Princeofcats ago

Officially they could say it is to stop harassment.

We_The_People ago

Hey faggots, Mccullough closed in 2014. Source Google maps must be using an old photo. Doesn't mean they have stopped digging and building.

Also if you search their Form 5500.. when you select different years the address changes. Be careful this website will lock you out after too many searches. Source

If this was reshot this month why is Besta Pizza have the pedo symbol again? This must be a reverted picture.

Stormtrooperx52 ago

Connecticut Avenue wasnt the only one!!!!

redditsuckz ago

People should look for construction permits for the adjacent buildings...they MIGHT exist.

Kal ago


Lunari ago

You guys - please ignore this troll / shill.

OP is the same person who has been nonstop spamming every goddamn thread with their "COFFEEGATE!!" disinfo bullshit.

redditsuckz ago

You want it you got it...

COFFEEGATE - Starbucks and other "coffee" shops just might be serving childrens blood to drink - Starbucks mentioned 105 more times than Comet Pizza in Podesta Emails

birthdaysuit11 ago

How does this get 126 upvoats. Delete this shill. Start researching ALefantis and his 15 properties.

Lunari ago

It might be amusing / funny to you personally to continually troll this sub with your crap - but it's really not amusing / funny to anyone else. This is a legitimately serious situation - and "normal people" are already being deceived by the MSM enough as it is to view us as a bunch of crazy idiots. When people who are curious and come here to find information to decide whether they believe this or not see bullshit like your "coffee" spam - it's only going to likely drive them away to believe the MSM's deception. If you truly do not give a flying fuck about the hundreds of thousands of children being horrifically tortured every day - then as sad as that is, at least maybe just have enough decency to find some other part of the Internet to troll for your own amusement.

abstl ago

Google doesn't seem to be hiding anything, as far I can see. I'm using Chrome. I just checked, and googlemaps shows Connecticut Avenue, and I even have a streetview of Comet Pizza open right now. It's not that different from the Aug. 2014 views except OP is right that "McCullough Construction" sign is missing. Seems like they moved ~1/2 mile up Connecticut avenue, must've been within the past 2 years They're a small construction firm and it's not unusual for a small firm to move especially if it grows ("the growing company has over 30 employees")

YingYangMom ago


You're a real asset to PizzaGate. Thanks, great job!

IlluminatiKing ago

Hmm, could another false flag be incoming?

rangerkozak ago

I don't see why this isn't just a normal Google Street view update.

Apparently, google doesn't give out information about how often they update street view. There's some speculation on Quora that it's as often as every 6 months. The consensus is that it highly dependend on location.

AnonCompliant ago

This gives me a bad feeling... staged event? Movement of children?

reasonedandinformed ago

The false flag seems imminent.

tjarco ago


pizzathrowaway ago

There was no censorship. All the old street view stuff is still accessible.

tjarco ago

timing is weird, route of van is weird - either coincidence or planned it's relevant, their might be clues hidden and harder to spot because people have to realize view changed.

ProbablyHoly ago

Excellent synchronistic research.

whatonearth ago

The construction company moved to new offices farther north on Connecticut Avenue so their name isn't on the building anymore. They are a tiny company with 30 employees according to their website. Construction management companies like this will contract with other people to actually provide the workers for building things.

The building is for small professional offices like dentists and lawyers that generally have small signs on their doors. Tenants in an office building have to pay the landlord extra money to get a big sign on the outside of the building, which only some tenants will bother to do, generally as a prestige thing. You do realize that just because a tenant's name is on the outside of a building it doesn't mean they are the building's only tenant, right? (Well, I guess you don't realize that if you think the sign being taken down means the building is abandoned.)

CandyPanda ago

If you click "Street View" you will get a slider that goes all the way back to 2007 still, when the ping pong table was out on the sidewalk. Just grab them all just in case.

Two things in the 2014 shot are that sign on the corner and the election sign on the post.

redditsuckz ago you know the name? is so private they dont advertise or have a sign?

wilw ago

OH btw, I was fucking busy the other day but knew I would regret not posting this.

I noticed something weird about the outlines of the buildings on the 2d map, and the actual buildings on the 3d map.

Also, look at the extended back area of comet pizza in the 3d map...

Betty_Swollocks ago

There was a street view where you could walk into CPP and look at the signs on the wall. Looks like thats gone too.

pizzathrowaway ago

no that was at besta

Betty_Swollocks ago

Ah, thanks for the correction.

Balour ago

And it's still there

8_billion_eaters ago

It has been disabled.

edit: not disabled...I clicked on the picture link which is static. Click on the title post to get the 360^ internal view.

dreamdigital ago

Does anyone live in the area that can go look and take photos? We need this.

redditsuckz ago

How did you know these were updated it yesterday?

Because yesterday I was looking at McCullough Construction building and today I looked and it wasnt there and I was like wtf?

But I might have been looking at link yesterday and today I looked at google maps though link...I notice your link is a and it also shows only November 2016.

What this shows tho is that McCullough Construction is an abandon building that Alefantis might have used for digging.

PizzaGate711 ago

Google Maps Local Guide IS being used by these sicko human traffickers and pedos to communicate. Why wouldn't they I guess - they've been using instagram and fb etc.

I know this for a FACT.

Pick the first Local Guide Reviewer from Trolley Park and flick through the google maps photos on each of the locations he's marked.

Local Guides are free to put up photos to a location/address. Be sure to rotate the photos.

Prepare to be shocked!,-77.0310183,17z/data=!4m7!3m6!1s0x89b7c8196c0c2b53:0xedb2350938476be4!8m2!3d38.9328297!4d-77.0288296!9m1!1b1

tjarco ago

And that someone drove are very weird round just to cover only these streets.

I haven't checked all the streets crossing the route - someone please start digging!

PizzaGate711 ago

Google Maps Local Guide IS being used by these sicko human traffickers and pedos to communicate. Why wouldn't they I guess - they've been using instagram and fb etc.

I know this for a FACT.

Pick the first Local Guide Reviewer from Trolley Park and flick through the google maps photos on each of the locations he's marked.

Local Guides are free to put up photos to a location/address. Be sure to rotate the photos.

Prepare to be shocked!,-77.0310183,17z/data=!4m7!3m6!1s0x89b7c8196c0c2b53:0xedb2350938476be4!8m2!3d38.9328297!4d-77.0288296!9m1!1b1

redditsuckz ago

Wow your right...They might be all connected somehow.

tjarco ago

please edit the map & image inyo your OP, this might be a lead

standalone ago

OP is right, the Nov 2016 doesn't show the "McCullough sign" anymore. @redditsuckz you need to make that clear in the OP: currently it's not at all clear what you claim has changed between the 2014 and the Nov 2016 view. Also, change the title. Google didn't wipe out anything at all. They just updated Street View, which lead to the disappearing of the "McCullough" sign (which is actually gone in fact). It's indeed strange that they update only this stretch of the avenue, so you may still be onto something, but please remove the click bait title.

totesgoats908234 ago

Another one of these brilliant posts making dumb as fuck conclusions.


VieBleu ago

go bray somewhere else.

pizzagateishell ago

dude I see you bashing people down all the time, maybe you shouldn't be such a nagger and let people give out their opinions ? Don't ya think mate? You sound like an exited 12 yrld troll.

VieBleu ago

totesgoats definitely a long term hang out troll.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

fackin naggers

totesgoats908234 ago

maybe you shouldn't be such a nagger and let people give out their opinions

If you just let your stupidity hang out all in the open, posting it on internet, I might nag ya for it mate.

Some people need to touch a hot stove a few times before they learn.

grlldcheese ago

Personally, I'm offended at the pc culture creeping into voat because of pizzagate.

Guys, it's spelled 'nigger'

totesgoats908234 ago

Why don't you just fuck off and eat some grilled dickcheese.

grlldcheese ago

That's more like it, fucktard.

We should live debate about it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

totesgoats is incapable of the simplest debate forms.

to continue talking to this non-voater is a waste of anyone's time.

totesgoats908234 ago

Sorry, but I'll have you know I'm a 33rd degree master debater. I sling ropes of logic all over my opponents faces before they even know I am master debating them.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

It's because you moved to a new street. there is no conspiracy here, it's the way street view works. You can even go back in time at a particular spot if you wanted to.

redditsuckz ago

They updated the street yesterday....its the ONLY street they changed...

Can you give me a link to Google street view August 2014 for Connecticut Ave. Showing Comet Ping Pong?

You can see McCullough Construction is NOT THERE on the updated maps in the pics.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

lmao who downvotes me for providing what he asked for?

redditsuckz ago

Thanks for the link now we can compare what changes if any have been made to the businesses on the block.

Your link is a link while the other link in the post is a link.

So it DOES show that McCullough Construction is possibly an abandoned building and Alefantis might have been digging in it...It could be his storage building thats why you see the ping pong tables in there. And the door you see when they are digging might be a side door from Comet Ping Pong.

putneg ago

nice. by looking at the buildings i noticed there is no 5033 and skips to 5035 instead? If you type the address 5033 Connecticut Ave NW you just get the street corner.

I like the free masons coincidence and i dont even believe in that shit.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Right like, oh 33 is missing, just another coincidence, nothing here lol smh

Mommyplayer571 ago

Someone on 8Ch outed the name of the guy he felt was in the refrigerator room Instagram photos, the hole and the troughs et al. Also found him in a pic of another construction project that Jimmy Comet commented on. I personally worry the bathroom enclosed area at CPP is too large after remodeled. Also could there be a false passage between CPPP far R wall and the L wall of the coffee shop on the right of CPPP. Not a basement, ground level.