3301 ago

Hi OP I have worked on a couple of threads recently regarding tunnels etc and have found some very interesting stuff around a particular very long tunnel. I also feel that something isn't quite right about The Pilgrimage.

Read this thread first for context https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1568106

Then read my comment in reply to this thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1551092/7651790


Any thoughts?

justwanttohelp ago

Somehow I don't see the connection. I checked his facebook and yes he makes a comment about comet pizza, but I don't think this is damming evidence... we have to be careful here. Comments like 1000 upvotes good work?

Like really? People are going to further discredit the evidence that we DO have if we keep posting stuff like this.

In my opinion it's very sloppy. I clicked on your links.

I found nothing strange or damning.

quantokitty ago

There are numerous articles about ritual sacrifice going on in the park. I'd try to find out where those have taken place. Most likely, it's people like that that have accessed the park through secret entrances. Those would be the ones most likely to know where they were. I'll try to find that article on the park. There's a lot of bad going on there according to it.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Few random additions...could mean something or could mean nothing...

Pilgrimage Church has director Rev. Ashly Goff. Did work with the Jesuit Volunteer Corp https://archive.is/vg1mt

Google map of the Pilgrimage https://www.google.com/maps/@38.9105612,-77.0476317,18z?hl=en

Notice toward the top is the Cosmos Club http://archive.is/QeXUS

"The Cosmos Club, founded in 1878, is a private social club for men and women distinguished in science, literature and the arts or public service. Members come from virtually every profession that has anything to do with scholarship, creative genius or intellectual distinction. Among its members have been three Presidents, two Vice Presidents, a dozen Supreme Court justices, 36 Nobel Prize winners, 61 Pulitzer Prize winners and 55 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom."

Less than 10 minute walk south we have a few other places of note, not to mention this area is literally Embassy Row...Tanzania, Peru, Mexico https://www.google.com/maps/@38.9062828,-77.0491516,19.75z?hl=en

In this area there's Resolve: http://archive.is/4lugp

One of their programs is the Institute of World Affairs: http://archive.is/N4luc

President of Resolve is Stephen D'Esposito http://www.resolv.org/about/staff. He shows up in a Wikileaks Stratfor email titled "Mining - New IRMA?" Not sure what that is : http://archive.is/hVQSw

In this same area we have Plan Internationa/PlanUSA: http://archive.is/XHuIB. Scroll down and one of the partners is the Clinton Global Initiative.

A more in depth look at their structure https://plan-international.org/organisation/structure#plan-international-inc-members

Frank Manfredi worked for Plan Usa https://www.planusa.org/frank-manfredi, then worked for the State Department, then back to Plan Usa: https://archive.is/xgHqI#selection-1477.0-1481.253

""Prior to working at Plan USA, Frank served for two years with the International Rescue Committee’s Joint Voluntary Agency in Thailand, where he worked in refugee processing. As a Franklin Fellow, Frank worked in the Office of the Director of US Foreign Assistance from April 2008 to April 2009, focusing on Humanitarian Assistance as a member of the Global Functional unit. Upon leaving the Program, Frank returned to Plan USA"

Just became a member of USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network (USAID ECCN) in September: http://eccnetwork.net/wp-content/uploads/New-USAID-ECCN-Steering-Group-Members-Sept-2016.pdf

Wikileaks has several hits for Plan International/Plan USA. Resume from person who worked there and wants to intern https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31300

Someone at Stratfor sponsors a child through Plan International - several emails/newsletters to [email protected]. Probably not relevant, but here's one - https://archive.is/mm6YH.

KingKongisCTR ago

Good stuff. Looks like one of Joe Biden's sons was in the JVC and it says Time Kaine was a "participant".


anolegion ago

Pandapediatrics, really? Nice logo too https://sli.mg/wJ3gIZ

Freemasonsrus ago

awesome job!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

1,000 upvotes! Excellent work!

reasonedandinformed ago

FYI, I believe that the NM Governor (Bill Richardson) was on the list of those who flew on Epstein's Lolita Express.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Need to archive friend link. Didn't see it pop up when I looked second time.

Truthseeker77 ago

If you read the reviews on the airbnb site it has conflicting reviews as if some reviews were from a location IN Haiti. Strange. What I also gathered was he no longer hosts events although he has the past. Only a few reviews had actual dates. One event that was hosted said that he used his surveillance camera footage to count "guests" that arrived. And one reviewer said she found it odd that he came in during their stay unannounced to do some maintenance on the house.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Per WaPo article comment section, " Nosh1 5/16/2015 12:05 PM EDT The guy was running an illegal concert venue for a long time. The galling thing is he owns a chain of gyms in DC (Results), he is well aware of the licensing requirements involved so it isn't like he can play dumb."

GhostOfSwartz ago

Perhaps we should look into Results?

KingKongisCTR ago

I think it was just that he was renting on AirBnB and people were partying.

GhostOfSwartz ago

First review, Great place for kids????

Truthseeker77 ago

I can understand that, but I'm curious about the two reviews that we clearly from a stay at a place in Haiti.

westmiguy ago

While Bing sucks for most things, use Bing Maps 'birds eye view'. You can rotate, and see far more detail than in google maps.

KingKongisCTR ago

I'll check that out, thanks.

westmiguy ago

The images are taken from planes flying over, so you can literally get four different angles anywhere. They are not just top-down images like on google maps, so you get sort of a 45-degree view of everything which makes sides of buildings, landscape details, etc... much easier to pick out. Like, you can see concrete slabs, and old structure (like an old, collapsed bridge) in Rock Creek park for instance.

KingKongisCTR ago

That sounds very helpful.

GhostOfSwartz ago

So easy access to Dupont tunnels, underwater window viewed through living room (perfect for filming unsuspecting pervs) and cameras all throughout the house? Perfect blackmail situation. And are you saying the owners are tied to Haiti or is it a neighbor?

GhostOfSwartz ago

And Facebook friends with guess who?

Fateswebb ago

Who? I mean really you're going to make us research this or you're going to say who?

GhostOfSwartz ago

Sorry,got tied up on phone call.

KingKongisCTR ago

Alefantis. It is in the post now.

KingKongisCTR ago

Really? I wasn't logged in so haven't been able to check it out

GhostOfSwartz ago


KingKongisCTR ago

Updated to include it.

save_thechildren ago

Sorry he is ex- governor of New Mexico but known passenger on Epsteins Lolita Express.

KingKongisCTR ago

I thought that name rang a bell, thanks.

save_thechildren ago

Gov. Richardson is a known pedo