sleepingbeautycan ago

It was a poor job beginning to end. I love the picture with all the emergency vehicles and the glass not broken on the windows yet. Or the fact that none of the people were rushed to the hospital. The EMTs decided they were dead and didn't need to go. I am not linking proof of anything because it is not pizzagate and I am sick scouring google for things I know I've seen.

jealoushe ago

I haven't seen it - was referring to the girl who explained her abuse and the masks

jealoushe ago

Don't forget the masks... which have been said to be worn during the rituals

Geo_synchronous ago

Why ? Because these sites are controlled by the shadow gov. Listen people. When people say " Mark Zuckerberg has turned on us and is giving our data to the NSA or CIA" That isn't the story. The story is Facebook, Google, Twitter and many many more ARE AND HAVE BEEN CREATED by the NSA, CIA from the start. Those types of sites are there to spy on us. When we see sites blocking info about Pedo's. That means they were told to block it because they are owned by "THEM" the globalist terrorist. You think ISIS is bad.. HAHAHA... ISIS is like a group of girl scouts compared to the CIA, NSA, and the SOG team... Research that. SOG team

GrislyAddams ago

This is the equivalent of changing your story in the middle of an interrogation.
Keep it up. If he feels the heat enough to change something so minor, then we are pushing the right buttons.

l23r ago

Even if it were from this year, it would be kinda old, seeing as it's December. I just wanted to dispel any idea that raccoons just symbolize pedophilia. I've never heard of them being a symbol for that, but even if that animal is, it has also historically been used in other contexts.

DooDooDoodle ago

I busy going down the rabbit hole about this after stumbling over it based on a Stratfor leak mentioning Barbara Bush Jr was raped. The author of that story has a bunch of Republican politicians listed here who got into trouble with child sex during the 80s,90s,00s.

Her current boyfriend is really into naked ping pong.

madmanpg ago

That crisis management team filled with Obama flunkies is earning their pay.

totesgoats908234 ago

The one site that claim to have a copy of it seems to be a scam site. If you can find a working link/torrent, I'll watch it.

totesgoats908234 ago

Thanks, but late to the party :P

DooDooDoodle ago

Those codes are listed in the bowl where the recipe for the sauce that turns the boy into a robot is combined. The codes might be drug imprint codes. I'm not sure if these drugs would make a child sleepy or what.

Edit, drowsiness seems to be a common side effect of both Paxil and guaifenesin.

C56 is the drug code for paroxetine aka Paxil, an antidepressant.

C27 is guaifenesin/phenylephrine which is for chest congestion

C92 - couldn't find one for that or C920. But Logitech does make c920 (there is a symbol that could be a zero) which is an HD Pro Web Camera...the idea is to drug them up and put on a show maybe?

Lobotomy ago

I dunno, that seems a little hokey. There are far easier things to dose someone with than guifanesin, and the Logitech camera is a pretty far reach.

DooDooDoodle ago

The Paxil might not be for drugging but it can make people feel robotic so it might just be a shout out/Easter egg. Just google Paxil robot, it's a pretty common complaint. There are cough syrups with guaifenesin and codeine. The imagery of the boy taking spoon fills of the robot sauce suggest something like cough syrup. As for the web cam, it was the only thing that made any sense and was the top result for that number.

warrior_of_light ago

So some guy mentions the secret pizza place at the cosmopolitan in las vegas, nevada, now his IMDB is spezed. Nothing fishy at all about that.

xeemee ago

just a heads up: don't rely on to archive stuff - things can easily disappear there because they follow the robots.txt standard

use in addition to the former

Atlantean120 ago

Yes. Unfortunately many of these events are staged in order to push agendas. People have called us crazy for thinking tragedies like Sandy Hook were staged, but once you learn about Crisis Actors(search Crisis Actor on Youtube) and realize what the real 'fake news' is, it all begins to make sense.

VieBleu ago

Excellent catch OP

DooDooDoodle ago

It was De Blasio (of course.) Check out the picture of him reading with his finger over his lips, "shhhhh."

The book, written by Adam Rubin and illustrated by Daniel Salmnieri, has received a mix of reviews online — with some parents questioning the lessons it holds.

“The book was neither fun nor cute,” mom Jen Bee wrote on Amazon. “Yeah, that’s not what I want to teach my child. It sounds like something a pedophile would say to their victim.”

This story was mentioned in the Podesta leaks

Something about gay hipsters wanting "raccoon power" in Russia. MOSCOW Gays crashed a Communist rally, ultranationalists protested migration and the president's Twitter account, the mayor got pelted with eggs, and hipsters rallied for raccoon power during unusually colorful celebrations of the May Day holiday in Moscow

it_was_foretold ago

De blasio wanted nothing to do with the NYPD'S investigation...

SavingGrace ago

No wonder they were all behind Weiner. Incredibly sick.

standalone ago

Chealsea Clinton recommending another book of Adam Rubin & Daniel Salmnieri

l23r ago

Raccoons are a symbol of anarchism, so the May Day protests with "raccoon power" make sense... but this book is just fucked up.

stickittotheman ago

"Rubin" ... hmm, that explains it. ... from NY ....Im so surprised! website: teaches adults how to act like children! How convenient.

dickface8 ago

Add it to the list!

witch_doctor1 ago

I just found a short that was filmed about the same time as Automatic at Sea...James Alefantis' name appears in the credits....I'm not gonna say it's satanic, but it's definitely satanic.

DooDooDoodle ago

It's probably better to use the word occult rather than satanic. A lot of people just assume you're crazy if you mention a satanic anything.

witch_doctor1 ago

Ok..38...39..whatever it takes...I was on a roll, like when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.....but the goat horns coming out of his head at the end of the clip...I'm not saying it's saying it's satanic, but it's definitely satanic.

stickittotheman ago

Looks like weasel boy has been busy.

witch_doctor1 ago

Yeah...he's just your average small business pizza chef at a family restaurant, that was also listed as the 49th most powerful guy in DC who occasionally dabbles in satanic themed film making, pedo art collecting and large cooler construction.

Headstart ago

  1. Hollywood movie, check
  2. Pizza parlor, check
  3. Power list, check
  4. Pedo art, check
  5. Inappropriate Instagram photos, check

This needs to be made into a meme. DC Pedophile starter pack.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Yup, most pizza chefs are 49th most powerful people in DC right? Nothing to see here folks keep moving. /s

SlackeryTurnBull ago

It's true. Alefantis is listed as Associate Producer and it says the short was filmed in conjunction with "Automatic at Sea". I'm having a hard time watching it as its mind-numbingly boring. But it does seem like it might have themes that are "questionable". Alefantis shouldn't quit his day job.

nutflix ago

Alefantis shouldn't quit his day job.

You mean Sex Trafficker?

shootermcgvn ago

Well, financially speaking he's doing great.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago


cdglow ago

The words "secret pizza" have been scrubbed from James Alefantis' "Automatic At Sea" IMDB page

I'm about 99% sure there's something to pizzagate and that these are sick fucks who are somehow involved in child trafficking and rape and murder, but there's also a plausibly innocent explanation to deleting the words "secret pizza" that anybody who works in any kind of web marketing would understand.

Whether these people are innocent or guilty, I'm sure a lot of the people being mentioned would hire PR firms or reputation management companies who would try and scrub their online presence as much as possible of anything that could be misinterpreted.

In and of itself, this is a very interesting factoid to add to the list of curious and possibly suspicious actions, but could conceivably also be explained away innocently. Not a smoking gun...yet...though it's very interesting.

standalone ago

That's the very nature of circumstantial evidence: it's anecdotical when evaluated in insolation, but becomes increasingly compelling as it gets more abundant all the while remaining consistent all across the board like it now is the case on #pizzagate.

stickittotheman ago

More so-called "ART" linked to "pizza".

Atlantean120 ago

As someone who's been researching conspiracies for years, they do this all the time. Check out what they did once people found out Omar Mateen, the Pulse shooter, was an actor:

Coincidence how so many of these people are tied to Hollywood? I think not...

Rigg5 ago

Quick, someone make a meme and share

LydianBlue ago

Has anyone seen this film? What does the secret pizza represent in the movie??

SlackeryTurnBull ago

There's a short film posted a few posts above with Alefantis in the credits that was made alongside "Automatic To the Sea" that is supposed to be similar. If that's the case, whatever it means is probably stupid, because the short film is very bad. I couldn't even get through it. Maybe if you know the "secret meanings", it's better.

DooDooDoodle ago

Children's book Secret Pizza Party it's about 4 minutes long, the mayor of NY read this to kids. It seems like a form of grooming.

"When you make something secret, you make it special. Regular handshake, boring. Secret handshake, boo Yah! Regular staircase? Tiring. Secret staircase, terrific."

The raccoon is obsessed with obtaining pizza and eating it in secret. He doesn't want to order pizza over the phone because the delivery man might recognize his face from a Wanted poster. He steals pizza and runs home dodging brooms that have been used by people to stop him from getting pizza. He dodges robot sniffer brooms, which seems like a reference to electronic monitoring or something. When he was getting pizza alone he was timid, scared, careful. When he stole the pizza and ran home he avoided the broom enthusiasm club which was stationed in a neoclassical style building similar to the government buildings in DC. At home he was scared of being caught so he turned off the lights and whispered. He says pizza gives him happy screams but forces himself to contain his excitement for safety purposes.

Then he notices a secret pizza party outside that's loud and out in the open. Adults and children in an open air tent with masks on, some black and similar to his own natural raccoon mask. There is a large sign announcing SECRET PIZZA PARTY (very non-secretive obviously, the point is these people are all "out" and "proud" with their secret pizza love.) He says these people are better at giving parties than keeping secrets. He goes, is still timid, secretive but is overwhelmed by the party and rolls around on the central pizza table with a slice of pizza covering his genitals.

SavingGrace ago

thank you for posting. what a sad sad world...

Stukov ago Email mention with WJC and "broom and dustpan ready to go" and "lucky to have you, for clean-up"

standalone ago

This is interesting enough to get its own post. First, it turns out that it's being referred to in Podesta emails and by Chelsea Clinton. But more interesting even: the book is all about how it's more exciting and fun to do secret things. This is literally an apology of the occult. It also very much describes the mindset of the elite who like to do crimes and let a breadcrumb trail leading back to them.

mosswitch ago

Should have featured a hook nosed RAT instead of a raccoon, would be more realistic. EDIT: To the person below whinig this is anti-jewish (i refuse to say anti-semetic as it's a jew self-symapthy word), i am just stating a fact. This entire pizzagate story is based on Jewish occultism , rape and sacrifice . No i am not trying to make us look bad, but denying and covering up the fact that the global pedophile rings are mostly ran by Jews is not helping the case either. Many are unaware of this criminal element hiding in the shadows and conspiring to steal children. In fact i just read an article that Israel is the prime escape haven for convicted pedophiles in the USA because they wont jail them when they return to the homeland. Nice. Go out in the world and rape and murder OTHERS kids, then run back home to a protected state like a true rat. I call em like i see em. I agree we cant fill the entire subverse up with anti-jewish posts but this elephant in the room needs to be exposed. This is like having a chinese guy rob a bank and everyone is afraid to say it was a chinese guy!!! We have been conditioned to be afraid of these criminals and this is how it was allowed to get this far in the first place.

DooDooDoodle ago

I don't think your anti-semitism is helping to mainstream acceptance of this story. If you care about convincing others that this is a valid story to look into I would knock it off. Of course you could just be trying to make us all look bad.

RexAxisMundi ago

Just came out of nowhere as well. A bit suspicious yes.

Atlantean120 ago

just read the reviews on Amazon-parents are creeped out as well, and their negative reviews are from years ago.

DooDooDoodle ago

I think this story isn't meant for parents to read to kids. More like a story a "close family friend" or "loving uncle" might use to introduce concepts." Listen to the one PaisaHunter linked to, just as creepy.

PaisaHunter ago

Here's ROBO-SAUCE by the same author.

If only there was some magical robo sauce that turned you into a giant awesome robot. Check out the TOP SECRET FORMULA FOR ROBO-SAUCE @1:35.

alliecapone ago

The robots in that one creepy hair obsessed guy's pics make total sense now. Casio...and other signs posted on it could mean something. I don't want to go through his 2000 pics again, but it was a cardboard looking robot holding various signs. One said Casio, for Dr Casio whatever THAT means.

DooDooDoodle ago

Hey kids wouldn't you like to become a robot? Everyone would want to play with you then! You would be so cool! Just take a few spoonfuls of this cough syrup looking stuff and you can be a robot we can play with! Rub it all over your body! Now it's working! Now you can do all the cool stuff you couldn't do before you were our robot! It's more fun to be a robot than a sqishy human. Oh no, your friends don't like you now you're a robot and if you try to hug your parents you'll kill them. People don't want to play with robots after all! So then the kid is offered a chance to return to human but chooses instead to turn those around him into robots, including his dog. If you abuse those around you they will be just like you. So the robo kids covers the world in robo sauce, transforming everyone into a robot. "The end is near. The end."

Who the fuck reads that to kids?

That is some creepy mind control shit with liberal doses of "you better not tell anyone you're being abused or they will hate you and your parents will die."

stickittotheman ago

sounds like MKultra hints, mind controlled robot slaves

stickittotheman ago

never mind reads it, who writes it? another demented NY parasite thats who!

Ms_1776 ago

I think I'm going to be sick. I'm horrified this kind of evil exist. It's ****ing disgusting!

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

that is fucked up!

we gotta look into these guys..

PaisaHunter ago

I started a thread about it.


This shows how they are perusing the Voat forum and finding leads on what they can change to hide stuff. Every time we uncover something significant, it gives them something else to do. At least we're creating employment.

ThePuppetShow ago

Nice find. They forgot at least one site. How long will it take for this one to get scrubbed after posting it here?

standalone ago

Don't worry, everything we find is archived locally by tens or hundreds of people. For each copy they remove, we'll upload multiple new copies. Trying to get rid of #pizzagate that way is like playing whack-a-mole: entirely pointless. On the contrary, it shows that they are feeling threatened and legitimates the effort. For us, reuploading the content is almost costless. For them, removing each instance is terribly costly because they need to use their influence, rely on relationships, coerce people who resist, and have more and more people involved to monitor and censor. This isn't sustainable in the long run.

cantsleepawink ago

What is this? That's got today's date on it.

ThePuppetShow ago

It's older than that. I found it when the first thread was made about the "secret pizza" reference.

cantsleepawink ago

Well, that's hilarious because it's been archived by several people already.

totesgoats908234 ago

I know. And If they have nothing to hide, why go back and edit such things?

cantsleepawink ago

I think this grassroots investigation has already established that they have plenty to hide.


Absolutely! Pizzagate is not a psyop.

Rydal ago

Nice find... they have media coordinated on the fake news and they have access to erase web occurrences. This really could get swept under the rug. We could hedge our bets and invest in psych medication based big pharma!

Empire_of_the_mind ago

They are used to having power and are only now discovering that it doesn't work the way it used to. This is what a falling organization looks like. They are becoming more impotent by the day and are on their way out.

stickittotheman ago

I agree, keep exposing them and being the biggest fucking thorn in their side ever!