Kalani ago

If you go on the apes website and click on "merch" you get this message WTF with a password too

Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/theapes3/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/database.php on line 19

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'theapes3'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/theapes3/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/database.php on line 19 Unable to connect to database server!

norobotono ago

Yes I had noticed that and found it strange as there is no sign of anywhere to put a password into anyway, but I do not know website programming so don't know if it that is any sort of normal sql error.

DarkFae ago

I also thought of Baba Yaga when I first read this stuff. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baba_Yaga It doesn't really say much on the Wikipedia page, but she was feared by children. She was known to eat them. Edited to add another article. Interesting.


waybackwhen1987 ago

is there a way to see if podesta or anyone was involved i.e whitehouse logs whereabouts in emails perhaps??

norobotono ago

I was wondering about the meaning of Baba and other than meaning grandma or father in some other languages, I came across information about Sai Baba, who I remembered as some Indian guru from yeas ago https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sathya_Sai_Baba

What wikileaks fails to mention is that there are many allegations that he was a pedo. http://www.saibaba-x.org.uk/6/saisex6.htm

So it wasn't a surprise to find him appearing in one of the Ape's (NSFW) videos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oicUO0sz08c

norobotono ago

Came across this "Clinton has also sent a letter saying that he wants to come here to learn how Swami’s system of free education, free medical service and free drinking water project works. He is coming with his wife. They were saying that though they have enough money, they are not able to do such work. Hence, they want to see how we do such things." on this site - http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ljAnFHe3iCEJ:sathyasaiwithstudents.blogspot.com/2015/02/when-bill-clinton-wanted-to-come-to.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Or they had another reason for visiting...

norobotono ago

I haven't found any significance other than a lot of people are trying to change Halloween to this date.

Maybe it is because it is easier to hide something on a Saturday than a weekday and more people could attend.

norobotono ago

Yes the pictures certainly add to it's creepiness

Ihatepizza2 ago

We are winning! Thank you voat! Thank you 'humanity'

Ihatepizza2 ago

"CAPTAIN 20" / "CHANNEL 20 CLUB" SECRET CODE http://archive.is/jQcNE Many, many references via google Edit: just had a thought that this may be useful (a key) to previous battles with encoded messages. May be wrong but feel that enquiring minds should check

norobotono ago


40 seconds in, not a very appropriate joke for a children's show.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Same font as used by heavybreathing website http://kidshow.dcmemories.com/DDC20-3h_225.jpg Edit: search term was "captain 20" on Google images Edit 2: may be useful (continued search on captain 20) ""The channel 20 SECRET CODE" https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BYFapmFCIAAqHFz.jpg / http://archive.is/jQcNE

srayzie ago

These people are worse than a child's worst nightmare. Sadly, they are real

rodeo13 ago

" Witness for the first time the Rock Creek Park Portals and the Recruitment Center of Captain 20s Children."

This part automatically made me think of MKULTRA type programming. It's conceivable that a children's show could have been used back in the 70's to recruit for the project.

And @quantokitty did a post about the tunnels around the Tranformer and Pegasus museums (the Game Over post). The dots are starting to connect.

CosmicChrist ago

Some wierd shit here. I just started looking up some of the random terms, and boy are they fucked.

This is supposed to be for kids?! For example this I one of the first things I found searching for "wormdick" http://dickworms.tumblr.com/

That link is really going to be unpleasant for anyone really, just a heads up!

norobotono ago

Gross. Can you add a NSFW to your post please.

comeonpeople ago

What do you mean he "does some of the Apes videos"?

ronnyCPI ago

Rock Creek is near JA's Tom's Creek property in northern Maryland.

comeonpeople ago

What? No it isn't. Tom's Creek is near the border with PA; Rock Creek Park is in DC and Montgomery County.

ronnyCPI ago

Yeah, my mistake. Thanks for correcting me.

JoJoVoat ago

I was curious about Autumn and what they do.... Autumn is extremely active (ugh) for these Satanist.

According to the below (link) Occult Calendar... Here is the Autumn Equinox

"4. Autumnal Equinox - 13 weeks - Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice

a. September 21 - Mabon - one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

b. September 21 -22 - Autumnal Equinox

c. October 31 - Samhain, also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve. This date is the Illuminati's highest day of human sacrifice"


More from same link/calendar:

"4. Autumnal Equinox - 13 weeks Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice

a. September 21 Mabon - one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights b. September 21 -22 - Autumnal Equinox"

"From this date through Halloween, occultists believe the veil separating the earthly dimension from the demonic realm gets progressively thinner, with the thinnest night being October 31; this thinning of the separating veil makes it easier for the demonic realm to enter the earthly dimension.

Thus, on Halloween, evil spirits, ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, black cats, fairies, and demons of all sorts were believed to be running amok across the land. They had to be back in their spiritual dimension before midnight, Halloween, for the separating veil would then get thicker.

Once again, I reiterate, this is occult belief, not mine! October is a most propitious month to the Illuminati."

The following is from a Satanic Calendar. Both similar but I went ahead and posted both;


Aug 3 Satanic Revels sexual oral, anal, vaginal 7-17 (female)

Aug 24 St. Bartholomew's Day (Great Sabbat and Fire festival) large herb gathering

Sep 7 Marriage to the Beast sexual sacrifice, dismemberment infant - 21 (female)

Sep 21 Midnight Host blood dismemberment and hands removed for Hand of Glory (female)

Sep 22 date varies Feast Day (fall equinox) orgies oral, anal, vaginal any age

Oct 13 - 30 Preparation for all Hallows Eve, Samhain (Halloween) Abduction, holding and ceremonial preparation of individual for human sacrifice (13 -Backward Halloween Date)

Oct 28-30 Satanist High (Holy Day related to Halloween) blood human sacrifice each day any age (male orfemale)

Oct 30-31 All Hallows Eve and Halloween Night blood and sexual sexual climax, association with the demons, animal and/or human sacrifice any age (male or female and/or animal)

norobotono ago

It states "An all night celebration will commence on the last Saturday of October."

Many people have tried to get Halloween changed to the last Saturday of October - https://www.google.com/search?site=&source=hp&q=last+saturday+of+october&oq=last+saturday+of+october&gs_l=hp.3..0j0i22i30k1.1433.5500.0.5970.

Might make what they're up to easier than a weekday.

Archive.org traces that page back to 2005 but Halloween didn't fall on a Sat that year.

BaphometBat ago

James, here is a word of advice. Try and make yourself a little more inconspicuous.

eyeswide0pen ago

"The melting of children into feed for the woodland animals."

I wonder if this is a reference to the farm?

Phenomenonanon ago

That would be one way to dispose of a body

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Sounds like they're referring to burning children in the forest

Blacksmith21 ago

Maybe Captain 20 is DC's Jimmy Saville?

waybackwhen1987 ago

checked out the actors facebook in one photo he references a hooka smoking caterpiller from alice in wonderland cant archive on my phone look up dick dyszel... however everything else seems normal

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yes, you are correct! They lack any morals. They have no souls!

Haldelos ago

Might be nothing but the line: Come meet your new "neighbors"?!

Made me think...The other day I saw a pic of a sign (showing support/solidarity) left outside of comet and it read : "We Love our Neighbors" ...just thought it was odd wording and remembered it.

scroll down for pic http://wtop.com/dc/2016/12/after-gun-scare-community-rallies-behind-dc-pizzeria/slide/1/

norobotono ago

Looked up 'captain 20' on youtube and found this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ErNBnOTEkc Pizza on the wall with the kids and mentions a story about a baby who has to be given to the evil neighbour who locks her up in a tower in the forest (Rapunzel).

tjarco ago

Please add in sources/links/archives to where you found all of this information. - read rule 2 in the sidebar

flaired for needs more sources, will remove flair if you edit in the links

norobotono ago

Link is in original post and I provided links to the other site also

tjarco ago

allright! (I messed up here right? my bad) flair deleted

norobotono ago

Partly. The very first link was missing as it hadn't copied over from where I typed it up originally from but the rest were already included.

tjarco ago

haha ok, wel thanks for your efforts!

westmiguy ago

Witness for the first time the Rock Creek Park Portals and the Recruitment Center of Captain 20s Children.

Like, as in tunnel portals in Rock Creek Park?

Does this not match up with the guy that researched the tunnels the other day? I am not familiar with DC, so not sure, but I think they said the tunnels run under Rock Creek Park.

PQhonest ago

Wow. Another "weird" coincidence: tunnels (reportedly) involve Rock Creek Park. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1551878

"Portals" suggests doors or entry ways.

I'm still theorizing CumPanda means "with Panda" (latin) and I'm hearing that the Panda plaza at the National Zoo faces Rock Creek.

westmiguy ago

Yep, a portal is what an entrance to a tunnel is called; it is a common term, especially with railways, etc... A 'Tunnel Portal'.

norobotono ago

This page http://www.transformerdc.org/programs/temporal-projects has a picture of badges at the top saying "I've seen censored art and I'm ok" with the names Wodjarowicz, (a victim of child abuse who produced images like this http://jameswagner.com/mt_archives/WojnarowiczDavidKid.jpg ), Serrano (who uses his own shit and body fluids in his work and likes to photograph corpses - infamous for his 'piss-christ' picture) and Mapplethorpe (who like to photograph naked men, women and children and also BDSM images).

fifibrindacier ago

Actually, this text is amazing. It just says that homosexuals are chased as terrorists. Don't mix up homosexuals and pedos. This Wojnarowicz has potentially nothing to do with majestic apes or JA. They choose to expose him, because they all belong to the homosexual community. But as Wojnarowicz is aware he has received bad treatments, he is more subject to see bad treatments as what they are. JA or majestic apes are laughing about killing babies. They might not be aware of the bad treatments they received themselves.

norobotono ago

I don't have against homosexuals. No offense was intended. I only provided the link because several of the people being investigated seem to like buying and displaying art from victims of child abuse (hence the mention in brackets that Wojnarowicz was himself a victim). The image, however, would likely appeal to pedos.

fifibrindacier ago

Yeah I know you didn't want to offend homos, but I think this connection actually is not relevant. It is good to search everywhere and you are right to search and ask everywhere. But this is our duty to say if we think that something is relevant or not. That's what a proper investigation is.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

This stuff is so gross, makes me realize these freaks lack any intelligence. They have been mind controlled. So, none are given any reasoning ability, no intelligence. Even their controllers are severely limited in intelligence. Trump truthfully states he is smarter than all the other political opponents, and he certainly is!! Never doubt Trump!

kthanxie ago

Fuck Trump/Drumpf.

tehthu ago

Perhaps the ones at the bottom are mind controlled almost completely, but the ones at the top have a supreme intelligence... Ancient even.

Don't underestimate.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yes, the ones at the top, I should have reworded my original statement.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Agreed, and also want to add that the top's supreme intelligence is missing the component of a good heart, so there will always be a chink in their reasoning. That's how we will overcome them.

norobotono ago

Turns out JA and Tony Podesta are founding member's of the 'Visionary Leader's Circle' accoriding to this page http://www.transformerdc.org/give/visionary-friends