Demand for answers from Authorities / President Trump on FACTUAL EVIDENCE found by concerned people who were vigorously researching the DNC email dump released by Wikileaks and found strange emails using what seemed to be a coded language. The researching of emails eventually led to the coined term for this unprecedented citizen investigation now known as PIZZAGATE.

PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE is not just a "USA citizen" investigation, it's not a DNC witch hunt, NO!! What the findings are bringing to light is that the problem of Human Trafficking, Pedofillia and a Satanic Culture seems to be running rampant across all forms of power positions, cultures who condone and or religions who are complicit or turn away the issue. The Pedofillia aspect is a Human Societal issue that needs to be addressed as is the Human Trafficking problem. The thing is all the positions and overseer's of these issues are CORRUPT and seem to be complicit on the same crimes they're supposed to be eradicating or keeping in check-from our society. Again, to be clear it is the PEOPLE of all parts of this Earth who are genuinely asking 'What's really going on here...on this Earth and why are the elected officials/authorities who are supposed to stop this blowing smoke in regards to ALL questions being asked about PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE! Maybe the most important findings of PIZZAGATE is the OCCULT aspect!


ThePedoHunter ago

Very solid and damning summary. Trump is picking off the low ganging fruit....Alefantis is next and soon. Then we move onto the heavy hitters like Clinton and Epstein and Bushs'......sick and vile vermin all of them

Progressivelymean ago Sex/human trafficking #Pedogate arrests this far are listed here.

Candle4TheKids ago

Is it just for me that a lot of the archive links are broken?

Millennial_Falcon ago

can you give an example?

Candle4TheKids ago + +

A lot of pics towards the bottom don't load for me. They used to work.

Millennial_Falcon ago

There are no links still in the summary. They were all replaced weeks ago.

Candle4TheKids ago

Oh ... but they're still there in the post. Sorry, am I missing something? where are the newer ones

Millennial_Falcon ago

Show me where in the post there's a link.

Mencomot ago

Thank you for this. I encourage all my peers to research this stuff and youve made it much easier to share this way. Cheers.

JakeFromSt8Farm ago

I think the most leading email out of all is the email from Catherine Chieco mentioning Pizza extravaganza - Mary Dickie, Leslie Dach (Walmart) support DNC, implicated (CC'd) in email to join Tony Podesta's b-day party and get ready for "pizza extravaganza"

Son of Mary and Leslie - John Dach was implicated in 2012 Columbia prostitute cover up (Obama)

Another names also cc'd on the email: Mary Podesta - Sister to John and Tony

Alan Kriegel - Attorney Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP & Affiliates(who also provide White House counsel to BClinton/Obama)

James Alefantis - Comet Ping Pong, Buck's Fishing and Camping

Paula Dailey - Artist/writer/ editor at Artz Road Studios

Brian ARS - Husband of Paula Dailey

[email protected] - VP, Business Development at Universal Air Travel Plan (University of Arkansas)

Rhett Workman - Managing Director at AMR Corp.

Amy Weiss - White House Deputy Assistant to the President/Deputy Press Secretary to President Bill Clinton

Peter Kadzik - Attorney, married to Amy Weiss(above) John Podesta’s BFF who kept him out of jail

John Podesta - Enough said

Just some digging I was doing into these emails and happened ot do a little research on everyone involved in this unusual email.

SkippyDog ago

Hi everyone, I am new to this website as I wanted to post a question. I will have a look through this thread as it seems to have loads of information. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this before so I'm sorry if someone has. I looked on Google maps and on some property websites and I don't think that Pegasus Museum is actually 3518 on that street. I think it is the house behind Pegasus that is 3518. The house with a blue painted front that also has the word `Kids' spray painted on the wall to the front of it. The plot of land for 3518 stretches all the way back to Pagasus so I wondered if perhaps the basement stretches back all the way to Pegasus?,-77.0285226,3a,60y,277.57h,90.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAS9gKpiIuzw5pFS-cmO5Tw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7c81972e893c5:0x654c6b62e1dbe70!8m2!3d38.9332054!4d-77.0289946

If you look at the Redfin page at the link below. There is a Google image. Zoom in and you can see the demise for the property and it pretty much touches the rear of the Pegasus building.

Another thing I noticed about that house is that there is a big splash of red paint on the kerb directly in front of the house. I wondered whether these could possible be to help people identify which house has the kids inside when they visit for their fix of hotdogs with walnut sauce.


You're wrong as are so many people. It's not money is the root of all evil it's the love of money that's the root of all evil

fancypants57 ago

ravi zacharias life's toughest questions

Evademoney ago

Chris Lajambe Here - I am pretty sure the Pedogate Community Has more motivation and determination right now than they have ever seen. Keep It Up! I Will Keep at my Awareness Campaign!

Omnicopy ago

Demons are killing lots of people. You can see it in the people dying around the Clinton's!!

Paradroid66 ago

Pizzagate is real. I firmly believe that. I broke my shoulder back in October 2016 and it was around the time Kanye West had his melt down so l went on you tube to get more on it. I was neither a Kanye West fan or a you tube user at that time but he was calling out the illuminati and google facebook etc so l became avit obsessed with what was happening around him at that time. That obsession was rapidly taken over by the wikileaks emails and the US presidential election. There was this tsunami of sickening information about peadophilia and satanism within the elites. There had already been the British peadophile scandal about Jimmy Saville who was very cosy with the establishment so it came as no surprise but it made my blood boil. Though sad, l had resigned myself to the knowledge that as people, even though we are 6,000 years, give or take, from the Egytian pharoah and slaves set up, that we haven't moved very far in those 6,000 years, but the kbowledge that these elites who are in power were doing this to young children filled me with rage. I absorbed as much as l could off you tube. I wnt on my facebook and wrote a rant. I got 6 likes 2 of which were family. Anyway l'm sorry for prattling on but l just wanted to explain l have been following this since it went off as l was off work on sick. I want to say a huge thanks to all the hard working real investigators out there. I am in awe at what has been uncovered by everyone relevant regarding pizzagate. There is no doubt in my mind how real pizzagate is. The evidence is overwhelming and the push back from the establishment is another indication of it being real. But l have just watched a video by a guy on you tube called Pizzagate is REAL and Also a Trojan Horse and in it he suggests that it may have been purposely leaked by the elites as a means to shut truthers down and he genuinely states how much of a push back some of the major pizzagate true journo's are getting. With the track record of how ruthless and murderous the elites have been l can imagine these men and women on the front line being scared for their lives so l again l want to thank the truthers out there for what they do. I want to go back to this guys other claim that maybe its a lure to out the bad apples in the elites bunch which got me thinking....the abduction/killing of Julian Assange, Wikileak being compromised by the CIA and the email leaks were all around the same timeframe. As l said pizzagate is real. To me undeniably real. But and please dont flame me too much about this as l honestly have never been so involved in something like this before and only posted now and then on a game forum before posting this. Oh and my facebook rant but could they be behind the leaks? Even though l firmly believe pizzagate to be real could the elites be the ones who leaked these emails from Wikileaks as they had compromised it? Please be gentle or l ain't coming back :-P

Evademoney ago

2007 Chicago Sun-Times Article - Mother Podesta Adopts 25 Children after immigrating, dies at 89 Eulogy.

chelseaclinton ago

1 pedophile downvoted this post.

Waltherchick3118 ago

What in God's name is this??? I may have found the link here but I am not sure. This is's as if the website is taunting... disgusting images and videos.

Honeybee_ ago

Please visit Voat Thread to add to the discussion:

Peter Newsham is a dirty cop that has a history of violent abuse of power in DC, vilifying victims, beating his wife, and tampering with evidence...

Now he stands with Comet Ping Pong and maybe the next permanent Police Chief of Washington DC... anyone else seeing a pattern here?

James Alefantis standing next to Newsham in the news article below... this article explains how he charged an 11 year old girl after she was raped by multiple men... hmm covering for someone are we???

Peter Newsham... fit to even be a cop, never mind Police Chief? Beats wife, hides evidence, vilifies victims...

Maybe becoming DC's next Permanent Police Chief... Investigation of Pizzagate will be next to impossible unless FEDS step in.

Arrested hundreds of "rioters" during inauguration and denies that he ok'd arrests which included "penned in" journalists just reporting on the protests.

BukChinaski ago

Erin Moriarty with the CBS show 48 hours has been wearing a giant silver colored boy-lover charm on her necklace on many episodes created over the past 24 months. A recent episode updated a case from the early 90's called 'Innocence Lost' that she was the original correspondent on and in the update she is wearing the silver charm, on the older footage from the 90's she has a large gold stitched boy-lover symbol emblazoned on the lapel of her sports jacket.

CipherPuppet ago

21yearsofdigging ago

This place is fucking compromised. Sad but true because of people like armyseer who is still here. Done fuckers, go someplace else. If you care about the truth and exposing the pedos it is not here anymore

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Amazing research and compilation of others hard research- you are doing fantastic work and pizzagate is getting HUGE right now - especially after Hillary's tweet and Joe Rogan podcast with Alex Jones. Very much looking forward to seeing the big names investigated...

CipherPuppet ago

Breaking Napa Valley PizzaGate victim breaking her silence!

Chasnigga ago

Careful here. Not sure this lady's on the up and up. Saw a comment on the youtube video Listen at 29:36, she says "trafficked" like traffick-ed. Was she reading from a script?

CipherPuppet ago

Nope. She is real. Us Anons found her facebook. Notes: Her accusations go back to 2015 ( check post 'Napa is not a safe town') Mother vigilante IMO. Not a troll. Our sense is there is some sick cover up going on in the county of Napa and we are doing more investigation as to why the DA Gary Liberstein suddenly resigned and is telling media he "retired" . Check it out yourselves.

Chasnigga ago

That's what I'm asking, is for the research to be thorough. This entire process has to be irrefutable for it all to stick. The rabbit hole is deep and there are so many trolls and implants trying to throw us off the trail. Well done.

CipherPuppet ago

Its all good.Looking for more documented research,. Voat is the place to be.

Warmoose76 ago

WTF is is this? John podesta sodomizing child, is it real?

Madharleyman ago

**Norwegian Airlines Trade Deal, Bangkok Crews, and High Level Norwegian Pedophile Individual: Pizza in Norway? **

I noticed the Obama-Norwegian Air International trade deal that allows the airline to employ Bangkok-based flight crews under short-term Singaporean or Thai employment contracts. Obama's Bad Plane Deal With Norway Southeast Asia of course has a huge sex-trade industry, including the prostitution of children for pedophiles. Although Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam have tried to crack down on child sex abuse, kids are still easy prey. In Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh, for instance, the airport is plastered with posters warning against pedophilia....Source: Thailand Catches a Predator-Time Magazine. Is there a high-level Norwegian connection to this? Well, yes there is. This researcher has compiled a list of convicted pedophiles Pattaya, Thailand. This list included Jimmy Seville's chauffeur and Norwegian Mr. Oystein Larsen. Source: The Pattaya Pedophile Problem A quick Google search turns up a Mr. Oystein Larsen, is VP sales & technical support, W. Giertsen Services AS Source: Lankhorst announces Deepwater Tethers Norwegian Sales Agency Agreement Although not connected to the airline and Thailand pilot link at this point, it could be a link to the overseas shipping of children. However, what is even more interesting, there is a Mr. Oystein Larsen who worked at Norwegian Public Roads Administration Centre for Road and Traffic 42 De N-0033 Oslo, Norway. Source: European Cooperation in Science and Technology I'm not sure if it ist he same Mr. Oystein Larsen, but he is also in charge of sales and rentals of ....relocatable buildings. O.B. Wiik Corporate Page "Defence & Military Military hardware needs space. O.B.Wiik has erected a number of large relocatable buildings at various locations, with special fittings tailored to defence requirements."


Millennial_Falcon ago

tl;dr please

heywhatsgoingon ago

It was already discovered that Alefantis is connected to a pig farm.

sunnydaylemons ago

This sticky just hit 1K UPVOATS!

Captainconspiracy ago

So today's the day I finally created an account here- I've been lurking since before Reddit banned the original pg sub. I have been on the fence about being involved, largely in part because I feel the religious perspectives and satanism accusations really discredit any legitimate concerns. These are the kinds of traits that lead to the assumption of this being a literal witch hunt. Those who are willing to throw objectivity out the window in order to prostheletize or make emotional accusations beyond what can be proved are the ones who will sink this ship any any hope of this investigation being taken seriously.

Which leads me to my point- thank you so so much millennial, for making this post so clean and leaving out the irrelevant garbage we see constantly polluting this topic. Child abuse is evil enough all by itself, let's focus on the criminal activity we can track down and prove, and not this hysterical satanic cult mythos.

Micheal84 ago

Heres something interesting i found on the internet, its a letter a guy wrote to the Clintons when Bill was president. Its about a band that played in the whitehouse, which is part of a bigger cult called "The Family" where pedophelia is a common thing. Please read for yourself

Stab ago

I have most images backed up on a hard drive need to find some time to fix links

WhiteNinja ago

Wow I love you. Thanks

1NationUnderAGroove ago


Millennial_Falcon ago

not sure which one you're talking about

TheGuyfromTBG ago

This subject IS the MOST IMPORTANT thing facing our ENTIRE GLOBAL society.... I'm/we are not trying to make money, we give our music away for FREE... We think music is an extremely POWERFUL, yet underused weapon and if we can get people singing about something, MAYBE it will lead to changes... I KNOW it can't hurt. So if you disagree or (admins) don't "allow" this to post, PLEASE just remove me, I don't want to waste anyone's time. Thank you, we made this with LOVE and the DEEPEST sympathy for OUR children, we hope you understand and HELP US reach as many ears as possible! And if ANYONE denies this AT LEAST deserves investigation, they are GUILTY and trying to hide...

Like, SHARE, befriend and/or follow...


bobbie111 ago

FYI: The author of Secret Pizza Party, Adam Rubin, was working for an ad agency called Firstborn when the book was published in 2013. The CEO of Firstborn is a man named Daniel LaCivita. He may be related to Chris LaCivita a known colleague of Podesta. I am hoping someone will investigate this possible connection to Comet Pizza.

johanmichel ago

Hi guys,

I just found some really obvious child porn network pages.

Please see:

Why I think this are child porn networks:

1) They talk about Thailand and Vietnam. 2) Many photo's of children. 3) They talk about hunting asparagus. 4) Many posts don't make sense.

I have no idea what to do with these pages. FBI perhaps?

Fate0011 ago

Pretty Sure I figured out who "Majestic Ape" is.

"The Bloody Man Pic" was under the name "mssummercamp" that was the start.

Really new info on pizza gate

The guy with the blood all over him in comet ping pong is (mssummercamp on instagram) Close friend to J. Alefantis Theres it's tawtter. (Hes a Tranny)

Also sponsors parties with 1/2 the pedo triangle for boy lover as EVERY "A" in every word openly

"mssummercamp" is Joshua Ryan Voglesong

And His twitter a pic of a little boy in pink

"Donna Slash" it's Alter Ego on the tranny side ALMOST CERTAIN THIS "IS" MAJESTIC APE

This is BIG!


Watch the Majectic Ape video again LOOK CLOSELY at how the red mask is ALWAYS away from this chin and lower neck.....thats his beard pushing it out.

Also, when he says he's been in the music business for years in the video....Thats because ol' "Joshey Boy" or Joshua Ryan Voglesong OWNS "The Black Cat". A MAJOR Tranny gay club in guys should go check out the vids from there.

BTW This man... is one of alefantis's closest friends, and as fucked up as he is....has MAJOR ties to buzzfeed, cnn, and msnbc. GO LOOK THROUGH THEIR FRIENDS TO GET THE BIG PICTURE!

"The Factory" another of alefantis's friends....has a lucifer leater coat on in from of a satan stage on his instagram. Also have vid from him (With the lucifer coat on) at the womens march yesterday, and The DC Black Bloc that happened during the inauguration!

Pokes ago

Good research, I'd upvote this if I could. All queer ages just sounds wrong.


I would really appreciate it, if you would look at the larger context of Pizzagate, which I am exploring, and tell me what you think.

NewFormerFirst ago

I just had an idea: We all know the instagram pictures are too "strong" to show in TV shows etc. What about reactions videos of regular folks seeing (in the street, for example) cardboards or an ipad with the photos and being asked: "Would you bring your child to this pizza place?"

That would sparkle some interest or curiosity on the viewers.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Abramovic one seems to be fine. Fixed the ping-pong one (somehow missed that one when replacing links). Thanks.

Millennial_Falcon ago

which ones don't work?

boxtop ago

Both under are down. I know I don't want to look, but I may need to:

DO NOT look at the following image if you want to sleep anytime soon.

From the above, Amanda Kleinman might have some familiarity with "Eli" and may have been to the one to make his costume. Anything beyond those two things is supposition, but extremely creepy supposition.

The1stLantern ago

You want a list? I found many just by random clicks.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I replaced all the links. If any links are still not working, please let me know.

Millennial_Falcon ago

which link is dead?

VainFaxJax ago

Mods you better get your fucking shit together, deleting that AMA.

delivery1 ago

Always downvote a shill post so that the...

-Post does not go to front page and give bad impression about the community

-Post does not decrease the chance of better posts being seen

-Community efforts are not being steered to wrong direction

How to identify a shill submission:

-Seemingly credible content, but it's not related to pizzagate. For example, Youtube videos about random conspiracies

-It contains pornographic content to discredit the community

-The topic contains swear words to discredit the community

-The topic is written in CAPS to gain better exposure for the post

-Little effort used to put content in the submission, no own thinking, no explanation, relies on some video instead

How to identify a shill

-Recently registered

-Many SUBMISSIONS but very FEW COMMENTS to submissions of others

-Lots of posts of above type

WildCatScot ago

Findhorn Foundation, Teens & Toddlers, Psychiatry, Global Sustainability & Eugenics

wecanhelp ago

And now you're cashing in on it. A little explanation would not go amiss.

wearefree ago Pizza is the codeword for human meat. The children are cooked and eaten in Pizza Restaurants. The symbols are advertising.

MrG13 ago

Random thought:

Could the mention of cheese instead of pasta be refereeing to them sending him a child instead of a prostitute?

mssuzu ago Friend made a podcast episode off of the info in here. Kinda freaky to hear it all come together.

ShepardAmbellas ago

Claim: ‘F.B.I. reportedly investigating ‘simple pizza shop owner’ James Alefantis over Pizzagate death threats’

irie ago

COHERENCE AND RELEVANCE OF INFORMATION, FACTS AND EVIDENCE Quote: Exhibit E: Media Coverup Efforts ... Prima facie, the media have no basis for labeling an ongoing investigation, which is entirely rooted in real evidence, as "fake news." In fact, Pizzagate is not an allegation of a specific, individual crime (e.g. the abuse of a specific child on a specific day and time). Rather, it is an investigation into the possibility of certain individuals being involved in certain kinds of criminal activity. End Quote. ... In short, Pizzagate is not an allegation of any crime; rather, it is an investigation of possible crimes. Nevertheless, any potential allegation of a crime requires a prior INVESTIGATION of the facts of the potential alleged crime. To help insure coherence in the information and facts collected in the investigation of the complete fact setting of possible crimes, one must know what facts are RELEVANT to specific possible violations or offenses of the appropriate Criminal Codes (Federal, State and District of Columbia, and Criminal-Law Offenses and Civil-Law Offenses) for all appropriate law jurisdictions (National, State, D.C., County and Municipal). The relevance of information and facts used as evidence is determined by RULES OF EVIDENCE (Federal, State and D.C.). To know what facts are relevant to specific violations or offenses, one must know the ELEMENTS of each OFFENSE, as contained in the relevant Criminal Codes. Otherwise, much if not most of the potential evidence may be irrelevant or dismissed due to violation without exception to Rules of Evidence and Rules of Procedure, such as hearsay, lack of proper Chain of Custody, and dozens of other objections that can be made by the counsel for defense. For example, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is a criminal offense listed in some state Criminal Codes, and its precise elements and their definitions may vary across state jurisdictions and over time. The following link provides an overview of the SRA offense: ... and SRA Calendar: ... and Investigator's Guide to Allegations of "Ritual' Child Abuse, January, 1992: ... and U.S. Code Title 18 Crimes and Criminal Procedure Chapter 110 Sexual Exploitation and Other Abuse of Children: ... and Section 2251 Sexual Exploitation of Children. Lastly, some crimes have a statue of limitations in some jurisdictions for reporting and laying of charges or complaints. One effective way to guide the collection of relevant facts as potential evidence is to begin with a hypothetical Jury Charge that lists each of the alleged Offenses and its Elements.

ploppy ago

Update yet? Still says last update 29/12/2016

Millennial_Falcon ago

I have been making minor edits since then (actually removed a few minor things due to being unsubstantiated), but nothing major added since then. Been busy moderating the forum, and no truly solid connections have emerged yet since Dec. 29. The Dyncorp connection is still quite loose. I would classify it as a potential lead at this point. There are some minor pieces of evidence I have yet to add, but I will get to them in due course.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Podesta says: "I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them."

No, Herb Sandler said that. He is talking to Podesta and Podesta's wife. Also, maybe innuendo, maybe not. What is clearly weird about this email is the stuff I pointed out in the summary.

TheyLie ago

Oh, you're right. Sorry, I thought email was from Podesta. I'll delete it.

investigatethepizza ago

I think the only way we would ever know is someone breaking silence about it. I don't understand what dominoes mean, and why they do talk in code, they must have been told verbally - that's why all of this does tie into weird cult shit.

ploppy ago

When will this thread be updated? Look at all this news stuff:

Alefantis and Pegasus Museum connections to the Moonie Cult:

"This video has been removed because of a copyright claim by JAMES A. ALEFANTIS" - oh really, youtube?

PizzaGate Suspect Being Investigated By F.B.I.

Game Over: Alefantis' Properties (CP, Transformer and Pegasus Museums Perfectly Align with Newly Discovered Tunnels!

PEDO Coded Message at Pegasus Museum and Trolley Park.... NEED HELP!!!

Please add them to the OP and correct the errors listed recently. many thanks!

AreWeSure ago

PFLAG doesn't "tend to kids." The Parents can refer older parents of adults. The Pink Triangle was a originally a symbol used by the Nazis to indicate homsexuals. It was later reclaimed by gay groups. PFLAG is basically a gay rights group that is not made up of homosexuals but people who have a loved one who is homosexual. It was started by the mother of a gay son. So the logo is a heart intertwined with a triangle. It indicates a straight-gay alliance. I had never seen the logo before, it was very clear to me what message they are going for.

trevor_reznik ago

Actually Besta Pizza does have a connection to the Clintons. Its registered agent Andrew Kline was appointed as attorney of Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit of the DOJ by Bill Clinton back when he was president.

Millennial_Falcon ago


RedditisPropaganda25 ago


and "all you hot dogs out there" ... calling hot dogs PEOPLE, aka CODE WORD

Millennial_Falcon ago

Thanks for the input. I will revisit the handkerchief bit when I get a chance. I was aware the link lacked a reference to white meaning pedophilia, but I had opted to leave it in, because others claimed to have found reference to white meaning "virgins," and because it makes sense.

ploppy ago

Can the first post be updated with new info and the bad / questionable (handerchief code) be removed or corrected? I thought map meant a stain of some sort? Can this be clarified once and for all please.

VIP740 ago

These references make sense when we discover they involve known pedophile codewords like cheese pizza.

I got to here and you lost me. Can you show me a link to an email with cheese pizza in it?

Ocelot ago

This link has had its content removed. Here is what was archived. I also have a copy saved if it is needed.

Millennial_Falcon ago


Vindicator ago

This was a great, thought provoking contribution. I find myself wondering about the connection between pederasty, hedonism and corruption and how they contributed to the downfall of great civilizations like Crete, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and the European monarchies/Empires. I wonder what this means for America.

micha_ ago

A few things jumped at me, that are not included: Didn't Bill Clinton himself fly to Haiti to get Silsby free?

It is of highest importance to understand the media complicity to mention the strange connections. The Reddit CEO is mentioned, but why is it not mentioned that he was posting in a cannibal forum and that he himself has eaten human flesh?! To understand that, it would be important to show the pics about canibals cooking and eating babies in the left "art"-scene. That this CEO deleted pizzagate-subforum, but left cannibals and pedolovers untouched? That no one in the media has a problem with such a CEO.

And Jimmy Saville cover-upperer BBC boss Thompson now CEO by the Carlos Slim owned NYT and NYT already publishing articles claiming pedophilia was not a crime.

Also Breitbarts tweet about Podesta being a child sex trafficing cover-upperer is a very important fact that is missing. And that Breitbart died three hours before he could publish his announced videos about Obama. And that Breitbarts coroner died on the same day, when Breitbart's autopsy-papers were published is missing, too.

No mentioning of Madeleine McCann and the Podesta-brothers looking like the official search pics?

All that IMO is very important for newbies to get a glimpse what is real no normal people can imagine.

Ang68 ago

Also, Carlos Slim being accused of being a cannibal by that girl/model (that everyone thought was crazy) in front of his hotel.

micha_ ago

Interesting. Do you have a source?

pipo44 ago

Gabriela Rico Jiménez from Monterrey, Mexico Is in spanish, hope you understand it. Just to correct Ang68, she refered to Carlos Slim's son, called Carlos Slim Domit.

TheRedPi11 ago


Herbert Sandler wrote - "Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pizza?" - rather than - "Do you think I'll like playing dominos on cheese more than on pizza?". The 2nd one would seem to make more sense, & at first I dismissed his odd "do better" as perhaps a twisted reference to sexual pleasure too gut-wrenching to ponder.

But it dawns on me now that Herb Sandler used those words because he'll be getting a reward for sacrificing a child to Lucifer, and he's wondering if sacrificing cheese (which he didn't order & isn't enthusiastic about), will get him a better reward than pasta (his usual/favorite).

After complaining that Podesta sent him the wrong package, he's asking if it's a more valuable sacrifice in an attempt to alleviate some of his disappointment.

[Thanks for the superb sticky.]

Vindicator ago

This is the best analysis of that email I have seen. Interesting!

TheRedPi11 ago

Thanks, I appreciate your feedback :)

JrSlimss ago

@millenial_falcon Good so far. DynCorp should be on here: Also that main Jeffrey Epstein link is very outdated. Here's a newer one: Also missing Monica Petersen: Also missing Bob Menendez:

Hermesthriceborn ago

Nice Sticky, you get my upvoat

annette143 ago

John Podesta wrote: "we are going to our cabin in Truckee it's w/in 50 ft or so of where the Donner Party ate each other"

Onalaskeye ago’s collected as a souvenir after being placed under the victimJPG. Black and white symbolize bdsm/domination and pedophilia, respectively. Furthermore, as discussed previously, "pizza" is a common codeword for child sex abuse. The meaning of "map" here is unclear.

Just further fact-checking and I cannot find a verification for white handkerchief meaning underage sex. It could just as well mean safe sex or voyeurism.

The show poster with "Teen Mom" and "Teenage Aviation" compared to the old painting of the child being abused with an apparent white handkerchief is actually some of the most damning evidence for that conclusion and for Comet Ping Pong. But research links that demonstrate where both pieces of art come from would be really good here. If someone has provided that and I didn't see it, please pardon this comment, but I may need to be pointed to that work. Thanks.

specialplan ago

I don't think there is any handkerchief code color for pedophile. Double check that.

whorsquini ago

This is excellent. I would add those killed for looking into pedo rings and prominent people and a context/history section. I have made a hodgepodge of the two. It is very intriguing for people who know nothing about the subject in general:

Andrew Breitbart - -video of him "fuck you Podesta" "What's in your closet" -Calls Podesta pedo child trafficker on Twitter in 2011 -Zeros in on "ping pong" being brought up on news in interview. -Dies a year later after threatening to release Obama college tapes -assistant coroner also dies

Context History -Nancy Schaefer and husband killed after threatening to expose Child Protective Services -Boys Town pedo scandal (Lawrence King, Paul Bonacci, Troy Boner, private investigator's plane blown up when returning with photographic evidence) -Johnny Gosch kidnapping case (links into Bonacci and Boys Town and possible Jeff Ganon the White House press secretary/male prostitute [mother thinks Johnny may be Jeff!]. Bonacci claims to have taken him and provides unique and corroborated proof) -Jimmy Saville sadistic pedo (covered up by BBC, head of BBC to NYT - still covering it up) -Jeffrey Epstein confirmed pedo (ties to various politicians including Clintons and possibly Trump although Trump allegedly threw him out of private club for pedo reasons) -Ted Gunderson, former head of FBI in 3 major cities, claims elite satanic pedo rings (interviews Bonacci and Boys Town prosecuting lawyer DeCamp. Also died recently of possible arsenic poisoning) -Very recently a massive pedo ring in Norway busted (includes prominent people. Nature of evidence extremely sadistic. Includes infants) -Max Spiers recently killed after investigating pedo rings (specifically Michael Aquino, who was named by Bonacci as head to brainwashing satanic government program, which is not denied and verified mainstream) -Jill Dando killed for trying to expose pedos at BBC -The husband of Camila Wright, assistant attorney general, crusaded against child sex trafficking in Georgia shot dead

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Too many comments to check them all, so hopefully this hasn't already been posted:

There has been a lot of talk about the ejaculating man wall mural, and my current understanding is that it was never in CPP. JA posted a photo of it and it seems that people just assumed it was in CPP.

Millennial_Falcon ago


ZalesMcMuffin ago

Sorry; I didn't record any sources for this. The matter of this particular mural is something I've run into a lot over the course of PG though, including a challenge from someone who asked where all the complaints from parents were over seeing this in the bathroom there. It's a logical question, forming one part of why I think this graffiti was never in CPP.

A better question is can any source be found documenting it as being in CPP? It is connected via JA on IG, but that only means that he saw it; it establishes nothing about where the image was.

SecureYourSeats ago

Alefantis did acknowledge in a video that there was a "controversial mural" on the walls of CPP.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

There is lots of imagery showing the below mural of the antler-headed people holding severed heads. That one is definitely there, and there has been some controversy about it.


Cheese" is a known pedophile codeword for little girls, whereas "pasta" is a known codeword for little boys.

Is it? I haven't seen any evidence for these things. The only one I have seen evidence for is "cheese pizza".

inspectordutch ago

Amazing work!

sofakingtodd ago

"map" = DNA

Millennial_Falcon ago

need a source.

Infopractical ago

For Exhibit C, do you want to include Correct the Record's use of child porn to shut down the Bernie Sanders forums on Facebook?

Millennial_Falcon ago

not without proof.

ant8693 ago

What about the police sketches from Madeline McCann kidnapping that look like Podesta brothers? Are those legit?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Personally, I think they are possibly an example of parallel construction, but I'm not ready to include that part yet. I need a source connecting the Podestas to Clement Freud.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

@Millennial_Falcon What about Lucian Freud? Lucian was Clement Freud's older brother, also a grandson of Sigmund Freud. He died in 2011, age 88. Probably the Podesta's knew Lucian and/or his artist daughter Annabel. There are scads of: 30 children? He was an artist, and painted his own daughter, Annabel, when she was small, bottomless, lying on the floor by a window. He painted his other daughter Annie nude at 14. Annabel Freud is also a painter and Bella Freud, fashion designer, is well known in the UK. I'm sure Tony would know some of the huge family and prominent members of them.

ant8693 ago

Do you have a source for Hillary joining Bill on Epstein's plane? I never heard that before, was it in the flight logs?

Millennial_Falcon ago

OK, I looked into it, and the source is an anonymous NYPD leaker, who says this was learned through Weiner's laptop. Admittedly, proof would be preferable, but I'm operating on the assumption that at least the first "FBIanon" thread was posted by a genuine leaker, and this fits with his claims.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yeah, I'm aware I need to source that one (thanks for reminding me). I heard it's in the flight logs.

mpizza ago

Under "Exhibit A: Evidence Pertaining to Comet Pizza and Ping Pong", it seems significant to also note that Comet Pizza hosts children's birthday parties ( so that the inappropriateness of all the sexual and pedo references is more evident.

B_dog ago

One of her pieces depicts a child performing oral sex on an adult. It's all in a very primitive abstract style, but it's as clear as could be the act which is being depicted. I saw it in that long excellent video by kiwigirl, I think, on YouTube.

caliginosity ago

Good Job!! I'm glad to see someone willing to put in the efforts and weed through all the proposed material. I know it's a lot of work when you have people who may be misinformed or shills who are trying to get you to revise your posts while at the same time be willing to listen to the community for suggestions. It was too much for me and I'm happy to see this sticky. Keep up the good work!

Millennial_Falcon ago

Thanks for laying the groundwork!

Sentastixc ago

Where is the evidence about the wifi signals coming from a concrete patch on the ground, right next to a spot owned by potatohead guy linked to pizzagate?

Millennial_Falcon ago

I have yet to be able to verify that whole thing. The last time someone posted about it, I requested proof of the hacked emails, and OP send me a screenshot of four 4chan links, all of which 404'd. He then said he would contact two researchers, Titus Frost and someone else, for the archive links, but he never got back to me. I messaged him the next day and asked him if he had the links, and he never replied. I'm not going to include something I can't verify. If someone can get me links to the archived threads (i.e. proof that emails were hacked), I would be grateful.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

This sticky is sorely missing a lot of evidence, including Arun Rao

Millennial_Falcon ago

We don't have enough evidence on Rao to include him at this point. "Liking" a picture of kids is not abnormal behavior in itself, so it's not enough. Too witch-hunty. I agree there is a lot yet to be included, though. It's a work in progress, but I wasn't going to wait any longer to get a better sticky posted.

BaboonInuendo ago

I've been trying to get more information on why there is so much of this pedo abuse in the elite circles, specifically what they partake in it for. I don't believe it's to keep each other in check by potential blackmailing.

I believe it's something more sinister with roots tied into the occult. Just the destruction of pure innocent human consciousness for sacrament to dark forces. Can anyone point me in the right direction because it's driving me insane that we have all this evidence yet we don't know why they do it

gr8H8er ago

I have no idea where I saw the theory that there is some genetic anomaly which is evident by misshapen pupils. David Rockerfella is said to have it and quiet a few of the children posted by JA seem to have strange eyes. If you listen to 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home', Noreen Gosch (Johnny's mom) says that there are catalogs of children not yet abducted which sickos can order from for a price.

militant ago

James Alefantis had a statue of Antinous

That's still the case.

a picture of a baby, calling her sexually promiscuous

The hotard hashtag? It's unclear whom it's directed towards.

sculpture modeled after a Dahmer victim

This is quite possible, but that's a speculation though. I'd word that differentely.

a picture of satan

This is a satyr in a painting by Brueghel the Elder and Rubens (contrary to what Alefantis wrote).

graffiti had been added to show him ejaculating on the table and wearing a Satanic upside-down cross

It looks like the typical washroom graffitis to me.

take a look at Comet's logo. It also resembles a pedophile symbol.

Hmm not really, in my opinion. The P.E.D. thing is surely done on purpose though, but that's also just my opinion. This is a quite common ping pong logo:

Millennial_Falcon ago

Thanks for the input, especially about the Satyr. I was wondering about that. Hadn't had a chance to verify.

DCmommaBear ago

Amazing summary! Thank you to the OP and everybody involved in collecting this information! This will be perfect for sharing to the uninformed!

B_dog ago

Great summary so far. Well done. I would add the "bucks" and "camping" connection to JA. I saw a topic on that. If it's true that bucks going camping to rape kids is common parlance in that community, that's as damning as anything. By itself, it means very little. But with the rest of the evidence, it's a big deal.

wisdomtooth ago

This ought to be pushed onto WIkipedia. WITH FULL FORCE!

YingYangMom ago

First, the movie IS a piece of shit movie, I totally agree with you (it was almost painful to watch), but I'd have to disagree on the second part of your comment. It's not as common as you'd think. The handkerchief is much more meaningful in Hollywood and in the world of satanist pedophiles than one would think. In these minimalist pieces of 'art', notice how Kim Noble (which is a survivor of satanic rituals and MK Ultra) not only puts the emphasis on the dissociation process that occurs as a result of this kind of abuse, but also on the handkerchief placed under the victim.

Onalaskeye ago

"Cheese" is a known pedophile codeword for little girls, whereas "pasta" is a known codeword for little boys. "Dominoes" seems likely to be code for domination/bdsm, especially given other evidence pertaining to the Podestas, as detailed below.

First I want to applaud this. I have been trying to piece together a narrative that strictly includes verified sources without excessive conjecture. This is a good model for that. But here is something nobody has actually verified: The Food Code. So concerning your points above, I think you need to verify those. Nothing outside of this theory has proven that pasta means anything, or dominoes, or hot dogs, etc. Only pizza. Because pizza leads you to everything else, seems like all other words are conjecture and unnecessary to build the narrative.

Anyone want to verify the food code?

memphistre ago

Cheese or Pizza could also refer to human meat.

psmith85 ago

My feeling is that pizza and hot dogs are analogous to '[getting some] ass' and 'dick' respectively. Hot dogs specifies male, while pizza could be either. So it's general sexual activity, especially with prostitutes/sex slaves/trafficked individuals. If you say you're flying in pizza and hot dogs, it means you're flying in male and female hookers/sex slaves.

irie ago

The Food Code was described in a YouTube video at PizzaGate is just the tip of the iceberg, posted by SGT Report on November 27, 2016, at [13:55] to [14:30]. The host said the Wikipedia leaked Podesta emails used certain words in the manner of a code. The Child Sex Trafficking symbols were explained in a document prepared by the FBI for use by law enforcement persons in the USA. The FBI webpage address is included in the following article about the Child Sex Trafficking Food Code: at Data Point Number 3. The relevant Podesta emails with the Food Codes are shown at the following webpage address: The cited videos and related documents provide an interpretation of the apparent Food Code, but that interpretation is not as strong as an admission or confession by someone on the inside of the alleged Child Sex Trafficking Ring or Satanic Ritual group. Hope this helps.

40yearsoftrees ago

Just saw on another thread that "Domino" In both English and French, earlier denoted a long hooded cloak worn together with a mask during carnival season or at a masquerade. Could playing dominos be like the S&M scene in Eyes Wide Shut?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Agreed. I searched urbandictionary briefly and could not find it.

GizaDog ago

So if the "urbandictionary" does not have it, then it cant be true. Got it!

Millennial_Falcon ago

So you're saying we don't need any sources whatsoever for our claims? Got it.

GizaDog ago

No. Im just responding to the people that state "I cant find any info on the words" on the internet. So it must not be real.

The deniers seem to want that "smoking gun" or what they love to state as "hard evidence".

Onalaskeye ago

Google, Wikipedia, no results. So Obama could actually be flying in $60K in dogs and pizza to the white house. That seems more plausible than bringing in boys and girls to such a high profile environment.

DeathToMasons ago

Outside food is not allowed in the White House. The Potus has to have everything cooked by his own cook. For obvious security reasons. And there is no way you can spend $60k on dogs and pizza, so what world do you live in to consider that?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yeah, I haven't included that email as evidence. Supposedly, it would violate White House rules, though, not to mention that flying pizza and hot dogs from Illinois to D.C. would be pretty odd.

Melitica ago

It is against WH rules to bring food in. It is not against WH rules for POTUS or staff to order outside food from approved vendor. He could have ordered hot dogs from Chicago if vendor was known.

JoJoVoat ago

I think its agianst WH rules to bring in food from outside the white house for events inside the WH

GizaDog ago

Thats because it was not Pizza or Hotdogs.

dogeminho ago

They have very strict rules there that the food must be made there. No food can be flown in. It's dangerous to the president so they avoid that. Who gets it through a channel?

Someone's blog on a honeypot for pedos had a guy with an email called jetspizza. I saw somewhere else something about pizza on the nambla or whatever's website.

psmith85 ago

My feeling is that pizza and hot dogs are analogous to '[getting some] ass' and 'dick.' Hot dogs specifies male, while pizza could be either. So it's general sexual activity, especially with prostitutes/sex slaves/trafficked individuals. If you say you're flying in pizza and hot dogs, it means you're flying in male and female hookers. Cheese = young child ('extra cheese' = extra young). Pasta = adolescent/preteen. Dominos = BDSM sex. Walnuts = [genitals of] young girl

Cantilever ago

How so?

newworldahead ago

This is such awesome work and If I could upvoat you a million times I would! A summary of the events like that is so important for helping new comers understand what is going on. I was talking to my girlfriend the other day about pizzagate and I had some trouble explaining everything in the correct order. She was overwhelmed and didn't understand everything. I had so much to say but I didn't know how to say it and where to begin. Next time I have to explain pizzagate I'll make sure to give them the link to this post. Thank you!

laura0714 ago

I have found information to other businesses and partners of Alefantis. He's on film here defending contriversal art show- read comments he is board member of Transformer Art was taken down from smithsonian, federally funded highly offensive homo-erotic anti christian. Here's Transformer site Seems he also owns seaonal restaurant in Deleware with Oliver Miller from Berlin named Nalu I am looking into both to follow up on connections

whitehand ago

This will allow you to geotag locations, search names, usernames, and emails from multiple opensource servers. Very intelligence tool

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

Looks like that Titus Frost YouTuber is down. RIP.. Anyone get around to ripping the video?

justiceforever ago

Might want to add Monica Petersen to the Haiti part. I think it's relevant since she was investigating the Clintons.

Also, wasn't there an email that asks specifically if Laura Silsby was "the only one bbeing held"? To prove more about the Clinton/Silsby connection.

Might also want to mention Alefantis lying about having a basement.

Of course you may have reasons for not mentioning these and I totally understand! Amazing summary!

Millennial_Falcon ago

Might want to add Monica Petersen to the Haiti part.

I need to explore that one and see what is verifiable. Any help appreciated.

Also, wasn't there an email that asks specifically if Laura Silsby was "the only one bbeing held"? To prove more about the Clinton/Silsby connection.

Don't know.

Might also want to mention Alefantis lying about having a basement.

We have no proof Comet has a basement. They store their tomatoes in Bucks basement, which is however in the same building, so in a sense he was being dishonest, but not outright lying.

j_m_d ago

The hivemind thats been created around this is amazing but i wonder if things are being missed because of the nature of an open source investigation. Has anyone discussed bringing people together in groups and organizing and dividing up the workload? That way all bases get covered and you dont have things like a bunch of random people all investigating whatever the "newest lead" on /v/pizzagate is or people going and looking at something thats already been verified or debunked 100x? Chaos is beautiful but not very efficient.

justiceforever ago

I've said before it would be helpful for people to make private subs to investigate leads. So for example if someone finds something interesting, posts about it and there are a few more people interested, they could make a private sub, talk all they want shill-free, and report back to us if it goes somewhere.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Chaos is beautiful but not very efficient.

It's organized chaos. :D

Personally I keep up with new legit leads and evidence as much as possible and file it away to read later.

iceboob ago

Great work guys!

pizzagateishell ago

I also find this fact interesting in the pizza slices logo; one slice has 1 pepperoni and the other 2.

laura0714 ago

I thought it was a dominos reference. I remember someone saying something about playing dominos on pizza in an email-not sure what the reference means.

pizzagateishell ago

I believe when he refers to MAP, it means traces back to the "illicit" activity the handkerchief was used for. The real estate mentions nothing about a map. This is what I think in this context. Good post ! I'll definitely share this to the skeptics.

lollipolli ago this is on live now....from Anonymous! is it for real?

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Amazing work, thank you for this.

LawofTruth ago

God I Love you guys and this community! Open Source research warriors, we are the wave of the future.

MolochHunter ago

Nice work. I think your summary should include the email about obama spending $65 k taxpayers money on pizza / hotdogs imported from interstate for a WH party, in contravention of WH kitchen rules Even if anyone is to argue its not conclusively referring to children, it is a smoking gun of misappropriation of taxpayers money for whatever clandestine indulgence is being referred to in code.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I plan to add that. Lots of stuff to add.

Cantilever ago

You may want to consider adding the case of Robert Richards, heir of DuPont corporation, who was convicted of raping his 3 year-old daughter, yet was never sentenced to prison because the judge said "he would not fare well" behind bars.

It's not pizzagate related, but it certainly adds credibility to the idea that, like Epstein, being rich can make you immune to child abuse laws.

Cantilever ago

I just want to urge a bit of reservation with respect to what appears to be one of the most damning bits of evidence presented here. I'm talking about the email about the Luzzatto kids, ages 11, 9, and 7 going to a pool party for John Podesta's "entertainment."

I did a search on Voat and followed a number of links with references to outside sources about these kids, their parents, their relationship to Tamera Luzzatto, and the Clintons.

It is not beyond reason to assume that reference is innocuous and is legitimately a relative dropping their grandkids off at the home of a family friend. Yes, it's worded very weird coming from the perspective of someone who's been investigating this for a while, but as a parent, it's not unusual at all to refer to kids as "entertainment." Remember, the mother of these kids blogged their youngest daughter's home water birth. Parents who have home water births are very heavily invested in their kid's well-being. Learn about water birthing and tell me it isn't a sign of an excellent parent? I doubt someone who cares enough about their kids well being to water birth them at home would be reckless enough to put them in a position to be raped by a politician.

In all the research I've done on these kids and that reference, I was not able to find anything. Others have also researched these kids and their connection and hit a dead end.

I'm not saying not to investigate this potential lead. What I'm saying is that this could potentially be very easily explained, yet heavily used against us, so try not to weigh it too heavily as "evidence" until we understand the connection between the Luzzattos and Podesta, while keeping in mind that the Podestas are some of the most well-connected people in Washington and Luzzatto was HRC's Chief of Staff while she served as Senator of NY. Luzzatto and Podesta likely became good friends while working for HRC. It's very possible that this particular evidence is innocuous and could blow up in our face.

As FBIanon has stated, Pizzagate is just the top of the iceberg, and we should focus on the Clinton Foundation, as they are likely the center of the international child sex trafficking ring.

Giabean123 ago

I agree, I feel the kids are family or really good friends

VieBleu ago

Thank you.

garlicbulb ago

Fantastic on first read, This is what has been needed (edit) On more investigation a great intro for beginners and many , many details and links for experts.


Not that painting the other one with the naked women. It was a small point

atheist4thecause ago

I posted this about the potential meaning of dominoes. I use the term "Dominoing":

Also, notice that you corrected the term to "dominoes", which is the correct way to spell the term, but they spelled it "dominos". These are usually pretty intelligent people that make few spelling mistakes. Domino's is how you spell the pizza joint, so if one was referring to dominoing (I never see this term spelled with an "e"), they would be more likely to cut off the "e" in the term "dominoes".

Again, the email in question:

Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

BerksResident ago

Amazing work thanks for taking so much time

YingYangMom ago



Actually, I have something very relevant to show you. It seems that this ritual (putting a towel or handkerchief under a sexual act to recover the semen and fluids) is a common practice in Hollywood. How do I know this? I was searching the Wikileaks files and stumbled upon this Sony picture movie script called "Sausage Party". I was reading the script and I was shocked at how all this was eerily relevant to PG. Anyway, if you scroll down to line 637, you'll see mention of this ritual... which doesn't appear at all in the final drafted movie, because I watched it myself. Here it is:

webofslime ago

Yeah, that was made early on and I don't think it is accurate. PIzza = Sex or Sex act... something sexual. A general term. Cheese = Child. Pasta = prostitute. These things have been widely used.

The rest is slang from their own social circle that morphs over time.

In the Stratfor emails, Kimdotcom alluded to pizza = weapons and ice cream = money.

YingYangMom ago

When you see dozens and dozens of pictures of pizzas covering girls body parts and slices of pizza's made to look like a girl's private part, you have to conclude that it means "pussy". Especially when you see a meme that says "Pizza for president!" under a photo of HRC. Or two guys saying they're going to order 2 "stripper pizzas." I'm just using logic here, but of course, my opinion is just that. It's not FBI stuff.

webofslime ago

So, you are saying it is a "pussy" related map.

That a slice of "pussy" is going to be shared amongst a group of people.

That Tony invited John to get "pussy" for an hour.

Tony could bring "pussy" home.

"Pussy" extravaganza.

David Brock seemed to admit that John Podesta was in a relationship with Alefantis, who sent an email, in this time period, with an XOXO.

Alefantis is regretful that he couldn't make John a nice "pussy."

I mean, I can see how someone could see it that way. I just feel strongly that it is a more generic term than a specific word.

If Kimdotcom is right, then the whole community is using pizza as ubiquitous term for anything illegal.

YingYangMom ago

Yes. This is exactly what I'm saying. Makes more sense than any other word.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Need a reliable source.

YingYangMom ago

"I think you forgot a handkerchief with a map on it that seems pizza-related"... It makes more sense when you replace map with semen. Doesn't it?

YingYangMom ago


I edited my earlier comment and added something else, you might want to take a look. And sorry, this is the source that was passed around on the wikileaks twitter page about Podesta emails #29 around on November 4th onwards.


The laura silsby thing: you say that puello was Clinton appointed but is there evidence of that? Also is there any citation that says he got laura silsby released? One of your sources says the opposite. Apparently a man named drew ham hired him who is one of the pastor's of the church. Also he was not a convicted sex trafficker until after this event

fogdryer ago


This is a bad source, it is written in a confusing way and doesn't properly cite it's sources. This is from the first link:

A Harvard Law School Journal article titled Owning Laura Silby’s Shame claims that getting Silsby off the hook was one of the first things Clinton did after arriving on the scene in Haiti.

The link that it cites doesn't mention this at all. But if you go to the source it says it's citing (the harvard article) it reads:

In the course of a month, President Clinton brokered the release of all the missionaries, except for the group leader, Laura Silsby.

If you end up going to the harvard article (which is what most of the sources cite which claim hillary helped silsby) do me a favor and Ctrl-F "hillary". I can't find a source that supports what you're saying.

fogdryer ago

I went back to my post and changed it. hopefully I did it right I don't understand how this place works


This article cites the exact same source. Careful, there are a lot of terrible news sources out there.

fogdryer ago

I am new here. having a terrible time navigating and learning etc. sorry thks

Throwaway7679 ago

Also he was not a convicted sex trafficker until after this event

He was wanted though, which is why the judge kicked him out. Given that he was wanted for such serious crimes it seems very strange that he would pop up in Haiti for that specific case with so much media attention.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You have a good eye. You have pinpointed the only two bits in this whole summary that I haven't got around to independently verifying.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Arun Rao. I have chosen not to mention him for now, as we have no other evidence on him.

sunajAeon ago

Thanx for the download

Orangutan ago

Arun Rao

A guy named ARUN RAO was caught liking a bunch of James Alefantis's creepy toddler insta posts.

Guess what area Arun Rao's actual job is? ASSISTANT US ATTORNEY, DOJ Supervisor of the Southern Division office for the DOJ's DISTRICT OF MARYLAND.

Comet Pizza is technically in Washington DC, but is practically on the border of Chevy Chase, Maryland, which is Rao's jurisdiction.

Ang68 ago

Chevy Chase has a history of teenage boy/political connected prostitution. Barney Franks boy prostitute ran his prostitution ring out of two places for a time. One was Barney Frank's apartment. The other place was Chevy Chase School just down from Comet Pizza. Also interesting is the location of "The Finders" warehouse. Information in the actual FBI report has the warehouse where they held the children (for their satanic rituals and sexual abuse) very close to the Whitehouse as well as Comet Pizza.

domestiKgypsie ago

If you look at Arun Rao's Instagram you will see Voo Doo Donut sign which has the blue counter clockwise spiral. (He is a fan of jimmycomet's baby pics specifically on Instragram.) It's the 31st pic on the third row counting down. Rolandmois1 has a photo on his Instagram in front of a mural of the VDD logo holding up a chocolate penis. Here is a VDD Instagram site w/weird pics and the pedo emblem for little boys The Austin location has very sinister donuts and clear pedo symbol and penis shaped donuts, the 52nd photo on 3rd row depicts the gay pride movement in Texas. If you Google Buck's Fishing and Camping- click images you'll see the creepy steak pic with 2 donuts stacked in the very front with a single candle. One of the mottos for VDD is "Where the Magic is in the Hole" The photos in the link show a collage with a donut w/pedo symbol and another with a pentagram, actually this place is morbid. Their sacks have pentagrams on them too. Urban dictionary describes donut as being "idiot" "dumb" and a "love hole". WOW! So I Googled donut pedophile and clicked images and VDD popped up and I hit the mother load!

reasonedandinformed ago

Great work. We will need to tie in more from the Clinton Foundation. We also might think to reorder to show the strongest evidence first (prior censorship is conclusive and shows what we are seeing now)...rather than following the chronology of how we got here. In other words, while a lot of the investigation started with the pizza code, people get lost with this as it is more challenging to convince. If we lead with the strongest pieces, people will explore further. Thanks again!!

Millennial_Falcon ago

Actually, I did organize this in part based on strength of evidence. It's somewhat of a hybrid between chronology of discovery and evidence strength. But I agree that there is much more to be added. I have been working on it for days, and decided I needed to go ahead and post what I have, because the previous sticky was not very well-written or well-organized, and it included some things I consider to be disinformation (i.e.Ted Gunderson), although I sure appreciate the poster's efforts, as it laid a lot of groundwork.

reasonedandinformed ago

You are awesome. My only thought is that the very strongest entry point is to show how this has happened before and been censored from the news, which is so obvious for anyone that arrives in our platform. That helps to disarm people who have been fed the "fake news" propaganda by the MSM.

Millennial_Falcon ago

That's a good point. I will keep it in mind. This summary is definitely going to evolve and expand going forward

reasonedandinformed ago

We appreciate all that you do. I have to find a way to balance my work here and my real life. Then again, this is part of my real life. I have kids and want to save these poor children.


I made this comment in the last thread but never got an answer so I'll post it here: Is it misleading to say that Antinous is a symbol of pederasty and not mention that in the modern era he is a well known gay icon

Also I've never seen any evidence that that one painting of the decapitated kid was actually ever in Comet

Millennial_Falcon ago

Is it misleading to say that Antinous is a symbol of pederasty and not mention that in the modern era he is a well known gay icon

I don't think it's misleading. The fact is that he IS a symbol of pederasty. We don't need to provide a defense against our own case, and mentioning that he's also associated with homosexuality would be (1) redundant and (2) make us sound like homophobes.

Also I've never seen any evidence that that one painting of the decapitated kid was actually ever in Comet

I would be grateful if you would look into its exact association with Comet. Try reverse image search. I'm really busy atm.


I have actually reverse image searched it. The artists website doesn't say anything about it and comet and the other sources I have seen are pizzagate related and most of them simply say it's another painting by the same artist who did a mural in comet.

caliginosity ago

The mural does actually have decapitated heads. It has been removed and painted over however, but you can tell it's the same location in comet ping pong. Here is the image of proof:

wh0care ago

saved here just in case...

Millennial_Falcon ago

most of them simply say it's another painting by the same artist who did a mural in comet.

got it, thanks. will fix.

Orangutan ago

From the Catholic Church, to the Franklin Scandal, Penn State, Dennis Hastert, Jimmy Savile, etc...

Welcome to Pizzagate: Fully sourced, simply organized, summary and history of main findings

Message to Journalists:

Excellent Summary:


Historical Evidence/Precedence:

PIZZAGATE Original Post (From Reddit/r/the_donald)

Norway 2016:

Australian 60 Minutes:

New York Times 1982:

Chicago 1977:

Anderson Cooper (2011) CNN on 5,000 US Gov't officials and military personnel:

Historical Graphic:


urso ago

Titus Frost Full 106 Minute Documentary's youtube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement... my censorship detector is beeping

redditsuckz ago

More investigative Leads;

Need Help: John Kreher Identified in "kill room" Construction pic - Project Manager at The Ley Group Construction

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"Ley", huh? Intriguing name. Look up "ley lines".

Wtfreddit ago

Awesome job, this is perfect for introducing somebody new

Millennial_Falcon ago

  • Exhibit C: Alefantis' Connections to the Podestas and Clintons

James Alefantis himself was deemed one of the 50 most powerful people of Washington D.C by GQ magazine.
He was the romantic partnerof David Brock. David Brock is the Chief of Media Matters, a major instrument of the Democratic Party. Brock is also the founder of Correct the Record, a Super PAC that supported the Clinton campaign.

James Alefantis is seen with Tony Podesta here andhere. An email from Alefantis to Tony Podesta, which Tony Podesta forwarded to John Podesta had an attached file which was an image of Hillary’s Logo with a pizza slice in it, above a Comet logo. Alefantis also made desserts for a Clinton campaign event. (Notice another photo with Alefantis and Tony Podesta together, and that Alefantis visited the White House on at least five occasions.) Clinton personally thanked Alefantis for cooking for one of her fundraisers. Comet received payments of over $20k from American Bridge 21st Century PAC, a primary funder of which is billionaire Clinton-backer George Soros. Payments can be seen here, here, and here.

  • Exhibit D: Additional Evidence Implicating the Clintons Specifically

NOTE: All previously cited evidence implicates the Clintons, as John Podesta has been their right-hand man, and as James Alefantis is closely associated with the Clinton Campaign and major Democratic Party leaders.

Bill Clinton is known to have flown multiple times on the "Lolita Express" of disgraced billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstein to visit Epstein's private "pedophile island," Little St. James. Hillary Clinton also joined him on occasion. Bill Clinton even ditched the Secret Service to make these trips Interestingly, Jeffrey Epstein claimed to be a co-founder of the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary Clinton was sent email updates on the prosecution of Laura Silsby, who was caught trafficking children in Haiti. Laura Silsby was got off the hook by Jorge Puello, who was later convicted of sex trafficking, and was wanted on charges of sex trafficking in four countries. Additional source. Izette Folger, a close friend of James Alefantis, gave a statement in support of Silsby. Folger is the daughter of Michael Maccoby, who coaches leaders of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, or NPH, a large organization that runs orphanages all over the world. His son, Max Maccoby, is on the Boards of Directors of an NPH orphanage called Friends of the Orphans, which is one of 760 orphanages operating in Haiti, and happens to be the orphanage from which Silsby was caught trafficking children. Max Maccoby gave an emphatic and lengthy statement of support for Comet during a contentious neighborhood commission meeting. The relevant portion of the audio file starts at 31:40.

Frank Giustra owner of the Radcliffe Foundation is on the board of directors for the Clinton Foundation, and is a major Clinton Foundation donor. The logo of Elpida Home, a refugee center founded by the Radcliffe Foundation, happens to be almost identical to the pedophile boylover symbol.

Now we must reveal a spark, before Podesta's strange emails, that fueled this investigation.

A purported FBI leaker posted claims on 4chan's "/pol/," an anonymous political forum. Admittedly, the forum he chose is not exactly reputable. However, this fits with his claim that he wanted to surround himself with noise in order to prevent his FBI superiors from detecting him, and it fits because he knew many in that anti-Clinton audience would take him seriously and investigate, employing what the forum's users call "weaponized autism." The alleged leaker's central claim was that the NYPD and FBI had discovered immensely scandalous information about Hillary Clinton through Anthony Weiner's laptop, but the FBI is not yet acting on the information for reasons we will not discuss here. For our purposes, the relevant allegation is this: The purported leaker alleged that the Clinton Foundation is a front for human trafficking, including child sex trafficking. He told us, "Dig deep and you will find it. It's sickening." Well, we've been digging, and we seem to be finding it. Summaries of the leaker's claims can be found here: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3.

  • Exhibit E: Media Coverup Efforts

The same establishment elites who try to control politics also control the mainstream media (this includes Fox News). They do not want corruption of this magnitude to be exposed. As soon as word of Pizzagate went viral, the mainstream media began a coverup campaign. They began denouncing the allegations as "false," "hoax," and "fake news," without directly addressing the evidence.

Prima facie, the media have no basis for labeling an ongoing investigation, which is entirely rooted in real evidence, as "fake news." In fact, Pizzagate is not an allegation of a specific, individual crime (e.g. the abuse of a specific child on a specific day and time). Rather, it is an investigation into the possibility of certain individuals being involved in certain kinds of criminal activity. Therefore, labeling Pizzagate "false/hoax/fake" is patently absurd and dishonest, especially considering the media's refusal to address the evidence directly.

The Washington D.C. Metro Police Department claimed it investigated Pizzagate and concluded the allegations are false. However, a response to an FOIA request demonstrated that no investigation was conducted. Therefore, the position of the DC Metro Police must be based on (1) the dishonest media coverage of Pizzagate, (2) willful complicity in the coverup, or (3) some combination of both.

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman banned the Pizzagate research community from Reddit on bogus grounds, accusing us of engaging in a "witch hunt," even though we only used publicly-available information, and never called for vigilantism or harrassment of any kind. While we understand Reddit may have had legitimate concerns of legal action, there is plenty of reason and evidence to believe the decision was politically motivated.

Bot accounts denying Pizzagate have been discovered on Twitter. Twitter has also been suspending accounts of users who discuss Pizzagate, and censoring #Pizzagate from its list of most tweeted hashtags. Facebook has plans to censor what it deems "fake news."

  • Exhibit F: Further Supporting Evidence and Historical Precedents

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement sting operation called "Project Flicker" caught 5,200 people purchasing child pornography. Of these, at least 264 were Pentagon employees or Pentagon contractors. Some of them had security clearances at the top-secret level or higher.

There was a 1994 Discovery Channel Documentary that covered pedophilia rampant in our government, but it was banned and never aired.

Washington Post reported that sex slavery is a big problem in D.C.

The largest pedophile ring ever discovered was exposed by the FBI coincidentally after Anthony Weiner's laptop was taken.

Another pedophile ring exposed in Norway.

Some historical precedents include Margaret Thatcher's coverup of VIP pedophilia in the UK, the Dutroux Affair of Belgium and the Savile scandal in the UK.

birthdaysuit11 ago

ADD JEFF Koons CONNECTION. Jeff koons wife said she also saw their kid playing with his Genitals.

Stab ago

Comet Ping Pong - Pizzagate Summary

u/DumbScribblyUnctious 4d


Comet Pizza is a pizza place owned by James Alefantis, who is the former gay boyfriend of David Brock, the CEO of Correct The Record. It has been the venue for dozens of events for the Hillary campaign staff. John Podesta has had campaign fundraisers there for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. John's brother and business partner Tony Podesta has his birthday party there every year.  

It's also a dive that according to reviews and photos has hidden bathroom doors and creepy murals. The bathrooms in particular have murals exclusively of nude women, as well as a great deal of graffiti relating to sex. Reviews of the restaurant are bizarrely polarized. Websites describing it positively note that there are regularly "unsupervised children running around". Their menu include a pedophilic symbol, as do the signs and decorations of other neighboring businesses.  

The music acts and the posters promoting same acts are bizarre in their presentation, content, and lyrical focus, but are still promoted as being "for all ages". The overtly sexual content would suggest otherwise. The same has taken place in reference to videos recorded inside Comet Ping Pong by people that frequent their establishment as well as video referencing Comet Ping Pong positively from the exterior. While initially not the central focus of the investigation at the onset, Comet Ping Pong is a much more overt and much more disturbing hub of coincidences. Everyone associated with the business is making semi-overt, semi-tongue-in-cheek, and semi-sarcastic inferences towards sex with minors. The artists that work for and with the business also generate nothing but cultish imagery of disembodiment, blood, beheadings, sex, and of course pizza.  

Tons of pre-existing evidence of global pedo-ring implicating governments and etc:  

James Alefantis  

Comet Ping Pong owned by James Alefantis, once listed 49th "most influential" person in DC by GQ:  


James Alefantis cought in love triangle with chief of Media Matters, David Brock; Allegations of blackmail and a payout amounting to $850,000. Brock and Alefantis were co-defendents in a suit filed by William Gray.  

James Alefantis' instagram late 11/5/16. by morning of 11/7/16 it was set to private.  

We recently found the instagram account of James Alefantis. The contents of it are indescribably bizarre and the contexts of the posts and comment chains are weird. Alefantis does not have any children nor do his closest associates, but the photos seem to be a near constant assortment of different children of a variety of ages, intermingled between posts about gay bars, clubs, photos of common rape drugs, and piles of foreign currency. After it being trawled through for 24 hours it has been set to private. A large set of archived copies can be seen here in the next section. Similarly the instagram and twitter accounts of Comet Ping Pong are being edited selectively. The accounts of the people favoriting and commenting on these posts are equally bizarre in both content, context, and demeanor. - Girl, striped, taped to table - Michelle Obama playing Ping Pong - Girl, drinking milk - Girl, standing in basket - Photo of refrigerated meat locker, weird comments - Baby eating pizza "oh my god. Stop it" comment - "Boum Boum" Room (euphemism for brothel) - Close up of an eye of a dead pig - Close up of toddler boy - Girl in yellow dress running on grass - "Long Dong Pizza Shop" - Marina Abramovic - Someone holding girl, #chickenlover hastag (euphemism for gay pedophilia) - Girl and newborn - "French kissing" a taxidermied dog - Topless model - Girl in striped shirt, at park - Screencapture of Child Beauty pageant show episode, subtitle about pizza - Painting of 69 position sex on-top of slice a huge of pizza. - "German Baby: $1200" photo of doll - Two individuals staring at hole in foundation of Comet Ping Pong - Photo of Ping Pong being played between Obama and young boy at WH Christmas Party - Letter Alefantis received from Hillary Clinton - Trenching work in basement of Comet Ping Pong - "Ping pong in London sounds fun" $$$$ and Xanax bottles - "I LOVE KIDS" T-Shirt with two shirtless men - Yet another photo of an infant, no name - Infant described as a #hotard, a portmanteau of "whore" and "retard" - NSFW from Jeff Koons and Cicciolina exhibit. - Foursquare post with a child's face (in striped shirt) censored with pizza slice clip-art  

Susan Alefantis  

Sister of James Alefantis. Wrote a letter in support of Christopher Kloman  


Christopher Kloman was sentenced to 43 years in prison for multiple counts of child molestation.  


Also on the list is Kenneth Starr  

Tony Podesta  

Tony Podesta, John Podesta's brother and the guy who has a "pasta" obsession according to many e-mails did a 3 to 4 month trip to Japan with Dennis Hastert where they both taught students. In his first year of graduate school, Hastert spent three months in Japan as part of the People to People Student Ambassador Program.[29] One of Hastert's fellow group members was Tony Podesta (then the president of the Young Democrats at University of Illinois at Chicago Circle).  

Hastert admitted to molesting kids when he did work as a teacher.  

Tony Podesta still keeps in regular contact with Hastert.  

Tony Podesta has a "Huge" vault underneath his house  

They are known for purchasing "awkward" works, such as video installations, that many other private collectors will not consider. "It's easy to store them, but difficult to display them," says Podesta. To get round the problem, he and his wife have excavated a huge subterranean vault beneath their house outside Washington - a white space 5m square and 4m high in which it will be possible to show "very complicated video pieces" on all four walls.  

Tony and Heather Podesta's art collection contains a wide assortment of things that disturb the author of this Washington Post article. Which recently was deleted from Washington Post's website.  

One shows a boy seemingly born from a sewing machine. Another finds a young girl knitting her own hair. A third has a naked woman immersed in blood-red liquid.  

Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes. "They were horrified," Heather recalls, a grin spreading across her face. - "Going to see Rachel Rose" Pause at 0:10, attendee wearing counterclockwise spiral ring.  

Continued... 1 of 5

Ang68 ago

Alefantis has a Berlin partner, Dr. Pong, that has very graphic/bloody art. He was partner in a restaurant w/Dr Pong owner in past & seems to be connected in some way still. I'm hearing connected through net...servers? One image shows a woman that appears in shower maybe naked beaten and bloodied like she was raped. She looks like she could even be dead with her eyes open. Blood is running out of her mouth.

Stab ago

continued... 2 of 5  

Comet Ping Pong & "Majestic Ape"  

Podesta e-mails make mention of Comet Ping Pong, "family-friendly" restaurant/venue with ping-pong for kids:  




Video recorded during Sasha Lord's birthday party at Comet Ping Pong. Individual with the microphone wearing a wig and ski mask is Majestic ape. Words used are very strange, video was deleted within an hour of it being found on youtube and had to be archived and reuploaded. "She" uploaded it a second time (as unlisted) and after a day or two switched it to private. Any remaining copies on youtube are reuploads and may or may not get taken down with DMCA notices.  

Here's Kleinman in the same outfit:  


In the party video, Amanda Kleinman references "secret pizza". This same term comes up in the description of a film about a "private island" that was produced by Jame Alefantis.  

On a whim, Eve, a young Swedish traveler, accepts an invitation from Peter to vacation on his family's private island off the coast of New England. As a series of unexpected delays prevent other guests from arriving, Eve discovers that she has little in common with the increasingly erratic Peter. Gradually the idyllic natural beauty of the island gives way and Eve finds herself trapped in a state of surreality punctuated by bizarre visions, dimensional shifting and secret pizza.  

Amanda Kleinman's band "Heavy Breathing" has a music video that references pedophilia. Most of the "Schtick" for her band is intentionally being provocative, weird, and awkward.  


“Get served at Comet Ping Pong, a hipster-heavy pizza parlor in the Upper Northwest with rough concrete walls, bathrooms hidden behind secret panels, and table tennis galore. Thin crust pies from the wood-burning oven are as much of an attraction as the regularly scheduled live bands.”  

DO NOT look at the following image if you want to sleep anytime soon.  

From the above, Amanda Kleinman might have some familiarity with "Eli" and may have been to the one to make his costume. Anything beyond those two things is supposition, but extremely creepy supposition.  


David Brock's "After Party"  

Podesta's invitation to an AFTER party at David Brock home (pic related, was attached in email)  

David Brock is described as "batshit crazy" by Neera Tanden. His work history also shows temperamental behavior and volatility.  

NY Times article being discussed is this one.  

The company that planned the event has a long roster.  

"Here’s a party tip: If you’re hosting an impromptu dinner and want guests to show up, have Academy Award-winner Mira Sorvino as your guest of honor.  

That’s exactly what Kimball Stroud did after Sorvino attended a briefing on child trafficking on Capitol Hill with Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and John Cornyn (R-Tex.), filmmaker Libby Spears (“Playground”) and several survivors of child trafficking."  

"An Open Secret" documentary on Hollywood pedos revealed that several major Hollywood pedos had mansion pedophile parties called "after parties".  

45:09 - Mansion talk begins 45:55 - Brock Pierce is mentioned as the ringleader of the parties  


Pierce supports non-profit and advocacy efforts, and is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative.  


"PizzaPAC" - JZ Drizin and Pizza Packet  

Podesta e-mail with HRC pizza logo (Design provided by James Alefantis) says to donate to "" registered to one JZ Drizin;  

There's more on JZ Drizin here:  

Itchie gross is friends with the Drizin family, but I don't believe Joel Zev Drizin has a facebook account.  

The person Podesta said to donate the money in the comet ping pong pizza email was @JZDRIZIN. His latest Retweet was from @PIZZAPACKET.  

If you type JZDRIZIN into google you will find this link  

When searching his number you will get  

He goes by Zev Drizin, Zalmi Drizin, but mostly Joel Zev Drizin which explains his twitter handle. This article mentions Joel Zev Drizin and this lady who worked for him. Sheida Jafari worked for pizza packet and in this article it mentions work they did at the burning man occult festival if that's what you want to call it.  

Burning man was brought up in Wikileaks as well.  

Joel Zev Dizin work experience:  

Director at Map Financial Group, Inc., Member at Swanson Gentleman Hart, Inc., Member at Flatbush Patio LLC, Founder/CEO at Merchants For Charity and Founder, Board of Directors at Jewish Community Watch. (I need to find the link) 3rd picture from bottom is Itchie Gross who is the one who was UNFOLLOWED by the Angel of Love Adoption Agency Inc TODAY which is extremely suspicious. (follow up on the Angel of love story in a previous post so you understand) Also, Itchie gross is the same guy who DELETED his Linkedln when someone exposed his jet 4 days ago. THIS IS BEYOND SUSPICIOUS which is why I dug into these people.

We need to look into these people more.  

Remember, there were wikileaks mentioning to donate to pizzapac owned by the name of JZdrizin who we now know. Also, there were emails to Itchie gross and his wife about hawaii I believe. Feel free to correct anything.  

On a side note, I strongly feel the Angels of love adoption story is a big deal which leads me to this...  

I saw @Itchiegross follow @AmonMunyaneza  

which raised a red flag because why is a pizza company following a Pastor? It wouldn't be odd, but after the Angel of Love Adoption Agency Inc for haiti kids account, I had to look into this. his current employment says Ensicom, Africa Mission Network.  

His website on his twitter is inactive-  

I went to his facebook which brought me to...  

Light Church Rwanda - Senior Pastor · Rusororo, Kigali, Rwanda. I serve the people of God at this community church in the outskirts of Kigali-Rwanda.  

I then stumbled upon this  

"It is with deep sadness, but new hope for the children that we must inform you that Asante Ministries International (ASANTE) will cease as a non-profit organization in the next six months."  


Freebooter ago

DO NOT look at the following image if you want to sleep anytime soon.

This picture is missing.

Madharleyman ago

More on MAP and Dizin: I just finished reading your Pizzagate summary and did some investigative research online. "Joel Zev Dizin work experience:
Director at Map Financial Group, Inc., Member at Swanson Gentleman Hart, Inc., Member at Flatbush Patio LLC, Founder/CEO at Merchants For Charity and Founder, Board of Directors at Jewish Community Watch. (I need to find the link) " According to Bloomberg: Map Financial Group, Inc. provides micro lending services in the Caribbean. The company was incorporated in 2008 and is based in New York, New York. Map Financial Group, Inc. To Be Deleted From Other OTC Apr 12 16 Map Financial Group Inc common stock to be deleted from Other OTC, effective April 13, 2016. The deletion was due to inactive security. Source: Source .

Would the reference to Map in the Podesta email have anything to do with Map Financial Group, Inc.? Could MAP be a front or one time front for the traffic ring?

Stab ago

continued... 3 of 5  

• In January 2015, the ASANTE Board was informed of allegations of serious misconduct against Mr. Amon Munyaneza, Asante’s founder and former executive director.  

The allegations were referred to an attorney and an independent professional investigator. The investigation included numerous interviews and an opportunity for Mr. Munyaneza to address the charges against him. The investigation also brought to light similar misconduct by Mr. Munyaneza, in 2009. At the conclusion of the investigation, the ASANTE Board had no choice but to terminate Mr. Munyaneza’s employment as executive director and called upon him to relinquish all engagement with the ministry worldwide. He has not done so. Mr. Munyaneza went back to Africa and became the leader of the Africa partners, as Board President of Africa Mission Alliance Rwanda.  

• For 18 months, the ASANTE Board has attempted to rebuild relationships with the Africa partners – Africa Mission Alliance Rwanda and Asante Ministries Uganda– to improve communications and program accountability. However, the board was met with little or no cooperation from the African partners, due to Mr. Munyaneza’s influence.  

I didn't type the the rest of the statement out but the bottom line is the 2 companies pizzapacket followed that I researched are seriously shady which leads me to believe the emails from Podesta insisting to donate to Pizzapac is something of serious concern.  

However, Pizza Packet is owned by "Itchie Gross"; His wife Jane Gross has comes up several times in the podesta e-mails. A few of her e-mails are referencing trips to Hawaii, based on wording at the same time as John Podesta, his brother Tony, or others linked with the DNC itself.  

Most recent tweet is retweet from Pizza Packet, company that sells and delivers nothing but seasoning packets for pizza. is a legit business and there products do get used by many pizza chains. HOWEVER...  

Address printed on the products they sell is just: Brooklyn, NY 11215  

Searching for Pizza Packet LLC the only address that matches that zip code is: Pizza Packet LLC, PO Box 150084, Brooklyn, NY 11215.  

Checking other chamber of commerce sites we get another address.  

This is a residential address, so that's likely where he lives. However from the podesta e-mails their their previous home address was: 181 East 93rd St. Apt. 2A NYC, NY 10128  

Address listed for Pizza Packet on their website goes to a different post office box in Boca Raton, Florida (30 minutes from the Epstein mansion though). Also owns Frapes LLC.  

Address listed for a sponsor of a Pizza Packet contest (762 Park Place, NYC, NY);  

Streetview of this address shows a business name of "AR medical & Dental Supply Corp and a website address. That domain is inactive, but was crawled by the wayback machine successfully a few times.  

The phone number if googled indicates that the business moved to a new location, and the owner of that business probably failed to remove the awning before relocating, so that lead is a dead end. The ownership of the 762 park place address is currently unknown and cannot be confirmed as legitimately associated with Pizza Packet.  

There was a legal battle over ownership of that address.,%20LLC%20v.%20LEHRER  

Property changed ownership on 10/27/2014  

Currently scheduled for demolition, to be replaced by condominiums.  

This address is a dead end. It cannot be proven to have any relationship to Mr. Gross.  

Richard "Itchie" Gross LinkedIn profile has picture of a commercial jet. (Account page deleted 11-3-16)  

Color scheme appears very similar to Jeffrey Epstein's personal 727.  

Address for "Dr. Itcuie Gross, MD," who does not seem to have an NPI number, goes to 533 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY; Does not look like a doctor's office; two young children can be seen at the entrance.  

Twitter Account for "Pizza Packet LLC" is just coordinates in Brooklyn: 40.670534,-73.950061 (794 Lincoln Pl Brooklyn, NY 11216) which I can't find any other information one besides it have 3 apartments.  

Angels of Love Deals From Heaven deals with Haitian kids, based in FL; Follows Pizza Packet on Twitter  

Address: 15592 NE 15th Ave, North Miami Beach FL  

Google Maps indicates that it is the only house on the street with all windows barred; Does not look like a business of any sort. But some have noted that this isn't unusual for Miami. Lead is another dead end.  

Pizza Packet, though a legitimate company that does deliver an actual product, doesn't seem to have a legitimate business location that can be tied to it. It operates entirely out of two Post Office boxes in two different states. The owner of the company also is posing himself as a doctor in what used to be a medical supply business location, while not having any type of medical license.  

Stab ago

continued... 4 of 5

Besta Pizza  

"Besta Pizza", which is located right next to BOTH COMET PING PONG and "Buck's Fishing & Camping" (which is the the other business James Alefantis owns) is using a pedophilia symbol as their logo.  

Digging for ownership info and have found it - Uptown Pizza LLC.  

I Found it by being more (?) specific with search terms. Just uptown or pizza would not return a result  

LLC Business Filing -  

It's signed by Andrew Kline, and it's running on a revoked entity status.  

Agent Address - 1225 19th Street N.W., Washington, DC 20036  

Andrew Kline's listed address leads back to a palms restaurant, which is in the same building.  

Also listed on the report is the following --  

Governor: Hammad, Abdel Rahman 5029 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20008 Is Executing Officer?: No - This the address of Besta Pizza.  

He has also served as legislative adviser to the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington. I have been unable to find any links between Andrew Kline and Comet Ping Pong or the Clinton Foundation aside from proximity.  


Politics and Prose

Has a very long history in Washington D.C. It is currently owned by Bradley Graham and his wife, Lissa Muscatine. Muscatine has been the official speechwriter for Hillary Clinton for over 20 years.  

Sign out front has a counterclockwise spiral in the ampersand.  

This does not match the older logo for the business that is still used for letterhead and advertising.  


Addendum - Items that don't relate directly to Comet Ping Pong

Wikileaks has tons of e-mails with very bizarre wordings and coded meanings. This one is the least coded and the weirdest even in its provided context.  

Ruby, Emerson and Maeve are the children of Alexandra Tydings, the actress who played the goddess Aphrodite on Xena the Warrior Princess.  



She is married to Benjamin Luzatto, son of Tamara Luzzato's ex husband.  

There is a blog post here discussing the birth of Meave Luzzatto:  

The woman who gave birth to the 3 children being discussed was Alexandra Tydings/Luzzatto. If you look closely at the image in the blog post, you notice a distinct "tribal" like tattoo on her right arm. It is literally the only picture there of her.  

Viewing images of Alexandra Tydings in which you can see her right arm visibly, she has the same exact tattoo in the same exact spot:  

Tamera Luzzatto is Ben's mother by law, not by blood, making her the childrens grandmother. Benjamin Almeida Luzzatto's mother is actually Anne Luzzatto, another Clinton workhorse. You can find info about her here:  

This is confirmed by the Washington Post doing a writeup on Ben's fathers death.  


Child and Human Trafficking out of Haiti covered up by Clinton Foundation  

Laura Silsby and Charisa Coulter, women who planned to start an orphanage, New Life Children's Refuge, in the Dominican Republic; Arrested with several children in Haiti; Huma e-mailed HRC with regular updates; Silsby represented by attorney convicted of sex trafficking; Allowed to leave the country of Haiti after being arrested there for 33 counts of trafficking children.  

WikiLeaks e-mail discusses pricing of transporting children  

Silsby-Gayler became associated with MyStateUSA an Idaho corporation based Meridian Idaho in 2010 [30]. MyStateUSA CEO, Claudia Bitner, founder of MySateUSA appointed Silsby-Gayler the CFO and corporate secretary in 2011(30). MyStateUSA changed its name to AlertSense.  

Von Hansen is now the CEO and owner. Hansen announced Sislby-Gayler is, as of, October 2015 the VP of Marketing.  

What does MyStateUSA\AlertSense do? According to their own website: "AlertSense offers a highly intuitive mass notification solution that simplifies alert creation & help mobilize and manage the emergency response teams."  

They're the contractor that supplies early response cell-based equipment that a few dozen states use for their AMBER ALERT systems as well as hazardous weather and emergency preparedness update systems.  

The new system was developed by MyStateUSA, a company based in Boise, Idaho that is also involved in a 12-state pilot project with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to coordinate interoperability among public warning alert systems.  

Fear concerning 10,000 Syrian refugee children being missing.  

Child Protective Services Investigation Ends After Suspicious Death Of Lead Investigator  

Former Georgia State Senator, Nancy Schaefer was an outspoken opponent of Child Protective Services (CPS).  

Schaefer authored an investigation in which, among other findings, revealed the following: “…the separation of families is growing as a business because local governments have grown accustomed to having taxpayer dollars to balance their ever-expanding budgets.  

The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President Bill Clinton, offered cash “bonuses” to the states for every child they adopted out of foster care. In order to receive the “adoption incentive bonuses” local child protective services need more children. They must have merchandise (children) that sell and you must have plenty of them so the buyer can choose. Some counties are known to give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000 for a “special needs” child. In this document, Schaefer makes it clear that organizations, such as The Second Mile, procure their underage victims by making children wards of the State. CPS has unchecked legal authority to remove children, with or without cause. Subsequently, CPS and their partners, the corrupt juvenile court judges can place these children wherever they see fit (e.g. The Franklin House, Boys Town, Elm House, The Second Mile Foundation) where unimaginable horrors take place.  

Schaefer and her husband died under very mysterious circumstances at their home in Georgia in March of 2010.  

Madharleyman ago

Hi all...first time poster and independent researcher: Haiti trafficking....those that came back to the U.S. "They were immediately flown back to Miami on a US Air Force transport plane. Laura Silsby-Gayler and Charisa Coulter, were held over for more questioning.[15]-New York Times, "Judge Releases Eight Americans Jailed in Haiti" So citizen missionaries are flown back on a US Air Force transport plane?? Shouldn't they have had to [purchase a normal flight ticket to get home?

Stab ago

continued... 5 of 5  

Cheesybay aka David Flintstone and the Hawaiian site  

Dave Flintstone describes himself as a "poobah" in multiple profiles. The term "Grand Poobah" was used recurringly on the television show The Flintstones as the name of a high-ranking elected position in a secret society.  

"Cheesybay" is run by "Bif Skipman" and sells "faulty Hard drives" on eBay. All the reviews are GLOWING in ways that are bizarre given that he's self-reportedly selling "junk".  

Compound in Hawaii has vats/barrels with what looks like the remain of rendering processes (dissolving tissues). The residue does not look at all similar to what would normally be associated with distilling or byproducts of a mash.  

There's weak wifi signals coming from underneath the shed that indicate there's something underneath it.  

"Dave Flintstone" runs a "distillery" business at that address. David Stone/Dave Flintstone is "Bif Skipman" according to the g-mail cross authentication for both gmail accounts. David Stone also has used and e-mailed the same avatar photo for other pursposes. and whois lookup lists a home address in Honolulu. An address not used on their website or associated with the processing facility.  

E-mails dug out of his gmail account reference a "Richard Windsor" Pseudonym that Lisa P. Jackson was caught using.  

She works for the Clinton Foundation. The e-mail is possibly from the Music booker at Comet Ping Pong pizza.  

I looked up the property owners on Pakala through the tax assessor's office (someone's paying tax on the property). From the old wifi post, both the property with the concrete pad (577 Pakala) and the wealthy property next door with the building that off-the-book power lines go into (563 Pakala) are both owned by the same organization - B P BISHOP TRUST ESTATE - the wealthiest charity in the state worth $10B and has a 10% stake in Goldman Sachs.  

In a 3 year period the estate lost an unaccounted for $241 million and operating costs increased by $19 million, maybe accounting for the underground construction. This was in the late 90s though, and the WiFi OP said he was doing construction there recently.  

...quantity of available financial information about KS/BE (the trust) is amazingly limited. Even the court-appointed master compared his attempts to get information from these trustees to trying to get it from the CIA. The usually mild mannered master was "outraged" by the trustees' "specious rationale" for not properly disclosing vital information. He called their excuses "so pathetic as to border on the ludicrous."  

Really recommend reading the overview of BP Bishop Trust linked in that quote, it's plagued by scandal like everything else even tangentially associated with the Clintons.  


Saved for later sorting: E-mails that involve "Parties" and "Food" - "Still in torture chamber"  

Podesta's "Handkerchief" e-mail theory Artists of paintings is Kim Noble. I do not recommend looking at the full sets.



Thank you

YingYangMom ago

Thank you for this.

fartyshorts ago

Who is the James mentioned here?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Don't know. Possibly Alefantis, since subject is "hillary pizza party."


Why did you get ultra downvoted here?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Was one of Amalek's downvote attacks. Had nothing to do with the comment itself.



UglyTruth ago

Further Supporting Evidence and Historical Precedents

Franklin Coverup:

New York detective Jim Rothstein on historical padophilia:

Good background on state related paedophilia:

pocketfulofstones ago

I think this story is noteworthy as well (5,200 Pentagon Employees Bought Child Pornography, Investigation halted after 8 Months)


I'd really appreciate it if you would take a look on my post about why (in the most general sense) there is such a large number of people engaged in these crimes against humanity:

pocketfulofstones ago

Good stuff. Need more time for all these rabbit holes!! Will take a look


I wish you good luck. It's a lot to take in.

remedy4reality ago

Like your posts... what do you think of this >>


Really good :)

atheist4thecause ago

You didn't reference this pedophile ring that was busted of 70,000+ Internet members, did you? (

Hermesthriceborn ago

If you reference this, might as well include Operation Cross Country X:

I believe each Team deployed are referred to as CARD, Hence the FBI anon claiming Follow the CARDS

jmbatl ago

CARDS - "Child Abductions Rapid Deployments" - The FBI established a rabid response force for human trafficking and child abduction cases. The outcomes after the teams are deployed and their actions will likely be of interest.

It appears that the deployment itself will help in connecting other dots.

Hermesthriceborn ago

Thank you for clarifying this for myself and others!!

jmbatl ago

No problem. I've been following all of this pretty closely and validating theories / findings. If you have questions, message me. I think a bit too much is deliberated openly, leading to really off the mark angles being public before being flushed out. I suppose 'thinking out loud' has some merit when working as a group / collective. But can be hard to follow.

atheist4thecause ago

Agreed. This is an FBI-run investigation around the time of the Weiner Scandal, so it's worth mentioning. It's really the FBI's involvement that is of interest. Don't you think it's a little strange that suddenly pedophiles are being busted all over the world and a lot of it comes back to US-tips, especially by the FBI?

Millennial_Falcon ago

How is it connected to Pizzagate? I don't see a date on the article.

traeler ago

Most CMS embed publication and revision date(s) even if a style doesn't show it. So I right clicked -> view source, after a moment found:

meta name="Search.Update" content="Wed, 16 Mar 2011 20:28:55 GMT"

Well, that's strange. Okay, maybe that is a CMS glitch? So I googled: "Operation Rescue" Peter Davis

Get a number of results referring to this same event, all from Mar 2011.

atheist4thecause ago

Here's a search that shows the dates of the articles:

It was late August/November of 2016. It's so large that it's definitely worth mentioning as it could be connected to #PizzaGate, even if we don't have a direct connection right now. This is similar to you mentioning the Norwegian pedophile ring, but that doesn't have a direct connection to #PizzaGate just yet. Still, it's worth mentioning.

Reading this article, I think this is actually a Belgium one, but it apparently ties into other countries as well, such as the Netherlands:

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

NINJA EDIT: I'm retarded.... I didn't realize these comments were from a month ago. Whoops.... I think my point still stands, but I wrote my comment, thinking your comments were new.


They include teachers, police officers and scout leaders, AP reported. One Spaniard who worked at summer youth camps is suspected of abusing some 100 children over five years.

It most certainly is worth mentioning, Please Don't let the mods response dissuade you from mentioning things like this in the future.

@Millennial_Falcon , I'm wondering what your justification is for labeling this, "Not related to pizzagate"? I'm not saying that in a douchey tone... I'm genuinely wondering.

Any posts that have to with pedorings being exposed within the last few years, are going to be connected to pizzagate. If they aren't connected, they are still relevant to the big picture...

That's like saying "How is 9/11 related to the war in Iraq." .... Kinda, You know what I mean.

Fuck Pizzagate... I don't mean the movement, I mean Fuck the name "pizzagate." I can't believe we are still fucking using it... Pizzagate has nothing to do with pizza... Well not nothing, But its basically nothing compared to what everything else entails.

An Internet pedophile ring with up to 70,000 members — thought to be the world's largest —has been uncovered by police, a security official said Wednesday. The European police agency Europol said in a statement that "Operation Rescue" had identified 670 suspects and that 230 abused children in 30 countries had been taken to safety. More children are expected to be found, Europol said.

I mean, It's obvious that shit is relevant to pizzagate.