coldgold ago

He colored his hair blond and put blue eye contacts to look Caucasian for Trump ..that nigger is crazy

Geo_synchronous ago

Whats going on right now ? Kayne is a Trump supporter. Ok, nothing to weird about that. So the question is "Why is trump being cool with Kayne ? Perhaps Trump is trying to be non bias and non racist so he can connect with the black folks. Trump has been called a racist for the past 18 months. Maybe this is his anti racist PR work and nothing more or less. I don't like Kanye but his vote matters too.

beyondthecacti ago

where does it say that? I didnt see it...

joeysaperv ago

Yeah, I caught that "talked about life" comment also. Regardless of what was actually discussed, it was a class move on Trump's part. Covers a whole lot of territory while saying BTFO.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Yeah there were definitely Kanye fanboys in the reddit. No disrespect, I'm a fan too.

AndoMc87 ago

He's been reprogrammed

Doa11 ago

Alex Jones reveals why Kanye West went to meet with Donald Trump and why Kanye West is trying to break ties with the satanic elite.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Jay Z is also quite tight with Ms. Spirit cooking abramovic herself! Google it.

Fucking weird this bad performance artist occultist whore apparently knows everyone in Hollywood AND D.C. and has them all on the same page about spirit cooking.

Heffter ago

Trump's the BOSS tier man. Trey Gowdy for Attorney General !!

MirrorMan ago

At the mall, there was a seance
Just kids, no parents
Then the sky filled with herons
(I saw the devil) in a Chrysler LeBaron
And the hell, it wouldn't spare us
And the fires did declare us
But after that, took pills, kissed an heiress
And woke up back in Paris

What did he mean by this?

DopeandDiamonds ago

Sadly, I think you are correct.

atheist4thecause ago

I remember reading this article (excuse the NY Times link) about how Kim Kardashian was tied down and expensive jewelry was stolen:

Then you had a bunch of media claiming it was about insurance fraud:

I'm not sure if Kanye West ended shows early before that one, but he started talking about Trump a lot and cutting many events short:

TinFoil123 ago

watch kanye west stronger, kind of get a fight against the world order kind of feel. Always wondered why Kanye as an artist is up there as one of the greats but he's always been seen as a wacko. Maybe he's been playing the fool, but is actually one of us the whole time.

looking4truth ago

Trump better be careful. We don't know what they did to kanye in that "hospital"

VieBleu ago

You could read it this way: A top CIA mind control slave/handler who is key to keeping the drug/child trafficking business in line (via gangs) has either gone rogue or is there to parley with the element of the FBI that has not gone rogue. They hold competing interests but understand that both are ruled from above by Kissenger. Possible that unusually the top of the pyramid interests happened to coincide with populism this election and even the top wanted the Clinton cabal scattered and disjunct to avoid them gaining too much power over the US and worldwide system. That is why Trump went to visit Kissinger a couple of months before the election - he was told the top wouldn't be against him getting in as long as he knew where his allegiance ultimately lay, and he'd had to fight it out himself. Divide but still conquer - we are witnessing a real war among the mid-top elites at this stage with Trump the arriviste.

Let's theorize - it's a meeting to carve up competing interests and keep their individual butts safe including their families. Avoiding turf war before it starts, because they know certain elements of the biz are exposed and in danger and a CIA sponsored coup in the homeland is in the works.

angry_mob ago

definitely food for thought

Atatarkus ago

This keeps getting weirder i wonder what can happen between now and milo yiannopoulos' pizzagate talk. We might be a couple of days from some real light being shed on this. Watch out for shilling going up at an alarming rate, thats my prediction.

Guy_with_the_face ago

Lol, sometimes I think this world is going the way of Idiocracy.

bopper ago

I think there is obviously an internal power struggle going on. Kanye, at the very least, is a trophy, a symbol. Sides are being chosen. (There are even more, now, electoral voters saying they won't support Trump till they see the Russian 'intelligence.') Are they being blackmailed? There has been, supposedly, at least one death threat. Yes pizzagate is the key, FBI Anon says 'it will sicken you' (Clinton Foundation).

awakenaware ago

Lets remember Pizzagate was mentioned by Kayne during his concert rant so... It stands to reason he would have talked to Trump about it.. Best case scenario Trump confirms yes were gonna blow it all wide open soon.. Worst case.. Trump says my hands are tied sorry Kayne, if pizzagate blows we all go down.. Or CIA has threatened my family etc...

Fateswebb ago

It was not mentioned during his rant. That was a rumor and not fact.

awakenaware ago

yes sorry just a rumour

goodguy1367 ago

Will this be the partnership that is going to DESTROY the Cabal? I certainly fucking hope so!! Trump isn't stupid and neither is Kanye, the MSM and everything else has just made them look stupid when really they know exactly what their doing, is the tide about to turn? We can only hope and pray it is.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Well they have a large occult. The 1%er's are just their leaders.

ThorTheWonderful ago

To simplify the statement!

JudaismForGentiles ago

Hopefully trump uses him to get the pizzaga re message out so he can swap public opinion to make it more difficult to influence the public in regards to their acceptance of indictments.

Niggertown ago

A pizza party most likely.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Because they are not psychopaths! They are far far worse. And make up a hell of a lot more than 2% of the population. They are highly organized, ideological, fascist supremacists. AKA Bolshevik!

ThorTheWonderful ago

It doesn't really matter what to label them, But Bolshevik is nice a tidy, that was the only time they actually separated them selves from those they used as a vail.

DaemonHaustier ago

This is not the place to "educate" yourself, go to r/The_Donald and ask them. Stick to the topic, my friend.

justiceforever ago

I remember someone saying he mentioned pizzagate at San Jose, but there's no video evidence so far.

B3nder ago

Wait, first his outrage, then the hospital, now Trump Tower...this reminds me of the calls Milo got from D.C. before his speech making him drop the topic of pizzagate. Maybe the D.C. people who called Milo couldn't see it coming with Kanye...or couldn't reach him :)

noElbittowers ago

What difference does "junior" it make to the motive?

"....for being reckless and bringing unwanted attention to the transition team."

The reason Michael Flynn Jr. was fired has been clearly articulated. What do you mean by that statement? That calling out a huge and important topic such as pizzagate is unwanted attention?

hacktheplanet ago

when i watch the video i get two different vibes: -kanye is acting really hard to come across as someone who seems crazy and is brainwashed...and this whole kanye trump thing is all part of making TRUMP seem like the bad guy..the one who is evil and has kanye under his control -kanye really is on some serious fucked up meds that they gave him to "treat" him when he was in the hospital

either way...its weird and seems forced. i personally lean more towards the idea that trump is just controlled opposition anyways, so i dont really trust what is going on in this video. anyone else feel like its fake or is trying really hard to look "fake"?

DopeandDiamonds ago

Could not agree more. Sometimes I find it hard to not think like a rational person.

ejd4500 ago

This is a big-time signal. This is symbolic more than anything.

If you guys haven't seen this, you need to:

Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, they call it the "religion of the stars"

The methods that Scientology uses and used are very similar to CIA in that Scientology also uses Hollywood as a wing of propaganda pushing. And, they also manipulate their members based on very personal embarrassing information. In fact, it would not surprise me at all if CIA has some very strong tie-ins into the Scientology leadership community and exploits it as a lever into Hollywood.

I think we need to start a two pronged approach, attack both the head and the tail.

Keep #pizzagate as the head and call the tail by some other name. It's time. Call it something of the following:






Or just keep it the same, maybe, but I feel like #pizzagate is know for DC now

Scientology methods of control and manipulation

And then George Webb who ties in Hollywood stars to Clinton Foundation money laundering:

Where is Eric Braverman???

tempaccount234089 ago

I thought the same thing when I first saw the photos: this doesn't look like Kanye. For some reason all the photos I've seen are dark and blurry, not well-corrected. That's weird. But after comparing some of today's photos with some others from this year, I think it's clear that it's the same man. Drugs, stress, (and who knows what else) can wear on a person in these ways very quickly. The blond hair is new, too.

noElbittowers ago

He didn't fire Michael Flynn

Bullshit. He did. What is your motive? To investigate pizzagate or to promote sleezeball freemason pizzagate participant Donald Trump?

noElbittowers ago

Because he was careless? That isn't what happened. He did fire Michael Flynn, I didn't say which position he held... you have disproven nothing.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I think someone recorded this on a VCR from 1977. Probably before MSM was totally corrupt! I just watched it but it makes so much sense!

Then watch this! I freaked out!!

CrackerJacks ago

What makes you think the first YT video was from 1977? The picture on my tv normally looks like that. :P

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I'll check but I've watched it several times and I'm pretty sure that's the date. Some of the YouTube uploads of this same video has commercials from Charley's angels and really old series. I'll verify it and let you know where I find it...

CrackerJacks ago

It was meant as a joke, I was trying to say my tv must be old.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Oh...sorry!😂Long day!!

CrackerJacks ago

I wonder what was in the bag when they walked in.

Edit: A video camera guy got in the lift with them too....Was he interviewing Trump? for a video?

Edit 2: Corey Gamble was the other guy who shook hands with Trump Kris Jenner's other half....I have no idea who either of them are.

clearenceclearwater ago

Whats up with that video camera? That looks like the old VHS ones...

CrackerJacks ago

I was thinking that too.....He was carrying a bag also, it didn't look like he handed that in to be searched.

LionParty ago

I'm just glad Kanye is safe now. I also have a feeling that Trump is using this coverage of him with Kanye in order to scare the enemy. To show them that he's saved Kanye, he's going to learn what he knows, and that he is in control. Why else would he be so blatant about this in front of CNN? The chess master continues his game.

ThorTheWonderful ago

People in the 50's and 60's didn't even have a clue how bad it was. This is the very same thing that helped Hitler rise to power. Bolshevik liberalization of Europe was well under way in the 20's and The commies in the US and Bolshevik bankers were crushing the Americans with the economic system. If not for Hitler, we would have already been a part of the Bolshevik regime. Now the game has changed but these people don't quit, they pass it on generation after generation and they have a do or die policy, if any one of them stops or steps back, they are dead. Even the 3rd generation, if they were not taught to continue the effort, they get killed.

The cold war never ended, but it isn't Russia, it is the Bolshevik regime and if they win here, Russia will be back on the menu!

mrjdouble ago

"We've been friends for a long time", (reporter asks, How long? did he say, "life")??

Just spitballing here, but perhaps Trump isn't the anti-establishment, anti-nwo/illumanit guy that he makes himself out to be?

I'm convinced that Kanye made a dark deal some time ago and completely sold out to become a puppet of the Deep State. In return they promised him untold riches and fame.

I'm not sure the significance between these two or how deep it goes, but I feel like there is more to this connection than what we see on the surface.

CrackerJacks ago

I think the reporter asked "what were you talking about?" Trump replied "Life"

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Before /r/pizzagate was banned from reddit, there were people making threads that said Kanye was talking about pizzagate at his concert. Two days later, he was taken away in cuffs from his concert after a rant and hospitalized.

shakethetree ago

Aaaand, feel free to look up Rick Owens and Michèle Lamy. According to Rap-Up, this is who he was associating with after just getting released. Super freaky.

rustinsbeercan ago

Yeezy gettin a cabinet position duh

Pwning4Ever ago

Kanye looks like he's on some serious meds

ThorTheWonderful ago

20 or 30 Its a hell of a lot longer than that.

And this dragon has heads and tails all over the globe, the battle has just begun!

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Kanye West and Sean Combs are both friends of Donald Trump, good friends from what i understand.

The type of friends where if one has a nervous breakdown, they vist each other to help recover. As such i am hard pressed to believe that there is anythign conspriacy releated here.

KanyeMKULTRA ago

Kanye fan here. It definitely is him, but he's likely been under incredibly mental trauma and attempts to be subdued. Read an article stating Kim didn't want Kanye to fly to New York so soon. Next thing you know he's with Trump. Probably wanted to talk about what happened to him at that hospital. The psych ward was owned by Hillary's billionaire friends the Resnicks.

oresd ago

I'm not sure what this bullshit thread has to do with pedophiles

CrackerJacks ago

Obama must be pissed, Trump is having some good meetings.

jigisup ago

Can't stress this enough....

SlackeryTurnBull ago

There's talk that it was about him performing at the inauguration.

teh_Dude ago

Yeah, Trump was called a lot of shit and most of those insults never made any sense. People just interpreted the wall meme in an extreme way.

bopper ago

Wow, that knowledge and symbolism go that far back. Weird.

bopper ago

Um, me?

bopper ago

Who you callin' old?

noElbittowers ago

Red pilled? Far from it. This is controlled opposition. I don't know how much more evidence there can be that the Clinton and Trump families are good friends, and Chelsea and Ivanka are best friends forever. The people supporting Trump are doing a great disservice to this whole investigation.... Trump is involved!!! Please don't overlook obvious clues just because he went against Hillary - yes, she is awful, there is no doubt about that. sigh You were all on to something but this is how you are led off. This is how you get played.

jigisup ago

I still have a little faith in trump as the one really bringing down these psychopaths.... him being on epsteins plane could be a red flag, but keep in mind that he made business and has contacts with countless people.... We should keep vigilante anyway, in case he is in fact part of the swamp!

noElbittowers ago

keep in mind that he made business and has contacts with countless people

Trump's friendship with the Clintons went far beyond business. Chelsea and Ivanka have done several interviews on how their family has always been close, and how the election is not going to interfere with the bond they have together.

noElbittowers ago

He fired Michael Flynn specifically for tweeting about pizzagate. What makes you think he is going to bring it down when he is helping to cover it up?

jigisup ago

Oh, okay :( It's just that I WANT to believe he's a good guy, you know? I know that not being sceptical isn't an option anymore...

PIcasso54 ago

Kayne ft. Bush

bopper ago

This is the kind of fear Kanye is going through.

fiatlux ago

I remember when Jennifer Hudson's family got murked that she also was invited and went to stay at Trump Tower in Chicago. Both are from Chicago...

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yeeeeee boi!!!!

nomorepizza ago

Good move for Kanye to ally himself with someone powerful, seeing as how he's redpilled now. I'm glad for him, I hope this connection to Trump can keep him safe.

EyesWideScared ago

Kanye seemed very nervous.

tobor ago

He didn't seem nervous at all. He looked strong. He met with the president-elect. WTF does he have to be nervous about?

lamecustomgifs ago

They called Trump a lot of things, mudslinging was high this election.

Freemasonsrus ago

So glad everyone is being as perceptive. Trump is a very kind man but when they embraced I got the same impression. It was caretaking, reassuring. There's been others who have for years claimed jay and bey are Illuminati and that's why he controls rap industry. That was part of Kanye's rant. So one could assume that he's been red pilled over the years watching actual great talent get shaft in favor of those "connected".

CrackerJacks ago

Trump tower would be the safest place for Kayne right now if he's scared for his life.....I wonder if that's what they were talking about also...For the next month anyway.

Trs0817 ago

Maybe it was about Kim K being kidnapped by ISIS?

Long_Knife ago

Because Kanye redpill mind control bruh

Dressage2 ago

I agree. I think that photo op spoke volumes to the people to back off bc Kanye prob has lots of intell of Hollywood elites and MSM elites.

caliginosity ago

This makes the most sense to me. I think you're correct about him kind of threatening back a bit implying he has a Trump force behind him and he's not just some property of the elites to do whatever they want with.

logjam ago

I like this answer.

bopper ago

The bigger celebs get involved in Satanism, and are under some type of control, even if it's just intelligence. (Paul McCartney is. What do you think Heather was/is so paranoid about? That's a deep story, I can point you.) It's the price they pay. Maybe Kanye is fleeing the plantation.

shortymcbossypants ago

This!!! Have you ever listened to his son New Slaves? It's very telling.

bopper ago

Just googled the lyrics, don't listen to rap. Yes, control and slavery. Very telling. McCartney and now Heather are under 'non-disclosure' clauses. She warned him not to kill her, she has a 'dead man switch.' It gets pretty deep, and many would not believe what I would/could say.

shortymcbossypants ago

It makes you wonder if that whole Faux Paul story was true or not.

bopper ago

Bingo. Good to hear this. I'm no nut believe me, but I've done my research, and indeed it is NOT the same person. Took me weeks of head spinning then I finally had to say 'truth.' (Faul is a narcissist, James Paul was a nice guy.) Heather Mills found out.

shortymcbossypants ago

Well my father actually was (he's retired now) a roadie for several large name music artists, and knew a few people that knew the Beatles, and he heard at least that the whole Faul narrative was not only possible but it was more than likely. After all of this crap I'd believe it.

bopper ago

Well some of the bands he worked for knew about the replacement then, no doubt. Fortunately there is much more out there now to research. Documentary The Winged Beatle, and ultimately see Amazon books for The Memoirs of Billy Shears. Believe it or not, it is the autobiography of Faul. And it's absolutely stunning, gripping, and mind-boggling ... any Beatle fan will be blown away. Explains everything. Sorry to ramble, I grew up with the Beatles, and was disappointed about this whole cover-up.

shortymcbossypants ago

Album or not aside, I think any of us that have a religion or faith need to pray for Kanye, that he survives all of this. I used to wasn't a big Kanye fan, then I met the guy on my first time flying First Class via British Airways, and spending 4 hours on a plane with the guy was actually very enlightening to his character. He is a very sweet and nice natured guy. I was pleasantly surprised that we hit turbulence pretty hard at one point and he pulled out this gold cross chain around his neck and started praying. I wouldn't dare to ever take a picture in a very quiet moment like that for him, but yeah he was a very nice person and even gave me and my boyfriend at the time tickets to his show in London, back stage passes, really hooked us up.

SherlockMcGyver ago

Funny you say that, yesterday, I told my very reserved, Christian mom about Kanye speaking out about Trump (She barely knows who he is), and then being ordered a psych evaluation, etc. First thing she said is, "I need to pray for that poor guy, that he'll come out of whatever is happening".

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Cool story, sis

h2d ago

FYI: You're a bit off on both of your examples. When he interrupted Taylor Swift (for which I've seen some relatively convincing evidence-for those who believe it, I don't-supporting the theory that it was part of an Illuminati initiation ritual vís-a-vís an instance of public humiliation--look it up on YouTube if you're really interested) - but for clarification what he said was "Ay yo, Taylor, I'ma let you finish, but Beyoncé had one of the greatest videos of all time!" It's also been reported as well as mentioned by West himself that he's got bipolar/manic depressive disorder and is known to cycle off and on his meda like most highly functioning manic people tend to do. It also explains a lot of his behavior.

As for the South Park episode I saw an interview with Parker & Stone talking about how Kanye called them talking about how hilarious he thought it was. The original joke was a play on a tweet that was mildly noteworthy at the time years ago in which a joke someone made clearly went over Kanye's head.

Anyways... this whole thing is growing increasingly fascinating and in my opinion (as if anyone cares, ha) is that Trump & co. including the people he's got advising him (like Bannon, Flynn, Roger Stone - who has a great book coming out on the behind-the-scenes "making of president Trump" gameplan being publicly released shortly [I got to read an advance copy] -- who also did an excellent interview two or three days ago on Alex Jones on the bigger picture that involves this very subject as well) know full well that the shit that Obama and the current administration is pulling is literally akin to a hostile disruption/sort of a coup or similar in the sense that he's not quite saying it yet but I wouldn't be surprised if he refused to leave office.if they're willing to come out and publicly lie - even with the majority of Americans knowing that it is a lie and not believing it-then this shows the level that they are willing to stoop to in order to keep Trump out of office. This is the most disgusting, treasonous shit I have ever seen in my fucking life. I think that Trump & his people are likely meeting with Kanye as despite what people on here including myself may think of the fact, it is a fact that the man is highly influential and hugely famous, which can go a long way to garner support both among his fans/the general public to help push back against his media warfare (next they'll claim Kanye is a Russian agent!) and push the spotlight back onto the real villains in this.

shortymcbossypants ago

He also said as he was patting Kanye on the back, All right You Take care of yourself, I'll talk to you soon. He was treating him almost as if Kanye was one of his children.

Gorillion ago

TBF, Kanye has always come off like he needs a strong father figure in his life. Hopefully he's finally found one.

spacemanspliph ago

Im surprised no one else is saying this guys cmon. Hes hospitaized probably brainwashed by mk ultra, and then his first appearance is with trump? * This makes me suspiscious of trump, he can barely speak, if anything they are trying to tell us that trump is in on it too

h2d ago

Please don't tell me you seriously believe that. "Trump is his handler"? Dude; literally right now you go turn on the TV or check any of the fakestream news sites or papers and they're all screaming 24/7 that "Russia hacked the election" "Trump is a Russian agent" etc. coming directly from the mouth of some senator's spokesperson (who never heard any evidence-not the senator nor the spokesperson, because there isn't any) after a closed session with CIA people that report directly to Obama. Kanye was forcibly hospitalized at the same hospital here in Los Angeles that is known locally for being the place that the cops send people to where they can be kept indefinitely on lockdown as they've got the entire staff there working on the orders from ppl in government. Seen it happen with many people including celebrities living here. He was taken to the psych ward handcuffed to a gurney although it was reported falsely that he went "voluntarily". He's likely been on forced medication for the past few weeks and has been feeling off.

By your logic, if I'm reading this right, Trump would be what, some kind of CIA/govt double agent MKUltra mind-control handler? No way. Get real.

spacemanspliph ago

Hey man I dont think we should put all our trust in trump, yeah him over hillary but really dude is part of the media establishment there is a good chance imo we should always be skepticalis trump an establishment puppet? Im sure they would rather have hillary and there is a chance trumps presidency will be the end of NWO lets hope

Anonymous987654321 ago

wow, crazy stuff going on in the world. We need to catch these guys though because innnocent children are being harmed every single day.

Freemasonsrus ago

What are you referring to?

WellSetTable ago

Kanye is fighting the elite in Holly Wood. Weird I just had a conversation about how it's hard to not be a liberal in that asylum. Imagine living in that place hearing over and over that if you think out side the liberal box you're scum. Who wants to bet that if you are not a liberal over there it does affect your parts in film? So you have to be quiet or push liberal views.

Kanye was never known to be quiet about things.

h2d ago

It definitely effects your opportunities in the media industry here in La. that said there are a LOT of people here in Hollywood that are actually underground conservatives/classic liberals who hate the direction that the "left" in America and most of Europe has taken lately.

WellSetTable ago

I've read a few articles on that. California does have an underground or silent conservative population. Even Kristen Powers wrote a book about liberals stomping on our first amendment, she's a liberal. I used to be a liberal myself four years ago.

I woke up.

bopper ago

For protection.

SherlockMcGyver ago

He did rant a lot about how he needed money and Zuckerberg and JayZ wouldn't give it to him.

awakenaware ago

JayZ is super corrupt illuminati scum..

sixgorillion ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

He never said they should give him money, he was upset that both of those guys were allowed to make real money because they were in the club, and that Kanye never got let in the club. Probably because he doesn't put whatever subliminal shit they tell him to put in his videos.

He also asked JayZ not to send killers, since he knows JayZ had 2pac killed when 2pac started going off the reservation and studying Malcolm X(Instead of kosher MLK) and trying to organize the black communities into something positive. 2pac became a hell of a man after he grew up.

SherlockMcGyver ago

No, he CLEARLY said in one video that he needed money, something like (Trying to remember the exact amount) 53 million (?) and they never called him, blah blah blah. It's out there, go find it.

bopper ago

Definitely going off the reservation, runs to daddy, don't blame him.

jealoushe ago

Kayne and Trump going to take down the elite pedo world right here.

Sui_Juris ago

All I ultimately needed to realize about Trump was that HE PISSED OFF ALL THE RIGHT PEOPLE. Once I was reasonably sure they weren't faking it, MAGA, BABY.

tired_father ago

Although I do agree with your comments, please cite sources or provide some sort of substantiation. Anything otherwise would take away from the focus of the investigation here.

redditsuckz ago

Doubt it...People need to be Red Pilled on Trump

Trump + Clinton are on the SAME side and both controlled by Israel/Rothschilds. - Trump and Clinton children are married to Talmudists.

Trump was funded by George Soros (funds democrats + Hilary) AND Sheldon Adelson (Funds Republicans)

George Soros and Sheldon Adelson BOTH get their unlimited money supply from THE ROTHSCHILDS

Did George Soros forgive Trump of a $312 million debt?

Big names back Trump tower Soros, Deutsche Bank said to be in on 90-story building

Trump Defended George Soros During 2011 Tea Party Rally: ‘Leave Him Alone’

Sheldon Adelson pours $25 million into Trump Campaign

Let’s Deal With Reality and Pass Immigration Reform - Sheldon Adelson

Who Controls Donald Trump? Who Controls America?

blind_sypher ago

I like your theory, but its ignoring their blind, animalistic panic. So no.

noElbittowers ago

People need to be red pilled on Trump indeed. This controlled opposition plot to make this a partisan issue is quite effective, in fact I suspect this room is filled with bots and controlled opposition, especially by looking at comment histories. This whole thread is a distraction force. Trump's involvement and longtime friendship with the Clintons couldn't be more glaring, and it has been obvious he isn't going to hold anyone accountable... his recent firing of Michael Flynn just one example of many.

Fateswebb ago

Have you been paying attention at all?

spacemanspliph ago

you realize that its all a show they put on, thye act like thye dont want trump and maybe they dont, but they wull work with him and hell do what hes been doing his whole life and work with them. If trump really starts shaking things up over pizzagate then I will honestly really be worried that PG is all some horrible psy op

Fateswebb ago

PG? No they don't want trump and are scared he will try to end their corruption. I am a skeptic and normally I would agree but there is too much going on to stop trump, so this one is for real.

DaemonHaustier ago

Agreed my man. People still think this is the elite playing one puppet off of the other. The Duopoly. If people research about Mr. President Elect Trump and his patterns, his actions speak for themselves and putting his actions along side people like Hillary, Obama, Mitt Romney, etc tells you a Very different story from the bunch. Pay no heed to that^^^ commentor.

angry_mob ago

trump will do what the cabal tell him to do. period.

SomeD ago

he already said he's a trump supporter + not pizza related

SaveTheChildren ago

I think it's him. When I see the laugh I see genuine Kanye (although I don't really follow the man's career). He's probably just worn out from whatever they did to him after they took him away.

placoid ago

Kanye had a breakdown because Trump gets more attention than him, now he has to ingratiate himself with this magical figure to maintain his ego.

bopper ago

He's scared.

Hopevoats ago

Trump better watch out. Did he not see what happened after Assange met with Pamela Anderson (MK ULTRA - BETA Kitten)?

Xwing ago

we shall see (voatings)

quantokitty ago

This is the most hopeful sign I've seen!

Yeah, Kanye! Raping children is not all right with him ... not!

shortymcbossypants ago

I would not be surprised if these twisted fucks didn't try to lay hands on his two children, North is around that age that the Illuminati start that mind control, and being the head of his household naturally he put his walls up trying to protect his family. Little known thing that I learned when I got to meet Kanye was that his father was a photographer for newspapers. Would not be surprised at all if that is why him and Jay-Z had the falling out. It's pretty apparent that something is going on with the Carter family, and people would want to get a hold of his and Kim's kids.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, well, they got to his wife in that "robbery". Obviously, a warning about something. This is going to be interesting.

blipblipbeep ago



AdVict0riam ago

Wow. Shit just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

IgnorantBliss ago

Off topic but I dunno, disregarding Beyonce's MKUltra/Illuminati whatever, I think that song was more of a hit than Taylor Swift's, selling more units and he was just speaking the truth. Everytime Kanye told the truth, MSM dogged on him. Hard. Here's to hoping he's one of us. We need some celebrity exposure and he would be the best one for it. Regardless whether people like him or not, he would at least encourage mainstream zombies to at least take a look. This whole "crazy" thing he's got going may cause the elite to ignore him & saying whatever the fck he wants

GodHand666 ago

The most suspicious thing about him boing 'hospitalized', is the fact that he has been saying all kinds of ridiculous things throughout his career, and the moment he starts speaking out against the establishment, he gets reprimanded, in some unclear manner. FISHY FISHYYYY!

LostandFound ago

worst part was I actually had to sit through a Kanye rant in order to find out i was totally wrong .... wont ever get time back

Dagnysghost ago

I sat through it too a couple weeks ago. But at least one eye witness said he starting filming AFTER the pizzagate reference, when he couldn't believe his ears. It is very strange, either way that Kanye supported Hillary and then did a complete 180. Seems like wikileaks got him to me!

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

I also supported hillary and even voted for her. but pizzagate red pilled me

LostandFound ago - dont come to me looking for the 25 mins of your life back that I just lost.

Yates ago


LadyMinx ago

Maybe Trump just wants him to sing at the Inauguration! WTF? But truthfully, after that pizza gate anti-Hillary rant at his last concert, this is really crazy. I bet the lib MSM is going absolutely BONKERS!!!!

BlackFriday1 ago

Maybe I can explain.

This morning, on my country MSM there was a story about Trump "struggling to find someone for the 20th January show" but Ted Nugent. Maybe he asked Kayne to play, knowing he was closer to him than to Hillary.

Psalm100 ago

Meeting with Donald Trump will certainly make him no friends on the left and in Hollywood. Did he ever endorse Clinton? I remember the photo of him and his wife and Clinton. He didn't seem all that thrilled. Kim was very much #withher but Kanye hasn't seemed to be all that much.

LawofTruth ago

How are so many confused by red-pilled. Please stop reading this thread and rent the Matrix.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

do people still rent movies? :P

LawofTruth ago

Netflix, pirate, redbox, stream whatever you gotta do to watch it.

Freemasonsrus ago



Lol haha how have none of you seen the matrix. Makes sense most of the people on here are either Jewish Mossad, foreign elites scared shitless who think baby killing is more entertaining. My bad.

bopper ago

People gotta begin sometime, somewhere.

Anonymous987654321 ago

So true. We all start somewhere; we were all padawans at first.

bopper ago

Heh. Speaking of learning, what's a padawan?? I've never seen The Matrix, my red-pill knowledge was just accumulated over time. Did watch the movie trailer.

CrackerJacks ago

I would watch the whole film it's great.

bopper ago

Thanks, I'm trying, too much pizzagate :)

Lag-wagon ago

You may want to take a step back sometimes you get too deep too quick and it can be stressful.

I would watch the movie. It is... Great.

bopper ago

Yes, it does. Been there done that. Thanks for the suggestion.

Warnos44 ago

Star wars reference xD I've never liked Star wars (dont shoot me!) but I do know what it is referring to. I want to rewatch the matrix and I plan to soon. Hard to believe there is anyone who hasnt seen the matrix. I wish I had been awake then as I am now.

shortymcbossypants ago

Don't feel bad, we're a Star Trek family as well as I'm a Game of Thrones fan. I have been known to make GOT references on here now.

Warnos44 ago

I also love star trek xD I haven't liked the newer ones as much as the originals but thats ok! Also love GOT although I started reading when his very first book was published. You could say I have a love hate relationship with Martin because I feel like it's never going to be finished...

shortymcbossypants ago

I think all of us fans do have a love/hate relationship with George RR Martin.

bopper ago

Hated Star Wars myself. My wife hates science fiction. We did enjoy Groundhog Day. (Don't watch many movies, truth is more exciting.

Anonymous987654321 ago

A Jedi in training,

bopper ago

Thanks. I always hated Star Wars. I saw it when it first came out, 'cause of all the hype, then I was disappointed. Did like the Star Trek movies though. I'll leave you alone :) Loved American Graffiti.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

So you hate people because they say a few dumb things? Nobody is perfect. And Kanye seems like he has ADHD or something. But he is a very well meaning guy that wants to make the world a better place.

Guy_with_the_face ago

All the players are starting to make their moves, inauguration date is getting closer, pizzagate investigation is getting bigger and more far spread, more incriminating information in being revealed. I can only conclude that something big is about to happen, and the ones who are in the "Know" are preparing.

IAmYourDad ago

Yeah, and I don't think it's a coinsident the CIA said the election is rigged by the Russians. I think the CIA's got a lot to lose comes next year.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

My guess is that Steve Bannon, perhaps more than Trump, wants to hear what Kanye has to say. I'll bet they want to know if he got drugged or fucked with MKULTRA style in that "hospital" in LA. Publicly bringing West to the Tower is Trump's way of saying to the Deep State, "I've got my eyes all over you"

garlicbulb ago

I hope so!


This exactly.

IAmYourDad ago

As far as I remember he said he supported Trump in one of his concerts, got a lot of boos for it too. Right afterwards he "canceled" all his remaining concerts and was sent to a mental ward because he was having "mental distress", said his wife.

My guess is he was forced to cancel all his concerts locked up so he won't be saying anymore things. Trump probably saw what happened, jumped in and took him out. Now he is taking pictures with him just to let the people who lock him up knows the President elected has eyes on this guy. Cause if not the will probably kill him.

catslovejustice ago

For some reason Kanye also said "Jay Z, call me, bruh! You still ain’t call me! Jay Z, call me! I know you got killers. Please don’t send them at my head! Just call me! Talk to me like a man!”

angry_mob ago

yeah, that's what i'm thinking. it may be a positive thing here.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

Yes. For sure the pro Trump concert declarations are another reason for the invite.

PS I saw the vid with Trump saying goodbye to West in the lobby. Trump seems to sincerely care about the guy.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Without a doubt Trump cares, he has been housing homeless people and helping all sorts for years.

Freemasonsrus ago

Agreed. Something bizarre is afoot. Kim is now staying (once again) with her handler mother. What wife and mom leaves her husband while he's in distress?

Demons_Dreaming ago

Women do not support men in times of need.

This is part of their evolutionary biology/psychology. They are repulsed by a "weak male". has resources on the topic.

Never expect your bitch to take care of you if you find yourself in the hospital.

janedoe77 ago

Are you fucking kidding you misogynist piece of slime? Women do nothing but support men, are defined by men, serve men think men and fuck men and are treated like shit by men, not paid, not respected and not understood. What they need to do is serve themselves and then the world will change. This whole pizzagate is a culmination of the rot of patriarchy -- child rape happened when female power was destroyed by your cretin ancestors. When women were unable to protect children, the children were destroyed. Please shoot yourself fatally as soon as possible.

christa ago

I assume you're a troll considering the first sentence is a vague generalization for the sake of being divisive. If not, could you link me to a couple of those resources? r/theredpill is a popular sub with lots of activity, so I'm not sure where those might be buried or what I should search for in order to find whatever convinced you 'women do not support men in times of need'. I'm not even sure what this means... or where this idea stems from.

What is a "weak male" anyway - a man with any ailment or just mental illness? Does someone decide this? Who? I can only speak for myself, but to me, anyone willing to admit they struggle with depression, self-worth, and a fragile will to live, in doing so, has already exhibited impressive strength. That's not weak.

Honestly, if you are in the hospital and your significant other doesn't WANT to take care of you, then that relationship should have ended a long ass time ago.

catslovejustice ago

Especially if you refer to her as a bitch

LolturdFerguson ago

Obviously not a well tempered woman. I'm not repulsed by 'weak males', and I thrive in situations where I can help yolk the load evenly and help whomever needs it (if they are willing to work evenly as well)

It's called being a fucking decent human being and helping your fellow man/woman.

Don't get me wrong...I fucking hate handouts to people whom are self-entitled.

sh3rog ago

I've seen quite the opposite be true - I've seen two very attractive girls stay date broke fuckboys for long periods of time. I think its just a different archetype - one desires to be a provider, one desires to be provided for. That being said neither had kids

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

That is an innate drive from our previous evolution, not to say women won't stand by you when in need, but it will inherently worry them a bit, generally speaking. It like saying men will always need to impregnate hundreds of women. There is a drive, thats not to say it isn't overcome in most cases.

Ladyele ago

The married red pill sub has me thanking the fucking stars that my husband isn't one of them. I would take care of my man and have. Biologically and physiologically we are "supposed to be" a lot of things, but that doesn't mean we've strayed from traditional roles.

Open your eyes and look for a real woman. When you're fishing in a pond it basic ladies, you're going to get basic service.

Conde_Nast ago

You sound like a virgin. Kanye speaking out against the most powerful people in the world is not weak and him being basically captured and sent to a mental hospital against his will has nothing to do with weakness. I had an ex of mine right beside me bedside in the hospital, she brought me ice cream. Ive had a few friends have the same experience. I don't know why the shit you are spewing is getting upvoted either but the notion that your girl will leave you in a time of need is complete bullshit.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Kanye can be perceived as weak. He isn't, but in a woman's mind, a man that needs help to stand on his own two feet is a weak one.

clearenceclearwater ago

My wife couldn't handle my coming home from Iraq. Good for her shes happy with another man.

wincraft71 ago

Nah that's bullshit, most women naturally have good maternal, nurturing instincts so there's plenty of cases of caring women nursing spouses back to health in their time of need.

This is part of their evolutionary biology/psychology. They are repulsed by a "weak male".

If anything I think in today's world women are turned off by overtly violent males because they are threatening, so if you're the one who gets knocked out in a fight I'm pretty sure they'd be like "Ohh poor baby let me help you". We are not animals anymore, we live in a society. The "alpha male" bullshit will probably just end up making you look like an asshole in public.

Never expect your bitch to take care of you if you find yourself in the hospital.

Maybe your poor perspective on women is attracting less than quality women into your life?

Lag-wagon ago

What... Lol, you spew shit.

sixgorillion ago

The "alpha male" bullshit will probably just end up making you look like an asshole in public.

Yeah um, no. Women and men have different biological traits that has been crafted over eons. This is not something you lose by simply living in a society. Acting like an asshole in public is retarded, but there's a difference between chimping out and not backing down/show weakness.

Women generally do not feel attracted to weakness, it's in our DNA.

angry_mob ago

you're clueless! all women are different. We are ALL unique, period. You are attempting to write off 1/2 the population! you have no idea what you're even talking about.

wincraft71 ago

I think you're missing the point. /r/theredpill specifically gives advice on how "alpha males" should behave in public or social situations and if you read their reports you'll see how typically they come across as domineering assholes as they inappropriately try to seize power and emasculate others at somebody's birthday dinner.

Women and men have different biological traits that has been crafted over eons. This is not something you lose by simply living in a society.

We evolve out of it. I don't go around raping, killing, stealing, and bludgeoning people over the head with an ax because I have evolved out of most of the violent primal instincts, however there are some basic instincts still dormant. But human beings will continue to evolve and overcome most of their animal instincts, since the most violent individuals typically are incarcerated with life sentences at early ages and unable to produce.

dontsuicidemebro ago

While it doesn't say who initiated, this study shows marriages are more likely to end when the wife is sick, not the husband.

Do you have any evidence to support the above or are you just feeling it out based on your views of women and anecdotal evidence? (not that I'd ever imply there's any selection bias going on at /r/theredpill)

Trump_makes_me_wet ago

We don't know this for a fact. What we do know is that the MSM spews bs and lies all day. It's not fair we side with the enemy (msm) only when it fit's our narrative. Accurate sources are essential.

Atatarkus ago

The msm is as complex as politics and these institutions, while clearly working together for the most part, will both have independent activists within. Not everything that comes out of the msm is bs, sure sometimes truth is slanted to fit with a narrative, but we cant start saying that every single thing they say is a lie.

Take the bbc, they covered up a huge internal pedophile ring for 30 odd years, they lied to damage the scottish independence cause, they tried to hijack the brexit referendum as well. But theyve also exposed a great many terrible truths in society, watch the bbc panorama report on government collusion during the troubles in ireland recently and tell me that was lies.

We must be really careful now more than ever not to be seen to be paranoid. An ever increasing amount of eyes are on us.

Trump_makes_me_wet ago

Regardless of where you get it from or the fake:real ratio, it's always beneficial IMO to double check the validity. Of any source. MSM or independent. If wanting to ensure that my view points and where I stand is factual considers me paranoid, then I'll throw on the tin hat with pride.

Freemasonsrus ago

I would hope that the "divorce" rumors and all of that nonsense is just that, nonsense. I believe there are always two sides to a situation. We don't know what has gone on besides him being hospitalized.

Trump_makes_me_wet ago

Correct. We don't know anything outside of his hospitalization. So in order not to mirror the deplorable tactics of the MSM, it would be best not to report or claim anything outside of that.

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."

DopeandDiamonds ago

Not defending the situation but I have to comment. I work in mental health and see this happen on a routine basis. Kanye is getting regulated on meds and as much as he is stable on the outside and out and about, he isn't stable on the inside. I see spouses leave, pack up the kids and move home for a few weeks while the spouse or partner continues to get better in private. Just because he is out of the hospital for not mean it is all unicorns and roses in the home. Getting regulated on meds means outbursts of crying, Maybe throwing stuff or outbursts of anger. It takes a month or more to get regulated and to be honest, having dealt with people in my resident program coming out of hospitals, it is not a picnic and is a rough six weeks or so while things get back to normal. The hospital is not any place that a person wants to be and once the patient is on a med routine and stable enough to leave ie: not a threat to themselves or others and the meds appear to be working/person agrees to continue the med routine, they get sent home. You cannot get back to your daily life while in a hospital and many times stay I stay I in the hospital for a long time keeps them in the state they arrive in. I do not see anything strange about his wife taking the kids to stay with Kris, Kanye wouldn't want his kids to see him at his worst and I don't blame him for that.

I have also seen the opposite where a client will go to stay with parents or family when they get out of the hospital so the kids stay in their home and go about their routine without disruption while the other parent gets better away from the stress of kids running about. I have also had people who refuse to not go right back home, even when I do not think that is what is best, because they need their family around them to help them get better and their kids bring them the most happiness.

What is strange is that Kanye is not even in the home currently. If Kanye is in New York and not even in the home, why would she take the kids and stay with her mother? I assume she has outside help with the kids so this isn't a situation of her needing her mom to help care for the little ones because she has to work 9-5 to pay the mortgage. Why take your kids away from a situation where he is not a danger, is not even in the same state and live with your mother? I do not know much about the family or Kanye himself but I understand that most of his issues stem from the death of his mother in a tragic situation. He needs family to get better. While this trip may be what he needs, why is his wife putting distance between them and feels the need to move back home. I saw on tmz that they have some other massive house they are building or renovating. Why not stay there? I also saw one of the younger girls has four homes, why not stay there. Why go live with your mom? I mean if I was going through some shit and had small children to care for, my mom would stay with me and we would keep the kid in their house with their routine to keep it normal for them. Something is very wrong with this situation and it is not on Kanye's end. In this case, the guy that just got out of the psych ward is the same one and the world he is living in is crazy.

I really hope Kanye gets better and sees that this current situation is not good. Something happens to men when they get involved with this family and he needs to put his mental health first and get away from it. Take the kids with him and leave.

Edit: Really? A downvote? Grow the fuck up kids.

isthisreality ago

oh jesus ffs. kanye got red-pilled fucking HARDCORE. i have alllwayss disliked kanye until a few weeks ago i realized that that man is way smarter than we give him credit for (kind of like trump coughcough*) . kanye knows whats going on now, for once this is not an act. he got red pilled just like we did. upon being red-pilled, a lot of people exhibit the same behavior. cant sleep, can barely eat, cant focus on anything aside from new red-pill-info --- and i mean seriously- EVERYTHING takes on a whole new meaning once you realize whats going on. he got redpilled too hard, too fast. ive been there. luckily im not some celebrity that everyone focuses their attention on- but i went thru everything he did upon learning the truth (minus the hospitalization). Kanye knows what we know (if not more). I just think everything hit him too fast. He isnt down with this shit. At all.

Guy_with_the_face ago

I just did a google search, and this is what I found that "red pilled" means, this comes from urban dictionary. "enlightened; aware of the nature of the universe. Is a reference to The Matrix (blue pill or red pill) "Wow, our philosophy professor is red pilled."

SenecaTheYounger ago

For those unaware, the term "red pill" in the context of many voat subs such as /v/news or /v/european as well as on chan boards such as /pol/ is this:

The red pill is breaking free of political narratives to see the truth. These narratives are drilled into us on television, in the class room, etc but are not genuine to reality. Those who believe the narratives are "blue pilled", those who challenge the default convictions or values with critical thought are "red pilled".

An example: Believing there is only one human race is blue pilled. Acknowledging genetic differences and racial groups as reality, grounded in hard science, is red pilled.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

They use "red pilled" on the donald reddit all the time. I thought it meant red for republican! Ha, you learn something new everyday - thanks! They also use "salty" a lot. Found out yesterday that means jealous.

SenecaTheYounger ago

copy-pasting here:

For those unaware, the term "red pill" in the context of many voat subs such as /v/news or /v/european as well as on chan boards such as /pol/ is this:

The red pill is breaking free of political narratives to see the truth. These narratives are drilled into us on television, in the class room, etc but are not genuine to reality. Those who believe the narratives are "blue pilled", those who challenge the default convictions or values with critical thought are "red pilled".

An example: Believing there is only one human race is blue pilled. Acknowledging genetic differences and racial groups as reality, grounded in hard science, is red pilled.

Also, since you are a girl, this red pill is a different theorhetical red pill than the stuff on /r/TheRedPill. It's a political red pill, not a sex-related red pill.


salty - meaning you can taste the tears

Freemasonsrus ago

Welcome to the family. I want to give u a hug! It's fun to see people have lightbulb moments. The Donald on Reddit had its own language.

Ocelot ago

Yeah, although most of it was derivative of /pol/ and 4chan culture. And general deep internet culture. It definitely became something unique though.

Freemasonsrus ago

True! I caught up w 4chan from reddit. The entire Pepe thing was quite the story. Very strange twists and turns.

Guy_with_the_face ago

Hmmm, salty means jealous, you do learn something every day! That makes sense, but it didn't dawn on me till now lol. Cheers!

SpitsMonsters ago

It's also symbolic for keeping up with your electrolytes after all that crying. For example: pounds of salt were sent to the WaPo after Trump's victory.

LostandFound ago

Poor dude started talking about pizzagate, then gets forceably taken away in cuffs. Two weeks later is getting divorced and now meets trump this dude has been reprogrammed and shown EVERYTHING he owns is because they let him have it, even his freedom. FYI - fing hate Kanye but this should not happen to anyone.

Edit: I appear to have forwarded on a total lie - I believed he had in fact said that & tweeted it - I am 100% wrong. Crap in Crap out sorry guys please downvoat this as its not useful here but not deleting the comment for posterity. When im wrong im wrong.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

It happens to the best of us!:)

wecanhelp ago

I appreciate your attitude.

teh_Dude ago

Him getting a divorce is just a rumour.

LostandFound ago

Is anything I read real anymore .... damn you tabloids

BlueTesla ago

AFAIK Kanye never publicly spoke of PizzaGate, however one of his friends tweeted suggesting Kanye has been exposed to some twisted dark shit and that he was doing his research before he spoke about it. And then all of a sudden he ends up in the same hospital all the other Hollywood MK Ultra victims ended up in.

123dsfsaf ago

ive always believed that there is more to kanye than he lets out. Im a little behind, people have been fitting mk ultra into pizza gate now?

BlueTesla ago

I think the low down is that MK Ultra style experiments never stopped, i.e. the mind controlling and psychological manipulation. Cathy O'Brien came out years ago saying she's a victim of MK Ultra and satanic ritual abuse - at the hands of the Clintons.

It could explain why there's not many victim testimonies - it's because they're under mind control programming. It's a little far-out but we know for a fact that MK Ultra is/was 100% real.

SherlockMcGyver ago

It's crazy to say it, but when I was younger, I had a friend who was, well, crazy. He was essentially the Devil. If you saw Suicide Squad, the Joker looked and acted very close to how he did. But that was just half the time, the other half, he was totally cool, but he did have some schemes playing out even while he was in normal mode. Point of this was, I once saw him get a BJ from a girl who I still know, I believe she was maybe 13 at the time (Nickname: Lockjaw, lol). I literally witnessed him hypnotize her with words. It was one of the creepiest things I've ever seen. I remember him staring her in the eyes, he asked her eventually if she would rather be the rabbit, or the carrot. She chose rabbit. He then asked, "Will you be my white rabbit?". She turned into a fucking zombie, basically. She was like, blank, just totally blank, and said, "Yes, I'll be your white rabbit". Then proceeded to suck him off. It was fucking nuts. I had no fucking clue what that meant until years later when I learned about Mind Control programming, and then as you can imagine, it all clicked. Years after that, he got tattoos of the sun and an eye on his chest. He wouldn't explain to me the meaning, he refused when I asked, basically dodged it. He knew what I was about, and he was essentially my demon on my shoulder who always got me to do bad things. He was also my best friend, which was kinda fucked up. I think he may have been demon possessed. I know it sounds crazy, but if you knew him, you'd likely agree. And after seeing what I saw, I can think of no other explanation. I always had this suspicion that his mom and maybe even his dad (Who are also crazy) may have been Satanists. I mean, his dad was always telling me about Jesus, and things like that, but then he would kind of change from time to time and be super evil, it was weird. It just reminds me of the stories I see online, where a Jewish, Mormon, Christian, Catholic, whatever person or family would be these good people most of the time, but then, they go off and do rituals and shit. It's a fucked up, weird world we live in. The main point was, this mind control shit, it is 100% real, the White Rabbit thing, fucking real. And until you see this shit for yourself, I can very much understand if it sounds nuts and is hard to believe.

BlueTesla ago

Did he mind control you? What did he make you do?

123dsfsaf ago

without a doubt, mind control is real, dont get me wrong. i dont see how it could tied pedophilia is all.

I heard of Cathys story before, but its hard to take her side without knowing the level of abuse she took. for instance they could of loaded her up on lsd and gave her mental lethal doses of satanic imagery. Its a teeter totter of reality

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The tie in is that pedophilia (abuse, not just attraction) can be used to alter a child. The result can be useful in mind control activities. I dunno much about that, but my gut tells me it needs to be checked out. Might be something there.

BlueTesla ago

They cut her vagina. Like seriously they really did I've seen the videos, disgusting.

bopper ago

Sirhan Sirhan is proof of mind control. But yeah, not sure of everything concerning Cathy.

LostandFound ago

You are correct please downvoat my comment above, I seem to be telling lies.

hashtaggery ago

Haha! Great strategy for getting up votes.

LostandFound ago

If I were a $hill this would be my proudest moment ha ha

Baluga ago

He gave an extended rant at his latest concert, then left the stage. Never finished the concert. Expressed bigtime support for Trump and opposed the media and all the lying celebrity shills who just stick with the Dem program.

Immediately after, they sent him to psychiatric and told the public he had gone off his meds.

bernitdown ago

It seemed psychiatric. It was rambling and hard to follow.

ThePuppetShow ago

Lets see you speak to the world with a target on you. Anyone would be nervous.

BlueTesla ago

That's just Kanye

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Lol stfu. If he's been programmed or whatever he WOULD NOT be meeting with Donald Trump rn. This is why people don't take conspiracy theorists seriously.

And Kanye is a good guy and has a great discography.

LostandFound ago

Each to their own but to be clear, I dont think hes been programmed to kill Trump if thats what you are getting at! I mean like told hes a bold boy and they take his stuff away programmed. Wife gone lost heaps of money on gigs, insurance has gone through the roof. Give me one example of a celeb being taken away in cuffs involuntary without having committed a crime and I will go away.

I appear to have been talking shit apologies to all for my wholly inaccurate comment.

dontsuicidemebro ago

Upvoated for humble pie.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

I know what you mean. You think they're doing MK Ultra shit to shut him up. No, that's not what's happening here. Kanye went to the hospital to get out of some insurance policy shit because he cancelled a bunch of shows.

LostandFound ago

Yeah was talking shit sorry, thought I was right but am totally wrong. Do me a fav and downvoat my original comment, I didnt delete as thats the tactic of a $hill. Pitty I was actually liking Kanye this time.

logjam ago

Not all "theorists " are like this person here.

Kanye is meeting with Trump so he can weigh in and see how he can contribute. Period. That's a good sign.

I think he stayed in the hospital so he could "make good" on his insurance policy if he had one.

Regardless it will be interesting what Kanye has to say in coming weeks and possibly days.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Exactly. But this guy still thinks they lobotomized him. He would be shouting "Russian hackers!" rn if they did.

beyondthecacti ago

this shit is getting more bizzare by the minute!

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

bizzare has 2 z's. pizza has 2 z's. reptilian confirmed.