cantsleepawink ago

University of Arizona, A Stronger Plan for a Strong Future .

Defense and Security Research (Pg 19):

The National Science Foundation ranks the UA #3 among the 442 universities surveyed in research activity in the physical sciences. The UA leads in optics, building the mirrors that will help humanity see farther and more clearly than we ever have before, right beneath Arizona Stadium.

Yet, the UA has a comparatively small portfolio of work funded by the agencies that comprise the Department of Defense. Furthermore, Arizona has the fifth largest aerospace and defense economy in the nation. Tucson alone is home to Raytheon Missile Systems, Rincon Research, and many startups, like Ephibian, asoftware development, databases, and Web and information security company. There is also a substantial military presence across the state and in Southern Arizona, with large installations like Davis Monthan Air Force Base, Fort Huachuca, Yuma Proving Ground, and smaller facilities. The Arizona Commerce Authority has identified National Defense and Security as one of its key clusters, and National Security Systems is a Technology and Research Initiative Fund (TRIF) initiative area for investment To better integrate with Arizona’s defense industry and ample military presence while responding to national and statewide needs, the new Defense & Security Research Institute (DSRI) serves as the University’s front door to our national defense community, and assists in obtaining new sources of funding for interdisciplinary collaborations, as well as public and private partnerships. DSRI has recently established two areas of focus: Space Object Behavioral Sciences and Cybersecurity.

Space Object Behavioral Sciences:

researchers are creating a field dedicateed to monitoring and controlling traffic in space. these experts have the right infrastructure to address the challenges of space debris. This is due to the UA’s ground-based telescopes and high-capacity cyberinfrastructure from the $100 million NSF-funded CyVerse (formerly iPlant).

The UA’s goal is to be the leading university collaborating with NASA and the Department of Defense agencies and labs, and many business partners. In the short time that this initiative has been running, the team has already won several contracts, and it will certainly achieve more.

UA Financial Report 2016 :

new4now ago

is this why all of The McCain Institute's money goes to Arizona University?

cantsleepawink ago

The Evolution of American Military Intelligence - Fort Huachuca:
