Kcpedogate ago

Hey guys, i hate to say this but I think isgameofthrones Ryan guy is either lying or a part of this. This might be disinformation. Here is why, body language expert Bombard said on her twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/ScottsArtVision/status/818528423224209408 She hasnt been wrong yet, look her up on youtube.

This next part is total conjecture, what if he does know Alefantis but is friends with him and they concocted this so that they could discredit pizzagate when the threats turn out to be false. Please understand, I want all this FBI stuff to be real, but i think they want to shut us down.

hanknut42 ago

pizzagategear was JAs friend he relized the threats didn't work so he got them taken down if pizzagate delted himself hed look even more suspect

FriesischShipping ago

Meh, I didn't divulge anything that's not already been talked about.

IlluminatiKing ago


Haldelos ago

i must say...of all the variations on the name "Alefantis"...i think "Alefuckface" is my fav. hahaha

Vindicator ago

I trust them. :-)

dickface8 ago

You can happily say you trust all of them?

Vindicator ago

The mods in here? Yes. Sketchy ones have been shown the door pretty quickly.

bopper ago

They took it down here too, on State of Nation website. Would that happen 'automatically' wherever it's posted?http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=62364

samhara ago


bopper ago


victuruslibertas ago

Mirror of the deleted video still on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnT9QzmMAe4a

victuruslibertas ago

Actually, there a few mirrors still on YT. Why are they not being pulled?

samhara ago

That's the way it works. It takes a while to find they all and deleted them all. Also, they can manage how much traffic a vid gets and how many up votes / down votes.. It's a Propaganda machine like all the other [ actually ] State owned Media.

victuruslibertas ago

Yes, they def can manage traffic. They have been bottle-necking all my videos since the New Year.

jstayz44 ago

I'm sorry, HOW THE FUCKING FUCK can James Alefantis get mentioned in the reason for censoring a youtube video? Can we all please move to VidMe now!!!??? Can we get our favorite Pizzagate YouTubers to switch over? Maybe we should all submit multiple comments in the comments sections of videos to get our YouTubers to switch.

downwithpizzaelites ago

They name whoever name the copyright claim. I've made claims myself and it's a very legitimate process that YT doesn't mess around with, you are required to submit proof that the content in the video is yours.

samhara ago

It's often done maliciously - by people wanting to take down conspiracy / State Crime related political content. Ironically political content is most protected of any speech / writing since that is what is often deleted. And to mention it again. YouTube is not public. It's private. You agree to certain terms to use it. You do not have free speech there and don't think otherwise.. It's Googles' [intel sevices, through shells] and a Corporation. And they do not have to be a platform for anything they do not want to host. Why do people keep thinking they have free speech on YouTube.. That must be yet another psy - op

quantokitty ago

Wow, JA is flipping out. That means we need to keep digging!

birthdaysuit11 ago

Yup, Pegasus is legit. He's scared. KEEP VOTING anything pegasus related to the top. We need autists on this, keep researching, if we come to a standstill, dress up as girl scouts go to Pegasus place and ask if they'd like to buy cookies.

quantokitty ago

Too funny!

DawnofTruth ago

Wow, he IS one of the most powerful perverts in Washington after all.

(and people think the FBI will close in on him anytime soon? No way) sigh

Celticgirlonamission ago

Birdzeyeview has to be JA himself...its getting close, JA are you freaking much? I know its not your culture..lol

Criticalthinker615 ago

I literally just made a thread on the other sub about this. I think so too. He commented after me on something else about Pegasus a few minutes ago and I'm so creeped out rn

tjarco ago

I have added this to the timeline of Pizzagate related censorship - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482030

hafen ago


JustFeelsGoodMan ago

Something something streisand effect

Vindicator ago

Please let a mod you trust know. We are quite wary of mod misbehavior.

OrwellKnew ago

In due time friend. If you want insight into my suspicions just check out my submissions. I don't have many

Vindicator ago

Will do.

OrwellKnew ago

You know I can't help but be reminded of the same type of things happening to Sandy Hook Hoax researchers like Wolfgang Halbig

First, it started with threats

Then they forced him to remove his website Sandy Hook Justice Report

Lenny Pozner played the role in that scenario that James Alefantis seems to be playing here

IlluminatiKing ago

Sounds serious now that FBI is investigating, supposidely...

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Im about 65%+ sure this dude was telling the truth now


So am I. I'm like up to 80% now.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Wow. Seriously? Is anyone covering this? David Seaman? George Webb? Alex Jones?

Guys, Gals... this shit is for serious now. This is not something you fake. You can't fake it. This was established by Youtube as a legal defense mechanism. The origin of the YouTube Copyright bans was from the music/movie industries. And the NFL! It's usually pretty reasonable. DRM is DRM.

This? This takes effort. And this is rather unique.

Think about how quiet these allegations are about JA threatening PGG.

My main concern: Voat is essentially being painted into a corner. This is now the far-fringe no matter how true we believe it to be and how much evidence is presented. Coverage is extremely limited even in so called "fake news" channels.

Two possibilities:

  1. Our friends with loud voices are waiting until 1/20 as part of a coordinated effort NOT to draw attention in order to avoid an O'pardon or some kind of pre-preemptive recourse in advance of the new deputy AG. (David Seaman even said he's "taking a break until the inauguration" in one of his vids)

  2. Our friends with loud voices are legitimately scared/doubtful enough to avoid covering this. This seems hard to believe personally... unless they aren't seeing everything posted here on Voat. Or, perhaps. have received similar threats as PGG did.

Sure, there's mention of it on occasion... but this stuff is gold. It has legs. This is huge. No major online media source is really digging into the details being unearthed here. I personally think a brighter light is needed.

AND... IF THIS IS ALL COMPLETELY BS... It should be incredibly easy to explain away. So...? I'm reasonable. Where's the explanation? There is too much circumstance to ignore and say "You're making all of this up by looking for the connections". Wayyyy too much active cover-up to look the other way.

Clinton, Podesta, Alefantis, by all means... explain away. You've got plenty of free time now. (Except for JA who is busy running a pizza joint and apparently chasing YouTube videos)

samhara ago

This happens all the time to conspiracies no one pays attention too. #Pizzagate is not the only one people who are ignorant, who believe the Mass Media and who don't bother to check the data, ignore. , Nor the first. It may be all - encompassing in all its ramifications as Kent Dunn expresses. But just because a news item is "huge" does not mean it will be noticed. There are long lists of such. People feel that when they are still slightly under the spell of the Mainstream - thinking that the Mainstream tells the truth; So why wouldn't it want this story? . It doesn't. The Mainstream creates the news, - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C2BFFClW8AAh0IK.jpg -

dickface8 ago

Seaman, essentially being the mouthpiece for this whole thing, needs to step up his game and get more info that's being uncovered on here out there. C'mon dude, there's so much to choose from!

mysecretidentity ago

I would suggest sharing it and bringing it to the attention of George Webb. He is active on YouTube and twitter and is always interested in contributions especially well sourced and presented ones like this. He might mention it in a video

edit: lol I thought I was still on the thread about the connection to moonie cult. but either way george seems to respond to lots of his comments

9217 ago

I'm legitimately worried for the safety of @isthisgameofthrones. I hope they are ok.

FriesischShipping ago

I used to intern for a lawyer and he always said, "circumstancial evidence is the hardest to fake. It's easier to just plant something on someone."


I'm working on something that involves mainly circumstantial information. I am really going to have to think about the implications of that statement.

Vindicator ago

I vote for #1. Also, there are PG investigators who are waiting until 1/20 to publish the stuff they've found. I've heard...

shortymcbossypants ago

That is what I'm doing, not only because that is when everything is going to blow up but I got kids man. I have to think about my children before posting any of this shit. My home is tied up like Fort Knox atm due to the fact that I am kind of a 3rd generation sniper. My Grandfather on my mom's side was a sniper for the IDF, and later a cop here in the United States, then my dad was a sniper in the US Army in Vietnam and taught every single one of us kids how to shoot as well as live off the land.

FriesischShipping ago

I'm holding back. I uncovered the location and the operators of the brownstone operation currently in Saipan which they use for the Asia Pacific region. It's better to focus all of our energy on the DC area because it all starts and ends here.

nitro169 ago

So it seems Seaman may have a real inside connection to the FBI, I sure hope they aren't stringing us along to make this all go away.

srayzie ago

LOL we're making his life a living hell right now. He's so scared that he's working double time trying to clean up all that is being leaked, doing interviews acting like a little angel and trying to figure out what the hell hes gonna do to cover up all this evidence!

atheist4thecause ago

I have to think that this is about getting this Youtuber a striker rather than removing content. Flag enough of these videos and he can take a few researchers down, forcing them to make new channels and build their following back up again. I hope people consider lawsuits if these are false claims.

9217 ago

Here's another screenshot showing the title of the video and Alefantis' name..


fartyshorts ago

Here's an archive as well: https://archive.is/PKd6H

nitro169 ago

This is comical, reminiscent of those "to catch a predator" crazy reactions.

I have Zero faith the FBI is going to handle this correctly. 75% chance it just goes away, 23% iamgameoththrones is now threatened by the FBI, .5% they actually investigate. 1.5% he is wetworked.

How do we use this information to hold the FBI's feet to the fire?

I am really concerned for the op, has anyone heard from him or tried to contact him, i.e. his phone number was on the vids?

bopper ago

I was in touch w/ him yesterday. He's bugged enough as it is. But I think Alefantis is becoming increasingly expendable. I think mainly he wanted to scare Ryan, getting his jollies. But yeah I know, he's still got to be careful.

SChalice ago

All you need is evidence of a crime.

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

We held their feet to the fire on 11/8.

MolochHunter ago

you hear that, folks? No diddling kiddies -or u have to pay moar royalties to Alefantis

kekistocrat ago

Well, damn. I'll be the first to admit, I've been doubtful the whole time. I just can't fucking believe that Alebastard would be so stupid! I simply cannot explain how his name would end up on this video if the 'kill room' angle didn't strike a note. However, this still doesn't prove Alefascist threatened anyone. These twists and turns strain all credulity...

throwaway345678 ago

We wouldn't be here unless we thought the podesta emails indicated pizzagate was a real issue - which on one level of thinking strains all credulity. In the same vein - how could these bastards be so stupid?! (and at the same time, so perverse/criminal)

kekistocrat ago

If those threats were true, then I've been giving Alefester wwwwaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy too much credit.

ConcernedParent ago

I think it makes sense. He is likely under a lot of pressure and I'm also sure he is aware that he will be made the scapegoat of this ordeal. I imagine that kind of stress would make anyone come undone and react this way.

Alpo ago

He's probably using some medicine to calm his nerves which may have side-effects.

dickface8 ago

Very good point.


This would seem to imply that the recent threats were real. Copyright would only cover the FB chat because, unlike everything else, that was private (so, strictly speaking, Ryan had no right to make it public). It's a good thing that about 500 people made copies and will re-up it on YT now.

anonymousj ago

"IF" JA actually had a conversation with Ryan, and the copies of the conversation on the phone where shown in the video (they were) such comments by JA could be construed as "copyrighted" material - i.e. the written word, copyrighted the first time it is published (i.e. when he posted it to his phone). It is a loophole JA presented to YT and they bit.

samhara ago

No copyright law applies. It's fair use . Also, YouTube doesn't have to respect "free speech" It's a private company, it can delete whatever it wants. And there is a long history of that repression of information. Since the info is repressed, you don't know what it is.

bolus ago

should be noted that making a false DMCA takedown claim is perjury, and may open up the option of a misrepresentation lawsuit. (this is concerning for both parties. if JA is authentic, the discovery process could be a nightmare. if JA is not authentic, it means more trouble for the faker)

precedent: http://archive.is/yjJI5

samhara ago

He's not in Court. He's not sworn, is he? So why would it be "perjury" Good luck getting a judge to charge him with perjury when he's not even in Court. YouTube is a private company.

bolus ago

an official DMCA notice is a legal instrument. if you lie in a sworn statement, it's considered perjury.

i get it, you're hinging your argument off of semantics, and that's fine - but the truth is that if you make a false statement and it is a "legally recorded document" like a contract, deed, or the like, you can be held liable for it.

somegirlinnewzealand ago

and yet Lauren Duca responded to a private message from Martin Shkreli on twitter by taking a screenshot of the chat and posting it publicly, and they banned Shkreli's account.


That's a terrible precedent! Private messages should remain so without the express permission of the person who wrote them.

mysecretidentity ago

why? if you say something, always expect it could be repeated or become public knowledge. Nothing would stop someone from sharing a letter they received, or repeating something you told them in confidence.

edit: lol I thought I was still on the thread about the connection to moonie cult. but either way george seems to respond to lots of his comments

Fateswebb ago

Depends on your state, in my state it would be perfectly legal for me to share a conversation I was a part of.


Interesting! I thought - like phone calls - it would be something you'd need the other party's permission to post online.

Fateswebb ago

At least not in Texas. As long as one person that is a part of the conversation knows it is being recorded, then it is legal without any permission to record and would stand up in court. It depends on the state.

DietCokehead1 ago

Probably paid to have it removed

Birdzeyeview ago

Hey Ryan is my good buddy. We sold over 2,000 T-shirt this week and It's me that had them made. Ryan got an hourly rate for the videos, it's all good in the land of the free market :)

shortymcbossypants ago

So will you feel good about yourself when your buddies gang up on you and spirit cook you?

ThePuppetShow ago

Birds eye view from your Pegasus perch?

dickface8 ago

Could you be anymore obvious? I hope your shill owners give you a whipping!

Truthseeker77 ago

Bwahaha.. Don't think that's true but even if it were at least t-shirts would help bring attention to the cause. Geeze it's not like like he's selling kids!!


No one believes anybody could sell that many t-shirts in a week. He probably sold 5. Bye, shill!

Godwillwin ago

Birdseyeview is a liar- a CTR or alefantis himself

throwaway345678 ago

I don't care about his shirts, I care about whether Alefantis threatened him or not. And the name on this link implies that Alefantis did threaten him.


Make snark remarks all you want. Doesn't change any facts.

tjarco ago

same somewhere in EU

redditsuckz ago

One of the mods got kicked off the mod team for censoring that video...the day he went berzerk and deleted many videos;


The question is can someone pretend to be James Alefantis and get youtube to remove it for copy right grounds...


This is the original video;

VIDEO 3 - Alefantis Kill Room Found - SUMMARY AND NEW LEADS


From the archive its time is 5:54 - so same vid


So that was a previous video to the 4th one here;

"KILL ROOM FOUND! Pegasus Museum owned by Alefantis is home to..." [duplicate video]


ThePuppetShow ago

The question is can someone pretend to be James Alefantis and get youtube to remove it for copy right grounds..

If not, it's either legitimate or Ryan is getting sued. If it's true, I wish he would post the evidence so there's proof if they try to screw him in court.

specialplan ago

You can't spam youtube with fake copyright claims afaik. They anticipated trolls abusing the system.

ThePuppetShow ago

That's not true, it was an issue last Feb.


nitro169 ago

This makes sense now, remember how Alefontis acted like he didnt know what a mod was? He was paying the mod off for deleting those posts, or he was the mod, I lean towards the first. Someone here should reach out to the mod just to check if he was threatened as well.

Vindicator ago

That was Numbchuck. He deleted his account.

think_whatif ago

My guess is that pizzagategear got deleted for using jimmycomet's Instagram photos, i.e. copyright violations.

It's not difficult to request YT for a take-down. Doesn't YT usually err on the side caution and delete first?

IANAL, but couldn't this shut down a lot of pizzagate discussion that references the jimmycomet and others Instagram photos?

samhara ago

A person can contest the copyright claim. Often when you do, they put it back up. The person making the claim has a certain amount of time to respond to your challenge.. If they don't respond, it's put back up. PeeKay2 does that and gets the vid back. A claim is easy, but will the person who makes it choose to back up their claim?

Phenomenonanon ago

That doesn't make sense because you can use literally anything in the public domain for commentary under fair use law

samhara ago

It has to be for fair use, and you may have to prove that. But that is the law. The law also prescribes that you can not cite a complete work usually, nor make money. It has to be for educational / public discussion purposes The stipulation for not being able to use complete works is for other people's material i.e. for works of art. Alephantis conversation was not a work of art. It was a conversation.

Vindicator ago

Copyright infringement laws do not apply to satire, news reports, or under certain limited conditions, educational use.

bikergang_accountant ago

That super super is a valid case for fair use. That's what fair use is for. Actual analysis of other people's material.

I also have two of the videos saved on my project.

Original Pegasus video
The one discussing the threats

RobinRedBreast ago

Hopefully videos can be transferred to vidme.
Edit: it's preferable they remain on YouTube though, so reupload what you can.
We should be takedown safe here. It's evident that the pegasus vid is causing him to lose his shit, if only he understood that the Feds are waiting for a new AG to grant them immediate warrant.

9217 ago

Yes but his name means that Alefantis personally contacted youtube to take down the same videos that #pizzagategear/ @isthisgameofthrones said he got death threats from Alefantis over.

This is potentially a huge deal because the youtuber can't put alefantis' name on the link like that. Youtube had to.

Meaning this corroborates what @Isthisgameofthrones said about Alefantis being extremely pissed about the Pegasus videos.

throwawaa ago

Here's the copyright complaint form on youtube: http://sli.mg/dpngSe.png https://www.youtube.com/copyright_complaint_form

I wouldn't be brave enough to fake fill that out. And I doubt someone would fake that to take down their own video.

SChalice ago

I am confused on how its takes bravery to fake fill out a complaint form. This kind of thing happens hundreds of thousands of times a day.

throwawaa ago

You're right, maybe it wouldn't for someone else. I'm just saying I would be scared to do it falsely.

LawofTruth ago

I have made copies of all of pizzagategears videos can re upload to both.



throwaway345678 ago

Once you do, post links here!

LawofTruth ago

Will do

Phenomenonanon ago

Upload on vid.me

9217 ago

Agreed. This is a huge deal imho.


Yes, it means that Alefantis has now voluntarily added to the corpus of material available for Pizzagaters to scrutinise! Remember he said that what people are saying is all true except that he doesn't like kids! What are the anti-Pizzagate people going to say to that? It's from the horse's mouth!

bopper ago

Why, and what, is he saying "Is all true." And I still think maybe he doesn't like kids, he's just a fag providing a service and proud of it and branding himself. I told Ryan that to Alefantis he's small potatoes now and not to worry too much, Alefantis has a lot more to deal with than little old Ryan. I think he was getting his jollies scaring Ryan like that. He's probably dead meat right now.