Votescam ago

Have noticed that some CIA articles -- like Operation Mockingbird . . . Paperclip .... Gladio .... have recently been edited. A lot of "allegedly's" thrown in.

V____Z ago

I don't think we are well versed in the Franklin scandal as we should be. But there's just so much a lowly pizzagate investigator can take in...

Dejure ago

Wikispooks does a good job of counteracting wikipedia additions/deletions/distortions on the franklin stuff

Dorfaladin ago

Wikispooks is one of my goto websites. Awesome stuff.

Dorfaladin ago

his username is MONGO. Read his posts on the talk page of the Franklin scandal... And please try to verify any info if you can!

RedGreenAlliance ago

Don't you get it? The reptilian thing is his shield. It makes him seem mad and they feel it is useful he stick around because he might harm the conspiracy theory community. But all the while he is converting people to other truths, even if they don't buy the reptilian interdimensional stuff. He's doing tours, packing auditoriums, his vids and clips continue to be shared and mirrored.

If he Red Pills normies and gets them one foot over the door, he's doing more good than 99.9% of the people here, especially all the cynics who want to say "Zionist shill" to everyone they disagree with, just like the SJW crazy leftists say "fascist / Nazi" to everyone they don't like. Same sickness different side of the coin

3141592653 ago

Also wanted to add that maybe 11 years ago or so I tried twice to edit the Wikipedia page for ritual abuse, and it was like someone was working against me, instantly changing any work I did. Creepy

GeorgeT ago

William Cooper was shot dead for exposing 5 times less. Go figure.

GeorgeT ago

David really divided the comminity with Reptillian crap. I mean really! It's sad. Perhaps he is lucky because of it. Without the reptilians he would gain more audience but also gain enemies.

V____Z ago

That's Larry King, the main perp in the Franklin Scandal, ran the Franklin credit union.

Mellowmountain ago

yep, that's King. And the tea is from Get Out.

V____Z ago

Explain the significance of the tea and its origin, please?

Mellowmountain ago

you'd have to see the movie

banenya ago

WikoPedia you mean?

equineluvr ago

Someone ran a program to see (IP trace) who the contributors to Wikipedia are, and most traced back to McLean, Virginia (CIA).

SHOCKING, I know. /sarc

Astrodreamer ago

Well what the hell is the NAME of "former cabinet official for George W Bush"?

Dorfaladin ago

the guy's username is MONGO. That is the guy ive been talking about. I think it is important enough to name him, though if this is considered doxxing than let me know so I can delete it.

Astrodreamer ago

I don't see why that would be doxxing. Why do you thing that MONGO is a former Bush cabinet member?

Dorfaladin ago

I read something awhile back on a web board, forgot which one, about the guy, and then somewhat recently I saw that the guy has his own article on encyclopedia dramatica... problem is that sometimes those guys are full of crap, while at other times they are totally dead on. Check out MONGO's page on encyclopedia dramatica.

21yearsofdigging ago

Wikipedia has probably from the beginning been co opted. Anything of real danger to the 'rulers' gets spun as dis-info, such as Ritual abuse, Targeted Individuals, Geo Engineering, and on and on.

Jem777 ago

If you want to know about Bush you have to research his father Prescott Bush. Also look into the connections with the SS Nazi's. Is it possible Bush is not the actual historical name. There were many name changes around WW11. What you always thought to be true might not be.

Where was Bush Sr. The day JFK was killed. He was a CIA operative. Also consider that JFK jr. Swore to avenge and expose his fathers killer. What did he do? He created a magazine and named it GEORGE! Why that name a veiled threat? He is then killed in a strange plane accident.

palmitespo910 ago

Nice! Thanks for that!

reasonedandinformed ago

Actually, this is not weird at all but more confirmation of the truth we have long known. The LSM and various social media are highly-controlled/compromised so as to prevent the truth of #PedoGate reaching the broad public. They are going to extreme measures to block and censor this truth as the evil affects both parties and the CIA.

Orange_Circle ago

One of the men who produced "Boys for Sale," (which contains actual news footage of boys being bought on the streets of Atlanta and Houston) actually was later involved with Bush and now he refuses to discuss that documentary.

The other producer, Professor Tom Philpott, was "suicided."

QuestionEverything ago

He was a legislator from Nebraska and NOTHING he has written has been refuted by anyone. So not sure where you get 'rejected as a reliable source".. Its more like MSM completely ignores these stories.

Show me ONE source saying he's unreliable. Yeah, you can't.

I know where some of the people who were involved in this work now. A few of them were given really comfy positions at high end dealerships. King works at a BMW place in Delaware I believe. (CIA owns a lot of car deaierships btw).

V____Z ago

You're right, and I think Wikipedia does not have a case to exclude him. If this was really taken to the proper noticeboard at WP, I don't see how they could keep denying him. Except if they got a whole team of people arguing against it, which they probably would. The administrators tend to stick together, and they can bend any rules, and do.

The one good thing would be to expose their tactics in a very clear way. The story of when then transpires might make for a good article on the overall coverup of pizzagate, and expose Wikipedia in the process.

V____Z ago

When I last visited family in Omaha, talked to my moms helper, who said she actually saw Larry King at a local bank, he works in the back.

QuestionEverything ago

How many HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars do you think they spend controlling the narrative, every year?


Franklin Conspiracy was a big CIA pEdo Network. Everybody knows. The perps: let off scot free. The kids: they were killing em quick.

The pedos involved in this are walking the streets.

Orange_Circle ago

One of the main guys, CIA, was found suicided in a hotel. Craig something. Took the little boys to the Bush whitehouse for midnight tours.

Ihatepizza2 ago

@Dorfaladin of any other contributor here - maybe you should write up a Wiked Pedo page on a subject you are most comfortable with (that you know best). If someone can do this, with a PG subject that they are knowledgeable on, then it will be very easy to see how Wicked Pedo handles the interaction. I would caution to only use hard fact with no conjecture. Maybe keep a tight rein on anything that can not be properly evidenced. WikedPedo will then have 2 choices:

  • Show their hand and display for all that they are censoring information (we can then set about publicising this)
  • Allow it to go on the site (we can then set about publicising this)

I think either result would be a win for the community. EDIT If anyone decides to do this, might be an idea to run the page as a post here first, to see if the community pokes any holes in your story. Also - be sure to publicise any Wiki entries here so we can all go over and support.

V____Z ago

This was suggested before, and I think it's a great idea.

The topic that was suggested as a new wiki page was the huge pedo bust in the Netherlands recently, there was ample MSM coverage, which is required by Wikipedia, although all of the articles will have to be found using the way back machine, as they've all been removed.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Glad to pitch in of I can. Let me know.

V____Z ago

I feel like I'd be better suited to help as well, not to take the reigns. I'm pretty well burnt out on trying to work with Wikipedia.

socrates79 ago

Wikipedia is fake info, use infogalactic instead:

Right now the article is the same, but it is up to you to correct it. At least it has links to pizzagate/pedophilia, etc.

remedy4reality ago

There are far better sources for the Franklin Scandal than Wikipedia.

I actually never use it for the very same reason you're currently pointing out.

palmitespo910 ago

I am at work and and are both blocked on the internet. Could you check and see if there are any archived pages of that link? Maybe we can find what is changed.

GeorgeT ago

The thing about McMartin is that supposed tunnels beneath the school were never found. The truth os that, Ted Gunderson brought a top archaelogist who did the geophysical mappinh if the school and the surrounding are and presented evidence that there were indeed a network tunnels which had been land filled!!!!

Dorfaladin ago

Sorry had to delete my previous post! Dont want to do anythign that might be doxxing!

Dorfaladin ago

Yeah it is so weird that so much concerning one of the worst scandals in American history is not on the site. Huh the history of the article is strange as well, and strange for the fact that it is locked and controlled with an iron fist. I still cant get over the fact that one of the mods who constantly reverts and deletes things from the franklin article was closely tied professionally to the bush family. What the hell!

GeorgeT ago

Well guys, David Icke in 1995 in his book 'And The Truth Shell Set You Free' went as far as to name George Bush senior as a serial child torturer and killer - he did not allege, he actually called Bush out! You would expect David to be drowned in papers right? Wrong! Bush never got back to him.

Ushil ago

If he was killed, don't you think that would raise too much suspicion to Bush?

archons ago

Think of all the people who made similar allegations and were killed. They are not shy to kill for accusations.

GeorgeT ago

But if Bush were innocent he would have sued David for everything he's worth.

MolochHunter ago

hey thats an IMPROVEMENT. When i first got on Voat in Dec they removed the page altogether

UglyTruth ago

September 29, 2010

The much maligned co-founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, has once again stumbled into saying something that simply doesn't appear to be true, if judged against the evidence that the rest of the world sees on the Internet.


Thanks to Wikia, Inc.'s chief operating officer, Michael Davis, all five of those WikiLeaks domains are registered to Wikia, Inc., which is ultimately presided over by its co-founder Jimmy Wales -- the guy who says he has "absolutely nothing to do with WikiLeaks". Also, Michael Davis used to sit on the board of trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, alongside Jimbo Wales.

3141592653 ago

Yes, I have definitely noticed this! And there are no pages for Larry king, or Paul Bonacci or Alisha Owen. There's also no page for johnny gosch. And the page about McMartin is a crying shame.

GeorgeT ago

Johny Gosh's Parents were conplicit in the crime as were the parents of Madelin. And it seems to be a common theme that parents belong to satanic orders who are the willing participants of the whole thing. Take a case of Luzatto and those kids 7, 9, 11 for entertainment, raw & uncut?!

micha_ ago

You better can back up your claim, because Johnny Gosh's mother has been fighting the cover up for decades!

GeorgeT ago Analyze Faith Daniels show 1992. What's with Jeff Gannon & DNA stuff. Des Moines was a separate incident. They wanted to keep Omaha under raps. But here is a question about Noreen Gosh - what kind of mother would colaborate with anyone to keep Omaha under wraps - only the one who was herself involved!!!!!

reasonedandinformed ago

There is some evidence about the father, but I haven't seen anything implicating the mother. What is your source for claiming both of Gosch's parents were invovled?

cantsleepawink ago

Are you referring to the McCann girl ? Do you think her parents were involved with a cult ?

GeorgeT ago

Absolutely there were involved! Just liky in Johnny Gosh case and Bennet Ramsey.

cantsleepawink ago

That's the only conclusion one could come to when looking at that case. It was something that was I thought was clear years ago, so I don't really follow the case. I'm just surprised that the UK media still goes on and on about them and the police every few months are following some other 'lead'. It's like watching a Monty Python sketch.

Mad_As_Hell ago

There's no page anymore for Michael Aquino either

idontlikesalmon ago

From my internet history I can see that I read his wikipedia page on dec 9th.

3141592653 ago

You know his address?

Criticalthinker615 ago

On Leavenworth st none the less! Huge sincronicity imo considering that he WILL reside in leavenworth prison soon.,_Leavenworth

3141592653 ago

It was there before?

fartyshorts ago

Well, a decade ago, yes.

It used to be this content a few years before that:

EDIT: damn, everyone should read that link above.

idontlikesalmon ago

Actually it was still there on dec 9th, as I can see from my internet history...

Dorfaladin ago

Strange. He pops up all the time in a lot of cases that i have read about. Stranger is the fact that there are bits of information that witnesses talk about that are extremely specific and damning, and yet just not enough to definitively get the bastard. Thanks for the links.

Dorfaladin ago

And please forgive my terrible grammar and spelling... I was and still am a perennial lazy ass!