samhara ago

There are several factions. The Bush-Windsor bloodline is the continuation of an ancient Egyptian (Ramses II, Cleopatra) and Roman (Caesar, Piso) bloodlines. The royal families of many countries all continue from this line. The Knights Templar fought for the Merovingian bloodline after their empire was destroyed around 800AD IIRC (Frank empire) and this line included Charlemagne. This was considered the "grail bloodline" and alleged to be related to Christ. But there are aaaalso allegations that Flavius Piso of the Windsor-Bush bloodline was responsible for creating much of the bible and using it to describe Tiberius' rape of Jerusalem in 70AD. That manipulation was run by the Holy Roman Church (the "evil priest" faction) and the Vatican with the 9th Circle being responsible for a lot of not-so-nice stuff. They have a hard-on for Jerusalem and using Temporal Power and convincing everyone that Jesus said they're the shit, and do that through the Jesuits - who have had a hand at suppressing anything against the church all through the ages, particularly the Inquisitions.

Anyways, DC establishment = Royal bloodlines, that's the key thing.

permalink parent save source reply report spam [–] samhara 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago Many people tens of thousands descend by their family allegedly from those so-called royal ancestors and are not part of this criminal group.. This group have a specific philosophy which they keep secret - they also change their names / lie / and hijack history and genealogy. They are plunderers. Not builders of civilization .. The ancient world is not what we are told / led to believe.

They have their own sect which goes back to the ancient world. And S. Zev is connected to Arabian figures and to Jesuit figures. At the top they may all be the same / they perform the "inversion" of morality are "anti - life" and hold materialistic philosophy of brutality for hidden power. They compete with Nature "trans - humanism" "creating the FRANKendstein / Golom.

"Shabbetai Zevi's Early Years and Personality The figure of the man who occupied the center of the movement is a most unexpected and surprising one. By now, his biography is one of the most completely documented of any Jew who played an important role in Jewish history. Shabbetai Zevi was born in Smyrna (Ismir) on the Ninth of Av, 1626 (unless the date was manipulated to conform with the tradition that the Messiah would be born on the anniversary of the destruction of the Temple). His father, Mordecai Zevi, came from the Peloponnesus (Patras?), probably from a family of Ashkenazi origin, and as a young man settled in Smyrna, where he first was a modest poultry merchant and later became an agent for Dutch and English traders. Zev's philosophy is not the same as the mainstream Jewish tradition. He's instead similar , and likely connected to, Nizari,

Hasani Saba "Nothing is Forbidden, Everything is Permitted'

It's the same group at the top. That's why you see Hillary funding Isis.

JACOB [jake] FRANK nihilism

The so-called FRANK family changes their names and insinuates in different locations. So it is claimed. The originator of the family had a distinct philosophy different from Judaism .

samhara ago

I'm cut and pasting over here, in case the thread gets moved / "deleted" When a posting begins ** EXPOSED ** you know that mindless lunacy about 33s, the Masons and 18th century charlatans will ensue. Is there any Pizzagate here. Mods?

permalink save source reply report spam [–] 3301 [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 8 hours ago I appoligise. It was my first post and I got a little over excited about my findings. Scroll to the end. I think you will be suprised still.

permalink parent save source reply report spam [–] samhara 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago That's why I didn't put my work on the front page , but instead on the Pizzagate whatever.. I 'm certain it wil be deleted for "lack of relevance" Or 'What will they think of us now? '' Which itself is a total op .. What do we think of *them is the question

samhara ago

Here is Ophiuchus with other constellations Here's an Egyptian Star Map - See Thoth, the monkey - headed God near the center "X" of the map

samhara ago

The figures of the Woman [Virgo / Great Goddess] / Snake - Man [ Ophiuchus also a Constellation next to Virgo ] Ape = Man [?] ; Pegasus "Flying horse" are all Constellations.

Masons use "Astro - theology" To do with seasons and stars. In the old days that was how time was told. And the Masons trace to the ancient world and to ancient religion.

Moneky faced Egypt god is Thoth - which was special to Aleister Crowley [mi6 agent for the English Crown] who was most likely a pedo, and even wrote about murdering children.

Pegasus is next to Orion and the bull and the beheaded Demon [Medusa or whatever demon is the bad guy at the moment]

Ophiuchus, the healer with the Snake, with his foot upon the monster [scorpion] is next to Virgo.. Virgo constellation is huge. The Bear constellation is the Ursa major / minor i.e. The Pole Star.

samhara ago

Just some things some brain - storming brought us 33 - two butts / asses , lined up. Notice the "ape" video has the "3" rd door highlighted on the Red Door. . [ don't have a link to that at the moment]

Star - Gate / Assterick / Star could be "butt hole"

Aleph - is the Chief.. The first letter is i.e. "A" Aleph = "A"

Podesta is also a word meaning a chief of some sort in "Rome"

There is a lot in Kaballah on letter "Aleph" First letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

The secret philosophy is releated to "Do what thou Wilt is the whole of the Law" - They are trained to act outside the law.

And then that was made exoteric - for the public at large starting 50 years ago at the first "Be -In" for the "Summer of Love" 1967 engineered by the "magicians" of the Intel Services. 50 Years of Flower Power

They move to make their philosophy accepted by the public - and entice them to total hedonism and "relative" morality / ethics; so that : they can move more easily in a corrupted "It's all about Me" Society.

It may have backfired slightly with the openness with which the "Pizza" people flaunted their predilections?

But was / is a long - term plan - "trans - humanism" relates to "Cult of Death" and "Burning MAN" destroying the Human. Human sacrifice.

"Burning Man" ritual in Black Rock desert is connected to Satanism. And is a ritual. Here is play list for "Shadow History of Burners" Steve Outtrim - Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt1