phlux ago

yep yep yep

I also recall BBH as you mention -- I cant recall now, via my 42yo brain :-) -- but I recall that name, I just dont know why...

Searcher88 ago

Excellent, needs a sub verse all it's own, I am currently reading Peter Dale Scotts book 'The American Deep State' which covers some of this. It's a complicated story but needs badly to be told. Definitely begins with the same people who were behind the creation of the Fed.

RexAxisMundi ago

Great post

phlux ago

Agreed - there are SO many items Ill be linking to... I wrote this thing today in one long stream of conscious, so I need to get all the categories and bullets together, then go after all the other resources out there and recall some more that I read, but they are now pretty foggy. Bush line will need a pretty deep page of links as well.

Question; does the book talk about how, when GHWB was going to be picked up by his private plane, one of the pilots was retiring and it was to be his last flight for GHWB, but he crashed on the way to pick him up and was killed? I recall reading the story - but it appears to have been scrubbed and I can't find it..

I read some PDF a long while ago written by, I believe, it was the guy who's last name was Lear, but not Bill Lear who died in 1978 -- but he had written about the Bush family and some other really interesting stuff - but I cant recall it now for the life of me.... any ideas?

TheJesusDude ago

Podesta is a part of this, it is a fraud, you can even see CIA in the name

pizzaequalspedo ago

Small point, but I keep seeing Arkansas abbreviated as "AK". The postal abbreviation is "AR". AK is Alaska.

Fateswebb ago

Okay so this should be a wiki or something.

phlux ago

Working on that

Orange_Circle ago

Great research.

phlux ago

Awesome thanks - Ill look at these and add them.

The heroin from 60s dead soldiers in their bodies is a crazy one.

Haldelos ago

Bush Sr. basically is/was the CIA. Although books don't show it Bush was in the CIA from the late 50's until he was "out of nowhere" made the head of the CIA in 76 (so someone with zero intelligence background is appointed director of the CIA- Yeah right). He was in Dallas for the CIA when JFK got killed. During the failed Cuban invasion (bay of pigs) there were two landing vessels involved in the bay of pigs: the zapata and the barbara...Bush owned an oil company called Zapata and his wife is barbara...can't make this shit up...

phlux ago

He joined OPP very early on - I believe whilst in WWII -- His dad's long history with Krupps, walker etc (GHW Bush was named after Prescotts father-in-law - who gave him the job at the german company that supported the Nazi War machine)

He joined OPP - the op paperclip happened, and he was effectively grandfathered into the CIA.

I am fuzzy on details of GHWBs activities in 1950s - but he was running CIA ops in the 60s... ostensibly in dallas during JFKs sacrifice.

Then it was alleged that Tom Ridge (who volunteered two terms to vietnam) was working on the CIA death squads and a part of the mae-lai massacre. The interesting thing is that he had close ties to the Bush family, although it was stated that he was the second-choice for VP under Bush II due to the number of electoral votes in PA... but the fact that they have some (seemingly loose) cia connections dating back to the 60s, and that they created the first new cabinet post (DHS) since WWII and appointed Ridge to that post after keeping Cheney in power as he set up the money-funnel, is an interesting point to consider.

Alpo ago

Don't you mean the OSS?

phlux ago

GAH - Yes - Sorry....

derram ago :

Halliburton, KBR, and Iraq war contracting: A history so far | PolitiFact :

Outrageous HSBC Settlement Proves the Drug War is a Joke - Rolling Stone :

[ORIGINAL RESEARCH] The Mountain of Evidence for a Massive International Pedophile Ring Protected by Police and Intelligence Agencies : conspiracy

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