DeckoGecko ago

for anyone who's ever read 1984 it is like watching a nightmare unfold in real life...

DeckoGecko ago

cognitive dissonance is a killer.... i nearly got lynched when I moved to the UK and saw savile on TV [he was still alive then]. I saw him and said 'woah pedo alert',,, my gf nearly ripped me apart. 'How can you say that, he's a hero. I wrote to his show as a kid...blah blah blah'.

Kept my views to myself then when he died and it all came out you could see the whole country was going through some real pain as known tv stars were getting arrested in the fallout.

chance_pictures ago

Have I been targeted by CTR? Why's your account 9 mins old? And why're you commenting on a thread that's 17 days old?

xeemee ago

i don't know, but i'd like to think it's a peaceful one that involves rendering the current establishments obsolete through education and awareness - stop feeding the system and it will collapse under its own weight

anarchy is an attractive ideology that more people should look into (anarchy doesn't mean chaos and everyone for themselves as many might think - quite the opposite)

Heffisntmyrealname ago

First they Ignore..

pizzainvestigator ago

Definitely a proactive attempt of concealing damaging information from being heard if/when it comes out. Can't blame them from their point of view but my gut tells me this will not be viewed favorably when trust in the media is perhaps at an all-time low. No credibility for most so most wouldn't heed their "warnings" of fake news.

purplemer ago

My first post here...hello peeps. And not a redit user The gate keepers of information are scared as they are loosing control. Its visible all around us power structures are weakening. Yes it does scare me. How long until they make it offence to post fake news. Lets hope the internet can be still be used in innovating ways to get information out.

Psalm100 ago

I'm new here. First post.

It concerns me quite a lot, along with a lot of other propaganda stories we've been getting for years now.

We_The_People ago

GoldMoose16 ago

It's called Talking Points. They are sometimes floated or dog whistled, If it's floated, it's sometimes referred to Sending Up A Test Balloon. Sometimes the TalkingPoints are just issued verbatim. "Here's the list, this is what you talk about." It's all agenda driven. Result? Echo Chamber. Sometimes the TPs are issued internally, like with Susan Rice about Benghazi and the video. Sometimes they are downright deliberately leaked or even distributed.

sweetholymosiah ago

It's like that slimy guy in lord of the rings whispering in the king's ear. "THEY LIE MASTER! IT's ALL FAKE NEWS!"
I think it's a pathetic attempt. They've already lost the population, the viewership... the readership is moving elsewhere. Increasingly we've got corporate television stations talking about a newspaper article that fed into some advertising campaign, it's just a circle of lies and misdirection. And when nobody is watching, it will cease to exist. So turn off the TV.
It's helpful to remind people of the lies propagated on FOX, CNN, MSNBC etc. Not just about the latest scandals, but for many years. The entire Iraq war was a coordinated establishment lie, with all corporate news media involved. Come out strong against corporate news and put this silly narrative to bed.

WeaponsGradeAutist ago

You are correct, and I agree. Let's just say I don't even trust myself, if you catch my drift.

Petri_Krohn ago

The #FakeNews scare was actually created to stop reporting on Pizzagate and to protect James Alefantis and his friends.

How Fake News Articles Fabricated A Child Trafficking Story And Led To Death Threats For A Pizzeria - Media Matters For America, November 22, 2016

After Media Matters launched a petition asking Facebook to take action to address the rampant problem of fake news circulated via its service, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has publicly committed to working on the problem at the social media giant.

The founder of Media Matters is David Brock, the former boyfriend of James Alefantis.

The connection is evident also in the The New York Times article from November 22, 2016: This Pizzeria Is Not a Child-Trafficking Site. NYT may be stretching journalistic rules by not fully disclosing the connections between Alefantis, David Brock, Media Matters and the fake news scare, while discussing all four.

ArchCovenant ago

No it's not, many, many more come on board everyday. This will break big time! Arrests already happening in Canada and rumoured in Britain.

ArchCovenant ago

NOBODY should be afraid! These are only people. Not like us, but ONLY people. Never forget that. They are like scared rats scrambling for cover but they are all under a higher power which I believe has chosen this time to reveal these sick secrets. Keep up the good fight there are many many more of us than of them!

technetium82 ago

You are correct with this. It is genuinely scary how easily the MSM can control the masses, they can advertise their propaganda on a much wider scale due to them controlling the real fake websites such as Facebook, Google, National Newspapers and the News. It really angers and frustrates me, It is impossible to talk about this with anyone, they know this because people think you're crazy.

I'd like to think my friends are good honest people, and they are, but they only watch the mainstream news, they all use Facebook and think I'm strange for not using it. Its impossible for me to wake them up to things that are going on like this because they don't (and wont) want to believe it. They live in their bubble of comfort and believe everything they are told on MSM.

They are pushing this Fake news thing, I've seen it in the NYT, the BBC, its only going to become more widespread, and its like a buzz phrase that they know will catch on, people will see something being branded fake news and the sheep will believe it no matter what without investigating. It's so annoying how easily they can manipulate any news story.

solar_flare ago

Well, no, but only because I'm well aware of the far lefts objective to denigrate all sources that don't comply with the agenda, and are for state controlled media.

Consequence-Earned ago

Not really. Weve been preparing for it for years now. There are numerous modes of mass communication and closed system web. Web on lan. Systems that can be deployed in Parallel and separately from the WWW. The back bone of the most prevalent (in my opinion) would be Ham and 10 meter band networking where actual Wifi nodes operating on them can grant access to the citizen who wishes to seek truth.

Yes its slow. Count on lots of text and less media.

dontsuicidemebro ago

This is what does it for me as well. Not that it is unbelievable that they would fabricate charges of child rape (given that that's exactly what they attempted with Assange), but if they were going to, why on earth involve someone from the same pedo ring as the Clintons? A convicted child rapist and known procurer whose relationship with Bill is already troublesome - why would they want to put the focus on themselves with such a story, when the vic, if she's faking, could've told any story they wanted her to?

Propaganda ago

Trusting a politician would be anyones first mistake,

Propaganda ago

It's about time we have the Ministry of Truth! How am I supposed to know what to believe without talking heads telling me what to believe?

(I don't have to put a /s on this do I?)

ThatCuckoldSpez ago

He was all over the Clinton Crimes but never so much as referenced these

ThatCuckoldSpez ago

From this article that was on /r/politics

Coler says his writers have tried to write fake news for liberals — but they just never take the bait.

Reddit LOVED that snippet. Turned into a big circle jerk about how they are too smart and too educated to fall for fake news. This is something I've noticed with leftist media - Education/Intelligence is part of the Identity Politics game and they want people to feel smarter and better educated for voting for them.

If you're a liberal, it's cause you're too smart to fall for fake news!

cmor88 ago

JFK: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

It is not a matter of if, but when. At some point, the light of truth and justice must radiate the lands.

Janky ago

In 2006, we were all much younger. I was much dumber than I am now. But I remember watching Fox news, squawking about stem cells when the United States had been tricked into a false war. How many people wanted the United States to stay pissing the Middle East off? No change was made. The newscast rolls on about the next incessant rabble. I remember thinking at that time, how could the news get any more contorted? Who could believe? I think people just didn't know what to do.

The Patriot Act, the NSA, the computers have been running, studying us and what we respond to. And then they feed it out. This is not the end, not the beginning, not the middle. This is unacceptable. Thing is, what can be done?

cmor88 ago

Some people need a stronger dosage of the red pill, some are too far gone.

eulogyjones ago

I actually remarked to my friend the other day that I hope a republican is messed up in all this so that liberals might actually care

fuckmyreddit ago

Republicans are messed up in this. They don't call it the Bush-Clinton Cartel for nothing.

FifthofNovember ago

Actually I had the exact opposite reaction of being scared. I was happy to see that the main stream media/NY Times going into panic mode to try to stop the #PizzaGate investigation by the public. FBI, NYPD, DOJ, Obama, Main Stream Media, have told lies to the people for many years. They are a disgrace to the human race. They defend Satanic Cult Members who murder, rape, and torture, eat children. Shame on them! We the people have to take action ourselves. Hey Dexter! Ready?

lsdmt ago

yea, but there really is a fake news problem. you got to admit there were a shit ton of fake articles on facebook during the election. NPR interviewed a guy that made up a story out of his ass and went viral

WeaponsGradeAutist ago

2 party system is done. It's not all left or right, but we're still working on the balance.

fr33europe ago

Next to what the nsa is doing? No, it doesn't scare me at all.

It's just a new bullshit angle they're trying

justiceforever ago

Yes THIS. We need to encourage eachother to control the narrative. Stick to words like "sex trafficking" and the emails. If you hit them with the satanic stuff too soon they stop listening.

DystopianDaze ago


strange_69 ago

Hate (crimes) and Fake (news) are subjective terms. They both do not belong in the language of regulations.

Butelczynski ago

I grew up in Communist country.Yes,that stuff looks very familiar to me.Scary?Not really.Someone didn't learn their History.The more they push for censorship,the more people will get red pilled and fight back.Just look what's happening in France and Germany.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

The funny thing is how easily it can be flipped around. Keep screenshots of MSM news thats been debunked and post it on every instance of 'fake news' accusations. It'll make the media look bad. Or throw in alt-media stories, the recent prison strike comes to mind, and question why a huge story like that isn't being reported on.

djklbd ago

Actually it doesn't scare me, because I realize that most people are skeptical of the mainstream media and don't trust them anyway. I think it's pretty egotistical of the establishment to assume we're all just going to jump on this fake news bandwagon...

redditrunbyfascists ago

it will be really easy to deprogram people now though.

just remind them about how the MSM was so wrong about the election all the way through, and how if anything was fake news it was the six months leading into the election.

suggest it was bought and paid for by private interests.

after that, if pizzagate gets more substantiated, then it should be an easy sell.

WanderingMitten ago

It's funny because "Fake news" started to become a meme the moment Hillary lost and they tried to cover up the truth behind things like the riots going on, because there was violence in those.

It's sad that people aren't picking up on the bs, cause it's like saying. ok now that Hillary lost we need to damage control and cause civillians to doubt the news they listen to, so we'll just say everything is fake and cause an unrest in which people will only grasp to the narrative they want as truth without telling them what's true only to tell them a lie and say it's true.

This is their plan imo, cause it's just way to suspicious that now they want to try and fight this because they know the DNC is going to lose a lot of power once the Republicans move in.

Diotima ago

They're trying to silence and discredit anyone but the mainstream media.

BuffersMckyle ago

People are prepared for this now. Well, I really hope they are, or we're all fucked. Mainstream media viewers do tend to lack in intelligence, so...

throwawayyawaworht ago

It's desperation at its finest

Tancred ago

"Fake news" is not as hard hitting as "conspiracy theories" was, because you can fact check fake news.

Airstampede ago

This is the same thing they did with Sandy Hook and many other things that were exposed. The media technically isn't wrong for this either. When it comes to the media, this is all you need to see.

The_Almighty_Kek ago

Scares the shit out of me, but only because of the massive amounts of people who will actually buy into it. I still have idiots telling me that CNN is fair and unbiased...

WellSetTable ago

Who is every one that it should be scaring?

It should only scare democratic child molesters and the Democratic Party . This fake news bullshit is another attempt by prideful arrogant liberals who think calling every one a racist works.

Now it's you're a "fakist" news watcher. Im not scared . I am very concerned about parents tho who disregard PIZZAGATE and scared of their denial.

LostandFound ago

No this is longer term, soros and lib dems are hurting after what's just happened. It's not suprising that shortly after they met Nov 14th here the term fake news was peddled by by Google on Nov 15 here. Any else spot Eric Schmidt with vip democratic status recently, smile Eric your on camera. here - warning image link.

People thought #purplerevolution was going to be an assault on trump head on, looks like they realise that they lost because they could not control the narrative. This is now a war on the control of information. They got Google in the pocket on multiple levels from campaign donations to pentagon advisiories . . Well that's a damn fine start in an information war.

srayzie ago

Now I'm wondering what's going to happen because I think these ((( high ups ))) in Twitter, Facebook and Google are part of The Clinton's circle of corruption.

vacvape ago

I think we've been steamrolling towards that level of misinformation for the last few years and yep.. KNOCK KNOCK FAGGOTS.

TheAtlantean ago

Not really. It is an obstacle but, like many on here have suggested, it does seem like a desperate attempt to stay credible- especially in the aftermath of a recent destructive blow that all but blew the MSM to smithereens. On the other hand, if enough of us keep pushing through, their attempt at discrediting independent news won't matter. Future looking bright.

MetalAegis ago

I think many people this election have woken up to the MSMs lies, more and more people are refusing to buy into their bullshit and wont believe that the alternative news sources they have been seeking recently are being subjected to a smear campaign for anything more than an attempt to maintain control of the narrative.

It's reached a tipping point, the tighter they grasp now the more indoctrinated slip through their clutches into a state of awareness, and TPTB are in panic mode and busy doing damage control.

What does worry me in this regard is specific to #pizzagate, it seems disinformation still seems to work well and coupled with a near complete control of online media counter acts the streisand effect.

TheKFCNyanCat ago

In the end, it will just encourage people to pick sides instead of look for truth. Remember that the alt-right media is fake news, but so is the MSM. Real news is impossible, bias is in our nature.

no1113 ago

It's been going on from the beginning. It's just that it's been discovered at this point.

R4WX ago Please have a look and let's make a change.

Crackerjoe69 ago

Maybe I'm coming off as a bit too paranoid, but every time I try to explain Pizzagate to a friend or someone I know, I'm instantly brushed off as a tinfoil fedora wearing conspiratard. The NYT article really doesn't help the cause at all.

hookednosedjoooo ago

I think we are going to see an influx in actual "fake news" like clickbait sites so they MSM can point to them and say "see goyim, it's FAKE" and then use that as a guise for the current shutdown model. They're using fake news as a blanket term to take down alt media BUT I think they are going to actually falseflag fake news websites to make the problem look bigger then it is.

Azagthoth ago

Yup. Full blown Orwellian move by the MSM to silence the un-hegel'd free thinkers that are still trying to thrive.

AugmentedDragon ago

It scares me because so many people these days don't even bother to read past the headline, let alone question or fact check the article. A simple search of "pizzagate" brings up all these articles about how it's fake news, and only on the second page and onward do you really see relevant stuff. And considering most people wont click past the first page, it does look bleak. On the brighter side, the fact that they're so quick to call news attacking some no-name pizza place fake would suggest some kind of ulterior motives, something I hope allows others to see that we aren't all batshit crazy nutjobs, and that there is actually something going on.

neurotap ago

but trust in mainstream media is at an all time low, so i doubt many if any people will believe whatever shit msm tries to push.

Apostatis ago

I'll never listen to them, and I'll teach anyone I know to not listen to them either. They want to spew bullshit? I'll just keep pointing it out till nobody listens to them anymore.

xeemee ago

Not everyone can handle the truth.

yes, and i think the key to maintaining your sanity sometimes is to not waste time dealing with those that refuse to challenge their views

shin-kicked ago

It's just another avenue to shut den conflicting narrative. They've witnessed the damage alt media can perform and now they're on damage control before the myriad of upcoming European elections where any damaging stories can be shut down as fake news

TopGun ago

The "fake news" narrative does spook me a bit; but, I have confidence that Trump will quash any media/social media censorship of alternative views. His presidential campaign talking points had already indicated that he intends to wage war against the media and their accusations toward him (Russian spy, white supremacist, nationalist, racist, misogynist, homophobic) have fallen flat on the broader public.

Fahrvergnaked ago

I'm more afraid of the pledges made by Google, Facebook and Twitter to "tone down" fake news on their platforms, this is why Zuckerberg and Page need to be neutered. Large organizations like this cannot be politicized, it's bad news. Pun intended.

xeemee ago

... this is why Zuckerberg and Page need to be neutered.

problem is deeper - you have to realize who influences/controls the media, entertainment, finance and politics in the west, particularly the U.S.

study the real reasons for Hitlers rise to power and i think you'll quickly realize the similarities between Weimar Germany and the U.S. at present, as well as who is, to a large extent, causing them ... and no, i'm not a supremacist/racist/baby-hater/etc.

Fahrvergnaked ago

I've got the pill in my mouth, I just haven't swallowed it yet. It seems impossible that it's a Jew thing, how can an entire race be involved? I'm sure a good 95 percent of Jews are not a problem. How can I hate an entire demographic for the minorities actions? How can they be stopped if the majority are good?

Sleuth222 ago

It's Zionist not Jews. People get the two confused.

Fahrvergnaked ago

Started learning this today. Makes a lot more sense. Newly redpilled so it's still confusing and new.

ThatCuckoldSpez ago

The thing is that its not like every Jew is running the world. Its just that way more of the people who do run the world happen to be.

xeemee ago

It seems impossible that it's a Jew thing, how can an entire race be involved?

it's not, as in, it's not Jews as a whole that are to blame, though many are enablers because of their teachings and leadership

as long as greed persists, everyone, regardless of race, religion, etc., is susceptible to corruption, but i can tell you this much as an absolute fact: though Jews make up only a tiny fraction of the worlds population, they control and/or influence EVERY major institution in the United States and all you need to do to verify that is a little cursory research

radio, publishing companies, government, pornography, education, Hollywood, etc., it is Jews running the show in all cases

however your statement, "I'm sure a good 95 percent of Jews are not a problem.", is spot-on in my opinion and i'm glad to hear you say it - the chasm between different factions of Jews -- Zionists vs. anti-Zionists, U.S. vs. Israeli, holocaust supporters vs. revisionists, etc. -- is deep and wide in many cases - contrary to what at least a few here would like you to believe, all Jews DO NOT stick together

furthermore, even though the Jewish influence in the aforementioned areas is absolutely a rock-solid fact as you will quickly discover for yourself should you choose to dig deeper, if the Jews were taken out of the equation tomorrow, i think there is little doubt that some other group would gladly fill the void - greed is closer to the root of the problem, not Jewry

that said, if you want to go down the Jewish mafia rabbit hole, and possibly gain a better understanding of how western politics work in the process, you could start here, but you'll need to be willing to have your current beliefs seriously challenged :)

any thoughts or questions, please let me know

frankenmine ago

"Conspiracy theory" no longer works because so many conspiracies were proven to be true this election season. It's the new version of that.

carlip ago

I am just very concerned about National Inquirer and other tabloids. Also what about TMZ and buzzfeed?! Oh no

Its not a big deal. We just keep red pilling those around us and do the work ourselves. Let the MSM invalidate thselves by being consistently wrong.

l23r ago

Didn't he say he wasn't planning on going after Hillary legally? Like really?!

Gorillion ago

No, because it proves they're on the ropes. They're a dying medium. Their business model is fucked beyond belief and this is all they've got.

Fucking losers doubling down because they're dead either way.

TheGunslinger ago

The internet absolutely can be shut off. Just because our society isn't at that point yet didn't mean it's not a real possibility.

srayzie ago

Do you guys remember when Hillary said if she became president she would take down (alt-right) cospiracy Sites? She wanted to get rid of Alex Jones, from Infowars, and sites like drudgereport. I was relieved when Trump won because I knew he wouldn't go after alternative news. He actually is for it. Now I'm wondering what's going to happen because I think these high ups in Twitter, Facebook and Google are part of The Clinton's circle of corruption. I hope that they can't force sites shut down that are funded by the people.

playzfahdayz ago

Now I'm wondering what's going to happen because I think these high ups in Twitter, Facebook and Google are part of The Clinton's circle of corruption.

Very good point that's blatantly obvious but needs to be heavily addressed. We're up against not only the corrupted corporations funding HRC, but even the "independent" supposedly "unbias" social networking corporations that immensely benefit politically from HRC and the on-going MSM propaganda working against pizzagate... explosion

xeemee ago

Now I'm wondering what's going to happen because I think these high ups in Twitter, Facebook and Google are part of The Clinton's circle of corruption.

you may better understand the bigger picture if i simply edit your comment...

"Now I'm wondering what's going to happen because I think these ((( high ups ))) in Twitter, Facebook and Google are part of The Clinton's circle of corruption.

srayzie ago

Thank you! I'm new to all this. Even Reddit.

xeemee ago

Thank you! I'm new to all this. Even Reddit.

i suspect you may not know what i was trying to impart when i added ((( ))) around your words "high ups" - if not, let me know and i'll do a better job of explaining :)

srayzie ago

I sure will. Thank you :)

manyx ago

No one trusts mass media, they have the reverse effect on people, them saying it's fake actually reinforced the fact that it is real to everyone else that didn't even know about this. They are trying to sweep it under the rug, how can you sweep apocalypse under the rug? That's hilarious. Luke 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated.

manyx ago

Did you learn nothing from spirit cooking? Eat the fear ;)

ThrowawayPizza ago

Guys you need to focus. You're turning this sub into a conspiracy sub. This brings nothing to the investigation.

FormerDiggUser ago

It does matter. It's pretty clear that this type of stuff is discredited in the mainstream as soon as you use the term "conspiracy" (now fake news). Even though the literal definition of conspiracy fits perfectly with pizzagate.

An agreement between people to break the law in the future, in some cases having committed an act to further that agreement

sentryseven ago

Yes. Assange called it, but nobody listened.

BlackSwordsman ago

It's funny you say that. I've brought these things up and been met with similar remarks like "oh I just don't know enough about this to have an opinion". Like... I'm trying to give it to you!!

Invest_ ago

They must not be ALLOWED to win

algernon4peace ago

Trump could go down as one of the best presidents of all time if he does root out these paedophile rings, but it's hard to trust any of these people. I have more faith in our community's ability to force justice onto the elite.

markrod420 ago

It's terrifying.

EarthGleaner ago

I handed my mom a copy of lose change nearly 10 years ago. To this day she has it and has never watched it. In her words, "I'll nevery believe that the government was involved with 911."

It's not a matter of truth for most people, they have been trained to reject "conspiracy theories"

xeemee ago

I handed my mom a copy of lose change nearly 10 years ago. To this day she has it and has never watched it.

while sad that your mom is closed minded on the subject, the Loose Change videos are, in fact, largely garbage, so in one way it is perhaps a good thing she didn't watch it

sure, elements of the U.S. gov, as well as Israel and the Mossad, were absolutely involved, but the LC docu's are garbage at best and disinformation at worst

i can provide some resources if interested

EarthGleaner ago

Sure, I'm always open to reviewing new information. thanks.

I was just trying to illustrate the point that she wouldn't even consider the possibility. That's how many are, although I continue to see increasing numbers of people taking off the blinders. Which is hopeful.

southartful ago

Start pointing to news articles that are popping up about pedo rings being taken down, tie it to pizzagate discussion, talk about how it involves politicians and high ranking people, mention more pizzagate, point it out from a position of just hearing about it. You arent an authority just a guy thats sharing some news.

xeemee ago

... I continue to see increasing numbers of people taking off the blinders. Which is hopeful.

no doubt, but i personally worry about those blinders simply being replaced by different blinders ... you know; the new and improved blinders :) - the alt-news scene is just as tough to navigate as the mainstream when it comes to sifting through all the bullshit - i mod /v/altnews - if you want to look at some news sources which i believe are reasonably trustworthy (which is to say, an order of magnitude more creditable then the MSM), take a look at the sources i list in the sidebar

as for Dylan and 'Loose Change', Ryan Dawson - young, but very sharp - does a decent job of destroying the bullshit in their films...

'The Empire Unmasked' is well-worth watching btw - you can get it here

EarthGleaner ago

I agree. People need to be vigilant, but as long as we have trailblazers in the front the truth will eventually reach them.

Thank you for all the info and links. I'll save your comment and check them out when I have time. Thanks again.

Phobos_Mothership ago

It should scare you, it's thought policing.

I used to just see fake news as SPREADING disinformation. Now it scares me because the government is DEFINING disinformation as whatever doesn't fit their narrative.

trollghost15 ago

"Fake news" is just another label to throw around in a pathetic attempt at keeping power, just like "racist", "alt-right", "Nazi", etc.

FormerDiggUser ago

'Conspiracy theory"

Dragonfly44 ago

No. It's fantastic. You get the most flak when you are right over the target. It's a confirmation that it matters. Confirmation that the Legacy Media black magic no longer works, that the big 'news' conglomerates are hemorrhaging cash and viewers. The old dinosaur politicians know nothing about how the internet works. The US Secretary of State using webmail for governement secrets. The previous UK Prime Minster declaring that encryption should be banned. They haven't a fucking clue.

Even if the internet goes back to the old days of bulletin boards, they can't stop it. They've been trying to ban things since the days of Napster. It never works. All of their bullshit can be defeated by a simple VPN and a little bit of prudence.

Fuck them, you have nothing to fear. The truth will find a way out, always. The genie is out of the bottle and it's too fucking late.

heygeorge ago

Lol, it's not bugs. ;)

1Sorry_SOB ago

This too will pass. We will defeat it.

heygeorge ago

Glad to have you here, no matter how it happened. :)

tobor ago

The deeper I go into the rabbit hole, the less fear I feel. Pizzagate was a kick in the gut initially, but now I'm ready to fight. I've been out of the legacy media matrix for a long time, so their propaganda of fake news doesn't faze me a bit.

Naalu ago

Nah man, if Trump was able to win after all that racist/bigot/sexist crap, we will be just fine. Noone is buying their shit anymore.

heygeorge ago

You were pinged?!? Maybe I edited out the ping. :)

Stavon ago

it does look really, really, really weird. Pedos were way up in the Catholic Church too

That's nothing new, it's been a clichée for years.

muffalettadiver ago

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” - Michael Scott

retractableclaws ago

-Abraham Lincoln

redditrunbyfascists ago

from dune

southartful ago

Im dune with this

Volkisch ago

You can fight it. Make your voice heard. Nobody has a monopoly on the truth. What we are witnessing is a war of information and minds, and the people must have the freedom to access information from all parties, no matter how offensive or false; we must gorge ourselves on all information and we must educate ourselves in order to determine what is valuable and true. The powers that be cannot be allowed the final say in what has value or truth, and we must not allow them to silence the voices of any actor or state. We must hold the state and media establishment to the highest level of scrutiny. If we tolerate the continued use of propaganda against us, then we will lose all of our freedoms.

This may be our generations' great fight against evil. And it all rests on you. The system continues only because of your passive consent. We will force the powers that be to bend to our collective strength and will. But the collective is only as strong as its individuals allow - YOU must take action to prevent tyranny, before it is too late.

FuckReddit69 ago

you dont get to be president elect without being put there intentionally. remember who these people are, actors. don't be naive. They are just playing their part.

ThrowThisAwayPi ago

It's actually very predictable. These scumbags saw a potential volcanic eruption so the "Fake News" narrative is their lame-ass way of countering the blowout. However, they had NO idea how big this would get. Though I'm not totally sold on Infowars (tend to think they are a degree of controlled opposition), they are preparing a huge story on PGate. More and more, people are beginning to trust sources like Infowars over, say, the NYT. When Biggs and Shroyer release this story, it's going to hit with millions. Who knows, man! We may start getting some victims coming forward. That would be great (but the establishment shills will try to destroy them. That's why I'm conflicted about former abuse victims going public.)

18934732897 ago

"Fake news" was originally a genre of satiric news popularized on facebook, using outrageous buzzfeed-like headlines. MSM obviously uses this categorization for everything that conflicts with them.

^ This is an example of self-proclaimed "Fake news", something I find very healthy. To say that "fake news" must be dealt with is insulting our intelligence.

Zinnsee ago

Look at it from another perspective. The MSM know they can't compete in a fair discussion because they themselves are caught in so many proven lies. So now they just want to block the other side from speaking out. If people beginn to realize this, this whole 'fake news' disaster should blow the MSM right back into their faces.

El_Snapster ago

Hey trump just called them in and told them They were all fake and started going off on each one. He is going to come down hard on them.

nimblenav ago

it's but I'm used to NoKo style censorship as we have seen many example of them in the past years in many western countries but we are fighting back and we are winning.

mildseven ago

It's scary because the majority of the population still believes MSM. For people like us we can just filter it all out of our every day life.

pizzaparallel ago

Actually, according to (Gallup) polling, the majority of Americans distrust the mass media right now.

The percentage of Americans saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media is only 32%

ThruTheHaze ago

I was literally bummed out the other day when thinking about this. Couldn't shake it. Then, after playing with my kid for a while and putting him to bed, decided that I'm not going down like that. Fuck all the lizard people! Burn in hell!

PlasmaDistortion ago

Control the narrative, control the populace.

heygeorge ago

Just don't forget to take a break to eat/wash thumb

justforthissubverse ago

This stinks of a Soros led effort. Remember he had that big strategy meeting after Trump won? Two days later "POW" all the MSM talking about "Fake News".
It is more than just pizzagate (although they can use it for that too). It's about controlling the narrative to the masses. It's about setting up an framework where they can position their arguments against those they disagree with. This is for the long game as well as the short game. If they can make "Fake News" stick in the minds of the masses as a buzzword that instantly makes anything deemed "Fake News" as non-credible, it's a huge lever for them. We have to fight back with stronger memes that show the MSM bias and that they are producing a lot of "Fake News" themselves. This is a counterpunch by the MSM in the most basic way. We caught them being biased and lying/colluding so now of course they are accusing us of the exact crimes they are guilty of.
It's one of the most basic fallacious tactics. You call me a liar? I'm calling you the liar.

southartful ago

This could give us a huge leverage in talking about the false stories in MSM, judo this narrative back on to them. Everyone has a story about the time a news paper or news show fucked up or flat out lied. Push the fucking wedge

corn_of_action ago


chance_pictures ago

We have to fight back with stronger memes

This is why I love the internet.

GoldMoose16 ago

A few months ago, like maybe September, didn't Obama allude to something about "information Curation?" or Trusted Sources, or something like that?

Result of Soros meeting --- I agree. The timing of all of this is just uncanny. Especially with the small flood of articles basically parroting the same thing in a relatively short timeframe.

So if the Liberal dream is now Curated News, who will become the Gatekeepers? Ha, you guessed it, State Owned.

Psalm100 ago

He did say something like that. But the news is already being curated like that. What he and others really want is to shut out and shut down any news sources outside of those officially approved (by the left).

Chance903 ago

The main issue I have with curated news is the literal meaning of curation,means to manage news, I am not good with that.

SkanktheHunt ago

And Soros has the money to pull this off.

NorwegianBlackMetal ago

No because they've been doing this for decades. If anything I'm happy because people are starting to see through the propaganda.

occassionally ago

Honestly, I'm surprised that this narrative hasn't been tried out sooner

heygeorge ago

I thought you were more of a hot dog fellow? Whatevs! Let's do this, just give me like 30hrs to get there

JeremiahSinclair ago

Tells me the "conspiracy theory" line has lost its effectiveness, which is a good sign. It means they're desperate, but since the "fake news" meme is just a rehash of the same strategy, that tells me it, too, will eventually fail as well. Bascially, it means we're winning and they're freaking out. And the "fake news" label is even easier to debunk/attach to the MSM, so I think this will fail much faster than the conspiracy theory label did.

whisky_cat ago

The problem is useful idiots who can't legitimately discern bullshit news from fact-based news. I'm talking about the people who just say "go Trump" but can't write a useful sentence on valid policy. Don't get me wrong, I voted for Trump for reasons I researched over time, and still think the system is even further rigged that Trump could possibly be controlled opposition to the TV-consuming masses. They got their victory, but little will likely change.

Back to the point, there are useful idiots supporting actual fake news along with alt-right news. The left pushes unsourced news as much as some right news. And frankly the words "left" and "right" are virtually useless these days.

If people did the right research and sourced their news without blindly believing in headlines published by either sides, we would see real progress in understanding what fake news really is, or where the propaganda stretches over the boundaries of journalism. Maybe this unprepared rant made sense or not, I just see plenty of people with the same opinions I have blatantly showing off bullshit articles like it's Christmas.

prevent1984 ago

Yeah people need to be cautious of supporting Trump, since he is backtracking on his campaign promises already (and would the powers at be REALLY allow someone that wants to destroy them reach this level in government?) and he seemed to have elite connections before he announce his decision to run for president.

Chance903 ago

Whisky, Yes, these people these "useful idiots" are not able to discern fact from fiction, there are many reasons for this but the real issue is how to get people to wake up. I too did not want to believe pizzagate when my son began to speak about it but as a former law enforcement officer that worked sex crimes off and on for I don;t know how many years, I know that somethings they incomprehensible is true. I worked the 290 program here is Calif for the Sheriff's office. Man, my heart is bitter over this.

I began to watch youtube on it then a guy posted the links to these pedo's Instagrams. So I decided clear up the issue in my mind and followed the evidence...Not good my fellow Americans, this is not good. I consider myself an expert in this field. I understand clearly, very clearly when something is wrong or if something is not. Something is wrong.

However,I am extremely concerned for all those investigating , I am concerned for your life and limbs. This is no joke and these are serious players. I left my former employment because of corruption. I went back to school, studying abnormal psychology. Coincidentally I was working on my thesis for Pedophilia' when this all came up. I don't think people understand that they are trying to normalize Pedophilia , per the DSM-5 it is no longer a disorder but considered an orientation...this means a pedophile can now adopt children ,they cannot be discriminated against. All I know is what I found is bad and what I am learning makes me wish to be blind again.

I thought the worst case I ever worked on made me sick, which was the rape of a 6-month-old baby girl...Officers that worked on the force for 30 years cried over that case in private. this is just infinitely worse. I feel this must be brought to light , but I think it will go the way of the accusation that were made way back in the 1980's& 1990's It never seems to stop. The sex rings have long,long,long and very deep roots. Please read the links. This is insidious and deadly to those brave enough to investigate. I wonder if any of those names from back then connect to now.

JeremiahSinclair ago

No, you're making sense. haha

xeemee ago

The problem is useful idiots who can't legitimately discern bullshit news from fact-based news.

it's a problem indeed, but i would say that even the more serious researcher often runs into the very same problem of being misled

for example, i've run into many a testimony from creditable witnesses regarding various subjects - i know these people aren't lying, but what i don't know is whether they were lied to and are simply being used

whisky_cat ago

Good point, and to add to that, there's Corporate and State sponsored research which people use as their sources but haven't necessarily vetted for bias. The challenge to find the truth goes pretty damn deep.

PleadingtheYiff ago

You are right. Their traditional playbook is not working so they're trying to adapt on the fly.

It means we have a really good opportunity to strike decisively while they are faltering.

pizzaparallel ago

Fake news has been around for a while now. In fact, I'd argue that it's been worse in the past. Even the MSM has had a variety of their own "fake" news stories (Rolling Stone Rape on Campus for example) exposed. It seems like people are more worried about the reliance on facebook news and the potential for shared fake news to shape opinions, including election opinions.

Not everything is centered around pizzagate even if it affects our ability to share the evidence. Undermining the credibility of other news sources can serve many purposes at once.

FormerDiggUser ago

Let's use the proper name for "fake news" = PROPAGANDA

xeemee ago

Let's use the proper name for "fake news" = PROPAGANDA

well, yeah, when it's coming from the MSM or other corrupted outlets, but the same sort of problem is also very much present in much of the alt-news scene - just something to keep in mind

there's good stories everywhere, even at FOX "news", but you have to sift through the bullshit to get to the ice cream

FormerDiggUser ago

Absolutely agree

Gumbatron ago

I think the "fake news" phenomenon is likely something that is driven centrally. The existence of inaccurate news reports and even deliberately fake news is not a particularly new thing. It's been around for years. What is reasonably new is the MSM focus on highlighting this apparent epidemic of "fake news" and attempting to settle a definition of what is fake and what is real (in their favor).

This has echos of the promotion of the "conspiracy theory" slight against those that would question the supposed facts surrounding the Kennedy assassination. Who shot Kennedy? I don't know, but if you believe it was Oswald, I've got some beach front property in the Himalayas to sell you.

In the end, some news is fake, some news is real. You need to use your brain and decide for yourself what is real and what vested interests may be driving different actors behind the scenes (cui bono). It's a complex world out there, which is both a blessing and a curse. It's difficult to understand what is going on, but at the same time, it is difficult to create a false narrative that stands up to scrutiny.

Read broadly and don't get yourself trapped in a confirmation bias bubble (like so many are).

xeemee ago

I think the "fake news" phenomenon is likely something that is driven centrally.

perhaps i can be of assistance in eliminating a bit of doubt in that regard...

"I think the "fake news" phenomenon is likely something that is driven ((( centrally )))."

now we're on to something :)

connornm777 ago

This isn't that obviously fake though, a lot of people still believe. My whole immediate family thinks I lost my mind and they keep telling me to "stop reading those crazy conspiracies on the internet". I've been slowly red-pilled over the lies in media over a few years, it can't happen overnight for everybody.

The scary part is that they trust the media enough right now so that anyone who tries to spear-head an investigation will be painted as a deranged lunatic getting riled up by this terrible "fake news". Righteous anger at injustice will instead be seen as unhinged madness and an infection of right-wing propaganda. In their minds there is no conceivable way that the world could be this dark and evil, and the truth won't be easily transmitted to them.

fuckmyreddit ago

Americans are babies. The whole thing has been set up so idiots will think the truth tellers are crazy. But I always go back to the fable about the emporer has no clothes. So this problem goes way back. And there is hope that the small child will out the fucking truth even with the dumbing down of education.

I don't tell people the fable. I just keep it in my mind to remind myself that idiots have been idiots since forever.

You have to do this slowly with each person. And no talk of Spirit Cooking. Start with simple concepts that have very little controversy.

vacvape ago

it can't happen overnight for everybody. One toke man... one toke.

BlackSwordsman ago

I have a post about this. You need to encourage people to read the Wikileaks and look at Comet Pizza's images. Those two things are the key to this. I've flipped a few buddies on this topic with that. Make sure to underline that Wikileaks has NEVER had a false leak, not once, and that none of the emails have been denied. You read people the emails, and ask if they think it's code. It OBVIOUSLY is. You're dealing with an incompetent buffoon if you're talking to someone denying that. Then you show the contributions and show the Comet Pizza images. There's no way anyone with an IQ above 1 couldn't understand the concern.

dbstfbh ago

You're dealing with an incompetent buffoon if you're talking to someone denying that.

This is just about every one of my facebook friends.

BlackSwordsman ago

Every person that I'm able to sit down for 10 minutes with their attention has been thoroughly disturbed and concerned. I guess the trick is doing it one by one, face to face.

l23r ago

I have actually read people typing shit like "oh but it's just a triangle like a pizza" Like um no. There are countless pizza places, many incorporating triangles and other pizza like shapes into their logo, and none of them look like the Child Love PEDO logo

BlackSwordsman ago

If it were simply that ONE thing, I'd probably laugh if off, too. Once you show people the Wikileaks, that's when it starts becoming a more clear picture. I'm NOT into conspiracy theories at all. Sandy Hook, 9/11 and other atrocities, I don't believe for a second they were inside jobs. That may not curry much favor, and I'm always willing to change my mind, but I've done all the reading on those and can't seem to put together anything that suggests they were anything more than tragedies. This, Pizzagate, this is something different. This has such overwhelming (albeit, circumstantial) evidence, that it's impossible to ignore once a person has viewed the media. My GF also had distaste for conspiracy theories and she in on board with me 100% in this. We have both been talking to co workers about it and turning people onto it. I think we need to be pointing people in our real lives to this. People who will sit there for a moment while we explain and show them the media. That's a big part of this.

Invest_ ago

Is there a thread or article that links how you should introduce people into this topic? So you start with the wikileaks link, and then end with the comet pizza images. If there isnt, there should be.

BlackSwordsman ago

Look at my previous posts and I've tried to make some topics on this subject. I always try and start with the Wikileaks and their credibility. Once you get a person to agree that the emails are speaking in some code, then I hit them with Comet Pizza. The ties, the fundraisers, the 5 figure contributions, Beyond Borders across the street. This shit lines up too much. There's too much coincidence for it to be overlooked. Once you plant the seed of doubt, the person will eventually see these horrors if they do any research.

Invest_ ago

Thank you for replying.

heygeorge ago

Thanks for the compliment, bro!

FreeAmerican ago

It's the first steps of a real state controlled media... Who gets to decide what's fake?

sweetholymosiah ago

state controlled? How about corporate controlled, which is the American reality.

iam ago

Been going on for decades. See Operation Mockingbird.

Riva ago

First steps?? We're well down the garden path for that. We're deep deep deep into compromised media. Coordinated control of main steam media. Powerful banking on the citizenry being too busy or broke to be able to keep up to the ever more complex (through their own initiative) beauracricy.

superesper ago

No. It's the death throes of a mainstream media that has been state controlled for decades and has lost so much of it's audience that it's becoming completely irrelevant. A media that just spent it's last tiny bit of credibility on trying to install a satanic pedophillic whore in the White House, and despite this monolithic, unified effort, lost the battle to youtubers, chan users, plebbitors, and regular people in general. The only people who will buy the "fake news" narrative are the ones who are already getting their information from the mainstream anyway, the people who are so completely soulless and devoid of personal agency, the ability to think critically, and the strength to face information that might force them to change their ideas, that they would refuse to change their views even if you showed them hours of video of politicians chopping up kids with meat cleavers.

This is just a desperate attempt to keep the retarded on the farm for a bit longer. Everyone who matters left long ago. We, the people who support and consume the "fake news", have been called racists, sexists, nazis, "consrpiacy nuts", crazy, stupid, monsters of every kind, for years. We don't give a shit if Rupert Murdoch calls us names and says our news sucks. Viewership of major news networks is astonishingly low, likewise for readership of major papers, and it only keeps dropping.

RevolutionBetrayed ago

I'll say that a lot of people convince themselves that they get their news from a wide variety of sources, without realizing that they're all owned by the same company. Do you get your news from Slate? No, you get it from Graham Holdings Co. Do you get your editorials from Huffington Post? No, you get it from Verizon Communications via AOL. Do you get your news from The Guardian? It's not the same Guardian that Glen Greenwald put on the map; it's still lock-step with the rest of them, and was owned by Scott Trust Ltd, then sold to Trinity Mirror, which also owns the Daily Mirror, which has the credibility of a 15 year old in Juvee.

justiceforever ago


FormerDiggUser ago

The Ministry of TruthTM, DUH!

1Sorry_SOB ago

Yes as with everything the devil is in the details. Orwell knew names meant nothing or were there to confuse.

Fake News is meant to lead the normies to censorship.

WeaponsGradeAutist ago

Precisely. Look at the narratives and such, it's all goofy as hell and should be terrifying. But nope, most people are fine with their anti-Trump memes and bullshit garbage.

I am optimistic, but I'm hoping Trump doesn't turn out to be controlled opposition. I don't think he is, but call me cynical.

BertieMcDuffy ago

Well, trump was in epsteins black book, and he has already said he is not gonna be prosecuting hillary... so there is that...

It is gonna be about as much "change" as with barry o bamma, but with more orange hair

fuckmyreddit ago

I consider myself a good judge of character. I'm a female. I'm a former street kid. I survived by knowing who to trust.

I think trump is sincere. I think he's naive in some ways but he's not a fake.

vacvape ago

I'm waiting for him to legalize before I decide that he isn't. So far it's not looking good.

Stavon ago

Why should it. There is obviously fake news from every direction. If you don't learn to recognize it, you'll fall for it.

xeemee ago

If you don't learn to recognize it, you'll fall for it.

careful what you say - we are ALL vulnerable in that regard

whisky_cat ago

You just summed up my rant in another comment in two sentences. Just because "the left" is calling some news fake, doesn't mean all of the non-MSM news is actually legit. Need facts, sources, for real news.

MMW ago

It scares me because it seems to confirm this whole pizzagate theory.

heygeorge ago

It seems to me this narrative was also fed by the gigantic amount of literally fake stories that so many people believed and shared during the electoral cycle.

There's a vast difference between emotionally misleading headlines with editorialized content and articles listing only 'inside sources' or 'a source close to' from a byline whom you've never heard of and therefore has no reputation to uphold.

R4WX ago

You should see this whole theory as confirmed. There's no doubt.

Stavon ago

You're biased. Like everyone is. But pizzagate is still an unconfirmed theory.

You're in the same trap as those who claimed Saddam had WMD. Don't take hints as evidence, don't fall for "everyone says so"; work forwards until you have undeniable facts.

southartful ago

Its a bit too coincidental that the moment we see some slightly weord shit we've been uncovering thousands of CP posters and the links to actual pedophiles...

madhatter67 ago

That is where a developed bullshit detector comes in.....

I didn't for a minute believe in Saddam's WMDs....the evidence was laughable and the agenda clear

Again, the whole fake news thing has a pretty obvious subtext, and anyone with half a brain can see the lies we are fed by the "real" media

Now onto pizzagate....given the large amount of circumstantial evidence, the connections between many players and groups that have been uncovered, the hornet's nest the subject seems to have stirred up, the past history of similar abuses within monolithic power structures, the very nature of those that we allow power, and so on.....well we all have to draw our own conclusions....and mine is that we might not have a smoking gun yet but that doesn't mean there is nothing to see here

corn_of_action ago


Chance903 ago

I am sorry , I believe that you are incorrect. I think you should go investigate like I did and see what you come up with. I promise you if you understand psychology and have ever worked around Pedophilia like I have for years. then you will come away with a different mindset.

playzfahdayz ago

I concur to this 100%. Look into it and create your conclusion. Pizzagate is real, no doubt, and the immediate reaction from the MSM confirms.