sore_ass_losers ago

Savile has the most mainstream-accepted evidence of long-term wrongdoing.

Epstein's punishment was obviously way too lenient. Also the part where his co-conspirators were not to be charged seems to be clearly unlawful.

The Franklin Scandal remains a controversial theory, legally speaking no child abuse was prosecuted. Larry King was convicted on some sort of financial fraud charges.

Dutroux in Belgium was another scandal that implicated the entire establishment. But no one in the larger scheme went to trial, if I recall correctly.

HugoWeaving ago


Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

And the Finders Cult

HugoWeaving ago

Good one to add to the list. Thanks!!

Quazer2 ago

No takers yet? I'm in. I'm a newbie - just joined today. I am somewhat familiar with George Webb's work. I'm familiar with the Franklin Scandal, Jeffery Epstein, I know who Savile is but have never bothered to look into his crimes. What about the Hampstead Cover-up?

HugoWeaving ago

Thanks @Quazer2 -- would welcome the help. Will add Hampstead to the list too! Research Savile for just an hour and your whole stomach will churn. How the media covered that one up is behind me!

Quazer2 ago

Well CURSES!! I need to send you a private message/e-mail. I'm not sure how to do that since I'm new here and lack basic computer skills. This forum does have e-mail capability - right? I almost posted that on this board. Personal correspondence violates the rules. I don't want to be kicked out already. I just got here less than 24 hours ago. That would be a record for me.
I tried to message you but I didn't have enough CC points. Something like that. However, There is an executive summary on PizzaGate available on Voat. Have you seen it? I did a quick scan and it's looks thorough and sourced.

HugoWeaving ago

Thanks Q. And welcome to Voat! Takes some getting used to but lots of breadcrumbs to follow...

Quazer2 ago

OK, I'll look into the Franklin Scandal.