new4now ago

Pedophilia is the murder of a child's soul

huhWHAThuh ago

Like it or not, the laws are already on the books. Discrimination based on "sexual orientation" is illegal. If pedophilia is not a sexual orientation, please tell me what it is? It is not enforced currently, but that is next in line. You will soon not be allowed to infringe on your children's "right to choose" when, with whom, or at what age to have sex. Age of consent laws? That is wiped out with the stroke of a (pedo) Judge's pen. Don't get your "bigoted" hopes up. The Supreme Court would never uphold that? If i told you 20 years ago that the Supreme Court would rule that the Constitution guarantees the right of men to marry men, and women to marry women, you probably wouldn't even have taken the trouble to laugh. I am a Libertarian, so i have no problem with what any consenting adults do, but it is disturbing to see Judges pull decisions out of a total vacuum. NAMBLA is part of the same political action committees, giving money to the same politicians, and soon they will not allow you or anyone to make your children "second class citizens." And the public will fall for these childish word games the same as they fall for all the other ones. They always do.

Xpol ago

It is an incurable mental condition at the minimum. Possibly demonic possession with some of these people because I'd like to think regular humans are not capable of such atrocities.

The pedophiles we know about need to be executed. Swiftly, en masse. These people should never feel safe being open about it for fear of being executed.

How insane is it that places like Salon actually publish articles from pedophiles and those pedophiles are able to walk around in public.

They are vile creatures who deserve no sympathy.

betty23 ago

No !It is not!To have a sexual relationship with a Baby,Toddler a child or a Teenager is never a normal relationship, as up to the age of 18 someone is not mature enough.The severe physiological psychological and spiritual damage that is done to young children and teens is well known.The ones who have an unhealthy urge to abuse children in this way seek excuses just unbelievable.They become more and more brazenly.And goes beyond the sexual abuse of children because this people think that after children are abused they are "damaged"and can be tossed away like garbage.Sick sick thought.

Fatsack ago

No, it's a crime. So sick how the left is trying to normalize the rape of children.

TheSeer ago

If the Elites were merely sociopaths, that would be one thing. If the Elites were merely pedos, that would be one thing. But what we are dealing with is dark occult practicioners, WHO ARE SOCIOPATHIC PEDOS. That means there is NO CURE for them. That means what they fear most is EXPOSURE.

ThePoorPeople ago

'Is engaging in behavior with a child that he or she can't even fully grasp the concept and full ramifications of a sexual orientation?'

FTF...The author?

gurneyx ago

with all this stuff on Thorn coming it there is no doubt in my mind that Ashton is a paid performer to distract America!

WixFix ago

The Collapse of Grey Matter - Understanding Pedophile Brain Circuits

Pedos have a brain that short circuits.

The brain is so complicated it can short circuit worse than a Ford Ranger.

The different regions of the brain are wired together with grey matter.

Sometimes there's not enough grey matter to properly hook up different regions of the brain.

Autistics, schizophrenics and psychotics have different types of short circuits between different brain regions.

Not all of these people are pedophiles, but pedophiles are one or more of these types of people.

Some pedos are sympathetically stupid and some are brilliantly evil.

Our society rewards these evil ones, and that is why we have elite satanic pedophiles running our governments.

IMO - AI can run a open source carbon tax representational digital government that pays e-tax dividends to your phone.

But, I'm a bit brain damaged that way.

All the best humans,


Limited Larp Lizard Division

Vanscribe1 ago

Is RAPE an oreintation? is MURDER an orientation? is STEALING an orientation? give me a fucking break these lowlife swines are trying everything in their power to try to normalize this evil shit.

Chasnigga ago

Fuck no, and we have to fight the normalization of pedophiles as stridently as we can. If they get that shit into the minds of everyday people, our battle becomes markedly more difficult.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Not only this, but each CP production involves the defiling of an innocent child or children - how can anyone (especially an advisor to a supposed national protector of said children) think it's okay for paedophiles just to watch CP when those children are being revictimised with every viewing?

ich1baN ago

Thank you for your post, up-voated... the other issue is that the people who watch these videos have a MUCH higher propensity to commit a salacious act on a child/minor. Of course they're all going to say they just watch it and never act on their ill-advised predilections, but we all know that someone involved in Islamic Jihad rhetoric has a MUCH MUCH MUCH higher propensity to commit a terror event and eventually snaps just like the 2nd generation Orlando shooter who was the son of a Taliban apologist.... he heard his father's rhetoric for years and attended a radical mosque in Naples headed by a radical Imam that was investigated by authorities but the investigation was scuttled by none other.... Hillary Clinton while she was in the State Dept.

The point I'm making is that Omar Mateen was able to fit into ordinary society for 28 years of his life. He went to American schools, played American sports, and worked with a reputable company GS4 for years... until one day, all that watching and learning Jihadi rhetoric propelled him to create a plan to ACT on his beliefs.

If we play the same scenario for a pedo "watcher" and let them in a room full of kids at chuck-e-cheese as an employee and they are in a compromising position alone in a backroom, you better believe that sicko will have a high propensity to act on his/her perverted urges.

peacebringer ago

There was a big push to have it classed as orientation or move in that direction within APA and forming of DSM 5.

janedoemadashell ago

So along this same 'argument', necrophilia would also be an orientation. Gee, does it work that the pedos get to 'express' their orientations by having sex with children and the satanists get to 'express' their' religion by murdering the children? By this logic, does it become the necrophiliacs' right to access corpses for sex because these individuals feel they have an innate predisposition???

123_456 ago

You're right. They are creating a demand for these videos, and influencing the outcome of other people's lives.

Singleservename ago

Even if classified as an orientation it should still be criminalized much like men who prefer to rape women. I'd propose chemical castration or institutionalization for life.

That Smithsonian article you mention sounds really weird. Can't read it now but what exactly is he arguing there?

Btw great work again.

Edit: just read the baby article that left me speechless. Some recently traumatized 23 year old precocious asshole taking <1 yr old to 'baby labs' for pseudoscientific social research wtf?

I do wonder what kind of parents subject their newborns to this shit.

reasonedandinformed ago


50hurtz ago

Oh hell no! No the fuck they didn't. Already knew thorn is crooked on all fronts but holy shit these fucks never seize to disgust me. Sexual orientation my ass. So-called "we're saving kids" Fuck these fucking people!

Dauphin ago

Pedophilia is one of the WORST offenses as it takes AWAY the FREE WILL of another human being... it's takes their will in such a manner that they can NEVER regain it... There is no crime more severe and there WILL BE NO MERCY for pedophiles... Like cancer, if you do not stop it immediately, it WILL spread exponentially. Known pedophiles MUST be executed. THEY WILL STRIKE AGAIN OTHERWISE, this is a fact!

equineluvr ago

In 2008, Ruth Bader Ginsburg's SCOTUS (the Roberts Court) struck down execution for child rapists in Kennedy v. Louisiana.

ich1baN ago

This is all a well-known contrived game-plan to "NORMALIZE" aberrant lifestyles. Just as people who say a man who has sex with a boy is not a homosexual.... total nonsense. That is why organizations like NAMBLA exist, b/c there is a predisposition for homosexuals to prefer younger boys.

Natural Law proves homosexual lifestyles are aberrant and non natural. Otherwise they wouldn't have the much higher disease rates over the general population and the shorter lifespans on average compared to gen pop. If it were morally permissible they would live the same length of time and have the same disease rates, yet they don't.... Natural Law has a way of showing you what is right or wrong despite what government decrees declare to be right or wrong.

Proii_Pariah ago

I'd like to add that there is an aspect even more fundamental that definitely makes pedophilia The Worst Crime against humanity:

Humans tend to forget that we are animals. We are definitely a breed apart for a number of reasons but we still share the most basic mandates of all animals. Procreation and the maintenance of physical, mental, and psychic well being of any species is absolutely crucial to it's survival. However, WHEN ANY SPECIES TURNS UPON IT'S OWN OFFSPRING and engages in practices that effectively BREAK the young of that species it is only a matter of time until the health, vitality, and very survival implodes and extinction becomes certain.

LolturdFerguson ago

I have a cure

I should make this into a t-shirt....I have nothing better to do w/ my memes anyway.

Proii_Pariah ago

Hey, that's a Beretta 92! I have one sitting right here. :)

Proii_Pariah ago

lol - I'm gonna start calling it The Cure!

trypanon ago

Yes, this 1000000000000%

Dauphin ago

something weird is happening to this sub... I upvoted your comment and it went to -1 instead of 1 then all the names changed into numbers... weird.

JustObserving ago

You are deconstructing the Matrix.

DarkMath ago

"names changed into numbers"......Yep, I saw that too. I don't know what it is. It's happened a few times. It may be related to someone deleting a comment as the last time I saw a username change to a number was when someone had deleted a comment.

Who knows though.

trypanon ago

O_O oh god they're here. Kidding. (I wish)

rooting4redpillers ago

Makes me wonder if Ashton knows anything at all about the org he founded.

cantsleepawink ago

Oh come on...just wait 'til I get to him...there's enough stuff around on him and Demi as it is...

LincolnsMullet ago

When people say, "If you try to connect everyone enough, you'll find connections" I have to laugh. I as well as many others here can easily say they have zero connections to anyone who is a pedophile, advocates pedophilia, has pedophilia imagery, or defends pedophilia in any way. However, somehow everyone involved in pizzagate and the associated investigations fit ALL of the above criteria. And they're not just connected to one person that is into this shit, but many, many people.

Even if you have some wackadoodle argument that this guy is trying to help Thron "get into the mind" of the perps, it's clear this advisor is pro-pedophile and not an objective scientist. Why would you even remotely have this kind of person associated with an organization trying to fight such things? That's like having an expert in bank robbery advising the FBI on why criminals rob banks. Who gives a shit, just arrest 'em!!

kazza64 ago

is paedophilia a sexual orientation. yes it is. a paedophiles sexual preference is children which is why if you can get a conviction then lock them up and throw away the key. louie theroux did a documentary on the coalinga mental hospital in california where over 500 convicted pedos are locked up until they can convince the staff they wont re-offend.

cantsleepawink ago

Looking forward, Seto says, “C.P. offenders are relatively unlikely to commit contact offenses in the studies that have followed them.”

He works with THORN partners like SnapChat and Youtube which are known to be extremely tolerant of pornography which is easily accessible to children. If the argument is that this 'helps' pedophiles then one can see a problem with the THORN philosophy.

kazza64 ago

i am shocked at the amount of inappropriate content allowed on instagram, tumblr, snapchat and youtube. where is the censorship board monitoring these sites. i have been blocked twice on twitter for posting research articles relating to ' pizzagate ' its a pity the same time and effort isnt being applied to removing paedophile related posts. some of the photos jimmy comet posted on his instagram were shocking in their content.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Ageplay has always been understood as fetish. Pedophillia is an illegal fetish. Illegal ageplay basically.

cantsleepawink ago

Agree. And this is the guy who is advising THORN. Just think of the implications.