noob421 ago

And the Kickstarter link ( has posts from12/5/2015 stating ...

"Here's our synopsis (if you're into that sort of thing): On a whim, Eve (young Swedish traveler) accepts an invitation from Peter (wealthy heir) to vacation on his family’s private island off the coast of New England. As a series of unexpected delays prevent other guests from arriving, Eve discovers that she has little in common with the increasingly erratic Peter and that something is not quite right on this mysterious island. Gradually the idyllic natural beauty of her surroundings dissolves, and Eve finds herself trapped in an unstable reality punctuated by feverish visions, dimensional shifting and secret pizza"

Yet the Deadline link ( posted on 12/6/16 says this verbatim with "Pizza" changed to "Soft Drinks."

UncookedSpirit ago

Another Michael J. Epstein creepy flick

UncookedSpirit ago

Also by Michael J. Epstein (funder of Automatic At Sea): Thirteen (2016) showing a vampire threatening to chow down

UncookedSpirit ago

Michael J. Epstein who is listed as a back of this film also made Magnetic in 2015: Here's the trailer

We see more of the Luciferian / Nietzschean religion where guilt / sympathy / the dull care that is burnt at Bohemian Grove is something to be overcome. Got your creepy horned skull that Marina loves so much.

Pills, mind control, creepy masks...

derram ago :

Slamdance 2017 Unveils Special Screenings, Beyond & Shorts Programs | Deadline

'Slamdance has unveiled its Special Screenings, Beyond and Shorts programs for the 23rd edition of its festival, which will include 35 world premieres, nine North American premieres and 10 U.S. premieres within the programs. '

'What Lies Upstream (USA) World Premiere Director: Cullen Hoback In this detective story, filmmaker Cullen Hoback investigates the largest chemical drinking water contamination in a generation. '

'Unknown Hours (USA) North American Premiere Director: Calum Walter An observer journeys down a main street in Chicago towards a neighborhood known for its nightlife. '

'My Father’s Room (South Korea) North American Premiere Director and Screenwriter: Nari Jang Sometimes, family members can be worse than strangers. '

'Batfish Soup (USA) Director: Amanda Bonaiuto Wacky relatives give way to mounting tensions with broken dolls, boiling stew and a bang. '

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totesgoats908234 ago

Also, they have now changed the description again.

First it was "secret pizza", then they removed that from IMDB page, and now this article from 2 days ago says its "secret soft drinks".

While waiting for other guests to arrive, Eve becomes trapped in an unstable reality punctuated by feverish visions, dimensional shifting and secret soft drinks.

UncookedSpirit ago

EDIT: Alefantis did indeed back this on Kickstarter. It's the only thing he has Kickstarted.

Can you find any proof Alefantis produced this other than the IMDb page (which can be edited by anyone)? I'm pretty sure it was AFTER Pizzagate broke that someone added fake info listing Alefantis as a producer on this movie and added "secret pizza" to the movie's description (which, again, I don't think I saw anything about pizza anywhere else with this movie).

And I was intricately able to tie a separate Hollywood movie directly into Podesta's pizza.jpg email:

So although the themes of Automatic At Sea seem related (creepy private island like Epstein's, satanic stuff by bored rich elites), I think the link to Alefantis may have been faked to hype the movie or as a troll or something.

Melitica ago

There have been several things that suddenly "appeared" on IMDB. Either from overzealous pizzagate investigators or to discredit pizzagate for believing such horseshit.

Case in point...the CPP "shooter" suddenly had an IMDB page listing a movie that exactly described the event.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

There was a short film posted that was made in conjunction with this one that had Alefantis listed as associate producer. There were also Satanic elements (dude sprouting goat horns).

totesgoats908234 ago

It is on the kickstarter page...

(which can be edited by anyone)?

Create an IMDB account and edit it to something completely ridiculous then, Mr Detective.

We already had a thread about the removal -

UncookedSpirit ago

I'm sorry, you're right. He's in the donor list. How much did he give? Also this movie by another donor looks super sketchy: