's no band aids on the left middle finger in the original picture. Zoom in. I am not convinced this corroborates the spirit cooking dinners

nimblenav ago

his middle finger is different that the other fingers. it's weird, it may be a bandaid

HACKhalo2 ago

It looks like it was photoshopped. If you zoom far enough in, you can see a very sharp line where the color changes. Plus, it looks like it was smoothed. It's super weird... does anyone else have any pictures of his hand, either before or after this email, to compare this picture against?

Spuddlebuns ago

Yes, it is a bandaid on the finger, and the "spirit cooking was painted IN BLOOD on a wall,"With a knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand, eat the pain". No surgical tests or procedures utilize that part of the middle finger.

Again, hidden in plain sight, and people are so quick to pooh-pooh it away...

Nicefind ago

Yeah, I've been thinking about it. You can see the lines of color follow the natural creases of his middle knuckle. Secondly, you find people Photoshopping a bandaid on, which makes the theory less credible to me. I like this post because he read the emails contextually and used original sources, which is easy to miss in our haste to find the truth.

OldShepThePirate ago

Not hateful, provides source. Good post 'Gater, thank you.

Could be plausible denialibility for Pedosta, as it is plausible.

Tincohle ago

Sure, but it could very well be both.

derram ago