redberries ago

@ RedGreenAlliance RGA, you got to ask about the hidden webpage with protected files! We all just suddenly forgot about that! I forgot about it too until just earlier, I think this is one of the biggest thing that needs answering.

popezandy ago

I'm pretty sure it was dropped because it had been argued that the platform they built the site on commonly creates that protected page for administrator tools or something. I don't remember the name of the platform though.

tjarco ago

haha, I enjoyed reading this - hoping for an official reaction as to why the interview was cancelled

IgnorantBliss ago

Awesome OP! this is really reaching people, especially parents! A few of my colleagues mentioned it to me and I was over the moon just because they are AWARE. The more they deny, the more ppl are asking "well, if it's fake, what's the problem with answering our questions?"

RedGreenAlliance ago

The more they deny, the more ppl are asking "well, if it's fake, what's the problem with answering our questions?"

Yes this is the Streisand Effect:

The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet. It is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware something is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread the information is increased.[1]

It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose 2003 attempt to suppress photographs of her residence in Malibu, California, inadvertently drew further public attention to it. Similar attempts have been made, for example, in cease-and-desist letters to suppress numbers, files, and websites. Instead of being suppressed, the information receives extensive publicity and media extensions such as videos and spoof songs, often being widely mirrored across the Internet or distributed on file-sharing networks.

IgnorantBliss ago

Thanks! I've seen this everywhere but I kept getting sidetracked before I could look it up. If I had more upvotes I would give u 1:)

RedGreenAlliance ago

I know! i spoke to my sister who i wouldnt want to bring this up to as shes sensitive, she told me her and her husband were sitting online watching it instead of Walking Dead! only time they've ever done that. They can't believe the tweets they were reading were mine... now she might finally read my articles on the New World Order

GrislyAddams ago

I appreciate the way that you've handled this.

RedGreenAlliance ago

Thanks - pretty amazing whats going on right now. Why all the drama and incredible things we are witnessing if (as they tell us) its just a cyberbully tinfoil hat attack on one pizza shop.

Seiferus ago

Just put this in the description of your video:

RedGreenAlliance ago

it looks like its happening UPVOAT ME TO HEAVEN

zlomsocz ago

Somebody help me find look, there s a photo of Megyn at the same party as alefantis, she already knows all of these people. It was either septime webres birthday party, the purple rain ball at sweedish ambassadors residence, or transformer party photos, im trying to dig but james was at all those events, and i remember seeing megyn kelly in one of these pics while looking through them all. but now i cannot find it :(

LA_Trump ago

I saw a promotion on Fox News for tonight, interview is real.

RedGreenAlliance ago

YES! or is it NO! I am confused now. Guess i am glad i am not a liar but worried about the MSM lie machine spinning their Fake News Fake News narrative. If that makes sense

Seiferus ago

I asked about this and someone showed me this:

Looks like you were right!

Thakiddds ago

Well done

dontsuicidemebro ago

That's awesome! I remember that thread. Content sure moves fast on voat, it's a pity it wasn't up top for longer. Great work.

derram ago :

DEPLORABLE MEDIA on Twitter: "Megyn Kelly set to interview owner of Comet Pizza Ping Pong tomorrow. His name is James Alefantis. Here are a couple pics of him #pizzagate" :

🙃ɔᴉƃo˥ lɐɹǝqᴉ˥🙃RGA on Twitter: "Hey .@megynkelly - successful wargaming for your #AskAlefantis interview, the night before in Politics & Prose (opposite #CometPingPong)?" :

#AskAlefantis - Twitter Search

This has been an automated message.

MeatballPizza ago

I also posted that the interview was coming up based on seeing Twitter questions and the thread here. No idea if he's going on the show. It was posted recently on here that she was at the bookstore across the street (same one Hillary visited) and is, in fact, having Jimmy Comet on the show. Who knows? Will he dress as the Majestic Ape? Highly unlikely.

Sushilover69 ago

Yes. He said that. Did you read the thread? Fishy..

RedGreenAlliance ago

We'll see. Has there ever been a ride like PizzaGate?