ich1baN ago

Also, how are you able to see the group members when it is set to private?

ich1baN ago

HOLY CRAP.... You SHOULD make a new subverse and link to this one for reference.... that video is absolutely horrifying and it's a baby he is hitting as if it's Satanic Ritual Abuse and here are the comments that are glaringly possibly in the realm of JA thelemic Satanic Ritual Abuse such as:

6hnofx God suffices him my Lord

Others keep saying the word "Meskuh" which appears to be a city in Iran, they are probably insinuating he and the baby are from there... not sure.

ich1baN ago

No worries, thanks a lot. Yea it seems significant but it was likely that one of our VOAT members contacted him and asked him what the message meant, so he deleted it unfortunately which prevents someone from seeing if the image in the post had a secret message in it or something that a hacker could use :|

Ronnilynn31 ago

He's also an artist. I found him on several pages but nothing about his actual work. So he's into the art scene. I didn't post anything on it because I couldn't find anything relative about it, other than his common interest in art..but it's DC so that could be literally anybody.

duerheltdum ago

"If this post wasn't important and was harmless then why the fuck did he all of a sudden delete it less than 24 hours after my original VOAT?"

Maybe because some idiot was harassing him? Or slandering him because of it? Are you incapable of rational thought?

Ronnilynn31 ago

He got a spike in page likes all week. He went from 0 to interesting in a short period of time.

ich1baN ago

Hey asshole, if anything that makes one harrass them EVEN more over deleting it. Did you not think that far yet?

duerheltdum ago

I agree that you fucking morons will harass them even more. Because you are shitty, stupid people.

ich1baN ago

Queen here is my proof linking JA and Bloombars (the location near RD properties and Trolley Park)... my comment is the top comment:


Also, be sure to watch the really bizarre videos the OP @Brian18000 links in his VOAT.

ich1baN ago

You could be right queen ... there is a place called bloombars nearby that uses language such as "family programming" and has bizarre events catered to children (I've connected this place to JA as well in a separate post I'll make a new comment for)... no one really knows that the org is about but a commenter named spoor wrote this on my other Voat here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1550573

[–] spoor 7 points (+7|-0) 1.9 days ago (edited 1.8 days ago)

This is only sideways related but doesn't deserve it's own topic (feel free to repost/use if relevance increases).

Overview: https://i.sli.mg/V66cP8.png

While browsing this site of a NW DC photographer: https://www.flickr.com/photos/furcafe/

This image caught my eye because of the symbol and playground-ish look: https://www.flickr.com/photos/furcafe/6013942286

It's not at the playground, but down the street at bloombars: http://www.bloombars.com

BloomBars is not something you can easily describe. Some have called it an artist and non-profit incubator, performance space, art gallery, theater, dance studio, screening room, youth academy, and center for health, wellness, and community engagement-They were all correct.

Here's his other photo's of bloombars: https://www.flickr.com/search/?sort=date-taken-desc&safe_search=1&tags=bloombars&user_id=92063140%40N00&view_all=1

Of note could be the murals, the symbols at the bottom of the 'art is love', the children sign.

Lots of strollers parked there: streetview, on some earlier dates too

More images by other people: https://www.flickr.com/groups/bloombars/pool/

Next door is Bad Saint, a restaurant: http://www.badsaintdc.com/

Of note could be the name, the runic font and this bg image https://static1.squarespace.com/static/573889e6b6aa607768e2ffdc/57388a3f8a65e2cf0f27d689/57388a41356fb0e4882f6191/1463323203612/unspecified.jpgJPG

Next door is Room 11, a bar: http://www.room11dc.com/

Who we know from commenting on instagram on the pegasus construction image about doing a popup there: https://archive.is/LAWVh

ps. Same photographer also has lots of photos from when pegasus was still called The Paper Sun Warehouse: https://www.flickr.com/search/?sort=date-taken-desc&safe_search=1&tags=papersun&user_id=92063140%40N00&view_all=1

Paper Sun was an underground hipster dump (more via voat search), listed here among other underground places, their names do make one wonder: http://archive.is/cLSAu

EDIT Dubeshter did an event at bloombar: https://parkviewdc.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/bloomingball-final-2-1-2.pdf

ich1baN ago

Yup that's right. It's really creepy considering he owns multiple properties around the Trolley Park taken in conjunction with Pegasus which is owned by JA and literally 2 yards away from the Park and another JA owned house (the one with kids spray painted on the exterior wall) behind Pegasus... all within eye-seeing distance of everything which we've identified on my other VOAT:


Singleservename ago

RD is also the ANC commissioner for the neighborhood, so their control of the area is complete.

Maybe it is time to look into who succeeded Winstead as ANC for the Con Neb area?

ich1baN ago

Yup, exactly. JA has a residence at 3518 as well, the blue house that has the word "Kids" spray painted on the exterior wall. Check out my other VOAT b/c RD owns multiple properties surrounding the Trolley Park:


Yuke ago

The Blue house is not owned by Alefantis, only 3018 REAR is owned by him. The house is a legitimate address and it would be my guess that the ambiguous nature of the Pegasus building (in an alley and one that seems like it's a house on a normal street) is exactly why he chose it.

Singleservename ago

The word Kids is written on the white house next door. Not owned by JA I think, though it does feature strange iron bars in front of one second story window.

Edit: I do remember JA did improvements for the white house. Can't find the record/thread now.

Bolux ago

My thoughts exactly,you people are doing some excellent work and I know it's frustrating but I guarantee activities have slowed since this investigation started, these sick fucks must be looking over their shoulders.It would be interesting to see if there is any difference in statistics from this time period to last year. Keep on keeping on.

tjarco ago

included this on timeline of censorship https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482030

Criticalthinker615 ago

Assaq is a Muslim name iirc....Google translate says that it is a Somalian word but doesn't provide a translation

ich1baN ago

This is a possibility but the more likely probability is the Greenland Inuit word for Summer. See my link in my OP.

Criticalthinker615 ago

I saw that but considering the saudi connection and whatnot we shouldn't throw the Muslim possibility out just yet

cannabiscowboy ago

post the deleted message on his page,

ich1baN ago

NO... We don't want to tip them off more than what some naive voaters have already done here which prompted him to delete it in the first place... these people have been known to threaten others and their families... be sensible about this.

Godwillwin ago

Can you cliff note me on this code and who this RD person is? I'm being lazy, so tell me it's too much to cliff note and I'll read all the links and threads tomm.

ich1baN ago

It's all basically in my OP.... RD is a commissioner for the neighborhood he lives in, Columbia Heights... there are only 40 ANC (Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner) zones. This gives him power over liquor licensing and zoning and of course he is first to hear about complaints (hence the Pegasus building which is JA owned and suspected of housing the Kill room) which just so happens to be 2 yards from the Trolley park that RD happens to be the president of.... there are just so many odd and strange connections which led me to the pedo coded message on the trolley fb page which is linked in my OP.... we've found plenty of smoke this time and possibly a gun. The message basically boils down to something being sent to someone else which we suspect is pedo related based on the symbols used which are just bizarre pedo references (little heart next to big heart, etc) and the Comet Ping Pong Crescent moon and star which is also occultic (and imo satanic in the instances when used by these Pedos who perform Satanic Ritual Abuse, SRA).

James Alefantis not only owns the Pegasus Museum but he is linked to another property near the Trolley Park as well at 3518 11th street.... RD also has about 3 or 4 properties all in perfect viewing of the park as well.

There are also potentially underground tunnels connecting everything which I need @quantokitty to verify b/c if he can this would be a huge lead....he's connected Pegasus and some parks nearby such as Rock Creek Park. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1551878

doubletake ago

What is it with Besta, then?

BESTA - BEAST - CROWLEY ("the Beast")?

daddysdarlin ago

You're certainly being noticed! I think pizzagaters are being scrutinized, someone trying to find out what you've found out, and what you've figured out! These people are scared shitless! Hats off to all of you doing research! Wish I were as savy as the rest of you, however coming here each day and seeing all your hard work warms my heart! Thank you all for the many tireless hours you put into this! You are true hero's in my book, and these children need you!!! God bless you all in your endeavors!

ich1baN ago

Thank you daddysdarlin :)... any contribution to research helps!

VieBleu ago

maybe it is innocent but honestly dressing a kid as a UPS driver/package just seems weird to me.

ich1baN ago

Yea agreed... what kid ever said "I want to be a UPS driver for halloween" ?

DarkMath ago

I agree but then looked it up on google images and there do exist UPS Halloween costumes.

JoJoVoat ago

Wow. Watch for this guys "suicide"

Yuke ago

The stupidity of some people is mind-blowing. We should make up a Pizzagate rule whereby if you post stupid shit on someones social media to let them know that we're onto them you get sent directly to someone like Tony Podesta for tickly bum fun.

shoosh ago

I know right. Why not just take out a billboard that says, we're checking you out and we're on to you even before the dig work has been done.

EQJ ago

I just went to Wylita Bells page after somebody said it was deleted, and it is in fact still up! I went ahead and archived it http://archive.is/5cIFH

lhunterel ago

Yea, kinda weird none of those kids look happy, most look sad or confused, 'parents' seem kinda off in a few ways too.

ich1baN ago

I think most of them are real families... a lot of the photos have very similar looking kid/parent duos... some could be pedo families or w/e though but I think the point of it is so the pedo rings can get an even closer look at their merchandise.

lhunterel ago

You would prob consider a foster parent a real parent too? Not sure what a 'real' family is.

ich1baN ago

Yes but you know what I'm talking about... genetically related child/parent.

Meg-A-Lo-Maniac ago

Sure, deleting it won't make it seem even more suspicious..than it already was. Man, there is not telling what has already been deleted.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

It has the word 'send' Has hearts Has what looks like a phone saying call

ConcernedParent ago

She can delete the photo, but not the post. Unless facebook has changed their sharing settings, whenever I shared a post by someone and they later removed the image, my post would still be there, but the image I shared would not. If she deleted the image, then his post with the weird message would still be there sans the photo

Madwack ago

(facebook) If you go into the little down arrow beside privacy settings and go into the activity log and erase it from there, now it is really gone if you delete from that menu.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Thats not a typo. That looks like a message. Did you see the muslim emoji? I didnt even know they had that. I have only seen people use a crescent moon, then a star by it.

ich1baN ago

Yup, check out this voat for more analysis:


EQJ ago

It's still works for me. Just archived it. http://archive.is/5cIFH

Fateswebb ago

Nope it's still there. But if it was gone when you went there and you're sure of that then maybe she deactivated it temporarily?

azziP ago

I visited it without logging in that may be the reason. It still tells me "page not found". Thank you for archiving.

EQJ ago

I checked out her page (Wylita Bell) . Croatia Pedophile swirls, a panda bear, and graffiti....... This lady also travels a lot.........

srayzie ago

I've seen people bring up panda bears a lot here lately. Where did we get that panda bears relate to pedophilia?

Dressage2 ago

Go to Urban Dictionary definition for PedoPanda

EQJ ago

There were a lot of pandas on Alefantis's accounts, and his friends seem to like them a lot too........

srayzie ago

I notice that. Hmmm

ich1baN ago

JA has about a million instagram posts with panda bears and bizarre comments in them. Just google panda bears jimmy comet or something of that effect.

LeChevalBlanc ago

In case from 2004 "art" :


DarkMath ago

What do the panda's mean specifically? I thought it had to do with eyes and is panda eyes or racoon eyes which a kid could get if they've been physically abused. But is there a textbook "pedo" urban dictionary meaning?

ich1baN ago

No one really has a good answer but pandas are definitely pedo related in code talk... like many of their symbols it could mean a variety of things when taking context into account.... one of the pictures they posted had a ton of little baby pandas inside a huge red tire... you can imagine the conclusions one could draw from that (transporting tons of asian children).

DarkMath ago

Yep. One thing I know for sure after hearing James Alefantis interviewed by Megan Kelly is the perps in this case are either Sociopaths or full on Psychopaths. Alefantis' "dupers delight" was obvious and his total dead pan delivery was way too dead pan. It was like the man didn't have a soul.

Then the Heavy Breathing music videos look like they were edited by a serial killer. They're so disturbing I can't watch more than 10 seconds of them. But if you're a borderline Psychopath without the ability to feel empathy you'll produce videos like that. You'll joke all day long about raping children and wouldn't feel an iota of guilt.

ConcernedParent ago

archive this then edit your post OP so people will stop asking the same question

ich1baN ago

Thanks, updated.

Fateswebb ago

Probably because I had noticed someone commented on it asking what it means. Guys I know you're curious, but refrain from tipping people off that we're investigating them.

nitro169 ago

Gotta love it

Blank902 ago

It's amazing how many times this has happened. The sudden removal of pics or comments. Even more amazing that I'm somehow still shocked and surprised everytime!?

Also it grosses me out so bad to know I'm sharing even then same(vitrual) places as these creeps, seeing how they're so obviously trolling around in here. Fuck you to all the pervs aND big ups to all the truth seekers.

azziP ago

Why not? Won't she get a message like "trolleypark shared your photo"?

reasonedandinformed ago

I am pasting this from another post:

Great work! Another possible meaning for wcqn is that they are using this person (@wcqn) on instagram as the go-between using direct messaging. That profile is very odd (private now): https://www.instagram.com/wcqn/. It has a huge number of followers and following but only 9 posts. I, with input from another on this forum yesterday, have theorized that this particular account is used for direct messaging (DM) between those who are involved.

Here is what shows as the top result when you google @wcqn:

Badr Almutairy (@wcqn) • Instagram photos and videos https://www.instagram.com/wcqn/ Hey!☤ ☤14 years old. ☤ ☤from: riyadh ☤ ☤DIY ☤ ☤nice to meet you ☤ ☤snap dm.

So meaning becomes: Zeeman, @wcqn (who is Badr Almutairy) can send you Asaaq, call now [or direct message now] (pizzagate)

FBIanon has spoken of a Saudi connection, so this could fit into that whole lead.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Badr Almutairi Profiles | Facebook Facebook › public › Badr-Almutairi Join Facebook to connect with Badr Almutairi and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power

reasonedandinformed ago

There may be several. The instagram poses to be a 14 year old kid from Riyadh.

ich1baN ago

Yes I also noticed the panda emoji... there could be a connection here. It is bizarre that this person only has a few posts but so many followers.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Hmm. And a panda emoji....

ich1baN ago

Ok, didn't know that... regardless it's significant that the post is removed entirely.

ich1baN ago

Yes, but the post string of text doesn't get deleted... the photo would.

ich1baN ago

But aren't you notified when someone shares your photo as well? Or no?


oldchangling ago

Bing of "wcqn means" returns Women of Color Quilters Network. Not interesting, but it is interesting that google search "wcqn means" doesn't return anything like that. It acts as though I asked for the definition of "can" or "scan". FWIW

SpikyAube ago

Wow, deleting it makes it seem REALLY suspicious, and therefore implies it was deleted in an absolute panic without much thought going into it.

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

This, Imagine if someone started harassing alefantis right when they found his pictures. We wouldn't even fucking KNOW about pizzagate. So can the 13 year old kids please refrain from ruining the hard work of individuals dedicated to justice?.

redditsuckz ago

Are there any other deletions that he made comparing the archive vs Facebook?

ich1baN ago

No, that's not true... the post would not have been deleted b/c she put her photo to friends only.... only her name associated with the photo would be removed, the post would stay.

ich1baN ago

My wild guess now is that he SHARED the photo of Wylita Bell b/c he needed a visa approved (think about it this is 90% of what a US consulate does) for the child that is being sent from one location to another b/c anytime someone posts your name on FB, you are notified... She would have been notified and if she knows the code would have worked on it asap.

ThePoorPeople ago

I've said it elsewhere but I remember another thread where it was mentioned that GEw could be the German Embassy West; Clintons get along with Merkel, right?

VieBleu ago

remember that we found out yesterday the Chinese worker visa is a "Z" visa.

ich1baN ago

Yea I knew that but that wouldn't help for transporting a child to the US. For one to acquire a Z visa, they have to go to the Chinese Embassy not US... but still interesting nonetheless that she is mentioned in an article that talked about Z visas.

VieBleu ago

I do think it could help with transporting a child to the US - agent goes in guise of "nice teacher" to China, looks over goods, selects neglected or orphaned kids, street kids (don't even have to be actually at the school), trafficks them out of the country and to the DC hub. All with a Z visa which Wylita helps provide through her job. You are incorrect, you would get the visa through the Chinese embassy in the US. That is where Wylita works, right? You don't go to China and get the visa, you work through the local embassy, that is what it is literally there for.

These are DISNEY schools operating in China. That right there is a red flag. If you do not know the history of Disney with MK Ultra mind control programming, or that their parking lots are used in Florida to literally hand over children for sex, let me know and I will provide you with some informatino. Disney is extremely suspect operating English schools in China? THAT is one of the weirdest things we uncovered yesterday. Teaching english is NOT a normal Disney business. Why are they there?
Do you know about all the subliminal images in teh heavy breathing videos that show fulong gong torture sex acts, and have weird chinese pictures and language in them? I could give you the link if you didn't know.

Sorry this is so long, I am sort of thinking as I write and it just keeps going. I should probably just do a post on the "China connection" with all this, what do you think? thanks your leads have provided a LOT of great stimulation for research for a whole lot of us.

YingYangMom ago

When you bring up Disney, I am reminded of this picture posted by John Kreher (herecomesyourman LLC, friend of Alefantis, guy with long hair looking down at the hole here : https://archive.fo/LAWVh ) on his trip to Panama (Hotel Panamonte) with GF https://archive.is/lyenk I wonder why this creepy mickey sticker was that important for to Kreher to capture and post on FB. It was one of the 4 pictures taken from that location. Strange.

ich1baN ago

Good point VieBleu. Wylita works at the US Embassy in Shanghai. In order to get a Z visa as an American you would go to the Chinese Embassy in a city like DC that is completely run 100% by Chinese government officials.

But the strange Disney connection and the fact that Wylita is mentioned with the Disney mishap for those employees is very peculiar... not sure if there is anything there or if I'm just using confirmation bias here but I find it odd that she's also visited the white house so many times as a lowly "information officer".

And I feel sick to my stomach about the parking lot thing... can you send a link or something (b/c I've been there before) and it sort of makes sense now that you say it b/c I remember asking myself why there were so many Orlando City cops in the parking lot (not disney rent-a-cops) at their huge parking lots... could be escorts to ensure transaction goes smoothly?

Do you know about all the subliminal images in teh heavy breathing videos that show fulong gong torture sex acts, and have weird chinese pictures and language in them? I could give you the link if you didn't know.

Yes, I know A LOT about Falun Gong and a lot generally about Chinese practices with human harvesting.... I've heavily researched this area and I thought it very odd that they showed up in Heavy Breathing's videos (as well as in artwork owned by Podesta) and now this vague connection with WB which sort of keeps highlighting the China-US-JP-JA connection.

The reason the Chinese government harvest Falun Gong organs is not only b/c "they practice an outlawed" religion and not only b/c they are a threat to the govt but b/c Falun Gong believes in eating only the most organic food and are mostly vegans so they are EXTREMELY healthy and their organs are in tip top shape which makes for a good candidate... there are some very strange happenings in China dealing with stealing children's eye corneas too... if you google it you'll find all sorts of strange and bizarre incidences (these might not be govt related though)... but now that I know what I know about all of this, there might be an SRA element to harvesting Falun Gong that I wasn't aware of before.

wokethefkup ago

She says she now lives in Shangai when asked if another pic she posted was from Hong Kong soooooo.. not completely out of question

ich1baN ago

You've got to get caught up, read the other VOAT I linked in my OP... she works in the US Consulate in Shanghai:


wokethefkup ago

Thanks m8:)

DarkMath ago

Also in case you didn't already know many people think John Mark Karr and his false confession of supposedly killing Jonbenet Ramsey was to cover up a child trafficking connection to the US embassy in Thailand where he was arrested.

The CIA concocted the story to get John Mark Karr back to the US to face charges in Colorado before he spilled the beans in Thailand.

ich1baN ago

Interesting... I know Jon Benet Ramsey is considered an SRA sacrifice among many.

wokethefkup ago

I always thought her death was because of some ritual now I'm almost certain.

ich1baN ago

Yes, especially knowing what I know now... I'm 99% sure. 4 weeks ago I would have had no idea.... what a matter a few days difference makes!

azziP ago

sounds legit

think_whatif ago


How would Richard DuBeshter have even been made aware of OP's original post?

Did some pizzagater contact him?

the_one_tony_stark ago

We know that Alefantis monitors voat/v/pizzagate. After all the guy he threatened... he asked about a specific poster on voat/v/pizzagate in the text messages.

ich1baN ago

I think that guy on the youtube video could be a plant shill who is contriving a story as if he is on our side but in effect his whole message makes it look threatening to anyone who potentially investigates PG.... he never provided phone recording and that could have been very simple to do. Every Iphone has this ability to record from simple apps.

BlueTesla ago

Some people don't realise those apps exist and in the heat of the moment it's not what you'd do. Imagine you've been researching Alefantis for a month and all of a sudden he's on the phone threatening to kill you and your family, it would shock you. It's fine sitting at your computer reading all of this but if you believe Pizzagate then you understand what they're capable of, imagine how paranoid that would make you. They know who you are, you're a threat to them.

ich1baN ago

BS, he called Alefantis a second time. He had time to think about his next move before that 2nd call.... he's a shill in my book... He then promoted to sell pizzagate t-shirts.

BlueTesla ago

Why did Alefantis get the video removed then? He didn't get any others removed. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1555551

ich1baN ago

It could be a ruse to get people to believe it even more. It's highly suspicious he was selling t-shirts... The guy on here named birdseyeview who is HIGHLY likely Alefantis claimed that Ryan and him did it as a ruse to sell shirts.

azziP ago

Some ppl where stupid enough to write some questions under the photo. I think that's why he found out. But he deleted it instead of answering them, thats at least a bit suspicious.

DarkMath ago

You'd think DuBeshter would address the issue with an explanation like "Hi PizzaGaters I understand your interest in this and find what you're commendable but that code is innocent and it means [insert completely understandable explanation]."

We don't see that though. Never a good sign in this day and age when it's so easy to communicate through texts.

think_whatif ago

People? More than one question? Jeeze.

azziP ago

I saw at least two, a female account and one without photo. Plus some likes. But I didn't pay close attention, just grumbled a bit about stupid people.

ich1baN ago

Oh really? I didn't know people wrote on it.... how can people be that stupid?

detcmon ago

Yes, someone wrote on it today "What does this mean" or something to that extent.

think_whatif ago

Did someone ask simply like that or did they ask "what does this code mean you disgusting pedo?"?

SpikyAube ago

Could have been stupid people or people in the pedo gang subtly trying to warn him? Probably the stupid factor though, there is a lot of stupid about.

ich1baN ago

Good point.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

There are trolls among us and ultimately this is the danger of a crowd-sourced investigation like this.

nitro169 ago

Stupid is as stupid does, lol, at least we got them running

Hazilla ago

Who has a Facebook group and holds events for a tiny park with about 3 bits of equipment in it, more weirdness

ich1baN ago

Exactly... it's a shit hole of a park, yet they hold multiple annual events such as an easter egg hunt and a huge halloween costume party. The account posts regular updates too.... just strange at every angle you look at it.

But what makes it all the more peculiar is that Pegasus has a perfect viewing angle of the park and that all the houses surrounding it are owned by either JA or Richard DuBeshter.

VieBleu ago

Just playing devils advocate I do not agree that it is weird that a small park is where a community would hold events. It could easily be said that in a crowded DC neighborhood this is a convenient greenspace with a lot of busy parents around that can conveniently utilize it, it is a safe spot, walking distance, etc...

However, it is exactly that the controversial Pegasus place has that viewing angle, special construction and the surrounding ownership of the two men make it mega suspicious and absolutely make it look like the hub it allegedly is. Then as you look into the connections of who is publicizing the park and their background, etc...

So I guess I'm saying don't dilute your very strong argument with the weak argument, you don't need it and it gives defenders something to latch on to and ignore the strong argument. It (unfortunately) is not a strong argument either that Unicef has events/a poster etc. On the surface a Washington DC neighborhood is much more likely in general to be connected to international organizations and Unicef events happen all over the US through girl scouts/boy scouts and other kid organizations. I remember Unicef drives at Halloween when I was a kid far from DC. That is not an argument that is going to raise eyebrows unless you spell out that the org can be connected to the abuse of kids (which it is IMO.)

tl:dr - Yes busy parents will utilize a green space no matter how small to get some fresh air for their kids- so using the park is not in itself suspicious even if it is small. Nor is having a Unicef event there, esp as it is DC in which many people/parents have international connections through their work.

A closer look at the suspicious Pegasus presence there and the JA RD connection makes it highly suspicious.

Newfind ago

Aasaq Aa could mean "African American". SA Queen aasaq

ThePuppetShow ago

Too late Chomo (Richard), we have archives. You better find a good agent to talk to, you never know who the head monsters are going to "sacrifice".

ThePuppetShow ago

Someone here likes chomo's.

AFriend ago

SHADILAY! These idiots do not know how to hide in the Digital Age of Kek!

Yuke ago

OK, Mr DuBeshter, I guess I will continue with my searches.

redditsuckz ago

Odd Photos by Trolly Park;

Jeff Zeeman Likes this one taken at The Coup...Egyptian Ibis masks same as Besta Pizza Painting;



Besta Pizza - Masks also worn by Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn Cult


Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn Same triangles on robes witness by child victims - Satanist Aleister Crowley also wears the triangle robes in rituals.


The Coup DC - lots of heart in heart symbols


Zeeman like this kid dragon one also;


Wierd symbolism in letters...Y = snake


"dragons" love "tacos"


Most disturbing child behind bars;


ich1baN ago

Really good stuff redditsuckz ... the snake reference is often symbolism towards satan (the serpent).

ConcernedParent ago

If it was just a simple innocent message with some typo mistakes, why didn't he just explain what he really meant instead of deleting it? This certainly doesn't help him look innocent.

duerheltdum ago

Because people wouldn't have believed him and would have called him a liar.

Vindicator ago

Exactly. None of them have come out with a common-sense explanation for ANY of these nasty-bombs people keep stumbling onto.

Birdzeyeview ago

newsflash, none of these PRIVATE CITIZENS owe Pizzagate lunatics any explanation for anything! and if they deigned to bother, then they would be at it 24/7, in which case you loons would say they were in damage control 24/7. they cant win and if they are ignoring you all, too bad for you. They have lives. Do you?

Fateswebb ago

Hah so you don't believe this at all, but you come here to comment on it, and you ask if we have lives...

Doesn't make sense bro, if you think it's a waste of time to believe it, then surely you think it's a waste of time to come here when you don't believe it. Or maybe you just have a vested interest in coming here since your secrets are being exposed so when you come here you make comments about how WE don't have lives. But really you're exposing that we are on to something since you yourself would not be commenting unless there was a purpose to being here. What a idiot. You're games are weak as f you low IQ info warrior.

dickface8 ago

Lol if you're gonna try shill do a better job, dummy! Any possible explanation as to why he would have deleted that coded message if it was nothing? Personally If I were innocent I'd keep it up because there is nothing incriminating about it. But alas no...

Godwillwin ago

Yes. I do have a life. An EXTREMELY busy and important one, but I am putting as much as I can on hold until these sick child raping murderers are investigated. Actually, it's not as much about them as it is about the children. I won't stop until the children are saved. I'm praying that it's sooner rather than later. May Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.

mooteensy ago

I truly believe the majority of users researching & educating themselves on Pizzagate are not lunatics. I'd even go as far as to say that you have no place being here. We ALL have lives here. However, that WILL NOT stop us from investigating & exposing the abuse & atrocities committed towards those who can not advocate for themselves. Please, show a little respect on this sub, or bitch about our progress elsewhere. It only makes us more determined.

remedy4reality ago

-96 Comment points

0 Submissions


Birdzeyeview ago

minus 96 points I must be doing something right here in the realms of extreme cognitive dissonance that is PG. you should see my inbox, I am gonna put it on my Instagram so we can all have a good laugh at your expense ... now if you'll excuse me, I have a private jet to catch ...seey'all later

ich1baN ago

Where you going? Art show in NY?

dickface8 ago

Eugh no you don't faggot.

VieBleu ago

Here's a little bon voyage courtesy of PInk Floyd - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySO-gryuO-c

Run, run, run, run Run, run, run, run Run, run, run, run Run, run, run, run You better make your face up in your favorite disguise With your button down lips and your roller blind eyes With your empty smile and your hungry heart Feel the bile rising from your guilty past With your nerves in tatters When the cockleshell shatters And the hammers batter down the door You better run Run, run, run, run Run, run, run, run Run, run, run, run Run, run, run, run RRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!

And now it is the time to say a permanent goodbye to Night Moves, and the good ol' days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mRFWQoXq4c

Birdzeyeview ago

thank you, lovely songs :)

2b1ask1 ago

Hey James.

I have a serious question for you.

Why do you continue to fight this?

Seriously. Why not just close your shop and reopen somewhere else? That is what other people would do in a similar situation. I know I would.

The stress for you must be insane.


According to Google Trends, #pizzagate is not gaining traction. And if you just ignored the allegations, people would forget about you a year from now...

But instead, you seem to be oddly fanning the flames.


I have no idea whether you are innocent or guilty of what is being said here...

But posting here as "Birdzeyeview" - seemingly as some anonymous poster here... then getting busted for that... I just do not get it.

Again, I am not looking to slam you.

I am just trying to wrap my head around your thinking.

I am simply wondering what you are looking to accomplish these days.

Did you ever think about coming clean or repenting?

Birdzeyeview ago

Ok you got me. Last time I make a Yaley I only put 9 clams on it, and it's meant to have 12. But you know, those 3 clams per Yaley add up over a year, and it's all about the margins.

2b1ask1 ago

So, I invested a lot of time with my original question to you above.

And you reply to me like a 9-year old might.

You make it REALLY hard to see your side of things when you say stuff like that.

Again, I have no idea if these numerous allegations against you are true or false. I want to believe this is much to do about nothin'...

But dude - you are really tough to side with.

And by the way... you know the mob is angry when my wife heard that video of you threatening that pizzagategear guy... she was quite agitated with you on that one. Threatening to kill people is beyond the pale. It is a good thing you know people in high places.

Fateswebb ago

That's just damn confusing and when I searched for Yaley and clam on yahoo the weirdest shit happened the TOP result was the diner dives show on comet. Even though I couldn't find either word clam or yaley. Ok, james that's some creepy shit how you do that? And wtf? Yaleys and clams? I'm confused are we making candles or some shit?

ich1baN ago

Yaley is a type of pizza CPP... he's talking about shorting the pizza of clams to save money at the restaurant... This sort of confirms it's JA (or at least an employee at CPP) considering that's some really fucking nuanced knowledge about CPP.

@yingyangmom @yuke @vindicator @viebleu @redditsuckz @dickface8 @Fateswebb @Fateswebb @Godwillwin @drugs @mooteensy @2b1ask1

Fateswebb ago

Yeah well I believe it is James. Having some fun with us. Especially since he says that pizzagate researchers don't have lives, which makes no sense at all that he would be here commenting if he thought we ourselves were wasting our time. So why would he be here then? If he weren't pizza daddy or one of his employees? And clams on pizza? Sorry but that sounds horrible to me, I'll stick to pepperoni and beef myself.

remedy4reality ago

what a sad and lost figure you appear to be...

money is nothing when your soul is gone

VieBleu ago

Hey - wondering why you just deleted your comment re: the basement. Is there something I should know? I commented to it and mentioned it too.

remedy4reality ago

I'll repost an updated version.. sorry for the confusion

2b1ask1 ago

Someone said Birdzeyeview is James Alefantis. When we look at his posting history, it is a strong possibility.

Doesn't he have pizzas and dominos to make?

dickface8 ago

Even if it's not you just know that Alefantis has at least one account on here, so he can get on and try and misdirect everyone when something incriminating pops up.

Birdzeyeview ago

I have slaves to do that for me

shortymcbossypants ago

I'm a big Game of Thrones fan and I think I need to quote Sansa Stark, James Alefantis or one of his cronies. Once you are brought to justice, all memory of you will cease, your house will cease, your name will cease. You think that your people won't turn on you, well you are more of a monster than Ramsey Bolton because you are an actual human doing these horrible things. Even if you do not get justice in this world or realm, you will have to meet your maker some day and people like you will burn in the Lake of Fire.

Fateswebb ago

hah, good point and based on the intelligence level coming off your posts it does seem like maybe a kid is the one doing it.

Drugs ago

Why are you here

Birdzeyeview ago

just tryna keep it real, folks. (Pushing shit uphill there aren't I?)

dickface8 ago

Keep it "shill", you mean?

Freemasonsrus ago

If he had come here and given the innocent meaning which made sense I'd have given him the benefit of the doubt. He's still free to do that. So far the explanations and behavior of some of these people, or non explanations have only worked to highlight it.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Ha, & We'd have even believed a fake interpretation by him. Man, these people don't know how to play the systems with all our eyes in them.

bopper ago

That's the problem.