pby1000 ago

Regarding the Finders, I believe there are also the Watchers that watch the captive children, and the Movers that move the children from one location to another. This is from the Dr. Phil Human Trafficking episode.

PizzaGate711 ago

Please have a read of this. Freemasonry connected to yet another Church. Is the Church that powerful it needs Police to Guard over it? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1590612#submissionTop

klondike1412 ago

There are more than 3 literal degrees, but there are only 3 true degrees of "the special part" of Freemasonry. The real third level corresponds more or less to the degrees above 30, plus there's all kinds of honorary and special degrees way above 30 (90, 95th degrees etc.) but those don't really have the same meaning.

Anyways, it's been twisted, copied, mimicked, and really distorted over time either way.

Do you know where the theory about his sacrifices were busted? You truly do need blood to get certain magick-related things to work, and as someone who explored both paths/sides of magick, I wouldn't be surprised if Crowley dabbled in the darker side occasionally.

G-ma ago

Hillary is one of the "Kings Daughters", or "fiiles du roi" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King%27s_Daughters https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2016/11/06/hillary-clintons-quebec-ancestry-dates-back-to-new-france.html They were supposedly trafficked poor kids and orphans, ladies of the night. They were sent over by Louis XIV, 100 years before Louis XVI, as wards of the king, and given a dowry. Maybe not related, but interesting....

3301 ago

Move evidence that leads me to believe JA is connected to the Society of the Cincinnati.

HunkaHunka ago

Basil Mossaidis, the leader of AHEPA, lives in the building which houses Firehook Bakery on the ground floor and houses the AHEPA Daughters of Penelope temple on its roof.

The official Scottish Rite site mentions that Basil Mossaidis began becoming a Freemason at Naval Lodge No. 4

note that Naval Lodge No. 4 is located at 330 Pennyslvania Ave.

330 Pennsylvania Ave. is right across the street from 'We the Pizza':

Note the Naval Lodge address no. is 330 , 330 = 33rd degree

see this link:


3301 ago

Probably a coincidence but this comment thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1568106/7643274 posted here by @kaelar talks about 33 and a Naval Observatory.

Investigating more now. Thanks.

herbsmoke ago

It is common knowledge that albert pike says the power of masonry is lucifer, dumbfuck, also common knowledge masons worship lucifer. You are the idiot who is not aware of these facts not me. Go fuck yourself for your proof fucktard, or research about what you speak so you don't sound like a fucking retard all the time. There is massive mountains of evidence that masons control the government and have since it started in 1776 and that they are satanists. Masonry is based on kabbalism, which is ancient babylonian satanism. This is not a belief you stupid fuck. This isn't my preconcieved notion. These are facts you yourself could independently verify if you weren't a shit for brains shill. The 3rd world war as described in pikes letter to mazzini is about to take place and you are here shilling for mason satanists, doing a terrible job of it, and exposing yourself as a world class fucktard. You probably think trump will save america too.

herbsmoke ago

Quick question fucktard, why is it stupid shit for brains shills always request proof? It's not my responsibility to document shit for your stupid ass, and spoon feed it to you because you're too stupid to research for yourself.

klondike1412 ago

I can't speak for his accuracy on Crowley/Thelema, that's the issue with anything occult, many styles of worship have a left/right or black/white path that allows for some to follow a less moral (or even straight up evil) path than others.

You'll find that Luciferian worship is very important to modern Freemasonry (especially post-Pike revision) and has had it's rituals and degrees changed from the original path (hint: there are only 3 real Masonry degrees, and most Masons never ever make it to the 3rd degree, even some quite high-level ones). Lucifer is also what Crowley channeled ("Lam"), and it is a 6D group-consciousness according to them (take that as what you will). If you follow Greek thought with Prometheus, or Sumerian tales of Enki and Enlil, Lucifer is not as clear-cut negative as things are made out, hence how once occultists learn this some go a bit too far like Pike and worship him a bit much.

Anyways, apparently "Magick in theory and practice" says that ritual sacrifice is almost a necessity to get anything important done with some types of magick https://raumfahrer.wordpress.com/manson/crowley-on-sacrifice/ He makes it almost like "well, no duh you need to kill some people" which is not what I expected tbh... "For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim." He doesn't admit doing it but he explains it at least. I think this may be relevant to finding abuse victims even...

Here's some discussion and it seems he talks in code about using 150 victims (Frater Perdurabo is an alias of his) that are male children. https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=48717

Insubordinate ago

Nice job presenting facts, OP. "The bear, the ape, and the Pegasus..." quote from Albert Pike is interesting. No doubt, Freemasons are somehow involved in this mess... how couldn't they be?

3301 ago

Haha. Yes they must be. They are everywhere.

The "The bear, the ape, and the Pegasus..." needs more investigation around JA.

Snailracer ago

educate-yourself.org is registered to Ken Adachi, who died in 1989. According to Stew Webb this is an alias of an identity thief and troll known as John W. Allman who uses many aliases to harass online whistleblowers, and feed them disinformation. http://www.stewwebb.com/2014/01/28/rip-ken-adachi-educate-yourself-org/ As such I find the whole story of The Finders to be suspect.

3301 ago

Ah yes. I did read rumors of this. Thank you. I shall look into it further.

3301 ago

Interesting. Alink or two would be of great help if poss.


LeChevalBlanc ago

A misleading link in Wiki Cincinnati society page (French section) :

It isn't Claude-Henri (famous social reformer) but Claude-Anne (fought in Yorktown's siege) de Rouvroy de Saint-Simon that was a French member.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude_Henri_de_Rouvroy,_comte_de_Saint-Simon VS https://www.nps.gov/york/learn/historyculture/french-units-at-yorktown.htm http://www.cincinnatidefrance.fr/biographies/personnages-francais/141-saint-simon-claude-anne-de-rouvroy-marquis-puis-duc-de

3301 ago

Ah. good stuff.

You should edit the wiki.

YingYangMom ago

Nicely done, OP. Interesting, well-sourced and referenced. Thank you!

3301 ago

Yes. Very much so.

Astrodreamer ago

When a posting begins ** EXPOSED ** you know that mindless lunacy about 33s, the Masons and 18th century charlatans will ensue. Is there any Pizzagate here. Mods?

samhara ago

That's why I didn't put my work on the front page , but instead on the Pizzagate whatever.. I 'm certain it wil be deleted for "lack of relevance" Or 'What will they think of us now? '' Which itself is a total op .. What do we think of *them is the question

3301 ago

I'm sorry you feel that way. I know it's a bit of a history lesson at the beginning but if you get to the end of the post I believe its very much pizza related.

3301 ago

I appoligise. It was my first post and I got a little over excited about my findings. Scroll to the end. I think you will be suprised still.

kaelar ago

Just because I need to post this somewhere, incoming veep Mike Pence and his wife have been living in a rented house in Chevy Chase DC for the past month or so. (They will of course be moving to the official Vice President's Residence at the Naval Observatory this Friday.)

The address of his rental home: 3333 Tennyson Street NW.

The double 33's pretty much speak for themselves and Alfred Lord Tennyson was apparently a very influential Mason:

The Illuminati plot has been masterminded and executed over the years by a number of so-called illustrious "heroes." Their globalist philosophy was perhaps best expressed by 19th century British poet, Alfred Lord Tennyson, an occultist and Mason, whose revealing poem, "Locksley Hall," epitomized the lofty aims of the elitist conspirators. President Harry Truman, a 33rd degree Mason, carried a typed copy of Tennyson's "Locksley Hall," in his wallet every day of his adult life and often pulled it out and read it to friends.>

Maybe things change in the new administration; maybe things don't change.

3301 ago

Very interesting. Also fits nicely with this theory. TY

Nana66 ago

I am hoping Trump let them appoint his VP to fill his cabinet with the most important guilty parties to take them down. It makes more sense this thing that got swept under the rug for instance means they also traffic humans. And Pence picked her for Transportation secretary...


Pence also has had many arrows thrown at him about this subject that haven't been brought into the campaign at all..


klondike1412 ago

I believe Masonry has deep symbolism and earnest original roots but it involves a certain path that is open to a lot of negative options/powers. Their main centerpiece is ancient Egyptian knowledge that the old King Sequenre Tao = Hiram Abiff http://www.mastermason.com/hiramdiscovered (shitty formatted site but good history summary) held who fought the evil Hyksos rulers, so he was a good guy back then. Just like the Illuminati literally had a decent intention originally but were destroyed, slandered, and renamed/coopted, Freemasonry has noble purposes on some levels but appears to be really corrupted at some levels.

Here is a former 32nd-degree Mason's allegations/explanations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WbRKAyn4-I for why they do it. An interesting observation is that it is literally a way of giving yourself power over someone young and full of potential by causing great psychological damage in a certain way and actually effectively altering the course of the abusers life for the better if they succeed. It's like killing off future competitors in a weird way... but anyways the ritual stuff is mostly sub-conscious symbolism that triggers certain psychological responses in the abused that go very far back to base, instinctual things that everyone fears.

wh0care ago

no they was surelly not all evil, but like in some other later cult, the secrets was kept in high priest ranks, its a not so much known fact but at some period they also practiced humans sacrifice etc...quite hard to find good infos on it but from my research they did...like in some ritual i forgot the exact name but something like "ritual xxxx of Amenophis" for example...


Really not sure how to intimate this, since it's so much more than sensitive and I'm 110% sure every thread on this site is surveilled:

I have a friend who's getting deep into independent investigation of the various emanations coming from good ole Jimmy Comet and his pizzeria(?). Now that we've narrowed down the Pegasus Museum as a potential kill room/utility building, and we've zeroed in on its location, the only way to investigate further would be law enforcement search warrants that give no time for cleanup (which has probably already been completed tbh). But my friend brought up a very astute point: law enforcement doesn't run the streets of DC, or any other city for that matter. It's the street gangs; in DC, there's a sizable contingent of La eMe bangers and Latin Kings and some smaller Black Mafia/Gangster Disciples/Crips/Bloods, but MS-13 basically runs the greater DC area. This is the longest of long shots, but perhaps if someone with inroads to the other side of the law could make a case, we'd be much more likely to get intel on the underground tunnels in DC and possibly an inside look at the Pegasus Museum. Sure it's a pipe dream, but most organized crime outfits are very adamant about killing pedophiles in prison. If they found out a pedophile mafia was running under their city, I think they'd be quite, shall we say, perturbed.

The enemy of my enemy, as they say..

samhara ago

You're just likely to get them to turn on you.. they do stuff for money - easily; remember? This is not a movie with cuddly Hells Angels and cuddly Gangsters.

samhara ago

I think it's a bad idea because there is nothing to gain. The gangs are run by the drug lords et cetera. Yes, the Mafia hates pedos, but likely that's why we've gotten as far as we have - via the leaks.

The investigation is not for amateurs. What could be gained? I'm missing that.

YingYangMom ago

They're a part of it. In it for the money, not the blood-spilling, but still. They get their 'trafficked loot' mostly from Mexico (daily international shipments arrive at Mexican ports, basically) and from there, the Mexican cartel members 'move' the young people to the U.S to be exploited and inserted into the sex-slave trade. I got this info from a very interesting thread on here and read up on the links provided. If I can find it, I'll happily post it here.

alzr ago

When his father was working for the French royal family pedophelia was rampant there... From a comment corbettreport*: "Marion Sigaut, she tracked back these pedophile networks up to the Ancien Regime in France (during Louis XV reign especially). She explains the traffics in public hospitals by tracking the entry and checkouts of the orphans, etc. also explaining how Louis XV lost power because of pedophile blackmail (which weakened Louis XVI up to his overthrown by French Revolution)."

I would not be surprised if James Alefantis is somehow related to this family.


samhara ago

An aside on the "French Revolution" and the Masonic connections:

It appears likely the "beheading" of Louis 16 was a "King Kill" ritual/ fake - out / psy - op as some believe the JFK event was.


It appears likely; especially in the context of all the psy-op events in the last 15 years, since "9/11" and the fact the majority has remained in ignorance of these programs ; i.e. "Project Gladio" "Strategy of Tension" - which apparently continued in the U.S.A. up until today. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Operation%20Gladio


Even though the JFK event never made sense, the Propaganda Media stuck to the original ridiculous story and just doubled - down; and then sent-out controlled-op to herd anyone who couldn't be initially persuaded (a fairly small subset of the population kept interest / research - and were mocked / marginalized, over many years).

King Kill 33 Masonic Ritual https://archive.is/QIHS9 http://www.whale.to/b/kingkill_33.html

"9/11" was also a Masonic Ritual: re-Inactment of the destruction of the 2 Pillars of the world. Jachim / Boaz. [We went into this in extreme length over many years; on my Forum; including an elaboration of the details and evidence around all the staged events which tended to peak in intensity over the past few years - until we were vandalized / defaced 12/10 Dec 10 2016.]

Here is a video series which touches on many of the points on the "9/11" event as an occult ritual, and is by someone who is likely himself a Mason - this video series from '07 was what originally got me onto the research around the connection between politics and occult symbolism:.

"The 9/11 Mega - Ritual" Seallion It appears most of the videos in the series are no longer linked on his site.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rb8n2hTToo The 911 Stargate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUvSqY3po24 But it appears there is a German Mirror site for it.

Lots of German language research on it , along similar line, all in German , now.

Das 9/11 Mega Ritual entschlüsselt volle Länge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZikJOZo31w 6 hours long, all in German!

Here is a mirror site for the original "Seallion" video series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfZUhnJwpWw&list=PLE09A3552C7E61984

(There has been a lot of static added over the years on this to muddy the waters?)

I wrote about the alleged beheading of Louis 16 on my Forum which was hacked and brought down after 8 years + of work on Dec 10th 2015 after I connected to this Voat subverse and started linking our Pizza meme research and other research over here.

. There was a whole section on the falsification of History.

. Much has been written on the "Illuminati" engineering of the "French Revolution" Napoleon was a member of secret societies and his "War" was basically to just plunder different countries and split the spoils between those in on the ruse.

Here's from a Masonic site arguing against the case - but you can see that people believed "Illumanati" / Secret societies were behind it from the very beginning. Such a long standing /original "conspiracy theory"

In any case, the "French Revolution" is certainly not what we are told.


I read some of Abbe Berruel's work. You can get the complete book for free download. "Memoirs illustrating the history of Jacobinism" https://archive.org/details/memoirsillustra00conggoog

Independently, the Abbé Barruel, a member of the Jesuit Society, was at work on his "Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire du Jacobinisme." The Abbé published the first two of his four volumes in 1797 and the last two in 1798.3

Here is a basic outline from Miles Mathis: I don't agree with everything he writes, but the concept is sound "Was Napeoleon Jewish?" http://mileswmathis.com/frev.pdf http://mileswmathis.com/napoleon.pdf I also found , from my own research [on my Forum now down I have screen shots of the citations] that "Napoleon" was not the figure's name. He was also said to be the second born son, but was not. https://archive.is/axg6k The figures involved in these scams apparently blot their true names and connections as well as their true genealogy. i.e. Alephantis - Obama - Jefferson Clinton -


and even Assange [ who was connected to the Anne Hamilton - Byrne cult - I wrote extensively on that yesterday; It was said to be a cult wherein the "Mother" sold the boys, by a whistle-blower to the "Family" likely a AU child trafficking cult .. Ass - Ange ; You can disagree, because their games create emotional confusion [deliberately!] - but that is how I see it. ]


"The French Revolution" https://archive.is/BXcsI Unfortunately the archive doesn't archive the images - which are fairly essential to the argument in many cases, especially in the JFK essay. See above.

Ironically, a leading researcher, Miles Mathis, into the falsification of history, appears to be enamoured himself of young girl children! - Just to be totally candid on his context. I still have confidence that much of what he writes is correct. You can check it yourself. Not all the articles are equal.

http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html For instance, he apparently believes the entire "Pizzagate" is an -op / hoax.

"The French Revolution" http://mileswmathis.com/frev.pdf

The King Louis 16 and his circle fooled the public to believe he had been beheaded. Then the same man with the same name "Louis" came back from hiding as his own brother 11 year later as Louis 18. Both "brothers" were said to have had the same name, i.e "Louis" from birth

This is what I believe and independently found ^^^^ (Mathis site is up and mine is down. Wouldn't you know. Just because he wirites love poems to little girls, doesn't mean he's a pedo - but that's an interesting co - incidence certainly)

3301 ago

I've had time to fully read through now. Nice one. Great research.

Yes my journey on this took me to France and my previous knowledge of the history of the Illuminati took me to France. Both around the time of 1780-90s. So I can see a strong link for sure.

Initally looking at this line of investigation it feels that its far from PizzaG8 but when you look at the bigger picture and start to understand how complex "it" is (there is always the posiility "it" might not even exist and it's all just one mad Dan Brown book we are writing in realtime) then this line of research is makes complete sense.


Right...off to surf the Whitehouse public visitors log for anyone involved with Epstien. Good luck.

samhara ago

The figures of the Woman [Virgo / Great Goddess] / Snake - Man [ Ophiuchus also a Constellation next to Virgo ] Ape = Man [?] ; Pegasus "Flying horse" are all Constellations.

Masons use "Astro - theology" To do with seasons and stars. In the old days that was how time was told. And the Masons trace to the ancient world and to ancient religion.

Moneky faced Egypt god is Thoth - which was special to Aleister Crowley [mi6 agent for the English Crown] http://www.rense.com/general82/crowl.htm who was most likely a pedo, and even wrote about murdering children.

Pegasus is next to Orion and the bull and the beheaded Demon [Medusa or whatever demon is the bad guy at the moment]

Ophiuchus, the healer with the Snake, with his foot upon the monster [scorpion] is next to Virgo..

The Bear constellation is the Ursa major / minor i.e. The Pole Star.

Virgo constellation is huge.

3301 ago

TY. I'm looking more into Pegasus and star constellations now. Maybe there is a geographical match in Washington somewhere.

Also I feel there is a connection with Bears to AE somewhere.

samhara ago

Just some things some brain - storming brought us 33 - two butts / asses , lined up. Notice the "ape" video has the "3" rd door highlighted on the Red Door. . [ don't have a link to that at the moment]

Star - Gate / Assterick / Star could be "butt hole"

Aleph - is the Chief.. The first letter is i.e. "A" Aleph = "A"

Podesta is also a word meaning a chief of some sort in "Rome"

There is a lot in Kaballah on letter "Aleph" First letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

The secret philosophy is releated to "Do what thou Wilt is the whole of the Law" - They are trained to act outside the law.

And then that was made exoteric - for the public at large starting 50 years ago at the first "Be -In" for the "Summer of Love" 1967 engineered by the "magicians" of the Intel Services.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z9T7jyn6iA 50 Years of Flower Power

They move to make their philosophy accepted by the public - and entice them to total hedonism and "relative" morality / ethics; so that : they can move more easily in a corrupted "It's all about Me" Society.

It may have backfired slightly with the openness with which the "Pizza" people flaunted their predilections?

But was / is a long - term plan - "trans - humanism" relates to "Cult of Death" and "Burning MAN" destroying the Human. Human sacrifice.

"Burning Man" ritual in Black Rock desert is connected to Satanism. And is a ritual. Here is play list for "Shadow History of Burners" Steve Outtrim - Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7vrqMQgfus&list=PLa3bLMRvk6HqSsLZ7RimES5UXRsdp2mey

3301 ago

Interesting. Thanks.

sore_ass_losers ago

Not actually 'identical', or 'exactly the same' by OP, but quite similar. Interesting.

3301 ago

Sorry. My bad. Have updated the edit.


wh0care ago

many masons are good, thats a fact, but u have to understand something, first there is differents lodges, some mostly good some not, some very secrets in which only selected people from other lodges will can come in...in the bad lodges, only bad people will make high degree, if they did not past the little test others initiates do to them, like if they refusing to do something bad for them for example, they will never go on top of the pyramid, and they will never know the true face of the cult and the true goal and meaning.., but they will stay in and being just apart of some secrets and activities.. My point is , they HAVE to appear to doing good, if they want doing bad, they will use mostly the good peeps in their initiates like a cover, and those who will believe all their life that they workd for good, while some selected one in the same lodge would have maybe took part of some sacrificial stuff for example...

occultists bad groups (yes not all are bad, occult mean just "secret", magician for example could do good, but in middle age they was considered bad and have to do it in secret for not being persecuted) so these groups always reverse everything for going to their goal, its an old technic used since centuries, it was a commun thing to do like that...like the templars also preyd the devil, even if they was considered like good christians by most of the people..its quite a know fact if u research it well (not only on youtube or mainstream medias) i know a good book about it but i dont know if its have been translated in english, name should be something like : the secret doctrine of templars by Jules Loiseleur 1872..maybe u could find it..

Godwillwin ago

Good info and layout. I wish I was as talented in posting. Mine all get taken down and called a "wall of text" :(

Anyway, I've seen the pentagram Washington layout but never the owl. That's pretty cool. There clearly is an owl in the layout.

In the society of the Cincinnati badge, it looks like there's an owl with children holding hands in the breast of the Eagle. Am I seeing this wrong?

samhara ago

Why not post in Pizzagatewhatever, as I did.. That's why it's there. - https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1569405 -

Godwillwin ago

Thx! I did not know that's what it was for. Good to know!

3301 ago

Thanks. It was my first post. Anyone cando it. Give it a go if your evidence is strong enough.

herbsmoke ago

retard, all the evidence from pizzagate is presented primarily through youtube videos. retard, each time you speak you sound stupider. please stop shilling and shut the fuck up.

herbsmoke ago

i posted evidence retard. read morals and dogma. doubt it not!! you fucking mongoloid

herbsmoke ago

I am not the one trying to convince people masons are good guys who are misunderstood... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbRmRkZxYk0 fucking retard

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

William Cooper's "Mystery Babylon" is a good place to start.

This is pretty good as well:


NikitaVerite ago

My mind just exploded. You are an investigative superstar.

3301 ago

Thanks. Only my first post. Next post will be a bombshell.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

I personally believe most in the freemasons are honorable, educated, good people

Kind of. Even the blue lodge members conspire on small scale stuff in their communities.

The guys at the top are literally the worst human beings on earth.

I've read some of the freemasons texts and they believe in doing good work for humanity.

That's the exoteric teachings. There are a lot of esoteric understandings that are sinister. And a lot of works you are not allowed to read.

What has happened is these creepy people have infiltrated everything good and taken it over, stolen its wisdom and symbols and reversed it all

Yes. But this began many centuries ago, when the Templars were fleeing France and Venice.

The masonic text I read, only goes to the 32nd degree, there is no 33 degree. The 33 degrees are an honorary title.

That is correct. Within Scottish Rite, there is also York Rite (the other major branch). As well as masonic organizations (Rosicrucianism, irregular freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, etc.) that are basically freemasonry in their teaching, and are run by the same people.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

This is a very good read, and excellent information. Thank you.

I want to let you know about a very deep secret that MAY affect how we read this. A lot of the masonic influence on the founding was actually a psy op. Washington, Franklin, Jay, and many others joined freemason societies in order to disrupt intelligence efforts in Europe.

The Illuminati was actually the result of this. Look at when it was founded and when it ended. Look at pictures of Adam Weishaupt. This effort confused European masonry into thinking the Revolution was one of their efforts, when it was a genuine revolution.

There are STILL books being written arguing that Franklin and others were secretly spies for the British because they were such good double agents.

You can start your research here:


3301 ago


Godwillwin ago

I too read that the illuminati was created by some of the "good guys" but I got confused reading about it that I can't remember what the book said the reason was

My biggest take away was that the Old World Order is the "bad guys" and that is what our current DC "establishment" politicians are trying to restore - it's not new but it is one so I call it the one world order

3301 ago

The church of Unification talk about One World. They are a syncratic religion. You shall see syncratic religions popup everywhere here.

Nana66 ago

Propaganda...make the people believe they want what you are selling them...like war with Russia or president Hillary Clinton...and Trump is going to end the world so freak out and don't pay attention to what we are doing right in front of your eyes....This is why they need internet trolls now to bring out the pack mentality in us and that's where you see real people join them calling people assigned names like deplorables and cheeto and wanting to join hate marches.

klondike1412 ago

There are several factions. The Bush-Windsor bloodline is the continuation of an ancient Egyptian (Ramses II, Cleopatra) and Roman (Caesar, Piso) bloodlines. The royal families of many countries all continue from this line. The Knights Templar fought for the Merovingian bloodline after their empire was destroyed around 800AD IIRC (Frank empire) and this line included Charlemagne. This was considered the "grail bloodline" and alleged to be related to Christ. But there are aaaalso allegations that Flavius Piso of the Windsor-Bush bloodline was responsible for creating much of the bible and using it to describe Tiberius' rape of Jerusalem in 70AD. That manipulation was run by the Holy Roman Church (the "evil priest" faction) and the Vatican with the 9th Circle being responsible for a lot of not-so-nice stuff. They have a hard-on for Jerusalem and using Temporal Power and convincing everyone that Jesus said they're the shit, and do that through the Jesuits - who have had a hand at suppressing anything against the church all through the ages, particularly the Inquisitions.

Anyways, DC establishment = Royal bloodlines, that's the key thing.

samhara ago

Many people tens of thousands descend by their family allegedly from those so-called royal ancestors and are not part of this criminal group.. This group have a specific philosophy which they keep secret - they also change their names / lie / and hijack history and genealogy. They are plunderers. Not builders of civilization .. The ancient world is not what we are told / led to believe.

They have their own sect which goes back to the ancient world. And S. Zev is connected to Arabian figures and to Jesuit figures. At the top they may all be the same / they perform the "inversion" of morality are "anti - life" and hold materialistic philosophy of brutality for hidden power. They compete with Nature "trans - humanism" "creating the FRANKendstein / Golom.

"Shabbetai Zevi's Early Years and Personality

The figure of the man who occupied the center of the movement is a most unexpected and surprising one. By now, his biography is one of the most completely documented of any Jew who played an important role in Jewish history. Shabbetai Zevi was born in Smyrna (Ismir) on the Ninth of Av, 1626 (unless the date was manipulated to conform with the tradition that the Messiah would be born on the anniversary of the destruction of the Temple). His father, Mordecai Zevi, came from the Peloponnesus (Patras?), probably from a family of Ashkenazi origin, and as a young man settled in Smyrna, where he first was a modest poultry merchant and later became an agent for Dutch and English traders.

Zev's philosophy is not the same as the mainstream Jewish tradition. He's instead similar , and likely connected to, Nizari,


Hasani Saba "Nothing is Forbidden, Everything is Permitted' http://www.phinnweb.org/neuro/assassins.html

It's the same group at the top. That's why you see Hillary funding Isis.

JACOB [jake] FRANK nihilism https://books.google.com/books?ihttps://archive.is/wnhQQ

The so-called FRANK family changes their names and insinuates in different locations. So it is claimed. The originator of the family had a distinct philosophy different from Judaism .

3301 ago

Yes. The people of America had concerns around secret societies in the late 1700s.

When news of the foundation of the society spread, judge Aedanus Burke published several pamphlets under the pseudonym Cassius where he criticized the society as an attempt at reestablishing a hereditary nobility in the new republic.The pamphlets, entitled An Address to the Freemen of South Carolina and Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati sparked a general debate that included prominent names, including Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

On January 26, 1784 Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to his daughter Sarah Bache ,...

I only wonder that, when the united Wisdom of our Nation had, in the Articles of Confederation, manifested their Dislike of establishing Ranks of Nobility, by Authority either of the Congress or of any particular State, a Number of private persons should think proper to distinguish themselves and their Posterity, from their fellow Citizens, and form an Order of hereditary Knights, in direct Opposition to the solemnly declared Sense of their Country.

Even then these societies were thought to be dangerious.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

They already are the Old World Order. Basically, it's been that way since Kennedy.

herbsmoke ago

obvious shill

Wolftrail7272 ago

I wonder if it is relevant that there is a hospital near the end of the tunnel... organ harvesting, maybe? Lots of money in it.

3301 ago

Maybe. But lets keep to the facts.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

That eagle is more likely a phoenix. It's a commonly used masonic symbol.



3301 ago

It's definatly an Eagle. A Bald Eagle. Still a posibility tho. TY

KingKongisCTR ago

Good job on this. I was looking into this area earlier. I feel like the Finders have to do with the CIA's MKULTRA operation a short walk away at the Georgetown Hospital. I wonder if this tunnel would go under the gated in Hillandale community. https://go o.gl/maps/raJFDpT8MWw

Could this be where the other end of the tunnel leads? https://go o.gl/maps/q5UzhuKmBqJ2

3301 ago

I expect so.

Yes quite probably.

investigatethepizza ago

links are broken

KingKongisCTR ago

I have faith you can figure it out. They don't allow those google links on here it seems.

3301 ago

It's all quite peculiar. More to come.

Dressage2 ago

Absolutely great research!

3301 ago


Thrulkggls ago

Another Alefantis AHEPA thread is here... https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1566968

3301 ago

Just saw that one. Thanks.Yes it's a strong connection for sure.

Antonius ago

You really did a good job on this info.

3301 ago

TY. More to follow.

3301 ago

Due to character limits I was unable to link every location link straight to Google maps.

I shall make a list of Google map links separatly here tomorrow.


In the mean time here is some additional reading.

Additional reading:

Hillary's Haunted Neighborhood

Clinton Seeks Out Voodoo Ceremony To Escape Impeachment And Ensure 1996 Re-Election

Nana66 ago

I took notice of the foreign embassies in that location also.

3301 ago

Yes. Its called Embassy Row.

3301 ago

All links are Archived at http://Archive.org

wh0care ago

where ?? for ur long links u can use a shortener ;) or even archive them first at archive.is ...

3301 ago

Voat doesnt like Google maps url shorteners. Or any other url shortener for that matter.

You cannot archive Google maps.

wh0care ago

oh ok lol, my bad, i learn shit everyday ;D