cakeoflight ago

Most of my slimg links are no longer working. I am on a deadline, I'll try to update with the original threads later. Here's another one where I screenshot the discussion of the posts that the moderator removed due to "rules 1, 2, and 3" and it was about the Planned Parenthood congressional investigation of the sale of body parts. Every time I post about body parts, organ trafficking and satanism one of the moderators looks for some reason to delete the thread.

mrmagoo1946 ago

need help posting evidence of msm change|remove words from public domain, plz contact me here to advice

birthdaysuit11 ago

YOU SHOULD HAVE A SORT BY OP!! That way it can be configured so the OP can be organized and everyone can read what he found. That's if the original post has over the amount of characters.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

They are STILL censoring my comments!!

Not just the informative ones anymore either, they're even censoring the ones of me explaining that I'm being censored. I feel very abused in this whole situation, they are not allowing me to speak my mind unless they agree with what I say..i have NEVER seen this in my life. Its like there is literally a person screening each and every one of my comments, and it only gets through if they are ok with basically, 25 percent of my comments are getting through, at the most. I sent a feedback message to youtube asking for an explanation, i doubt its going to help at all...but id just like to know why I'm being targeted.

Here's the latest one which lead me to message them

tjarco ago

can you provide a link where to find this? Like what video?

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Stephen Colbert pizzagate video

All of these comments, which i took a screenshot of, are from that video.

Also on this video too.

I left a long message explaining how the government is going to try and make it appear that pizzagate is just the work of the russians, so if you are researching pizzagate, you are working with the russians so to speak..which will lead to the gov taking away any alt media that supports pizzagate .

This is one of the comment which they wont let me post on youtube

"I don't believe pizzagate is fake at all, what i do believe, is that there is currently a major attempt by our government to make it APPEAR that pizzagate is fake

But they aren't just trying to discredit pizzagate, they are also trying to find a way to take down the alternative media sites...

They're going to try and find a way to link pizzagate with the russians, which will in turn be cause enough to shut down the websites that are supporting the pizzagate hunt, because it it all based on "russian disinfo"..

I dont know if you guys heard, but they recently passed a bill in senate, stating that if anyone is in "Cahoots" with the russian, so to speak, they have the right to take authoritative action against you, whatever that may be...

Link to the bill -

"This title establishes an executive branch interagency committee to counter active measures by the Russian Federation to exert covert influence over peoples and governments (with the role of the Russian Federation hidden or not acknowledged publicly) through front groups, covert broadcasting, media manipulation, disinformation or forgeries, funding agents of influence, incitement, offensive counterintelligence, assassinations, or terrorist acts. The committee shall expose falsehoods, agents of influence, corruption, human rights abuses, terrorism, and assassinations carried out by the security services or political elites of the Russian Federation or their proxies."

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Well, turns out that I myself am currently being censored by youtube.

I noticed it when i was having a dispute with someone over the New York Times...they posted an article that they said was reputable, and i had to let him know about Mark Thompson.

I waited a while, and noticed he wasnt replying to my comment, but was commenting to other people...i asked why, and he said he didn't even see my comment..

I thought it was strange, so i hopped onto my TOR browser, and went to check the comment to see if it was in fact, hidden from public view.. And sure enough, I could see my comment asking why he hasn't responded, but my Mark Thompson comment was hidden..

This led me to look into just how many of my comments were being censored, and it turns out that MOST of my comments are hidden from public view...

I took a few screenshots for evidence, I think I'm going to have to bring this up with youtube, as i am in no way harassing, threatening, or being hateful..there is just no valid reason they should be censoring me.

I'm OpenSoul OpenMind..obviously

Anyone else experiencing this?

militant ago

2016-12-11 Youtube, spambots attacking PG videos

Thanks because I couldn't find the original thread.

This screenshot doesn't prove that spambots are attacking Youtube, though. There is only one YT comment on that screenshot and I can't even find it anymore. It's just a shill copy-pasting the same dumb comment on a few different websites. Here: And here also:

tjarco ago

thanks for pointing this out!

militant ago

Actually, as @fact-checking-pg pointed out earlier, 'Google doesn't index YouTube comments properly and they get buried after a while' - which is often true, so you can disregard my previous post.

militant ago

NP, thanks again for your thread.

tjarco ago

continuation of list

  • 2016-12-10 The Mad Shangi Show, penis attack on Google Hangouts broadcast - banned from youtube BEFORE | AFTER | CURRENT | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-11 Pajama Factory, removed listing of Smith Steel after being linked in VOAT thread BEFORE | AFTER | CURRENT | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-11 ReallyGracefull, new threath received by e-mail SOURCE | ARCHIVE
  • 2016-12-11 Youtube, spambots attacking PG videos SOURCE | ARCHIVE
  • 2016-12-12, history for retracted Daily Mail article seem scrubbed SOURCE | ARCHIVE?
  • 2016-12-12 h.r. 6393, passed in senate SOURCE | ARCHIVE? | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-12 Evie's Crib, page about Evie Luzzatto set to private BEFORE | AFTER | CURRENT
  • 2016-12-12 Megyn Kelly, interview with Alefantis scheduled on FOX 12,13,14 Dec, has not aired SOURCE | ARCHIVE? | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-12 Reddit, r/conspiracy censoring PG content SOURCE | ARCHIVE
  • 2016-12-12 the Daily Mail, article about McCann from 16 Jun 2016 retracted with official statement BEFORE | AFTER | CURRENT | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-12 Max Simmons, Twitter account locked and tweets asking for PG investigation deleted SOURCE | ARCHIVE?
  • 2016-12-13 Twitter, signs of anti-PG bots spamming Twitter SOURCE | ARCHIVE | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-13 Twitter, proof of keeping #pizzagate out of trending list SOURCE | ARCHIVE?
  • 2016-12-13 Google Search, results for Edgar Maddison Welch, suggest search for Madison and view all only yields 3 results SOURCE | ARCHIVE | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-13 **jblairsmith **, Instagram page deleted BEFORE | AFTER | CURRENT | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-13 werkinonmahnightcheese, Instagram page deleted BEFORE | AFTER | CURRENT | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-13 Mailchimp, disabled RealityCalls mailchimp account for sending a PG newsletter SOURCE | ARCHIVE?
  • 2016-12-13 TheHomeBoyChriss, Twitter account suspended - lasts posts all PG related BEFORE | AFTER | CURRENT | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-14 Google Maps, only a small closed circle of streets including CPP gets updated with 2016-11-16 streetview SOURCE | ARCHIVE | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-14 FindTheCompany, Transformer INC a Alefantis's arts gallery company info page unreachable after being discover on VOAT BEFORE | AFTER | CURRENT | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-14, Archive of the FindTheCompany page of Transformer INC turns up blank BEFORE | AFTER | CURRENT | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-14 Reddit, r/conspiracy mod confirms shadowbannning any links to v/pizzagate SOURCE | ARCHIVE | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-15 David Seaman, Wikipedia deletes profile SOURCE | ARCHIVE | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-15 Heatstreet / New York Times, reports the NYT editor's broing explanation on why the 2016-12-09 article was removed. SOURCE | ARCHIVE | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-19 4Chan, 404 for post with archived links to different Pizzagate threads. BEFORE | AFTER | CURRENT
  • 2016-12-20 Reddit, R/pedofriends banned SOURCE | ARCHIVE | SUPPORT
  • 2016-12-20 Twitter, Fake Twitter account from Rudy Gullianio banned after PG tweets SOURCE | ARCHIVE
  • 2017-01-01 Youtube, Bans Realitycalls from uploading for 3 months SOURCE | ARCHIVE?
  • 2017-01-03 Paypal, Freezes David Seaman's account SOURCE | ARCHIVE? | SUPPORT
  • 2017-01-05 Facebook, doesn't let user post vidme link to David Seaman because of security systems deem content unsafe. SOURCE | ARCHIVE?
  • 2017-01-09 The Daily Show, The Daily show cancels segment with David Seaman on Wikileaks/Podesta SOURCE | ARCHIVE | SUPPORT
  • 2017-01-11 Youtube / Alefantis, Pegasus video removed from youtube a by copryright claim of Alefantis SOURCE | ARCHIVE | SUPPORT
  • 2017-01-11 Facebook / Trolley Park, Richard DuBeshter removed VOAT suspected coded message from Trolley Park FB Page SOURCE | ARCHIVE | SUPPORT
  • 00 NODATE HistoryQuestDC, no information available for CCP SOURCE | ARCHIVE

throwawaa ago

Can some more people upvote this so it becomes the top comment? Thanks

throwawaa ago

Maybe make the notice at the end of the OP be much more obvious, and link to this comment via

At first glance it looked like the censorship ended at 12-11, and I only kept looking because I knew there was more.

tjarco ago

awesome suggestions, will include!

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

They banned me on twitter and i dindu nuffin

tjarco ago

already added you - working on new format - had problems updating yesterday - tbc

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

I dont see myself on there

tjarco ago

you will be featured if I manage to edit this post today

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Ok well dont forget about me. I was solely covering that story and my suspension was 100% pizzagate related. Which i can prove

tjarco ago

haha, wasn't I the one calling out that your Twitter has been banned here ?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah im remembered that. Thats why i was surprised to not see myself on said timeline about 3 days later. I guess now you can put me on therr twice. Once at least for the twitter ban, that was undeniable censorship imo

tjarco ago

I'haven't been able to update this for some hours now: keep getting the message 'Oops, a problem happened'

Jumpstarter ago

Posting here so I can come to this thread

Concernedcitizen2 ago

this should be sticky to the top of the subverse

tjarco ago

please upvoat my comment with the continued list - the original post became to large

Concernedcitizen2 ago

The sex stains / heavy breathing videos had their comments and likes turned off. Archive the videos though because those will disappear soon!!!

tjarco ago

please link to the videos, provide proof and help archiving

anonymousgate ago

Before they deleted the phrase "secret pizza" from the "Automatic at Sea" summary on IMDb, they also tried to replace "secret pizza" with "secret soft drinks" before ultimately deleting any mention of secret ingredients.

I've outlined the whole history here.

Here is the specific post where someone claims it's been changed to "secret soft drinks"

tjarco ago

added with the link to the slamdance article that actually states secret soft drinks:

shakethetree ago

Not sure if anyone has mentioned/noticed this, but regarding the Vigilant Citizen Pizzagate article take down, it can now be noted that on the VC FB page there is a massive thread from international citizens stating that they cannot even access the website at all. Please see the Dec. 9 post here:

tjarco ago

it wasn't, thanks for bringing this up!

Blacksmith21 ago

13 Dec 2016

Topic: Media reporting on disposition of Edgar Maddison Welch

Description: All Google-reported news on EMW has been almost completely scrubbed. Considering this was the hottest story for a week, there is no news after 05 Dec on Google.


tjarco ago

there is something strange going on here indeed when searching for edgar maddison welch with timeframe from 05 to 13 dec which is weird because it has LESS results. clicking on VIEW all makes it even more suspicious

I've added this to the list

Blacksmith21 ago

I just noticed the same thing. Google will reset the "dd" in his middle name. You have to hard search with the proper spelling and then you get a lot of the results. Again, it may be the algorithm, or it may be manipulation of search results.

On another note, did anyone read today's court filings? Welch was granted a "release order - jail". Meaning that DC charges were dismissed without prejudice. The USMS are taking over now with the "Federal charges". The question is, will he be taken into custody by USMS, or released on his own recognizance?

tjarco ago

I think you will gain more information by starting a new thread on this issue

throwawaa ago

Circumstantial, but from the Kanye west thread:

2016-11-21 Kanye west hospitalized against his will after endorsing trump on 2016-11-17 ARCHIVE

tjarco ago

i do not see the link with censorship, i do not see statements regarding being hospitalized against will

jealoushe ago

Thanks for doing this.

tjarco ago

no problem, please contribute in any way you can

Roberticus ago

I remember reading that Comet Pizza had removed / painted over some artwork? Can anyone confirm this?

tjarco ago

yes that is confirmed - if we find a link I will update this

Roberticus ago

Great post by the way. I tried to set this one up myself but got no traction (wasn't as well organised as this) need more of these

tjarco ago

please consider contributing to

or engange in discussion on how we can crowdsource the data for these lists in this forum

tjarco ago

personally I do not know this, would wbe really appreciated if you found a website that tracks this information and could confirm this

ephesians5_11 ago

Got locked out of twitter for these 3 tweets:

Links to original images are below the image.

tjarco ago


ephesians5_11 ago

12 December 2016

tjarco ago

thanks - added - please consider using the format next time

Blacksmith21 ago

JFC folks. The OP is doing a yeoman's job here. Please use OP's taxonomy:

Date of change

Description and/or evaluation of the delta

Link or archive to original source

Link or archive to changed/omitted source

Supporting links and/or comments

Please help the OP out by giving him complete and collated data points. This shit is hard enough to do solo. Some of y'all have lots of free time to pursue this. Many of us are active professionals who are busy, but fitting this into our lives.

Me: Currently sitting in a hotel room, working on this from bed, in a city I hate, at 0554.

OccamsTaser ago

Megyn Kelly interview with Alefantis (#askalefantis) cancelled.

tjarco ago

please follow the format and at least link to something

Infopractical ago

I noted that when I first heard about pizzagate in late November, Wikipedia didn't have an entry for it. More recently an entry was created that forcefully called pizzagate a "conspiracy theory" instead of an investigation. Due to the "debunked" stories, the links there fit the Wikipedia rules for major news sources.

That feels like a clever way to censor: game the Wikipedia rule system for "major sources".

tjarco ago

This would be a perfect submission to: TIMELINE OF PIZZAGATE NEWS NARRATIVE

Atatarkus ago

Holy fuck did wapo nyt and abc delete the norway story on the same day? Theyre not owned by the same conglomerate are they? If not that is highly suspect and seems to further suggest state and media colusion. I have a friend who has family in norway ill ask him to to send a message to them, see if anything has been magically disappearing from their newspapers.

tjarco ago

getting the date is sometimes difficult because no one publishes it when unpublishing something. Sometimes I take the date from when the first archive of the change is made. Please investigate for yourself if those articles were really pulled on the same date and report back if you find otherwise - this list is a ongoing investigation and not a proof or definite list. If new info comes to light I will change it...

ZalesMcMuffin ago

(posting in epic thread)

Hey, is the 12/12 Megyn Kelly thing an item for this list?

tjarco ago

It is possibly, please provide links

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Well now I've heard the segment will air tonight. I guess we'll find out.

tjarco ago


LakeOfFire ago

2016-11-04 Washington Post pulls report of guests "horrified" by photos in Podesta's home

tjarco ago

What exactly is pulled, archive and live link look very similar?

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for following the format!

LakeOfFire ago

Don't have time to find links and times for these ones but I know they happened.

  • -Terasol removed double heart pedophile symbol
  • -Youtube video of child (Eli) made to recite positive review of Comet Ping Pong removed.
  • -Amanda Kleinman sets YouTube video of puppet to private.

tjarco ago

If you do find the time, please share links of the Eli & Puppet video

tjarco ago

Thanks so much!

LakeOfFire ago

2016-12-03 Comet Ping Pong obstructed from street cam view day before gunman.

tjarco ago

Thanks for following the format - I added this to the list, it could use a better proofing link than the Voat discussion

tjarco ago

link 4chan?

nowiknow ago

give me a sec.. gonna go dig for them in a little bit.

i was damn near the only person who saw that they were censoring it. i didnt have any followers so i couldnt let anyone know. but i tweeted and others saw it on vanicy. i was also in a group chat with the ppl i mentioned above so i know they can vouch.

im not too familiar with 4chan so idk the best way to find the posts i saw, but ill try googling them. i remember reading voat posts about someone seeing twitter censoring it too.

edit: looks like 4chan doesnt save their posts

tjarco ago

this is something, thanks!

there should be a thread compiling more evidence on this to make it gain significance - please link thread if it excist

im_at_a_desk ago

thanks for putting this together!!!

tjarco ago

wow! the question is... archive link?

tjarco ago

if you have a screenshot it is for the list. I wouldn't allegate that they are pedo-protectors but it is a sign that banning PG information is a common thing to do.

thezodiac ago

I never in my life saw a "conspiracy theory" bother so much the MSM and those in power. I think this is proof we found something, guys. Keep hitting them hard!

pizza_gator ago

Does anyone have a backup of all/most of the posts made to the pizzagate and operation_berenstain subreddits?

tjarco ago

I remember having read several people with archives also on torrents, please if you find a link report back to this thread

pizza_gator ago

i've seen other people say they made archives, but no one posts them. I posted the one i made here:

tjarco ago

what is scrubbed when exactly?

edit: did that link ever excist? *can't find archive



Robertas Pizza also scrubbed their Tumblr page immediately after they were brought back up by a poster here.

Then there was that BS article about them receiving death threats over the phone. This was after the gunman incident. Then Hillary comes out of nowhere to denounce fake news as dangerous and she supposedly called them IIRC. The connection came from Wikileaks of course.

tjarco ago

roberta's added to the list

Infopractical ago

Note that Roberta's took over a location in Austin, TX. That's where Stratfor is and there are a ton of Stratfor pizza references on Wikileaks. Most or all of those references appear to be innocent, but at least a couple looked interesting enough to think about if any more evidence surfaces.

Blacksmith21 ago

@tjarco - I'd add the actual "event" at CPP and then the subsequent coverage. In the DC Metro region, it was covered as a "conspiracy theory", it was the bullhorn for "fake news". I'd also add detail about the false flag operation. I know you are trying to keep the scope narrow, but the "shooter" event + local/national coverage + false flag is, in itself a media-related and very significant event.

And while you may not easily be able to "quantify" the aspect of local coverage, I think more than a few people in the area would be willing to provide testimony on the aspects of coverage. Multiple corroborating witnesses usually holds water as admissible evidence.

And thank you for putting this together. I mentioned this needed to be done yesterday, didn't know if anyone paid attention. I'm OOO or I'd do it.

tjarco ago

we need a timeline that covers MSM news, to keep track of how the narrative is being shaped by broadcasting information in stead of censoring it.

that said we could use a couple of other timelines as well :-D

SaneGoatiSwear ago


Hermesthriceborn ago

Great work!

Blacksmith21 ago

Excellent. Thank you.

tjarco ago

read and commented on that thread disappearing news is covered in current list

can't grasp the role of the mod quitting - what does this say exactly?

throwawaa ago

r/conspiracy apparently is now censoring pizzagate as of today.

r/conspiracy frontpage from Dec 5:, Dec 9:, Dec 12:

tjarco ago

good one, thanks for those links! - updated

BeezleyBillyBub ago

  • + good, great effort


I know that looks pretty but is there a raw version with actual URL's and not voat links ? Copy pasting just gives the link wording and not the actual links, makes it harder to share and red pill everyone possible.

tjarco ago

link to download as .tsv file in post

xeemee ago

click the 'source' link at the bottom of the post

tjarco ago

can't you just link to this voat thread?

open for suggestions for how-to keep a RAW version

tjarco ago

Thanks - this is updated

justiceforever ago


LostandFound ago

Also that flynn Jr. Who lost security clearance because of his stance on pizzagate

LostandFound ago

Reality calls also received very threatening emails to her and her family

tjarco ago

Missed this reply earlier, thanks! - updated

1754llp0l171c4l ago

This should be a sticky.

Just to make it cleaner, i think you should separate the dates (yyyy-mm-dd, or something), and to make it look more professional, drop the insults (the Daily sheeple), as it will only draw negative attention from outsiders.

Great job!

tjarco ago

This is the TIMELINE OF PIZZAGATE RELATED CENSORSHIP that is featured in the Pertinent Threads list in the Right Side bar - I created a new thread to change the title soon this will be the thread linked in that side bar - as discussed with kingkongwaswrong

I will integrate your date suggestion in the next update

What is the insulting part about the daily sheeple?

1754llp0l171c4l ago

Thank you!

Hahaha i know theres nothing insulting about calling it the Daily sheeple, but if some people actually read that shit and believes it, then it will only make them more critical of the actual content of the timeline. Hope you see my point :)

BallsDeepInReality ago

While their news isn;t my cup of tea either, it does show that the image specifically is the reason for the take down for a DMCA claim. The screen cap of a photo, publicly available.

It's some good evidence of censorship specifically of the content within PG.

tjarco ago

I am not familiar with the Daily Sheeple, please explain why it is shit or why it would make people more critical?

1754llp0l171c4l ago

Sorry, i got it twisted and read it wrong :)

throwawaa ago

20161130 CNN pulls article from 30 Oct 2016 about Project Flicker Pentagon Child Pornography Scandal ARCHIVE

This should say 2014

tjarco ago

Thanks, and sorry for being human sometimes ;-) - updated

throwawaa ago

It's all good -- thanks so much for making this list, I'd been hoping someone would do it. People I talk to want specifics about the censorship that's going on.

exposering ago

Good Shit!

YingYangMom ago

Nice job. Thank you.

throwawaa ago

Does anyone have a list of other instagram accounts that were archived before being scrubbed?

tjarco ago

what instagram accounts?

throwawaa ago

Here's the nasty one I was looking for, joshuaryanv:

(comet ping pong employee)

It was public as of Nov 8 2016, and was set to private since then.

tjarco ago

Will include this in the list - how do you/we know that he was/is CPP employee?

throwawaa ago

Ah, from the subtitle on his instagram.

Go to and search for joshua ryan.

throwawaa ago

Still looking for proof of that, I remember seeing it somewhere.

FWIW, google still turns up lots of results connecting with CPP:

But clicking the cached version of these gives a 404, which is odd. Is google scrubbing cached pages related to pizzagate, or is it normal for google's cache links to 404 sometimes?

throwawaa ago

I don't have the proof of any others than jimmycomet being scrubbed, but here are some threads about other related instagram accts, some are still public:

tjarco ago

checked all 3 links, no signs of things being censored - please correct me if I'm wrong

throwawaa ago

WaPo also deleted the norway article, and I heard The Guardian did too, but I don't have evidence of that.

20161209 Washington Post removed article about Norway Pedo-Ring from Nov 20, 2016

Also, the transcript of Cooper's video on the 5200 pentagon employees is still on, here it is archived:

tjarco ago

and now suddenly it's the top comment? haha who voted here?

ThorTheWonderful ago

21 Nov 2016 11:47:17 UTC >Norwegian police arrest 20 men in pedophile network probe

tjarco ago

someone downvoated your comment, I did upvoat

tjarco ago

updated, thanks for helping!

pontagon ago

the dailly sheeple and some others had their site taken down, when they were the first to post blog/news articles on it mid november - happen when the subreddit was still up, and looked like they were trying to suppress it from kicking off.


tjarco ago

excellent! thanks for posting the link! updated

OccamsTaser ago

Frank Guistra's Elipida changed their logo from the same pedo triangle as besta a couple of weeks ago.

tjarco ago

thanks! updated

Rigg5 ago

When I was watching, Snopes came out with an "investigation" on one day and then released the answer the next day in-line with the NYT and then the Washington Post, which all reference each other. Not possible without collaboration between agencies because of the time stamps imp

tjarco ago

please link to articles

PepperoniBoni ago

20161223: The CIA removes all traces of pizzagate by censoring the entire internet besides Facebook, twitter, google results, MSM and Wikipedia. Half of America doesn't even notice.

tjarco ago

Interesting, but I'd like to keep this list to things we can actually prove. If you supply screenshots/links/other forms of evidence I will include

hedy ago

I didn't doublecheck any of this - but it looks like a fantastic compilation - tells the story. Hope it stays live and gets updated.

tjarco ago

I am updating every day, please comment if you see a voat post about censorship. Thanks :-)

derram ago :

pizzagate: banned :

Fearing yet another witch hunt, Reddit bans ‘Pizzagate’ - The Washington Post :

Pentagon Child Pornography Scandal - CNN iReport :

Operation_Berenstain: banned :

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