investigatethepizza ago

The link for manifesto, wtf is "- Pre-apocalyptic activity. " ?? It's listed under "TABLE TENNIS AS A MODEL: "

mjmoore ago

Were they in North Korea without reason, or were they there for a purpose and the government decided to screw them? I only ask because Ling's sister (Lisa) has actually been in NK to film a documentary about how lousy the eye care is in the country. Of course, it is conveyed to the brainwashed populace that Dear Leader made the foreign eye doctor appear out of thin air to help his denizens. But great info, nonetheless.

dannonyme ago

"werkinonmahnightcheese" is Jeff Blair Smith and he has other accounts:

This an example image – note that he strangely comments on the photo using his 'werkinonmahnightcheese' alter-ego.

I'm just popping in and out quickly...can someone else grab what is on those pages before he sets those to private as well?

therealwopD ago

SO WEIRD. are we sure that this is the same werkinonmahnightcheese?

dannonyme ago

Yes. Search for the user name 'werkinonmahnightcheese' and click through some of the links, you'll be sure too :)

therealwopD ago

This whole thing has made me realize just how many sick individuals are out there

NotConspiracyIfReal ago

John Podesta is X-files junkie!

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Is it to late for a blue pill?

PEi ago

Body found in Pajama Factory >>

Likely coincidence but worth mentioning.

UncookedSpirit ago

Here's Jeff Smith's shop at Pajama Factory:

It used to be called "Smith Steel" at but now that redirects to "Ferro Non Gladio" ( ("By iron, not by the sword"... odd for someone that also says "Pour ma vie violente".

The site features a hanging geodesic light fixture similar to the one from this Podesta party (first attachment):

dontkillmehillary ago

Doug Band is the guy we need to be looking at. He's the guy who sent the picture in the first place.

He is listed on wikipedia as personal assistant and counselor to President Bill Clinton until 2013. If you look at the Epstein flight logs this guy was with Bill C on almost every flight. He also apparently made a bunch of trips to Epstein's island.

Also, Clinton Global Initiative was his baby, and worked for the Clinton Foundation. There was some conflict between Band and Chelsea Clinton so he resigned from the foundation in 2015.

swatmaster68 ago

Just a little additional info/correction. The adult woman who was in the pizza.jpg pic is journalist Laura Ling who was "investigating" human trafficking. She was subsequently arrested by the North Koreans along with a handful of other people. Bill Clinton subsequently traveled to North Korea, and negotiated her release. Many believe that the pizza.jpg pic is a catalogue picture. These pedos will take innocuous pics with the children, then they shows the pics to buyers in order to show off the product.

RightThisWay ago

On this page of Dr Pong (Berlin)'s menu is a drawing of a child, whereas one of the offerings on the page is described as "Sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck" - I observe that some of their cocktail/snack descriptions are also risque/tongue-in-cheek but that does seem a bit much...

Also the photos page featuring a drawing of a baby, while the photos themselves (can only see the thumbnails) feature adults smoking, looking fucked up, and as mentioned the general vibe of the place seems to be a smokey dive bar, opens in the evenings only, profanity used in the menu, in other words quite clearly a place for adults and NOT welcoming to children...One has to ask why they would use illustrations of young children on their stuff. (the first and last images used are of a person in a wrestling mask, and a drippy hotdog in a bun, respectively...just saying.)

Tempted to go by there there tonight and ask if they sell pizza...

Edit: The item described as "Sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck" is called "Andro 'S��kind" where presumably the two missing characters are those not feasible on a non-German keyboard. The first German word I can think of that fits that description is "Süßkind" meaning "sweet child". Other German speakers are of course welcome to offer suggestions but that does seem like the most likely translation.

  1. Edit: Here are some further findings (My translation first, then the original) by user L.S. on this (German) blog post:

"Hello everybody!
I took a closer look at this Dr Pong. Here are a couple observations:
This article advertising a ping pong paddle is especially interesting:
"Whoever wants to pimp his equipment a bit can buy the paddle bag "Andro Süßkind". It's on the menu and is described as "Sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck". Very graphically phrased; the thing must be really good."
You can read that in this Hipster-Tourist brochure:
Apparently these reviewers are too overwhelmed to think about it.
The company 'andro' is a manufacturer in Dortmund.
They actually have ping pong paddles for sale:
These items have names such as:
"Sweet child" is NOT in the catalogue.
"Sweet child" doesn't even really fit in that list.
I asked their customer service about it, and this was the answer:
thank you for your inquiry.
Andro does not produce the requested paddle.
Friendly greetings from Dortmund.

So what is that supposed to mean?!"

"Hallo liebe Leute!

Ich habe mir dieses Dr Pong mal näher angeschaut. Hier ein paar Befunde:

Insbesondere dieser als Ping Pong Schläger beworbene Artikel ist interessant:

‚ Wer meint, sein Equipment ein wenig pimpen zu müssen, kann bei Dr. Pong den Schlägerbelag „Andro Süßkind“ kaufen. Der steht auf der Getränkekarte und wird beschrieben als „Sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck“. Sehr anschaulich formuliert; das Ding muss wirklich gut sein.‘

Das kann man in diesem Hipster-Touristen Werbeblat hier lesen:

Offenbar sind diese Werbelinge aber überfordert, mal ein bisschen nachzudenken.

Die Firma ‚andro‘ ist ein Hersteller aus Dortmund. Die haben tatsächlich Ping Pong Schläger Beläge im Angebot:

Diese Dinge haben Namen wie:

Rasant Powergrip Hexer Impuls Blowfish

‚Süßkind‘ ist NICHT im Katalog. ‚Süßkind‘ passt da irgendwie so gar nicht rein.

Ich habe da mal beim Kundendienst angefragt, und die Antwort lautet:

Hallo, danke für Ihre Anfrage. Den angefragten Belag gab es von andro nicht. Es grüßt Sie freundlichst aus Dortmund,

Also was soll das heissen???"

Yuke ago

The quote is from Greek playwright, Aeschylus, (The king of tragedies, no less). "God, whose law it is that he who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despite, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God."

Bobby Kennedy quoted this when he broke the news of Martin Luther King's death in a speech made in Indiana.

Also, I believe Buck's Fishing & Camping was opened in 2003. Comet Ping Pong came along in 2006. Nalu diner came along in 2012. This is an interesting one because it is in Berlin, Germany, and hasn't been mentioned much. Also, if you read the introductory message it would appear that Mr Alefantis has been living something of a double life, for it states that he moved to Berlin with Oliver Miller in the early 2000's and that James grew up in, amongst other places, Indiana and Hawaii. This is the first direct link I have found between Alefantis and Hawaii (for those not in the know, Hawaii is mixed up with this whole Pizzagate thing in various ways, and Berlin is heavily linked to paedophilia). In various interviews, Alefantis claims to have grown up on the East Coast, only mentioning places like VA, NY, DE and DC. He was also in a relationship with David Brock for 10 years (I may be wrong, but it seems to have been from 2002 - 2012), and has been heavily photographed on the east coast, particularly in DC. Something isn't right about all of this. It's not adding up. Dig.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Nice break down. I know the movie and TV industry is used for "plain sight" communications if you can figure out the keys and codes.

On another related note, I would advise everybody NOT eat the food at any of these places that maybe suspect. There is a strong indication this maybe how they are disposing of the bodies. On another note, this could yield a means to obtain strong DNA evidence. We should have some boots on the ground stopping in on all suspect locations and grab a slice of meat lovers and take it to the lab and see if human DNA comes up on the samples. If thats possible.

ThinkItThru ago

There was a satirical movie made in the 1980s called 'Eat the Rich' which had exactly this plot, except it is the exploited servants who are serving the bodies of dead rich people to other snobbish elite who, unknowingly, pay top dollar to eat their butchered associates. No idea who made it. Maybe some peon who escaped the industry and made their own "plain sight" version on the elite's beloved theme. Eat the Rich became a popular cult movie in the 80s.


as well, Sweeny Todd, Soylent Green among others

ThorTheWonderful ago

I'm sure they make these them selves as an inside joke of sorts with some form of communications to it.

There is also a movie about the 2016 election, can't remember what its called but it centers around corruption, cops, election fraud, media addiction, murder and prostitution. An almost mad max type movie. Some of the content was remarkably predictive.

Brainyidiot ago

Great work

gumshoe_mob ago

Very much enjoyed this post and the observations made. Informative stuff. Where did you get the legal name of werkinonmahnightcheese? I have noticed that the series of instagrams of jimmycomet and werkin guy that at one point jimmycomet has a german instagram "folgen" rather then the english "follow." jimmycomet goes to germany. Then werkin guy comes to america. Connection to taking a coffin-looking piece of furniture through customs??? already sealed up???

When I saw the pic of Tony Podesta and Alefantis at the birthday party -- I wondered -- this could be father and son!! Funny, there is a woman on youtube who says stuff like that, (rise together channel -- I think she fell over the cliff a while back, sheesh) "Benjamin Fulford is really the grandson of David Rockefeller", -- -- and if you look in the sidebar there are other connections she makes. Crazy lady with weird ideas about the new world order and who is behind it.

Your connection with the X-Files is like a fine piece of work. Great thinking. If you haven't seen this video of G. Edward Griffin, it is quite interesting. "The Quigley Formula" -- -- he talks about how Prof. Quigley wanted to bring out the truth of their secret society. He thought it was just a fine and dandy society. It was about forming a world government. Thanks for your post.

UncookedSpirit ago This says he's "Jeff Smith". Could be fake name, especially since it's so common.

Remember that Dr. Pong in Berlin is connected to Comet Ping Pong in DC somehow, and that Dr. Pong has an American owner. So there must be some sort of back and forth... probably some more to be found in legal documents / ownership documents.

Gorillion ago

I remember first hearing about the nude ping pong thing through stories about Susan Sarandon getting into it after she broke up with Tim Robbins. Both are extremely liberal and artsy.

Weird thing is she's extremely anti-Hillary, more of a Bernie Bro, but doesn't buy the anti-Trump narrrative:

But is still a proud ping-pong promoter:

Mother, activist, actress and ping pong propagandist at @WeAreSPiN

Can people be so deep into the art scene that they can rationalize away all the creepy shit as "being edgy"?

CandyPanda ago

She was dating a dude that was into it, there's some movie around it where it became hipster and artsy. If you really want to go there as what's a bit off about it, just start looking into ASMALLWORLD which is an elite private members only club which have even kicked out certain celebs that fell into a bad spotlight. Then check out the Nestle empire spawn who is known as a "Jetrosexual" who ran into multiple "off the books" settlements for who knows what. The entity runs through Delaware too, one of those massive tax havens that the elites use to move money around.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I am sure they somehow can! Women can be very good at rationalizing weird things, how far they go with it, who knows. Depends on the individuals. One thing for certain, they all know to keep it covered up, so they all know its wrong! And they are putting a lot of effort into normalizing pedophilia.

ArchCovenant ago

Wow amazing investigative work my friend! Kudos to your valiant efforts. May all these pieces fall into a much bigger puzzle showing the fall of all who engage in such sadistic and perverted acts!

Didot ago

Wonder what's in his "coffee table"...DON'T OPEN IT. Also, what's //ee// ? That a chan board?

It's his pun on 'coffin' and 'coffee' table, hence coff//ee//in. A coffin-shaped coffee table.

investigatethepizza ago

Weren't there a lot of pizzagate pics when this first started of small coffins?

tury ago

Great post friend.

Thanks for putting this all together, it's a lot of work. I've went ahead and archived everything here, and followed all links fairly deeply (wget).

I think you've put together an extremely solid case for investigation at the very least.

There's a lot of leads to follow based on this, so thanks. Will look into some of these leads.

DoNotGiveUp ago

The women had traveled to China and wound up in North Korea like you do.

Great line and great find.

UncookedSpirit ago

Thanks for commenting. I made this way too big for one post and so after posting it 3 different places this is the first comment.

DoNotGiveUp ago

There was an email from the Hollywood leak that showed up in a t_d thread when all the Podesta stuff was being released. It had probably over a hundred recipients, including podesta. I wonder if your find could connect to those recipients.