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pizzasjw ago

Follow-up find related:

"The Belgian director of UNICEF, the United Nations' arm for the ostensible protection of children, was arrested June 18 for participating in an international pedophile ring which used UNICEF facilities to supply children to wealthy pedophiles."

"As shocking as this news may be on purely moral grounds, what makes the case explosive is the fact that UNICEF's pedophile activities appear intimately intertwined with intelligence operations. "

andrevandelft ago

Great link. I googled on 'CRIES "center for research and information on infants and sexuality" ' and that yielded 3 results. One to the same article; the second one maybe not so interesting, and the third one to this discussion:

Lots of information there; most unrelated to CRIES, but interesting anyway. Among others on pedophile UK MPs Cyril Smith and Leon Brittan. The latter served several ministerial roles in Margaret Thatcher's government, including Home Secretary. From 1989 to 1999 he was a member of the European Commission; from 1995 he was a vice president.

pizzasjw ago

When you read shit like this it just blows your mind on the scale and scope. The William Colby to John Decamp quotes seem more prescient by the day. I can only hope that the awareness we can get via SM and the internet changes the game in a way not possible when Colby spoke about it. And its why we all continue to push, at least I know it's true for me. Godspeed ladies and gents.

Stellarjay ago

We all know the United Nations is a scam of the worst kind. It is a joke