Kawksnahch ago

they always just seem to quaint and kooky!

DrJamesA ago

Don't forget Hillary's comment on Wikileaks about "Mother Moon in all her glory"-related to being what you eat no less. https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/24226

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Moon started by C.I.A. They bought a major newspaper for 1 billion dollars.

StrangeHologram ago

Boy that's not confusing. Who are you guys boarding my vessel? "We're the US Marine Corp!" CIA FRONT ALERT!

StrangeHologram ago

Wait they own the "US Marine Corp"?

Mini-spare ago

So what is the significance of the purple clothing they wore? see shortymcbossypant's anecdote above "men and women in purple robes came out "

thezodiac ago

So that explains why someone wrote "KIDS" in front of the Pegasus building even before Alefantis took the place. This operation comes from way back.

investigatethepizza ago

Hey! Did you notice this on the Borf blog, the comment said there was an art gallery there, take a look... http://bloomingdaleneighborhood.blogspot.com/2007/05/borf-in-bloomingdale.html looks pretty familiar if you ask me.

daddysdarlin ago

Wow! Once again good work! You are a master investigater!!! We appreciate all your hard work on behalf of these poor children. Thank you!

alliecapone ago

Well damn, that is a great post, great info.

psy0pus ago

Could he be referring to the Jehovas Witness "Watch Tower"? Could be a front for sex trafficking like Catholicism.


Dec 29, 2016

"A years-long investigation into allegations of child sex abuse in the Jehovah's Witness organization has also uncovered a culture of secrecy at its Watchtower headquarters in Brooklyn.

Last summer, Donald Trump's son-in-law, developer Jared Kushner, bought the property. The Jehovah's Witnesses, meanwhile, have been building a massive compound upstate in Warwick, New York, where they plan to relocate.

Trey Bundy, a reporter for Reveal, from the Center for Investigative Reporting, has been investigating the Watchtower for two years. Watchtower leaders refused to talk to him, but he was able to talk to a former insider about it.

"It's the nerve-center of a multi-billion dollar corporation that has interests in publishing, in real-estate....it's the head of a religion with eight million members, but it's this very secretive place," he said.

Bundy says the Jehovah's Witnesses also have a database that potentially contains the names of thousands of child sex abusers."


shortymcbossypants ago

I actually have a personal story concering the Moonies! When I was a little girl, about 4 years old at the time, my family went out to San Fran to see my grandmother, who was half Chinese and Native American, and she had to work extra hours in her business so she took my brother, 5 at the time, and me, to this Temple who had an afterhours daycare. Well, it went pretty well at first, playing out in the back and all of that and then these men and women in purple robes came out and scooped all of us, said it was time to eat. Well we ate some rice and chicken nuggets, and then they cleared everything out on this mat and gave us boxes of pocky, which are dipped wafers in different flavors. I personally like the chocolate and strawberry dipped sticks, but anyways, these guys started throat singing in Korean, neither me or my brother understood because we only spoke Cantonese, English and Hebrew because of my very mixed family, and then they started rocking back and forth like a bunch of cracked out hippies while sticking the pocky sticks up in the air. I remember even as a little kid thinking what is this crap? It was all very very strange.

Aderville ago

If you look at the new house academy preschool pictures there is a little boy throwing up the goat symbol with his hand. I took a screen shot, but I don't know how to put it in this comment.

ronnyCPI ago

This ties in with Captain 20s children on the following post: [https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1553364]

It seems like the Moonie cult-building process was borrowed by Alefantis gang where they lure children away from their parents and tell them how bad they are. Maybe that has something to do with all the missing children in VA.

NotAnIdiot ago

Yes and calling everyone a shill is good for the investigation.

Not a shill btw

NotAnIdiot ago

Or maybe you're a shill.

redditsuckz ago

To download the video;

Use Video Download Helper;

For Firefox addon;


Chrome Addon;


Then just upload it to youtube or vid.me

YingYangMom ago

Hey this is amazing work. I really admire your analytic skills. Keep up the great work :D

ich1baN ago

They were able to stop it en force in Belgium with mass gatherings and in South Korea they removed their president with millions taking to the street... I hold out some hope that they all go to jail, but it's looking more and more likely that we have a French Revolution.

wokethefkup ago

Think u should take that site name down for those that ,u know come here for info we just found out so scrub it. I wrote it down in my notes I suggest everyone document and do the same.

YingYangMom ago

Done. Should also scrub from other threads as well?

wokethefkup ago

i'm not sure, i wish we knew which mod was legit so we could give them a heads up at least. I think for the most part we're good. i've seen before when someone posts about an instagram account then suddenly it's private and that shit gives me the creeps how fast they catch on.

YingYangMom ago


redditsuckz ago

So many coincidences with this and the geomatria.

ich1baN ago

I thought it was really bizarre that the moonie cult is next to the 33rd degree Supreme Council of Scottish Rites Freemasonry.... this isn't just your average shrine... this is a 33 degree sanctioned temple which is a SPECIAL designation.... I also found it strange when you go to the boys town website that the avatar images of boys being carried by what looks like a 33rd degree Shriner freemason as you can see his fez hat and his tassel flowing down:

http://www.boystown.org/about/Pages/default.aspx (Look at the avatar image in the middle of the "Boys Town" at the top left)

There is some strange connection between Boys Town, Moonie Cult, and this 33rd Degree Freemason.

Pictures of Shriner Freemasons (which are 33rd Degree Freemasons) for comparison:


Singleservename ago

Also the Shriners finance and support an extensive network of childrens hospitals. http://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org

Quite the logo, too.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Shriners are pedophiles.

ich1baN ago

Yes. That goes without saying and that's part of the ruse. They are "so generous and benevolent" that it makes them look so good to the masses on the outside. What is more troubling is the crescent moon and star worn on their fez hats which is satanic (others will disagree and just call it occultic but they have little understanding on this matter) along with an arabic sword and an arabic writing on the fez cap.

The reason they wear the red fez hat is to pay homage to the slaughter of 50,000 Christians in Morocco in 890 AD. The Arabs rose up and slaughtered the christians in a single day taking the country over and at the time their fez caps were white, then they dipped them in their blood, making them turn red.... what in the world are 33rd degree masons who for the most part all look like white anglo saxon americans from a seemingly christian heritage paying SO much homage to arabs and this specific event? Pretty fucking weird.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

They aren't Christian. They worship Allah, but really Satan.

Singleservename ago

Do you have a link for the Arab shrine foundation story? Appreciated.

ich1baN ago

Also, the Kabbalists and Freemasons are intertwined to this elite Pedo cult somehow but I'm still trying to find smoking guns.... at any rate it's good to know that the Jewish Talmud (not all Jews follow this) actually allows for the raping of children as long as one does it violently and sadistically:


Singleservename ago

Thanks for that. Rather surprising if true, I always thought freemasonry had its origins in the crusades. Which did make this Arabian shrine rather incogruous.

ich1baN ago

They do have their founding in the Templars... but it's more diverse than you think. There are Scottish Rite, English Rite, and French Freemasons... When Freemasonry came to the US the 33 degree system hadn't been created yet. The 33 degree system was instituted by Albert Pike (he's the man responsible from turning Freemasonry from a relatively benign secret society to something WAYYYY more evil).... The Americans (Scottish Rite) Freemasons then created a Shriner order which is the 33rd degree (honorary) sometime in the 1800s.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Has anyone noticed that CASTELLUM actually means "Watchtower", or a fortification used for signaling? So many layers of meaning like an onion (tor).


Toogi23 ago

Watchtower is also a religious magazine. Maybe information inside?

remedy4reality ago

I think it is very important to start forwarding information this comprehensive and powerful to the FBI...

This mean all of us.

fifibrindacier ago

I have : Z Wcqn Send Gew Aasaq💓💚☪🗜📲Now Is not in our gematria database Add It

ZalesMcMuffin ago

For the sake of discussion, let's assume you're correct. What happens when the people see that they have a choice of (a) legal inaction or (b) stopping child ritual sacrifice?

What happens when you see that choice?

Konran ago

Yeah - it get's disheartening sometimes watching how these sick fucks seem to get away with it time after time. However, the more awareness that is brought to the subject the better.

I have been speaking with a group that deals with missing children in Europe. Their figures show that 250,000 kids go missing every year from the European zone. Not as bad as the US and the 800,000 figure you might say. However, when you realise that 140,000 and 100,000 go missing from the UK and Germany respectively, one must draw some conclusions that there is a much more compelling link to the elites from those nations (the Brit royals are German in essence and the US subsequently grew from these roots too) than the other 26 countries that make up Europe.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that you are right in saying that there are pedos all over the world but I believe that the systematic trafficking and exploitation of children is much more centralised than that. This is not the Hydra monster - if we cut off the main head this would help save a huge percentage of innocent kids from a fate worse than death.

As an aside I've been thinking that maybe the French Revolution wasn't just about fiscal equality, but more to do with the sick and perverted acts of the court elites with children that the general public were so disgusted when they found out (Marquis de Sade) they pitch-forked the fuckers onto the guillotines. Not saying this could also be an option, but...

Kawksnahch ago

Is this person related to Ban Ki Moon? THOSE Moonies? The "Prince of Peace" weirdness? http://www.sundaytimes.lk/061008/International/int1.html

N/m. Sun Myung Moon was prince was peace and everyone at the time was questioning if Ban was also related. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f08clPMODw8

YingYangMom ago


This is a coded sentence which was posted on Trolley Park's FB by Richard DuBeshter sent to Wylita Bell (who works at the Shanghai Consulate in China and who issues Z visas) from Richard DuBeshter http://i64.tinypic.com/2hs42nk.pngPNG and which was deleted hours after @ich1baN posted a sub about it and asked for help decoding it. See both posts here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1554832 and https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1550573.

"God Moon, send China angel, now".

When I saw this post and it's connection to "Moon", I thought it fit perfectly and important to let you know about it. Excellent post btw :D

rooting4redpillers ago

He was Michael Craig Ruppert. 1951-2014. Death by self-inflicted gunshot to the head. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Ruppert

RedGreenAlliance ago

"The Washington Times is owned by the Moonies, that quasi-religious Korean sect that publicly indulges in mass marriage ceremonies but privately, has links to pedophile networks and human trafficking. Most significantly though, the Moonies are a CIA front and always have been."

Veterans Today https://archive.is/FBDYp


That yet again we find an article tying CIA, paedophile and human trafficking, and people associated with PizzaGate. This is a direct connection and deserves greater investigation.

We should start a new thread collecting info on human trafficking and paedophilia connected to the Moonies. I am in work and can't do much but i think this is too coincidental (like all the other coincidences) to write off...

Orange_Circle ago

Somewhat forgotten over time is the fact that the managing editor at the time was caught up in the call boy scandal and forced to resign from the Washington Times.

The reporter was nominated for 4 Pulitzers.

RedGreenAlliance ago

good find...

madmanpg ago

That's the second link I posted.

Yuke ago

I was just looking into 1644 North Capitol St the other day. I found the building odd. You can see from this image the way it is constructed is almost to hide the actual building. The building is a facade, literally and figuratively speaking, https://snag.gy/2nLpTB.jpg no windows on the sides? Very strange. It has had new owners since 2012 https://snag.gy/lv8mpn.jpg but before that it was leased to a local art collective http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/24/AR2007052402465_pf.html http://archive.is/qYXTs note that they were afforded the privilege of leasing it for $1 a year! EDIT: "Borf" aka John Tsombikos' father is/was a contractor so that's probably how they got the building to lease. http://dcist.com/2008/06/the_house_that_borf_built_is_closin.php

CountCagliostro ago

Just throwing in out there: Tsombikos, Alefantis and Podesta's mother (Kokkoris) are all Greek

SpikyAube ago

The other insane coincidence here is that @Quantokitty made a post yesterday I think showing evidence that a long forgotten, i.e. secret underground tunnel runs the length of 16th street, which these Freemason and Unification church buildings are on! https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1551878

whatonearth ago

That post shows no evidence of anything of the sort. Those lines on the maps that /u/quantokitty posted are Google Maps driving directions, not maps of known tunnels, and /u/quantokitty merely suggested looking into whether there is anything there (personally I seriously doubt it).

SpikyAube ago

It wasn't me that said that originally, it was someone else on the thread - and of course I know those were the driving directions!! The implication was that the old tunnels could be along that street, I thought?

HarleyDavidsonRider ago

Is that the same church/cult that had to do with scientology and the cult of 4 pi? Which supposedly had connections to David Berkowitz ?

SecureYourSeats ago


ZalesMcMuffin ago


OrwellKnew ago

Some Moonie Facts

  • They target unloved and unwanted middle class youngsters, offering to be the family they never had.
  • Live in a socialistic communal environment.
  • Members have to work for their keep.
  • They suffer from a lack of sleep, late nights, and very early mornings.
  • Once the above steps have been successfully achieved, brainwashing tactics are initiated.
  • There are officially 12,000 members in the US at present, with several million worldwide (Chicago Tribune, Apr. 11,06.)
  • When councillors have rescued ex-Moonies from this cult, they need extensive deprogramming, which leaves lasting mental scars, and this can and does take many painless days and weeks to fully accomplish.

HWIH ago

Some more.

Children born into the cult are forced to race mix.

They are very powerful in DC. They own the Washington Times, many other front organisations. Their parties (which I have attended) include the elite-of-elite DC power brokers.

They are also directly connected to Scientology, though to what extent I do not know.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Any connection to Dahn Hak, the yoga cult? They were charged with sexual assault, slavery, torture.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Similar to Scientology, although Scientology's claims to millions of members are extremely dubious.

OrwellKnew ago

Redberries...you done did it again! Exhaustively researched and documented

Another fine job

MolochHunter ago

I got a full on investigator boner thinking Nellie Hubbard might be related to L.Ron Hubbard, but alas it doesnt seem she is

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Guys I'm on mobile but I think I noticed something important.

In the photos off the New Hope Academy, one of the rooms like like the room that was the location of the video National Adoption Day found on Jabbaroos Instagram. I am away from my desk and can't get on my machine to pull up the pics and video for reference but I'm hoping someone else here can.


Here is a link to the photos I'm thinking of. First image after Preschool Wing.


I swear that is the room from the video on Jabbaroos Instagram.

redditsuckz ago

Justin Barrows AKA jabbaroos Annual Adoption Day Celebration - Pizzagate


Much thanks to Eastwood350

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Really great that this piece of video was saved!! Time to analyze and compare with New Hope.

redditsuckz ago

I swear that is the room from the video on Jabbaroos Instagram.

Recognize these?;



@Eastwood350 @AmiablyGivenSo can you please post all your screenshots from jabbaroos instagram.

Justin Barrows, a carpenter who helped build Comet Pizza



Justin Barrows AKA jabbaroos Annual Adoption Day Celebration - Pizzagate


Much thanks to Eastwood350

DontTreadOnMemes ago

I was just looking at those actually... I notice they are smaller sized windows at New Hope than in those Adoption Day pics. Do you know where to find the archive for the video? It's been removed everywhere ;/ but will give us a better look at the room.

Eastwood350 ago

Check your inbox.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Just saw your messages and just saw the vid.me! Great job!!!

madmanpg ago


His business interests included News World Communications, an international news media corporation known for its American subsidiary The Washington Times


redditsuckz ago

Finders Cult

The Story of the CIA's "Finders" Abduction Operation

The CIA Traffics in Drugs, Child Ritual Sexual Abuse, and Global Murder

One by one, the dots get connected. The same names keep popping up and they are linked with the same activities over and over and over again until the pattern becomes so clear and undeniable, the circumstantial evidence becomes so overwhelming and the picture emerges that is so frightening that it is hard to believe that it is true. The picture that has emerged is that indeed the major institutions of the United States of America, the CIA, the FBI and the many of our governmental and media institutions are involved in child sexual slavery and ritualistic abuse. The same names keep surfacing in relation to the same subjects over and over again. The CIA, child sexual abuse, the Catholic church, George Bush Sr., The secret societies of the Scull and Bones, the Freemasons, The Knights of Malta and others and on and on and on.


YingYangMom ago

@redditsuckz @ich1baN


From the same document here http://archive.is/GLOqq

During the execution of the warrant at 3918/20 W St., I was able to observe and access the entire building. I saw large quantities of children's clothing and toys. The clothing consisting of diapers and clothes in the toddler to pre-school range. No children were found on the premises. There were several subjects on the premises. Only one was deemed to be connected with the Finders. The rest were renting living space from this individual. He was identified as Stuart Miles SILVERSTONE, DOB/061941, U.S. Passport No. (deleted). SILVERSTONE was located in a room equipped with several computers, printers, and numerous documents. Cursory examination of the documents revealed detailed instructions for obtaining children for unspecified purposes. The instructions included the impregnation of female members of the community known as the Finders, purchasing children, trading, and kidnapping. There were telex messages using MCI account numbers between a computer terminal believed to be located in the same room, and others located across the country and in foreign locations. One such telex specifically ordered the purchase of two children in Hong Kong to be be arranged through a contact in the Chinese Embassy there. Another telex expressed interest in "bank secrecy" situations. Other documents identified interests in high-tech transfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under the control of the Finders, a keen interest in terrorism, explosives, and the evasion of law enforcement. Also found in the "computer room" was a detailed summary of the events surrounding the arrest and taking into custody of the two adults and six children in Tallahassee the previous night. There were also a set of instructions which appeared to be broadcast via a computer network which advised the participants to move "the children" and keep them moving through different jurisdictions, and instructions on how to avoid police attention.

One of the residents was identified as a Chinese National. Due to the telex discovered referencing the Chinese Embassy in Hong Kong, he was fully identified for future reference: WANG/Gengxin, DOB/092747, POB/Tianjin, People's Republic of China Passport No. (deleted), entered the U.S. on January 22, 1987, admitted until December 31, 1987. He is in the U.S. as a graduate student in the Anatomy Department of Georgetown University. His Visa was issued on November 10, 1986, in London, England, number 00143.

Deja Vu? Richard DuBeshter and Wylita Bell all over again. Same tactics. I swear, if Bell or DuBeshter studied at Georgetown, I'm going to scream.

redditsuckz ago

Deja Vu? Richard DuBeshter and Wylita Bell all over again. Same tactics.

Looks like it...good find.

nitro169 ago

I still think we are missing what JA was freaking out about, there is something this absolutely scared the crap out of him, enough to reach out and threaten someone a thousand miles away. We Are So Close!!!

kplusk ago

Awesome job! I'd give you multiple up voats if I could! You're definitely earning points w/ the big man upstairs!!

dickface8 ago

Amazing research. Those fucks have gotta be sweating to say the least.

nathanwblair ago




logjam ago

Fucking finally we are getting here.

I did some perusing a while back in the Unification Church. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1442125

These kids that went missing didn't get sent back home I bet. Of note in the reference to the article is Moon had a number of 'pizza ovens' in his residence.

sugarskull ago

I dont know how to find it so forgive my not doing so but that TV segment that JA did with that Kimberly chick about CPP he stated that his pizza oven got to 1100 degrees...not quite the temp you would need for creamation but pretty close if you perhaps used an accelerant of some sort?

logjam ago

But what about the smell? Does a burning body smell like pizza?

Freemasonsrus ago

Ive thought that the entire time.

Aderville ago

One thing that just occurred to me is that they probably eat the children after they're dead. In that case they would only have to incinerate bones. I don't know the temperature needed for that but I imagine it's less of a hassle to dispense of bones than a whole body. God they gross me out.

jstayz44 ago

Quick thought, logjam, that hadn't occurred to me before. Do you think when they say "pizza oven" in the context of a residence, that they actually mean a place to burn children when they are done with them? I don't know why, after being part of this investigation if somewhat tangentially, I never realized that as a possibility.

logjam ago

I gathered that the reporter making a point of saying that Moon had 6 pizza ovens was eye opening. Also making of mentioning that they never smelled pizza coming from the residence when walking by was peculiar too.

I mean, I don't know what to think - but it was pretty odd considering the subject of pizza gate. Also making mention of teachers saying that kids "disappeared overnight" was odd too. The article says they were sent "back home' - but there were nothing indicating that was substantiated. It was like everyone was just saying as they were told.

I'm not syaing they were burning up children - but wtf would there be 6 pizza ovens in a residence, when Comet - a business only has one by the looks of it?

I wouldn't be surprised if those children were sold to Alefantis now that I see how things re unfolding.

There was an epidemic of children missing at that time. the article is very telling.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I don't know who to reply to, so I just picked you. When I watched "Shoah", about the Holocaust, they said everything burned, bodies burn easily, except heel bones. Those they have to pulverize. But children, perhaps not. I feel sick, now.

logjam ago

It's all very hard to believe. What you say is very much a possibility. So is the fact that they could want infant blood. Very hard to believe though.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

A friend of mine died of cancer at 43. It was a reoccurrence. She felt so low for so long, so they gave her a full transfusion one day. She felt great. She wanted to do things. But it didn't last long. That's why I think they've been doing transfusions with young blood a long time. Your blood is purple when you're young. The iron. And if you don't have cancer, it lasts longer, I'm sure.

logjam ago

since the children in question are so small - they wouldn't have very much blood in comparison to an adult.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

But a dime a dozen to them. And better blood.

redditsuckz ago

Hundreds of Front Groups of the Unification Church;


Dressage2 ago

There are least 1200

investigatethepizza ago

Man I wonder if any of these have been renamed..looking back on Podesta's email "Cant believe its almost 50 years since Camp Nose" or does that mean something else ?

Haldelos ago

That was a real camp in Nose, Japan that Tony Podesta attended w/ Denny Hastert

YingYangMom ago

Wow. Bookmarked. Nice find.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The Moonies and the "Church" of Scientology are similar in many ways, and one of them is their manic love of front groups.

ads1241 ago

Speaking of which, "Dianetics" the book that Scientology is based on was written by L. Ron. Hubbard. Is Nellie Hubbard related to him?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I've never heard of her before, so I doubt it.

nathanwblair ago

@logjam looks interesting!

logjam ago

It's a small tidbit, but from the innocent perspective of the reporting, it really made the pizza ovens stick out along with the children that dis appeared.

Moon was a big player.

EllaMinnow ago

If they were using pizza restaurants as a front for their other businesses, the pizza ovens might be there to send to the next restaurant.

party1981 ago

So, behind the corrupt CIA, there is a corrupt global Satanist/Freemason cult, and this goes back to the city planning for Washington, DC?

God help us.

joe_hill ago

Freemasons and Kabbalists are definitly a part of this. They're joined in A Crowley cult

ich1baN ago

Did you guys know that Kabbalists read the Jewish Talmud that allows for raping little children in sadistic ways?


SecureYourSeats ago

Get lost

militant ago

Isn't the Moonie Cult a known CIA front?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Egyptian symbolism in Washington D.C - Freemasonry - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L3hC8tLEyrY

** watch the part about the Scottish Rite Building

Jakestr ago

Wow red berries what a breakthrough, there's no stopping you, thank you

Wolftrail7272 ago

Knowing what I know about the FBI, these places WILL be investigated. How soon we hear about it, I don't know. The FBI is playing a waiting game.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Do they still rely on 302s and fail to record any witness interviews electronically? Because holy fucking failfags, Batman.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Hot Damn! You hit the jackpot! 100,000 upvotes!

I found this interesting:Educational organizations Cheongshim Graduate School of Theology[18] CheongShim International Academy International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences International Educational Foundation.[19] New World Encyclopedia — an Internet encyclopedia that, in part, selects and rewrites certain Wikipedia articles through a focus on Unification values.[20] It "aims to organize and present human knowledge in ways consistent with our natural purposes"[21] and "to promote knowledge that leads to happiness, well-being, and world peace."[22] Paragon House, book publishing.[23] The Professors World Peace Academy was founded in 1973 by Sun Myung Moon,[24] who declared the group's intent to "contribute to the solutions of urgent problems facing our modern civilization and to help resolve the cultural divide between East and West". PWPA now has chapters in over one hundred countries.[25] Sun Hwa Arts School Sun Moon University[26] Sun MyungFederation itute[27] High School of the Pacific in Kealakekua, Hawaii[28] The Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown, New York was founded in 1975. Its purpose is to train members from around the world as leaders and theologians in the church.[29] Blessed Teens Academy—Greeley, Colorado [30] New Hope Academy—Landover Hills, Maryland, USA. "Although New Hope Academy was founded in 1990 by members of the Unification faith, it is not a sectarian school. No doctrines are taught; in fact, no classes in religion are offered.However morning services are mandatory,during services discussions about religious doctrines, hymns, and group prayers all take place. We believe it is the job of parents—with the support of their church, temple, or mosque—to impart their personal faith to their child." [31][32] WUF - World University Federation http://infogalactic.com/info/List_of_Unification_Church_affiliated_organizations

Votescam ago

Rev. Moon: "rumors of sexual improprieties" and "financing by the Korean CIA." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/sep/02/rev-sun-myung-moon

Celticgirlonamission ago

I read he had charges placed on him just a few minutes ago..for bribery I believe

Votescam ago

Difficult to tell what post of mine you're responding to -- or what specific comment. Can you add a bit to your reply? Thank you.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

He's been dead since 2012. What was he offering? o.O

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Wow... this is insane. The connections, the property records, the pure volume of circumstantial evidence that is contained in this. Most of which is solidified and verified without much room for interpretation.

These individuals should be forced to address some of the findings... I don't know how. I have little faith that law enforcement will do anything (FBIAnon had mentioned that to proceed with charges would up-end the global power structure and ours eyes would fall out if we knew the full extent). I have even less faith that the media will do their job and dig.

Even if an investigation moved ahead, I'm confident CNN would be focused on Donald Trump's hair and how bad Russia is.

earthbalance1 ago

One comment about the Moonie connection is that one of the accounts linked to JimmetComet's instagram was, IIRC, mrsoliar. That account had a pic of Choi Soon Sil on it, the woman leading the cult that caused the recent impeachment of the South Korean President. I posted about this on voat maybe a week ago but it appears to have been deleted... This means Alefantis is doubly connected to Korean cultism.

Edit for clarity

This was the image which had a version of it linked to, IIRC, mrsoliar


Freemasonsrus ago

Quite sure FBI is reading and interested in new info turned up here.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Not their jurisdiction. International. CIA project.

Agora1234 ago

FBI knows far more than we do... They just are not willing to indict at the moment

Freemasonsrus ago

Not necessarily always true. You'd be surprised the things people turn up here that may have not been on the radar. Not the big picture per se, but a lot of these bizarre connections they may not have info on bc, quite frankly it's not needed for prosecution, but don't ever doubt there is stuff added here that could be used to bolster the circumstantial evidence/connections. And the FBI doesn't prosecute. They just recommend prosecution which is why they have to wait for an honest DOJ who will actually do their DAMN JOB!

dickface8 ago

Are there any cops here on Voat? Any reason why they couldn't go and investigate right now based on this evidence?

redditsuckz ago

Not gonna happen...;

the CIA, the FBI and the many of our governmental and media institutions are involved in child sexual slavery and ritualistic abuse.


sunajAeon ago

You can bet ALL Law Enfuction is combing these files, whether they DO anything about it is something else

alliecapone ago

Explains why I couldn't find some articles that I'd earlier referenced about the FBI Agent that was paranoid about a police officer in Michigan, at the Planet Fitness. Here's my search, you can see they once did run these, with those headlines explaining why the FBI guy shot. https://i.sli.mg/kMsZLi.png

Edited to add the story I eventually just went and found at MLive http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2016/12/fbi_agent_accused_of_shooting.html Here's a couple pages I clicked that had gotten rid of articles, I was so pissed off I didn't go checking them all, but the articles pointing to a paranoid agent have been pulled. People were undoubtedly asking why the hell an agent would be afraid of an officer at all. WaPo's Not Found page https://sli.mg/3vLfl8.png

And another one at one I randomly clicked https://i.sli.mg/B6Qwei.png

islandofdelight ago

There are some good guys in the FBI. Watch George Webb's videos. He is getting help from active and inactive FBI. They are probably waiting for Trump to take office.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I'm not sure dickface,

LOL... that is awesome to type.

I would hope so! Cops, FBI, CIA, AG, Comey, everyone... I have no clue what jurisdictional requirements are in place. I'm assuming a cop from WA state (where I'm from) can't just hop on a plane and start knocking on doors in DC.

SpikyAube ago

Don't you guys have something in your constitution that permits citizens to take action and assemble some kind of law-making body or court if your government turns out to be evil sociopathic thieving murdering child raping satanist cannibals? Or even if they just turned out to be something more run-of-the-mill-evil, like Hitler and the Nazis, Mussolini and the Fascists, or Stalin and the Communists or something? I thought one of the main arguments in favour of no gun control is that you need arms in case your government goes nuts so you can defend yourselves? Well, your government is 100% nuts, doo lally, human-centipede levels of insane. Can't you get something done legally?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Yes... sure, but, not without concrete evidence or support from law enforcement/intelligence agencies to gather said evidence. We can't just stage a coup based on forum posts and independent research of circumstantial evidence. No matter how much is gathered.

ich1baN ago

Yes this is true.... but we need things to hit critical mass before we took up such actions... if citizens in other countries like South Korea and Belgium were to figure out this is going on in their countries too and were to rise up... it would help our case. Safety in numbers.... this has the potential of boiling over into a French Revolution style of uprising which we should try to avoid if possible.

NotAnIdiot ago

Can anyone tell me what the hell Pegasus museum is? I haven't been able to find a damn thing on what the place actually is.

Why does it have no advertising or web presence at all? It just doesn't seem like a legitimate business at all.

SpikyAube ago

Exactly. That's how we know it's not really a museum. The address was found to be owned by JA, and on investigating the address it was found to be listed as Pegasus museum on google maps. That's the only reference to it as a museum online.

srayzie ago

You can read more about it in this thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1499872

srayzie ago

It's a building James Alefantis owns. The papers say it's a "museum". It's right by the park we keep talking about. That is where we think the kill room is located.

NotAnIdiot ago

Yes, but it's a museum for what?

srayzie ago

He says art museum but obviously is not open to the public

contrarianism ago

It's a front. Not a "museum". That's a distinguished name to identify the place for those in the know. JA had it labelled on google locations until about Dec 17, when he removed it, presumably because of track-covering. It's some kind of transfer station, it appears to me.

NotAnIdiot ago

If it's a front then it should at least be masquerading as an actual museum for something though. What is it supposed to be?

contrarianism ago

It's purported use is a metal workshop I believe.

NotAnIdiot ago

Where did you find that out?

contrarianism ago

idk man just dig around there's tons of stuff

GhostOfSwartz ago

I had forgotten about the Moonies til I watched a documentary the other day titled "Deprogrammed". Great find redberries! And my daughter has been dabbling in the universalist Church so... Interesting stuff. Oops. Unification not universalist. I misread. Carry on.

madmanpg ago

Problem: Sun Myung Moon, the founder of the Moonies, also founded the Washington Times. The Washington Times is the paper responsible for breaking the Franklin Scandal with their 1989 story about a homosexual pedophile prostitute ring in DC. Why would a paper connected to such things allow such an article to be printed and saved for posterity?

mysecretidentity ago

a number of reasons. I think the fact that they broke the story is just another confirmation of suspicions. perhaps preempt an escaped victim leaking it thus controlling the narrative, punishment or warning for a conspirator getting out of line, a show of control or power.

and what was the end result of the Franklin case? IIRC only people that went to jail were a couple victims... and the rest withdrew their complaints to avoid jail. seems very telling

SpikyAube ago

I think back then the media was less controlled by the interests of their funders/owners than they are now. Far more investigative reporting and exposure of state crime was done back then as far as I can tell. I think the process of completely infiltrating the media and ensuring that only clueless/brainwashed/in-on-it and too-lazy-to-do-any-proper-reporting journalists are employed has happened over the past 30 years or so.

c0ck ago

Killer work, thanks for putting this all together.

Pwner1775 ago


JoJoVoat ago

Redberries! You kick ass! UpVoat UpVoat!!!

This is a big NEW potential lead to new/more people/places. Great job.

findingaway ago

Not sure if these properties have been submitted. I found them on a website. They had found Pegasus about a month ago. Have not confirmed these addresses to be owned by JA yet. Just wanted to put out there what I have found. I will provide link if anyone wants it. It is dated 12-17-16.: turns out that James Alefantes, the pizza shop guy, owns way more property than his BF surfer buddy Brock. First off, there’s the Pegasus museum under development by Castellum Alefantes LLC on 11th Street NW in D.C. The land is apparently still owned by a Russian emigre named Boris Tochilin, who has since moved to Dumfries, Virginia.

Then, there’s the big rowhouse in the Embassy Row area on California Street in Kalorama, formerly shared with ex-partner David Brock.

Next in McLean, Virginia, the hometown of the CIA and George Bush Center for Intelligence, Alefantes owns four buildings: 6513 Brawner, 117 Randolph Road, 49 Chain Bridge Road, and another on 7703 Dearborn.

At Harrisonburg, Virginia, in the Shenandoah Valley, a town with a lot of schools and a heavy concentration of sex offenders, near the West Virginia state line, there are two addresses: 1352 Bradley Drive and 148 W. Wolfe Street.

Washington D.C. in the Northwest quadrant, four properties: 1536 Swann, 1404 P ST, 3334 N ST, 455 Massachusetts Avenue, and 2022 Columbia Road (near Dupont Circle).

Finally, in New York’s Upper East Side: 145 E 48th ST #29F.

thezodiac ago

great work.

jstayz44 ago

Agree, redberries is a pizzagate superstar of epic proportions!

KingKongisCTR ago

That's some nice work. If you get a chance can you check out my post? The person I found ended up being a Facebook friend of Alefantis. I don't think I made my title flashy enough though. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1555209#submissionTop

Ronnilynn31 ago

I added some randomness to your post too. I suck at formatting - I've mainly only commented a few times, but I added anything that seemed to have any connection to the area around the Pilgrimage Church and some businesses around there that may or may not be of interest.

Jakestr ago

I just looked over your route and agree it does deserve a second look wow I never thought of it but yeah BRB would be a safer place for them to traffic children than a hotel less witnesses

atheist4thecause ago

It's not that your title isn't flashy, it's not very descriptive of what people are looking at and how it ties into the investigation. (Not that it doesn't, it's just that people have a tough time investing a bunch of energy just to figure out if a post is worth reading or not, and then they have to spend more to actually follow the leads.)

derram ago

https://archive.is/e0YTK :

'I was a Moonie cult leader' | World news | The Guardian

This has been an automated message.

Mini-spare ago

Just an observation. This seems like a normal thread vs. the off-the-wall ones you see on here. Shill's night off?