AreWeSure ago

In regards to the libel law, Donald Trump has gone on record plenty of times saying he would like to make it easier for a famous person like John Podesta or Donald Trump to sue people.

One of the things I'm going to do if I win, and I hope we do and we're certainly leading. I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We're going to open up those libel laws.

As we just talked about public figures can already sue people for false statements if they are made with actual malice. You can't sue anyone for writing something negative about you. Negative articles are not libel.

This wouldn't be limited to the big media. Melania Trump has a filed a defamation lawsuit again the Daily Mail and US blogger who runs (Briefing looking at an article, her case might be strong enough to meet the actual malice hurdle.) Weakening libel laws would have the effect giving rich people an advantage, would you retract your statement or pay 30K to lawyer to fight your case if you were sued?

AreWeSure ago

A. We are not having a private conversation, we are on a public website and our conversation is viewable by anyone.

B. Even if you and I were having a private conversation and it was loud enough to be overheard by a third person, that meets the requirements for a slander lawsuit.

I don't know why you bring in the Department of Justice as it has almost nothing to defamation laws. Both Libel and Slander are civil torts, which means the government doesn't arrest you, but the private party who was defamed can sue you. Public figures have a higher standard to meet in defamation cases, so for John Podesta to be defamed you have to show "actual malice"

"Actual malice" means that the person who made the statement knew it wasn't true, or didn't care whether it was true or not and was reckless with the truth -- for example, when someone has doubts about the truth of a statement but does not bother to check further before publishing it.

For non public people like, say the working on my night cheese guy, the standard is lower. The basic standard for famous and non famous folk they can be defamed by statements that are published false injurious unprivileged

Any statement made on voat already meets two of these criteria, published and unprivileged. So for libel to be on this board, the person suing would have to prove the statement is false and that they have been injured by the statement. Opinions are not defamation. I think Workingonmynightcheese is a creepy, little weasel is not defamation. Workingonmynightcheese rapes and kills children and sells their cadavers to his friends to make soap would be defamation if he could prove injury. Injury would be like he lost business or was harassed by the press or was shunned by friends or family.

I am not a lawyer, but proving that statement is false might be as simple as submitting a police record.

In making a prima facie case for libel first, the plaintiff needs to prove that the statement was false. ......For some claims that fall within "libel per se" these are easier to prove. The accusation that one is a criminal can be easily proven false by submitting a lack of a criminal record.

In fact, I just looked up "libel per se" and in this case, he wouldn't have to prove injury or malice

libel per se

n. broadcast or written publication of a false statement about another which accuses him/her of a crime, immoral acts, inability to perform his/her profession, having a loathsome disease (like syphilis) or dishonesty in business. Such claims are considered so obviously harmful that malice need not be proved to obtain a judgment for "general damages," and not just specific losses.

So my read on that is any time someone on this board says someone is a pedophile without qualification it is libel per se, with the exceptions of cases of actual convicted pedophiles.

Of course, no one is actually going to go through the trouble to sue for libel for things said on Voat.
There is a case on Twitter right now that might be going to court. If it does, we will all hear about it.

In short, yes, there are ways to injure people on Voat.

redditsuckz ago

Who added numbchuck on the mod team?

je-sui-pepe ago

true, it may have just been finished. typically a cooler would have lots of metal shelving with the food stored on it.... Its also a very weird thing to post on instagram admitted, I mean who cares about a cooler... unless it was a code for something...

AreWeSure ago

I think the killroom comment was almost assuredly a joke. As for the photo, as you pointed out an empty cooler is something folks rarely see, so I think it that might be why the picture is on Instagram. In terms of where it was taken many people assumed it must be at Comet Ping Pong and with photography, you often need outside evidence to support that assumption. Alefantis said he was at another space to open a restaurant.

Going back to the joking. I think many, many comments that have the structure or form of a joke are being taking literally. This soap site is among the most overt of them. They have a soap called Elf Jism. I laughed. Yes, it might be a sick joke, but it's a good one.

Now comparing this jokes to someone who might have an actual kill room. Is this how real serial killers act? Was Jeffrey Dahmer going around joking that he killed people and put them in his freezer? Was Ted Bundy joking about killing co-eds? Or did they hide that part of their personality? Dahmer was an alcoholic screw up and Bundy was charming and successful, but they both hide the side they needed to hide.

Is there a single example of a serial killer or serial pedophile making jokes this way?

je-sui-pepe ago

i don't know... its odd. I was thinking back to two different people that i know. one WAS a very close friend and the other an associate. both were arrested for pedophilia. i never knew nor suspected anything like that about them. they both successful. of course i would never have anything to do with them now and one is i prison for at least 15 years of federal child porn charges.... the other had a good lawyer and didn't get in much trouble after exposing himself to two little girls under the age of 8.

It just goes to show that you really don't know anything about these people because they are very good at hiding their sickness. am sure that maybe the spouses had some suspicion, i was both shocked and sickened by this and looking back i try to remember if there was some clue that i missed ... i don't recall jokes or anything. i just could not believe that i had not even an inkling or a clue that these people were that sick. I pray that the truth comes out about every single sick individual and they re forever shunned from society. but i am still anti-witch hunt. i would hate for innocent people to be accused.

AreWeSure ago

Yeah, I think that is most likely to be the norm, people with stuff to hide who aren't part of a criminal underground like a gang or something wouldn't joke about this even with close friends. It's just very unlikely, they would try to hide it. In these case jokes are being taken as evidence of guilt.

Haldelos ago "WerkinOnMahNightCheese" makes coffins for kids, works in a place called the pajama factory that houses another company making adipocere (corpse fat) Williamsport, PA = Home of the "Little League World Series" that just like a "fuck you" to the general public?? I'm in PA and have some chemist friends...maybe i'll order some soap. uuugh...although i really don't wanna

Konran ago

This reminded me of a story from 2009 about four Peruvians who were arrested with carloads of human fat. They were allegedly selling to 'clinics' in Europe.

What's funny is that they quote some unnamed doctors stating that there is no real benefit to using human fat in cosmetics as you can get better results from non-human products. Appears that these physicians hadn't thought about the darker sides of life.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Quick test that might save money. Take a small sliver of the soap, take an equally small sliver of dove and a small sliver of vegan soap. Put them in a puddle of water. Time how long it takes them to turn into goo. More tallow == longer goo time.

speckledcat ago

he is doing real research this is awesome? does he have an agenda or ties to lobbies like seaman does?

Lunari ago

While there could in fact be relevant information within this whole Pajama Factory lead - I'm fairly certain the conclusions being made here about it are likely incorrect....

Too many wild conclusions are being jumped to based solely on very, very loosely connections, some of which are entirely based on interpretations of vague instagram comments, etc.... there's really not at all any solid reasoning whatsoever to this Fight Club-esque soap theory....

These people definitely have shown themselves to not always be the brightest when it comes to being discreet about things - but as stupid as people may be, I highly fucking doubt anyone would blatantly post about and admit to building an actual "killroom" publicly for anyone to see....

I'm even more sure this entirely incorrect after seeing the annoying disinformation troll "redditsuckz" commenting and pushing this to be a legitimate thing - everything that guy posts is never anything but disinformation intended to distract and mislead people. I'm sure many of you remember the endless days he spent spamming the entire sub with his "COFFEEGATE!!!" bullshit. So, I tend to be highly skeptical on anything that troll tries to push - given his history of being a spamming disinfo troll.

tazytale ago

They got an interesting sense of humor.

Point 4 in their FAQ says: I want to sell your soap at my store/tattoo parlor/sex dungeon.

Their answer: That's totally not a question, either. But thanks. We're flattered. Especially if you really have a tattoo parlor or sex dungeon. Please email us.


Archive 1: (Didn't really work that well)

Archive 2:

Truthplease5 ago

someone should test the soap !!

AreWeSure ago

That leaves plenty of room for things like slander or libel would you agree?

SickoftheBS ago

Where is the timeline of events page he shows in this video? Does anyone know?

aquarian ago

lime mortar, aka it used in any products made at Pajama Factory?

srayzie ago

I know. I've lost all trust in authority now

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Take your post down. They might read this. Seriously.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Looks like some kind of a room for occult activity. "Hiding in plain sight" is one of their favorite moves.

But be careful about concluding it is a "kill room." It could be a lot of things. There could absolutely be people killed there, but it could be a place to abuse kids, or simply a place for various occult ceremonies.

The reason I caution against jumping to the conclusion of it being a "kill room" is that they might very well be setting us up to think that, so they can discredit the story.

"Poor James Alefantis's meditation circle disrupted by crazed Pizza Gate nutjob!"

Do you see what I mean? We've already seen a false-flag attack at this place designed to discredit the investigation.

AreWeSure ago

It's a commercial walk in cooler or freezer

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Right. Just like the masons are a gathering of artisans.

thicktail1730947 ago

Of course they are. If you think that a gathering of artisans can't rule the world, I've got news for you... It's monkeys all the way up!

je-sui-pepe ago

thanks, i keep trying to point that out as well. most likely built to store the cold ingredients for the pizza such as the pre prepped ingredients, meats, cheeses and the dough... i don't think its REALLY a kill room, i think the comment on instagram was meant to be a joke. IF there is a kill room, it would not probably be directly in Comet Pizza, but at another location

Candle4TheKids ago

Oh I think I'm probably way more suspicious than you by the sounds of it but I just thought I'd point it out, but didn't see it had all ready been mentioned.

You're right, there are thousands of conspiracy theories they are happy to ignore. This panic is very interesting.

justiceforever ago


LolturdFerguson ago

I tried to buy a bar of the Saturnalia soap. Also tried to check out, but got this ...


I tried checking out several different ways, but every time it came back to this. I guess it's not possible to mail order this?!

lawfag123 ago

Great job.

Candle4TheKids ago

I think it's a bit silly to jump to the conclusion that there's dead human tissue in the soap. They say on the site:

"We named our soap company Adipocere Soap because we have a perverse sense of humor.

And because we wanted to write creepy warnings on our labels. Creepy warnings that are jokes.

We don't really consult with the Sultanate of Oman.

We also wanted to name our soaps creepy, anachronistic things."

They sound like they're weirdos yeh, who may be into weird shit, but I doubt they're advertising their company as dead flesh soap because it actually has dead flesh in it. By all means by some soap and analyse it. But the video is a bit misleading. 'Some funky shit has to go down to make this soap' - isn't he implying that they use dead flesh? That is not what they say on the site. It's just the name of the company, right?

That they may be Satanists is one thing - but that there is human flesh in the soap?

Cbradio ago

There is a lot of doublespeak. Ingredients can be creepy nor something if request at no extra charge is the gist.

We made this as Xmas presents, it became a necessity.

And compare to holocaust soap. Fact ones even buy and cheer, is sick.

One Fb commenter states she stands by the plight of our early pilgrims. She's an anthropolgist.


Ihatepizza2 ago

You have to ask the question, if you did search for that type of soap, what shop would you find? These people of course. That coupled with its proximity to that night cheese abomination is just too big a coincidence to me.

AreWeSure ago

The video is making all sorts of leaps of logic. Nothing connects the walk in freezer with the construction work. That's an assumption.

NotOfIt ago

I don't know much about soapmaking but I vaguely remember seeing a report on liposuction(long ago), yes, human fat removal. Well part of it dicussed how the trash from the facility was raided because the fat was used for making soap. So, when I saw that explanation for raw materials, it made sense.

NerdyNoodle ago

Not the same place but the same thing. This guy made an art exhibit out of his liposuction fat soap and tweeted Lady Gaga to try it. Ugh

AreWeSure ago

Also the plot of Fight Club

EarlPoncho ago


Stormtrooperx52 ago

The chemical used to dissolve a human body is Sodium Hydroxide which is also known as Caustic Soda or Lye. Sodium Hydroxide is an ingredient used in the manufacturing of soap. Maybe they are getting rid of the remains this way. Soap manufacturers can purchase large amounts of Sodium Hydroxide as it's a neccesary ingredient in making soap. The Regal Wet Cleaners a few shops down from Comet Ping Pong could also legitamely explain having a large amount of Sodium Hydroxide on hand as it is a main ingredient used by Wet Cleaning companies.

Sodium Hydroxide [ ]

Cbradio ago

Many sites sell lye and more, all over. Might be with same distributor they buying their tincture bottles and tins with.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Funny you should say that. There are pictures of the hole digging builders hands on here. They are all 'burnt' looking. Someone speculated it could be from using the types of chemicals you have mentioned for building purposes. What builder in his right mind won't wear gloves rather than knowingly have his hands all burnt? Your explanation of how to make this stuff seems like a much better reason why he would have those burns

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Funny thing is, I was a Mason for 8 years before I decided I didn't want to be in a wheel chair by the age of 50. His fingers were abso-friggin-lutely NOT mangled by "Lime." I have never heard of anyone using "Lye". Lime is still nasty shit. The biggest concern when working with lime is breathing in the dust as it gets absorbed into your bloodstream almost instantly if you get it in your lungs. There aren't any stucco houses where I'm from. We mostly used lime in our mortar on large brick jobs. The lime makes the mortar bend a little, not break when the structure shifts little by little over the years. Adds some longevity to the structure. Lime is also used to make Calcium Carbide. Im sure I dont want to take a bath in that or Sodium Hydroxide, but if I had to take a pick I"ll take the Calcium Carbide over the Sodium Hydroxide ALL DAY. They use Sodium Hydroxide in bar soap, in Wineries to remove the stains on the floors, and if I'm not mistaken it is most commonly used in the production of paper. That stuff eats the bark and will turn it bleach white. I can see though why alot of people would make the same connection. I can assure you I suffered no Ill effects from mixing sand, portland cement, and bags of pure Lime. I wore a mask and don't think the lime dried out my skin any more than the portland did. Get your arms covered in Lime, then let your arms get wet, and stand there like a moron for a few hours, than its going to burn a little. LOL. Foundation Coat, aka "Parge" will fuck your skin up the worst if you let it dry. Fiberglass and Portland cement, and its mixed alot wetter as it needs to be at a consistency between some exterior latex paint and peanut butter. The burns are not from concrete masonry. 1st of all, he owns the company, 2nd, a laborer that is being exposed to it all day long breaking bags over the spike on the grate of the mixer, wearing no gloves, never had an issue. The owner isnt mixing mortar. If he is, someone is getting fired, because you make the most money when your masons are laying block/ brick with little to no down time. If he's gotta go mix, then he is going to make ends meet only if he's lucky. Those burns only happen if you stick your hand in acid, a volcano, yellowstone national park gaiser, black tar commercial roofing, or shoving your hand up Satans ass. Other than that, I couldn't tell you.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

I hate to be morbid... but only the fat would be used for soap. But certainly, the whole body could be dissolved using lye.

AreWeSure ago

It's a vegan soap store. With a morbid name and a crazy dark sense of humor.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Right. Just like the masons are a guild of stone workers...

srayzie ago

I think if we can get some of that soap, if it's expensive to test, we can all donate to pay for it if possible

basil999 ago

The lady who died in the pajama factory was in 2013. I'm not sure why the video maker doesn't point that out.

The Lycoming County Coroner labeled the death of Regina Lapp as drug related. Upon investigation, it was discovered Lapp had heroin, prescription pills and alcohol in her system

redditsuckz ago

ANOTHER death at Pajama Factory;

Man shot to death outside Pajama Factory complex in Williamsport

srayzie ago

Hall had attended “an after-hours” party at the pajama factory and was shot as he was leaving in the parking lot. I wonder if the guy didn't like was he seen and they were afraid he was going to tell.

LolturdFerguson ago

I'll order some. Does anyone know how much an independent lab test costs?

justiceforever ago

Just get the soap and we'll fund the lab testing whatever it takes!

MolochHunter ago

stellar work +1 just when you thought this shit couldnt get any darker

redditsuckz ago

mhollamby who says "overtime" on the digging pic...

Dont know what he does exactly but he is connected in Washington D.C.

mhollamby AKA Matt J Hollamby

Pics with James Alefantis;


*****EDIT...he works for a foundation run by people who experiment on humans;

But Hansjörg Wyss has never been one to be pigeonholed by one type of philanthropy. The foundation also gives regular grants to liberal think tank the Center for American Progress. And the Wyss Foundation is just one of his philanthropic endeavors. He also runs the HJW Foundation, which is more concerned with progressive and social justice issues including health care and reproductive rights.

Liberal groups refuse to talk about links to funder with tainted history of illegal human experiments

A code of silence is apparently in force among Democratic and liberal activists groups funded by Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss, whose former company conducted illegal human experiments where three elderly patients died.

None of the 10 organizations contacted by the Washington Examiner would discuss any aspect of their relationship with Wyss.

Between them, the 10 groups have received more than $44 million since 2008 from the HJW Foundation, the billionaire's private foundation

The Examiner reported July 23 that John Podesta received $87,000 as a paid consultant to a Wyss-controlled foundation before joining President Obama's inner circle of White House advisers.

Podesta has also benefited from the more than $4 million Wyss has given to the Center for American Progress since 2008.

Podesta was the founding president of CAP and remains as chairman of its board of directors, which also includes Wyss, former Secretary of State Madeline Albright; former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D; and former Obama White House energy czar Carol Browner.

HJW Foundation

Cbradio ago

Yes, I posted about Wyss, earlier today. Podesta email set: re/fw: Wyne/ podesta.

Cheeky Mills staff, Heather, sent Podesta an email about the Wynn and related subsidiary corps that killed three people, as doingnillegal experiments in hospitals, worldwide. The USA cases went to federal.indictment by a Mr captain. Only four lower staff got charged and Wynne and board directors/ investors, like Pos sta, did not get charged and hardly in news. Ones charged, of course, ONLY 11 MOnths of jail.

So, minute story gets in news, again, Heslrher Alerts Podesta and send him the email! Podesta, immediately forward email to Cheryl.milks and he asks if she can talk right now! ( priority) AND Podesta writes, another Breitbart Free Beacon Loop!!! ( pretty sure that Breitbart was already dead or close to being, have to check dates).

And, the corps charged are doing new industries that are HUGE, in using BONE paste for reconstructive orthopedic surgeries. The spine was not Fda or usda, BUT, a arm procedure had been approved for Wynne, priorby Fda!!!

Been nrs, also huge industry , govt, Univ resesrchnon bio- disals with bone, called calcium waste as the cataylist. Other materials and bio materials have been used, but bone has a very high catalyst range!/

And, Retsch, a corp since German times, from Germany, has machines that mill human bone. Their website, PDF and more sources show more.

AND, Retsch utilized a tissue bone donar Biz in San Antonia Texas! There is the ranch hat scalia died. There is Buddy with the tunnel under house theory by the abandoned Walmart, and there IS a Boystown location in Texas!, along with many grouphimes, for Boystown "model" changed more to group homes, sponsor families, research hospitals.

Just like the nilun Ireland in a whole flew of pedo and death cases, both entities just change their system setup and worldwide expanded.

In fact, google boystown and gold/silvers IRAS and coins. All over are sellers.

Boystown look sted as number $48 top 50 profit npos in Forbes, conveniently under name of Flanagan instead!!

And, in the survivor book, " Let Haiti live , how us policies are destroying Americas oldest neighbor, Boystown in Miami , va, NYC, and other locations, including bits first location are mentioned, as are many other important last ads, and the infrastrures and routing of people as resources into various areas and location.

In the book, even a dentist is utilize zed a lot to check the teeth of boys that are around 16-18 to route them either to Krones Procvesding for adults or S Florida, Boystown.

Boystown in Florida is one of first process center for boys. Boystown takes females in esp research hospital, but boys are focus. I read that boys are considered more virile potent to Lucifer, Satan, illuminati types. I also read that young females are also penetrated from behind, as that young, they can be abused in that way to these creep types.

Wynne continued to donate to Pos sta at very Happy GH amounts. He is considered mlone of the richest billionaires in world, donate big to @ 27 liberal agendas, cap being his hghrst donations after the illegal spine indictment case for 2011-2012 cap donations.

A podesta email for his leaving party on wikipedia leaks has an attachment. On a nonlaptop view, when you put in so srchbterms, such as meat, meat grinder; a phrase with h meat will come up on email lists of the search.

I did that for meat, meat grinder, and found a lot on podesta to all different types f wikileaks.

Even for Correct the Records emails, and Chelsea baby set of emails and more; there are MANY attachments of logos. The meat sentence of hat shows on the he search list, is often, NOT a sentense in the regular email. There MUST be a msg hidden in those attachments of logos and pics!!!

Alot of emails come up with meat and meat grinder, and meet, often misspelled as meat. Sure, there are many meat metaphors used on the political planning, but there is just as much or more, strange meat emails!!!!

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Stuff like this is exactly what I was looking for when I posted this. Thank you for your research

ConvincedSkeptic ago

Browsing soap place's website, it looks like the name was chosen intentionally for a creepy vibe. I wouldn't jump to conclusions just based on the name.

However, at least where I'm from, artisan soap places are typically one to two person gigs done on the side. This place lists a ton of employees and half their stock is sold out. Might be worth trying to find info on the business like reported sales or income, if possible. May not lead anywhere, but could reveal something that doesn't quite fit.

Wouldn't hurt to archive their site if someone knows how. I'm intentionally not linking to it, but Google will take you right there.

R4WX ago

One of their soaps is called "Saturnalia", which perfectly fits with satanism as Saturn symoblizes Satan. It all adds and adds and adds. When do we have enough evidence to actually get them into prison?

Banned4Truth ago

There has to be a crime. But whenever there is one, it gets covered by the higher-ups. But yeah, their interests are blatantly in the open and I'm starting to think there's more satanists behind the scenes than we could ever imagine. A quote comes to mind from someone. Paraphrasing,, whatever the most evil, vile, horrible things you could possibly imagine that go on in the world, it's worse.

MolochHunter ago

saturnalia is a christmas time all-in orgy. Usually its the one day of the year when married couples are permitted to have extra curricular affairs, any resulting offspring are 'Saturns' I think in rarer instances the carnal indulgence of Saturnalia has turned to the violent/sacrificial, but more commonly it was just an orgy

logjam ago

Where did you gain this knowledge?


Here are the next 5 layers down the rabbit hole from saturnalia

rhy ago

Saturnalia has a ton of history. Just look it up!

MolochHunter ago

a very old classic textbook on occult anthropology called The Golden Bough by James Frazier

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

That's a good one.


Here are the next 5 layers down the rabbit hole below saturnalia

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Folks, directly above is the most important post you will find on this site.


Thanks dude. Help link people to it, if you can/want to. I am putting a modestly larger target on my head (compared to everyone else) by speaking with reason about these things holistically, but it's absolutely necessary.

EarlPoncho ago

so they are doing the same thing they accused the nazis of doing potentially? these fuckers always project

jangles ago

This is an extreme over simplification of the products that are harvested from their victims. Illumination studies on melatonin production and a the complex protiens that are in concentration in young children should be seriously investigated, is there anyone with a genetics background on this board?

Rigg5 ago

Someone purchase the soap NOW!!!!!!!!

DooDooDoodle ago

"Over here at Adipocere, we cringe at MLM home parties.

Pampering and excellent products are for everyone, even weirdos like us.

Even people who don't want to be pressured to Start! Selling!

So for conscientious weirdos with hair and skin, we now offer educational home parties where everyone is welcome (even men and children)."

AreWeSure ago

For the folks upthread looking to buy. Um, they have a website. You're going to make those guys so much money

redditsuckz ago

Adipocere, also known as corpse cheese...

Jeff Smith AKA WerkinOnMahNightCheese

Adipocere, also known as corpse cheese - The macabre substance coating the torso and parts of the remaining limbs is called adipocere, a fatty, waxy material that sometimes forms from a decomposing body's soft tissues. Adipocere is familiar to investigators — it can make identifying a body and pegging its time of death tricky — but it is foreign to those of us who don't come into regular contact with decomposing bodies.

adipocere soap has "saturnalia" as one of the names of the soap....

Widow's Walk
Unfortunate Pilgrim
Elf Jism
Brewer's Porridge
Springheeled Jack
Krampus's Revenge

Arrington De Dionyso(CPP Artist) posts a painting tribute to Saturn with him holding a childs head;

Alefantis Pic of Cube of Saturn/Satan;

More Freinds of Comet Ping Pong...these DEMONS are throwing it right in everyones faces;

Krampusnacht DC 2016

"Hidden in Plain Sight"

"Cheese" = Human flesh, "Pizza" = Child;

"Cheese" is a code word for "Corpse Cheese"

Cbradio ago

And water, sewage pipes and river behind the joint is there, after a small forest, wetland. Wetlands and cold, actually preserve materials of runoff and scenes even nearby. Water lab kits, specimum cups from your Dr or vet office??

MolochHunter ago

yes please stress this, if anyone lives in DC please get hold of some , cut in half, keep one half for safekeeping send the other for independent lab testing

Cbradio ago

Any, by the Cali warehouse to look ur Tennessee satanic mountain coves myths? Any in Miami area, to check out the Haitian and other deportees/ refugees, motels, courts, foai lawyers, krones jail and deportee servicing ( 12 ave) , broward jail? All in the sure vovor book, let Haiti live.

Any in va for those adopt centers and connections? Any by shipping ports, esp the 11 by boystown locations, posted on Boystown website or both boystown research hospitals; or in India and other locations of Boystown activities, locations, research hospital and affiliates?

Cheap mini cameras to remote view , video sugnglases on amazon and alibaba. Water kits, too. And other lab equipment.

Cbradio ago

Who can find the construction guys? Are they even alive?

MolochHunter ago

there's a construction company specializing in subterranean construction, right next door to comet. No jokes. Cant remember which thread but it was here on voat a few weeks ago

Cbradio ago

Yes! I'm wondering if those 2 hired from there, temp agency, shelter day job drive byes ones do..

There is a older Blackman, who made the news, some; he advocates day and night for black, all ages, homicide crimes to be investigated. There are so many.

I'm sure, he and others are pissed that comet lil deal, gets so much Attn, money, sympathy, protection.

He might be able find who those two men are. Hope they are safe..

bikergang_accountant ago

I looked into it but it seems DC is the one place they don't sell.

Ohio, Wyoming, Pennsylvania.

hang_em_high ago

i hope someone grabbed some before they had a chance to cover it up... i really hope this place is being investigated.. fucking creepy

LolturdFerguson ago

I tried to buy 2 bars of soap last night, and kept getting my payment page endless loop that never let me buy it.

Cbradio ago

They recently left etsy. Comes search engine, then no page. On Facebook, they tecentlynposted about new sites being put up. ( timing coincidental?)

Someone reported to stay about body parts sold into art and as is, to stay. Etsy called and firmly said they will handle. Person told them, no, that is illegal coverup of crimes and I reported to cops, and suggest you adhere to criminal activities that you had for years on your site of illegal animal and human mass products. Their minor kids had found it during Xmas shopping.

Z11Mama ago

There is a you tube video of a survivor in Austrailia from their '60 Minutes' show. Her name is Teresa. She commented regarding the disposal of bodies and bones that they are put in a tub with something and just disappear except for a "sludge" left on the bottom. Perhaps this is what the soap is made from.

FKM ago

Check the soap for human DNA

inspectordutch ago

Surely making this soap is illegal?

AreWeSure ago

The soap people don't claim they are making soap that way. The video does. Also think about the economics of this. Making soap from coconut oil has to be cheaper than from dead bodies.

anolegion ago

adamfirstofmen replies with #killroom @2.24

adamfirstofmen, aka Adam Scheibeler, former high school teacher.

EliteTakeOver2029 ago


EuroSkeptic ago

This is turning into an uglier version of Fight Club. Just think about it.. Human soap, John Podesta as Edward Norton's character and "Skippy" as Tyler Durden. That would sell big time. Someone get the memes going! On a serious note, this shit is getting me really sick. What the actual fuck.

Cbradio ago

Bones milled to grate and paste are huge in manyi ndustries, sustainable concepts, bio diesel calcium Ca waste as catalyst, fillers in good and pharmaceuticals, medical ,( wynne and Retsch corp,,/ San Antonia retsch donor lab. ( portable none mill and bone paste machines,)

Why bury or cover with Lime when can profit and call it sustainable, bio materials, bio diesel, etc and be the new multi industry monopolies? All over web, and many of my comments.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

You have no idea how deep the comparisons go.

Fight Club is a...secret society. There are strict rules of secrecy. Secret teachings. Operation Mayhem to disrupt society. Eventually society is brought down by destruction (subversion?) of the banking system...

KingKongisCTR ago

Reading this post made me look up who wrote fight club before I even read this reply. His past is interesting.. It also made me think of the comparison of Edward Norton's character and someone under the influence of MKultra.

AreWeSure ago

He also likes donuts

KingKongisCTR ago

It's a wonder why all your posts are voted down.....

wokethefkup ago

Omg 'Skippy' so fkn creepy

NotOfIt ago

The soapmaking raw materials detail is just too gruesome and fits so well with the big picture, and the skulls to boot. It all just fits, all these bizarre pieces are eerily of the same vibe. Who buys this stuff? So heartbreaking. I hope it ends soon. Seems overwhelming. Thanks for your work. Prayers.

AreWeSure ago

The raw materials? You haven't looked at their site have you?


Here is the biggest picture. Our version of human history itself, is fucked up. Something is up. I promise. I have been doing this for a very long time. Here are the fruits of my searching:

Selnee ago

I mean really who buys this stuff? Wtf

SeanBox ago

good find on the soap

LolturdFerguson ago

I'm at work, so I can't watch (yet). Is this a connection to using human fats as a soap?

I make soaps as a hobby, and using human fats would be an superb way to dispose of leftover pieces. In fact, there was a German grandma (who was a serial killer) who used human fat to make soaps, and then gift them to the unknowing family members of the victim.

SeanBox ago

Yes it is. it was done in fight club as well.

LolturdFerguson ago

Gross. Thanks for the reply...I'll check it out when I get home.

ThruTheHaze ago

Title was slightly sensational and video seems very similar to previous editions but I think that videos like these are very helpful to people that have a hard time reading our board.

wecanhelp ago

Thanks for resubmitting, I'm flairing this as Potential Lead as the end of the video contains findings that could connect to further evidence.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago


gopluckyourself ago

I'm going to leave this up to /u/wecanhelp 's discression but in the future I would urge you to post this as a discussion post with all relevant information and timestamps to the source of the information in the video. It makes the information easier for people to get at so they can work on verifying and following leads based off it instead of trying to discern the information from the video.
Cheers love youu~.
edit: Also would love to see your sources on all of this. backups as well

wecanhelp ago

Definitely an encouraged practice. I don't think that this submission violates rules, per se, the title seems to provide an adequate summary to me, but going the extra mile helps.

garlicbulb ago

I certainly prefer written info, saves me loads of time, but some prefer audio visual video In fact many victms of abuse can have reaading difficulties.

gopluckyourself ago

I think the visual info is important but for clarity's sake and for people like me who don't really do well with auditory anything. I really need to see the thoughts you're trying to convey written down and spelled out so I don't have to rewatch the video 3-4 times trying to figure out what you're saying.

garlicbulb ago

i agree ( and its not my post) but others are different. For instance can you tell victims that they have to write stuff down when they contribute? to put that more clearly if you insist to many victims of child abuse that they must contribute in written form, they wont contribute