SlackeryTurnBull ago

It is indeed a question why the real Abramovic didn't disassociate herself from the fake account. Maybe she is part of the Psyop? Interestingly, Podesta has also remained silent on the emails and accusations.

The fake account speaking in her voice is hardly proof that it is her. This is the age of the internet when anybody can say they're anybody. Interesting that you accuse someone using such logic as being "CTR". Maybe the ones going against logic and common sense are the real shills? They're the ones that seem bent on discrediting Pizzagate and proving that it really is "fake news".

Look at the account closely. It's retweeting Russian accounts! And not even any Russian accounts, but silly pop culture accounts! Do you think Abramovic is a Russian agent? with shallow teen fixations on pop stars?

AreWeSure ago

Of your links, I don't think any of them really constitute proof. All of them could be the hoaxer responding to people pretending to be her. The most incriminating is the last one showing the account was active years ago. However, it's a screenshot. Anyone know anyway of verifying that? A cached version perhaps. The archived link doesn't show that.

Also this tweet is false. Nice upside-down cross Marina.

The photo in that tweet is not her wearing an upside cross. It's her wearing the Austrian Decoration for Science and Art at the Vienna Film Film Festival.

AreWeSure ago

I just ran a google search for @abramovicM666 and limited the dates to from Jan 1, 2013 to April 1, 2016.

Every result seems to be post the Spirit Cooking controversy.

I have no idea if that would reveal definitive results with an app like twitter as opposed to a blog.

AreWeSure ago

The artist account seems to be set up to promote the documentary about her which was called The Artist is Present. It was a documentary about a specific performance she did at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and a retrospective of her career.

If you actually want to get a sense of the woman, watching the documentary is a good place to start.

It nows seems to be promoting her memoir. It's almost assuredly a real account and connected to her, but that doesn't means she is the one tweeting from that account. All the first tweets were about promoting the film like this one, the second tweet.

Marina Abramovic ‏@ArtistisPresent 25 Apr 2012 Watch the trailer for Marina Abramovic The Artist is Present here:

I think this account was setup by the film company and it's now used as her promotional account for other projects.

Rigg5 ago

Backup of the backup

Orange_Circle ago

No, she conversed with people on a twitter.

AreWeSure ago

You can converse with people on Twitter from a fake account. It happens all the time. Several Parody accounts are active.

So you need more evidence that she tweeted from this account.

The archive link below only has tweets from August of this year, though perhaps if it was supsended you can't see the earlier tweets.

Orange_Circle ago

How very strange that someone (long before pizzagate) had her satanic proclivities so publicized.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

From the fake account?

think_whatif ago

Remembering back, before I archived everything I came across, I could swear the @AbramovicM666 Twitter account was "verified", which is why, in my mind, I gave it so much more importance.

Currently, neither the archives for @AbramovicM666 or the current @ArtistisPresent are marked as "verified".

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I think it's important to understand that she has some major credibility within the art world. In 2014 Time Magazine put her in a list of the most influential people in the world. The AbramovicM666 account has like 400 followers. The other account has something like 25K. Do you think this was just a private account so she could tweet about Lady Gaga and her romantic interests?

Chipcer ago

i don't know, it could be real it but maybe could be one of her fans....She could be some horrid Satanist....maybe not...or in the very least some kind of Witch Artistic Shock-Jock. whoring out the latest dark idea/trend for the arts I'm guessing its a real account because there are too many connections to other celebs, there are connections to personal photos there and she is known for making 'shocking satanist stuff'....this was her personality and she is known for kind of horror, dark, satanist, gore, black, shock themes in her art work. Most 'artists' even the 'normal' seeming ones will often explore all kinds of ideas, the good ones good artists will look into all kinds of material and even the shitty hack ones. From idiots like uwe boll to madonna, to tv producers to the Rap Stars to Comedians j k rowling to Rolling Stones...all of them have 'Explored' various ideas....paganism, futurism, extremism, neo-christianity, mythology, satanism....all kinds of weird themes can be in their music or books.It's very rare you get an artist that only has 'one story' or 'one song'. Sometimes simply being around other people they will meet and connect with other weirdos, and sometimes it is alleged the weirdos are not the 'artists' themselves but the political elite and business men around them...for example take how people dismissed the Franklin child prostitution ring allegations..later crimes were done by vile people like dennis hastert jimmy savile. This woman its difficult to know what to make of her, I'm guessing the account was real, it would fit with the work she done and think its more than just a fan account. I don't know enough about this woman to comment either way, her work looked kinda pretentious, shock jockey and juvenile...I have looked at art, did wires buildings and on stages, worked with musicians, film makers and all I suppose in a way you might say I know of the 'arts'... I know the Clinton Foundation in wiki leaks items on the news gave $10,000 toward Maria Abramovic's art...she also probably followed that weird Aleastier Crawley? spelling? a weird Occultist who wrote 'The Satanic Bible' . She explored pagan sex rituals and the use of sex example of a witchcraft ritual is how a woman would keep a fish tucked into her vagina overnight and then make a powder of it to add to her man’s coffee. After he drinks it, he will never stray… or at least that’s the idea...another if it rained too much the women of the pagan Serb village would run into the fields and lift their skirts in an attempt to scare the gods and end the rain. her parents were communists who served in the military but had a tempestuous marriage, cold communist devoid of love. She grew up with communist/socialist/marxist ideology permeating her unhappy home environment, a red socialist nation and influencing her thinking extensively. Some might suspect she has a mixed heritage maybe some distant parents, grand parents were Jews masquerading behind Christian Orthodoxy, concealing who they really were....Probably the bombing of Serbia when Clinton backed the Albanian muslims against Serbs that would have surely influenced her life no?....Maybe the whole thing was a giant artistic 'Revenge Park' by her., maybe she cried the day Slobodan Milosevic died of a heart attack in criminal court in the Hague. Blood, guts, spooky, dismembered body parts, mock corpses, satanic pentagrams and human sacrifice rituals all incorporated into her performances and promoted by Abramovic, her gallerias zombie promoters and PR machine.Lady Gaga and other would have had their face buried inside the ass of Abramovic...not literal but the way dogs go around sniff when socializing for the first time. I don't care much for art like this and this woman I would have easily skimmed past or looked past so-called 'artists' of this measure many time. It puzzles me how people of this 'talent' make any money but then again with her nose constantly up the ass of some business elite and some other politician inside her social circle with his/her nose up the ass of Abramovic...well that explains where all the money comes from. I think much of it simply could be 'conspiracy'....the rabbit hole? i think a lot of stories like this could be exaggeration, paranoia, conspiracy....more fitting for a horror fictional thriller movie...but then again the weirdness and horror of the real world can surprise. Maybe the Police and FBI will finally look into it. It would be worse if citizens did it for example a Washington gunman, a man who traveled from NYC motivated by fake news 'Pizzagate' conspiracy