SkippyDog ago

Is this thread 1yr old? Sorry think I posted in the wrong place.

quantokitty ago

A year old? I've only been a member for three months. It'd be a neat trick if I could do that.

SkippyDog ago

Hi everyone, I am new to this website as I wanted to post a question. I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this before so I'm sorry if someone has. I looked on Google maps and on some property websites and I don't think that Pegasus Museum is actually 3518 on that street. I think it is the house behind Pegasus that is 3518. The house with a blue painted front that also has the word `Kids' spray painted on the wall to the front of it. The plot of land for 3518 stretches all the way back to Pagasus so I wondered if perhaps the basement stretches back all the way to Pegasus?,-77.0285226,3a,60y,277.57h,90.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAS9gKpiIuzw5pFS-cmO5Tw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7c81972e893c5:0x654c6b62e1dbe70!8m2!3d38.9332054!4d-77.0289946

If you look at the Redfin page at the link below. There is a Google image. Zoom in and you can see the demise for the property and it pretty much touches the rear of the Pegasus building.

quantokitty ago

It's an astute observation, but let me put it this way: even if it didn't stretch all the way back, it probably does now. That guy Ryan did a few videos documenting the renovation taking place there and the floors were torn up. They didn't show a basement, but one could have been dug so it's plausible.

GregNH ago

It was very common back then to build steam tunnels for heating. There are two plants referenced in this article Central Heating Plant which heated 71 public buildings. There is another reference to the GW Masonic Temple in Alexandria that was heated by a plant by tunnel that was on Duke St. This was just a quick search but I am sure these tunnels were probably utility tunnels. So searching "steam" or "utility" tunnels yields more results. I also came across this Notes From The Underground where a Georgetown student explored the heating tunnels and in his notes claimed to have mapped them but I am done for today....

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

This tunnel post should be linked with the post conecting the Missing 411 areas and proximity to shipping ports.

The tunnels I was most skeptical about surrounding pizzagate since it is the most nepharious, but now it is starting to make the most sense. It may connect to Missing 411 as well. There is a wooded area behind the Comet area of an old creek bed. Dried up creek bed implies that it is since managed seemingly from a drainage/tunnel system. This wooded area theme, Bucks Camping World and the missing kids found around camp sites starts to connect some dots. Keep in mind tunnels tend to be made for drainage purposes. They are clear and open most of the time otherwise. Also note, these Missing 411 reports tend to be just before a storm. A basic prediction of a weather report would clue them to do whatever it is that they do with their tunnels before the storm and after of course their tracks are washed up from the whole deal.

So the next thing is that these tunnels may also be connected to shipping ports. That would be the next thing to investigate. Check the other post regarding this.

Most parks btw in nearly every city are built around drainage systems. They purposely have these low areas and instead of concrete they fill it with grass and make a park of it. The LA river has all kinds of drainage tunnels and things happening incidently and that area has a lot of issues with this traffiking stuff. Look at the recent sting. They have both the shipping and the tunnels in one place at Long Beach and LA river area. That would be an area to investigate. With the One Child policy and state sanctioned kidnapping that happens in China and all those containers coming one way into that port, that would be a major area to check out. Clintons and Obama had a lot of ties there with Hollyweirdness.

quantokitty ago

No doubt they all work together ... as does giving the context for shipments. Museums covers it nicely.

Micheal84 ago

quantokitty ago

Thanks. So curious. JA's pawprint seems to be everywhere.

BrickInTheVVall ago

FYI. The image links don't work anymore... I am getting "This site can’t be reached" when I try to view them.

quantokitty ago

Well, there you go! It's why you should keep your own archive, but then maybe you're just discovering the post. I really don't know if I'm going to put the pics back up. Seems futile if JA's henchmen keep taking them down. I put them up ... they take them down ... I put them up ... they take them down ... the good thing is that lots of people saw the original post and the info is out there. They can't take that down.

BrickInTheVVall ago

Just discovered the post today. Just wanted to let you know that the links don't work anymore. The censorship is real!

3301 ago

Hi OP I have worked on a couple of threads regarding tunnels etc. Hopefully these can relieve your tunnel headache.

Read this thread first for context

Then read my comment to this thread


Your thoughts obviously welcome.

VeritateVivere ago

Here's a little brain candy that links the pedo rings / Monica Peterson/ CIA/ Clinton Foundation/ & a host of others -Everytime I watch a new segment I cry, b/c the worldwide child pedo web of which pizzagate is a major essential hub seems to have no end. But we must fight for the children- Please watch this series-it started 83 days ago- but there is a lot of review and overlap- the man commentating has others helping him research There is a google doc at the bottom of the show more section which has a great deal of documented sources on oil/ arms /kids -it all fits together- it will explain how sex trafficking is entangled with oil and arms and government toppling-including our own.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for the info. As depressing as it is to read this stuff, everyone needs to know how it works so we can guard against it.

quantokitty ago

Thanks and will try to do.

MattHelm ago

There are dozens of high-tech modern tunnels under D.C. all of them controlled by the CIA FBI NSA and those are the top secret tunnels that would be used to move kids around town. You have to be a VIP to get access to these tunnels. Senators Congressmen Cabinet Secretaries and so on. Or you have to be very wealthy. There are secret entrances inside parking garages and other locations.

quantokitty ago

Yes, true, but this opens up the specter of undiscovered tunnels out there. We don't know how thorough that original investigation of Dyar was. They may have just followed up on the ones accidentally discovered. It's why I posted the article about the secret tunnel in the Tenderloin section of San Francisco only now being discovered. While that tunnel was "secret", was it really? In other words, did groups know about it and use it, and is it now only being thrust into the spotlight? So the Dupont tunnels we know about, but this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there are tunnels around. And it's very disturbing that this NW section is exactly where Dyar dug.

Flat_Truth ago

Great job you guys. I think now, we are just waiting on righteousness to be restored in our law enforcement and criminal justice systems. Keep spreading knowledge and have faith.

specialplan ago

Can you make a properly labeled map?

quantokitty ago

This is properly labeled. The small white circles with the thick black outlines are the locations. The icon next to the locations listed on the left show the icon used. There's also a bold faced address next to the icon. Thanks.

quantokitty ago

Really? I need to delve into Trolley Park and see WTH is going on.

quantokitty ago

What? Now I have to read it! Thanks so much.

Littleredcorvette ago

Dyar Tunnels--

Here are some additional resources for the Dyar Tunnels that I found online. I am on a mobile device, so my copy/paste sometimes loses the formatting. (My apologies. I do the best I can.)

Old newspaper article stating that a building inspector will inspect the tunnels and lay before the District commissioners a report of his findings. Does this mean that there should be an official report filed somewhere? (This needs some local eyes on it.)

An excerpt from the article:

“And what of the tunnels themselves? After Dyar’s death, the Department of Agriculture bought the B Street house to use its dark, moist passages for mushroom-growing experiments. The tunnels were briefly considered for use as air raid shelters during World War II. Everything was demolished in the construction of the FAA headquarters.

“As for Dyar’s 21st Street tunnels, an entrance was exposed in 1958 when Lewis Curd was building a wall behind 1510 and 1512 21st St. NW. His three children were hustled underground for a photo that ran in this paper.

“I think the answer can be found in the Latin carved on an arch in the B Street catacomb: Facilis descensus Averno. From “The Aeneid,” it means, “The way down to Hell is easy.” But Virgil’s passage continues: “The path out of Hell is hard.”

Another excerpt:

“I consulted many sources while researching Harrison G. Dyar. Thank you to Marc E. Epstein, who, with the Smithsonian’s Pamela M. Henson, published the fullest account so far of Dyar’s life in a 1992 edition of American Entomologist, the magazine of the Entomological Society of America. What we know about Dyar today is due to Marc’s tireless effort.

“I also appreciate the assistance of the staff at the Smithsonian Institution Archives, Shenandoah National Park (especially Reed Engle, the park’s former historian), the Library of Congress, the National Archives, the Bahai National Center, the National Museum of Natural History, D.C. Public Library’s Washingtoniana Division, the Historical Society of Washington’s Kiplinger Library, Marilyn Arnold of Find Your Family, Brian Kraft (compiler of historic District building permits), the District Department of Transportation, DC Water and Dafydd Dyar.”

This article was published but requires a subscription or purchase. It is a report where an interested party researched Dyar’s work. Unsure if it also mentioned his tunnels. It may be only about the entomologist work Dyar did.

“Digging for Dyar: The Man Behind the Myth

Restricted access

Marc E. Epstein, Pamela M. Henson

DOI: 148-171 First published online: 1 July 1992”

Podcast Episode 123: Washington D.C.’s Hidden Tunnels

This article includes a diagram of Dyar’s B Street catacomb, which was published in Modern Mechanics in August 1932. DIAGRAM OF TUNNEL DESCENDING PLATFORM

Comments are interesting (here are a few from 2006):

“During the 1920s Dyar’s most peculiar hobby came to light. When a truck fell into a labyrinth of tunnels near Dyar’s old home in 1924, newspaper speculation attributed these to World War I spy nests, Civil War trysts, and mad scientists. Eventually Dyar accepted responsibility for the tunnels and similar works behind his new home, saying he found relaxation in digging underground. The brick-walled tunnels extended for hundreds of feet and measured six by six feet.”

From comments (april 26, 2009): “Check out the 140+ American Uunderground Bases, 1400 Worldwide they are called the “DUMB’s”. It stands for Deep Underground Military Bases. the united stats goverment above all cia , fbi and even nato/un,w.e , Are dealin with intense shit, aliens, since 1930s, constant conflict Actually since augest 1979 . U.S. sticks their fingers in so many candy jars 4 real”

( ) This article includes some reference links at the bottom, including

this genealogy link:

This link to a book called Short Talks on the Practical Application of the Bahai Revelation co-written by Dyar and his wife/lover:

A site about H-Bahai:

Another link where the comments are pretty interesting:

Odd note on this page: “Mrs. Dyar had relatives in Seattle's earliest Bahá'í community (see attachment), and her daughter, Dorothy Dyar was a minister of the Unitarian Church in Seattle for a number of years where Bahá'ís were invited to give talks.”

Link to Allen v. Allen divorce record

More links

A flame as a moth: how I began chronicling the life of Harrison G. Dyar, Jr., Part 1

“At the time I met Pam Henson she mentioned a newspaper clipping about Dyar’s tunnel in Dupont Circle from September 1924: it had been sent to Dyar by a correspondent in South America. I went to the Library of Congress microfiches of Washington, DC papers and I was amazed to find articles about not just one set of Dyar’s tunnels, but another across from the National Mall. These findings got us talking about writing an article about Dyar.

Dyar—the offspring of an inventor whose work in telegraphy nearly beat Samuel Morse to the punch and a spiritualist whose sister supposedly co-hosted a séance attended by no less than President Abraham Lincoln—was fated from birth to lead a sui generis life. Throughout his long and meandering career, the bug boffin’s exploits would win him as many enemies as they would admirers.

Not Dyar Tunnel related, but here is some information on abandoned underground mines in the Penn, Maryland and West Virginia areas.

Underground abandoned mine lands in Mid-Atlantic Highlands

Another mine article: Presentation: Historical and Recent Abandoned underground Mine Roadway Mitigation in Maryland

quantokitty ago

Upvoat for you! Great links! Just found the diagram in Modern Mechanics. That is plush and sophisticated. Something built to last and use. Thanks for all of this.

quantokitty ago

Ha!!!! Exactly.

micha_ ago

WOW! NO FACTS ABOUT THE CLAIMED TUNNELS below the adresses, and only ten downvotes and 400 upvotes? Proud downvoter! @quantokitty, aren't you the girl who had made already several fake youtube videos about underground tunnels under CPP?

PolybiusPizza ago

I bet you've never been under a city before... In the tunnels nobody knows about. Its weird.

micha_ ago

And because there are many tunnels in cities it's ok to write BULLSHIT articles claiming certain properties were above tunnels without presenting ANY facts... Are you THAT dumb?

quantokitty ago

Fishing for who I am? I will neither confirm nor deny and make your job easier. I am getting major pushback on this. If it's receiving this level of animosity and scrutiny, I think I hit a bull's eye. Thanks.

micha_ ago


KingKongisCTR ago

I made a post about some strange places near P street. Turns out a guy I found is also Facebook friends with Alefantis.

quantokitty ago

Really? I'm going to check this out. Thanks.

VieBleu ago

Is there no formal way to quit? Cults can be like that.

Meg-A-Lo-Maniac ago

Great work, Quantokitty! It is the dedicated people like yourself, that are helping to uncover all this information and expose these degenerates for what they truly are, fucking pedophiles.

quantokitty ago

Hey, thanks for that!

Meg-A-Lo-Maniac ago

It's the truth..keep up the good fight!

quantokitty ago

Yes! Dig, dig, dig!!!

whatonearth ago

Look into it, maybe. But read this thread: Most of the people in it are taking this as absolute proof and, in some cases, giving heartfelt speeches about how it's all proven now and they're so proud to be part of it. That's what I mean is ridiculous.

micha_ ago

I only see a map, with unknown adresses and a route for a car. No Alefantis real estates are marked, no map of a tunnels system overlayed.

Everyone hailing this post has checked the addresses and verified the tunnel system? I doubt that... Collective hysteria?

quantokitty ago

All but one of the "Unknown addresses" are JA's property.

micha_ ago

Why not marked on the map? And where is the tunnel's map?

I have noticed, you always make claims without delivering the facts for the claims... And the stupid sheep upvote it without demanding the facts for the claims. LOL.

specialplan ago

Can you draw/label on the map what youre talking about? I see five dots miles apart in the city? Sorry I don't have all these landmarks memorized I don't follow this thing that closely.

wokethefkup ago

i got downvoted for sharing that "matchboxmeglet" came up on a list of confirmed shills. sorry i'm not pulling this out my ass a bunch of others were on the list who i also know for a fact aren't shills. i guess i could of clicked your profile but was mobile. wasn't trying to tarnish your e rep haha.

Fire_Fly ago

Not sure how far this is from the White House but found this info and haven't seen anyone else mention it

quantokitty ago

Thanks. If you look on the last Google map link ... the one without Comet Pizza, you'll see The Octagon House right below Google. The Octagon House has tunnels to The White House.

Fire_Fly ago


DeathToMasons ago


quantokitty ago


Anonymous987654321 ago

Great work OP! One step closer to bringing this whole apparatus crumbling to the ground from which it came.

quantokitty ago

Thanks! Appreciate it and I hope so.

smileyvirus ago

Cbradio ago

Why not tunnels? Not as if pedo crimes are a clean biz, other related agendas, privacy for multi reasons, and efficiency in all types of Biz, Npo, govt are organized systems that work for them, not the people, etc.

The pig farm, a possible route of " product, "waste.

Yet, no doubt in my mind, as have been digging up for weeks plus that " sustainable, green, and other key terms used in govt to multi industries are involved in body parts of life as waste, crude, etc are utilized for products, resources, catalysts to manufacturer.

I'm tired, and posted a lot of sources of too much to relist here, as also have continued to dig up these industries and need to post.

They are on NASDAQ and other Worldwide markets.

Many of the companies are on the list by NY times that are given access to do Biz in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and such. I posted that list.

Emerging industries have always been ways for the new billionaires or current ones to continue to monopololize.

Beware the words sustainable, organic, green, crude, mbm fuel, bio diesel ( Ca waste as catalyst), prostrones and more.

Is no wonder that Obama failed on his promises to solar, excon and others of epa fuel requirements, that put a number of the start ups under for it has made way for the bio fuels and mgm ones to lead multi markets. I'd keep a eye on him and his foundation, along with CF, of course.

For 16 years, ( BBC article I posted), mbm fuel has been used to run a entire UK electric utility. Amazing, locals to animal RTS activists, not on this. Tons of dead cows that are simply used up from smiling are turned into milled chips. 200 cows in each ton shipped on each FEMA like carton on train freights a day. Science has engineer researchers building the planned Canadian mbm utilities.

Science also has a lot of the USA, university, corp, worldwide research with bio fuels, using calcium CA waste as catalyst for bio fuels. Mass money and grants are poured into these research endeavors.

Septime Webre has Dr Kuno, ballet funder, posting on his Facebook. One of Kunos research and Nasdaq utilizes PROSTRONES, functional derived fatty acids from humans. Amitizo med, highly used in all types of institutions, under her Sucampo Pharm with Takeda Pharmaceuticals.

A boystown exec is also.on Conagrua corp.

Retsch corp that has been around since early 1940s in Germany has expanded with mills to cut and carve human bones in multi medical procedures. Their own PDF file lists a San Antonia lab as a donor place for them. A San Antonio, Flanagan Boystown site is not far.

There is Boystown Town in New Mexico, not far from Epstein. The convenience of the added multi boys town locations is as "convenient as the tunnel data that is posted on this subverse, and others that ones worked hard to find, compile and post.

Public health and welfare/ CPs are also highly systemic and route target populations.

Wikileaks emails, RE: Podesta/Wynne: Have Podesta emailing and asking Cherly mills to call him asap, about a news article that covers Wynne fed court case of illegal medical procedures that were caught. Podesta called it a Breitbart and ( another media) loop. Makes me wonder timing of Breitbart death and those emails. The xo factor used in the illegal spine surgery is if Ca grinded to a paste. YET, Fda DID approve Wynne's corp to do arm surgery with those ingredients, prior.

And as huge industries, npos and attorneys are listed on nytimes fo do Biz in these destabilized countries; some are microbial corps. Microbials are with cattle feed, pet food, chemicals AND I found research and articles that microbials can lead to immune suppression and infectious contamination by simply changing simple variables, such as mix populations of life, change temperature, and other simple ways to stimulate disease outbreaks and immune suppressions.

American Biosystems based in Ronoake, VA is on the no sanctions list to be in these countries. One of many articles of research in microbials is by Kelly Servick, with Mouse Microbial research that gives an easier beginner aproacj on the scientific research and uses of microbials.

Anything that is profit, systemic, efficient, routing, etc is a norm, and hence tunnels have many uses and would utilize a infrastructure of architect already in place to some degree that a lot of old cities do have, just as basements in various regions.

I do find it interesting that the storage bins of cattle mbm are very similar to FEMA ones. O also found that mbm and other bone mill paste is used as a filler/ binder in plastics, pet food, supplements, pharmaceuticals, and also in fertilizers, organic fertilizers, and hydroponics.

Conagrua would be one of many corps with supply or industry machinery infrastructure. So would worldwide Ingredion corp, that is in USA, many countries, including in subsahara Africa, and attended the 2009 World Food "Sustainable," Summit. Bio material food is a phrase that Ingredion and many use.

IF fbianon legit, he/she did state that it was sooo bad. What would be worse than body parts/ fluids used for mass multi industries?

Aside, been looking into Abromovitch and she has a funding site up for a Hudson, NY center. Also, found her on PDF fliers with top people and industries in body harnessed as energy and mind programming. Looked up the two artists that were her "best students." They also have become the renaissance artists of the bigwigs. Connects also to #skeemart and sugar again, as does artist Kara Walker.

And Abromovitch Documentary, she has a website. Directors, producers on film show more connections. And also connects to a show that was airing and various Npo charities for both kids and poor females.

Sebastian Bienek Marvin Minsky Maro Chermayeff Matthew Akers Nikola Tesla Institute

Sorry, also will post the TV show that Maro did, going worldwide, including Africa and Haiti with various celebs, non profits with covering abuse on females, slave labor and "child trafficking!!"

That called false news, Maro and crew, that connect direct to Abromovitch as worked to do Abromivitch Documentary, have gone AND been doing this TV show on child trafficking with various nonprofits, I'll list those laters..

SpikyAube ago

These tunnels would make a good documentary. Could you/we/someone find a documentary filmmaker to pitch to a mainstream network for a documentary detailing the history etc and revolving around the possibility of forgotten tunnels and efforts to ascertain whether those tunnels exist. You could bring in academic experts who have all the technology for discovering tunnels underground without digging etc, and make it all exciting, like... 'will they find secret tunnels or won't they? And if they do, what will they find in them??!' and do it all very much out in the open. Maybe the History Channel, they were going to air that documentary about the Franklin Scandal before they were told not to, after all. No one even needs to mention PG or present day state crimes. And if someone came to try and shut it down it would look really really suspicious, so could only be good for the cause.

The documentary idea came to mind because of one I watched not long ago where they were looking for secret forgotten Nazi underground tunnels in Germany, hoping that the 'Nazi Gold Train' and its treasure was in one of them. It could follow a similar format. We'd need some willing people in that industry I guess.

ich1baN ago

This is fucking genius.

SpikyAube ago

Maybe it could be made into a post to see if anyone's interested in it, but I guess that would then advertise it to the baddies. I don't know any film makers, do you?

ich1baN ago

@Vindicator ... Honestly this is seriously genius. Do we have connections to the entertainment world. This is something the History Channel, Discovery Channel, etc would love to do if it's posited the right way... especially that alien guy with the crazy hair. Should @SpikeAube make this into another post if this gains relevance?

Vindicator ago

I think it's a great idea. I would reach out to the people who have already done these types of shows in Paris and elsewhere. Someone might want to see if there are any tour guides who do "underground tours" in DC. Haunted house tour guides also might be a good resource. @DcAn0n might be able to help, as well. See his new post.

quantokitty ago

Now THAT is a FANTASTIC IDEA!!! I think it should be independently produced so the filmmaker could delve into everything we needed to know. But the pretext is brilliant! And it is worth doing! Oh, definitely a gofundme would fill up quickly. I wonder who could do this ... You know, maybe someone start a production company and then hire the person that would be able to do this.

quantokitty ago

Wow, thank you. Very nice for you to say.

Cbradio ago

Can someone do a property search (dc, real propeety data search)Clinton in DC? For I did, looks like owns something. Found green card/other work visas under gov search for multi Clinton foundations, too...))

. Sorry, need rest, catch up, over loaded w info to post...great work. Also,

40yearsoftrees ago

Does anyone think the napkin with the "pizza related map" could be a map of the tunnels or entrances to the tunnels?

Fire_Fly ago

Now that's a thought! .....

sleepingbeautycan ago

You know those Ground Penetrating Radar things that can map what is underground? Can't we rent one of those suckers and do a complete circle around the locations (on public property) to see if there is in fact a tunnel? I can't see how mapping the underground of public domain areas would be illegal.

quantokitty ago

Have no idea. If it's on public property, maybe not. There is that group that formed to investigate tunnels. Have no idea what they're up to, but hope they take this on.

wokethefkup ago

Wasn't this account verified shill?

flyingcuttlefish ago

this (free) tool might be useful for putting the old map on a google current map of Conn. Ave. where CPP is. It does a transparent lay over effect --

quantokitty ago

Nice. Thank.

TheSpeaker2 ago

While I don't discount the significance of the Pegasus Museum, be careful about reading too much into such an attack. If my objective were to throw dogs off the scent, then I would make obvious attacks on information or theories that were false leads or inaccurate, which would likely misdirect a large audience to a tree yielding ultimately no fruit.

quantokitty ago

You mean, its significance? You're definitely entitled to your opinion, but two properties? One behind the other and pics of peeking out the window? No, something was going on ... or going to go on.

TheSpeaker2 ago

"While I don't discount the significance..."

flyingcuttlefish ago

blogged all this - I will post newer items in the comments on the post.

Trying to open the big map - in jp2 format - so fooling around with that.

quantokitty ago

Awesome. The more eyes we get on it, the better.

flyingcuttlefish ago

there are free tools - but i am afraid of gremlins that often come along

LaDonnaRae ago

OK, but are we walking all that way? With an incapacitated and/or dead body? Do we know if they have trolleys, golf carts, or some other mode of transportation? I know portions of the tunnel have been renovated, and others are being renovated. But, are people traveling the distance you have mapped out on foot (entirely possible, but difficult if you have a captive)?

quantokitty ago

Have no idea what they're doing. I would guess they're used as a way to move from point A to B without being seen. Sort of a cultish thing. I don't know why they'd be used to walk the entire distance from say Rock Creek to P Street. I would think access points would be used. Yes, they could have things down there to move heavy objects. A cart or gardening type of wheel barrow would work. It could also be a meeting place and a place where you can watch where something is happening on the street. In the access points, you may be able to observe. I really don't know.

LaDonnaRae ago

OK. Just curious as to the theory here. We shall see.


There could be tracks. Look at El Chapo and his escape tunnels.

LaDonnaRae ago

We KNOW there are tracks. These are old subway tunnels! What I am saying is, what (if anything) is there in the way of actual transportation?


This is a game changer. All we need to do now is get into those tunnels and set up a stakeout. There has to be access or exit points somewhere along these routes. Points that do not empty into homes or businesses.Vents, drains, etc. How do we locate these? Old fashioned canvassing?

quantokitty ago

You raise an interesting point re: the scalp. How did he know that's what it was? I saw the same thing you did and thought it was a bird. Why would he recognize or know it was someone's scalp?

Hermesthriceborn ago

Finish the square and compass and you'll have the tunnel I bet

quantokitty ago

Something like that, yes.

quantokitty ago


VieBleu ago

what do you know, that you can tell us more about...please unload a bit.

quantokitty ago

Yes! Thanks for reminding me about that. In fact, the tunnels were a way of discrediting the children's testimony. When they spoke about the tunnels, the authorities thought they were lying and making things up. Yes, indeed. Excellent point!

thicktail1730947 ago

Do the tunnels indicate any other suspicious properties in the area? Which other properties may have access to the same network of tunnels?

Forgetmenot ago

Is there a luciferian significance to using tunnels? The tunnels might not only be for transport. Maybe some of their rituals require things performed underground. Doesn't podesta have a subterranean viewing room as well?

Fatsack ago

This is a red herring. I don't think this has anything to do with Pizzagate. The post is confusing, and it doesn't actually make sense when you read it. Also Vindicator is an unknown mod to me, haven't ever seen him before.

Antonius ago

Comet Pizza always looked like a front. Now it looks even more like a front.

IlluminatiKing ago

That is not suspicious at all. /s

Pizzatemp420 ago

Jesus, what happened while I was at work?! Fantastic job!

quantokitty ago


AugustaJulia ago

This is a tangential comment. Now the military has the equipment to "look" through the earth and discover tunnels that are very deep. For some reason the figure of 20 meters comes to mind, although I might be wrong. We also have infrared equipment that allows us to see through walls and roofs.

It's interesting to know, in any case. People used to build tunnels or escape to thick forests in order to hide. Now we are living in the "you can run but you can't hide" times. I used to think that this is totally creepy, but perhaps in this case it will allow us to smoke the bad guys out.

waxdino ago

Forgive me if this is mentioned in the million comments, but I don't see it... the tunnel digger's house locale is now the federal aviation administration, according to that article. Ties to easy government access? That should be checked out.

quantokitty ago

Oh, really? No, I did not know that. Great info. Thanks.

whitehand ago

So glad God spared me from working for them.


The corrupt ones at the top define the culture of the organisation.

MolochHunter ago

how many FBI agents are parents? I'd fully endorse your view if applied to the CIA. The FBI is only a half-rotten apple

Godwillwin ago

I hope the justice you seek and deserve is found. May the predator faced be locked away forever.

pizza_flesh2 ago Hover over Alafantis. It goes to [email protected]

Also, The Strand obviously has a basement with possible tunnel access.

Here is the kicker... ON THE SAME BLOCK. construction showing a ladder going what looks like to be pretty deep. only thing, it's on the other side of the road.

GermanynamreG ago

The problem would be that they would be silenced in every scenario in which taking down the washington morass isnt Trumps priority no 1. They would need to upload the evidence multiple and spread the links (and never ever send it to wikileaks)

salinaslayer ago


imkhan ago

interesting post, i agree with the idea of getting citizen journalists in the area and getting some video/photo documentation of what these access points could possibly look like. i think all of this is hidden in plain view, but because none of us are child sacrificing pedophile satanists- we wouldn't think to look at the 'plan view evidence' from the perspective of bad intentions.

quantokitty ago

Too true. I think it's the difference in perspective. For instance, if a regular citizen with honorable intention walks into a bar, they see the bartender, a place where they can sit and enjoy themselves and maybe some friends they know. If a predator walks in, they see that some woman left their purse unattended. Or a female has a drink that she's not keeping an eye on and that they can drop something into it to knock her out and drag her home. It's all in perspective. 99% of the population are not looking for tunnels in their normal daily lives. Only people that need them are trying to find them.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, I wish I could. It's a compilation quote of about twelve articles I read today. They each had something different to say, but all those were mentioned. I think L Street, too? Wouldn't swear to that, but the others? Definitely mentioned, but I wouldn't take someone's word for it either so it's fine if you don't believe me.

waxdino ago

This is great, and I appreciate the work. But I think everyone should put their boners away until we know more about these tunnels. Like, a map. Something more soild than the vague "from p st to maybe rock creek park." This is a great start, and I really think you're on to something big. But surely before all this excitement we should find more about the tunnels.

quantokitty ago

I think we can get excited and learn more. I can't believe that they're there in this area and lead to the park. It's so "convenient"!

I-am-not-James ago

thanks for the heads up. Yes, I see it now. Our info is a better indication of where they stand in their dark/light checker board domino game than msm or the politicians. They need us to see what moves to make next.

AreWeSure ago

You're completely misreading the article. The tunnels do not go to Rock Creek Park. That was a reported rumor that turned out to be false. Hence, the line "None of the above."

*Reports indicated that the tunnels were long and extensive *— that they may have reached as far as Rock Creek Park. Some electric lighting was discovered inside. For days, wild theories abounded. Was it a Confederate soldier hideout? A stop on the Underground Railroad? A liquor depot for bootleggers? A counterfeiter’s lair? Or maybe a secret laboratory for “Dr. Otto von Golph’s” experiments?

None of the above.

The tunnels were not long and extensive, they were measured in yards not miles. I don't know what your maps are intended to show, but the man did not build miles and miles of tunnels by himself. He basically built two tunnels under houses he lived in. The tunnels didn't extend much beyond his own property. They also both collapsed and each collapse made the Washington Papers. These are not existing and functioning tunnels.

You can see this book for more information. Moths, Myths, and Mosquitoes: The Eccentric Life of Harrison G. Dyar, Jr

waxdino ago

I think the none of the above clearly refers to the "wild theories," not the "reports."
Those tunnels collapsed in places, but were soild, made of brick and well built. What if that is when they were restored and reused? Tell the MSM to say they were "sealed with concrete" and never went anywhere anyway. But rumors of the day had him traveling traveling between two secret families... I really doubt we have all the information on these tunnels.

Yates ago

We've had several extensive tunnel threads here very early on. There is an extensive subway under the capitol and this is blocks from Dupont Circle with its tunnels, which overlaps the above map. The capitol subway is constantly running and being maintained by a large crew. It would be easy to do similar work elsewhere in the city and stay undetected.

edit: old tunnel thread there are many more

AreWeSure ago

Dude, the tunnels were never very long and didn't connect to anything. If they collapsed in places, they are unusuable.

What if? What if is just making up things. Which is fun, but don't call it evidence. What if they have a Star Trek transporter and could just beam themselves around the city.

This tunnel theory is bunk.

waxdino ago

It's fun to read the MSM, just believe it, and think I'm well informed, but don't call it knowing the whole story. Looking at those brick-lined tunnels, I find it hard to think that even partially collapsed, they couldn't shore them up and reuse them. And if they did, do you think the ap would do a story on it? Or say, "oh they're sealed, and weren't ever really much anyway"?
The theory may be bunk, but I can't discount it until more info is found. What happened between those old-timey stories and the 90s?

AreWeSure ago

Here's a 1992 Associated Press article on Dyar which gives the size of his tunnels

So do the tunnels themselves, which fan out as far as 200 feet behind his old Dupont Circle home, though they're now sealed with concrete. But they never went anyplace anyway.

whatonearth ago

I think part of the issue is that Quantokitty is assuming that Rock Creek Park is just the big blob where the words "Rock Creek Park" are written on the Google map. But locals in DC (the audience for that GGW article) will say Rock Creek Park for the entire length running alongside Rock Creek for miles and miles in DC. You can enter the parkland just a block and a half west of where Dyar's house was, at 23rd and P street. The local audience that GGW is written for would interpret "all the way to Rock Creek Park" to mean "a couple blocks underground, which is pretty impressive for one guy working alone in the 19th century", not as "several miles".

Edit: Yeah, looking some more, I'm convinced now that that's the confusion... someone writing for a local audience wrote "to Rock Creek Park" meaning "dang, this one guy built pretty impressive tunnels for like a block or two with relatively primitive technology" and probably never thought an out-of-towner would read it and interpret it to mean all the way up to where there's enough room for Google Maps to fit the words "Rock Creek Park" in.

AreWeSure ago

Actually in general the confusion is the guy built two small tunnels under his properties. He did not build an extensive tunnel system throughout the city or a system that connected to other tunnels.

whatonearth ago

Oh, I agree with you. What I meant was I had a lot of trouble understanding the /u/quantokitty OP, because I have been in that neighborhood and have a good memory for street layouts, so when I saw that the house was around 21st and P and some people thought a tunnel might have reached Rock Creek, I immediately thought "oh, a couple blocks over to 23rd St". So I was scratching my head reading and rereading Quantokitty's post trying to figure out what she thought she had found, until finally I realized that her Google Maps screenshot was meant to imply that Rock Creek Park was miles away from Dyar's house. So not even the article (written for a local audience familiar with the neighborhood) was trying to imply that Dyar's tunnels were long.

For the sake of anyone else trying to figure out what I mean: Rock Creek Park stretches along the entire length of Rock Creek in DC, and you can enter the park just about a minute's walk from where Dyar's house was. If you Google map search for Hotel Palomar DC (which stands where Dyar's house and tunnels were), zoom in and look a little to the west of the hotel and you'll see a small bridge called Luzon's Legion Bridge that crosses over the park. If you use street view to look at the southwest corner of 23rd and P streets there, you can see the brown sign that says "Rock Creek Park Park Watch".

quantokitty ago

What? Have no idea what you're talking about. None.

whatonearth ago

You seemed to think that Dyar built a tunnel that was miles long. I was pointing out that there was no evidence of that because Rock Creek Park passes right by where Dyar's house was, about a one-minute walk away. Then I tried to describe in words how to see that for yourself on Google Maps, because for some reason Voat's mobile site breaks when I try to post links.

iamthepizzanow ago

Hmmm... that could be just as true. How can we know for sure without taking some researchers or reporters word for it? For both parts, of course.

AreWeSure ago

Epistemology is a tricky thing.

quantokitty ago

Interesting. Thanks for the suggestion.

SmilingWide ago

Forgive me if this was mentioned, but when I looked up this Dyar guy I found an article that stated:

"The ceilings were arched, like some medieval catacomb. In places Dyar had sculpted the heads of animals and humans.

One arch was inscribed with a bit of Latin: Facilis Descensus Averno. From Virgil, it means: “The way down to the lower world is easy.”


quantokitty ago

I did not see that. Thanks for the info. He obviously was doing more than "exercising".

2impendingdoom ago

One of the comments in this washintonpost article: sugarplum491 11/4/2012 7:33 AM EST Washington has more modern walkable tunnels, at least one of which runs beneath Southwest and is connected to the downtown area near Connecticut Avenue. Why are they there? Are they relics of some Cold War "protect the government" business? The old National War College was located at Fort McNair. I sense a connection, but is this my imagination? Do tell, Answer Man.

quantokitty ago

Have no idea. I just discovered Dyar yesterday so this is all new to me. I do think there's a connection in all this. It's why I'd like this seen by as many people as possible. Everyone thinks differently. Just read the comments. I like that everyone comes at the problem in a unique direction. It's ultimately what's needed here.

Singleservename ago

The Virgil quote continues in the inscription as in Aenid: Smooth the descent, and easy is the way. But to return, and view the cheerful skies, In this the task and mighty labor lies.

Freemasonsrus ago

Ok,way out there, but..Would explain how Chandra Levy was disposed of in RC Park if she wasn't murdered there.

quantokitty ago

Who said she wasn't murdered there? The tunnels could have allowed the murderer to arrive at the park unseen and depart without using any of the trails. Not sure if they have cams up there, but the less that you have a chance to be seen, the better.

Blacksmith21 ago

I brought Levy up a while ago. The one that makes no sense to me and is on my "to do" list is looking more closely at the wealth Greek family who was tortured and murdered in their house, which was then set on fire. Oh, /'d that house is right in pedohood. What are the chances that Wint, who was from a Caribbean island, may have been a slave who made it into adulthood, Greek guy (can't remember name, working from cell sitting in the dark)couldn't toss his "pet", so he gives him a job at his company. Years later, Wint freaks, goes back and kills his master and family. Who else would rape and murder a family without something like that? Stavopolous? Read back on this and see if something doesn't seem really odd about this case.

LeChevalBlanc ago

Greek family was in Building business and Republican supporters. The only perp they put the hand on left traces of ADN on crunches found on the scene crime.

Crunches of.................................. a pizza that had been ordered while the crime was going on. Weird story and unclear resolution of the case.

Blacksmith21 ago

And also 2 miles away from CPP only one block from a straight shot up Conn Ave.

For those who don't know the story. This case is very, very strange:

Freemasonsrus ago

I'm just weirded out the FAA now owns the property where this began.

On another note, Dyer's reasoning for building the tunnels makes no sense. That would take more than one person and a hell of a lot of time. Not a "hobby" on the side to relax.

SmilingWide ago

I think we need more research into Dyar. He sounds like a plant. The entire attitude towards him was that he was "boring," nothing to see here...

quantokitty ago

I know. It's ridiculous. Why anyone would believe that miles of tunnels were for him son to play in is ridiculous. Who sends their children underground to play? Parents want them outside getting fresh air, not in some underground tunnel.

Singleservename ago

Dyar was obviously full of shit about his tunnels. He could not have dug, walled and moved the earth necessary for a tunnel to Rock Creek on his own, all the while working as a renowned entomologist, writing several stories and a novel, raising kids with both his wife and a mistress etc.

Remember he did not just dig these tunnels. He decorated them with faces and inscriptions, put expensive enamel bricks on large parts , built arches, doors and entrances etc.

It's impossible to do in eleven years time. And where did he leave the earth he brought up? It would quickly have filled his p street lot, as well as the other properties he bought there later on.

It could be that the secret tunneling to Rock Creek Park was the first stretch, so he (well, they) could move earth there. Would be interesting to look at ground level differences there before and after 1906-1915. There is a golf course there though.

lhunterel ago

My understanding from reading the articles is he "rediscovered civil war era tunnels" ,then was forced to resign for, "behavior not fitting a government worker.." he might have claimed discovery but I didnt read where he said he built them..

Freemasonsrus ago

Ya his explanation is ludicrous. Just seeing the details from the few pics linked it's obvious one man did not do that unless he was doing it for 50yrs.

Investigate1999 ago

You're going to have to help me out here.

  1. Where is the Pegasus Museum on the map?
  2. Why do you need to take out CP [...Comet Ping Pong??], and then add in E St?

quantokitty ago

  1. If you open the link where I mention adding Pegasus Museum, you'll see on the left in the blue the locations. Pegasus is the last one. It's 3518 11th St. NW. You'll notice the little balloon icon next to it. If you go to the map, You'll see the orange balloon indicating the white circle outlined in black. That's Pegasus museum. It's the only thing with the orange balloon indicator. 2. I didn't need to take it out. I thought it was clearer to show the connection to The Transformer Museum and the E Street location where Dyar dug. It practically forms the letter T. I never mapped the locations out on Google. People always mapped the Pegasus Museum by itself. But when you map them out with this tunnel information, you see how Pegasus runs in a straight line north of The Transformer Museum.

Investigate1999 ago

Okay. This getting interesting.

Do you have confirmation that Comet Ping Pong connects to the tunnel?

VieBleu ago

this made me go OMG

noworldorder ago

Please stop spreading disinformation. Any time you see an article starting with "News report circulating in the Kremlin", it's almost always going to be Sorcha Faal disinfo from -- This website is well-known in conspiracy culture as pure disinfo, one of the first actual "fake news" sources on the Internet that almost certainly exists to discredit communities like this one. Simply browse their other stories, and figure this out for yourself. Once you've done so, please delete your nonsense link, or edit your comment to make sure people aren't fooled by it. Spreading this stuff is terrible for us. Please, due diligence is key to winning.

I-am-not-James ago

@noworldorder Sorcha Faal, read: Sorcha Fail

PQhonest ago

More "CumPanda" on the @cboutlier thread: "Cum" means "with" in latin. Alefantis et al. seem to have a certain penchant for using latin.

Theory: "CumPanda" means "with panda" and refers to a tunnel near or under the National Zoo. Would be an easy draw to get kids to enter a tunnel that leads to or gets near a Panda exhibit.

Question: do the tunnel maps show any connection to the National Zoo?

quantokitty ago

Glad you asked! I didn't get into the Smithsonian connection. Dyar worked for the Smithsonian. I definitely felt that the Smithsonian was connected to it and the tunneling is right there in line with the Smithsonian. If we put in the 2115 P Street address, you can see it's almost a straight line up to the Smithsonian National Zoo and Panda Zoo. I put in the yellow line so people wouldn't be confused by the driving directions.

Birdzeyeview ago

"Game Over" haw haw haw, hee haw

pizza_flesh2 ago

STRAND on VOLTA is located at 1531 33rd Street NW, Washington DC ...Another JA property

redberries ago

carmencita ago

Wow. WTH is that about. We can bet they are trying maybe to get some more fake news about the Russian hacking fiasco? Can someone explain?

catslovejustice ago

I apologize if you guys have already gone over this and I missed it, but how is JA able to afford all of his properties? Did he come from money? Is CPP THAT successful or something else? Just curious.

Singleservename ago

He says he sells 700 pizzas a day. The place is a money machine.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

That's a good question. What was he doing before CPP? It opened in 2004 or 08 or something like that right? He said he got into Pizza because he couldn't do anything else and liked to cook. He's about 40ish or something? That would leave about 10 years of employment or unemployment after college.

Freemasonsrus ago

He's gotta be older than 40ish. Or just bad Botox. I'm guessing he's another co-opted noc or something.

catslovejustice ago

He said he opened the place 10 years ago. He said he dropped out of college and didn't know how to do anything except cook. He said at first nobody came and then it became very popular. Here is the link to the video. His comments start at 1:42ish

But even if a pizza place is popular, I still wouldn't think his pizza joint would bring in so much money that he could purchase all this $$$ property.

Freemasonsrus ago

That's just BS from him. And no, there's not enough money coming into that place to cover cost of the business and buying properties like he owns. I know plenty of small business owners, specifically of restaurants, and it's a tough business and that small place with that high of cost would not turn over that many table tops or deliveries to make one super rich. Comfortable? Maybe. And even then the product has to be a monopoly for the area or amazing. He's making money in some other way. Period.

redberries ago

Alefantis bought CPP property for $1.8mil lump sum, as far as I know. Before that he was operating Buck's.

YingYangMom ago

I think it was comprised of 4 or 5 buildings if I'm not mistaken. The others were sold for 0$ on the same date to the same owner. I'd have to look for the document in question though.

catslovejustice ago

He paid cash for it? How did he get that $$$. Does he come from money?

fogdryer ago

btw when he bought that palace from Lexxor ? it was titled as a sale of 1.00 !

catslovejustice ago

Do we have a link for that?

quantokitty ago

Okay. I'd have to check on that. Thanks.

redberries ago

Wakefield (Comet Ping Pong neighborhood) was bought up by a man called RB Warren in the 1930s, who built 100 brick houses to make the area. If RB Warren (big fish) knew of the tunnels, this may be relevant to the investigation and also the fact that 80% CIA make up the neighborhood.

pizza_flesh2 ago

Does the strand on volte fit in. Or is it Volt on strand.? I forget... Its another place he owns

pizzagatesleuth ago

That sounds like a very unusual guy. One wonders what his story is.

pizzagatesleuth ago

The following is a contemporaneous comment left at the bottom of the Dyar tunnel-digging article from 2011 you link above. It seemed relevant because the location the commenter describes is only a 3 minute walk from the Transformer Museum (2115P Street). It may be an alternate entrance to the same tunnel. Here's the google map link to the 3 minute walking distance. I've reproduced the comment below:

Pat Conover on July 12, 2011 at 6:58am I heard you on NPR. You might want to check out a tunnel underneath 2025 Massachusetts Ave. NW There is a vertical entry sort of underneath/at the back steps,easily accessible from Q St (com9ing in from Florida he little parking area behind the second building on the right. The building was originally owned by a tea merchant who was also a stamp collector and dealer. The story I have was about the underground railroad but that may well be fanciful. I'm told the tunnel goes to the middle under Mass Ave and connects to a storm sewer that was built when Mass Ave. was built by filling in a ravine that had a stream. The sewer routed the stream. I looked down the vertical entry but did not go down because I am large and I was not confident of the “ladder.” The house is also interesting because it had a third story hay loft. Aloha, Pat Conover

Investigate1999 ago

I think that we need to send people into the tunnels. There are/were YouTube videos, where the vloggers went into Comet Ping Pong. We should contact them, and get them to send a team in the tunnels. I don't know much about GPS, but if they could confirm that they are under the relevant locations, then we are good to go.

quantokitty ago

Ha! I found the contemporaneous comment. This is interesting. Yes, this confirms that there are these little entry points all the way along the route. There would have to be access. It can't just be entering at P Street and having to walk five miles to Rock Creek Park. Awesome. Thanks.

Dressage2 ago

It would be interesting to find out who owns 2025 Mass. Ave. prop. It would be crazy if JA had bought this in the last couple of years since this Comment. I would have the "vapors" at that moment!

PeaceFuture ago

When I searched Zillow for 2025 Massachusetts Ave, it says there are no matching results. has it last was listed 01/07/2009 for $6,500,000. No other history available. The DC tax records show listings for 2021 (THE KUWAIT-AMERICA FOUNDATION), 2023 (2023, LLC), and 2027 (UNION FOR REFORM JUDAISM) - but nothing for 2025.

Chamber of Commerce shows it as the location of a business called "Massachusetts Avenue Llc 2025" established 2010. Only thing listed is a phone number, which reverse lookup brings up Michael Rhymes, who appears to be the President of Congregation B'nai Israel in Monroe, LA. This connects back to the building because the Union of Reform Judaism looks to be the parent organization. see above regarding #2027). Wikipedia lists the address with : 2025 Massachusetts Ave NW: Samuel M. Bryan House (arch. W. Bruce Gray, 1885), now the Urban Alliance Foundation (internship and mentoring program for economically disadvantaged high school kids) founder of the UAF is Jeffrey Zients who is also Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) lists it as the address for Fluidarity, registered agent Mark Cimino. (Didn't find much on this) has it listed as the Church Of The Savior, but they seem to have left in 2009 when the founder died.

If JA has anything to do with it, it looks like it would be through Podesta -- Zients, but that is probably not as a direct result of the comment on the 2011 Dyer tunnel article.

Dressage2 ago

Excellent research! I am going o look at UAF. If they offer internships to high school kids would not be unusual to see kids coming and going.

PeaceFuture ago

Thank you. If you have time please take a quick look at the Church's website also. They may be just a regular church, but they had that building for decades where the tunnel comes out, and they are somewhat unconventional. The thing that gave me a little question was that they have a project called "Seekers" although of course that could be nothing.

I think it will be interesting to continue finding tunnel access points and then learning who is in the buildings "guarding" these doorways, and how many of them are linked to Alefantis, Podesta and/or the White House. Of course given the location it could all be a coincidence, but if every one of them is connected and related to disadvantaged kids, a pattern may emerge.

quantokitty ago

You and me both.

kitsaplady ago

James Alefanti (jimmycomet) threatened to kill YouTuber "PizzaGateGear" if he refused to take down his video about Comet Pizza. PizzaGateGear did remove it. The video can be viewed "now" here: HERE I don't know for how long :/

darkh0rse ago

What great investigative work. This is how the global pedophile rings are going to be destroyed. We can pray that our efforts save children and thereby lift up the human spirit/awakening, which is badly needed at this time in history.

NotAnIdiot ago

Are the tunnels considered private or public property?

Element2301 ago

Not sure if this is related but seemed like a coincidence still. Reading this:

I clicked on the Hotel Palomar link who own the property that has sealed off an entrance to the tunnels now. First thing I did was to look at what Palomar means. I get this:

So a "graphic novel" named Palomar was written by: in 2003. Described by a mother of a high school student in New Mexico as "child porn":

It seems relevant as well that the Hotel chain "Palomar" was founded in 2005, two years after the comic book depicting child abuse. Seems like maybe you wouldn't want that to be what you see on google next to your hotel but who am I to speculate?

(Most Kimpton properties are marketed under their own independent names as boutique hotels; however, in 2005, the company launched two sub-brands within the company's brand: Hotel Palomar and Hotel Monaco)

I don't know anything more about the author of these books or the books themselves. Really not feeling like reading through some filth but if anyone has more information about it or is willing to investigate it is appreciated. Might be interesting to see if there are any specific references in the story.

whatonearth ago

The only way that could be relevant is if you think founders of high end luxury hotels are going around reading comic books, in which case, LOL

Actual grown-ups associate the name Palomar with the famous mountain outside San Diego and -- here comes the actually relevant thing -- the glitzy jazz-age ballroom in Los Angeles.


And what do you base that idea on?

redberries ago

@quantokitty nice work finding the articles, but I don't see how CPP aligns into any of this from your work.

quantokitty ago

Thanks. It's right in the hot spot of where Dyar dug. He dug all around that area. V, P, E, B streets. All the way up to Rock Creek Park. So to me, it's in line with if someone dug from P Street up to the park. But at the other P spot, there were hundreds of feet dug ... now did that translated into miles? We don't know. We also don't know if they followed up on where all the tunnels are because the tunnels were only found accidentally. So again, to me, yes, it's right in the pathway of where Dyar was digging.

Element2301 ago

You guys are amazing! It has been a privilege to be a part of this historic citizen investigation and I thank and send blessings to each and everyone of you, who have devote time to this massive collective effort. The revelations regarding these tunnels are without a doubt the most conclusively incriminating evidence proving all of these allegations were merited. Proving conclusively that the deluded deniers should be ashamed of themselves and apologize to those they have wrongly ridiculed. The struggle isn't over yet however. There will be those who would seemingly rather gouge their own eyes out than having to use them to look at the truth, but any mildly rational person who is honest will see that this is absolute proof that they are into something illegal that involves secret tunnels and what has lead us to this point in the investigation is obviously the explanation for what that is!

Naturally we will continue to investigate and hammer this home, but this is a major landmark that we can allow ourselves to be very positive about! Keep it up and we can finally get rid of this sickness from our society. I'll celebrate this like we scored an important goal. The game is still not over just yet but things are looking more and more promising by the day.

AugustaJulia ago

"Privilege" and "historic" - this is exactly how I feel. This is something very new, this evidence of the awesome power of the Internet that can bring the formerly disempowered and give them a new kind of collective power. I am feeling goosebumps at what I am witnessing.

YingYangMom ago

Same. I get them everyday. It's a great feeling :D

quantokitty ago

Gotta give this an upvoat! Beautifully stated! Yes, I admire and am in awe of the work we have collectively accomplished. Everyone has come at solving the problem in their unique way and I'm glad to have contributed this portion.

dickface8 ago

James Alefantis, comment?

quantokitty ago

Yeah, that would be something!

WindowsInJudgement ago

This is amazing research u/quantokitty well researched.

There are miles of tunnels so we can investigate possible entry points and exit points along the route without 'harrassing' anyone from comet or pegasus.

We need to get feet on the ground in dc. I would be there if I wasn't in Europe.

All I can offer is my up voats, I will share far and wide and red pill anyone who will listen. Thanks again OP

quantokitty ago

Thank you very much.

LaDonnaRae ago

Someone earlier tried to link Rock Creek Park (and Chandra Levy) with P Street by Dupont Circle, but they are five miles apart. This might be interesting, though. I will take a look at it.

quantokitty ago

I think that was in my earlier post. First, the tunnel Dyar dug went from P Street to Rock Creek Park. The point is that there is a tunnel in Rock Creek Park. Since Chandra Levy died in Rock Creek Park, it's interesting to speculate on whether the tunnel played a part in it. Sorry that wasn't clear. Thanks.

whitehand ago

We need locals scouting these locations inconspicuously. Local intel will answer more questions and dispel more myths in 1 trip than a thousand hours of researching online.

quantokitty ago

True. I really hope someone can work out exactly where these are and can be accessed. I actually thought there was one group already searching for tunnels. This was before this discovery, but I do believe someone has formed a group.

iamthepizzanow ago

There is a picture from one of JA's friend twitter or IG that shows an entrance to a creepy cellar, looks old as fuck. Could be a tunnel entrance inside of the purchased properties. Can't remember who it was but someone else must remember what I'm talking about.

quantokitty ago

Definitely could be. I know the one you're talking about. It could indeed be an entrance.

iamthepizzanow ago

Thank you.

quantokitty ago

It's Alefantis' Pegasus Museum property. There's a garage and home.

VieBleu ago


zzvoat ago

Well, well, well.

Jimmy... Johnny... it looks like quantokitty, et al, have you by the balls - by your scrawny, shriveled up, cowardly little raisin balls.

Truthseeker77 ago


Birdzeyeview ago

oh my Gosh I am so very worried right about now

reasonedandinformed ago

Too stupid to write in the third-person point-of-view, JA. You are exposed and will soon be arrested.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, his going off on that investigator only ticked me off more. First, children, then threatening family? Not good.

redberries ago

It's owned by James Alefantis, but a guy called Boris Tochilin, Aleksey (Boris) Tochilin, or Aleksi (Boris) Tochilin lives there. He's a 54-year old Russian dancer/ballerina.


"Kim Carpenter" link is broken and in any case leads to a Russian site!

Blacksmith21 ago

Again, Pegasus is the inner sanctum. Apply retrospective thought to your map. Occam's Razor works too. Wouldn't it make sense to have "holding cells" in direct transit to the holy altar? Why did JA get so mad over the Pegasus video? Don't be messing with JA's Mecca. I would even be surprised if they had their own version of the Hajj.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, they had BIG plans for that ... HUGE!!! Man, did he have a meltdown, but it shows what he's like. Nice guy? Hardly.

whitehand ago

Sorry I have been out of the loop since the holidays. What is the Pegasus video? Thank you.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

It was posted to YT and then quickly taken down by the maker, Ryan, after he (reportedly) had some interactions with James Alefantis on phone calls and texts, wherein JA (again, reportedly) threatened him and his family if he didn't take the Pegasus video down.

Since then, others have put copies back up. One copy of it is here:

whitehand ago


remedy4reality ago

I'm still not getting why moving children by tunnels is so necessary. These are very significant distances between locations by foot, underground. This is far from 'game over' like the lead suggests. What is the next step? Is the next move for someone to investigate these routes for a rail system?

AreWeSure ago

Also this post seems to be pinning its hopes on elaborate and functioning tunnels built by Harrison Dyar.

Looking in Dyar, I found his tunnels were fairly small and have been filled in or obliterated by subsequent constructions.

The evidence in this thread is highly in question.

Freemasonsrus ago

DC is probably the most surveiled city in the country. Lots of activity by elites in the same places, repeatedly would certainly be something that would draw attention. Not saying I'm totally into the tunnel thing yet, but I could see many different uses, including just the fact these occult types love secret dumb shit like this as part of their "secret group". Most of us are still using our "normal" peasant brain to view these things and it needs to be viewed through the lens of a secret society type thing.

Investigate1999 ago

I think that she is actually on to something this time. There are tunnels for sure, it seems. The locations seem to match, if I understand correctly.

I suspect that you are right, in that they don't transport children that way, but...they might travel underground like that for some purposes. Maybe they dug up their own secret rooms under the surface. I doubt it, but the research seems reasonably solid for our level of research.

quantokitty ago

The tunnels add a unique and unobservable way of getting around. Think about a covert operation. Do you want to be out on the street? Where traffic lights are taking pictures? And then there are security cams. This is way better. Well, I just put in total distances. I'm not suggesting that they walk from P Street to Rock Creek Park every day. The point is that I'll bet that tunnel can be accessed at certain distances as for the "game over" remark, really? You don't think so? I gotta think it is. This was what JA & Co kept saying didn't exist ... but it does. As for the next step, I don't know. Definitely car, rail, and air routes. Someone mentioned a private airstrip near where Paule-Carres has that adoption center at 124 Amherst. I think we need to shore up where the entrances are to this labyrinth of tunnels.

whatonearth ago

Alefantis and others said that there aren't tunnels under Comet. They didn't say anything about whether some eccentric rich guy built tiny tunnels several miles away 150 years ago that have been collapsed for decades and never went anywhere within miles of the future site of Comet (or Pegasus either).

I-am-not-James ago

Another thing, according to survivors hunt and chase games are popular.

Tunnel hunt and chase games would be a winter thing, I'm guessing. The idea just came to me now. Crap.

I'm thinking of the text from IsThisGameOfThrones:Ryan:PizzagateGears alleged texts. If the texts are legit, and I think they are, JA did a countdown game with him. In ritual survivors hunt and chase testimonies I've heard them all say that the perp starts counting, and I've heard some say they yell the count to scare the person so the runner knows where they're at by the distance of the voice. at :35 the interviewer says I wouldn't be caught dead with pictures of toddlers chewing on money. Right at I wouldn't be caught dead with toddlers JA sticks out his tongue, says really, and aggressively moves toward the interviewer. The interviewer holds his place and JA backs down. JA is used to being a dominant and in control, if he's not in a dominant he uses charm.

My bet is that they use tunnels for game chases. Screams are muffled. An interview that Ole Dammegard video said he went to a tunnel system in Europe, located right under sidewalks where he could hear people walking, but they couldn't hear him or know that he was there.

May not be used for transport as much as activities.

quantokitty ago

Great observation. I believe you could be right. I definitely think these are used for transportaton. Say a party is planned. A Washington elite is going to have 20 toddlers march up to his door in the evening and then leave at 2 or 3 in the morning? Doubtful. If there is a way to carry and/walk the children to the home, that's the route they'll take. There's another point I want to make and it's this: there are lots of kids disappearing. We all know this. Okay, so supposed a runaway or at at risk kid/troubled kid is befriended by this group. They welcome the kid and to show the child how important they are, they let the child in on a secret way of getting around. They might even go down in the tunnel to drink or beer or smoke a joint. So the kid is comfortable with the crowd and using this means of traveling. In fact, they like it. Oh, but guess what? They showed the kid's picture around, or perhaps a human trafficker needs a replacement from a kid that got arrested. The next time the kid goes down in the tunnel, they just disappear. The parents and friends don't know what happened because they just went out like they normally did, but they just never came home.

I-am-not-James ago

I think so. People will do anything for money and can be groomed as finders. I met a finder when I was a teen. She said she was running for help, but she didn't want help. She kept telling me about some cult she was running from, was very detailed, and I recognized that she was trying to get me lured in. When it didn't work she left the social group I was in.
think how soundproof it is in tunnels.

I-am-not-James ago

Yes. Definitely.

NotAnIdiot ago

We need people investigating at these tunnels. Find and observe likely entrances. We don't need to do anything illegal, just observe. Before they have the chance to clear out preferably.

quantokitty ago

Yes, please nothing illegal. Don't undo all the good by being foolish.

NotAnIdiot ago

I agree, but that doesn't mean we can't investigate.

quantokitty ago

Oh, no! Wasn't implying that. Definitely investigate, but nothing illegal.

pizzagatesleuth ago

I think we need to shore up where the entrances are to this labyrinth of tunnels.

You might be interested in my comment elsewhere in this thread. (Control-F-"contemporaneous")

dickface8 ago

Ooh interesting tool.

remedy4reality ago

Really? Imagine this scenario: Kids who are sold are kept at orphanages or in foster care. They get regular trips to Comet to parade in front of potential buyers and mingle with the kids of everyday customers, heading into Comet for nothing other than a pizza and a beer and some ping pong. Normal. The merchandise kids are not prostitutes up for rent, they are for sale. Once a kid is sold, he/she never sees Comet, or even the light of day again. Meanwhile, trips to the pizza joint are play time and they have no idea what is going on, until it's way too late. No need for cover and no need for tunnels, whatsoever. You could keep taking a kid back to Comet, until they are sold, and they would actually look forward to going. Makes a lot of sense, huh ? Please make a rational explanation of just why tunnels are so damn fundamental. I DON'T GET IT. I actually think your every 6 hour tunnel posts are becoming redundant and you're perusing a line of inquiry you have discovered garners upvoats.

I-am-not-James ago

Look for my explanation, search this thread, [control F] for this sentence: My bet is that they use tunnels for game chases.

quantokitty ago

Okay, then let me ask you a question: why do handlers build elaborate tunnels to get people (and drugs) across the border?

remedy4reality ago

Actually, I would prefer if you answered my question and defended your contention that tunnels are being used. Why would kids need to be moved through tunnels to and from Comet if they are just fine playing ping pong and eating pizza when they are there? Describe the scene for me, if you will.

doubleherpes ago

To avoid CCTV cameras, license plate readers, and foreign agents who could track patterns of behavior above ground.

Stop creating strawmen about what is happening in these tunnels. No one is claiming to know that. All that's being claimed is that tunnels exist, and that these properties are very coincidentally located along them.

Could be kids being moved, could be VIPs, could be drugs or weapons or gold bricks. Nobody knows at this point.

quantokitty ago

Why are people joking about double sleepovers if that's all that's happening? Why did Podesta build an underground room to show oversized art? Since when do you need to go underground for that? I'm not going to give a theory about CP because there's no evidence to support such a theory, but I could give a hypothetical about say a pedophile who was an elite player in Washington. So Senator A is a pedophile. His friends are also ... pedophiles. They indulge in the criminal activity and sometimes have parties. Senator A is going to have a party on Saturday. His friends will be there. Senator A can't just have 20 toddlers come up to his door. Then there's the leaving at 2 or three in the morning. And what if the toddlers are in distress or bleeding? Even more reason for them not to be seen coming out of his door. So they use underground entrances. His friends also arrive through tunnels so no one is sure who's there or who's not there. Only the people inside (and the people procuring the children) know what's going on inside. There's one such scenario for you.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I suppose in dealing with the Washington elite, that it might allow many of them to enter into a place without being seen or placed there.

Mini-spare ago

Avoids the pervasive surveillance.

fogdryer ago

no one hears you scream in a tunnel no one sees you carrying a kid that's drugged

whitehand ago

Precisely, politicians in DC are like celebrities in Hollywood. Both groups have to be on the down low if they are engaged in illegal activity within their respective cities. I would say tunnels would be an absolute necessity for these pervs.

remedy4reality ago

sorry, that is total conjecture and borderline meaningless speculation -- Elites don't root around in tunnels, my friend, they go by limo.This post is claiming tunnels are used to transport children between Alefantis' properties. These are significant distances.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

These posts are NOT CLAIMING what they do, just that the tunnels exist, and that they correspond to locations where Alefantis owns property. Your sliding is mid-level.

remedy4reality ago

So, in short : BIG FUCKING DEAL Just what IS the god damn point and what is the RELEVANCE ? Let's go, smart ass.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Keepin' it mediocre, remedy!

remedy4reality ago

Yes.. the whole world should be mindless cheerleaders... That is how shit gets refined, eh Empire ?

common_sense ago

We don't know yet. Could be something huge or it could be nothing. But dismissing a coincidence like this is moronic.

remedy4reality ago

Who said it was a coincidence? What is moronic, buddy, is walking 4-6 miles in a dank tunnel to deliver a kid to an elite.

I-am-not-James ago

It's real important to check dates the tunnels were built. You're talking about limo's weren't a thing until maybe the '60's or '70's, and elite limo services wasn't as popular as today. I'm not sure the exact dates that decadence really took off.

If these tunnels were built before the 60's, there's a good chance it was to transport contraband of all kinds.

When were cars a common use in DC?
Did the common people use buses or trolley's, as in Trolley park as a means of transportation instead of cars?

Before this century people weren't as lazy and didn't have the kind of vehicle transportation as we do now.

Date of tunnels would be important.

Maybe they don't use them as a means of getting from point a to b, but they might use them as a ritual location. It would be smarter to hide a ritual location underground than above ground. Remember the construction building nextdoor to cpp specialized in underground work and Podesta's house had underground compounds, according to the guardian article.

If they wanted to do really rustic ''artistic'' rituals these tunnels would be ideal.

common_sense ago

I never said anything about your last part.

remedy4reality ago

Wait.. are you saying tunnels run under the houses of elites, or elites are moving around in tunnels? You know, we have backdoors and security to cordon off entry and exit into even the most high profile locations.

Hopevoats ago

Politics and Prose. Someone posted a blog that had a very specific map of the store, with some strange emphasis on a [special area?] Now, I've got to get on my laptop and search that thread. Can't recall if it was old PG it this one...

SlackeryTurnBull ago

They could enter into the tunnels through some unassuming location and then proceed to where the whorehouse was. This system might have been in use for centuries to hide this sort of thing by politicians. They can't very well all show up at the same place.

DarkMath ago

Could you add in something to more graphically show where all those properties are with respect to the tunnels? Thanks.

I see the tunnels but it's not clear where those properties are.

quantokitty ago

Oh, that would be where the little white circles with the thick black outline. They have the names of the locations listed in bold next to them. Yes, I could have put 1, 2, 3, 4, I suppose. If I get a second wind, maybe I'll try adding numbers. But look to the left. In the blue, you'll see the locations/sites I listed. If you go to the map, you'll see white circles and next to the circle, the name in bold. It's pretty simple once you figure out what's going on.

dookiehowzer ago

"One of my favorite things about historic research is that no matter how strange or intriguing a story is at first, I really have no idea where a little digging might take me. Sometimes a lead just fizzles out. But sometimes what I discover is more bizarre and ridiculous than I could have imagined…"

truer words could not be spoken

quantokitty ago

Agree 100%!!!

crazimal ago

OP - or Someone - please annotate a map making this clearer without stupid driving directions.

Thank you

quantokitty ago

Ignore the driving directions. The locations are annotated on the map. I worked with what we know. Hence Rock Creek Park and the P Street address. I don't have the original data and don't know what address on P Street leads to the park, or where in the park it leads. It's clear to me even using the scant info we have.

throwawaa ago

Where exactly are the tunnels? Is there a map of them?

quantokitty ago

That's the whole point. There is no blueprint because they were never approved. Dyar just went off and tunneled. Whether someone actually followed up on the ones that were discovered seems likely. Otherwise how would they know that the tunnel on P Street reached Rocky Creek Park. But remember, the ones found were "accidentally" found. That means there could -- and very likely -- are other ones. If you box out the territory Dyar dug in, It extends (according to the reports), from V Street to B Street. Then if you go up to Rocky Creek Park and draw a border around that area, JA's properties are right smack in the center of it. Further, his properties directly connect to knowns. The Transformer Museum is absolutely right on the line we know Dyar tunneled. Ditto for The Strand. The Pegasus Museum is another because E Street was mentioned. CP is another. If you draw a line up from P Street from one address we know Dyar dug up Rocky Creek, it's another solid hit.

JoJoVoat ago

So maybe we should be working backwards... find the paths of these tunnels homes/businesses they run under, and then lets search those addresses..

Bratton912 ago

And maybe find someone living/working in one of those homes/businesses friendly to the PG investigation willing to dig. Literally. Set up some eyes in that tunnel and see what creeps around down there...

quantokitty ago

Could be a good idea. Or at least rule in or out if a location fits into this equation.

waybackwhen1987 ago

upvoted this needs to be discussed good work anon!

quantokitty ago

Thanks so much!

think_whatif ago

Absolutely fascinating, interesting work.

As I'm trying to visualize this, are you suggesting miles and miles of tunnels dug by Dyar?

Can you create a graphic where you plot just where you envision the tunnels to be located?

quantokitty ago

There are miles and miles of tunnels! In the one link I gave, it specifically states that Dyar tunneled from P Street all the way to Rock Creek Park! That's why I included on location on P Street that is known, but he tunneled all along P, V, E and B Streets. So you can visualize by looking at P Street and then finding Rock Creek highlghted by the circle at the top of the blue line. It's the furthest location point north. If you want to do your own map, just put in P Street and Rock Creek Park. You'll get some idea how far this guy tunneled!

think_whatif ago

Thanks for the reply. I think your angle of research is great, btw.

Oh snap, I missed this part: "Reports indicated that the tunnels were long and extensive — that they may have reached as far as Rock Creek Park."

Have you come across any verification other than this article mentioning "reports"?

Using Google Earth, even a perfectly straight underground shot, it's a little over 3 miles from 2115 P to Rock Creek Park

JoJoVoat ago

this underground work could be completed with little to no knowledge from those above

think_whatif ago

No doubt.

But, I'm curious as to how one man, Dyar, a hundred years ago, designs, constructs and finances miles of white enameled brick tunnels with a 22' circumference under Washington D.C. And in ten years.

I can somewhat easily accept a couple hundred feet, but OP seems to be inferring miles and miles (which is why I requested a graphic).

pizzagatesleuth ago

This is a good question and I can only add my own speculation. He had friends in high/low places.

Dressage2 ago

Or relatives of El Chapo!

Vindicator ago

Just want to chime in here, Quantokitty, that you've had done a great job making these posts, supporting them with evidence and asking questions. This is exactly what this board is for. Kudos!

remedy4reality ago

OP 'discovered' known tunnels, hundreds of years old and the moderator swoons...

Please tell me what the conclusion is ... Jimmy and his cohorts walking a kid 6 miles uptown in a tunnel to avoid detection? You know, we have tinted friggen windows for that, people.

Imagine this scenario: Kids who are sold are kept at orphanages or in foster care. They get regular trips to Comet to parade in front of potential buyers and mingle with the kids of everyday customers, heading into Comet for nothing other than a pizza and a beer and some ping pong. Normal. The merchandise kids are not prostitutes up for rent, they are for sale. Once a kid is sold, he/she never sees Comet, or even the light of day again. Meanwhile, trips to the pizza joint are play time and they have no idea what is going on, until it's way too late. No need for cover and no need for tunnels, whatsoever. You could keep taking a kid back to Comet, until they are sold, and they would actually look forward to going. Makes a lot of sense, huh ? Please make a rational explanation of just why tunnels are so damn fundamental. I DON'T GET IT. I actually think your every 6 hour tunnel posts are becoming redundant and you're perusing a line of inquiry you have discovered garners upvoats.

This entire sub is deteriorating with these constant tunnel posts and I will continue to call it out until a feasible logistical explanation accompanies these tunnel 'discoveries'.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

Remedy, I like your skepticism and way of thinking, it's typically how I approach these theories. In this case though I have a few ideas of the top of my head.

  1. Whenever elites gather, they are recognizable and people take notice. This could be a way to allow anonymous travel of VIP, not necessarily the children.

  2. Maybe the tunnels aren't for trafficking, but for disposal? I'm imagining for a second the satanic stuff might be true, it seems this would be a great way to get rid of messy bodies.

  3. Quiet. Tinted windows and drugs are great, but you never know when you might get a screamer. However faint, someone might here it, like in the ping pong video from years back.

Not saying I believe any of these are true, but I certainly see the utility in it

SuggarRay ago

Isn't it for the killing and disposal of them?

naturehelps ago

Are you joking? This is incredible work. Some of the finest here. What is the connection to a tunnel, an underground passage? Obviously, any kind of covert activity - especially moving things or people or children, secretly. It's hinted at here strongly in posters, that something related to sex and children is occurring underground. Someone should follow up with more photos.

remedy4reality ago

without a follow up that actually connects it all, it's nothing.

naturehelps ago

There is an underground trolley system in the area. Has someone already written about that? Is that part of the map? If not, does this trolley system intersect with the private tunnel this guy built? It was opened in 1870 with a total of 87 stations.

“Not many people have seen this,” Joe Kerr said as he pushed open a rusty door, the squeak of its hinges echoing in the dark.

We were 60 feet underground, and Joe , president of a D.C. urban exploration group called Friends of Outrageously Obscure Locations, was about to show me the remnants of Washington’s first subway system. We weren’t supposed to be here — technically, we were trespassing — but I had heard so much about this subterranean wonderland that I had to see it for myself.

“Welcome to the Georgetown Mole Way station,” Joe said, clicking on a large flashlight.

The light illuminated a cathedral-like space. The walls were covered in light green tile and inset every 20 feet or so with wooden benches. A wrought-iron railing ran along the platform’s edge, interrupted at regular intervals with sliding gates. ....

“Pretty cool, huh?” said Joe, who works for the District cleaning the lenses on speed cameras.

It was unbelievable: a crumbling, disused subway station hidden beneath busy city streets. .... Joe and his secretive band of spelunkers have spent years mapping the Mole Way — or at least those parts that haven’t been destroyed by modern construction. About a third of it remains, its access points closely guarded secrets.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Tunnels have historically been used to avoid detection (surveillance) by police in order to cover up nefarious activities. What makes you think anything has changed?

remedy4reality ago

Show me where the DC Police have given a fuck about anything other than protecting the elites and covering up crimes. You're a little late to the party, buddy.

psy0pus ago

Well.. one reason could be, is that they're traffick large numbers of children at a time. That e-mail where the guy was selling beanie baby's.. he wasn't getting rid of a few. And "$65,000" worth of hot dogs.. isn't just a couple of children assuming that's what it was code word for. If they need to move 60 kids.. they're gonna do it in a bunch of cars with tinted windows or in a large truck, that if was pulled over, they'd be fucked? Just an opinion, though. We don't know what the number of kids being trafficked from this place on average is.

remedy4reality ago

Top dollar kids can fetch 6 figures. Read this very enlightening article >>

whatonearth ago

Your point about the absurdity of walking kids 6 miles through tunnels kind of underscores the ongoing confusion from pizzagate posters who I guess are from exurban or rural areas and see a few miles as a short distance. They don't seem able to put themselves in the mindset of city people for whom a mile and a half feels like a long distance because you'll pass through four or five distinct neighborhoods along the way that have their own shopping areas and also the bus you're on is stuck in traffic with 25 more stops to go or the cab you're in is gridlocked with the meter ticking... nothing wrong with not being a city person but if you're coming up with theories about what a city person would do, you have to at least try to think like one if your theories are going to make sense to someone who is not already inclined to believe you.

(And anyway, as pointed out elsewhere in the thread, these tunnels were very short, collapsed a long time ago, and were an hours-long walk from Comet or Pegasus.)

witch_doctor1 ago

The significance is in the history of known/alleged ritual child abuse cases....most of which involved some sort of underground structure/tunnels. Whether this puzzle piece belongs in this puzzle has yet to be verified...

newworldahead ago

I don't understand how some people can think underground tunnels would NOT be handy for sick individuals that have something to hide. I don't want to speculate on how they would use these tunnels, but the fact that there are tunnels located near several of JA's properties should not be blindly dismissed. OK for not jumping to conclusions, but let's keep an open mind.

TheRedPi11 ago

It’s possible the tunnels could serve as an organizational / (dis)orienation area. They may need lots of space - more than a vehicle could provide - to “store” their human merchandise & ensure secrecy while their operations are underway. For all we know this is a 24/7 operation, with a colossal amount of children being processed through Comet & tunnels. Just a thought. I think some don’t realize this is not a few children we’re talking about, but a regular stream of them. But again, I am only speculating so take it for what it’s worth.

Also I don’t think the mileage of the tunnels is relevant, they could be using vehicles down there too (golf carts or the like).

remedy4reality ago

Yeah... that is ridiculous. Read my reply to the moderator about the size of this operation. You tunnel types sure have active imaginations, unsupported by the evidence at hand.

TheRedPi11 ago


flyingcuttlefish ago

notice the closeness of nearby associated properties like Besta Pizza and the bookstore.... I think that makes the tunnel idea important. Also other posts here have a lot on DuPont Circle and fancy homes there. And other posts talk about Podesta brothers homes having sub basements with suspect spaces in them. So the tunnel could facilitate moving kids, corpses or other things from one DC address to another. Some tunnels are big enough for a gold cart to go through. Recall the child size coffins they show off as 'furniture'.

Also the tunnel idea could be for moving groups of party-going pedos or coven attendees from one spot to another and not appearing as a group or having cars all parked at one location.

There was a famous New York mafia bust, the first big one, made because all the top guys attended a meeting at a house and all the parked cars drew police attention. It was very famous (50s or 60s). These pedos do not want to be seen as a group. They sneak around.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

As fun as secret tunnels are, I'm with you on the hypothesis you present, there is just no logistical reason to need the secrecy of tunnels.
Especially when local LEO's are part of your cabal....

superchargedv8 ago

Good post, i think voat is being brigaded with tunnel distraction on purpose, i still don't believe gameofthrone was contacted by JA, and now being pounded with this crap is kind of telling, especially with all the circle jerking, omg good job guys we are the best! It's solved!

BeanieBabyEmail ago

I appreciate you for this. I fully believe in Pizzagate but I feel that some people are acting almost like they are having a fever dream when they come up with some things here. I can understand because something like Pizzagate makes you question everything but there is no reason for tunnels. The best way to hide is in plain sight. Unfortunately it is all too easy to traffick children in our free society. If there is a demand for it, there is going to be plenty of supply. Especially given lax law enforcement and even cover ups.

I don't really think focusing on the tunnels is going to get us to where we need to go. This is a collaborative citizen investigation and I don't want to take anything away from anyone investigating because it is all so important but I think sometimes people's zeal to solve this and bring these sick fucks to light may cloud their judgement and rationality at times. Myself included. It is only natural.

lhunterel ago

"We" dont use tinted windows for that, or even think that way for that matter... Are you one of them??

Pizzalurker15 ago

This is a good example. The kids dont know any difference. Buyers dont want jaded kids.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Between your attitude and your urging we stop looking into tunnels, I'm starting to think tunnels may actually be important...

remedy4reality ago

All good investigations are vetted during the process. Don't be sensitive because I am challenging the OP on his assumptions. Dig away, and when you find something post it. I will review it and give my evaluation.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I do think it is poor logic to think that these kids are being transported underground through tunnels. I would guess they have been walked off and are not one continuous tunnel anymore. There is no need to hike kids miles underground. I think the more practical and sick option is that the tunnels are a holding sell of some kind or even worse, where they at killed. Concrete covers up sound well and any tunnel would have to have drains to deal with run off and flooding so cleaning is easy with a hose and some bleach.

There is a tunnel system where I live that is from the 1850s and has been closed off.

Think about it. Leaving a tunnel system fully connected in the nation's capital I just begging to be exploited by terrorists. Not to mention I am sure other houses along the route have dug out their basements and blocked off the tunnel.

Vindicator ago

Hey Remedy, your skepticism is warranted, and your comment added a lot to this conversation. I've upvoated it. Why would they need tunnels?

Imagine you are a rich asshole who can do or say or have pretty much whatever you want. What's your biggest problem? It's boredom. And say you happen to hear about this creepy rich entomologist bigamist who dug all these tunnels. Wouldn't YOU buy a property on top of one and see if you could link up to it? I would. Especially if my friends had soundproofed basement chambers put into their homes for special art viewing (Tony Podesta). Imagine the secret gallery you could accumulate and show off. The parties you could throw. Is this likely? No, because someone would have spilled the beans. But it IS plausible.

My kudos to the OP wasn't about the premise, it was about the approach taken to it. Seems like about half the posts we get are absolute crap -- people jumping on here, dumping a link with no explanation, no premise, no supporting points with sources. We get waves of shitposts spamming the board with nazi crap one day, next day Voat is owned by vampire Jews... Today it was "Mods are AI's". So a well researched, well-constructed post with an intriguing premise that generates a collaborative discussion is going to get a mention from me. It's why we are on here removing spam posts around the clock, so discussions like this can happen.

The reality is, we don't know where the tunnels exactly are, how extensive they might be, if Dyer made them in more places than people generally know (he probably did, given the fact he was living a double life with two separate families). Or if he had any connections to the elite assholes in control of DC in his day. But this is a verifiable hypothesis -- it can be tested with ground penetrating radar, for example.

Voat came under heavy attack today as this series of posts was gaining steam. Does that mean we are onto something and they were trying to shut us down? Or was the electronic and spam interference coupled with the posts themselves part of an elaborate disinformation campaign to distract us from digging into Epstein and the Clinton Foundation? We don't know. But we can freely assemble here and freely express ourselves and let our government and the people who manipulate it know we are happy and willing to give them a free colonoscopy any time at all. And that, after all, is the point.

naturehelps ago

Has this been covered already in terms of it linking up with this private tunnel? This runs up Connecticat Avenue near CP.

The Disused Streetcar Tunnels Beneath Dupont Circle

And while people are wondering whether tunnels matter, by the looks of the posters near the London underground which almost seem to be making inside jokes that something is going on.

Strange posters with kids and other things that look "code-y". Child's writing: "Under where?" "Underwear"?

Who do they mean here by utopians? People not hurting children underground?

"".... the "ole mole" revolution hollows out chambers in a decomposed soil repugnant to the delicate nose of the utopians"

Spark_Plugg ago

Best Mod I've seen around here. +1

Aphoticamy ago

Fantastic levelheaded mod post! Thank you for your hard work.

remedy4reality ago

I appreciate the comment. Any good investigation asks questions of the evidence, a lot of questions. Group think is the enemy of a good investigations. The tunnels avenue just seems like it's following a predetermined conclusion to an insignificant end. The farther the investigation moves away from Podesta, Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and the CGI, the colder it gets. That is my opinion. It is also my opinion that JA is not running a large scale operation that moves scores of kids through secret tunnels. It's just all too sloppy. I think he is catering to the elites and dignitaries who live/visit DC. He is extremely well connected, we all know that as fact. He is dealing with the 'caviar', if you will, of child trafficking: White kids, preferably blond. His operation is refined and avoids the pressure of a large overhead but does have the benefit of top dollar exchanges.

Vindicator ago

I tend to agree with you, Remedy. I would like to see a lot more digging into CGI shennanigans. The tunnels are relatively easy to investigate, though, comparatively. If it turns out Alefantis did buy properties adjacent to them...well, from a public relations perspective, it would be terrible. This kind of creepy, lurid detail would leave another stain on the ping pong crew they would not soon wash off. Global money laundering just isn't going to fuel public outrage in the US the way a discovery like this might. So, IMO it does have value.

remedy4reality ago

Don't get me wrong. I'm not totally discrediting OP's work, but the 'game over' comment is a red flag for me. It's either getting to far in front of the finding or leading Voaters to complacency. Way more work needs to be done by the OP to boost the significance of this 'discovery'.

Vindicator ago

THAT is why you rock

YingYangMom ago


Well said. I believe most Voaters appreciate what you're doing here. At least, I certainly do. Much respect, peace.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Reading this makes me deeply happy with the quality of mods here. Also, glad you mentioned ground penetrating radar. That will come in handy, I suspect.

Htaed ago

Storage. Drug cartels dig tunnels to transport drugs. Child traffickers use tunnel to move kids around. I wouldn't be surprise to find 100 Haitian kids down there in cages.

waxdino ago

Another possibility is to mind-fuck the kid, especially if they are being brainwashed into slavery. Cathy O'Brien speaks of being purposely confused to not know where she was most times. (Think what you will of her story, just tossing that in.) It also adds to making victims sound nuts, "and then I was led into a deep tunnel..." Discovered years ago or not, most people don't know of them. Did you?
I like your cynicism, though. We need that.

VieBleu ago

would you give the moderator a BREAK ferchrissake. That is hardly "swooning", just giving an example of what they think is a post that doesn't cost them any trouble or work.

NakatomiBaby ago

What about traffic cams that can, in real time, follow a particular vehicle or surveil a specific location. All above ground. All admissable in court.

SpikyAube ago

Or even being caught on CCTV driving somewhere or walking somewhere when you were going to commit a crime. Say you make a mistake and leave a body, and then there's CCTV footage showing you in the vicinity etc. It would be useful to know you could get to other places across town without being identified later on by traffic cams etc.

Also a good alibi - hey, of course I wasn't at that property in Columbia Heights where those missing kids were found dismembered - see if you check the traffic cam outside my restaurant you'll see I went in at 7pm and didn't come out until 5am the following morning! Man, it is so lucky we have a traffic camera right there so that I can give you this hard-evidence alibi!

remedy4reality ago

Remember... the traffic cam outside COMET was moved the day before the 'shooter' and his false flag investigation. It was moved back into its regular position the following day. I'm far from convinced the rank and file of DC are on our side, especially since the whitewash of Seth Rich's murder.

Spark_Plugg ago

source on the traffic cam? because that is just too much.

remedy4reality ago

It was also covered here on VOAT, but here is the Youtube link:

Gorillion ago

Good point. They've demonstrated an awareness of, and sensitivity to traffic cams.

Birdzeyeview ago

no conspiracy theory , no matter how whack (as this one surely is) is complete without a secret tunnel. The wack job in Australia known as Fiona Barrett actually posed secret underground railways in Australia, connecting facilities hundreds of miles apart. Risible.

lectorleoni ago

That's not how you use the word "risible."

Birdzeyeview ago

i just did, fuckwit

risible | Definition, Dictionary risible | If you describe something as risible , you mean that it is ridiculous and does not deserve to be taken seriously .

now fuck off spammer

lectorleoni ago

Well, I can see why you might not have finished college.

Birdzeyeview ago

wrong again Defective

lectorleoni ago

So where and when did you graduate? And is English your first language?

Birdzeyeview ago

that is my fucking business

lectorleoni ago

Did you read Shakespeare in this college that you supposedly attended? Do you know what iambic pentameter is? Do you remember the following line:

Methinks the lady doth protest too much

remedy4reality ago

Actually, it's the psychos running this child trafficking ring who are 'whacked'. They are monsters. You're really making a name for yourself here.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I heard a rumor you were Alfantis. On the off chance you are, I can't pass up the opportunity to ask you: do you really think this is just going to blow over? The past is unbearably heavy for someone like you, I imagine.

we_kill_creativity ago

The point, clearly, isn't that they "discovered" already known tunnels. It's that a single person has purchased properties that now seem to orientate 100% with them. What they specifically use them for isn't known right now, but it seems reasonable to conclude that they have a use for them. It could be for a single purpose or many purposes.

As for what you thought was a clever or interesting comment:

we have tinted friggen windows for that, people.

I hope you quickly stop thinking that you were either clever or interesting. I'll just say this...You know one of the few things that would be even more foolproof than a "tinted friggen window"? A hidden tunnel. So I'll sum this all up just by saying..."Duh..."

gibsmeupgroids ago

I hope you quickly stop thinking that you were either clever or interesting. I'll just say this...You know one of the few things that would be even more foolproof than a "tinted friggen window"? A hidden tunnel. So I'll sum this all up just by saying..."Duh...

tunnels where they have to walk a mile or so between houses? haw no you're retarded and your logic completely bypasses the psychology of these people. theyve been open about what theyre doing for YEARS theyre not suddenly going to start walking kids through underground tunnels for multiple miles to fuckin rape em or do that themselves. cars with tinted windows would be used to move the kids. /u/remedy4reality is absolutely correct there. is the tunnel thing a nice get? sure. you still have no idea what its used for and are doing nothing but throwing a shill tier cognitive dissonance bomb out.

TheRedPi11 ago

@gibsmeupgroids You talk a lot & say nothing. But thanks for the tip! You nonsensical shills always point us in the right direction. All we have to do is watch where you push back.

gibsmeupgroids ago

MUH SHILL. hang yourself retard. disputing someones point doesnt make me a shill. i bet you/re the same kind of fag that posts purity spiral shit on /pol/

TheRedPi11 ago

Poor thing. So many words, so little to say :(

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Maybe the clients live along the tunnel and have access. It would be kinda obvious in this day and age if somebody was running some child prostitution network. Eventually ppl would notice dudes acting suspiciously running around with different kids. Did you ever see the movie They Live? Or the Simpsons freemason episode? They like tunnels because we're not allowed in em. Go do some research into the extents they went during prohibition. Or the cartel now. Money isnt a factor when we are talking about a VIP pedophile / child porn snuff ring.

sore_ass_losers ago

Tunnels are a common motif, aren't they literally the underworld. Note that Dutroux had underground chambers to keep young girls he had kidnapped, McMartin School kids reported tunnels, mainstream says there were none but there are reports they were found and excavated.

gibsmeupgroids ago

you're assuming they even see them that often or that they dont live near other pedophiles that wouldnt give a shit. dude your argument has so many different holes in it. you're again completely ignoring the psychology and current actions of these people. hell. they posted their fucking killroom to instagram. super discreet isnt something they are. you need to get off the internet for a day or so stick it in a bucket of ice to cool down, and then take a look at this with a fresh perspective cause right now you're not gonna get anywhere.

madmanpg ago

"The point, clearly, isn't that they "discovered" already known tunnels. It's that a single person has purchased properties that now seem to orientate 100% with them."

How many other properties in DC orientate with these tunnels? If it's a common thing, then this isn't much of a bombshell. What continues to be curious is how a "simple pizzeria owner" has the kind of money to purchase multiple properties in one of the most expensive land areas on the planet and end up one of the 50 most powerful people in Washington.

whatonearth ago

Damned near everything is "orientated" by Quantokitty's standards, which seems to be that you can connect things by a few straight line streets. Well, duh, most of DC is grids of straight line streets, so you can connect everywhere with a few straight line streets. It's ridiculous to assume this means anything.

eyeVoated ago

Because he's a CIA operative, perhaps?

remedy4reality ago

There is no reason why they need to hide these kids, anyway. If there is, present one.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

They would need to hide them because after Craig Spence and Franklin Scandal, too many people know what to look for. Maybe they got smarter about how they did it.

Beaucephus ago

Only reason I could think it that it's not kids, it's drugs. Passed out kids don't look suspicious in cars, but a big pile of cocaine sure does. Cop gets tipped off (I assume there are a few good ones in DC, but maybe I'm wrong) an underground tunnel sounds heck of a lot better than a car if I'm running drugs.

SpikyAube ago

Could be all kinds of things - drugs, corpses, guns, bombs, weaponised viruses, kids, never get caught on CCTV when you're off to do something evil...

MolochHunter ago

if the kids arent unwitting local american kids and clearly are bewildered Haitian picanninnies, with no parents, they're gonna be pretty conspicuous coming out of a tinted car and eating pizza in the main hall.

If they have been drugged to keep from crying or screaming, they're gonna be conspicuous If they are pre-abused, they're gonna be conspicuous.

Tell me, what is it about pedophilia and 'discretion' that seems so hard for you to grasp

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah you are right. All you have to do is look back at the lengths people went during prohibition. There are over 100,000 hidden speakeasys in this country. Correction: over 100k speakeasys in NYC alone

wincraft71 ago

Agree. If this network is real, it would be powerful enough to move in broad daylight without being caught or suspected unless the children are screaming bloody murder. If somebody does get suspicious or asks too many questions boom suicided or your car gets pushed in front of a train.

Plus if it's connected to who we suspect it is they definitely seem like the arrogant sociopath type who want to expose themselves just a little and take risks, using tunnels would imply a sophisticated, intelligent, paranoid operation.

Edit: Not to imply they don't use tunnels or have more capable individuals handling the operations. I'm just questioning the motivation versus the easier broad daylight option. Anyways, to get a real smoking gun we would need an investigator to get pictures of kids in distress at a location.

MolochHunter ago

bear in mind - its not just bringing kids to the venue. If our worst fears are confirmed, its about removing them afterwards too - in whatever state they happen to be in

wincraft71 ago

This is pretty morbid, but if the location is somewhere remote enough from suspicion couldn't they use acid or chemicals inside of a container to take care of that? Then throw away the evidence?

MolochHunter ago

i think the community here has a consensus that pig farms are most commonly used as the pigs will consume human bodies fairly rapidly - but even if that consensus is correct, we have a worldwide network of differently resourced sects/factions/covens/rings and the old acid-barrel is not an uncommon tool.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Video equipment for blackmail. Can't have people walking in every week with all that equipment... maybe that is who uses the tunnels.

ThePuppetShow ago

Maybe it's not for the kids, but it's an emergency escape route for rich/powerful clients.

fifibrindacier ago

In France, the kings had this, in case of revolution. Great thinking.

Yates ago

DuPont Circle area is filled with embassies.

MolochHunter ago

yer 'im the head diplomat for a major ME nation, I think ill walk into a pizza bar and slip out its back curtain for a few hours.' There's only so much hiding in plain sight they wanna flirt with, yer

Womb_Raider ago

I think it makes more sense to totally hide the operation. Cases like Madeline McCann, for example, she was all over the news and etc.

Say one of these kids somehow gets a sob story and everyone knows about it... they see a kid that looks kind of like them at the pizza place? Might report it

remedy4reality ago

Yeah... I easily explained that away by mentioning that the 'kids' are orphans or foster kids. Not milk carton kids.

Womb_Raider ago

But didn't someone connect McCann to Podesta?

MolochHunter ago

yup, old news on this site.

quantokitty ago

Hey, thanks. I appreciate it. This is important because it's about kids.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

I'm not trying to be critical of potential leads here, but shouldn't this one be fairly easy to prove/disprove? Just need one or two intrepid explorers to get on to the tunnels and see what they find? Or is there no known access?

quantokitty ago

The only three known access points (that I'm aware of and have been mentioned) are the ones at Dyar's house, 2115 P street northwest (where the workmen accidentally found the tunnel), and the house his second family lived (Dyar was a bigamist). Everything else seems to be alluded to .... including the house where he lived on B Street. I did seem to run across it in an article and didn't know it wouldn't be repeated. The problem is that they made mention of the entrances being cemented closed. So there you go. One would think it would be easy, but not really.

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

That's some really great info, looks like I'll have to do some major catch up reading, didn't realize there was actually real information on the tunnels, Thanks

The_Periodic_Fable ago

Are you saying there is a long tunnel running up beneath 16th street? Are you aware there is a huge Masonic temple on the16th?

ronnyCPI ago

Makes me wonder if a part of the 33rd degree rite of freemasonry involves witness of child sacrifice, who is taken through the tunnels. Grim thought, I know.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

The whole concept of secret societies just boggles my mind.

quantokitty ago

No, I'm not. Interesting ...

doubletake ago

good stuff! don't forget your Luminol!

BTW/ How WIDE are these tunnels? big enough for a golf cart?

quantokitty ago

I believe there are pictures of some of them in the articles I posted. They're not as big as the tunnels in Dupont Circle, but they're plenty big enough for a golf cart. They're bricked over and a lot more pleasant than roaming around in the sewer system.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Those bricked over tunnels were common in the old days because the would come in and tear the street up, build the walls and arch of tunnel with brick, then backfill the dirt over. Its an ancient Roman technique. Its strong, so you never see em collapse and they just kinda sit there waiting to be found. Just watched a history channel thing about underground NYC.

quantokitty ago

So it's a Roman technique. Great to know. Yes, well, the articles all saw the tunnels were expertly done. It wasn't shoddy work. Thanks for the input.

pizza_flesh2 ago

STRAND on VOLTA is located at 1531 33rd Street NW, Washington DC . Another JA property. Does it fit in?

quantokitty ago

It is? Lord, I have to keep track of all this guy's properties. Let me throw it in google. Holy crap! If we use a generic P Street location (which again is where Dyar did a lot of his digging), it's a TWO MINUTE WALK! And it's right near another park. Volta Park? Never heard of it.

pizza_flesh2 ago

Also, The Strand obviously has a basement with possible tunnel access.

Here is the kicker... ON THE SAME BLOCK. construction showing a ladder going what looks like to be pretty deep. only thing, it's on the other side of the road.

dksogo358 ago

Great job

quantokitty ago

Thanks! Appreciate the good words.

VieBleu ago

Good work. I hope the FBI is looking at this.

Godwillwin ago

I'm so torn about what we should do with the recent progress made ....Pegasus and tunnels. There HAS to be DNA in Pegasus. Should we turn the findings over to the FBI?

Sharipie ago

The FBI won't do anything about any of this as long as Comey, and the people who control him, is in charge. What needs to happen is, we continue to keep this research going and keep pushing it up to the mainstream until a critical mass of awareness is reached and it can no longer be ignored.

Godwillwin ago

I would LOVE to know how many people are aware of this and how many people think it could be true. I'm certain it is, but I'm sure there are many who kind of think it's possible but just aren't ready yet to face it. I'd love to know the numbers.

Sharipie ago

Yes, I bet an overwhelming number of people that know about it believe it is true.

VieBleu ago

of course. It's not like the FBI doesn't know about Voat. But taking them directly to the FBI wouldn't hurt, why not?

dickface8 ago

Exactly. It's utter madness to think there aren't factions of the FBI watching this just as intensely as us.

Godwillwin ago

Everyone keeps saying they're all bad. But they can't ALL be bad.

VieBleu ago

Ah yes. Well there's finding the RIGHT FBI, that's true. I don't know who could help you with that. Sorry.

zzvoat ago

The FBI, CIA, NSA, etc., have broken into two factions that are fighting it out with each other, as we speak. The only way there's any chance that the FBI will look into this for justice vs the FBI looking into it to shut the investigation down is if the good "guys" win. Keep your fingers crossed.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Soros also sponsored a replacement to Sheriff Joe in Arizona.

FriesischShipping ago

What an awesome time to be alive! I was around last time they were going to duke it out in 2001. Black hats won it that time by wiping out all the financial crimes investigators in the 9/11 attacks. We haven't really had a chance since then. Thanks to this honeypot being one of the messiest operations any of us have ever seen, I'm feeling like we have a good chance to win this battle (the war is eternal)!

VieBleu ago

From what I understand, and it is just from reading around, the CIA remains staunchly rogue, it is only the FBI that has broken in two, largely because of its solid grounding in 1) actual police forces that in the end are law and order types and 2) solid grounding of Mormons who also are patriots and law and order men and women.

The CIA I would think is a completely lost cause, but if you think different let me know and why.

Here is a report of a shootout in the streets of New York recently between the CIA and the NSA - CIA trying to infiltrate and post evidence in NSA computers prior to Trump briefing, failed spectacularly with one shot and taken to the hospital, no arrests

EDIT: Most agree this news is probably a hoax - there were actual reports of a man shot in NY and taken to the hospital with no arrests.

LeChevalBlanc ago

I found reliable sources about the a shooting happening and involving several cars, but all the rest seems to come from Russian services speculation...

Anything else?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

shootout in the streets of New York recently between the CIA and the NSA

That story looks like actual fake news to me.

VieBleu ago

Fake news is getting much more entertaining then. I wouldn't bet lot of money that it was all real. The source looked dodgy - Foreign Intelligence Report?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Yeah, it's not too bad of a hoax because things are getting so cloak and daggerish that it almost seems possible. But I do think it's a hoax. Nobody credible has spoken up for it AFAIK.

NeedPolyGF ago

That's a joke. The Mormons are guilty of severe abuses, probably including pedophilia. They're a cult based on obvious lies that they brainwash their people with. The founder was a Mason. They're probably full of Masons. They put their prophets above Jesus I believe. They follow their prophets more than the Bible.

VieBleu ago

You've got to learn to stop painting large groups all with the same brush. Yes there are some Mormon peds, cults and abusive practices. BUT it is pretty well known that there is a contingent of Mormon police and law enforcement in the FBI that are USA loyal and there are a lot of regular mormons that are into family and can't stand what is happeneing in DC. If you don't believe me that is fine, I'm only talking about what I've heard so take it as you will. I'm not saying they are a majority, just a contigent. This FBI group overall believes it is staging a "counter-coup" against the coup they consider treasonous that has taken over the reigns of government - the survival and election of Trump is part of that countercoup.

NeedPolyGF ago

They're likely more loyal to their so-called prophets (cult-leaders) than to the Constitution. As long as the leaders say the Constitution is good, they'll be loyal. But ultimately the leaders will want to have totalitarian power and will try to make all Christians or everyone Mormons, by force if necessary.

eyeVoated ago

You've got to learn to not sound like a complete hypocrite--speaking of large brushes, and how virtuous your fellow Mormons are. Now let me tell you something more important: blind faith is the antithesis of virtue.

VieBleu ago

you aren't telling me anything. Be careful, we are on the same side.

eyeVoated ago

Be careful? A threat? Seriously? Instead, I think I'll double down: no religion is based in truth, period. All religions are designed by dark occultists, specifically to divide and confuse people. For a fellow truth seeker, I expect you to find the Truth within. Good luck.

VieBleu ago

You are really confused. I am in no way Mormon, never even knew a Mormon. I'm just repeated something I heard which I've explained fully up the thread.

Be careful is about jumping to conclusions - not a threat lol

Perhaps we just misunderstood one another in a disjunct thread. At any rate there is such a thing as spirituality and I agree it certainly comes from within. good luck to you too.

BeanieBabyEmail ago

Mormonism really isn't a good look with polygamy etc

I think many people in the FBI are just mad at the blatant hypocrisy and corruption, especially with the criminal mishandling of top secret information. If any of these agents in the FBI did even 1/5 of what Hillary did they would be in prison for quite a while. Every day they have to take special care to guard information to protect our country's national security. Hillary openly says fuck you to all of them by setting up her own server, by sending top secret info to an unsecured server, by bypassing the freedom of information act, etc.

I think that alone would make any decent agent very angry to their core. Politics aside; I think that really gets them.

VieBleu ago

No doubt, and rightly so. I hope something changes in 2017, I really really do.

GermanynamreG ago

I have never met a Mormon and dont want to talk shit about them, there are brave people in there I think, but judging by what ive read its hierachic and was at some point in history involved in the ciamindcontrolprogram thing. Its individual courage that brings us forward, not institutions or religious assemblies, because they are all corrupted in my opinion.

VieBleu ago

I'm just reporting a take on the make up of the white hat FBI guys. Heard it a couple of times. Maybe its a conspiracy by Mormons to up their PR game within conspiracy circles! ; ) lol

GermanynamreG ago

Just wanted to point out that you can trust nobody but yourself. Im not really thinking about conspiracies inside of conspiracies or so. I often read about peope who pretend to be on a mission so pretend to be the bad guys to make people believe in god, and this makes me sick, there are people out there who really believe what they do is finally right. I also dont understand why people need the concept of a god to know whats right and wrong.

VieBleu ago

Never let the worst in humanity make you lose faith in the average, and decent, human being. God bless.

YingYangMom ago

When I see so much evil in the world, all the sacrifices, the abuse of children, the pain, the suffering, the torture... I can't help but feel and know deep down that there has to be a counter force, an opposite power. One awesome power that is kind in nature, loving, strong and true. That's when I feel that God exists and he is in all of us, good-hearted people. We are his soldiers and we need to fight this war along side him. Awake and stand up for the weak, the orphan and the widow. Do not give up, there is hope. HE stands with us and together, we will win.

VieBleu ago

I join your spirit and many others are joined in the same unity.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, thank you :D

Freemasonsrus ago

Not all CIA are bad guys. A lot of them have been blackmailed and more have been kept silent and controlled by more simple means such as threats like no retirement or blackballed for future jobs if you speak up, and all have signed an NDA with extreme repercussions if broken. IMO if the DOJ could protect against these things and make those NDA's obsolete you will see a lot of white hats show up and speak out.

YingYangMom ago

No. They have a choice. You either side with Good or Evil. There IS nothing else. Spend your precious time, give your entire life to a force that will eventually lie, deceive and hurt you in the end or, break free and be saved. It's as simple as that.

Freemasonsrus ago

Listen to the Kevin Shipp link. I'm black and white when it comes to right/wrong but he helps explain the way their hands are tied with whistleblowing. In a different admin I think things can/will change however.

VieBleu ago

If they can't whisleblow and work from within or do something at all, I don't consider them "white hats" - more like "grey hats" or "brownnose" hats. Not buying it. You are the cream of the crop, figure out how to live without your pension and get out.

Freemasonsrus ago

I think you're discounting the threat they're under. Watch this video and he will explain why there are not more whistleblowers within the CIA. He is one and he fought a long battle to have even a small voice in this environment. One of the best videos you'll watch also wrt the deep state.

embers ago

Great video.

Freemasonsrus ago

So important for us to understand the beast within.

alanna ago

Thanks for vid. There's lots of personal turmoil prior to crossing the line to stand-up. He mentions hiding out for 2 years. I get that! I believe the forces are mounting although not seen yet. (probably from the geoengineering...hehehe)

Freemasonsrus ago

No problem! Ya I can only imagine the fear of reprisals.

VieBleu ago

Yes, you never know the real pressure till you walk the mile in another's shoes, so there's always that. But THEY don't know what it is like to be on the outside struggling in a system that they are afraid to lose their rewards from! No pension, no safety, no privilege, no jobs handed to you, preyed upon, your children preyed upon, corruption in law enforcement, judicial system, propagandized - they need to walk a mile too.

I'll watch the vid thanks.

Freemasonsrus ago

I totally agree! It's really infuriating but I also think of the fact most of the time it's a decision about how to put food on the table for your family, and most certainly real fears for their safety. I know what I would hope that I would do, but I'm not in that situation. I know what I would do if it was just me taking the heat, but different when your own family is involved. My hope is that w a Trump admin there will be a sense of safety for whistleblowers.

quantokitty ago

Thanks! I think we got this!!!


Why do people think the FBI would care? It's a criminal organisation itself.

pizzaequalspedo ago

We have to pray and hope that the new FBI under Trump is truly interested in justice. And hopefully the agents see this as their chance to pursue stuff like this without being undermined by their superiors.


Is he going to replace everybody? I don't know anything about what Trump is planning to do with the FBI yet, but I imagine it would take a long time to fix that evil beast and he may have many higher priorities.

MolochHunter ago

there are no other priorities. Whilst a paedophile mafia rules the world's roost, no other aspirations have hope: not business, not peace, not security, not democracy, not the freeness of the press, not law

pizzaequalspedo ago

I don't believe that the vast majority of the FBI regular field reps are bad guys. I think the higher ups are promoted and put into place are the culprits. It's very likely that you don't just earn promotions into leadership positions unless they have blackmail material on you.

Hopefully Trump crushes the corrupt leadership into pieces with the help of military intel, FBI and NSA agents that are on his side.

Time will tell.


People only believe positive things about FBI agents because of the way they're depicted in Hollywood TV shows and films. It's just a myth.

cuckname ago

Lots of us aren't here every day, we spend our time fighting on other fronts. We are thinking of you all the time and praying to actual god that you diggers unearth clues that change the balance of power in the west. The pedo ring in Norway is busted. The shadow government in South Korea is discovered. Podesta and other sickos here in america is next

YingYangMom ago

By constantly shedding the light on the darkness, by exposing the secrets and the lies, we are making things difficult for this evil to prevail. Pursue, investigate, expose, persecute and hunt down all those who do ill to the innocents. Justice for the weak and the defenseless. Stay true to yourself and persevere. Keep on fighting, it is for a good cause.

quantokitty ago

Hopefully. Personally, I'm constantly amazed at what people come up with. I mean, Pizzagate_Detective found Pegasus Museum! How? How did they do that? It astonishes me. Thanks! I want nothing more than this child abuse to end and for whoever is involved to go directly to jail!

zzvoat ago

First, second, and last, THANKS for ALL of your work on other fronts!!

One clarification. Unfortunately, THE pedo ring in Norway isn't busted. "A" pedo ring in Norway has been busted. Until royalty, presidents, prime ministers of all countries, globally, are busted, it's still only parts. IMPORTANT parts, CRITICAL parts but still only parts.

These are "limited hangouts" allowed by the "royal" fish in order to protect themselves. "Royal" fish toss fish smaller than they are under the bus simply to get people to believe that "we got them all," "they're busted."

The tiniest fish go first. At this point, they allowed some of the bigger fish to get caught up in the recent Norway sweep. But there are more big fish, more even bigger fish, huge fish, even huger fish, humongous fish, etc. still a long way and many more fish to the very top - the "royal" fish, themselves.

The stakes on this are as high as they get. The royal fish will use every trick in the book not to be recognized, let alone caught and stopped. Some estimates in Washington, DC and Hollywood, are that up to 70% of the people are perpetrators, enablers, or those who cover things up.

The great news is that we've got ALL of them beginning to shake in their boots.

cuckname ago

The tiniest fish go first. SANDUSKY!

AugustaJulia ago

It's interesting that the Swedish royal family has not been implicated, as far as I know. They are also not of ancient royal blood, but originate from one of Napoleon's generals. I wonder whether this supports the "bloodlines" hypothesis.