Sheilaaliens ago

I grew up in Fort Huachuca/Sierra Vista. My dad still lives there. I moved to Tucson for several years as a young adult. Any questions about the place lemme know!

Check out these videos about Holographic Warfare being developed there:

Blue Beam Holographic Testing in Sierra Vista, AZ FT Huachuca
Part 1
Part 2

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you.

privatepizza ago

Good article on McCain from William Craddick / @PleadingTheYiff today -

McCain Institute’s Failure To Use Donations For Anti-Trafficking Purposes Raises Questions

algernon4peace ago

i agree that we have to choose sides, but please understand this isn't democrats versus conservatives, this fight is good versus evil.

If you really want to change things, wake up and don't ignore evidence that disagrees with your narrative. Don't be guilty of the same biases as the liberals. We all want Trump to be a hero, but just proceed with caution. The second they rolled out Ashton (who was the boy toy of both Bruce Willis, Demi Moore and Puff Daddy) I knew we were likely getting played.

I want to be wrong about Trump, but well researched submissions like these, are a reminder that we have to be careful. It is common knowledge that McCain is running a Clinton type foundation ie. The McCain institute. And I can't stress enough how absurd the whole Ashton-Thorn child trafficking heroes is. If they were legit, Ashton and his team would be arresting McCain, not working with him!

pbvrocks ago

This is great work and almost better in your follow up in comments! It is just stunning how all of these things are tying together with the same bad actors. Someone mentioned it in another thread...but almost like every conspiracy theory on earth is turning out to be 1. TRUE and 2. Shockingly connected...

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. The stuff in the comments section I only stumbled across after posting. The implications are huge.

SturdyGal ago

AMAZING work!!! This story has it all. And of course, Arizona State University is at the forefront of electronic mind control for DARPA Secret DARPA Mind Control Project. This project was three years ago and it is more advanced now.

Sheilaaliens ago

Raytheon is also headquartered in Tucson (an hour's drive from Ft. Huachuca) ... Davis Monthan AFB is in Tucson, lots of shady shit there (I'm from there). DynCorp, Lockheed Martin & others all have branches in Tucson too.

cantsleepawink ago

DARPA, really ? I posted this a while ago and I'm just still finding all sorts of connections...rabbit many other things to do..sigh..

cantsleepawink ago

Arizona is an interesting place :

The University of Arizona, together with the Vatican and Jesuit Order, announced today it named its newest high-powered telescopic instrument ‘Lucifer’.

The primary mirror was manufactured at The University of Arizona's Steward Observatory Mirror Laboratory


Through its Arizona NOW Campaign, the University of Arizona Foundation has raised more than $1 billion toward the $1.5 billion goal. Caris’ gift for the GMT supports all of the campaign’s key initiatives, including academic research, the engagement of students, and expanding the UA’s global impact.

“It takes a special person to build a global company and then apply that same scale to his philanthropy,” said James H. Moore, Jr., president and CEO of the University of Arizona Foundation. “Mr. Caris may be supporting the Department of Astronomy at the UA, but his influence on big science, and the exploration of our universe, stretches well beyond our university’s boundaries.”

The following organizations and institutions are participating with the UA in the GMT project: Astronomy Australia Ltd., The Australian National University, Carnegie Institution for Science, Harvard University, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Smithsonian Institution, Texas A&M University, The University of Chicago, The University of Texas at Austin, and Universidade de São Paulo.

Richard Hein was chosen as project architect, and the design was executed by architect August K. Strotz, both from the firm of Anshen & Allen. The chapel is built on Coconino National Forest land; the late Senator Barry Goldwater assisted Staude in obtaining a special-use permit. The construction supervisor was Fred Courkos, who built the chapel in 18 months at a cost of US$300,000. The chapel was completed in 1956

In 2007, Arizonans voted the Chapel to be one of the Seven Man-Made Wonders of Arizona,[4] and it is also the site of one of the so-called Sedona vortices.

There is a specialized New Age tourist industry in Sedona, where the "Harmonic Convergence" was organized by Jose Arguelles in 1987. Some purport that "spiritual vortices" are concentrated in the Sedona area at Bell Rock, Airport Mesa, Cathedral Rock, and Boynton Canyon.

Fostasmacker ago

Enchantment Resort is located on Boynton Canyon Rd in Sedona Arizona. Anyone check that location? Pretty Remote Access with many forest roads

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. Will dig.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Does anyone know Miss USA's, Tara Elizabeth Conner,story? She became addicted to drugs and Trump helped her get into rehab. I heard her on tv this morning. She says she is an incest survivor at age 3 by her uncle.