To answer your question just look at all the amazing work Wolfgang halbig has done to expose sandy hoax. They threatened his family this year after many FOIA hearings. He finally took down his website and YT I believe.

im_at_a_desk ago

i got the impression he was coached, never broke eye contact, pushed the fear narrative, could happen to anyone, fuckin bullshit and soft, weak reporting.

WhatNowFred ago

Truth does not like to live in darkness. Truth seeks the light of day. Truth will not be hidden, despite their best efforts.

Beauty is Truth, and Truth is Beauty. The Truth shall set you free.

mooteensy ago


kneo24 ago

She wasn't on air Monday night due to a cold. On Tuesday when she was on, you could tell she was having voice problems. Also, watching her Tuesday night just to see if she had anything to say about Pizzagate made me hate her show more. That pretty face of hers can't keep me interested in her or her show.

RedGreenAlliance ago

It's funny when you see someone is ugly on the inside you are immune to their charms. I find her repulsive now.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Much appreciated kind sir.


Great job, every minute of it brings more attention to pizzagate and more eyes on the investigation.

reasonedandinformed ago


For those who deny that pedophilia among the powerful, with impunity, is not real..."fake news"...maybe they should invest 10 minutes watching this 60 Minutes story about the explosive problem with pedophilia that was tied to the head of MI6 in the United Kingdom:

reasonedandinformed ago

#SaveTheKids and point here:

...which points here:

pedophobic ago


reasonedandinformed ago

I just created a parallel entry point to our platform from the HumanRights platform. Here is the link:


  • Use #AskAlefantis and #SaveTheKids (really, anything that includes #SaveTheKids (how can they censor that)

  • Point to this link:

  • Anyone arriving who clicks on my link will be redirected to Pizzagate without us using the term that they are using to censor us.

We need to be creative in doing this in many ways to funnel people here. We may have to funnel to other, non-censored places first in order to make the first jump (once the start censoring VOAT as a platform)

RedGreenAlliance ago

I like your thinking and strategies. Wanted to reply to a few of your posts today but can only snatch a few moments on my mobile. Will try tomorrow!

reasonedandinformed ago

OK. I think we need multiple "workaround" strategies to deal with pizzagate. The label has been tarnished and outright banned by most in the MSM and the various platforms, so we need to find new ways to reach the unreached. I like #SaveTheKids because it is simple, communicates exactly what we are about here, and cannot be censored without exposing their agenda to protect. You know how easy it will be for us to clarify to the public what the MSM is doing if they start messing with #SaveTheKids as a hashtag??

RedGreenAlliance ago

LittleLivesMatter is great. Play on BLM. They can't ban it EVER! And it'll bring in left leaning folks who connect the dots and it piques their curiosity.

reasonedandinformed ago

We want to keep this as non-political as possible. We need to get the LEFT as pissed off as the right is. This is not partisan as we know there are Republicans who are compromised. #SaveTheKids seems so great because it says what our mission is and cannot be argued against. If they ever try to censor that one, that could be the moment of a broad awakening.

fuck_spez ago

I made a new account, did two retweets and it got locked within 5 minutes 'Your account appears to have exhibited automated behavior '

Yuser_Manuel ago

It will be interesting to see how heavily edited this interview will be. Megyn Kelly did an awful job interviewing the Duggar sisters who were repeatedly molested by their older brother when they were little. If you want to read up on how that interview went here is a link :

fuck_spez ago

I made a new account, retweeted two of them and account got locked within 5 minutes! crazy.

Clinker ago

There is no evidence to suggest that a twitter storm is what made Megyn or her bosses pull the story. If anything that would support the narrative that cyber bullies are harassing people. I think it is more likely that the show was pulled for the same reason that Drudge is silent on this. If what happened was that she took notice of the questions and realized that Alefantis was probably not innocent, then I don't think she would have cancelled the show. She would have called him on it. If she noticed the huge number of pizzagate tweets but still didn't believe it meant anything, that would have merely strengthened her theory that crazy conspiracy people are harassing innocent people. So my point is, a large volume of tweets would not have lead to the silent cancellation of the program whether she changed her mind about pizzagate or not.

In her book, Settle For More, Megyn mentions that after she and Trump met in person to bury the hatchet, he asked for her phone number. He may have saved her from great embarrassment. Or it could be that others at Fox News already knew whatever Matt Drudge already knows, and they convinced her that it would be best if the show didn't air.

I think this must be more terrifying to the pedo rings than if MK had gone full Paul Watson on Alefantis. This silence must be very hard for them. Obama cannot mass pardon them if nobody but some crazy internet people have accused them of a crime. That would be basically informing the world that they are guilty. They can't go out any start making a big deal about how flimsy the evidence is either. So they can't really defend themselves if nobody in any official standing has brought this up.

  We are serving an important role, however.   When the truth does come out, it won't be hitting the everyday person out of the blue.   They'll have heard something it before.  Also,  it is probably very instructive to watch who is joining in the panic.  It is quite certain that there are people in the NYT and WaPo who are part of it, and probably quite a few in broadcast news business also.  

Clinker ago

I just watched it - it was awful. She completely ignored the mountain of (circumstantial evidence). I hope this will go down as the biggest mistake of her career.

lollipolli ago

the night after the interview was supposed to air she was back on and mention of her being sick...she said she was "on cough syrup" so my guess that's why she had a substitute host on that night..

kneo24 ago

Her voice was a bit hoarse that night.

srayzie ago

Maybe once all those questions were being asked, Alefantis declined

atheist4thecause ago

They are getting tons of calls about being accused of being pedophiles and pedophile protectors (I assume). This has been in some of the media (whether they call it fake news or not) and all over the Internet. The police have had to sit outside of their establishment (as well as Comet Ping Pong). Of course they are aware of this situation. The fact that they have knowledge about the pedophile symbol when their logo was gravely impacting their business doesn't implicate them at all.

CWenstra ago

Are they deleting tweets that are accurate and damning and leaving the tweets that aren't? So they can point to the BS ones and ignore the real story?

postfascion ago

Very likely. One of their outdated tricks. Remember they aren't as smart as the collective.

LawofTruth ago

I took a screenshot of an advertisement for the interview for tonight. Here

freeagent37 ago

Awesome job!

dreamdigital ago

I sent many tweets that were #AskAlafantis and I backed them up with screenshots of things he's said or photos from his instagram that are very damning. Make sure you do things like that so that it cannot be denied. I did this when I first heard he was going to be interviewed and also hashtag Pizzagate.

One of my Tweets

RedGreenAlliance ago

Retweeted and followed. Agree with comments. We need to save and send individually as well not just retweet. If I am banned all the tweets I wrote that were retweeted are lost

youhavetogoback123 ago

I don't think you fully recognize the significance of this. Now you should be putting pressure on Fox news as to why they canceled this interview so some real light can be shed on this. This should also get to Gen. Flynn who was forced to delete a tweet because he was getting too close to the pizzagate story.

lollipolli ago

just wanted to say that the next night megyn mentioned being sick and said she was "on cough syrup" so I imagine that is why she had a sub for that night....though nobody actua.lly said that outright

CWenstra ago

I might be wrong but I'm seeing things being removed from Twitter. I swear I just retweeted a bunch of stuff to Kelly that was found under the #askAlefantis hashtag and not only were my retweets not there when I looked but the original tweets are gone. Really?? Are they trying to cause the Streisand Effect?

RedGreenAlliance ago

Yes when u go to Latest tab under #AskAlefantis, not very recent ones show up. I looked a few hours ago it's said the time of the last tweet was 5 hours ago, yet I'd just sent a bunch which didn't show. They are fucking with us. Time to think of new strategies; maybe new hashtags or hijacking their lame tags. Like "#TheWalkingDead? Yes the Pedo Elites are finished. PizzaGate will never end until we have justice for the children"

CWenstra ago

This is going to blow up on them. People on the fence are going to fall into the belief camp. It's pushing me that way. Everyday it is more and more apparent that we the common folk are being lied to constantly. We are nothing but subjects to the elite.

caliginosity ago

I like the AskAlefantis hash, because it's a simple hash that asks questions. If they censor it, that would be very suspicious. We just want answers, why would they censor us for asking questions? That's innocent enough. Unless they don't WANT us asking questions...

pizzainvestigator ago

Hopefully this picks up more traction causing the Streisand Effect. In general they want to give off the appearance of cooperation but they will guaranteed pick questions that are terribly worded (or planted) and will "debunk" this whole "conspiracy". It sick and twisted but to have any faith in any MSM is futile. Continue researching and spreading the word in your own friend groups. Good luck all!

minusblindfold17 ago

we blew that shit up, good work

search4truth ago

Great work everyone. Keep fighting on all fronts. You are making a difference, so don't get discouraged. Some of us are researching, some raising public awareness, and some are keeping the morale high. I am doing what I can locally to check into suspicious activity at clubs and Ports. Everything matters!!!

reasonedandinformed ago

We need to settle on a "non-pizzagate" related hashtag that is not controversial. Maybe #SaveTheKids. No one can argue with that. We could then use that as a redirect on MSM platforms and social media, providing the evidence they need to see when they land. A redirect strategy that avoids pizzagate could be brilliant as they will not be able to block it (at least initially).

Toogi23 ago

I've seen these tags being used: #humantrafficking #littlelivesmatter #childprotection #betheirvoice #savethechildren but also #modernslavery #sexualexploitation could be used.

alliecapone ago

what about #childrenslivesmatter It could be an outcry for children dying in senseless violence, or saving them from their lives being taken, or traumatized. I've been adding it to my news page comments.

reasonedandinformed ago

We need to do a trojan horse, with tags that people (the average person) would be curious to follow, which ultimately get them onto pizzagate. Maybe it is creating a platform about #humantrafficking that has a sticky on top to get them here...indirectly to avoid the censorship. Thoughts?

fuck_spez ago

This. It also looses the assosiation pizzagate has with 'fake news' they manipulated over the web.

reasonedandinformed ago

Great work!

search4truth ago

Great work. Everyone stay strong. This is a muli-front battle.

QuestionEverything ago

Their silence is CONDEMNING.



Chinada3 ago

I call Besta Pizza owned by Andrew Kline (#FAKENEWS STRIKES BACK HARDER ...

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Payday is the man.

srayzie ago

They always have to resort to telling someone to fuck their mom. I love listening to prank calls. I'm following you on gab and twitter now. But he did slip and confirm that logo

atheist4thecause ago

I'll copy/paste what I said on your Youtube:

Stop harassing these guys. You aren't doing any good. While we may think that some of them are involved, the important thing is that there is a thorough investigation done. All you are doing is harming the opportunity for that, and the authorities are going to have to protect these people because of people like you calling in. These are the types of actions that make #PizzaGate look bad as a movement.

EDIT: I just wanted to add that these people are being harmed if they didn't do anything wrong. There is still the potential that they just have a lot of weird connections and bad coincidences. I personally don't believe that's what's happening, but false accusations are very damaging and harmful, so we have to be careful not to falsely accuse people. Investigation, on the other hand, is perfectly okay.

Iyd10 ago

Good job!!

tjarco ago

I'm suggesting that we start doing this with other journalists as well: I need the twitter power you posess if you agree with the cause - check here..

Schade ago

Great job, buddy!

SaneGoatiSwear ago


round 2 coming up!

quantokitty ago

Great idea. Glad people are following through.

LA_Trump ago

Interview tonight! Get tweeting!

Thakiddds ago

Yah that was a good move. They were doing something similar to the FBI #AskFBI thing too

derram ago :

Grace 👻 on Twitter: "Will @FoxNews actually air the #AskAlefantis interview tonight, @megynkelly? #pizzagate #pedogate #pedofiles" :

🙃ɔᴉƃo˥ lɐɹǝqᴉ˥🙃RGA on Twitter: "#AskAlefantis campaign to raise #PizzaGate awareness = RAGING SUCCESS! Keep up the pressure - see images & RETWEET attached tweets below!"

This has been an automated message.