Touchdown50 ago

What boggles my mind is that these people think they will never have to answer for these crimes. It makes me wonder if many of these high profile suspects were held at will to do these crimes and so they would be the scapegoat or patsy when everything gets exposed.

flyingcuttlefish ago

**Sibel Edmonds reveals that Belgium is EXEMPT from FBI counter-intel ops. **Is that to protect pedos in Belgium government?

It is at 33 min. ark in this video -

isthisreality ago

Hampstead, the Finders Cult, child abuse cases at Presidio, Fort Dix, West Point...

isthisreality ago

Belgium again. Jesus.

redtape20 ago

John Ashe was head of UNICEF at one point and was ambassador to a country that had lots of Clinton foundation help in areas he would have been involved in. In the most recent case he was a defendant in, his codefendant was Ng Seng who had given money illegally to bill Clinton via proxy 1996. Ng didn't get caught but his proxy did.

I think John Ashe may have been apart of pizzagate and that's why hgot accidented

Truthplease5 ago

connected to US Belgium Ambassador recently looked into?

Piscina ago

"The Belgium Syndrome" when high-ranking officials seek to protect paedophiles and rapists because they themselves are guilty of the same crime. We can now call it "The WashingtonDC Syndrome" as well.

Headstart ago

Parts of Belgium such as Antwerp, are now well over 40% Muslim immigrants. Looking at what Muslim immigrants did in the UK should lead one to guess what they are doing in Belgium as well.

nafisnaf ago

Immigrants probably have nothing to do with this. On the contrary: "Research suggests that up to 50% of the unaccompanied children accommodated go missing from certain reception centres in the EU, and in many cases, information about the child’s whereabouts remains unknown. "

Theupsidedown ago

Fuck....what an abusive tactic. "The children of the world will suffer if this is exposed..." No, the children of the world ARE suffering. It is completely just to expose this. Fuck you, UNICEF.

ThePuppetShow ago

Kanye would be a huge help if he would break silence on this. He has a huge following. His buddy is already getting the ball rolling on twitter.

Headstart ago

Kanye is getting 'woke,' but he married into the Kardashians, one of the most Satanic families in Los Angeles. His career and fame come at a very steep price; I would be very surprised if he could ever leave that family unscathed.

A day after he talked about Pizzagate at his concert, he was 5150'd to UCLA Neurospychiatric Hospital, well known as a place you get taken to if you 'say too much.' Search Youtube for 'Kanye pizzagate.' Kardashians are major drug traffickers, notorious Satan worshipers with a deep appetite for human sacrifice. The original Kardashian wife published a diary showing the depravity of the deceased father and mob lawyer Robert Kardashian, of OJ Simpson fame, showcasing their dysfunction.

Godwillwin ago

Yes!! Kanye! As crazy as that sounds - I've never listened to his music. But if Kanye would speak out, we'd have a whole generation of little teens spreading the truth like wildfire

ScientiaPotentia ago

I always knew there was something wrong with Unicef. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

SIash ago

A shady organisation that doesn't pay taxes, isn't liable for neutral audits, that gives positions to the most powerful politicians and business people and that has completely free and unlimited access to children in third world countries. Without much question or critique they can send millions to 3rd world warlords as charity. Yep, nothing can go wrong here people.

50hurtz ago

this is true? they duck taxes and aren't liable for neutral audits? who decided that? is there a source? this is fucking terrifying.

pizzasjw ago

Follow-up find related:

"The Belgian director of UNICEF, the United Nations' arm for the ostensible protection of children, was arrested June 18 for participating in an international pedophile ring which used UNICEF facilities to supply children to wealthy pedophiles."

"As shocking as this news may be on purely moral grounds, what makes the case explosive is the fact that UNICEF's pedophile activities appear intimately intertwined with intelligence operations. "

andrevandelft ago

Great link. I googled on 'CRIES "center for research and information on infants and sexuality" ' and that yielded 3 results. One to the same article; the second one maybe not so interesting, and the third one to this discussion:

Lots of information there; most unrelated to CRIES, but interesting anyway. Among others on pedophile UK MPs Cyril Smith and Leon Brittan. The latter served several ministerial roles in Margaret Thatcher's government, including Home Secretary. From 1989 to 1999 he was a member of the European Commission; from 1995 he was a vice president.

pizzasjw ago

When you read shit like this it just blows your mind on the scale and scope. The William Colby to John Decamp quotes seem more prescient by the day. I can only hope that the awareness we can get via SM and the internet changes the game in a way not possible when Colby spoke about it. And its why we all continue to push, at least I know it's true for me. Godspeed ladies and gents.

Stellarjay ago

We all know the United Nations is a scam of the worst kind. It is a joke

naturehelps ago

UNICEF"s Role in Sterilizing and Killing Sephardic (Spanish Jewish) Children

“The primary agent behind these ringworm eradication operations was UNICEF,[17] which even assisted in the purchase of x-ray machines for this purpose. It even supplied the two x-ray machines that operated in the immigrant intake and processing facility for immigrants in Israel – Shaar Haaliyah south of Haifa.” (Citation from an article that minimizes the number of children involved and attempts to normalize the procedure, though does not address rads of 35,000 times the normal amount.)

Rethinking the Goodness of Doctors Without Borders Outbreaks Coincided With Their Vaccine Campaigns

UN (including UNICEF)'s vaccine campaign coincided with the outbreak of Ebola is West Africa, it suddenly appearing in the scattered places a all the place the UN, UNICEF, Doctors without Borders, and others' vaccine campaigns occurred, which is not the way an epidemic starts (from a single outbreak, spreading outward).

UNICEF, Pedophilia, and Its History of Killing of Children

Why is UNICEF run by a CIA man?

Former National Security Advisor in the Clinton White House and failed nominee to head the CIA, Anthony “Tony” Lake is now Executive Director of the United Nations Children Fund, UNICEF.

Right now, the UK (and US) are murdering Syrian children from the air while the UN doesn't stop them, and on the ground they are using the same vaccines which sickened, and paralyzed children in Pakistand and killed 10,000 of them.

DigForTheKids ago

I kind of feel like every single NGO, every single supernational body meant to help poor children, is just a front for pedophiles.

BloodGod1337 ago

It actually makes perfect sense for this to be the case. If you want to be close to vulnerable children, you put yourself in an organization that's meant to help or guide children. No one will suspect a supposed child friendly organization is full of predators. They'd expect any predators to immediately be removed, but in order for that to work, there must not be an overwhelming majority of predators all working together to abuse children.

Touchdown50 ago

Of course. Thats like foxes protecting the hen house

putneg ago

not every single one, but a lot of them are.

Shady: Not shady:

See how the shady ones don't have any reports on their own work. Don't show results and use vague wording to explain what they do? It looks a bit like what BLM's soros investment say:

(BLM)“The BLMF provides grants, movement building resources, and technical assistance to organizations working advance the leadership and vision of young, Black, queer, feminists and immigrant leaders who are shaping and leading a national conversation about criminalization, policing and race in America,”

(NGO)The Christian Alliance for Orphans unites 190+ respected organizations and over 650 church members. Our joint initiatives inspire and equip Christians to live out effectively the Bible’s call to care for orphans and vulnerable children

Now the not shady one "about us":

The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.

Thanks to the generosity of IRC supporters, more than 23 million people benefited from IRC programs and those of our partner organizations in 2015—nearly 5.5 million more individuals than we were able to reach in 2014. In 2015, the IRC and its partner organizations:

  • Helped more than 21 million people gain access to primary and reproductive health care.
  • Vaccinated more than 440,000 children under the age of one against measles.
  • Supported 2,384 clinics and health facilities that helped more than 315,000 women deliver healthy babies.
  • Supported more than 13,000 community health workers to treat communicable diseases in children under age 5 and treated 186,000 children under age 5 for acute malnutrition.
  • Gave 2.6 million people access to clean drinking water or sanitation.
  • Provided schooling and educational opportunities to more than 1.3 million children; trained more than 54,000 educators and supported 7,959 schools.
  • Provided counseling, care and support to more than 36,800 vulnerable children and trained 9,525 child protection workers.
  • Provided 24,555 families with parenting support.
  • Created 1,716 village savings and loan associations that benefited more than 38,000 members who saved a total of nearly $1.8 million.
  • Trained more than 14,900 farmers in agriculture and agribusiness, and provided more than 34,700 farmers with access to markets and farm resources including seeds and fertilizers.
  • Provided job-related skills training to more than 27,000 people.
  • Helped create or support 8,760 businesses.
  • Provided $11.8 million in cash and asset transfers to 75,625 refugees and displaced households.
  • Provided counseling and health, social and legal services to more than 11,400 survivors of gender based violence (GBV); trained 33,000 people in GBV prevention and reached some 750,000 people with community-based violence prevention efforts.
  • Offered legal assistance to more than 35,450 people; trained 18,267 people in the principles of human rights and protection; offered information on preventing and responding to human rights abuses to more than 190,000 people.
  • Trained over 25,800 people in the principles of governance (improving government accountability) and provided information on governance to 168,400 people.
  • In the United States, helped resettle 9,961 newly arrived refugees and provided services to over 36,000 refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking and other immigrants.
  • Through the IRC Resettlement Support Center in Thailand assisted 18,151 refugees from East Asia to resettle in the U.S.

It's actually really easy to figure it out with some of the most blatant ones but others are much more subtle. Don't let this make you think there are no real NGOs because that's just not the case. People risk and give their lives for others in many NGOs, even in the bad ones most of the ground people don't know they're doing shit. They think they're helping. Like nazi supporters thought they were doing good. You just need to dig to find the ok ones. MSF and theirc ( are some of the best out there.

nafisnaf ago

They probably are. "65% of Missing Children Europe's funds come from the European Commission Daphne Programme, and the remainder is collected through fundraising events, structural partnerships and membership fees." The only name I could find connected to this program was Antoni Vitorino. A Portugese EU comissioner. So I check Antonio Vitorino scandal and surprise !!! I find his name mentioned in the Casa Pia orphanage sex abuse scandal. He worked with Bernard Kouchner founder of Doctors of the World. here is an article in French about Kouchner being a “suspected” pedophile

awarenessadventurer ago

fuck. does this shit ever end. It seems every single path I go down turns up MORE PEDO SCUM. it. is. everywhere.

isthisreality ago

Kouchner again. My second to last post was regarding him and his ties to the Zoe's Ark child trafficking scandal, organ trafficking, and his meeting with Hillary in Haiti after the earthquake. I truly believe he is a huge part of this sick shit show.

Nana66 ago

I've starting worrying about my grandkids in head start.

Headstart ago

There is a reason you are worrying about it, listen to your gut.

There is a reason I chose my handle, weeks ago. There is some ugly stuff happening under everyone's noses.

Touchdown50 ago

Omg that guy deserves to be thrown off a cliff.

cosmicmind ago

I wondered if there's more in Belgium per capita, or if it's a small country and they're sloppy, or are there more whistle blowers and citizen activists?

Look at the Netherlands next door have a political pedophile party:

The Netherlands must be open and accepting enough to have a party, so maybe not as sloppy as Belgium or not as many activists or whistleblowers as Belgium? The UK is full of pedo's in politics, and it's not a big country either -- not as many activists or whistle blowers?

If nobody blew the whistle we still wouldn't know about the Unicef deal. Still, in all these cases one or two people take the fall, that seems to be their oath, protecting the rest of the pervs.

nafisnaf ago

Brussels in Belgium is the capital of the EU. Something like Washington DC. It's apparently a pedophile nest too.

Headstart ago

They say Belgium is where the Mark of the Beast supercomputer will reside.

wizlord ago

This is how they operate: They 1) partake in illegal activities, 2) setup the judiciary system to punish said illegal activities and rig this system in their favor, 3) setup organisations (like UNICEF) to "help" the victims of said crimes, 4) use the "victims" as a pool for human traficking and more illegal activities and finally 5) setup awards, trophies and medals that they give each other as to better laugh at us peasants.

juhos ago

Makes me sick!!

SheSaidDestroy ago

The studio was used to take pornographic photographs of children, many of whom were of North African origin, the police said. #1,000 Photos Seized The police said more than 1,000 such photographs were seized, along with a mailing list of some 400 names in 15 European countries that had been prepared on the Unicef office computer.

So where are those children now? Who were the 400 people on the mailing list?

In a statement issued in Geneva, Unicef said it is ''deeply shocked'' by the scandal, which has led to 14 arrests in Belgium and others in Switzerland, France and Britain.

Who? There were 15 other countries. What about the other ones not listed here?

How was this nefarious activity discovered? As in, who discovered the "secret photographic studio in the basement"?

Who was leading the investigation into all of the 400 names? Certainly not the Belgian police.

Where are the news stories from the arrests in Switzerland, France and Britain?

Well, oh well, I guess the masses were satisfied to know that two people were arrested.

Whatever happened to those guys, anyway?'information_sur_l'enfance_et_la_sexualit%C3%A9


We discover in 1986 that Michel Felu used the offices of his employer, Joseph Verbeeck, Director of UNICEF Belgium to realize erotic and pornographic photographs of children. The more "soft" of these photos have been published in L'Espoir , the police are required to make excavations at Philippe Carpentier and other members of CRIES. She "discovers that the CRIES hides an international network of pedophiles that affects at least 18 countries". More than 4000 photos and tapes are seized, involving a hundred children. The images are taken and tours not only in the premises of UNICEF, but also in private apartments in Antwerp or Brussels where parents prostituted their children, and around the world. The lists of members of the CRIES are seized, and searches are carried out, especially in Belgium, the French police being uncooperative. Although all members of the CRIES have not participated in the exchanges and purchases of pictures and movies of child pornography , Philippe Carpentier and Michel Felu were sentenced in 1988 to ten years in prison for organizing the network

So he got just 10 years in prison, and oh, the French police were actually uncooperative? I thought arrests were made over this in France?

And it was 4,000 photos? And also tapes?

And parents were also prostituting their children in apartments?

Wow NYT, you sure left a lot out.

Godwillwin ago

Wow. Just more evidence. So the general public isn't convinced by the disgusting instagram posts and corresponding comments.

Actual documented cases such as this and Dr. Kidman and Gutman, the US Ambassador in Belgium and Saville and the Priests should be enough to convince them there's a problem and that children need us to expose it and bring down these monsters.

Add in the "suicides" "one car crashes" and "plane/helicopter crashes" and there's should be no doubt left! But no they still bury their heads in the sand

Touchdown50 ago

To be honest I dont think the public really gives a fuck until the problem hits home. And many ever believe trump created pizzagate or is a pedo trying to make a sweet ol lady like killary look bad and make a great man like obummer look like a pedo.

JoJoVoat ago

Check out and Also, she has a blog and one or more of her articles obtains a list of over 120 taxpayer government and military employees child sex porn/pedo crimes, names, ages, crime and punishment (or lack there-of), she has been and is stil going thru her own hell as her child was awarded to her husband even after proof of sexual abuse by him. Crooked lawyers, judge etc... Even the husbands lawyer taunted Lori by telling her how lose he has come to her daughter. Sick muthers. Look into her tho... she could be some help

hopeforall ago

Any chance EU officials are involved in this? Because so many of these things in Europe happen in Belgium and the EU headquarters is located in Brussels in Belgium.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Guaranteed, the EU officials, UN, NGO's and IMF and related officials are thick as thieves

Sentastixc ago

Good job. I really wish we had a masterlist somewhere that lists all these stories. The one thing that keeps this from popping open is the idea with a lot of people that it is just too crazy to be true.

Therefore, cases like these are so important. We need that masterlist.

derram ago :


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