dreamdigital ago

Check the this This is my banned tweet

dreamdigital ago

I just saw that.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

How hard does it have to be?

heks_ ago

If pizzagate is real, it's unlikely that there's any up-side to this interview with regards to getting at the truth. There's a reason people made a stink about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions in advance. Knowing what you're going to be asked in advance gives you a huge advantage. And even if we were to assume for a moment that Megyn Kelly will not give Alefantis the questions in advance herself (though she probably will), anyone following this forum or the relevant hashtags on twitter (like Alefantis, Brock, people working for/with them) will already know all the evidence that he might be presented with and questions he might be asked, which means he will have the opportunity to prepare plausible-sounding answers.

This is a big part of the problem with the fact that the public is having to investigate this themselves when the investigative journalists and the authorities should be the ones doing it. The fact that all of this investigation has been done right out in the open where anyone can see it means that an interview like the one Kelly is going to do is essentially useless. If Alefantis and company are guilty of something, there's no way they're going to be surprised by or unprepared to answer any question directed at them, since it's highly unlikely Megyn Kelly has done any original research into this that goes deeper than what has been done here. On the other hand, if Alefantis and company are innocent of everything other than bad taste and a twisted sense of humor, the mere fact he's had an opportunity to prepare plausible answers for any potentially hard questions or seemingly damning evidence will automatically call the legitimacy of his responses into question.

[EDIT: Furthermore, for the many uncritical thinkers out there, this will count for them as the MSM investigating and debunking pizzagate, which will be a blow to the real legitimate core of the pizzagate investigation, which is to raise enough awareness and interest in the subject to get a real investigation by people who have the tools and authority to truly settle this question one way or the other. Though even that is problematic, because on this particular subject matter we have ample historical evidence to suggest that these kinds of investigations are often mishandled when they involve the elites.]

I think more appropriate hashtags for this interview would be: #NoUpSide #CantGetAtTheTruthThisWay #MSMHasFailedThePeople #MSMComplacencyIsTheRealReasonForPizzagate

TheAnonymousWorker ago

Does she realize she is doing the same thing society did to protect pedo RC priests? When/if this breaks open it will forever taint her career as someone who did a piece to help the perps. It's funny they have the nerve to act like this isabsurd after all the scandals of the past. The media are puppets on a string.

webofslime ago

Okay, I'll fire off some questions

@webofslime if anyone cares to retweet

or make better questions

reasonedandinformed ago

The #hotard comment directly follows #themostexpensiveaccessory comment by jimmycommet. So Jimmy, walk us through that instagram and what everyone was saying. As a gay man, what does #musthave exactly mean when you reference a baby?

reasonedandinformed ago

Hi jimmy, who is #carisjames? Why do you constantly reference #carisjames in your instagram posts? Who are the parents? Where is Caris James now?? #WhereIsCarisJames

webofslime ago

reasonedandinformed ago

Tweet the best evidence we have (succinctly, images/memes work best) with #AskAlefantis and invite people to watch the program to see how they avoid ALL of the good and legitimate questions.

dreamdigital ago

Also, just FYI, they're conducting this interview on a night that a lot of people aren't watching because they'll be at the Star Wars Rogue One premier. That's not a coincidence.

dreamdigital ago

Here is another example of an important tweet using the right hashtags and images.

Ask Alafantis Tweet

dph1978 ago

It will be just like Ny Times, Wash Post, and BBC. Her intent will be to discredit pizzagate, but, in the end, it will create even more interest. And then, when people look and investigate for themselves, most will see the truth. In other words, it will backfire on Megyn Kelley.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Exactly. But the Mockingbird media will always, always focus on any mistake we make. So if one person says "check what's in CPP's basement" and 5000 people say "there is no basement there; it's under Buck's"... guess what goes out to the hypnotized?

Easy game for the "elite" to play, just as long as the people can't bypass the media. That era is ending now, though.

Freemasonsrus ago

This is the third time they've advertised it. Advertised it for Tuesday as well..

veritas2016 ago

Jim, What business do you have visiting the White House 5 times? Jim, why are you the 49th most powerful man in DC? Jim, what's your idea of a fun evening? Jim, why do have so many postings that could be viewed as pedophilic? Jim, why did you change your name and what is the meaning? And On on on on on and on... Unfortunately Megan is a media whore! And is Still stinging from the Trump victory, she will make Alefantis the victim, of "FAKE NEWS"

We_The_People ago

It's obviously going to be rigged. Alefantis wouldn't come on national news to defend himself if it was going to hurt his case. His ex is David Brock media manipulator. This fucking sucks. I want this asshole to burn. All they have to do is show that little girl taped to the table but they wont. I'd bet my left nut they wont.

EyesWideScared ago

I'm afraid they're only going to allow the crazy sounding questions.

LA_Trump ago

If Megyn defenda pedophilia, logic dictates she must be a pedophile herself! This interview is CAREER DEFINING.

reasonedandinformed ago

The framing of the interview was as a classic hitpiece...poor business owner dealing with "fake news." Megyn Kelly looks compromised. Our focus should be on getting the legit questions we have out broadly, not just on her Twitter/Fox News, but everywhere. We should promote the interview while showing the legit questions that should be asked. When people see they are not asked, they may start to wake up to the reality. The focus should be on the VERY BEST questions we have based on uncovered evidence, such as the most-incriminating images/comments from his instagram (and his colleagues), images of the posters of the pedo bands which invite "all ages" to their shows, images captured from the Heavy Breathing and Majestic Ape interviews, questions to clarify why Alefantis claimed in many recent hit pieces (example: http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-38156985)) to have no basement in recent interviews but contradicts that entirely in this interview from 2015 (http://archive.is/2O5n7#selection-1587.586-1587.612)). Whether there is a basement or not does not underlie our investigation...I personally think CPP is a transactional site with evil acts done somewhere else, possibly down the block a bit at Buck's for example.

RedGreenAlliance ago

This! Get her show an audience. About time she got some decent numbers. But she'll know it's because of the eyes of Pizzagaters watching what she asks.

I think we should forward #AskAlefantis questions and memes explaining what PizzaGate really is to as many journos as we can.

SHAME the media

reasonedandinformed ago

We need to have probing #AskAlefantis memes go viral everywhere, pointing viewers to watch Megyn Kelly tonight to see all of the questions that she avoids asking!

quantokitty ago

Yeah, like this isn't going to be a sob story. Let's all get out the tissues and feel sorry for this carnivore eater of souls. #sympathyforthedevil

SomeD ago

Oh yes ! Just before his trial ProMaid vs Big Cheese LLC ! And just around the missingassange countdown timer ?

I wonder when they'll talk about his GoFundMe campaign and callling himself the victim of the internet re-re tin folded complotist !

MrrHandsome ago

She will not ask any of the questions we want, she may add a few but sugar coat them to fit the narrative. But i Guarentee the questions asked will be based around how hes "coping" with the "absurd" allegations

Gorillion ago

The other thread OP made this guess:

It seems to have stopped them broadcasting the interview which was probably already shot and in the can ready to broadcast.

Wouldn't surprise me.

ThePuppetShow ago

Maybe that's what the delay is about. They may be setting up bullshit answers to the questions we have asked.

caliginosity ago

What I want to know is why they have an artist that seems so casual about killing babies and more disturbing being so casual about discussing how the manager has preferences for children and little boys. I think this is the most alarming piece of it all.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Actually this is GOOD, the whole "why are your employees behaving this way/involved with this stuff?" Is MAaaYyybee indirect enough to get Megyn to ask him about it and see how he handles it. She won't though, it'll be all "muh fake news"

shootermcgvn ago

"How has the fake news affected you?"

"How do you feel about people misinterpreting perfectly innocent pictures of your goddaughter?"

EndThePizza ago

And never show the pictures

shootermcgvn ago

She'll show the one with the money.

"Aw so you guys went to Europe together...."

It'll be a cute godfather-goddaughter thing.

No one will ask why the parents are never anywhere to be seen.

MrrHandsome ago

Nailed it man. Who wants to bet he breaks down in tears on that second question. "Shes just an innocent little girl who brings joy to my heart, humans can be so cruel, you know?!" (Breaks down, Meg gives him tissue and hand on shoulder for reassuring compfort)

SheSaidDestroy ago

Vet the questions really well. I've seen a lot of people posting questions that were already debunked. If she has those to cherry pick, then she probably will.

Example: Why do you call babies hotards?

But it at least very much so appears that jimmycommet and joewills are calling each other hotards, not the baby.

Need to really be on the ball right now.

reasonedandinformed ago

The "hotard" reference is real. He posted the picture of the baby and wrote #hotard in the comments: https://i.sli.mg/2FyXrV.png

SheSaidDestroy ago

And let's even say that you are right. Let's say that they were calling the baby a hotard, and just signaling each other too look at it. It can still be easily construed as them calling each other hotard. And that it was the interviewer would do. Any weakness they spot, they will hone in on it and go for the throat.

SheSaidDestroy ago

Look at the whole thread of comments.

joewills calls jimmycommet a hotard jimmycommet says hotad jimmycomment says @ joewills to clarify he is calling her a hotard

That is exactly what the interviewer would point out if they honed in on that.

You can be 99% right, but they will find the 1% where you are wrong, and hone in on it aggressively. It will be that 1% that they show/tell others.


Why would they call each other "hotard"? It makes no sense in the context.

reasonedandinformed ago

Also, jimmycommet comments #themostexpensiveaccessory in relation to the baby post, as if babies have a higher value for their sickness than older kids. There is no context to be provided for the #hotard instagram.

SheSaidDestroy ago

I don't know. I don't talk to people that way, I don't understand it. But in the back and forth, they are addressing each other. It looks like he gets called hotard, and then he says hotard, then specifies afterwards that it is @ the other person. Even if we agree that in general there is a lot of suspicious shit and a lot of smoke with these people, if someone were to hone in on that specific example, like tunnel-vision it, they could easily convince people that it's just back and forth and not directed at the baby, because that is what it looks like. So if someone is like "ASK HIM WHY HE CALLS BABIES HOTARDS" then the interviewer can cherry pick that, hone in on it, and be like, "See, they are calling each other hotards," and the whole investigation is successfully smeared.

I grew up with extremely manipulative, dysfunctional, abusive parents. Both of them. I know how the enemy thinks. I might not be the brightest person, and I might not be very useful in most regards. But damn do I know how the enemy thinks. I'm just trying to give an advanced warning.

RedGreenAlliance ago

all of these and much more covered in a tweet thread of the best 25 #AskAlefantis tweets here - https://twitter.com/MoMeetsAisha/status/809353798607048704

SheSaidDestroy ago

I'm confident that most of you got this, just nervous and encouraging to push the really vetted, solid stuff.

For what it's worth I'm speaking from the experience of someone who has lost in pizzagate arguments because I'm fairly run of the mill. Good intentions but not the smartest, sometimes too emotional and not objective enough. And I've seen lots of people out there like me.

I know many of you are top notch because I've watched you work here well before I finally joined. Please push the most solid stuff you have. There will be people like me, and also people pushing for debunked stuff on purpose, so it'll be coming from two fronts: accidentally by goodhearted sorts, and on purpose by people seeking to undermine.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Sentiment agreed. It comes down to this. You don't HAVE to believe its real, you don't HAVE to have a firm opinion when discussing with others. You simply have to present troubling data and ask what they make of it. And there is no shortage of material. Have a look at this for inspiration https://twitter.com/MoMeetsAisha/status/809353798607048704

Another tact is to talk about the reality of elite ped rings and use various known examples first. Then pose the question if this is known to be proven fact, and was covered up by complicit media and State actors - then we have to question why the media is trying to say PizzaGate is debunked and Fake News, without EVER presenting any of the troubling information which caused the phenomenon to take off. Its unprecedented cover up on a huge orchestrated campaign across the whole mainstream media. That to me is the biggest red flag, and if people can acknowledge THAT FACT before even getting into investigating PizzaGate, then you will have won half the battle in opening otherwise closed minds.

dickface8 ago

The insta avatar has to be one.

SheSaidDestroy ago

I would say anything that has passed the shill test. I've had a few rough rounds with shills myself, but it helps to debunk and prune stuff where I wasn't objective enough to do it myself. If they can attack it, then generally they do, and aggressively. If it hasn't been challenged, then it's probably good to go.

reasonedandinformed ago

The shills often most aggressively attack the best evidence to try caution further investigation.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Hi i started a thread on this can you add the link to your OP for exposure? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1489779

We need to upvoat these posts (your and mine) for exposure and lets get tweeting!

LA_Trump ago


cantsleepawink ago

Wonder if they had to reshoot the original interview which was planned to be aired last Monday.