SheSaidDestroy ago

The craziest part is that I bet a lot of people would feel the situation was all or mostly deflated if the owner just admitted that it was very poor judgement to advertise it as a family/kids friendly place. The MSM could have nipped this in the bud so early if they had just been willing to admit that some of the stuff found was suspicious and inappropriate, that they understood how rational people were concerned, and then had a confession that some of it was poor judgement.

But the wall of combined mockery, deflecting and ignoring just gave it an exponential streisand effect explosion with new stuff being found every week. If they wanted to make it go away, they sure fucked up.

I mean look at this shit. (Page 6 combined with the eroticism of the entire thing)

Then look at the several cases of pizza being used as sexual symbolism by these people on their instagrams and then the pizza 'jokes' and images involving children, when it is established that pizza is sexually symbolic to these people.


SpontaneousSpectator ago

She promoted her book at Politics and Prose a couple doors down that day so there was definitely an interview planned. I think they called the interview off after #askalefantis went viral. Gotta wonder if Kelly called it off herself because she refuses to take part of the cover up, so many confused boners would be had if she suddenly started to talk about this, is she was the first MSM reporter to go after pizzagate she would become legendary.

LawofTruth ago

Like I said though saw this two nights ago. So what you're saying would make sense if they called it off after the ask megyn tidal wave, but why advertise it again if they called it off. You know what I mean?

LookingGlass ago

Personally I think the plans to interview Alefantis, no doubt to make a tear jerker piece about poor iddy widdy innocent pizza baker guy, were scrapped because of the MASSIVE way both Stephen Colbert's mocking of Pizzagate and John Podesta's "recent OMG RUSSIA!!!" tweet backfired. Go look at the replies on YouTube and Twitter, ouch.

It may finally have started to dawn on the MSM propaganda machines that Pizzagate is NOT going away, and that their useless attempts at gas lighting, deflection, mocking and censorship are only making more and more people aware of the depraved pedophiles in the so called "elite".

Kiwi_Slave ago

Megan Kelly would gladly interview Lucifer incarnate if she thought it would help her career. She is a spiritual black hole with an unlimited appetite for fame, fortune, power, and eternal youth.

LawofTruth ago

Yeah, considering her tone about Trump during the election there's no way this won't be spin-city. I mean she was non-stop blabbing about all the fake trump sexual assault allegers and didn't say peep about Bill Clinton's sex scandals.

dickface8 ago

Nothing about it on her Titter or anything, not sure of she'd normally post stuff like that on there.

LawofTruth ago

Yeah, I've searched for it, it's not advertised anywhere on the web.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Was this from today? I was starting to wonder if that was just going to get memory-holed or not.

LawofTruth ago

Yes, this was today, but as mentioned I saw the same headline two nights ago. Wondering if she's just drumming up publicity for people to her show or if she will actually bring the slime bag in this time. We already know what to expect if she does bring him on. It will be an Alefantis sob story to help promote MSM Fake news agenda. I still think more people seeing the story the better, though.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Yeah I'm expecting a full whitewash whenever it actually happens.