Intheknow ago

Hang em high

keeper1 ago


I submitted the following comment about Not-for-Profit digging in this thread: . I'm reposting here as people might find it useful because it contains links to some of the McCain Institute IRS forms that the article mentions.

There's been lots of discussions that involve these not-for-profit (NFP) organizations, but I've not found where anybody on the forum here has talked about the tax returns for these not-for-profits. The IRS requires that NFPs file some form of a 990 form each year to maintain their tax-exempt status (there are 990-EZs for simple organizations and the bigger 990s for more complex organizations). These tax returns ARE SUBJECT TO PUBLIC INSPECTION. Therefore, lots of organizations post them on their websites and there are other charitable organization ratings/monitoring companies that also make these returns available (e.g.

For example, the McCain Institute Foundation 's 44-page 990 form for 2014 is here:

2014 McCain Institute Foundation tax return: (

What's interesting about these returns is that besides the income and expenses of the organization, they list the directors and lots of other pertinent information, like the names of organizations to which they give grants or make donations as well as people/organizations from whom they receive contributions in excess of $5,000. If you look at this McCain Institute 2014 return, you'll see that the Royal Embassy of Saudia Arabia contributed $1,000,000 to the McCain Institute in 2014. There are others listed as well: The Eranda Foundation from the UK -- I don't know who they are but they donated $300,000 in 2014

In addition, this particular 990 has a 23-page Investments Schedule attached to it which details, for example, how many shares in the HSBC FDS Hedge fund they own. (Didn't I see a post earlier today talking about HSBC's link to money laundering for some of these criminals?) All of which is to say that there's a huge amount of information on these IRS public record tax returns.

I have been trying to do some research on a few of these NFPs, which I will post when it's in better order, but for now, I want people to know this resource is out there.

Here's the IRS website to find an EIN (Employer Identification Number) for NFPs:

The search criteria requires you to put the name in quotes to have a manageable list (e.g., "McCain Institute" pulls up just the one).

The beauty of having an EIN is that it's very specific, so it's easily searched on google. For example, I entered the EIN for "Innocents at Risk" and the top five items were ALL pertinent.

Also these are usually available as downloadable pdfs so that helps in countering the disappearing-evidence problem that we all keep seeing.

So, if people can get started pulling the 990 forms for all of these various NFPs that are tied into all of this, they will give us lots of leads to work with. Organizations that don't post their 990s are supposed to provide them upon request.

I'm sorry I can't take more time right now, but I will happily answer questions if anybody has any related to this post. (I'm no tax expert or anything, but I do have a bit of familiarity with 990-EZs.)

Edit to add caps title

cantsleepawink ago

Very useful. Thank you.

PubMaster ago

ERANDA foundation link with names of trustees & with official classifications they are associate with Wales Council for Voluntary Action - also connected to George Soros who has been funding McCain since at least 2001 which brings us to the Clinton Foundation

keeper1 ago

This was posted in

Koched_Up404 5 points (+5|-0) 10 days ago (edited 10 days ago) Eranda Foundation is owned and operated by the Rothschilds. Lynn Forester de Rothschild and her husband Evelyn Rothschild. Lynn Rothschild is on the McCain Institute Board of Trustees.

She is a close friend and major financial backer of Hillary Clinton and she also backed John McCain in 2008 after Hillary lost the DNC nomination to Barack Obama.

strix-varia ago

Saudi again. They are polluting everything everywhere.

DerivaUK ago

ERANDA foundation founded by Evelyn de Rothschild

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ok so most money went to the ASU Foundation. President and CEO of ASU Foundation being Rick Shangraw.

Rick Shangraw: As founder and CEO of Project Performance Corporation, a research and technology consulting firm specializing in environmental, energy and information management issues. During his tenure, PPC received the Inc. 500 Award for being one of the fastest-growing, privately-held companies in the United States. (1991-2004, McLean Va)

According to ICWatch/ (✓&company_facet=Project+Performance+Corporation&q=) It would seem that the Project Performance Corporation seems to have ties with the following: Security Clearance, Signals Intelligence, SIGINT database, SAIC, PRISM, Secret Clearance, Stratfor, Palantir, SIGINT, TAPERLAY, SIGINT metadata, Six3 Systems, OPSEC NSA, SURREY, Pluribus International, Pinwale, ODNI, SCADA, IC CIO, ADNI CIO, DNI CSE, EDS IA, military, program manager, operations manager, LLC, Navy, USDA, Telecommunications Industry, Energy Industry, Retail Industry, DIA SIA, IDIQ, Oracle Corp, CIA

Edit: Shangraw serves on the boards of several programs and institutes, including the McCain Institute for International Leadership, the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and The Sustainability Consortium, and he chairs the board of directors of the ASU Foundation’s Arizona Technology Enterprises.

PubMaster ago

Project Performance was bought by Global Analytical Information Technology Services in December 2012 without disclosing the terms of the deal this link shows current board members and a brief description of the company the provide services to the Department of Defense here are some of the contracts they are under

cantsleepawink ago

That's an excellent post. Ties in with my own thoughts that the money is actually going to the military. It's very sick when you think about it...

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Is there any way to find out what the ASU Foundation is using the money on after they receive it from the McCain Institute?

I keep hearing the name Michael Aquino. Why is he relevant, could you give me a short summary?

kestrel9 ago

McCain Institute gave ASU 1,500,000 in 2015 or 2016 I believe. ASU gives to a lot of various causes, but I think one of them may be the Sedona Forum, where McCain can perhaps drum up future political donations? The whole thing stinks. The ThinkTank/University/Corporate/Transnationalist intersections have been working towards the post nation state world. They almost succeeded had Hillary won (and the fight isn't over). NGOs, Think Tanks, CSOs, are the political 'nesting dolls' of subversion. For example, one organization, say IREX (mentioned by Hillary in 2010), will have a number of initiatives, each initiative can be linked to say 8 'partners' which themselves are connected to say 20 organizations, which nest into more etc. etc. etc. I'm sure there are total money laundering schemes embedded in there, covert government entities and operations, hiding the abuse of power while taking credit for whatever real charity dollars might be spent to 'legitimize' the network of lies.

cantsleepawink ago

Michael Aquino is a satanist and was a Psychological Warfare Specialist in the US Army from 1968 until 1990 :Satanic Subversion of the U.S. Military. More about him here: Fort Huachuca is the centre for miliatry intelligence apparently, and that includes surveillance, satellites, cyberwarfare and the like. So lots of spying. Psychological warfare also seems to be part of their remit. The University of Arizona Foundation is very much involved with satellite technology development which ties in with the needs of the milatry base and curiously, has connections with the Vatican due to their Lucifer telescope. The fort has a reputation with conspiracy theorists who speculate about underground bunkers and aliens. The fact that McCain's Institute has a convention in Sedona with people like Rothschilds etc. just seems to me to have an other worldly feel to the connections. It feels like there is something that we haven't been told.

I don't know how to track financial documents but I did find these:

ASU Foundation Financial Documents:

ASU 2016:

University of Arizona, A Stronger Plan for a Strong Future .: ASU 2015:

OhRutherfordBehave ago

The ASUF funds the following operations:

ASU Research Enterprise (ASURE) was formed as an Arizona nonprofit organization to provide research services on behalf of the University on classified or unclassified governmental contracts and may act as a subcontractor or may subcontract out services related to these classified or unclassified contracts. ASURE will provide the University with personnel and a secure facility to allow for this type of research to be conducted on its behalf. ASURE is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Research Collaboratory at ASU (RCASU) was formed as an Arizona nonprofit organization to support emerging programs and global initiatives at ASU. RCASU is recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the IRS. In its support of the University’s global initiatives, RCASU has formed several subsidiary entities.  RCASU China, LLC was formed as an Arizona sole member LLC, to hold and manage the University’s activities in China.  RCASU Hong Kong, LLC was formed as a wholly foreign owned entity (WFOE) in China to serve as the required Chinese entity for conducting business in China. This WFOE has elected dormant status, pending ASU programmatic decisions.  Teotihuacan Holdings, LLC was formed as a Delaware sole member LLC, to hold and manage the entities that would form a nonprofit organization in Mexico to manage the University’s activities in Mexico.  Global University Associate I, LLC and Global University Associate II, LLC were formed to serve as the entities to establish a Mexican nonprofit organization (‘Asociación Civil’ or Civil Association) o Arizona State University Foundation Mexico, A.C. was formed as a Mexican nonprofit organization to hold and manage the University’s activities in Mexico.  RCASU Germany Holdings LLC was formed as an Arizona sole member LLC, to hold and manage the University’s activities in Germany.

Arizona Science and Technology Enterprises, LLC (AzTE) was formed to provide technology transfer, intellectual property management and other services. AzTE has formed several subsidiary entities.  AzTE Ventures, Co., a for-profit, wholly-owned corporation of AzTE was formed in connection with a joint venture transaction to create a state-of-the-art facility for testing and certification of solar energy equipment. AzTE Ventures, Co. holds a minority interest in the joint venture, which is recorded under the equity method. AzTE Ventures, Co. will engage in certain ventures and activities relating to technology transfer and other activities in furtherance of AzTE’s mission in support of ASU.  RH Technologies, LLC was formed to engage in scientific research and other activities to support the University.  ISW Technologies, LLC was formed to commercialize the detection of bacterial pathogens in water wells.

ASUF Realty, LLC (Realty) and University Realty, LLC (UR) were formed as real estate development holding entities to provide the Foundation with an organizational structure for housing real estate activities.  McDowell Warehouse, LLC was formed to hold and lease a warehouse. UR is the sole member of McDowell Warehouse, LLC.  Mirabella ASU Tempe, LLC was formed to lease approximately 1.6 acres from ASU to construct a senior housing center on the Tempe campus. The project is currently in its due diligence phase, conducting market and feasibility studies.

ASUF, LLC (Fulton Center) was formed to provide for the operations of an office building and related facilities that serve as the Foundation’s headquarters and to sublease office and classroom space to the University. This building is located on ASU’s campus in Tempe, Arizona, and is known as the ASU Fulton Center.

ASUF Brickyard, LLC (Brickyard) was formed to purchase a series of buildings and a parking structure (Brickyard Facility) in downtown Tempe, Arizona, and to lease office and classroom facilities to the University.

ASUF Scottsdale, LLC (Scottsdale) was formed to lease approximately 37 acres from the City of Scottsdale and to construct facilities for research, office, residential and retail space for tenants which include the University. This property is located in Scottsdale, Arizona, near ASU’s Tempe campus and is known as the SkySong Development. Scottsdale has a 31% interest in Holualoa GV Shopping Plaza, LLC and a 50% interest in SkySong Office 3, LLC, SkySong Office 4, LLC and SkySong Residential I, LLC. Scottsdale accounts for these investments under the equity method.  Holualoa GV Shopping Plaza, LLC was formed to hold and manage the SkySong I and II office building projects.  SkySong Office 3, LLC was formed to develop, hold and manage the SkySong III office building project.  SkySong Residential I, LLC was formed to develop, hold and manage the SkySong apartment complex project. This project was sold in June 2015 and the Foundation is awaiting dissolution of this entity, pending final resolution of the City of Scottsdale audit.  SkySong Office 4, LLC was formed to develop, hold and manage the SkySong IV office building project.

ASUF Dupont, LLC (Dupont) was formed to lease a building in Washington, D.C., for sublease of office and classroom space to the University. ( ?? Also Beau Biden oversaw this case)

ASUF DC, LLC (DC) was formed to purchase and renovate a building in Washington, D.C. (DC Project), and to lease the entire building space to the University for several of its programs and research endeavors.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

The Foundation also owns or controls several subsidiary companies whose legal names and structures are described in Note 1 of the attached consolidated financial statements. Additionally, the Foundation has created two nonprofit organizations, also described in Note 1 of the attached consolidated financial statements, to provide additional services to ASU in the form of research, nonprofit entrepreneurship and global initiatives.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

So where did the money go after it went through the ASU Foundation?

usuck911 ago

These so called " charityFoundations" have been proven to be a shady front for politicians to receive bribes.

Its about time Trump sign an executive order banning all US politicians from starting or having links to any "charity foundation"

carmencita ago

That is a great idea. Ex.Order. Tweet Campaign. I don't have acct. but this is a really great idea. #Ex.Order#Stop#PolFound. or something similar. This could be the beginning of our campaign. We must start somewhere and this would surely attract attention and not get us the "nut job" responses.


I believe hes dirty. However to do adequate research one would need to analyze all the tax returns not just a small sampling. I believe they are all public record and available to all.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ok so how do you go about finding them?

GregNH ago