AngB23 ago

Keep digging for evidence, keep fighting. We will never give up.

reasonedandinformed ago


srayzie ago

Thank you! So do we use #SaveTheKids on Twitter and Facebook now too? Or should we just keep it here?

reasonedandinformed ago

I started using #SaveTheKids and #PedoGate about a month ago on places like Twitter. It seems to be pretty effective by dodging the censorship of pizzagate and also more effective in conveying the mission and target of our entire effort. I also strongly advise conveying that this initiative is non-partisan in nature, as people from both sides of the aisle need to work together to attack this evil.

srayzie ago


Gbuggers ago

I like you your awesome thinking ahead so these horrific evil people dont get away with burying their sick evil abuse rape and murder of children and babies.

They get more scared everyday. They are stopping at nothing trying to get rid of Trumps cabinet. They have always had control. No worries of being exposed. I pray everyday they start taking them down. Man they sure want sessions out of there. They are so obviosly guilty. I wonder if they realize how guilty they look their all scrambling for some dirt on Trump or his cabinet. I cant wait till they make the arrests.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. Sessions must be quite clean if they best they can muster is the nonsense tied to the fictitious Russian-rigging meme. They have nothing, but if they have any transcripts, I hope it shows him or Flynn talking about pedogate, in which case they should be unclassified and released to all.

Jem777 ago

Awesome. Focuses the mission and underlying motivation that citizens from every corner of the United States and beyond have joined together. We will not be stopped regardless of censorship there is too many of us. Those who have actively censored have children's lives on their hands

Markb63 ago

Catch them

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. We need to #DrainTheSwamp and the pedo elite are the first big plug stopping the drain right now.

OrwellKnew ago

Kudos! I am a truth researcher (since 2010) who was completely redpilled by the blatant fraud known as the Sandy Hook Hoax

The human trafficking and other crimes against humanity that have been exposed by truth researchers can ultimately be stopped by bringing down the Cabal

Who are the Cabal? The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Soros, the Federal Reserve, the Banksters, the State Department, elements of the CIA, DHS, FEMA, and of course the CIA-controlled Mockingbird Media

This all might seem redundant to say, but I maintain that in order to fight an enemy you must first identify and name them

To arms!

AngB23 ago

I've been kinda over loaded in research between this and Wikileaks. Just watched a video again they had released with "clues" and one stuck out. NSA and GCHQ together on same page. I feel like the angle of videos being used to blackmail these high ranking sickos doing horrible things to kids, I bet it is def a joint effort. Or more like, one controls all others and my guess is GCHQ

naturallyfree ago

Agree. However it empowers their algo's to thwart the light shone upon them. I call for a Wordpedia. To tweak the names slightly so the algo's can't catch it and real people have to go through one by one. Nobody mentions Skull and Bones which is the heart of the beast they eat since it is the launching pad of corrupted education of children. Controlled education. Divided education. MK education. What do you think, scull and boat? Everybody needs to self educate on reinterpreting words.

I don't know why pizza is so triggering but I have written about that since way back when. Im going to suggest that not just Hollywood but all advertising has built in a keyword trigger to the word pizza so it is a major major problem for even those fighting to bring it down. Which is everybody doing citizen research's purpose. to Support those in power who are laying the coup, the ambush, the etc. Maybe add leaning tower into the wordpedia for it. Pisa alone might attract the algo thwart program writers. But Leaning? I don't think so.

cosmicmind ago

good idea! I hope you share this on fb pizzagate and twitter pizzagate. Thanks.

reasonedandinformed ago

I developed this strategy yesterday to literally avoid the use of "pizzagate" in the communications. I had barely used Twitter and had not touched it in 4 years. This thing is so real, and so damaging to politicians/government/media, that they are doing all they can to censor the term pizzagate ("fake news that hurts real people"), with platform bans, shadowbanning on Twitter, and outright account/video/posting deletion. This is what led me to the idea of a workaround platform. #SaveTheKids is our absolute objective. It is not political. If they try to censor #SaveTheKids, the truth of their agenda to block exposure will become more obvious. We need to leverage this new #SaveTheKids message and spread it everywhere to open people's eyes. This page is meant as an entry point to get people into our research to see for themselves and to help.

cosmicmind ago

I don't get new ytubes or news articles even if I'm subscribed to a ytube channel or a webpage email list .
It's targeted censorship to make pizzagate die out. What a corrupt propaganda system. Ghost banning.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. That is why you need to come here to get to the truth that they are actively trying to block.

VieBleu ago

I like the SaveTheKids handle.


reasonedandinformed ago

#SaveTheKids seems so natural and captures what we want. How can they try to filter that? It says what we mean and means what we say. Please upvote here, and for the redirecting link, and for my comment in the redirecting link so that it clearly shows what people arriving need to see. Thanks!

unfuckitup ago

Awesome platform.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you. We will make this our mission and not let the MSM and those in power stop us. Can you please vote up my comment below as I want this to stay at the top when people arrive...the goal is to get them to click over.

reasonedandinformed ago

To learn more about this evil that affects all sides of the political spectrum and begin contributing, just go here:


Wonderful job getting around the mass, cross platform censorship. Kudos to you.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you. Encouragement of others working to address this evil is always appreciated.